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tv   News  RT  May 22, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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of the address here kills the air, and the capitals have on has their water and submit a final farewell to their late president, iranians. mon, that long stops of the nations president, it's killed in a helicopter crash. over the weekend, a funeral procession. it brings out tens of thousands of onto the streets of several parts and forces re take full control of the town of the shaft code that's in the public. they continue to advance across the front block and crying loan goals as must go with you as washington of pushing the narrative too hard, that no one else was involved in last week's assassination at the time on the slope on 5 minutes. the
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story with a lot of updates on developments to your top. busy worries, let's get into it here, right now, it's all to the international by, from the have a look at these pictures will show you was a terminal and basically brought to a standstill. is how many thousands packed the iranian capital to mock the passing of the countries the president was killed along with other senior officials and a helicopter crash on sunday. crowds of, of pucks into musk send the streets to pray for the victims. officials from dozens of countries, i've also been attending the various funeral events. it runs supreme leader, i had told her, come in the lead prior to the funeral for the judge showing him hugging the grandchildren of the late president and expressing his condolences to the rest and foreign minister as well. paying is respects, there is so get off or off. i visiting the iranian embassy in moscow to sign a book of condolence or the russian state duma. speak of the after slot velocity and travel to tear on for the funeral service. the prime ministers from pakistan
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and there ross, along with a genius tons, presidents were old in attendance as our correspondent now reports from the se in his all to use use of july, a sondra office here fills the air and the capitals as long as erewhon and bid a final farewell to their late president and his companions, which tragically lost their wives and a fatal. we'll have a top the crash and northwest they want on sundays. thousands of foreigners have gathered at the university of denver on an out on the swedes to participate in the funeral service of president e. c. that will involve carrying the coffins all the way to the bodies square around 5 kilometers away ahead of the sort. i'm only one supreme leader i to law harmony unit, a congregational prayer. i'd be university of the one in honor of the deceased president and his entourage, which included foreign minister who's saying i mean of the young horse following this funeral into one on thursday. the late president will be put to rest in the
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northeastern city of mashhad, which is his home town, and the size of a mob resolves, holy shine. where, where you see once served as the custodian, the custodian of the holy shrine. okay? mom result where you see was known for his waiver and commitment to bolstering as long as they can. amik resilience through leveraging domestic resources and diversifying toys. partnerships beyond the confines of the western influence, and still a sense of self assurance in their warranty and strongly that all the wants does not hold the elixir for as long as they can amik challenges. despite the absence of european tech companies and iran, racy inspired confidence that the country code progress using its own resources on support from like minded nations, including venezuela and cuba. he used to say this frequently that the world is not
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limited to the wives. he also automated size with longstanding partners such as china and marshall something which allies perfectly what his vision of last spring a multiple or was order encountering western pressure aimed at isolating these limits republic on the world's space. so indeed, where he sees global impact is unmistakable, which can be easily witnessed and the out touring of condolences from world leaders across the world who have expressed solidarity of sympathy with one during this period of morning. we see that the un security council page review it with a minute of silence, while numerous countries declared on national days of morning and lord, the flags to half mast embassies, the chairman of the state duma. refresher and pack a 75 minutes or shift boss, or you are expected to attend a seminar memorial service later in the day and to have on
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a monday russian president vladimir pulled me, conveyed his heart failed condolences, but it was interim president. well, how much more bear the line up for the upcoming transitional presidential election remains on surfing, but the vice president must bear who serves as acting presidents in accordance with the constitution headset, june 28th as the election day, which are with canada, of course registration, starting from may 30th to june. 3rd, so the nation says at a pivotal juncture, now as it prepares to talk to a new horse and the port for you sierra will earlier be discussed. the death of president tracy with the director general of the stone. i've gotten his the on youth for him. you talked about basically what comes next as a ron unpack of starting have a vested interest to boost that bi lateral. hey, see what the president will but have certainly related to somebody, but also i took it out to you and i didn't send you a good photo in there as much. so this showed that box on it and i see. and that on,
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in the stage when dean, do you know, it has these by letter j dice and they wouldn't want to have the size of it. my daughter lives in certain farmer says that often are easy. i think the kind of sort of mission that box on is trying to measurement at on hard on thinking so that the ac made him. but those efforts probably into the state of that i would want to have a garden in addition to that focus on because in the past we kind of have, you know, carpet parking for the nations be better since that are different friends in the rest issue. and also in the central issue and also with the gospel want and as well to part time would like to have a friendly neighborhood. and wouldn't like to have a uh, you know, ties, it does the countries as needed and dies, as of who would want to have some of the international big bucks on. well,
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i think it wrong and never say here in moscow, i busted us from nations around the world have been visiting to offer that condolences surrounds and boy hosting the event that we called the challenges to discuss with him the future of their rounds foreign policy. but also that have the impact of ongoing western science. a limited demo today and hard to say what we do know so far is that the tragedy was caused by bad weather. some people said that the sanctions and lack of equipment were the cause of the tragedy. but i don't know whether it was the case in most cases. sanctions play a bad role. sanctions imposed on us or in humane actions by the west. you saw that during the covered pandemic. it was the sanctions that prevented us from using our funds to buy equipment or vaccines. so you cannot ignore the impact of sanctions. but i don't know to what extent this incident was caused by sanctions. it was a great tragedy for the uranium people in our government as both the foreign minister and the president died. but regarding the foreign policy, there will be no changes. iranian foreign policy is stable thanks to being under the guidance of the supreme leader. when it comes to our closest allies,
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such as russia, we will continue and further strengthen our friendship and continue to implement the bilateral agreements and projects. we will continue to develop our partnerships in bricks and the shanghai cooperation organization, as well as in the u. n. we believe cooperation with russia, it is significant for our country. we will continue to cooperate with china, india, and all our neighbors. the exception is for the countries acting aggressively against us. you know that we don't recognize and have no relations with the zionist regime. we also regret to see that the us for the last 45 years committed the largest number of crimes against the running and people and the government. but except these 2 countries, we have very good relations with everyone else in the world. the bodies, you're the king, all boxed right. and has arrived here at moscow at the invitation. all presidents item in his majesty, if somebody have been so highly, if it was i meant by the deputy foreign minister and the russian on
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a god as his plane landed at the end of the visit to discuss bilateral ties and latest global developments. last week of the arab summit, buffering, it's a site that it's designed to boost cooperation with russia to the next step of the king's tour. taking him straight to beijing for the arab chinese cooperation for the russian forces of every day and control over the town of to shave, cut. that's under the city of out of trouble in the gwinnett school public. last year at the town was taken by ukrainian troops as one of the main achievements of the so called counsel or offensive of the last few months have seen russian troops advancing in several areas across that front and the don't. actual public key of forces were pushed back from the regional capital, as well as from around the town of chest off yard. this month, the russian forces, lowest and defensive in the heart of golf region to establish a buffer zone around its belgrade border area. that's come on the repeated ukrainian showing, as we'll learn more now with our corresponding his oddities. steve swim. we've just
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received confirmation from the russian ministry of defense of the latest advances in the don't yet square public. russian troops are taking control over the settlement of could shift this cable, a heavy price to ukrainian on forces around $1000.00 men when last of the last 24 hours. that's a total wounded and also admitted to u haul buroso has gone up in flames. now this come soon off the rushing neighbor, i said, the village of or a boston, of course, this was simple. they cuz the only real guy, you know, the ukrainian filed counts through offensive the and it comes a time when the, the ukrainian government has implemented these, this new mobilization which is as close, many, many, to flee the country rather than face life on the front lines which is proving very difficult for the crating anomaly at this stage of growth in haul calls the russian cheeks that are trusting to utilize defensive lines like a knife through,
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bought it with very serious questions being also of course, this is supposed to be a heavy every 45, every and i, russian president vladimir putin to the side of the stage that they're on no punts and take control of hulk of the item is ready to create a buffers and to provide some welcome relief for the people of belgrade, which is coming under a sustained and constant ukrainian, a top of the bottles continue raging across parts of the front line on both sides of coal was naturally have captured each other's troops. however, now, as moscow has offered to release $500.00 ukrainian, p o w is the key of in an exchange ukraine. i selected just 138 as candidates to be brought back on the list of prisoners included that full names and dates of us and was 1st published by all to use editor in chief on his telegram channel. according to margarita, some money on t f has been refusing to exchange them for full months and only so i think just
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over $3.00 dozen, the swap with moscow, margarita noticed that these are $38.00 p o w is are from the as off, but tally and then all the neo nazi formations of the ukranian army, as we discussed this turn of events with independent doctor john, this is sonya offended. and she said, considering ukraine's lock of mind power, she adds actions make no sense. it shows that actually i also tell you it's very important for a salon skimming. i mean, they all say ok, there are nothing new in that season, you know, but they are, i know this. i was desolate. so they are very important for the regime and the other people apparently now, but you know, this is very strange because we all know that you create a new ukraine is lacking soldiers. so i cannot understand if you release your p o w 's and you treat them, maybe some of them were injured or not, i suppose not because they were fairly quick changes in the russia. i know that so
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it's, it's strange and it's like if they don't want them back, i mean, why do you don't want your soul these big? what are they afraid? or maybe we don't know everything. maybe the soldiers wants to stay in russia. this is also what i heard, that was in long skin, january as best as vocational soldiers who were captain. but they were all of us and they don't want to go back because they are very poorly trained tents in ukraine. and you know, they go to the front lines barely any training. so maybe that is the case with the other civil doors. it doesn't make any sense. only makes this one. it's could be in p r solved as well. you know, but he doesn't want them back. and he's saying all the time in the press or, you know, we don't have enough soldiers and we need to do something and they can do something now. but this is not going to happen. washington is trying to control the narrative of last week's assassination attempt on the slow that prime minister by
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pushing the loan will story. that's the claim being made by russian intelligence. it is notable the us and it's your penalized offices simply trying to impose the version of a loan that betrayed to dissatisfied with the decline in the level of democracy in slovakia, according to information available to the russian for intelligent service, american government agencies already seeking to join the investigation in order to steer it in the right direction. the very goal is to exclude promotion of the topic of political terrorism in europe and the robot, a potential external trace to the terrorist attack of us as intelligence is saying that basically the success nation that time shows bought the west will resort to when they fail to maintain their hedge and monday through cit. busy lies methods, they're calling that a political terror attack against an opponents. now we know that robert sweetser's, one of the most pro russian politicians in europe. his re,
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election in 2023 was largely based on a platform of all promises to and military support to ukraine and also to veto ukraine's nato emissions. so, and then all of a sudden, when does this, this nation that time happen? everyone jumped the gun, excuse me, for the pun. there. jumped the gun to say that basically this was definitely alone will for a situation while we're hearing this lone wolf narrative from western sources. but the slovak leadership has completely rejected that. what is their stance? and the system yet now they're rejected about originally when this happened. there was and oh no, no, no, this is a low involve situation. yes, it's politically motivated, but he was acting alone and they made that conclusion without even having their information. because now we know they attack up and on wednesday, and they only miners to search the perpetrators home on sundays. so 2 days after the attack and why apparently there was this was due to delays in processing the arrest, the search warrant issued by the judge, the prime minister as charles,
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and you say 2 days to process a search warrant for the perpetrators. something sounds off here and meanwhile, by the time they've gone to his house, guess what happened? somehow of his own line history on his computer was a race he was at home. his wife says she didn't do it. so who did it? let's just move jimmy solution today. what do you mean? maybe 2 hours after the crime scene? someone deleted the perpetrators, entire history of communication on facebook, and it wasn't deleted by him. even his wife didn't do it. what do you of the chaos the stacy has been some assistance here and covering who is the suspects tracks. it means that the policy act suit for the benefit of the suspect plus there are other clues that say that the facts of wednesday's attack, they've been discussing a wide, a circle. sort of, this is shocking that i showed up with this quote. let me know when they were asked the 5 spend the spend up, it's a prime minister. how this was allowed to happen. why did it take 2 days? they say they can comments on the situation. there are 2 points in the finger at someone else and all you need to ask the police or you need to ask the judge what
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happened? so it's really, it's very strange and also to add to that the general prosecutor has said that he doesn't. so uh, basically that will be looking at re qualifying this as a terrorist act. once they gather all of the information, which is what they should have done, gather all the information 1st and then say whether it was, it was not alone will situation. this is what's really bizarre in this situation. what about gary and presidents come out with a statement saying that the media is to blame for what happened in slovakia? can you take us through the sort of argument that's emerged along these lines? lot of i think those allies, mainly in particular were focusing on what was happening in the media in the country and in general in europe. this hate rhetoric possible, gary and presidents felt that are quite clear and he said it's unacceptable to continue push on this narrative that the only solution to the conflict in ukraine is to continue the war until russia is defeated. he says, 1st of all, you know, that's all going to happen, and 2nd of all, it's impossible. and 2nd of all,
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if you continue pushing that narrative, then of course this will lead to more hate. let's listen. the attempted assassination of european prime minister by radicalized fanatic because of his support for peace indicates this ingrained intolerance of descent and hatred. many politicians parties and media have contributed to this by portraying every differing voice as pro russian, which is extremely unfair and leads to these negative cons requests as well over a slovak of the parliament has now resumed that 6 of it sees on tuesday. and actually they started by proving the government, let a resolution condemning the attack of course, and also call in on several organizations and media in the country can to continue promoting hates and this hates our rhetoric. so we'll see what will happen, but also they're continuing his policies. basically they're saying that they're moving forward and working in the direction that was said by robert feed so. so the
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master plan behind the sol has failed. i was discussing this with other in the show with the full by c, i, a analysts, laurie johnson, he had strong words. he believes feet, so was targeted by western plas, this individual was not acting on his own. he didn't just wake up that morning and say, you know, let me grab my gun and i think i'm gonna go try to shoot feet. so i think they're absolutely being targeted by intelligence agencies, whether whether or not it's for assassination purposes. there's the essentially being targeted to accept the crew to create and fun, political opposition to them to try to undermine them, to try to just credit them to try to smear them. because they're, they're, they're really the 3 flies in the oil against the united states policy of trying to defeat russia and to use ukraine as a spring board to do that. uh, that policy is starting to fall apart. and you know what's,
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it's not just mail slovakia hungry and you know, serve you. but also what you're seeing now is with the recognition why 3 of the other european states at least norway, spain, and then ireland. so you start to see this whole european nato thing started a come apart and, and it was when and that kind of situation of the west gets desperate. there's a sense of desperation and panic. right now, i'm on a western leaders, kenya is president, is on an official visit to washington. it comes in a deep divisions at home of his plans to send troops to the caribbean island nation of stacy, of correspondent kingdom up and picking up the store. now the president of kenya is expected to shake a lot of hands do a lot of photo ops, a typical diplomatic visit. however, underlying it all will be the recent announcement. the tanya is leading a number of african countries to send police forces into haiti. now the added
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states doesn't want to get directly involved, it wouldn't be a good luck internationally. so instead we have a number of an african countries that are aligned with the united states that are moving in, antonio's taking the li view of the disease. some of the points in republic, essentially guiding, how can you should be able to carry out this deployment. and we, in the process of government is in the process of finalizing a prepress soon to deploy a. now kenya is adamant. this isn't any legal invasion or occupation of haiti. this is simply an intervention done at the request of the haitian government, the very same haitian government that the people of the country are currently rioting. and rebelling against the
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very 1st must be made by a democratically elected president of the requesting goods. doesn't have a president seeing the keeping of another boys in, in july 2021 this summer. pray minutes. all righty. i'll be watching these designs . other time did not of those powers under the constitutional rights. i'm therefore, making the home. it is typical agreement, another 2 from the very beginning. now the visit comes as the united states is currently losing ground on the african con man to recent, gallup poll shows that africans have a far less favorable view of the united states compared to other major countries and superpower. now, it's important to note that there is a number of african countries that recently after the united states and its forces to pack up and leave. there hasn't been an official visit to the united states from an african leaders since 2009. it's been roughly 15 years since ron copper. i'm gonna add the red carpet rolled out for him by us president george
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w bush present biden's foreign policy. it has been a disaster and every confidence in africa is no exception. while the russians and chinese are working overtime to all see us from a region that will soon be home to a puerto of the earth, population divided ministration continues to fumble the ball. and we can our nation strategic interest with our african partners that present rudo is also facing problems back in kenya in 2023. the country experience rioting as food and fuel prices were skyrocketing, is also got rising national debts. now he's expected to address the us chamber of commerce and make clear that kenya, his homeland is a prime spot for investment. news of the trip back home has been overshadowed by rising anger of about potential tax hikes, as well as corruption and feelings that the government response to flooding the killed a $160.00 people was mismanage. some are less than thrilled about the prospect of
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canyon involvement in a hate to even the vacation that they have to say to i saw on the bush and by you know, the vehicle is the zip the where the, the kind of the slogan domain is looking at is the, the interest of the people in the security on the utilization, the risk agreement, but the existing and the reason of the thoughts when once i saw this deployment of getting a policeman straight away, i cannot do the upstairs. that's a bad feeling. the season,
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that is why the invited to it's no secret that africa is drifting closer to russia and china as the world moves toward multi polarity. however, routes. so it seems like the kind of leader who is trying to hold onto that old setup, and joe biden has no problem giving him a rainbow tour. what remains to be seen is amid all the lights and handshakes, how well american mainstream media will be able to obscure the reality of what's happening on the ground in haiti. and back in africa, failed mauppin archie, new york. now it's being 12 long years searching for justice for a young woman named agnes at one due to she was allegedly voted by british soldiers in kenya. and now the nation cycle to set a date of july, the 10th to hear the prosecutions arguments. 2012, but 21 year old mother was sexually assaulted before her body was found in
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a septic tank. can central kenya last time, shaping st. before that she was accompanied by british men from a nearby military base, despite and additional investigation where a judge found british troops well behind the murder. the process was sold until 2023. we heard from her lawyer revealed the details of the case. when you back and then you'll be getting a document on the, on range these are that the leaves where named in, i mean grass rejected be contacted by the disney junior news. something is really right. so yeah, it sounds good. uh this is uh do you, what do you again the do you have the finance manager even. ready no,
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i do most of the hospice. yeah. be no, i just find them being new to buy a new on best buy and then find out a new guy. yeah. to try and do more. they usually did. well, apparently that's not all the british army has been accused of london has admitted to using white fox for us rounds and a number of manslaughter. and the rape case is still under investigation. you k as off with money and they meet with some of the victims, but it's not admitted to most of the crimes all have been held, its troops accountable at the canyon, the high quote and for good once again told us more we have had 0 vote please model each including that is where was the way off by the end of this month. and then
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the both the and also to be more things for me to raise the addition to information in the office to the goals. which was the now be awesome. that story, wrapping up this life will cost from moscow of course thought to international role resume shape from the time youth team here. thanks for joining us. rebecca. be helping me out with more of your the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, after the end of world war 2, the national liberation movement, it'd be an intensified dramatically, haven't driven away the japanese occupiers to vietnamese patriots by no means wanted the return of the former french colonizers. but brands did not want to lose the rich colony and decided to beat the opposition by board. in december 1946, a full scale war broke out. the v, i mean they 3 arctic organization led by whole g man inflicted heavy losses on the french. the invaders were in rates, according to western historians, up to 250000 lives of peaceful v, and these were on their contents. the colonialist widely used the practice of mass rape of b, and these women as revenge on the gorilla. in 1947,
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the french destroyed the village of nights, rock murdering 170 women, and 157 children. however, terror did not help. in 1954, the vietnamese defeated the french army and the decisive battle of gen, being food. almost $12000.00 french soldiers and officers, including the commander general of the categories. and his command staff were captured, the configuration of a huge garrison at a demoralizing effect in europe. the french lat vietnam. but they were replaced by even more violent and much stronger invaders. the american hard times were awaiting vietnam again the line, scott bennett, i'm a former united states army psychological warfare officer and he served in the


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