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tv   News  RT  May 22, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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the, the address here fills the air and the capital. so as long as everyone here did a final farewell to the president saying their goodbyes radians more in the loss of their president after he was killed in a helicopter crash over the weekend. the country supreme leader delivers a funeral prayer. russian forces re take full control of the town of the shape. and indeed on yet the people's republic located close to the city of r, tell much as they continue to make it back. and anger boils over in the french pacific territory of new caledonia for plans to change voting rights, which locals claim will kill off any independence of crisis. has even prompted the french president to scramble his jazz and race around the world to the arctic along
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the is about 7 p. m. here in moscow and you're watching r t international. i am your host donald quarter. welcome to the program. our top story now to ron has come to a standstill as thousands packed into the rainy and capital to mark the passing of the countries president was killed along with other senior officials and a helicopter crash on son. crowds have packed into mosque sent around to pray for the victim. and then officials from dozens of countries are also attending the funeral events around supreme leader. ali come in and he led prayers at the funeral . this but it shows him hugging the grandchildren, the late president, and expressing his condolences as well as paying homage to re you see in front of tens of thousands of people. now the russian foreign minister has also expressed
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his respect over the death of the reigning and president. sir gabriel visited the residence of the arabian and bassett, or in moscow and signed the book of kendall, a. russian state, duma speaker, which is lava lodge and is also into run for the funeral. the prime ministers of pakistan and rock along with the jacob stands president. we're also there are these usage of all the reports from this summer options here, fills the air and the capitals as long as everyone is bid. a final farewell to their late presidents and his companions were tragically lost their wives and a fatal. we'll have a top to crash, a northwest one on sundays. thousands of foreigners have gathered at the university of denver on an out on the swedes to participate in the funeral service of president. we're easy that will involve carrying the coffins all the way to the bodies square around 5 kilometers away. ahead of the sort. i'm only here,
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one supreme leader i to law harmony, let a congregational prayer. i'd be university of the one in honor of the deceased president and his entourage, which included foreign minister jose in need of the young horse following this funeral into one on thursday. the late president will be put to rest in the northeastern city of mashhad, which is his home town. and the size of a mob resolves, holy shine. where, where you see once served as the custodian, because sodium of the holy shrine of a mom, or as he was known for his waiver and commitment to bolstering as long as they can . amik resilience through leveraging domestic resources and diversifying toys partnerships beyond the confines of the western influence, and still a sense of self assurance in their warranty and strongly that the wants does not
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hold the elixir for as long as they can amik challenges. despite the absence of europe and tech companies in iran, racy inspired confidence that the country code progress using its own resources on support. some like minded nations, including venezuela and cuba. he used to say this frequently that the world is not limited to the wives. he also automated size with longstanding partners such as china and russia, something which allies perfectly with his vision of fostering gay multiple or was order encountering western pressure aimed at isolating these monitor public on the world's face. so indeed, voice ease, global impact is unmistakable, which can be easily witnessed and be out touring of condolences from world leaders across the world who have expressed solidarity of sympathy with one during this period of morning, we see that the un security council pay tribute with
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a minute of silence, while numerous countries declared national days of morning and lord, the flags to half mast embassies, the chairman of the state duma. refresher and pack a 75 minutes or shift boss. or you are expected to attend a seminar memorial service later in the day and to have on a monday russian president vladimir pool. he conveyed his heart failed condolences, but it was interim president. how much more bear the line up for the upcoming transitional presidential election remains on surface. but vice president must bear who serves as acting presidents in accordance with the constitution headset, june 28th. as the election day, which are with canada, of course registration, starting from may 30th to june. 3rd. so the nation says at a pivotal juncture, now as it prepares to talk to a new horse and the port for you, sierra at the rainy and embassy in moscow. ambassadors from nations around the
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world have offered their condolences. we spoke with palestine as envoy to russia who shared his thoughts on the loss. what happens is that it is very, very, very, very short of it. i'm in the processing and we believe that the you need that is very close to the policy and sufficient in the situation. therefore, we have the here, i mean, to send through this drug message that the people that i knew that ship and even those have done with our best with what else have vegas. and i know for sure look for so the slide you see, it is time to send us oh message that's able to have the full that people must send to get them against where kevin. and i mean to, to set the form of the guess on from what had been, i mean, because one of the sections of the sciences for them in a couple of the sections more than 50, as i can say about because of his life. why that maybe some of the sanctions are from other countries because of his life, you know, maybe maybe a set time to, to,
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to said be able to think is this sort of stuff that has to be made. the 6 to 8 or the 50 is what, what, what, what's going on? why? why are we able to continue with the sexes? and you have these things to dispose of this. i decide to be the only nuclear f country and then the least event this with, i mean, other countries that the food that a group that i mean we have for them. maybe it's a lesson for everybody to, to study the case and to open a new page across live. now to psalm on java ed, the director general of the pakistan afghanistan youth for him joining us from his lama. bob, thanks a lot for joining us on the program. pack us, the prime minister attended the funeral of runs late president into run. what can you tell us about right? you see his role in strengthening bilateral ties with pakistan and how do you see cooperation going forward without him as well. um, uh mr. ray. save it for the device also. uh came to buttons done. and he was at the
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village under what head and box on was the saved ordered and boxed on the not on the environment for the, the high profile office terms of what happened also uh, since he was with the company by and by his wife was also engaged in numerous so that it might take a engagement. so with it, she may have it for the almost 100. i'm thinking she has limited insight, bucks fine. and basically what was the only president for but have strongly related to somebody but also and took it out to you and but, but didn't special good for the one that has been. so this shows that bucks on it and tracy, and that, i mean, the state would deem to, uh, you know, uh it has these by letters that dies. and they wouldn't want to have the size of it . my daughter lives in certain farmer says that one such a issue was security and the other was the the i'd be and by about some guess, bye bye. i wish i was under kim and verify it after when,
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when they see the box on the united states of america. also it showed us treatment against that pipeline project. often what you see, i think of the kind of solution that box fund is trying to bear, but at on i don't think that the at the demise already submitted 10. but those efforts probably in the state of it on would want to have caught in addition to bit vargas on because in the past we kind of have, you know, harvet park on board admissions piece better since the principal and the rest issue . and also in the central issue and also with the gospel what i found as well. so part time would like to have a friendly neighborhood and would like to have, uh, uh, you know, the size of the doors, the countries as needed. and as, as i would want to have some of the intermission but bucks them. so i think i missed a ship. i've seduced, will it put that on? it is pretty good. it's the one such indignation plus is obviously
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a very difficult time for ron and power has been handed over to a new acting president for 6 months. what do you expect from mohammed lock there during these tens times in the middle east? i think a pretty good system of and i'm is quite to sucking up the data we live in is office dried up there for the demise of the new the a if i receive a short statement that the system will continue to work and they really have the instructions and died. he also gave a timeline for the elections and he said that on do you have a written contract or letter election? he also said that from doing credit for doing parties have done that expensive uh, will be able to access the item that i do, you know, before the election campaign. uh, so the system off and on instead of booking. so that is a huge loss. been to the nation, is that going true? but i think the system, when you look at the forward and some of the bus is going to
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deal with all those things in the region of the us up into the terminal. and i think the policies of that are new states really, really going to new introduce of all right, solomon java, director general of the pakistan, afghanistan you for them. thanks a lot for joining us on the program. the death of the president as being viewed as a, a stress test for the uranium government. although it's not the 1st time the country has lost the high ranking official war on the tragedy. and what lies ahead for run visit our website, our t. com, the go into the ukraine conflict. russian forces have regained control over the town of the sheriff. come near the city of our channel mosque and the don units region. last year, the town was taken by ukrainian troops as one of the main gains of their counter offensive. from that time,
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the last few months have seen the russian troops advancing in several areas across the front lines in the done yet, sc region keeps forces were pushed back from the regional capital, as well as from around the town of chance of yard. and it may, russian forces started and offensive in the heart of region to boost the security area around the belgrade region after it came under repeated ukrainian showing what was more on this now we're going to go to our cheese. steve's we, we've just received confirmation from the russian ministry of defense of the latest advances in the don't yet square public. russian troops are taking control over the settlement of cuz she has this kind of a heavy price to ukrainian on forces around $1000.00 men. when last of the last 24 hours, that's a total wounded and also admitted to hall, but also has grown up in flames. now this come soon off the rushing neighbor. i said the village of or boston, of course, this was symbolic because the only real value of the ukrainian filed count. so
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offensive the and it comes a time when the ukrainian government has implemented these, this new mobilization which was as close, many, many, to flee the country rather than face life on the front lines. which is proving very difficult for the crating anomaly at this stage of growth and haul calls the, the russian say, say i was talking to you guys defensive lines like a knife through boston with very serious questions being also, of course, this is place to be a heavy, every 45, every and i, russian president vladimir putin to the side of this stage that they're on no punts and take control of how the game is ready to create a buffers and to provide some welcome relief for the people of belgrade, which is coming under a sustained and constant ukrainian, a top the us treasury sector, secretary janice yellen has urged america's european allies to unite and
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confronting china and the trade sector. chinese industrial policy may seem remote as we sit here in this room. but if we do not respond strategically and in the united way, the viability of businesses in both or countries in around the world could be at risk comes as joe biden imposed new tariffs on chinese, electric vehicles, advanced batteries, solar cells, steel, aluminum, and medical equipment. the white house says china is capacity hurts companies, state side, and considers it unfair trade. washington stop diplomat spun the narrative further, suggesting beijing is the greatest threat europe has seen since the cold war. if you can't have china on the one hand professing to seek better relations with countries in europe, while on the other hand, fueling the greatest security threat to europe. since the end of the cold war, what we've done and what we need to continue to do one is we want
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a section more than a 100 chinese entities that we've identified that we're engaged in providing dual use um products. uh, other things that on sanctions list, we will continue to do that and we're working to coordinate our efforts with european and other partners who are also aggrieved. in fact, in many ways, even more gree by this practice because of the direct threat to them while they get more on the story now we're joined live by nelson wong, vice chairman of the shanghai center for rent pack, and international studies. also an expert for the valve dive club nelson. thanks a lot for joining us on the program. once again, strong words from blinking right there. what do you make of this increased pressure from the west against china's trade and industrial sectors as well? i think the, the response from the white house is kind of expected, but uh, it basically shows that these american politicians, all the white house people in the white house have basically lost the status is.
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and all these accusations against trying to basically brown police and against the basic commas service. actually these accusations of china for it's over capacity is the bill totally upset because there is a for electric vehicles. there is apparently a big shortage of electric vehicles worldwide. and china's capacity and production capacity is good. it is actually a good news for the rest of the well, it's actually the us and europe and the, your pin countries. they are letting defined in the sector. so it is more of a exercising trade protectionism, rather than you know, try to capacity of china. this is totally wrong. people with sensors will realize
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what the real reason behind or of this. so i think china, chinese government has already, you know, made a public statement as a response to all these accusations. so it's, it's quite clear already. well, our sort of underlying has already announced that there's a w t o investigation on china. what results can you, uh say, can be expected? well, i mean, the response from brussels as also from false towards the us, lad cutting, paying against try the is somewhat or if i may say, a little different from the united states of america, because they do need to look off to their own interests. they cannot always follow whatever the us says because they have already experienced suffering as
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a result of the war in ukraine. so they know what's going long. so somehow they still need to look after their own interest. and as regard to uh, uh, the alleged investigation into whether china has subsidized the entities, the production facilities in china. whether they can find out anything, i don't know. but if i may call it this way, every country has its right to decide it's policy on promoting and encouraging the development of a new industry. and the us is also itself a, giving out subsidies to its own company is in the semi conductor industry. and in the electric vehicle industry as well, why? out of the blue when it comes to trying to the us subsidies becomes
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a strategic strategic importance where us, when china produces its cars. uh, it becomes a threat. so this is not federal aid. they are working against the rules based or perhaps i think it's time we should have to remind our friends and counterparts in the west that uh what about the rules based old uh what about the w t o rules and regulations which i mean everything that china has been doing are absolutely eli, where is the provisions of the world trade organization. so i think these accusations and alleged the accusations against the china, our growing please, some faceless, nelson, long vice chairman for the shanghai center for rent packing international studies and an expert for them all by club. always
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a pleasure having you on the program. thank you. thank you. the manual not crohn. scrambling to the other side of the world amid a crisis that's engulfed, the french overseas territory of new caledonia. the state of emergency has been declared there after clashes left 6 people dead. unrest broke out after paris tried to enforce new voting laws that indigenous islanders claim is designed to snuff out any hopes for eventual independence. so to the situation is no complete normalized, but it is improving to be playing much remains to be done before things return to normal. the government is baffle selling, mobilized as i have been stressing since the start of the violence and you kind of don't. yeah. and now i'm announcing today that it was stated by the president of the republic during the cabinet meeting, but he will go that he will leave this evening to set up a mission the say, do you mean my call is now heading to new caledonia, and that's mid the worst unrest, the territory has seen in over 30 years. i mean,
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probably this is in hopes to call and the situation down, but there's also been reports that the hundreds more of security personnel will be sent to reinforcements will be joining reinforcements on the ground. but just to remind you, a little bit of what happened essentially here for us is launching this a major operation and you call it donia. amid the protest, the rep to the little over a week ago, turn in violence. now the reason those protests even erupt, it was because science is trying to push this new, we form onto the territory. and of course, the indigenous kind of people are unhappy with the new constitutional reform, which essentially would give the right to uh, new people that moved to new caledonia after 1998 the right to vote in the local elections indigenous people here. they argue that this essentially would give power to france, settlers, and instead the indigenous people will not have their say in their own politics.
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and mind you that the indigenous people in the territory make of 40 percent of the population almost. we won't give up until they withdraw the text they're about to vote on. no, we won't give up. even if we have to die for it will stay here on the road blocks to the all the talk about being out of breath and all that we know how to press, we're waiting for these techs to be withdrawn because it means the elimination of the connect people were already in the minority. if they get this text through congress invest side, we're screwed. that's what they don't understand over that. we're already a minority at home. now you're going to hear that people are quite unsatisfied and unhappy. new caledonia remains largely under french control and it is one of the very few territories like that. in the postcolonial era, it was granted some autonomy in 1998, but before 1998, the locals had some still some vote and restrictions on this on the phone says, bonds take talk across the entire territory. they choose it as being used to
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install violence so that there's no evidence that's being brought forward to prove that. and that also makes phones the 1st country in europe to block a take talk. so it just took us through this decision. yeah, this is quite interesting because france has this national moto, of the liberty equality of fraternity. i mean, they're known to stand for freedom of speech up until now where they're buying the tip top of social media. this is the 1st thing the you and although they didn't really get much details, the surely looks like they're trying to maybe silence protesters. i am leaving the summary hearing before the council of state following the government's decision to band tick tock in new caledonia. what is happening right now is unprecedented. no country in europe has ever band tick tock and government officials have provided no evidence to show the networks linked to the violence. only one argument. young people use this network. the government considered them guilty by definition
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because of their age. we are facing an extremely serious liber to sidle drift. now new caledonia is home to 270000 people and it has been kaos in the past week. but unfortunately, that also means that the unrest led to casualties. 6 people are report, lead dad, that hundreds are insured. 400 businesses and stores were damaged and over to a 100 people were also arrested. and as the unrest yours, since we have new zealand and australia who are sending out the military plains to essentially evacuate their nationals back home and presidents of for older french overseas territories also came out urging the french government to drop the reform . there. argue in here that only a political response can stop the violence. how to get more on the story we're going across live now to the executive director of the center for natural resource
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governance far. i'm a good, thanks a lot for joining us on the program, sir. so this is have, this has to be a really serious crisis. if the french president is flying all the way to new caledonia for what's going on here. and what can you tell us about the seriousness of the situation? yeah, i think the district to the, to the french president is true attributed to the area. it tells us how much finding a strange traces on there. i'm in video control of new kind of game here, and it's actually subject registered really one the bench um in the 25th century. and i used to have these categories which are still under colonial. so i changed very much. the defense is from a new kind of doing here, and this is why the president wants to make sure that's
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a kind of day to be uprising. this is broad street and well, considering the fact that this, of course, you know, has the territorial status in uh for, for france. i mean, what kind of welcome do you think micron is going to get in new caledonia when he gets there? and i think they'll be mixed the reactions from the local people. do you have go to the indigenous community, which ones the sort of determination and the good some of my goods we and key over the past to send traditional brands or like rich i and patrol is friends. you kind of do new. so i to be dependent, so efficiently, jimmy, he's been too busy if he goes to the area. so we set up the domain name to the indigenous communities. he's going to get to the very last step of the action. uh, but if it goes to the area we have uh they offer range migraines. once they return
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control and have friends, they may be they will give you maybe one way or the reception. do you think you'll be able to convince the majority of the population of the majority of the protesters to go through with these voting reforms, or do you think he's going to leave? embarrassed i think is going to be best to because you, you can feel that there are some under tons of strong missionaries and which is driving the protest that they be mindful economy especially now that we have a lot of international instruments leave the united nations charter which all confirmed that right of people could settle for determination. and i think these indigenous communities are enjoying a lot of international sort of getting to pro, oops, a. and the new version of next week, monday, tuesday to read to get settled. so,
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colonial on the nation. so i think there is many voices international, so they guarantee that to use is supporting the baby and get that existence protest that those that job posted for beach. so i really don't think he has been to lead new kind of don't yet, the happy man. i think he's going to leave for which is to friendly between these subjects. well, what's your take on the banding of tech talking new caledonia because it seems a little out of nowhere, but there's been claims that they've been, it's been used to organize these protests. what happens to this sacred freedom of information for the west? yeah, that sir, that's quite true if he could come for deep shame there in that game. something which may actually do that they do mindful or to me
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and then to self governments, especially when is supposedly democratic states. it is a stifling speech in a country that is and that some long distance colonial bessengers clicked well on the relationship between friends, if you will, kind of during the youtube, youtube, youtube huge keeps mess to cellphones relationship. we are the, the, the fleet going to be enjoyed debated french citizens and products i to 90 to the citizens of new kind of don't you and that gives friends which has been made normal. and by this to my cool, i think it is fuel and they said that they, they, they, they fit in the they, they desire to make sure that the bit to rebuild instead. hello neal domination. so
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i really think they did not think so well with before the big, big binding to drop because it's clearly denying dispute boy the very best of the human rights. but it's no secret that new caledonia is a nickel rich region. and the demonstrations are taking place amid a crisis and the nickel industry. so to what extent would you say that this has affected the current situation in general with regard to that? yeah, there is very good mental for the so submission of these, these demonstrations, you're kind of doing the are you go over details, thoughts about quinn, to say, to press things. that's known reserves, nico, and then you will peer. the union is this think native niko as a car.


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