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tv   News  RT  May 22, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the address here fills the air and the capital s or warranty, or video final farewells. they're late presidents. iranians move that long saw from the nations president gets killed in a helicopter crash over the weekend. a funeral procession. it brings out tens of thousands on to the streets of several russian forces. we take full control of the town of prussia. you've caught us in the script public to continue to advance across the fund flush and crying loan as most go choose as washington pushing the narrative, but know what else was involved in last week. this fascination of time from the slow,
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by 5 minutes. so much tell you about during this live hour from months ago, it's a pleasure to have you with us as well. well, jerome has come to a stand still have a look at these pictures right here. so many thousands packing. the iranian capital, mocking the passing of the country's president. he was killed along with other senior officials in a helicopter crash on sunday. crowds about punched in the most from the pray for the victims. officials from dozens of countries of also been attending the funeral events. around the supreme leader i had told off how many let the prey is at the funeral for just showing him hugging the grandchildren of the late president and expressing his condolences and the russian foreign minister of paying his respects as well areas. so get off at off visiting, be around noon embassy and must go to sign a book of condolence. and the russian state do much because you have to slap a load and travel to tyrone and for the funeral service. the 5 ministers from texas,
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dawn and iraq with that along with the cheapest on presidents as well. and the correspond to this report from this summer address here, fills the air and the capitals to one of a ronnie is bid a final farewell to their late president and his companions, which tragically lost their lives at a fable how much off the crowd in northwest they want on sundays, thousands of mourners have gathered at the university of denver on an out on the swedes to participate in the funeral service. so presidents were easy that will involve carrying the coffins all the way to the bodies square around 5 kilometers away. ahead of the sort. i'm only get one supreme leader i to law harmony, let a congregational prayer. i'd be university of the one in honor of the deceased president and his onto was which included foreign minister who's saying, i mean after law young,
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there's following this funeral into one on thursday. the leads president will be put to rest in the northeastern city of mashhad, which is his home town. and the size of a mob resolves holy shrine. where, where you see, wants served as the custodian, the custodian of the holy shrine of mom, or as he was known for his on waiver and commitment to bolstering as long as they can. amik resilience through leveraging domestic resources and diversifying toys partnerships beyond the confines of western influence. and still a sense of self assurance. and iranian, showing that the was, does not hold the elixir for as long as the economic challenges, despite the absence of europe and tech companies in iran, racy inspired confidence that the country code progress using its own resources on support from like minded nations, including venezuela and cuba, he used to say this frequently,
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that the world is not limited to the west. he also automated ties with long standing partners such as china and russia, something which allies perfectly what his vision of fast free, gay multiple was order, and counseling, western pressure, aimed at isolating these level for public on the world's stay. so indeed, what he sees global impact is unmistakable, which can be easily worked as the out touring of condolences from world leaders across the world who have expressed solidarity of sympathy with one during this period of morning. we see that the us security council page review it with a minute of silence, while numerous countries declared national days of morning and lord, the flags to half mast embassies, the chairman of the state duma, fresher and pakistani prime minister, ship boss, or you are expected to attend a seminar memorial service later in the day to have on
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a monday russian president vladimir report you conveyed his heart failed condolences for as long as the interim president. well, how much more bear the line up for the upcoming transitional presidential election remains on surface. but vice president must bear who serves as acting presidents in accordance with the constitution headset, june 28th as the election day, which are with canada, of course registration, starting from may 30th to june. 3rd, so the nation says at a pivotal juncture, now as it prepares to talk to new corps and the port for you, sierra. so we were discussing this a bit earlier in the program, the desk of racy. we discussed this with the director general of the text on i've gotten this on use for him and he basically told about what comes next because a wrong unpack us don have vested interest to grow that bilateral times. hey, steve was the only president who, but it has certainly related to somebody but also so i took it out to you and i
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didn't spend should be the one that has been. so this showed that box on it and i see. and that on, in the spiritual dean to, you know, it has this is by letter to dice. and they wouldn't want to have the size of it, but they're gonna live. and certain farmer says that often are easy. i think the kind of solution that bucks on it is trying to bent at, on hard on thinking that the way they submitted 10 bundles efforts probably in the state of it on would want to have a garden in addition, spent focused on because in the past we kind of have, you know, harvard corporate board of commissions, but it says the print and the rest issue and also in the central issue and also with the customer, wants to sound as well to part time. would like to have a friendly neighborhood and would like to have, uh, uh, you know, tires. it does the countries as of a little, uh, and dies,
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as of who would want to have some of the information. but bucks not without the iranian embassy here in moscow. ambassadors from nations all around the world have been visiting to offer that condolences with their wrongs. and boy, hosting the event because the child is to discuss with him to the future of a rounds foreign policy, as well as the ongoing impact of western such a living is that more of a in the hall? this is what we do know so far is that the tragedy was caused by bad weather. some people said that the sanctions and lack of equipment where the cause of the tragedy, but i don't know whether it was the case in most cases. sanctions play a bad role sanctions imposed on us or in humane actions by the west. you saw that during the covered pandemic. it was the sanctions that prevented us from using our funds to buy equipment or vaccines. so you cannot ignore the impact of sanctions, but i don't know to what extent this incident was caused by sanctions. it was a great tragedy for the uranium people in our government as both the foreign minister and the president died. but regarding the foreign policy, there will be no changes. iranian foreign policy is stable things to be an under
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the guidance of the supreme leader. when it comes to our closest allies, such as russia, we will continue and further strengthen our friendship and continue to implement the bilateral agreements and projects. we will continue to develop our partnerships in bricks and the shanghai cooperation organization, as well as in the u. n. we believe cooperation with russia is significant for our country. we will continue to cooperate with china, india, and all our neighbors. the exception is for the countries acting aggressively against us. you know that we don't recognize and have no relations with the zionist regime. we also regret to see that the us for the last 45 years committed the largest number of crimes against the running and people and the government. but except these 2 countries, we have very good relations with everyone else in the world. so it did, you know, the king of buffalo rain has arrived here and must go with the invitation of president vladimir putin. i mean, how much been east that i'll,
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how lisa was meant by the deputy foreign minister and a russian on a god. it is by and landed the name of the visits to discuss further federal ties and the latest international developments last week of the arab summit bucket. i. instead i will it open the analysis design to enhance cooperation with the russian federation. and the next stop with the king's tow will take him to beijing. so the arrow timing's cooperation for him. well, russian, the forces have regained control over the town of cache. a guy that's the city of trouble and it's on that square public. last year the town was taken by ukrainian troops says i, one of the main gains of so called counter offensive. and the last few months of a russian troops advancing in several areas across the front, the dentist's republic keeps forces were pushed back from the regional capital as well as from around the town of chest of yacht. this month, the russian forces lower than the friendship and the article for region to basically establish a buffer zone around as belgrade border region that has been coming under repeated
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ukrainian shelling a more from the region with this. it's a all these steve sweeney picking up the story. we've just received confirmation from the russian ministry of defense of the latest advances in the don't yet square public. russian troops are taking control over the settlement. of course you have this cable, a heavy price to you, crating it on forces around $1000.00 men. what last of the last 24 hours? that's a total wounded and uh, i don't have minutes u haul barrels, so has grown up in flames. now these come soon off the rushing neighbor, i said, the village of a boston, of course, this was tim bold cuz the only real dying of the ukrainian filed counter offensive the and it comes a time when the ukrainian government has implemented these, this new mobilization, which was as close, many, many, to flee the country rather than face life on the front lines, which is proving very difficult for the crating anomaly at this stage of growth and
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all calls the russian treats that are trusting communities, defensive lines like a knife through butter with very serious questions being also, of course, this is supposed to be a heavy, every 45, every and i, russian president vladimir putin. the said at this stage that there are no plans to take control of how the game is ready to create a buffers. i'm going to provide some welcome relief for the people of belgrade, which is coming under a sustained and constant ukrainian a top but this is also you international washington is trying to control the narrative of last week's assassination attempt on the slow by prime minister by pushing the lone wolf story, that's the play being made by russian intelligence. it is notable the us and it's your penalized offices simply trying to impose the version of a loan that betrayed to dissatisfied with a decline in the level of democracy. in slovakia, according to information available to the russian for intelligent service,
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american government agencies already seeking to join the investigation in order to steer it in the right direction. the very goal is to exclude promotion of the topic of political terrorism in europe and the robot, a potential external trace to the terrorist attack for us as intelligence as saying that basically the success nation that time shows bought the west will resort to when they fail to maintain their hedge and will need through civilized methods, they're calling that political terror attack against an opponents. now we know that robert sweetser's, one of the most pro russian politicians in europe. his re, election in 2023 was largely based on a platform of all promises to and military support to ukraine and also to veto ukraine's nato emissions. so, and then all of a sudden when does the association that something happened? everyone jumped the gun. excuse me, for the pun. there. jumped the gun to say that basically this was definitely a loan will for a situation while we're hearing this lone wolf narrative from western sources. but
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the slovak leadership has completely rejected that. what is their stance and the system yet? now? they're rejected about originally when this happened or said, oh no, no, no, this is a low, involve situation. yes, it's politically motivated, but he was acting alone and they made that conclusion without even having their information. because now we know they attack up and on wednesday, and they only miners to search the perpetrators home on sundays. so 2 days after the attack and why apparently there was this was due to delays in processing the arrest, the search warrant issued by the judge, the prime minister as charles, and you say 2 days to process a search warrant for the pro, for trade us something sounds off here and meanwhile, by the time they've gone to his house, guess what happened somehow all of his, all i'm history on his computer was a rice. he was at home, his wife says she didn't do it. so who did it? let's just more research it today. what do you mean? maybe 2 hours after the crime scene?
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someone deleted the perpetrators, entire history of communication on facebook, and it wasn't deleted by him. even his wife didn't do it or you just told me i could also explain to you there's been some assistance hearing covering. here's the suspects tracks. it means that the policy act suit for the benefit of the suspect plus there are other clues that say that the facts of wednesdays tech they've been discussing a wide, a circle. sort of this is shocking that i showed to the wrong. so when they were asked the defense, then this turned it up. it's a prime minister, how this was allowed to happen. why did it take 2 days? they say they can comments on the situation. there are 2 points in the finger at someone else and all you need to ask the police all you need to ask the judge what happened? so it's really, it's very strange and also to add to that the general prosecutor has said that he doesn't. so uh, basically that will be looking at re qualifying this as a terrorist act. once they gather all the information, which is what they should have done, gather all the information 1st and then say whether it was, it was not alone will situation. this is what's really bizarre and the situation football, gary, and presidents come out with
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a statement saying that the media is to blame for what happened in slovakia. can you take us through the sort of argument that's emerged along these lines? lot of i face those allies mainly in particular, we're focusing on what was happening in the media in the country and in general in europe. this hate rhetoric for the bulgarian presidents felt that are quite clearly . he said, it's unacceptable to continue push on this narrative that the only solution to the conflict a new crane is to continue the war until russia is defeated. he says, 1st of all, as to you know, that sound going to happen. and 2nd of all, it's impossible, and 2nd of all, if you continue pushing that narrative, then of course this will lead to more hate less listen. the attempted assassination of european prime minister by radicalized fanatic because of his support for peace indicates this ingrained intolerance of descent. and hatred, many politicians, parties and media have contributed to this by portraying every differing voice as
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pro russian, which is extremely unfair and leads to these negative consequences over as level of care the problem. and it has now resumed its activities on tuesday. and actually they started by approved them in the government, let a resolution condemning the attack of course, and also call in on several organizations and media in the country can to continue promoting hates and this hates our rhetoric. so we'll see what will happen. but also they're continuing his policies, basically they're saying that they're moving forward and working in the direction that was said by robert feed so, so the master plan behind the soul has failed. let's try to learn more of this right now. of course you live through laurie johnson, a former c i list on book associate c e o joining us. what about a quarter past 3 in the afternoon just south of town put in florida. 5 great to get you on the show, but what a story this is, you know, because it's not, it's not, i don't know, some official or one top guy here. all they're saying this is
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a russian intelligence that is now saying that washington is trying to odd to push this line of a lone wolf narrative. but why would russian intelligence even say that larry? well, because i think they have good intelligence to point out that this individual was not acting on his own. he didn't just wake up that morning and say, you know, let me grab my gun and i'd take him to go try to shoot a feat. so of you know, if he was in contact with somebody who either encouraged him or facilitated this in some form or fashion or someone or a group of some ones. yeah, that's why what so odd is that the social media accounts could immediately erased or race after he's in custody. and his wife is in custody as well. so neither of them could have done it. of the other aspect is you don't get to get ahold of a cell phone cuz the,
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the cell phones have enormous capability to track both movements as well as the identified people that he was talking to communicating with. yeah, so you've got all that as background. i get, i don't think that this was just some disgruntled of political activists who decided on his own to do unfortunately, he wasn't well try not because of that, just at that distance with that kind of firearm. he should've been able to do a lot more damage. so it does. it's a blessing that he gets it. yeah, yeah. i think you may soon make some really good points that laurie i want to, i want to draw it out to be brought up because considering it, you know, your background with the cia it's, it's good to get you on the show to talk about this because i saw a reports unconfirmed on know, and i saw reports that was circulating at the same time the the attempted assassination attempt was made on faith. so i saw reports that hungary is evict to ottoman, and sophia's alexander village church had been warned that they might be hits
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planned against them as well. i was informed that both picked the order button and i was just on a boot. just went into some kind of extra security detail. they put me, they boosted the security details. now that's hungry. that serbia then you have feet. so all the stuff out here. and he's a 3 countries right now that it basically ends the west when it comes to the ongoing conflict in ukraine, that basically the new world order w h o w d f, or these 3 guys, i mean, do you think they are they being targeted now do you see any credence what i just said to you? yes, no, no, i think guys, i think they're absolutely being targeted by intelligence agencies, whether whether or not it's for assassination purposes. there's the essentially being targeted to crew to create and fun, political opposition to them to try to undermine them, to try to just credit them to try to smear that box. because there are there, they're really the, the 3 flies in the ointment against the united states. policy of trying to
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defeat russia had to use ukraine as a spring board to do that. uh that policy starting to fall apart. and you know what? it's not just now slovakia hungry and serbia. but also what you're seeing now is with the recognition of israel by 3 of the other european states, at least norway, spain, and then ireland. ah, so you start to see this whole european nato thing started a come a part. yeah. and it with, with and that kind of situation of the west gets desperate. there's a sense of desperation and panic right now among western leaders. yeah. you know, it's funny to mentioned hungry and so be on slip accurate because, you know, the president g of china was in europe just about a week or so ago. didn't sign any deals with frogs or germany, but signed a massive deals with hungry serbia and split back a china is going to make these little european countries into industrial power houses. i mean,
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you see the chest piece is being moved on the global geo political chest for the meantime. some people are saying, look, you know, if these are potential deep, deep state assassinations. is that where we've gotten to now because they've been with a larry, what is the attention span of the average audience today? you know, when you look at the north stream sabotage, how long would people pissed off about that for how long a few hours a few days. so it's not, you know, maybe the deep state now understands. we can take out these guys because people get over it so quickly that they, they felt the memories of a gold fish these days, the public. yeah. yeah, yeah, no, i have to, it's like the all assignments generation in terms of memory. very quickly. forget or never, never can remember. but i think what we're going to see going forward over the next 234 years. that is not just going to be these kinds of attacks against countries like hungry slovakia, serbia. but any body that's associated with brakes, uh,
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with the brazil, russia, india, china, south africa conglomeration because now, no, they're adding a rod, they're adding a lot of other countries that are starting to gather into this. this represents a, an x, a central thread to the us controlled international financial order. yeah. and they're not gonna let it go the passively, they're gonna fight back. they're going to try to sabotage. we can do everything in their power to run covert actions to so this unity to create, to create as much chaos as they can think. because right now that's the only real power the united states has, is using this dollar to course and control other countries. yeah, meantime more and more countries are stepping back and retreating from the us dollar. you mentioned the brakes and fair play, t lowery. i mean the brakes are already just a few percentage points bigger and g d p collective g d p. then you'll usual g 7 players and now it's iran,
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u a e. saudi arabia joining briggs. these are the energy players of the well, it's almost like bricks now has put a canopy over the energy costs out of the world. the implications are enormous. that large johnson is a former c i analyst, and both associate c o, joining us from the sunshine state live on how to use. thanks so much larry, looking forward to seeing you soon. all right, roy y, as in pleasure, caesar. so while i've done it yet and try to hold colton badging last month, that potentially have strategy didn't work out too well. now the us treasury secretary is switching it up. oh, j. america's european allies to unite and confront against china is industrial advantage. a try mission, just drilled policy may seem remote as we sit here in this room. but if we do not respond strategically and in the united way,
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the viability of businesses in both or countries and around the world could be at risk when it comes, as no surprise drove by an imposing new tire of selling chinese electric vehicles, basically doubling that price tag states, side list goes on, including solar panels, steel, minium medical equipment, the white house size, china is capacity hits the bottom line of american companies and considered it therefore on fab. that's not all. washington is targeted aging over its tides. with most sco suggesting that china was supporting rosters defense industry. therefore, america swapping a wide array of sanctions on a number of chinese companies with their alleged cooperation with most of you can have china on the one hand professing to see better relations with countries in europe. while on the other hand, fueling the greater security threat to europe since the end of the cold war, what we've done and what we need to continue to do one is we want a section more than a 100 chinese entities that we've identified,
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that we're engaged in providing dual use um products. uh other things that on sanctions list, we will continue to do that and we're working to coordinate our efforts with european and other partners who are also aggrieved. in fact, in many ways, even more great by this practice because a direct threat to them. so we were discussing this earlier with nelson wong from the shanghai send up a ring back and international studies. he simply says he's not buying what blinking is something i think the, the response from the white house is kind of expected. but uh, it basically shows that these american politicians, all the white house, people being the white house, a basically lots this sense is and these accusations of china for it's over capacity is totally upset because there is, uh, uh for electric vehicles. there is a parent play,
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a big shortage of electric vehicles worldwide and china's capacity um production capacity is good. it is actually a good news for the rest of the. well, it's actually the us and europe and the your pin countries. they are lagging behind in this sector. so it is more of a exercising trade protectionism, rather than you know, trade capacity of china. this is totally wrong. people with sensors will realize what the real reason behind all of this. and the us is also itself a, giving out subsidies to its own company is in the semi conductor industry. and in the electric vehicle industry as well, why out of the blue when it comes to china, the us subsidies becomes strategic strategic importance. whereas when
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china produces its cars, it becomes a threat. so this is not fair trade. they are working against the rules based or perhaps i think it's time we sure to remind our friends and counterparts in the west that uh what about the rules based all to a win win all around? that's why jerry is hailing new investment agreements with china, saying that have the potential to unlock the content. we need the age of up the sustainable path to success. is it 2 way street? we show you that your investment is safe in our country. once you succeeded, hey, i know your reputation in other countries will be further strengthened. the door is open for partnership and partnership that will add value to both sides. i'm happy
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that you're partnering nigeria in so many ways. well, let's areas out just looking at both sides of badging last month, negotiations began with russia to revive a vast steel mail project, which was seen as paper told to maintaining the west african states industrialization over the coming years. while back in march, the foreign ministers of the 2 countries met here at moscow with so great off or off for claiming nigeria, a priority popping up for russia on the african continent. we got local reaction in nigeria to these partnership, of course, and i asked myself, do we have on infrastructure like different seats? yes. do we need help? yes. so i think that what is more important is getting to show as much as possible. and we're also looking at ways to maximize for the development of funds. so signing off with russia and china, i think it's the way to, to go make or agencies as evey will of what she needs you to read to us the new
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rates developing. and then i think you to work on developing needs also. roger, i, you know, a ballpark another week i'm russia and china. i knew only just boy city fox about you guys so much on the phone. i do got some gain economy coming from this country's. i dont know from the west shelf for one, you know, isn't one of the largest armoire exports. all of us on septic, on what it is like 2 weeks. so in that sense, so me to partnership between 2 countries and on my benefits. and i do value times of little gets in developing the china on the west. yeah, i don't situation right. i received that. these 2 countries ask for me, they will find out why they have, you know, different companies who as long as they do well, meantime, quite a few african countries looking to join the bricks. finally, by the way, that that includes algeria, egypt to ethiopia, and send the goal. meantime, one of the 20 countries wants to join to practice 5. it looks like we are looking at
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a new new world order is c as automating. the the. hi everybody. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. and this is what we're going to be talking about in need to be able to stop these russian attacks that are coming from bases inside russia. so i think there's also a question of whether we the united states and our allies, or to give them more help in hitting russian basis, which here to, for, we've not been willing to do there you go bomb russia. so says victoria, new. and if you think that suggestion to bomb russia, sounds crazy. wait till you hear what else? victoria newland had to say. i'm going to play it for you. i'm rick sanchez. let's


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