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tv   News  RT  May 22, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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the, the address here fills the air and the capital one has a warranty or did a final farewell to their late president, iranians morning the loss of the president talked to he was killed in a heavy cups, a crash over the weekend. the countries of supreme leader delivering a funeral trap. pressing forces re taking full control of a ton of cache of code that's in the public. because it continued to make advances old up and down the front line. and crying alone must go to his walk into an a pushing too hard at the narrow too, but no one else was involved in last week's assassination attempt from the slow back 5 minutes. the
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court, we are talking just off to 8 pm here at most. go wow, what a day is being fee a world wide headlines so far? busy as always here at ok. so it's around basically coming to a standstill. it's so many thousands parts of the capital marketing costing of the country's president because he was killed along with other senior officials and a helicopter crash that was over the weekend. of crowds of, of packed into most of the pray for the victims, officials from thousands of countries of also being attending the funeral events around supreme lead uh la, coming the letter funeral pres, footage, showing him hugging the grandchildren of the late president and expressing his condolences of the russian, 4 minutes to up paying his respects as well. there. yes, right this i get off or off of visiting the residents of the around here in a basset or in moscow and signing a book of condolence or the russian stadium. i speak of the edge of slab, a load and no trouble to tyrone for the funeral service. the prime ministers are
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from pac hassan and iraq, along with the tajikistan as president will also there, as well as of correspondence associated with this. the somber address here fills the air and the capitals as long as everyone is bid. a final farewell to their late president and his companions were tragically lost, their lives at a fable how much off the crowd in northwest they won on sundays files. and the zip mourners have gathered at the university of denver on an out on the swedes to participate in the funeral service of president se that will involve carrying the coffins all the way to the bodies square around 5 kilometers away. ahead of us are a morning supreme leader, i to law harmony, let a congregational prayer. i'd be university of stefan in honor of the deceased president and his entourage, which included foreign minister who's saying i mean of the lawyer on course, following this funeral into one on thursday. the leads president will be put the
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rest in the northeastern city of mashhad, which is his home town. and the size of a mob resolves, holy shine. where, where you see once served as the custodian, the custodian of the holy shrine of mom, or as he was known for his waiver and commitment to bolstering as long as they can . amik resilience through leveraging domestic resources and diversifying toys partnerships beyond the confines of western influence. and still a sense of self assurance. and iranian, showing that the was, does not hold the elixir for as long as they can amik challenges. despite the absence of european check companies and iran, racy inspired confidence that the country code progress using its own resources on support from like minded nations, including venezuela and cuba. he used to say this frequently that the world is not
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limited to the west. he also automated size with longstanding partners such as china and marshall, something which lies perfectly with his vision of last spring a multiple or was order encountering western pressure aimed at isolating these level public on the world space. so indeed, what he sees, global impact is unmistakable, which can be easily witnessed and the out touring of condolences from world leaders across the world who have expressed solidarity of sympathy with one during this period of morning. we see that the us security council page review with, with a minute of silence, while numerous countries declared national days of warning and lowered the flags to half mast at embassies. the chairman of the state, duma. refresher and pakistani prime minister ship march, or you are expected to attend similar or memorial service later in the day to have
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on monday russian president vladimir pulled me, conveyed his heart valves condolence as well as interim president. how much more bear the line up for the upcoming transitional presidential election remains on surface, but vice president must bear who serves as acting presidents in accordance with the constitution headset, june 28th as the election day, which are with canada. of course registration starting from may 30th to june. 3rd, so the nation says at a pivotal juncture, now as it prepares to talk to a new horse and the port for e sierra day. we were discussing the death of racy with the director general of a practiced on a dentist on you'd for him. he talked about what might come next as iran and practiced on have vested interest to grow that by lateral times a. hey, steve was the only president who has certainly related to somebody, but also took it out to you and i didn't send you a good photo with that as well. so this showed that much sign i haven't received
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and that on, in the states when seen to, you know, it has these by letters or dice. and they wouldn't want to have the size of it. but they're going to live in a certain form. it says that often are easy. i think of the kind of sort of mission that my son is trying to add on. i don't think it's that the way they see me 10, but those efforts probably in the state of it on would want to have a garden in addition to that focus on because in the past we kind of have, you know, have equipment for the nation. but it says that in the rest issue and also in the central issue and also with the gospel, want to part time would like to have a friendly neighborhood. i'm going back to have, you know, size of the countries as i mean, it'd be and dies as, as we would want to have some of the nation, but bucks them. as
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a ronnie and embassy right here in moscow, i busted us from nations around the world of, of the condolences we spoke with pack us down to envoy to russia who shed his thoughts on the loss of the iranian president. gracie, as we are reading much reset in news, frederick incident for don, administered the members of his enterprise and braced, shot at the sea and martyrdom. more flag was at task high level leadership would be visiting that on create existence. as to they see the member at fort stewart space
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in the region that you witnessed that he came to the very last month. so the russian forces have regained control over the town of cache. i've got that so far into the city of out of trauma in the gwinnett region. now last year, the town was taken by ukrainian troops, and one of the few gains of the much hyped counter offensive of the last few months have seen russian troops advancing in several areas all up and down the front lines in the night, screeching key of forces were pushed back from the regional capital, as well as around the town of chest of yard. in may, i must go as far as his stock and that offensive an article for region to boost the security around the belgrade region offer came on to repeated ukrainian, showing a few more details on this website. lift the lid and shed some light. with all these steve sweeney. we've just received confirmation from the russian ministry of
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defense of the latest advances in the don't yet square public russian troops are taking control over the settlement. of course you have this cable having prize to ukrainian on forces around 1000 men. last of the last 24 hours. that's a total wounded and i'm also admitted to hall, but also has gone up in flames. now this come soon off the rushing through labor. i said the village of, of boston, of course, this was symbolic because the only real value of the ukrainian filed towns through offensive the. and it comes a time when the, the ukrainian government has implemented these, this new mobilization which was as close, many, many, to flee the country rather than face life on the front lines. which is proving very difficult for the crating anomaly at this stage of growth and haul calls, the russian sweets that are causing to utilize defensive lines, like a knife through butter with very serious questions being also, of course,
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this is supposed to be a heavy every 45, every and i, russian president vladimir putin, the set of this stage that they're on no punts and take control of how the game is ready to create a buffers. and to provide some welcome relief for the people of belgrade, which is coming under a sustained and constant ukrainian. a top who was, he didn't know this does all calm those be a 5 year term of the crating and president. it's over and we're inviting mr. going to be run for office 2019. it was on the promise to end the war in the don't bass. it's something he completely failed to deliver on. and russia did launches military operation. in february 2022, the president declared martial law. and because of that key of says no elections can legally take place. well, the, my colleague charlotte, do whisky, but this issue to a panel of cats i think it is very troubling. um, you know, and he, his defense may be, well, we have a war going on. so i just suspend me while i was in election observer
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as are know was as well um, in the new regions where there's war going on. uh, russia held elections for president, even though the war was going on in those new regions is always the, they have been elected processes. but the manner that he has executed is mandy piece has been anything other than this is a man who sold out his nation to the interest of his people to of that of the collective. less is allowed in this country to become foxy of nato. he knows that he was elected on the platform, which was to make peace. uh, you know, to bring peace into his country and to play the court of appeals months so that the country could move forward. and in that sense, he's been just too much. she was on the mind from the moment i the betrayed all he
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acted in bad face in incrementing the municipal court, calling this country into disarray, leading to uh, uh, awful, the store month, 600000. no, they're young guessing finest young man. essentially, we've seen from lensky, but he's got no time for any democratic institutions in ukraine. we've had the binding of real position policies, the binding of media. we've had to list saying that they're under pressure in terms of the sorts of things they're reporting on, that we had the cracks down of the, of the adults church as well in ukraine. and then now we've had this new to mobilize most ukrainian. and then this demand to have them extradited essentially from other countries where they've been seeking refuge up how you expect to let the skis weston allies to keep just defying all of that. when they say he's fighting
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for democracy, i don't think the west will even try to justify what they're doing. and they'll just continue to use platitudes about freedom and democracy in the. busy that's what zalinski represents. it's all don't do what we do, do what we say. that's the western point of view. both zalinski and who's western supporters appear to be at least in terms of their public pronouncements trapped in a fantasy world that is eerily reminiscent of that which existed in hitler's walker during the fall and for land where adolph hitler was seeking to move non existence armies around the map in order to achieve some sort of miraculous victory against the advancing soviet armies. the same phenomena a key appears to be happy is she of today. where are you creating leadership, civil and military, are hoping for some sort of miracle. the only reason the remains in place is that
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the americans having an election on their own and as far as the incumbent, the destruction is concerned, they must do their utmost is to somehow maintain a uh, an illusion that the everything is okay. and they don't want to rock the boat, and this would hurt you know, joe biden, for his re election be. so that's the only the only reason that i can see as to why the americans, for the time being of these are lacking this unconstitutional situation. things might change after november or us november's election, the butcher and war criminal. those were just among the labels being horrible that the us secretary of state by pro palestinian demonstrate, is to be blank and was repeatedly interrupted during this speech and congress the
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new, the . c tough crowd, i will that 3 western nations are set to recognize palestine as an independent state. the decision by ireland, norway and spain will officially come into effect next week. then policy installed for this thing and state is obliged in line with the international law to live in peace within secure dimension they recognize borders and to comply with all relevant to you and resolutions. i'm confident that further countries will join us and taking this important step in the coming weeks. this is an historic,
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unimportant his day for arden's and for palestine. says by the time has it come to move from words to action, to tell the millions of innocent suffering, palestinians, the we're with them, that there is host. honestly, not more than 140 you in states have recognized about this time since 1988, which is already most of the world on wednesday, 3 more countries spain 1st followed by no way an island have joined the chorus, frustrated at the lack of peace progress and hoping to send the symbolic message of supports to tell the students by this move and also try to boost political changes, but will eventually hopefully they believe bring an end to israel's definitely war . and guys of that some describe as genocide as well started, it smells reparation in the pals student and plays back in october or has a response to have masses attack on southern is really communities when hundreds
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were mowed, hadn't taken hostage claiming the goal is to destroy have mass that has been rolling the street since 2006, but the almost a month long war claims more than 35000 palestinian lives already. and that's made many of the global community concerns and question, israel's approach more and more rarely for palestine, while israel, it's fight in the south. isolated the decision of orleans no way and spade will take into 4 starting may 28th. although the 3 countries made it clear, the move is not against israel, but rather for peace and political settlement is really reactive furiously in the countries for a minister old. it stays really ambassadors to also in dublin to immediately return to israel. here's his statement, ireland and norway intend to send a message to the palestinians in the whole world today. terrorism pays. after the terrorist organization, homos carried out the largest massacre of jew since the holocaust. after it
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committed the most terrific sex crimes the world has seen. these countries chose to give a reward to homos in iran and recognize a palestinian state as really foreign minister also warns that's the has the stab, will have serious consequences on the relationship between the states. without mentioning the what measures could be taken for administer. he's far from the only really politician, of course, expressing his disdain was the decision healthy european states, if it was finance minister. no. and for his extreme right when position and open the end to palestinian dues sent a letter to foreign minister the to the airport in london. inappropriate respons offer it as an option to authorize the construction of $10000.00 view units in the jewish settlements across the west. bank or was it in some are or this is how these ro calls this area smoke which also or extension. yeah. which is stop collecting and transferring taxes to the palestinian authority to cancel all privileges for
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palestinian vi piece. when it comes to crossing into israel and the outside world and impose sanctions on them instead. also we hear that these really defense minister now gives instructions to allow israelis to enter an area in the north of the west bank way towards the bays and for them to cross since 2005. and that means we might see jewish outposts and supplements in that area to in the coming future. the idea behind the recognition is the gradual establishment of a palestinian state under the shape of the power steering authority. and that move is rejected by israel and no surprise. the news was taking negatively some politicians, including from the ruling call. this is a full time believe only in one state solution. israel's national security to administer even said recently that he wants to move to guys on top of the war. and when israel will have a full control over the street, we populated by door stuff there is like himself. here's what's ben green had to
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say. what do you mean by jewish settlement? should we go back to the settlements? we left during the disengagement. not only it's possible to let many more people in the whole end. if there is emigration and hundreds of thousands are leaving. you can bring more and more people in and you will be the 1st to go and live there to encourage tend to settle there. i will be very happy to live in gaza. i'm willing to do this if there is an opportunity here with you, but of course why not repeat? the news was certainly welcome to by palestinian officials. president, a boss has said he appreciated the efforts made by no rate for the sake of palestine and people while another talk published during the free show mister shae called the move at historic moment where the free world is winning with the help of truth. and i'm just calling to know where you're now calling other states to follow them. and the estimates here in jerusalem are that's they could indeed be more countries choosing to recognize palestine. in the near future, sport is
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a compound mass, as a un spokesperson has now said that a deliveries by sea to a new american made peter and john. so they've uh, stopped in recent days. gonna stand around 600 tons of supplies of police are being sent to the temporary talking area and the 1st 2 days if it's a variation but also being grilled by john list depending on representative confirm those deliveries all 600 tons of them. a standing still might accurate to say a 0 has been delivered to the people of guys a sofa. you'd have to check with the world to program. i know that aid is getting in, but it's not accurate that no 8 has been delivered. you know, we've been doing air drops. we've been helping to facilitate aid coming over the ran plan crossings. but the causeway has been able to get over 569 metric tons of 8 into gaza for on we're delivery. so yes, very shortly. i think you'll see age starting to be delivered that has been
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delivered right today. as of today, i do not believe so. yeah, we were discussing this with that professor of political science at the l. a job university in gaza behind the i will say of the who believes that he says america in israel are actually working just to secure each other's interest in the region. well, have a listen for yourself. we cannot ignore the fact that the husband so far things as well the up to the piece uh over the past 7 months. uh the us has since uh, uh, lords of, of uh, munition opportunity. uh you name it and uh the u. s. president that just ended yesterday that, that yours is going to start with is read all the way of fighting against it's a name is i've just been gone the also around the region. so i think uh weekend, very much conclude that both the americans on his way it is uh, impossible to ship. it was to secure the interest of america. and the reason i'm
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also is what you the security i'm just now with regards to the c to it seems to me that the, the, the, that goes was april the beginning. but it is nowhere to try to. uh, this is uh, unload for them and assistance for the call centers. but many, many international dignitaries, especially a spoke specialist for the you are the have indicated that uh there must be an opening of the uh, board. the hosting between garza and egypt, golf signed as well, and also the junction uh for the ministry just the funds of most of, of, of, of, for done and rather than working all digits. so far the person is why it is defensive. uh, the, the uh, delivery of, of this fluid on us is going through the policy is involved with apparently, washington is trying to control the narrative of last week's assassination attempt on the slow back 5 minutes the by pushing the lone wolf story. it's
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a let me say again, that is the claim being pushed by russian intelligence. it is notable the us and it to europe penalized offices simply trying to impose the version of a loan that betrayed to dissatisfied with the decline in the level of democracy. in slovakia, according to information available to the russian for intelligent service, american government agencies already seeking to join the investigation in order to steer it in the right direction. the very goal is to exclude promotion of the topic of political terrorism in europe and the robot, a potential external trace to the terrorist attack. for us as an intelligence is saying that basically the success of nation that time shows bought the west will resort to when they fail to maintain their hedge. and monday through cit. busy allies methods, they're calling that a political terror attack against an opponents. now we know that robert sweetser's, one of the most pro russian politicians in europe. his re,
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election in 2023 was largely based on a platform of all promises to and military support to ukraine and also to veto ukraine's natal emissions. so, and then all of a sudden when does the association that something happened? everyone jumped the gun. excuse me, for the pun. there. jumped the gun to say that basically this was definitely a loan will for a situation while we're hearing this lone wolf narrative from western sources. but the slovak leadership has completely rejected that. what is their stance and the system yet? now? they're rejected about originally when this happened. there was, and oh no, no, no, this is a low involve situation. yes, it's politically motivated, but he was acting alone and they made that conclusion without even having their information. because now we know the attack happened on wednesday, and they only managed to search the perpetrators home on sunday. so 2 days after the attack and why apparently there was this was jesus delays in processing the arrest, the search warrant issued by the judge, the prime minister as charles,
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and you say 2 days to process a search warrant for the perpetrators. something sounds off here and meanwhile, by the time they've gone to his house, guess what happened somehow all of his, all i'm history on his computer was a rice. he was at home, his wife says she didn't do it. so who did it? let's just more research it today. what do you mean? maybe 2 hours after the crime scene, someone deleted the perpetrators, entire history of communication on facebook. i was unaware that it wasn't deleted by hand. even his wife didn't do it. what do you the chaos explained? see, there's been some assistance here and covering his suspects tracks. it means video policy actually for the benefit of the suspect. plus there are other clues that say that the facts of wednesday's time. yeah, they've been discussing a wide, a circle. sort of, this is shocking that i showed up with this with a while ago when they were asked the defense from this, from the up. it's a prime minister. how this was allowed to happen. why that it takes 2 days. they say they can comments on the situation. there are 2 pointing the finger of someone else and all you need to ask the police or you need to ask the judge what happened?
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so it's really, it's very strange and also to add to that the general prosecutor has said that he doesn't. so uh, basically that will be looking at re qualifying this as a terrorist act. once they gather all of the information, which is what they should have done, gather all the information 1st and then say whether it was it was not alone will situation. this is what's really bizarre in this situation. what about gary and presidents come out with a statement saying that the media is to blame for what happened in slovakia? can you take us through this sort of argument that's emerged along these lines? lot of officials, allies, mainly in particular, were focusing on what was happening in the media in the country and in general in europe. this hate rhetoric possible, gary and presidents felt that are quite clearly his that it's unacceptable to continue push on this narrative that the only solution to the conflict in ukraine is to continue the war until russia is defeated. he says, 1st of all, you know that's not going to happen, and 2nd of all,
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it's impossible. and 2nd of all, if you continue pushing that narrative, then of course this will lead to more hate, less listen. the attempted assassination of european prime minister, my radicalized fanatic, because of his support for peace indicates this ingrained intolerance of descent and hatred. many politicians parties and media have contributed to this by portraying every differing voice as pro russian, which is extremely unfair, and leads to these negative consequences over a slovak of the problem. and it has now resume that 6 of it sees on tuesday, and actually they started by proving that government led our resolution condemning the attack of course, and also call in on several organizations and media in the country can to continue promoting hates. and this hates rhetoric, so we'll see what will happen, but also there continue in his policies. basically they're saying that they're moving forward and working in the direction that was said by robert feed so. so the
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master plan behind the soul has failed. and while washington is basically using its various media and political assets to control the narrative around the world. now in africa, a 3rd america, and has been busted in the democratic republic of the concord for his involvement in a failed, who would attempt? his name is taylor thompson. it joins 2 other american citizens of benjamin and reuben's island, poland, and 21 year old. mont of sell milan and now the attack on the presidential palace took place on sunday. according to army officials, a group of about 50 demand, tried to store them the compound of footage, from the se in shipping. a showcase is that bullet holes ballade and broken glass, no security forces quickly intervene, they were able to arrest the assailants. during the shoot out, the groups leader was killed. the spokesman for the congolese army declared that a takeover was prevented and attempted to cool has been lived in the bud by the defense and security forces they attempt and all foreigners and congo
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ease. they were putting out of action including their leader. as we spoken of member of parliament and the democratic republic of congo, he said the nation is still waiting for any statement from the governments of the very countries from where those citizen came and those citizens were of course invo . we are waiting to see the his boss from those a different a coffee when up to now we didn't have any statement from the us department. the only think we go to say it's more the messages do good from that. the nbc of the us embassy and do just that. yeah, we do also to get more information about the. ready the cities in the i was in the tent but it was, you know, the, the, the, the, a lot of the us.


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