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tv   Documentary  RT  May 22, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT

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stand at $26000.00 pounds sterling as a token of gratitude for the massacre. the amorous star massacre wind down in history as one of the most brutal crimes of the british invaders and only escalated the affair. struggle of the indians for liberation from the colonial yoke. the, i need you to see that because you are still the categories and putting as i'm, which was this, the are some of the appointment. so now of course with them, i'm just sort of the way through to the photographs. still the inconvenient for
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seville, the ambulance is a little bit of an option. i'm gonna show you on this system for both. so it's really easy to go to whole separate. the brother comes to the surety. there's no way in newtown, there's no problem. it's not a regular social my interest, you know, should get a reference page reset because i know this is done by some of the suite participants then because you know, if there is to go more into blue uh, with the projects progressive not have to be done we never must not move. the team wants to get us then supposed today is the one
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the just the vision of what the recent years i've been searching for see what the time or the
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share before the customer, the whole looking. yeah. what was the situation? let's get back to the g, c, u, the sure of the way. so there's a pretty good resource, more comfortable every piece of us, you know, all that for a neutral says the phrase for the most insurance. if i get you know, up to car,
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you know, as many as i'm about to do this was do you the. 1 usually the
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well actually about the part of my to mobile notary name, i believe that's the way the does a new particular chance. still moving to the other way and what so not the what the why you go through with them. school which you uh, does that do i still would like to buy my nipples your store? um the, um, the, with the sewage space put in your premium as to what the sliding little thing. and so basically what the actual build and you have to go to web builder. you got the cool been doing them that way. shooting. yeah. so what's on your dog's name? does that go to this little wheel mark or it does it got the tag, the well,
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the by it. so those can watch that good, but i'm wondering, is that so moves back and let me know more about them. can you have some like that was the, was there was a get the by mile get the category the sure. what's going on here brochure at the i mean scarcity by the most of the
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the lease awesome. it was an important on all studies. so i'm putting on some of the most of the to
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you you will see you people and then was in the news about the winning way away with him when he was really winning way away. silly when you were going into my nose as no i. so that was enough to bring in for the bonus. so simple as extreme. find me now, is there was the, can do i guess i'm wondering on scope, westport are subjective, same we it? does that kind of thing? and the most part of the most is if it's impossible to for casa function, you, most of the customer still the private and i deelye just on the phone during the last report you skipped across the image,
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but not it was you cause good thing. but the most the most, but you can use a board where the speech opinion is political move 3 months or so. so we took the, we did the trans flush, the up to form was filled with cups to cut through. it's an app that you put, visualize those. are the federal posts up for a voice machine? yes, the nearby is the, the was the what? the video and the super bowl at the upside. but talk with you with the, with the football, with thoughts the way me of the so got you words, knowledge. i'm new to me. instead of showing up the gauge, would you please send us, send that to you so much to the
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flushing issue of solar. mr. but let me see if so hopefully in the corner of the shift store, i suggest you might need to show us the price points. this is joseph bureau and it's really so he bought the jacob dora, personally, it was part of the video for sure. it was a little deal with which and david looked at the more towards the image of project . where would i go to a couple guys again, the archibald opportunities montana, hoping you might just wait. on the discussion with my son with a parcel for jessica, for on the board. i'm going you to go to the dark jelly, get the poignantly as the yes, i'm no. well show them the need for i'm with is i'm getting is didn't want to be in the right to manage the domain virtual freezing. but yeah, the system will not do that. oh, should you put your name there?
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ethical, regina critique permission or the other? see? yeah, the physician die on the side, you drive, it will take 2 inputs, which will start with what you'll do it or we'll see what sort of short move i used to own bruce, the editor on the gym impersonate. you, completed that daily. come and get a good list of what's the last video that came on me on the i need can use my which is not like, but usually still when you switch yours in. we've seen that. can you hear me? said little girl repeated. look at them. then you click on when you have done your site, you will bring your store last summer meeting and to get this thing. let me know, but i didn't have no one was doing any better with the good at the mercy of what they did. and i assume that the most the money was eating from google. it being expensive cars, the leslie ethics, guys math. but i didn't, i'd be surprised and maybe see of, of the
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teachers to choose choose to to the
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us issues that the is widely recognized that the cab regime and its western batteries are losing the proxy war on russia. in the case of ukraine, it is obvious, bad news gets more bad news. the west appears incapable to comprehend as war and rush. it is an utter failure. acceptance, and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously . why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else to give it. please do have the state department c. i a weapons makers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead,
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change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the the which was the middle, the summer for the see the focus instead of what that some of which somebody from you see child support. this is victoria and do much. but to book them through with but she also situated to me this name is which will contact the newest of children,
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new ford at the school with the course. the does any sort of, if it is your wish, they should have been yes, computers or wireless them, you could sort of move with the the slow. but with me as the student, michel, i'll put that on the notes and assuming too much of a don't need a bookstore the view it's and what's been using me for the new device. it's sort of silver flow. we're doing is very important. if we still have precision materials of the system, usual the object assess simply because most of the people i'm still looking for is when the position we're looking for another place people sitting, you're going to have going to go to the research one inch is on the quote, with homes at the phone,
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do you have some more additional abilities because your business and you could bring as much company to to go see of the cook. we don't usually have distribution disease, which is the individual and the community. usually we usually, you know, we could put starting to see this assembly what storage come on is going to, can you potentially look at the new continues and it's gonna be pretty cheap. conducting it, you know, it should your computer young easy to use the
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gym to football on the get the patient's of will could of david most of the music digital or blame the
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the, the good word showing me a good the would you would you mind go through with mrs. summerstone, i'm due because of noise. when you wish to additional go to both the known by your phone book are with me, most of the non precision use simple game was that with time if i the, when you most go, most of it of the of called the sims, don't a solution for keep the old yeah, there's not a good the who to, to maybe out of the go to when you put it all to really to well duplicate,
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besides you is this was what the nomics for sure. i was of my bidding, the for the old school to the city, the city or the village. when was that was you? i mean, we could not be the person in charge of particular florida. we show that the cisco is that of when you have with us because they want you to not go through those so extreme on the
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top of some but we will continue to take reason. usually don't screw up the special needs to be so that sounds like you're out dump the city is the most efficient squadrons. i'm not sure that the with the present to the look at the digital solution to justice opinion do it push and seeing these get off with the video i smoke of the leaders are ready to place to the people continue to the followup. most of the colors discover 3 parts the call the,
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the, the yes or no, but all that goes cuz they always use zillow easier to put us through the court. those changes. now i am what you can when you do most to me to the court. but when we're done with that, it's a fabulous job and you might as the own decision, it was a soldier with any other go on safe and went through was over for me, with the catalog you are using. finally, little wisdom, the wisdom i use is to really just me
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a rock design you 3 is what i see a feel from both use to grant them. walter on 0 is this you meant to 1st like now it is easy unless they have fortunately a go throw me over to motion. you can warn you, let us but yeah, yeah. and as i just got another a month to month, although we still have some you have to go with some photographs bumper cover, you know, so i'm just looking at the phone with a 3 or 3 to fix it. so we should have a special class if it's the same as what she was supposed to, but as long it was for this up still something done. yes. because some of the some of them. yeah, cuz i just even avoided. so she can only have this confession with a show the show that will give will is in with an option if it's
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a solution to other things, almost position. no awesome for the, for the, for what you all us with the line for people to learn. if they're smart through the rest assured time you see the phone with the page because of the truth. speeches, logan tanisha, the me as far as the a full slowly of a simple you just got a just the from another. the fear crept. that's not often. they loved the home,
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was much it 0. why is this both? it's a crappy off. was hoping to do it the distance for the most vulnerable units and we were simply wanting to so, so we've seen for new whole exposure by miller roll corners of supercharger. i was wondering if it is still on the as long as you find me, yours was a long phone system and organized for the english. just as a reminder, this is the only thing i have. plus they only have to spend a lot of questions of what was the reason for the women for us to, to do i have is the corner of the church you may have so, but it's just do this. this is the 4 months to save the inbox
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or what else to watch sports was was this uh oh, i just got image putting it on. are you on the phone from this? i was the properties for me to contribute in you know the piano the just just in case the vehicle was leased it is a 459. yeah. and what those cars uh when you bought, because they may been, you know, close to plus the rep that and so wouldn't end up losing just more than i pay like yeah. can you, can you send me over to someone? okay, that's cool. so continue your option of those to tell you a good day. the post office thing in, you know, the store is price for you guys more than quarterly taking a look, but it was, it's a little good price comes a degree. was the typical cause of the work. usually we have the wrong,
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but we'll just constraints of low, let me of infinity know which is which kind of silly at the zill and donald speed my gave was trust because they didn't respond to the piece a follow up with the thought that and a couple of mistrusting for them. so there's to bring in the lesion on chicago to
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visit a shares, and that the toner and speakers to still come to the court. them to the function of you. so to cups of sort of sorts and noticed assaults because nobody's in m. c. the funded the my thing there is on it to me. you mean you wish the place where it was that your issue, the losing your plan, you might have to stay actual store still replace with the school, get their sisters not positive. but she was a single different pressure from school system of the beginning that besides the produce the, it's just the stuff gets near the
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the russian states never. i've side as i'm sort of the most sense community invest, not getting hold of all sun set up the in the system must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the rush of funding and split the smooth net keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube, the fitness center. for what question did you say a request to check the
10:00 pm
hello and welcome to cross talk. we're all things are considered. i'm theater. lavelle is widely recognized at the camp, rename, and it's western backers losing the proxy war on russia. in the case of ukraine, it is obvious, bad news begets more bad news. the west appears incapable to comprehend as war on rush. it is an utter failure. the cross stuck in ukraine. i'm joined by my guest,
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got rid of written down more. he is.


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