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tv   News  RT  May 22, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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the billions, react the number of mature tools, the air, and the capital. don't want that or want here with a final farewell to their late president, iranians. more than that long talk to the nations president gets killed and a helicopter crash over the weekend. a funeral procession brings out tens of thousands onto the streets of the russian forces. we take full control of the town of cache because the extra public because they continue to advance across the front line and crying loan will. most of the uses washington are pushing the narrative too hard that no one else was involved in last week. so it's not sufficient at the time from the slow back time minister, the
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you won't be hearing any predictable mainstream narrative is on this channel. perhaps the reason go with us right now, it's your news, unfiltered, as always here or not. so it's around was brought to a standstill. there's a thousands packed into the radi and capital to mock the parsing of the countries president was killed along with other senior officials and a helicopter crash on sunday. that'd be crowns of packed into a moment in the streets, to pray for the victims, officials from dozens of countries. i've also been attending the funeral events. now around supreme leader, the i had told us how many lead prayers at the funeral photo chair showing him hugging the grandchildren of the life presidents and expressing his condolence and the russian. the foreign minister has paid his respects as well. barriers with the laughter of, uh, visiting the residents of the around and i busted her and must go to sign of both of condolence and the russian stake do much because we have to stop a lot in travel to tell ron for the funeral service, the prime ministers, so with that from pack i saw i the eros along with the president of and subject to
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stuff full. so a correspondent and use of july with this will assign the address for your fills, the air, and the capitals. as long as everyone is bid a final farewell to their late presidents and his companions would tragically lost their lives and a fatal have a top to crash and northwest of on sundays. thousands of mourners have gathered at the university of denver on an out on this for you to participate in the funeral service of president were e c. that will involve carrying the coffins all the way to the bodies square around 5 kilometers away. ahead of us, sir. i'm only one supreme leader i to la harmony, let a congregational prayer at the university of the one in honor of the deceased president and his entourage, which included foreign minister jose in need of the young stores following this funeral into one on thursday. the late president will be put to rest in the
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northeastern city of mashhad, which is his home town, and the size of a mob resolves holy shrine, where, where you see once served as the custodian, because sodium of the holy shrine. okay, mom result where you see was known for his waiver and commitment to bolstering as long as they can. amik resilience through leveraging domestic resources and diversifying toys. partnerships beyond the confines of the western influence, and still a sense of self assurance and their warranty and strongly that. so the was, does not hold the elixir for it wants economic challenges. despite the absence of european check companies and iran, racy inspired confidence that the country code progress using its own resources on support from like minded nations and quitting venezuela and cuba. he used to say this frequently that the world is of limited to the west. he also automated size
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with long standing partners such as china and worship something which allies perfectly with his vision of fast free, gay multiple or was order encountering western pressure aimed at isolating these limits for public on the world's phase. so indeed, voice, ease, global impact is on miss a couple which can be easily witnessed and be out touring of condolences from world leaders across the world who have expressed solidarity of sympathy with one during this period of morning, we see that the un security council page review it with a minute of silence, while numerous countries declared national days of morning and lord, the flags still half mad at embassies, the chairman of the state duma. refresher and tech is 75 minutes or shift boss, or you are expected to attend sen. memorial service mater and today is the one on monday, russian president vladimir. you conveyed his heart failed condolences for i was
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entering president. how much more bear the line up for the upcoming transitional presidential election remains on surface. but vice president must bear who serves as acting president in accordance with the constitution headset, june 28th as the election day, which with candidate course registration, starting from may 30th to june. 3rd. so the nation says at a pivotal juncture, now as it prepares to talk to a new horse in the port for you, sierra. oh there we discussed the death of president, and i see with the director general of the pocket stone i've gotten a strong use for him. he basically told about what's coming next. as iran and pakistan do have a vested interest to boost that by that or will ties. it basically was the only for example, but it has certainly related to somebody, but also that i took it out to you and um, but it was mentioned before the one that has been so this showed that box on it and
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a seat and that on in the stairs was deemed to, uh, you know, uh it has these by letters a dice. and they wouldn't want to have the size of it. but they're gonna live in a certain farmer says that often are easy. i think of the kind of sort of mission that box on is trying to measurement at on hard on thinking that the way they see maybe 10. but those efforts probably in the state of it on would want to have a garden innovations with focused on because in the past we kind of have, you know, have equipment for the nation. but it says that our development and the rest issue and also in the central issue and also with the gospel want this one as well to part time would like to have a friendly neighborhood and would like to have uh uh, you know, tires. it does the countries as any of these and dies, as of who would want to have some of the dimensions with bucks on the king of boxes,
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right. and has arrived here at moscow with the invitation of president vladimir putin. his majesty not been east all lisa was met by the deputy foreign minister and a russian on a god as is the same as that. and he cut off the by the end of the visit is to discuss bilateral ties, but also the latest international development. last week of the arab summit, backriding stage of his desire to enhance cooperation with the russian federation. and the next step of the king's to taking him straight to beijing. the arab chinese cooperation for the russian forces regained control over the town of crush tray of co. that's near the city. a lot of trouble of getting it on it's good public. last year of the town was taken by ukrainian troops as one of the main gains of the counter offensive of the last few months of the russian troops advancing and several arrows across the front. and the don't ask for the public key of forces were pushed back from the regional capital, as well as around the town of chess of yard of this month. russian forces lower
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than offensive in the heart of region to establish a buffer zone around as belgrade border area offers come on to repeated do crating and showing. as our correspondent now, it's by and we've just received confirmation from the russian ministry of defense of the latest advances in the don't yet square public russian troops. so taking control of the settlement of case you have this case, a heavy price to you, crating it on $4.00 days around $1000.00 men. when last of the last 24 hours, that's a total wounded on a loss of minutes. u haul barrels. so has gone up in flames. now this come soon off the rushing things labor. i said, the village of, of boston, of course, this was symbolic because the only real value of the ukrainian filed count. so offensive the. and it comes a time when the, the ukrainian government has implemented these, this new mobilization over just as caused many men to flee the country rather than
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face life on the front lines. which is proving very difficult for the crating anomaly at this stage of holes in all calls the russian seats that are causing delays. defensive lines, like a knife through butter with very serious questions. being also, of course, this is supposed to be a heavy, every $45.00, every and i, russian president vladimir putin, the set of this stage that there are no plans to take control of how the game is ready to create a buffers. i'm to provide some welcome relief for the people of belgrade, which is coming under a sustained and constant ukrainian attack. well as baffled rage on the front lines of both sides, of course of capt. trudy cha, those troops. however, now, as most of us offered to release $500.00 ukrainian, p o w is the key of and an exchange ukraine and selected only $38.00 of the candidates to actually come back home. the list of prisoners, including the full names and dates of birth, was 1st published by all t's editor in chief on hearts out of ground trunel, according to migrate a similar young
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t f as being refusing to exchange well the host uh the p o w. so i should say for 4 months now it only select the just $3000.00 to swap with moscow. she noticed that these 38 p o w as are in fact from the sofa tally and then other neo nazi formations of ukrainian ami. by discuss this a ton of events with independent duction. john, this is sonya of funding and she said, considering ukraine's lack of non power is current actions make no sense. it shows that extra that you need. i also tell you it's very important for us to learn skimming. i mean, they all say ok, there are nothing new in that season, you know, but they are, i know this, i was there so it, so they are very important for the regime. and the other people apparently now, but you know, this is very strange because we all know that you create a new ukraine is lacking soldiers. so i cannot understand that if you release your p o w's and you treat them,
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maybe some of them were injured or not. i suppose not because they were fairly quick changes in the russia. i know that. so it's, it's strange. it's like if they don't want them back, i mean, why do you don't want your soldiers back? what are they afraid? or maybe we don't know everything. maybe the soldiers wants to stay in russia. this is also what i heard, that i was in long skin, january as bad as vocational 9 soldiers who were captive. but they were all of us and they don't want to go back because they are very poorly treated in ukraine. and you know, that goes to the front lines is barely any training. so maybe that is the case with the other civil dealers. it doesn't make any sense, only makes this one. it could be in p r cell as well, you know, but he doesn't want them back. and he's saying all the time in the press or, you know, we don't have enough soldiers and we need to do something and they can do something . now what's, this is not going to happen?
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washington is trying to control the narrative of last week's assassination of time from the slow bagpipe prime minister by a pushing the lone wolf story. well, that's the claim being made by russian and collision services, and it is notable the us and it's your penalized opposition to trying to impose the version of a loan that betrayed to dissatisfied with a decline in the level of democracy. in slovakia, according to information available to the russian for intelligent service, american government agencies already seeking to join the investigation in order to steer it in the right direction. the very goal is to exclude promotion of the topic of political terrorism in europe and the robot, a potential external trace to the terrorist attack of us as intelligence is saying that basically the success nation that time shows bought the west will resort to when they fail to maintain their hedge and monday through civilized methods, they're calling that political terror attack against an opponents. now we know that
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robert sweetser's, one of the most pro russian politicians in europe. his re, election in 2023 was largely based on a platform of all promises to and military support to ukraine and also to veto ukraine's natal emissions. so, and then all of a sudden when does the association that something happened? everyone jumped the gun. excuse me, for the pun. there. jumped the gun to say that basically this was definitely alone will for a situation while we're hearing this lone wolf narrative from western sources. but the slovak leadership has completely rejected that. what is their stance and the system yet? now they're rejected about originally when this happened there said, oh no, no, no, this is a low involve situation. yes, it's politically motivated, but he was acting alone and they made that conclusion without even having their information. because now we know they attack up and on wednesday, and they only miners to search the perpetrators home on sundays. so 2 days after the attack and why apparently there was this was due to delays in processing the
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rest of the search warrant issued by the judge, the prime minister as charles. and you say 2 days to process a search warrant for the perpetrators. something sounds off here and meanwhile, by the time they've gone to his house, guess what happened? somehow all of his, all i'm history on his computer was a race he was at home. his wife says she didn't do it. so who did it? let's just more research it today. what do you mean? maybe 2 hours after the crime which someone deleted the perpetrators, entire history of communication on facebook. it wasn't deleted by him or even his wife didn't do it. what do you the chaos explained to you? there's been some assistance here and covering, here's the suspects tracks. it means they do use the policy and for the benefit of the suspect. plus there are other clues that say that the facts of wednesday's attack, they've been discussing a wide, a circle. sort of, this is shocking that i showed up with these codes along we know when they were asked the 5 spend, this turned up, it's a prime minister how this was allowed to happen. why did it take 2 days?
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they say they can comments on the situation. there are 2 points in the finger of someone else and all units as the police are, you need to ask the judge what happened? so it's really, it's very strange and also to add to that the general prosecutor has said that he doesn't. so uh, basically that will be looking at re qualifying this as a terrorist act. once they gather all of the information, which is what they should have done, gather all the information 1st and then say whether it was it was not alone will situation. this is what's really bizarre in this situation. what about gary and presidents come out with a statement saying that the media is to blame for what happened in slovakia? can you take us through the sort of argument that's emerged along these lines? lot of i faced those allies, mainly in particular, were focusing on what was happening in the media in the country and in general in europe. this hate rhetoric possible, gary and presidents felt that are quite clearly his that it's unacceptable to continue push on this narrative that the only solution to the conflict, the new crane is to continue the war until russia is defeated. he says, 1st of all,
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you know, that's all going to happen, and 2nd of all, it's impossible. and 2nd of all, if you continue pushing that narrative, then of course this will lead to more hates. let's listen. the attempted assassination of european prime minister, my radicalized fanatic, because of his support for peace indicates this ingrained intolerance of descent and hatred. many politicians, parties and media have contributed to this by power, train every differing voice as pro russian, which is extremely unfair, and leads to these negative consequences over a slovak of the problem. and it has now resumed its activities on tuesday. and actually they started by proving that government led a resolution condemning the attack of course, and also call in on several organizations and media in the country can to continue promoting hates and this hates our rhetoric. so we'll see what will happen, but also they're continuing his policies. basically they're saying that they're
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moving forward and working in the direction that was said by robert feed so. so the master plan behind the soul has failed the butcher and more criminal. those are just among the labels being hurled at the us secretary of state by pro palestinian demonstrators. i think he blinking was, were peacefully interrupted during the speech in congress the english citizens when.
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c a 3 west of nations decide to recognize palestine as an independent state that is searching by ireland no way in spain will officially come into effect next week. the same policy installed on the listing and stage is obliged in line with the international norm to live in peace within secure dimension. they recognize borders to comply with all relevant to you and resolutions. i'm confident that further countries will join us and taking this important step in the coming weeks. this is that a started and important stay for arden's and for palestine. says find out why it hasn't come to move from words to action, to tell the millions of innocent suffering, palestinians, the we're with them. there is hardly about us, the not more than $140.00 you in states have recognized about this time since 1988, which is already most of the world on wednesday, 3 more countries spain 1st followed by no way an island have joined to the chorus
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frustrated at the lack of peace progress and hoping to send the symbolic message of supports to palestinians by this move and also try to boost political changes that will eventually hopefully they believe bring an end to israel's definitely war. and guys of that some describe as genocide as well started, it smells reparation, and the power his student enclaves, back in october or has a response to have masses attack on southern is rarely communities when hundreds were mowed, hadn't taken hostage claiming the goal is to destroy the mass that has been rolling this troops since 2006. what's the, almost a month long war claimed more than $35000.00 palestinian lives already. and that's made many m on the global community concerns and question. israel's approach more and more rarely for palestine, while israel, it's friday, the south isolated the decision of orleans no way and spade will take into 4
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starting may 28th. although the 3 countries made us clear, the move is not against israel, but rather for peace and political settlement is really we have to furious, stay in the countries for a minister old and stays really ambassadors to also in dublin to immediately return to israel. here's his statement, ireland and norway intend to send a message to the palestinians in the whole world today. terrorism pays. after the terrorist organization, homos carried out the largest massacre of jew since the holocaust. after it committed the most terrific sex crimes the world has seen. these countries chose to give a reward to hum moss in iran and recognize a palestinian state as really foreign minister also warns that's the has the stab, will have serious consequences on the relationship between the states. without mentioning the what measures could be taken and far administered? he's far from the only really politician of course, expressing his the staying with the decision healthy european states. israel's
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finance minister, known for his extreme rights when position and open the end to palestinian views, sent a letter to foreign minister the 10 year old in london. inappropriate respons offer it as an option to authorize the construction of $10000.00 view units and the jury assessments across the west bank always doing some are a, this is how he's ro, calls this area a small switch, also, or extension yahoo to stop collecting and transferring taxes to the palestinian authority to cancel all privileges for palestinian vi piece when it comes to crossing into israel and the outside world and impose sanctions on them instead. also we hear that these really defense minister now gives instructions to allow israelis to enter an area in the north of the west bank way to us to pay them for them to cross since 2005. and that means we might see jewish out post and supplements in that area to in the coming future. the idea behind the recognition
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is the gradual establishment of a palestinian state under the shape of the palestinian authority. and that move is rejected by israel and no surprise and use was taking negatively some politicians, including from the ruling call list as a full time believe only in one state solution is rose national security to administer even said recently that he wants to move to guys on top of the war and when israel will have a full control over the street, we populated by door suppers like himself. here's what's ben green had to say. what do you mean by jewish settlement? should we go back to the settlements? we left during the disengagement. not only yeah, it's possible to let and many more people in the whole. and if there is immigration and hundreds of thousands of leaving for goals, you can bring more and more people into it and you will be the 1st to go and live there to encourage dental settled there. i will be very happy to the guys i am willing to do this if there is an opportunity, what you would have, of course,
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and why not repeat. the news was certainly welcome and by palestinian officials. president, a boss has said he appreciated the efforts made by no rate. well, the cycle in california and people while another top published during the official semester shay colds. the move at historic moment where the free world is winning with the help of truth and justice. highlands in no way are now calling other states to follow them. and the estimates here in jerusalem are that they could indeed be more countries choosing to recognize palestine. in the near future. we heard from held him about to go, he published in your nationalist, specializing in his riley affairs, who says that this positive development is not likely to change anything on the ground. so it's good. it's very positive. and we can see that this sort of the reaction still out of this medical condition. but i think it's too late. the, there's a l is no killing. that was that solution. maybe it's at least 10 years later is
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what i am, is i'm throwing this land, the whole land and killing, and it was the only people that are coming to states solution. so what will be the impact of this sort of good condition? now the photos that i think it's a day and the best, the. now, what can these countries do in the future? how would they deal with? is it a at least a 2 months sort exam. billing date is it. the bid is comprised of a is that i live or they are. so i am is living in the listing interstate in the league in a way to set this up. i'm as though and as a state and being nice my of the company is it sports is, is that i am maybe to reveal it's realtors and we saw this. and by that is our only shows that we action. but it's not any of you shall for the action and visit i live in the status of a split acceptance. so we need more to protect the can, as did still us is that i am and thought it to at least i not only these,
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declared ations beth could not make any change on the girl or not to be a riot stricken french pacific island territory of new kind of don't yet, emanuel not crone has landed and has his hands full these. he's a trying to solve the fiery crisis that has gripped the archipelago. now for over a week. a state of emergency. it was declared in new caledonia by paris, off the cashier's left at least 6 people that are the interest erupt it off the front, try to enforce a new law that would give up to $25000.00 non indigenous residents voting rights. and while hundreds of foreigners infringement have fled, the islands president macro on is expected to address the demonstration. meanwhile, the french council of state, as the mind of the powers justify its ban on pic, talking new caledonia, and also provide evidence that the social network played some kind of actual role in the riots for on the side by and the social media often is overseas. territory
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and then if it's a quail on rest, let's get more details here with all the correspondence violent you shot of liberty equality is fraternity, an outstanding model for a nation, unless you are trying to go against the official line, am in the unrest, the new caledonia the french government has officially bad the social media at tip top and is overseas territory. and while the band is still in place, the french government is now facing legal challenges over the move. what is happening right now is unprecedented. no country in europe has ever band tick tock and government officials have provided no evidence to show the networks linked to the violence. only one argument. young people use this network. the government considered them guilty by definition because of their age. we are facing an extremely serious liber decide will drift. the arguments develop at the hearing by the government is still nation. no evidence is produced to legitimize the use of the band. no connection is demonstrated between the use of tick tock and the
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violence. this is a guilty indulgence in the use of custodial a mattress. this measure is not legitimate and the government is floundering to justify yet another attack on freedoms in the context of colonial repression. is that legitimate? is it legal? why is talk being targeted according to french authorities? this was necessary. why? well, simply because the ap was being used by those opposing the rules pushed on them from paris. they felt called the move regrettable is not surprising. them a call is administration will come to such a measure though. let's remember that the french president already had a bias against social media even before the protesting new caledonia mccall. want to tech giant's through the lead content with protests on 1st soiled back in 2023. with some suggesting french president found escaped vote for on seas in riots that we saw on several of them. snapshot and take talking several hogs,
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violem gatherings being organized in a sort of complicating of violence. these i'm on the youngest leads to a sort of escape from reality to us. we sometimes have the feeling that some of them are living into the streets of the video games that haven't bucks a gate about. i assume this platforms to be responsible. it's a similar story repeating itself. put the blame on social media or people put the blame on anyone going against your political decisions. that's the easy way out. but this is interesting. there is a pattern with western governments here. now, so long ago the united states was pushing to advance tip top. why, because of too much content about gaza, it needs to be an immediate investigation into allegations that tech talk has an anti semitic work environment. china and take talk has been pushing anti semitic and to use rail and see americans and pro how much content take talk is a propaganda machine to the influence of americans. according to one poll, 51 percent of americans between the ages of 18 and 24. believe that how mazda is
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murder of civilians was justified. a statistic notably different from other age cohorts. analysts have attributed this disparity to the ubiquity of anti israel content on tick tock. we're most young internet users get their information about the world. take talk is a tool china uses to spread propaganda to americans. now it's being used to downplay how much terrorism tick tock needs to be shut down now. but again, there's always attached because the main supporters of that bad were also among the largest recipients of donations from the pro israel lobbying group a pack. so anything that does not fit into what they want to promote, they strongly oppose that gaza done by new caledonia. but if it's something that promotes their interest, they will make sure you hear about a day and night. let's say b r a spring, for example. when a google executive got bored and decided to use facebook to start a revolution in
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a jets, if you want to liberate a society, all you need is the internet. i was wrong. i said those words back in 2011 when a facebook page by anonymously created help spark that just under of illusion. so this man did admit that thanks to facebook, a revolution took place. did anyone care to ban or investigate facebook, or even the man behind the craft himself or the country? actually, he was invited to talk shows that somehow when he comes to what's happening in new caledonia, it's a different story. the freedom of speech, of those indigenous people fighting to be seen and treated as equal to the 1st settlers in their own land seems to not matter as much the famous liberty equality, fraternity, france slogan, see this to exist if it's not in line with the states narrative, right, that's different out here and allocate to national but all about storage continue online whether.


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