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tv   Documentary  RT  May 22, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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of the, the line, scott bennett, i'm a former united states army psychological warfare officer, really served in the state department counterterrorism office under investor del bailey. so i wanted to come here to russia in the dawn bass area and gather the facts to take back to the american people. for the course of the
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hold on bass of the front line. so this is where the bombs and the bullets are raging. this is where people are dying, this is where the buildings are exploding. so i wanted to see 1st hand the scars of war, the wounds in the street. the level of the building was being collapse. i wanted to see the soldiers that were fighting and hear from them why they were fighting, fighting started in their opinion, and ultimately where we're heading, the bradley, the 1st american army officer, news many years since then snowed in the
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saw. i want to see with my own eyes, what american taxpayer dollars have done the i think this is a privilege and a duty to come in. the most important thing that we can do is show that america has americans that do not have conflict, resentment, possibility, or prejudice towards russia. so it's sad that america is turned into war, but i think that's why american military officers can come and be the show that america is not about war. and this, this is, this is an opportunity to see firsthand what's happened and what the truth is. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the russian special forces training, these guys are ready for action, which are very, very impressive, highly proficient in their weapons and their magazine changes. course, the kalashnikov is the best rifle on the planet. and that becomes very, very apparent in the simplicity of their changes. and their maneuverability and
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their use of this weapon system. so the classic off is not only the most rugged falls, but it is the most simple for high combat, high stress situations. what's impressive is the maneuverability of the soldiers. these guys are remarkably tight on market police. professionals ok tom, it's been a long time since i had a collection ago. the good good weapon that the best weapons.
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the truck the well the thank you. well trained. well train man. well sorry. tell him he's well, a good trainer is manuel,
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man. the. yeah, it takes me back to infantry training, drill, drill, drill, drill, drill. a sort of operations are things like ballet hours and hours and hours and hours and hours of drilling. so it comes muscle memory. when it comes matthew pretty quick, you're holding a weapon, the proper pos, your magazine, flipping it's so it's a great weapon though. the collection and cough is without a doubt, one of the most lethal weapon systems. simplicity, $760.00 around. that's something that you will be in for the i'm 16 of these weapon systems. however,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the the, i enjoyed being with the tank crews in the russian military officials that were showing us the, the use of these vehicles. they were nice to go out in the mud and get dirty and enjoying the range. the
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vehicle is 52 a pip up some of that. do you have some thoughts? the vehicles through doug doors and i'm gonna go to watch any mom or pop off, but i don't see any t c go to the extent vehicle soon as the safety of the school to see what documents should be going on. that seems to be a month to get hold of the serbian gentleman i spoke with extensively in spanish. we had that in common. so we had a conversation in spanish. he had a patch pro putting on his on a shirt. he was very positive towards president putin as all the soldiers were. but they were again, volunteers fighting for the level of country fighting against fascism and then it shows that the arrows so $32.00 on a more stable boy button a goes to mucho more when he talks like that is that the says, oh my god. all right, uh what do you see on the bush? this is why i was just as good as yes. history. sure, sure, sure, sure. house and we will need to ship. i need to know stuff. sort of hello. oh yes.
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just like, oh, so you moist bonita would you not it, which of course fussy, but what, but this was the most of the most difficult on the phone and it was interesting by to look at the boys the fuel know the answer also, you know, so the printer who quoted me for ben hixson live, dave majority obvious thing as low as one of the 1st. let's give that to let's go. let's go to ok. sounds like the latest ones out of the way, but there was no way of switching the button. okay. was always the lender thing to provide as well. thank you know, and i assure you that you go out and going to very well constructed base camp and had a massive part of bosch soup that we shared. and i think that's extraordinary,
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really important to keep the motivation of the troops. i is to maintain a, a connection to civilized and fraternal living. and they were jocular, they were happy, they were motivated. there was a joyful enthusiasm in the hearts of the russian soldiers where i think the ukrainian soldiers are full of dread fear and the ventu ality of defeat. and perhaps absolute destruction can when it's so for, for what i'm not going to be on the point. the same post in the the, the model. well, when we're out in the field, i enjoy the meeting, the young japanese gentleman who had joined the troops and was finding in the front lines. he was fighting as
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a independent volunteer because he was an anti globalist. he did not want to see the george soros and global his tyranny spread in russia was the only country that uh, was uh, fighting back against that high stakes. yeah. rum download the one month, one month. yes. from japan. yes. oh okay. i stand. have you seen any action? have you been fighting the enemy? uh no. uh i. yeah. i uh just uh. so the rankings and the yes i love watching is a here. uh, i don't the golf quite yet. not yet. yes. not yet. we you want to, oh yes, yes. okay. so are you officer or enlisted me now? since that restaurant is sergeant sergeant. okay. i was
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a lieutenant in the us army. oh yeah, good. yeah it's, it's good to see so many people from around the world coming to fight for russia. yeah. against nazis against global as against george soros and all of this wickedness. yes. and, and i think the russia will when very, very soon. oh yes, i believe a go shop. we do a b. this will. yeah, yes. the
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on the water is part of the visit that the employee would post good. isn't the, the place you of us and that in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex might be present? let's stop without collision. is that stuff? part of the of the
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year we see and you can hear explosions in the background. hi mars or or some ukrainian web us weapon the craniums of god. 155 artillery that the us loves, defend. look at all these bullet holes and shrapnel. well they have reinforced the building with sandbags which is to shield its from artillery rounds criminal explosions, bullets grenades. so it is turned a civilian city. and a currency changed into a war zone where they are afraid of bombings and artillery rounds. and judging by last night's music in the sky, ah, it's still going on. so, it just occurred to me what americans would do if their banks had sandbag
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surrounding them. what would americans do if their children were afraid to walk to school? plus the high more missile fall in the middle of their play grounding, killed them. but a man, what would americans do if they had a similar situation going on in oklahoma? that's happening in the next so the target, the military target that was so important for the ukrainians to strike was the city library. a city library containing books and knowledge was done. of course, those are toxic to the ukrainian nazi subs led by zelinski silver. that'd be a deal of this up like you don't know. we might be asked, could we do like, let's say,
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even the cdl with this metal model for do you do is so it uses the more young is miles the the more that you as well, i am very sorry. nobody's been since the review. i don't really know how the people here i've had to live for 10 years, 10 years, and some people are telling me that most of these holidays haven't been so intense . you know, it's like, i don't really know how to handle it. you know, what i'm seeing here is almost sometimes beyond belief and for me and that, and how the people are still functioning is also, you know, it's beyond belief because we, in australia and canada in the united states have never experienced with their experiencing care. absolutely never before have we have we had this in the west.
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we've lived a life of luxury. in fact, this for 50 years. yeah. yeah, exactly where we're see. think this moment is the front line. yes. i mean that it's really not to be right. yeah. how does that mean? yes. is the front no. yes. is the frontline city. the saddest thing is that it is american weapons being use that are causing americans to have to wear body armor when they visit cities like the next
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of the the most. but then would you mind that, sir, or when the different things are going, just guessing they're going to send me pictures on, on the business. your mother is getting it. oh, by no,
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sylvia. so either sure. 2 of them were suddenly sprang or seemed academic kind of sick. and then when i went to consider bank but the most in washington. ok. then of course, the more you know, are you much at the know created to. so we are in a time that couldn't be the last to days. and we must be solved and light voices of love for people to see and find christ. so it's hard, but good spiritual man like you provide the light for people to follow. a simple and the frustrating and assume it's a frustrating now with the globe. i'm not a smart there's, there's numerous thrown in with the me. yeah, i just belittle my below. okay. i'm not sure if i'm here
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or is it isn't you is you're going to create any more curse. very generally with several class could look at the boulevard, you know, frustrated already. i don't remember the 1st degree in this case, a green sportage and leaving it, the fisher thing here to do what it was. i don't why the football and we are standing in then we have to know the station board then americans loved the russians and the premiums we know evil has been done in the american name and we are praying against that. that's why i came in many, many other americans, the car defenders of russia and ukraine, the
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america c. c. c literacy. now let's go out of time. i'm sorry for your loans. i'm sorry that you're here. i've come to take the truth back to america and health in this war. i wanted to bring you some yes news or for you know fat healthy may i ask how you were wounded, the new comic as a drawing card. so the 1st the with i didn't show it is so long press that no, actually okay to full dido, the origin by true amount of some but as a new most of course, it may be of the buses, i need student to college to the my own us please do buy gifts or give some small or not these collision, i presume courses, but if somebody anybody,
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so was it and i will will put them in. so let me tell you what i need to know before the issue wouldn't be important that i need to come see them. he got scared . was there just push the nice to turn it all? well, don't let him stay one more than if i've got the book which subject, which means i know the which symbol google, which goes over to the risk of losing a guy's. got a man, leads conflict page and is beside something us. i wanted to meet the wounded russian soldiers to look into their eyes and see the patriotism and the heroism that they were embodied by. i wanted to also talk with them about how they were hurt, what the weapons and injured them were. they mines were. the missiles, with a high martial of a cluster bombs than they come from the united states that they come from britain that they come from germany, france, how were they injured in what conditions in the
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camp? so these are all being manufactured in the united states sent to ukraine for me and they thought i'd give them pause. elizabeth, a motion for yeah, yeah, devastating. literally the rules, this was not this hello. i knew it didn't use a man and us the cardboard. so blue line dot com. oh, do you got a phone number? i should give them a call and tell them, hey, i've got your property in the
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criminal enterprise because the politicians there to take a tax fair dollars to buy these weapons or getting money in their own pockets from the defense contractor agencies. so all the companies that make these weapon systems getting money to the american politicians for passing a passing financial packages. so literally, graham and all of these republicans and democrats who vote to send weapons, dean cray, they're getting money off the top, they'll get a $1000000.00 in brown bag of cash. so right behind me of the building that was struck on november 6th by high morrow bombs time. our missiles fired by the ukrainian military that killed civilians. the
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so we're going into the building that has been shredded by time. our missile systems the see the impact on the wall. it's shredded. all the shrapnel went up. oh is it that same lines? yes as mine off. so that sign says mine's is if mine is to blow us up. so will be a little cautious. in many ways, i feel like that classic theme from the world war to tape for the american army takes the german towns folk into the concentration camp to show them what the nazis were doing in their extermination camps. all of this propaganda that russia invaded with ambitions against germany and the you and the west solve both sit of russia came in to defend the people of denette score being genocide, such as a woman young,
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pretty woman who was captured rate tortured brandon for dot cut in a swastika shape the when the world's largest democracy votes the rest of the planet watchers in an emerging multi polar world. india's voice matters. but who will be the power behind
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watches, almost 1000000000 people decide and billions more, react the the well, interestingly enough, that was one of the most valuable things that i wanted to do was question, shall we say these ukrainian prisoners?
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because i wanted to get inside their minds, i wanted to disentangle the strings that tied them up in knots that enabled and animated their actions. what was their decision making process? what were their biases, their prejudices? what was their psychological profile? i wanted to study them in very deep detailed ways. i am an american i see farm the officer and i've come to ukraine to try and understand and taking the understanding back to americans about what has been happening here. so i'm very glad that you will sit down and talk with me, and i'm very glad that you speak english because my russian is not good. i'm my surgeon to pull the regiment as though i live combo a girl. remarks that girl or more come by to me over
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a joint as of my name is dana hodges. my sony is hutchins, as my goal sign was that i had. and what i found with the 1st prisoner who was a very bright historian, economic minded individual, was essentially no one in ukraine really wanted to fight. they were pushed into what they were and grabbed off the street. they were captured by zalinski, they were threatened and they were so he didn't want to die, so he followed orders, but he'll have to pay the price for, for crimes that may have been done in those order. so he was, he was also a little like me because he said he had been told that the zelinski government had said, you know, america supports us, america, alarms us america and i told them no, that's wrong. the people in the united states of america have over thrown their congress and gotten rid of the democrats and the rhino who were pushing for this


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