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tv   Documentary  RT  May 22, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EDT

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of the the well, interestingly enough that was one of the most valuable things that i wanted to do was question, shall we say these ukrainian prisoners? because i wanted to get inside their minds. i wanted to disentangle the strings that tied them up in knots that enabled and animated their actions. what was their decision making process? what were their biases, their prejudices? what was their psychological profile? i wanted to study them in very deep detailed ways. i am an american i see army officer and i've come to ukraine to try and understand and taking the understanding back to americans about what has been happening here. so i'm very glad that you will sit down and talk with me,
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and i'm very glad that you speak english because my russian is that good. i'm a surgeon to pull the regiment as old. i live combo a girl, a multi girl, or i'm want somebody to read over a joint. as of my name is denied jig. my sony is conscious and my goal sign was that i had. and what i found with the 1st prisoner who was a very bright historian, economic minded individual, was essentially no one in ukraine really wanted to fight. they were pushed into what they were and grabbed off the street. they were captured by zalinski, they were threatened and they were so he didn't want to die. so he followed orders, but he'll have to pay the price for, for crimes. it may have been done in those orders. so he was, he was also a little naive because he said he had been told that the zalinski government had said, you know, america supports us. america allows us america, and i told them,
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no, that's wrong. the people in the united states of america have over from their congress and gotten rid of the democrats and the rhino who were pushing for this war. the american people do not support zelinski. the american people do not want to continue financing or providing weapons to ukraine. that's what to do on the transfer and what the fate of i see the vicious kept out of the ukrainian mind. so what we've seen is a pseudo pagan, brainwashing of ukrainians. that often is reinforced with tattoos of teutonic viking swastika bend there. a hero ideologies,
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and then that is amplified by drug inducement. the for the, for the, for the
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of the, the russian weapons i think are the best weapons on earth. i think they're wonderful weapons. my, my father always describe the a k 47 is the best rifle ever made. uh, they preferred those in vietnam. i'm partial to that to life. i've had an a k 47 personally, and i think it's a wonderful weapon that indoors, everything very powerful. and essentially cannot be exhausted and cannot be broken to school.
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the sure don't curious funny because i was a special operation soldier myself in the army and i see in their eyes the same discipline professionalism, stoicism, and i think they're also loved by the people in the civilian cities of, of russia, the mothers and fathers, the neighbors the,
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the general family of the russian people love their soldiers in uniform. gotta fix your last 4. yeah. so it's not quite as good without the both the the good for you, the whole fucking, i can fix them yet. what's going on with those of you all the time? were you the okay. i gotcha. okay. yeah. like it's amazingly quiet. there's no sound whatsoever. it's just
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a wind whisper this. you can't hear anything. and with an expert pilot like these guys just being able to control it it's, it's amazing what they can do and it's so small it can't be shot out of the ground . no one, no one can shoot at it. so i don't know any countermeasures other than uh, maybe m p or electronic or something like that, but. so that's a great technology weld on the get the credit score appraisal. it's to see a conflict, we should be able to get the uh, it didn't still uh show movie didn't fuck on and you bought it through a problem with the system. as soon as you started live, watch a lot. are link startling. although i saw somebody me and if you one on one and but someone at the deal, i watched them through the tool. i know if i had my manual,
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the positive of the student all steadily and more talk principally the one more thing is you have any but it's some of that approximately step or some steps that are you mean with gardner and that's all i be doing. yeah. i mean, it's on what's know much, you know, but the most i've seen us. oh my, my total of full such as look of course for the 1st it's a yeah. you know that about the god that i believe it should be. yeah. well, what's your solution? a new more look what metals at the moment you is ellen musk providing star link for these drones to be used against you can have some good. there's not going have stuff like that. so thought about that is so eel on mosque is providing star link, the technology to use these drones against the russian soldiers and kill russian soldiers. that's terrible. yeah. they're supposed to assume somebody in a human to them by suff. and these drones are bombing also civilians
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civilian targets schools fan. yes. my goodness. yeah, that's news to me because deal on mosque has been telling everybody in america, he's not providing starlight to ukrainian army you on mosque is providing star link capabilities to these drones. i'm thinking, well, he's told us in america he, oh, i'm not providing star link. that's a lie. and i get animated off because they're, they're desta creating my name and my country's name in your line to the american people telling them star links not being used to provide drones, drones or killing people. and then i see the high mars giving schools and, and kindergartens, and you're telling us all, hi mars are going to be used only for military taught targets. that's why the,
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where are you from? and why did you come to russia? i'm from south korea. so i'm sorry is so, and so yes. ok, how have your russian patriots, compatriots out, you know, soldiers and arms? how have they treated you and trained you actually the only, i guess the problem is only leg is yes. go to the good thing. the now i'm under training for jerome. no. our team speak english. uh huh. because the curriculum platform was also in english english. okay. yes. i no problem. yeah. yes. what other nationalities and people have you seen here? there is another base. he's from germany. germany. yes. also he thoroughly,
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i'm italian of columbia and columbia and spanish, spanish and south korea because i feel japanese japanese. yeah, yes, no, scotsman or irishman, i never see. oh man, that's a shame it's. well that's good to see. so there's a lot of different people that are coming up to help russia and told her how, how long do you think it's going to take before rush? it completely defeats you. great. i believe we finish with the next year. all of these troops and i spend time or square common in there, volunteering and they're volunteering for the purposes of finding fascism. because they'll realize this as a next, a central spiritual war between the side of light and the law in natural ness and god in the side of darkness demon, is them in every form of perversion and corruption? i think you'd see a lot of americans come to the side of russia as well. the
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and settling in for the night. the spartan military was made the old days in the american army, the right will. this would be the lord my strength which teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight. i shall give the tongue line enemies
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cannot gain say, nor resist. the lord is my shepherd. i shall not want. he leaves me besides the still waters. he said of the table before me in the presence of my enemies like cup run this over. surely goodness and mercy should fall on me all the days of my life . and i shall dwell in the house of the lord forever. i'm sure done that for friendship between america and russia, god bless the russian people. the russian states never as one of the most sense community best. nothing was all
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sense and the speed, the one else calls question about this, even though we will ben in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia to day and split the ortiz full neck. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the payment services for the question, did you say they requested the acceptance? and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do, do not watch my new show seriously. why watch something that's so different
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whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else work of it. please do have the state department c. i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do, don't want my shelves to stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction. but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the the
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strategies. there's yeah, those things you have to say on the site is configured. certain you start to do it's a visa of student out there and so he doesn't. yeah. that's what it is. my 1st name instead of them. yes. good. okay. what was that done for me? so that is because i'm going to say that because you're the, this is the, the, the, the, the, the
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the model, the phone, right? so that's all okay. so the, the with the movie clear the very moon to have catch nice stuff with that. the fellow that there was somebody with his or the oh okay. thank you. really easy and the
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really good part fat the or the nation to see if it's, if that that's true that may have gone see what i did see run that through what they just get towards it but also it. so i'll go to the one. yeah. that one does provide you with the
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so it's called a high to full battle gear. we're going to get rid of some interest at a time if i might lose the game here. since i know my name is we don't believe the very nice to each other stuff every one of us
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through, right? so the reason is not when you use all like, well, solar door was right on the front lines and you had mine's going off. that had been laid, you had constant barrage is of artillery fire. you had the ruins of uh, town and burnt out vehicles. we also found a lady that was living in solar dar, one of the last inhabitants who was for refusing to leave for home. and the ukrainians and you know, try the killer and target or, but the russians came to the rescue of salo door and she remain there. so she was a very interesting person that we had a conversation with. and she was standing strong and i think is emblematic of what all russian women are. they are fearless, they are standing to preserve their home. and they are not bowing
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to the, the fanaticism of fascist the ohio to hard to find if i make the children savage, lot of beautiful patawsee, i already to come up on the highest my assignment and then we should investigate or use my decision was reduced by can be and we should be go to the next door. pretty very device and i'm really trying to stomach, i can still bear with me you're, you're going to have to go for the bus. stop get around. would you guys be glad to know that there's to push the able to be stuck on the deductible, get your stuff or whatever that's i'm a deal later as well. i think the woman a solemn daughter who lives alone with her, a cat, sent her dogs in her memories in her home, packed with cushions,
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with the little mice that come through the broken windows. is both a story of sadness and a story of hope. that if i looked at the one with the so it's going to be in full body armor gear hustle and run. it takes me back banning but the devastation is horrendous. i haven't seen anything like this. we claim like the we've got sweats, not special forces covering our bags. no, no, no, no, no,
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no, no grievance, stuff on the truck or something for the one where we are with a wonderful staff and nurses and doctors of this medical facility taking care of the wounded soldiers and is an american veteran. i remember people we most love are the doctors and nurses because they're so invaluable. so feel free to slip boys flow of schneider again, is this devolve for the convoluted science of laws. got funding it for which was the one that was cuz you got the new video shortly. so blue book gives me just
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a little list. the name is going to invite you to go through the same design and just obviously the, the kind of answer is bullshit. if i'm yes, i'm booked all of the ones. i know this is the grandmother of law yet. that's the one place and he lives out. no. yeah, no, no. what was but she's the been lovely. no. yes, it almost smoke to the lowest the my phone is not just that it for me to someone with one that i moved it shouldn't be me in the snow. is this how it says off for that? i've as this which doesn't procedures for this house quote to ship some
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stuff sort of down to them financial was americans are not giving any more money or weapons to zalinski americans or against ukraine. we are on the side of russia. we are in our own revolution, but no more zalinski, no more ukraine level receive. i can only apologize for the american weapon that wounded you. i'm sorry, but it's corrupt governments and weapons makers that make money on the war. that's what this has been. me of the
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what country am i on? what's happened? the western society and we were supposed to be the liberators of the oppressed or supposed to be the captain america. right. going around with a shambles and helping people. and i discover when i've come here, we are a frankenstein monster. we've created a frankenstein monster and there's roaming the countryside destroying the lives of the russian people in the next. the,
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the after the end of world war 2, the national liberation movement a vietnam intensified dramatically. haven't driven away the japanese occupiers to vietnamese patriots by no means wanted the return of the former french colonizers. but brands did not want to lose the rich colony and decided to beat the opposition by board. in december 1946, a full scale war broke out. the ve, i mean they, 3 arctic organization led by humans inflicted heavy losses on the french. the invaders were in raged. according to western historians, up to 250000 lives of peaceful v and these were on their contents. the colonialist widely used the practice of mass rape of b and these women as revenge on the gorilla. in 1947, the french destroyed the village of nights, rock murdering 170 women,
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and 157 children. however, terror did not help. in 1954, the vietnamese defeated the french army and the decisive battle of gen, being full, almost $12000.00 french soldiers and officers, including the commander, general de categories. and his command staff were captured the configuration of a huge garrison at a demoralizing effect in europe. the french laughed vietnam, but they were replaced by even more violent and much stronger invaders. the americans are times where a waiting vietnam again, the is widely recognized. every game and its western batteries are losing the proxy war on russia. in the case of ukraine, it is obvious, bad news gets more bad news. the west appears in capable to comprehend as war and rush. it is an utter failure. the.
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the office here shows the air and the capital one and did a final farewell to their late president, iranians. mon, that long talk to the nations president gets pills, and a helicopter crash over the weekend. a funeral procession brings out tens of thousands onto the streets of the russian forces. we take full control of the town of such a head cause that to the public because they continue to advance across the front line. and crying loan will most go that uses washington a pushing the narrative too hard that no one else was involved in last week. so


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