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tv   Direct Impact  RT  May 22, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EDT

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of the race, all the addition ways to the information and the office today was which was we now be awesome. the building breaks all the way to the starts members of the space agencies from the economic grouping have been given a v i p tour because we're not training center in moscow's region. representatives from china, iran, brazil is c o. p, a and south africa visited the center in the mosque, our region's star city. the delegation was shown around some of the key facilities where causes pronounce our trains and had a chance to peak right inside a mock up of the russian segment of the international space station. as well as a site use space craft. they're wrapped up their tour at the hydro lab, which is used for simulating condition,
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solid space walks. that's all for this our stay tuned for more news here on our t international and just about 30 minutes the the power body. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact on this is what we're going to be talking about. a need to be able to stop these russian attacks that are coming from bases inside russia. so i think there's also a question of whether we the united states and our allies, or to give them more health in hitting russian bases, which here to, for, we've not been willing to do their, you know, bomb russia. so says victoria, new. and if you think that suggestion to bomb russia, sounds crazy. wait till you hear what else?
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victoria nolan had to say, i'm going to play it for you. i'm rick sanchez. let's do it the. all right, let's start with this very important conversation going on in the united states right now. in fact, it couldn't possibly be any more important. my gosh, think about this. it's about whether the people of the united states that involves me and maybe some of you are watching right now. want to start a war with restaurant seriously, whether you want, do you want to start a war with russia? do you really want to start a war with russia? i would say that that would be possibly the beginning of world war 3. but if you're thinking about that, you probably might be right or at least asking a good question to yourself. here's, here's the deal, and here's why i'm asking the question and an imposing all of this ukraine has recently been bombing and killing civilians in a russian border city that it's,
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that's named belgrade. you probably don't know that if you happen to live the united states, because the media here doesn't report that. but because of that, russia has tried to create or says it's creating this safe zone inside of ukraine in a place called cock off. some would call it hark off the ukrainians, call it car key, whatever, to try and stop the bombing. so the russians are moving into that area to stop the bombing, because that's where the missiles are being used to fire and to bounce around the the follow that. ok. and they're doing it by hitting that area right there near the russian border. well, so the us secretary of state. uh, pardon me, the us secretary of defense, i misspoke lloyd austin was asked recently if you crane should now be allowed to use us weapons the weapons made here in the united states to bomb russia. right. in mind you, they already are bombing rush. i mean, they're already doing it,
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but regardless let's, let's pretend they're not right. so when lloyd austin was asked this question, he said no, here's the headline. this is what you can read right about. now i think this is a b c news, but everybody picked it up. as you can see, what general austin is saying is that there's an expectation by him that when he gives you crane weapons or when united states gives you crane weapons, they will be used inside them ukraine only. they would not be used to attack russia, which kind of makes sense, right? we don't want to be given somebody weapons and then they're shooting them off and getting china or rush on. right. so obviously not to the us media though. see the us media doesn't find this obvious which, which is even you could almost argue that there are members of the media and united states that are more, we're hungry. then the us general himself, the guy who's in charge of the defense department. like like people and cnn and
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stuff like that they, they almost are more of yeah, hawks. then people even at the state department are believe it or not it it's, it's obvious. just watch the news so. so these folks, in this case i think it was a b, c. they sought out their favorite people to talk to after the secretary general, secretary of defense, pardon me. said no, we don't want ukraine bombing russia. they made a phone call to victoria nolan, victoria nolan, who is an unabashed russia hating war hawk? and she suggested, yeah, we should encourage ukraine to bomb russia. she never mentioned that ukraine has already been bombing russia. she never talks about bell gerad. so here's new and being asked if you crane should bomb russia with us weapons, listen to what you said and, and do you think they should a i think this,
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the attacks are coming directly from over the line in russia that those bases ought to be fair game, whether they are where missiles are being launch from, or where they are, where our troops are being supplied from. i think it's time for that because russia has obviously escalated this war, including as you said at the beginning, attacking rush, the 2nd city har keys, which is not on the front lines and trying to designate it without ever having to put a boot on the ground so i think it is time to give the ukrainians more help hitting the space as inside russia to listen to it to say, i feel like i'm doing the daily show here instead of a new shot. because this is almost like funny. how ridiculous it is. that she uses the fact that russian soldiers and russian troops come from russia. therefore, ukraine should attack russia because russian troops and russian soldiers and russian art i, munitions, come from wherever. how else could they come from and darted good foot?
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raising the news, we should attack rushed up because the troops and the soldiers in the guns and the ammunition and the weapons that are being used on your great and couple of mazda, of course, that come from russia. by the way, what she is suggesting is an all out we're with russia and martha ravaged, the woman who's interviewing or she doesn't even push back. it's like, oh, okay, that's what you mean. okay. manila that, i mean, did you pick up on any of this a well, rec, if we apply the same reasoning that victoria new and use their, then the 20 years that the united states occupied afghanistan, it would have given the taliban, the right to wire off missiles or use their, you know, they're, uh, whoever supporting them the taliban to fire rockets off this way to mainland united states. so that kind of rhetoric is nothing more than trying to continue more and
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more bloodshed. she was saying, how, you know, in the rest of it, that interview saying how we didn't move fast enough. we, as in the united states and congress didn't move fast enough to supply more arms. as we know, there was a contingent of republican congress, people who were holding back, holding the line from giving for aiden arms to, to below the mirrors, the landscape. however, the rest of that sound like rick, i think, is important to note. if you ever want to know why war is a racket, victoria knew and wraps up her interview by saying that, by the way, most of this ukraine aid is coming right back to the defense industry as provides the good jobs in more than 30 states. here in the united states, martha, let's start a war with russia because it will provide great jobs for americans here, the united states, and then we'll all die during world war 3, but we have the ap rec can make it up really well. we made some good money before
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we died, right. my goodness. by the way, victoria mueller. and let me just add one more thing before we go. stop. don't move the teleprompter yet because we're not going to move on to the next story. there's something i should say, and i always forget the savings, but this important way to start a war with russia. right. and so many americans don't know this either. let me just say that is because this is important. they have more nuclear warheads than we do. one more time, they have more nuclear warheads, then we do. wouldn't be smart to start a war with one says, i wouldn't before it. what do you say? let me know later by the way, inventory, a new it doesn't start world war 3. there's always these old white guys in the us congress are willing to do it. are you ready for this southern congress? men are proposing that idea of soldiers receive the same benefits of us soldiers enjoy, which essentially means that they're expanding the us military to include israel's military. again, i am making this up. here's what it says, let me read it to get victor put this up on the screen. look at that, see that?
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as you can see, it says the service of a citizen of the united states in the idea of will be treated in the same manner as the services of a soldier in uniform services. how in the hell do you think this will be received around the world? if we literally say that from now on, the us army and the israeli army will be one of the same, which is what these congressmen, thank god is not the entire congress. is just a couple of guys. we're proposing this one to suggest, but no a well rec source. after i finished rolling my eyes, we should say that this is a clickable to roughly 20000 dual citizen american slash is rarely people that are currently serving in the id for member service. and the idea is mandatory if compulsory, if you maintain a and is rarely passport. now that said, i take personal ambridge to this stupid ridiculous bill. i am the wife
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of a veteran who is permanently disabled. and for years and years and years, we always hear how the v a doesn't have enough resources to do a or to do b. we can't take care of our veterans because of this matter, the other thing. but now you're saying you want to spread those limited resources to people who i'm there. they're granted. they're also americans, but they never served in the us military. yeah, these are the tools citizens serving in a foreign military. and the resources are as limited as a claim. they are for our own veterans who works tens of thousands of them homeless, starving, dying on the street, dog, drug addicted. we can't serve them after they've served this country. but now you want to give those limited resources away to people serving elsewhere. it's absolutely ridiculous. those people should resign. you think it will make
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a lot of americans angry, but it's also gonna make a lot of people overseas angry. i can't imagine the people in the middle east are not going to look at this and saying, oh, so basically what you're saying is the united states and israel are now one country . and if israel is going to take us on, including a rod which would be hearing with very big years at this conversation, they're going to say that essentially you guys are taking us on to, i just can't see this ending up in any way other than like a freaking disaster or a catastrophe is absolutely this of the optics of this alone. rick shows that we're walking in lock step and further supports the ongoing genocide. no matter what they say that this is an agenda side. this i think supports that in that we're not no longer tacitly supporting it. we're actively supporting it. yeah, good point. all right, thanks. but when we come back, by the way, sam will say we care about sam. he's an independent journalist who covers the state department. you know, what's great about sam and he, and i are going to be talking here in just a little bit. in fact, i think you're going to see him here. there is, i say i'm, how are you?
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you know, it's clear, but you know, what's cool about this got, he is not a laptop. so many journalists are he asked tough questions. that often makes state department officials seem both foolish, nervous, maybe even a little hypocritical, maybe even a lot have a critical. we've got an example of exactly what we're talking about when we come back, stay right there. of the russian states. never as one of the most sense community best english. i'll send send up the in the 65. let's do the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians cruising and split the ortiz full neck,
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even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the senior said this was a request which is the what is part of it that the employee would post that isn't the defense you of us and that in the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present during that stop without collision. is that spelled out of
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the welcome back. i'm rick sanchez and i've been doing this for so long and i always enjoy when somebody does real journalism. so i want to place something here for you in just little bit. this is a, here's the state department. can i say lackey? he's kind of a lackey, you know, somebody is paid to. he's kind of like a p r guy. matt miller, right. he says, he's saying, how dare the icpc, the international criminal court. the international criminal court came out recently and criticized is real, a master benjamin that the guy who's arrest right for what? 40000 people who are dead. 15217000 children who are dad the, you know, to alleged uh, genocide, a country trying to get rid of all the people who happen to be palestinians who live in that area. at least there's really accusations, right? so the icbc is making the case and they say budget mentioned nothing. yeah. who should be arrested for that? well, you're gonna hear matt miller essentially say all will the i c,
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c doesn't know what the hell is talking about how they are. they say something like that, they have no place to be saying something like that. and at the end, you're going to hear sam who say needs voice. my guest, asking matt miller, a really good question here it is. united states fundamentally rejects the announcement today from the prosecutor of the international criminal court that he is applying for arrest warrants for senior is really officials together with warrants for him off terrace. first of all, the israel has its own investigation. second, we have accountability mechanisms here we have processes that are ongoing to look at israel's compliance with international humanitarian law. so there are places to look at these questions. it's just in our, in our view, fundamentally not or role of the i, c, c. there's us get is not have drawers to, is there a different quote i wasn't referring to criminal jurisdiction about there was different ways to look at this long term. we agree with you that the policy and people should be a state that has the and have the ability to make these determinations. but that's not where we are today. that's what we're trying to get to your fine was the i see, see going after the so no time slot,
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you are fine with the eyes. easy going after russia in no time flat. but now to continue the question, when they go after israel, how dare they? oh bill they go after israel. yes, go after russia. go after china, go after any country we don't like. but if you go up to our country, we like, then you're not a real organization and you're breaking all the rules. i mean, it's a, it's, i hate to say it, but my gosh, how hypocritical can you be? family saying he's an independent voice, but you should consider subscribing to he's i'm sub stopped by the way. he's on subs doc under the heading, who's saying sam could see it again. my friend, how are you? good to be with you. right. thanks. so what happened after you asked him that question where you said you were so, you know, you were fine with russia doing it, but now you're not. what do you say? what happened? the only ignore me is low to call on me terribly often. um, um but, but i had what i thought the effect would be later on. not miller v solve briefly
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there the a p reporter was more independent than most us journalists, although sometimes he, you know, ask some questions from august perspective. yeah. as well, he is not, you know, i, i, he's different from me but he's better than the vast majority. make sure the reporters, he picked up on it and started asking them regarding russia and what, what you ended up having is at the beginning, miller was falsely saying that is that uh uh they, they don't apply the i, c, c, a. in the case of israel palestine because it is ro, isn't a party and they claim that house isn't a party either because it's not a real estate. welf. i mean the u. s. can have that position, but it's a meaningless possession of israel. palestine is a member of the i, c c it, you know, you go to the, i see, see, web page,
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it's listed, palestine, the state of palestine is, are joined in 2015. i even did the screenshots on my latest piece there. so there's no why is that? so he's saying look, that they have no right to do this in defense of palestine because palestine is not a member, is not a real state, per se, at least according to the i c. c. you're here to tell us, yes they are. so that means you're not at all that miller's lie or, or he's ignoring miller's lying and saying that it's not a real member of the i c, c, the i c c says it's a damn we own member is a state of palestine on their web page they joined in 2015. that's an outright lie . and then later on uh he, uh, uh he uh, uh, claimed later on, matt, matt lee picked up on my questioning. so so, so just to get something resolved. matt lini is the reporter for
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a t. matt miller is the, the, the, the, the talking head who represents the state department of the united states. so. 6 levy is asking matt miller, what questions go ahead. right, keep, keep followed up on my question in saying, what about russia and the i c c. because you know, you, you're saying that, you know, israel isn't a party in russia, it isn't a party. so what's the difference here? why, why are you accepting it in one and rejecting it and then other, and he says, well, the difference is that ukraine is ukraine, is a member, is, are they? well, they're not white again, the light on both sides of the equation, deep sleep claim, the palestine wasn't a member. and then he falsely claimed that ukraine was that, ma'am, and of course it had of course, backed up picked up by the new york times and abc news and cnn. and they're all now letting us know that there are people at the state department who are lying to us
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who live here in the united states. that happened right. course that happened. yeah . and that'll work. that'll work. nobody picked up one thing, nobody picked on it in the room. i had actually left the room at that point. i mean, i had, you know, it's kind of hard what i hollered, you know, to attempt to intercede in the situation. and i finally, you know, i plan frankly, i got that off of the situation and my phone was dying. so i, you know, i headed out and it was only a couple of hours later that i found that i looked at it and i was like, hold on. yeah. even the, you know that, matt, we, the a p reporter picked up on my questioning. and then he lied, so they have this massive park receipt. yeah. and you know, i didn't get to asked of proper said questions, but just me raising the issue in another report or picking up on it, led them to be making multiple, multiple lives. matt, matt miller,
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the spokes person, even at one point, seemed to be claiming that the i c. c. hadn't bothered to even go to israel, which is brain generally falls right. the prosecutor on went to israel. he met with families who had had loved ones killed on october 7th, a whole 9. he didn't go to gaza. but they claimed that he didn't. israel was, well, it says good. i mean, i gotta tell you, people asked me sometimes you know, why do you know how to show on our t, my gosh, watching television. can i tell you something just as a friend, i still more free and independent doing journalism here. then i did when i worked at nbc, when i worked at cnn, when i worked at telemundo, when i worked at clear channel, where else did i work? i can't even remember. i worked at all the fox news about the all of them i, i have fewer. we always have some kind of debate in this business. you know that.
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but i get your less push back here that i ever have working at all those places where i entered and produced the news there you, i believe, i believe that i think, i think any big outlets you're going to have some kind of constraint, right? but, but the constraints in us establishment media, given the mass criminality of us policy, the mass of policy in lines of us policy is so massive. so if you have an outlet that basically asks, acts as a funky in some respect, and that goes from box to cnn, to m s. n b c. you're gonna get, you know, nass, of the distortion of the troops at minimum, new i hope taking a back are you, by the way, when you sit in there and you watch this love affair and all out constant defense of israel. and i'm not gonna look, i don't want to i don't want to knock israel, there's a lot of great things about israel. i went to israel,
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isn't it was in many ways a wonderful country with great people who have done wonderful things. but it's position when it comes to the palestinians should be brought the question and for some reason you go to these hearings and you listen to these folks and you watch these reporters. it's crazy. it's like we're not saying you have to hate them. but at least be honest about some of the class that they're doing. how do you deal with that? oh, it's very frustrating being in the rooms of a house, tell you that. um, but it, to me, the more insidious thing is how the state department, it sets up things for, you know, they, they sort of per tend to say, oh, well we, we really advise as well to take more precautions for, you know, as if they'd care perfect but, but then when you really dig into the actual policy, it's in cities, i asked a series of questions beginning last year and then i, i picked it up again about the geneva convention,
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the cornerstone of international law. do you recognize virginia of the convention? yeah. apply to gaza and they, you know, the, they did and deceived every which way that they possibly could to avoid saying the obvious truth. no, we don't. that's basically the us government policy. we don't recognize that the geneva conventions applied to the house to say, apply to everybody on the plan. so, so, so, so and for the intention except the power. so what less of the way to do said we're not going to go by the geneva convention if we're going to pull everything coming out of the united nation so much so that we actually told the united nations, we don't want the palestine to have the right to be a nation, and then we're going to criticize everything that the icpc international criminal court does then who, who is the ultimate arbiter of world affairs right now, globally speaking, us like washington, i guess a, a, and you had, you know,
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a series of resolutions put forward at the u. n, and the u. s. representative would raise their hands and retail it tried did that all. ready over again, you had the general assembly passing resolutions, you know, a 140 to, you know, to 3 of us as well. and i don't know how they knew the beginning it or something. so if we say no so, so it was a note on the i c c note of the u. n. note in the international criminal court. oh and uh, who, who did i or no to the geneva convention. and we're basically saying, yes, we are a gemini, that's what we are. and then we're copying to it and proud to say it, right? i mean it's, they don't talk to it and they don't say they don't even say outright. we don't recognize the geneva conventions. they just, you know, you know that they will evade the question. and then one time with this guy, matt miller, i said, do you recognize that you need the conviction is applying to pulse it to palestine
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. and he said, we absolutely recognize virginia convention and then it quickly went onto the next question. what do you mean to say that you recognize it with respect to palestine? is that i meant exactly what i said it's. and i said, yeah, you did, you applied to palestine really? so i meant it's 790, zipped his lips. we really this impression that they are abiding by international law while that are in the process of reading it. i think the next step of what has to happen so that the gen, emily does have some mechanisms that has a thing called uniting for piece where when a member of the security council, okay, it's being co opted into with this veto power and is abusing its power and just preventing the security council, which as opposed to maintain security and is obviously failing in that respect to, to grab hold of the situation. and i think where it has to, what we're going to, what we're going to watch for that. maybe we want to have another conversation and
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that seems to be the only place that can go given the conditions that we have right now. sam, we're out of time. you are the light to talk to please keep up the good work. and once again, i would encourage people to go to sub stack and look up who's saying read his stuff . it's good, it's fair, it's true. thanks against him. thank you. that's our show. remember, always look outside your own box truths, as we like to say, don't live in boxes. i'm rick sanchez. so you next to the,
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the russian states. never as one of the most sense key and the best to him. then i'll send, send up the keys to progress be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russia scooting and supports the r t. suppose next. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the said this is steve and quickly check the
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address here of silsbee air and the capital one here did a final farewell to their late president saying their good bye. so radians mourn the loss of their president after he was killed in a helicopter crash over the weekend. the country supreme leader delivers a funeral prayer. russian forces re take full control of the town of to shave can be done yet the people's republic located close to the city of are almost as they continue to make it back. and anger boils over in the french pacific territory of new caledonia for plans to change voting rights, which locals claim will kill off any independence of crisis. has even prompted the french president to scramble his jets and racer.


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