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tv   News  RT  May 22, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the garages here fills the air and the capital or want hear and bid a final farewell to their late president saying their good bye. so radians more than the loss of their president after he was killed in a helicopter crash over the weekend. the country supreme leader delivers a funeral print. the impression forces re take full control of the town of cliche of car and the done yes. for public located close to the city of are almost as they continue to make advance and crying. lone wolf, small scale accused as washington a, pushing the narrative that no one else was involved in last week's assassination attempts on the slow back front minutes,
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the just around 6 pm here on the russian capital and you're watching our t international. i'm your host donald quarter. welcome to the program. as our top story to run has come to a stand still as thousands packed into the uranium capital to mark the passing of the country's president who was killed along with other senior officials and a helicopter crash on sunday crowds of packed into mosques and to run to pray for the victims. officials from dozens of countries are also attending the funeral events and the run supreme leader ali khamenei lead prayers at the funeral for it shows him hugging the grandchildren of the late president and expressing his condolences as well as paying homage to write you see in front of tens of thousands of russian state, duma speaker of the just love but logins is into run for the funeral as well. the prime ministers from pakistan and the rack along with the subject sustan's
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president were also there are to use and use of jo out the reports from the c sondra office here fills the air in the capital. so as long as everyone is bid a final farewell to their late presidents and his companions would tragically lost their lives at a freight will have a topic route in northwest. they want on sundays, thousands of mourners have gathered at the university of denver on an out on this for you to participate in the funeral service. so presidents were easy that will involve carrying the coffins all the way to the bodies square around 5 kilometers away. ahead of the sort, i'm only one supreme leader i to law harmony, let a congregational prayer. i'd be university of the one in honor of the deceased president and his entourage, which included foreign minister jose. and i mean, after law young, there's following this funeral into one on thursday. the leads president will be
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put the rest and the northeastern city of mashhad, which is his home town. and the size of a mom resolves, holy swine, where, where you see was served as the custodian, the custodian of the holy shrine. okay. mom result, hey, tracy was known for his waiver and tim that's meant to bolster range, as long as they can amik resilience through leveraging domestic resources and diversifying toys. partnerships beyond the confines of western influence. he instills a sense of self assurance and iranians showing that the was does not hold the elixir for it was economic challenges. despite the absence of european check, companies in iran, racy inspired confidence that the country code slog was using its own resources on support from like minded nations including venezuela and cuba. he used to say this
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frequently that the world is not limited to the west. he also automated size with longstanding partners such as china and worship something which allies perfectly with his vision of fostering a multiple or was order encountering western pressure aimed at isolating these levels for public on the world's space. so indeed, what he sees global impact is on miss a couple which can be easily witnessed and be out touring of condolences from world leaders across the world who have expressed solidarity of sympathy with one during this period of morning. we see that the us security council page review it with a minute of silence, while numerous countries declared national days of morning and lord the flags to half mast at embassies, the chairman of the state, duma. refresher and pakistani prime minister, ship boss or you are expected to attend similar or memorial service later and today
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is the one on monday russian president vladimir poor. can you convey his heart fails? condolence as well as interim president, how much more bear the line up for the upcoming transitional presidential election remains on surface, but vice president must bear who served as acting president and the court is what the constitution headset june 28th as the election day, which which candidate of course registration starting from may 30th to june. 3rd, so the nation says at a pivotal juncture, now as it prepares to talk to new floors in the port for you, sierra while leaders around the world express their condolences over racy staff. us officials did not miss the opportunity to attack the uranium government. they even claim the world is now better off following the president's desk. the secretary is the world better today. now that right you see is dead, given the horrible acts that he engaged in both as
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a judge and his president to the stand you can no longer gauge with them. yes, iranian people are probably better off. would you agree that it is utterly disgraceful for the united nations to be mourning the death of the butcher of tyra? we're certainly that morning is death. as i said we will do is reduce the price will for the u. n to be um, i'll look at what they've done. we certainly would not do that. well, the streets of toronto radians reacted furiously to the western response to raised these depths. o, as ever since we can remember there has been a do, added scene, american and european countries. and unfortunately this happened again in this incident to and from the very all that i heard these news. i had no confidence in groups, media, the running people never have trusted. the western countries, especially european ones, and the united states. and unfortunately, they proved themselves, again, that's on hand. certainly anyone who opposes the arabian revolution is really against anyone who wants to help him. because he can see it is helping the revolution is helping its goals and helping the resistance and the anti. well,
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the person who is against the revolution is against religion, against resistance, against islam. and is really against anyone who wants to help. it is very natural that the enemy is always against us the whole day. all i assure you, the conspiracy some mischief from the west and europe, and israel and internal traitors and hypocrites, and then filled traders, let the martyrdom of this noble monta president try. you see, was it not trust you are, but all they play politics and tell lies. the rainy and embassy in moscow, investors from nations around the world have offered their condolences. we spoke with serious envoy to russia who shared his thoughts on it, runs loss and took aim at the comments made by the us secretary of state. how you did have this kind of the more states it's, it's very old port is that such
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a statement emanates from the forget about his being individual and as a, as a teacher. but this is the, this is something that is different much. let me say display the group to display. so if you said, for hitting such in a human comment, why did we buy this morning? as we said, this big loss of us government people and as a family, this was really such a lovely for sides. we suffer from the sole fort sanctions with, with, with too many separate countries action. these sanctions of course affect the possibility for the and i know those including i was sent to by spirit farms for aircraft, for, for anything is defeated. the issue of imposing
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sanctions on syria and but i shop on the cube of it this way and not be that it was you name it as we say would definitely cause a huge damage economically speaking. and that would lead to the tragic results such as the incident that hits the, the death of the presidents as being viewed as a stress test for the rainy and government. although it's not the 1st time the country has lost a high ranking official for more on the tragedy, and what lies ahead for rand visit our website, our t. com, the. in other news, russia forest russian forces have regained control over the town of cliche of cops near the city of arch, almost in the dining region. last year, the town was taken by ukrainian troops as one of the main gains of their counter offensive. at that time,
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the last few months have seen russian troops advancing in several areas across the front lines. in the dynamic region keeps, forces were pushed back from the regional capital, as well as from around the town of chance of yard. and in may, russian forces started then offensive in the heart of region to boost security around the belgrade region, after it came under repeated ukrainian showing was more on that. let's take a listen to ortiz, steve sweet. we've just received confirmation from the russian ministry of defense of the latest advances in the don't yet square public. russian troops are taking control of the settlement of put a shift on this case. a heavy price to you. crating it on force is around $1000.00 men. what last of the last 24 hours, that's a total wounded and also admitted to u haul that also has going up in flames. now this come soon off the rushing streams neighbor, i said, the village of a boston of course, this was simple day because the only real guy, you know,
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the ukranian field counter offensive the and it comes a time when the, the ukrainian government has implemented these, this new mobilization over just as caused many men to flee the country rather than face life on the front lines, which is proving very difficult for the crating on the stage. closing hall calls the russian seats that are causing delays. defensive lines, like a knife through butter with very serious questions. being also, of course, this is supposed to be a heavy every $45.00, every and i, russian, president vladimir, perusing the said at this stage that there are no plans to take control of hall called the aim is ready to create a buffers. i'm to provide some welcome relief of the people of belgrade, which is coming on to a sustained and constant ukrainian, a top to restrict new mobilization rules coming into force. a new crane. last week footage, spreading on social media shows empty streets across the country with people
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claiming that men are avoiding public places where recruitment officers are operating. washington's trying to control the narrative around last week's assassination attempt on the slow back prime minister by pushing the so called low wolf story. this is the claim that's being made by russian intelligence. and it is notable the us and it's your penalized offices simply trying to impose the version of a loan that betrayed to dissatisfied with a decline in the level of democracy. in slovakia, according to information available to the russian for intelligent service, american government agencies already seeking to join the investigation in order to steer it in the right direction. the very goal is to exclude promotion of the topic of political terrorism in europe and the robot, a potential external trace to the terrorist attack for us as intelligence as saying that basically the success nation that time shows bought the west will resort to when they fail to maintain their hedge and monday through civilized methods,
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they're calling that political terror attack against an opponents. now we know that robert sweetser's, one of the most pro russian politicians in europe. his re, election in 2023 was largely based on a platform of all promises to and military support to ukraine and also to veto ukraine's natal emissions. so, and then all of a sudden when does the association that something happened? everyone jumped the gun. excuse me, for the pun. there. jumped the gun to say that basically this was definitely a loan will for a situation while we're hearing this lone wolf narrative from western sources. but the slovak leadership has completely rejected that. what is their stance and the system yet? now? they're rejected about originally when this happened. there was an all, no, no, no, this is a low involve situation. yes, it's politically motivated, but he was acting alone and they made that conclusion without even having their information because now we know they attack up and on wednesday, and they only managed to search the perpetrators home on sundays. so 2 days after
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the attack and why apparently there was this was due to delays in processing the arrest, the search warrant issued by the judge, the prime minister as charles, and you say 2 days to process a search warrant for the pro, for trade us something sounds off here and meanwhile, by the time they've gone to his house, guess what happened somehow all of his, all i'm history on his computer was a rice. he was at home, his wife says she didn't do it. so who did it? let's just more research it today. what do you mean? maybe 2 hours after the crime scene, someone deleted the perpetrators, entire history of communication on facebook. it wasn't deleted by him, even his wife didn't do it, or you just told me i could office. thank you. there's been some assistance here in covering who is the suspects tracks. it means that the policy active for the benefit of the suspect plus there are other clues that say that the facts of wednesdays, the tech, they've been discussing a wide, a circle. part of this is shocking that i showed to the wrong. so when they were asked the decisive and this turned up, it's
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a prime minister how this was allowed to happen. why did it take 2 days? they say they can comments on the situation. there are 2 points in the finger or someone else and all you need to ask the police all you need to ask the judge what happened? so it's really, it's very strange and also to add to that the general prosecutor has said that he doesn't. so uh, basically that will be looking at re qualifying this as a terrorist act. once they gather all the information, which is what they should have done, gather all the information 1st and then say whether it was it was not alone will situation. this is what's really bizarre and the situation football, gary, and presidents come out with a statement saying that the media is to blame for what happened in slovakia. can you take us through this sort of argument that's emerged along these lines? lot of i face those allies mainly in particular, we're focusing on what was happening in the media in the country and in general in europe. this hate rhetoric for the whole dairy and presidents spelt it out quite clearly. he said, it's unacceptable to continue push on this narrative that the only solution to the
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conflict a new crane is to continue the war until russia is defeated. he says, 1st of all as to, you know, that's all going to happen. and 2nd of all, it's impossible, and 2nd of all, if you continue pushing that narrative, then of course this will lead to more hate. let's listen. the attempted assassination of european prime minister by radicalized fanatic because of his support for peace indicates this ingrained intolerance of descent. and hatred, many politicians, parties and media have contributed to this by portraying every differing voice as pro russian, which is extremely unfair and leads to these negative consequences over as level of care the problem. and it has now resumed its activities on tuesday. and actually they started by approved them in the government, let a resolution condemning the attack of course, and also call in on several organizations and media in the country can to continue promoting hates and this hates rhetoric. so we'll see what will happen,
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but also they're continuing his policies. basically they're saying that they're moving forward and working in the direction that was said by robert feet so. so the master plan behind the soul has failed a butcher and war criminal. those were the labels being hurled at the us secretary of state by pro palestinian protestors. anthony blinking was repeatedly interrupted as he was giving
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a speech and congress the meanwhile un spokes person has said that a deliveries by sea to a new us build appear in gaza. have stopped in recent days, about 600 tons of supplies are believed to have been sent to the temporary docking area in the 1st 2 days of its operation. after being grilled by a journalist, the pentagon representative confirmed that the deliveries had been halted. am i accurate to say a 0 has been delivered to the people of guys and so far you'd have to check with the world to program. i know that aid is getting in, but it's not accurate, but no aid has been delivered. you know, we've been doing air drops. we've been helping to facilitate aid coming over the ramp land crossings. but the causeway has been able to get over 569 metric tons of 8 into gaza for on we're delivery. so yes, very shortly. i think you'll see aid starting to be delivered that has been delivered right today. as of today,
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i do not believe so well to get more on this now. we're joined live by associate professor of political science and my time are obviously out. and thanks for joining us on the program, sir. so the 600 tons of aid had been delivered to this new peer, but it doesn't appear to have gone any further and actually reach these people that so desperately need this aide. well, what, what would you say is going on here as well? many thanks for hosting me. what i can tell you is that uh the is what really. busy the occupation forces indigo. busy is us to are presenting to the best of my knowledge the, the distribution of a band for through the policy is let me just give you a few examples here. one is that students may, 6th of this month. are these really uh, okay, vision forces as a lot and close the to man we're seeing between girls on the outside were the person with egypt and the get them tional grossing with. busy the as well,
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that's one thing stuck on just yesterday. it is really, i need the off the little his way to opposition. yeah. it must be just a he very much ma'am. the 5, but it's still nothing you know by using the beat about nothing. you know, there's response, have been put on his way, really meliss shots that is preventing the delivery of food and supplies into that goes to where the money is. what you put the stores have been blocking the internal fluids into the girls also. so the best uh uh, explanation to why it has not to show to the panel city is, it seems its, uh, uh, uh it's, it's intentional by the is waiting on me of these ladies. their forces on the good onto, on preventing, uh, the distribution of food to the palestinians. i miss me also just made also 11 more remarks here, which was said by the academy, june on, on the,
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the notion of the 4th of justice and what she said, that is where it has been a and can surely as part of the whole thing is which is a lot of good. all right, and that's why be, at the end of the i, c, c has all the preliminary uh, uh, quote. and the, i see the issue uh, uh, another slot. again, there's nothing you know on also the is why you the defense minister to are responsible for the uh, started vision of more than 2000000 people in the girls are also responsible for not allowing food to reach the hungry promise. the news that well, i guess the next logical question after such a statement, the israel's disrupting a deliveries by land sea and air is to ask what for to what end? why is this real doing that? would you say, i think that is compatible with the so called is really a start issue, which is maximum a military partial to identify most of the time,
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i'll send you as soon as the subbing for bookstore. but her is right now these really are, we have been experiencing the so called maximum military pressure to try to put more brush up on her mouse on the palestinian people to reduce the more than 100 infinity is one of your hostages built inside. and google, now i'm not that hasn't worked over the more than 7 of the most is the uh, i thought on the 7th of october and i don't think that is going to drop in. but uh we uh i what i can tell you is that the whole. 2 the other words, when i'm trying to please the why they come in advance and side is ready to cover the government, but also on site is where your district. oh, very much do not pass it good to to see the about the issue of all of the 2000000 fellow some young girls. while we have seen the southern most statements, why is why you the ministers who are calling to use a nuclear bomb against the goals of to all those who are calling for the explosion
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of the more than 2000000 palestinians from drago. so. ringback without it, without the uh we, we looked at the 2 different corners in that, uh, there is a confidential. so i very much how much money is where the politicians of money is, why you need a military and security of those who are advocating the extermination of the false and young people in the body, starving the false, the news, or using a disproportionate use of force which led to the good for more than $55000.00 and is the engineer roughly at the 1000 people know the destruction which has not been seen by the world since world war 2? it's, it's all comprehensive, is why you the policy that is dedicated to live with their think the follow send you an issue. uh uh, because in the minutes rising into the technician for the solace and young people as we have seen today, but a technician of the european states,
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a low screen load was liquid noise in palestine as an independent state. on the 1967 territory. i've got another sort of 2 pronged question for you here. us soldiers are helping out demand disappear then number one, would you say that that means that there are officially us boots on the ground in gaza and number 2, what if they're hit by collateral damage? i mean, israel isn't exactly using precision weapons and gaza, right. what would you say would happen as well? what i know is that the americans has indicated on stated that they have no is a normative consoles, yours on the beaches of the girls. i said that there are american soldiers who are guarding the c pier. uh, but uh, with the american forces inside guns all, not i, i'm not really sure what about that. but i think that the statement came, i think, from
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a spokesperson for the american national security council, john kathy, i believe, who instructed that in directly the u. s. has a uh, sent a message to her. that sort is still a very powerful in girls. all that be able to this see here is to have the fellow citizens and that there is the going to be used for any military purposes. what others do or not it will have to be seen in the future. but it seems to me that uh um, uh, we cannot ignore the fact that the, the america has been supporting as well the up to the fees uh over the past of the month. uh the us has since uh, uh, lords of, of uh, munition, optimally you name it. and uh, the u. s. president, i was just said to just update that that you was going to stand with as read all the way of fighting against it's anyways,
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i've just been gone the also around the region. so i think uh, weekend buddy much conclude that the americans on his way, it is a and partnership to try to secure the interest of america in the region and also uh is wireless security interest. now with regard to the shape here, it seems to me that uh, the website from the beginning though, it is nowhere to try to. uh, this is uh unload for the assistance for the palestinians, but money money at the national degree that is especially a spoke specialist for the you on the have indicated that there must be an opening of the board. the 1st thing between golf on egypt, gauze on israel and also the jump sion, a put, a minister just indicated to there, there are tons of nodes of, of, of, of, for then another, some working on digit show. so i don't date off that was in and is why it is preventing, uh, the, the, uh, delivery of,
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of this fluid that our systems to the palestinians and goals. alright. and the time or i will see how the associate professor of political science. thanks a lot for joining us on the program. thank you. and now we go to africa where it's been 12 long years searching for justice for a young woman named agnes 10. she was allegedly murdered by british soldiers in kenya. and now the nation's high court has set a date of july 10th to hear the prosecution's arguments in 2012. the 21 year old's mother was sexually assaulted prior to her body being found in a septic tank in central kenya. the last time she had been seen before that she was accompanied by british men from a nearby military base. despite an initial investigation which focused on the involvement of british troops, the process was stalled until 2023. we heard from her lawyer who revealed the
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details of this case. we had to go back and then you'll be getting a document on the phone range. these are the please when m b. e, i request rejected be contacted by the disney junior news something so yeah, that sounds good on their mind. that is so this is the new again and yet no loss or not the data yet there be no bonds meant even. ready no, i'd be more of the vast base. yeah. be no honest despite there being known by a name on the new guy. yes, it's right to mall. they usually did. one of the things that triggered the case was
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a wider inquiry into the crimes. the british army had allegedly committed in kenya, among them use of white phosphorus routes which london has admitted to, and the number of manslaughter cases are still under investigation. locals have said that there's also been multiple instances of rape, and the u. k is offered money and met some of the victims but has not admitted to most of the crimes or held any of its troops accountable. but canyon high court advocate once again told us more. yeah, 0 about please. the model of each including that is where the way out about the malls and people how people go see terms of this month and a huge the, the both of these guys already and also totally,
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i totally be more things for me. did the race all the addition, ways to information in the office today was which was the now be awesome. the building breaks all the way to the starts members of the space agencies from the economic grouping had been given a v i p tour because i'm not training center in moscow is region representatives from china. iran, brazil is c o. p, a and south africa visited the center and the most gal regions, star city. the delegation was shown around some of the key facilities where costs binocs are trained and had a chance to peak right inside a mock up of the russian segment of the international space station. as well as a site use space craft. they're wrapped up their tour at the hydro lab which is


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