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tv   News  RT  May 23, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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the, the local to speak out to the games process because of my call as he arrives at the pacific pre viewed, color's done yet, the public outrage prior to amend then the thing. why don't we allow music that was on the army? here? we didn't ask the army to come here because we don't know if you arrive to restore . com. but in any case, he's already gone and gone and thinks us to the site. there is no real com. no real peace is in is the day of nationwide funeral sort of money for literally frozen racy. i live in terms of a helicopter crash as a, as to be very in the time we're going to,
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the vice president says the us sanctions were partially responsible for the tribes on victoria. the american economic sanctions have also affected our own aviation equipment. we have lost great people with the political history of, or on the last half century has shown that such incidents have only led to greater unity with the people the, the endeavors to the us to send to the state again as washington. and it is about whether it could face legal proceedings. the international criminal court gets close. ally is the life of us go, this is obviously you. my name's the more it's anyways of news i'm. he is starting from emanuel mac. one has arrived in french, ruled new color,
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the off of the was lines on the island in full, his sparks of violent unrest. his arrival did not go down. well, was the islands inhabitants drama toilet on his last, he doesn't know what to do. everyone there is looking at france. everyone. see you the shenanigans in france now that he is coming here, we don't meet him here. since then has been sending out politicians to friends. we don't need to go to friends. the discussions are here because the future of the country is here and kind of get, but i don't know. we don't want to see him here. just started this. the things on fire started to raise thousands to the point of setting things on fire. it wasn't young people started before it wasn't us was sense. they sounded fine. because in any case it's already good. the bad comment. but after that we can't, we don't know if he'll arrive to restore. com. but in any case, he's already come and gone and things are still the same. there is no real calm,
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no real peace, no way allow me to send the army here. but we didn't ask the army to come here. we are fighting for our country and for our children. i'll say it again. this is for our children later on. the armies here, but i don't know what's the armies doing here. we don't need them here. we can present all a selves. we can manage all countries here. process is in renton say to new barricades of the 9th i heard of backgrounds visit for adults following the project bought at schools by government. victoria over the phones paused last week of the place where they're just circulating on so, so maybe it says a smoke rising of, of the sort of buildings in the cab to new may have the records of the and also the bills on the shops list. ready to fully ongoing skirmishes is in protest as in police. 6 individuals will killed in buying rights for votes by the french government's proposed modifications to the local elect tauriel rights. according to
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the 2019 census indigenous complex account of a 40 percent of the population. while 24 percent identify as you, the process is that the revisions will diminish that. but despite public protests, my quan has stated that faces will remain in the territory for as long as necessary . let me phone as i speak through our 3000 internal security forces in new caledonia and more reinforcements will arrive in the next few hours. this is unprecedented. and for several days now, there have been no more than at the time of the 3rd referendum, letting me be very clear. these forces will remain as long as necessary, including during the olympic and paralympic games. or did not go on go that well, technically new cause any is a french territory, but it is located about 17000 kilometers from paris. you end describes the
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archipelago as a non self governing type of thing. this might be a part of the federal public new card and it has its own present, but it might even my client is listed as a head of state that save show of a. m p for friends pulled a needs. yep. says the 1st government is entirely responsible for the invest in new caledonia. i just yeah. what i believe i would like to remind you, mr. prime minister, that your government is entirely responsible for the tragedies that are currently taking place in this territory. moreover, i remind you that the full of presidents of overseas regions support the territory of kentucky and all unanimously in favor of the withdrawal of your text. it is necessary to most of the long history of the oci on the and peoples to understand the anger that reigns in kentucky. this is what i tried to explain to you during the crisis meeting in about 10 you on friday may 17th,
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where i particularly emphasized the fact that the peoples of the pacific attached great importance to trust and the authenticity of human relations. however, the past year adopted by the current government makes any dialogue with the people impossible global net home prices of sold. this is why that is a ruptured in the find specific category of any kind of do any last week. as a range of the stands among g for juices of the battle, essential for batteries, electric vehicles, and other devices for right and who he's the executive director. so the setting, so for the natural resources governance, this slide is the situation in the reason as result, nationalism explain about or decides it gives to the power decides which are come by the bus to come to extract a she won't mix, that decision gets below. and say it was, that's a resource. and it already
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a because of the disruption that was caused by abuse is protest. the price of nico is shut up from about $18500.00 in time to about $21000.00. the time there is the which is called the resource mission. it is we have a lot of communities that reach the metro resources. i'm now demanding clear to finally, we are looking for people touching ownership of the natural resources to be a silver age. that's what we kind of be suffering. we don't the phone. i walk, i was not given you, but maybe even a new, a voice or around as well. his date of amazing life. you know, so this is the late present, racy, and other top of visual who were killed in the ethnic opposite class last weekend.
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lots of crowds of mourners are filled, the streets of eastern cities, all the jobs and much of expedite thing. the bodies of president raised the i'm a little bit in terms of the price to be buried in the home towns earlier. the cities, all the companies come out and the capital tat, ron boosted glen processions in process of the us as positive as possible for the faithful crash. i'm. it's as it has been this rough things, the middle eastern countries aviation industry, the iranian vice president made those comments to all, to an exclusive interview of the of the, to the americans are responsible for prison. gracie's helicopter crash for 2 reasons. first, before the 1979 is law mac revolution, iran had agreements with the united states regarding airborne vehicles and aviation systems. americans have never filled their commitment since, nor have they returned the money we paid them for equipment. second,
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the american economic sanctions have also affected our own aviation equipment systems. we have lost great people, but the political history of iran in the last half century has shown that such incidents have only led to greater unity of the people. accumulating the internal strength and invigoration of our ideology. strange things have happened, and many people around the world became sad. many governments have declared a public morning period, including india, pakistan, iraq, syria, and lebanon. many international assemblies have observed a minute of silence, including the united nations security council. this phenomenon is very significant and has resulted in politicians, even ones who oppose us being moved by this incident. they have a more realistic view about the administration of the country. in fact, present rise, these martyrdom provided a brighter horizon of the role and effective iran in the world. and the international community. it is shown the relations between nations around the world
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. and the ron that you brought him raised. he has brought about many around in achievements in the last 3 years. for instance, a great breakthrough in international relations. within a short period, our country was initiated into the shanghai cooperation organization and bricks became active in the region economic union and improved its relations with neighbors. in a way, he was like profit abraham, who is known as an idol breaker. as rice, he broke the idol of economic sanctions. i believe you're on, we'll continue nourishing the goals and i, the ology of i a told her right. you see, in fact, his martyrdom provided a brighter horizon for the role of your on in the world. and it's important in the international community unveiling the prospects of relations between other nations and that are on a friend of mine who was in charge of the red crescent of breeze. immediately contacted me and said that the connection with the president's helicopter was lost . then search and rescue operations started due to bad weather conditions. it was
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not until about 5 in the morning that they were able to see it from a close distance. upon arriving there, they informed me that all the passengers became martyrs who was a great sorrow for me as present. right. you see, had been a dear friend, a genuine friend of mine, especially in the past 3 years when i was the secretary of his economic council. i was very distressed to the king of box frame has arrived in. let's go out to the invitation. presently let me put the easiest way to to hold poles with the rest. suddenly to nita later on, thursday, king ahamed, but it's so i'll probably was mad viruses deputy for mass. i'm the russian on the god just played landed. the aim of the visit is to discuss why that sold 5. this was the latest international development. last week, at the 13th, the arab leak summit fundraiser stated it's designed to enhance cooperation with russia, letting stump of looking so will take him to be g suite out of the chinese cooperation
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for a while old habits die hard, the pro protest, i'm present so it says once again had called the us the state anthony, but it comprised facilitating in washington the the well the almost 36000 people have died in the as well is wildly condemned but not by washington. it is main allied topping us. politicians are still standing out for 10 of the vine not criticizing the international criminal court was full office, prosecute the awfully arrest wants for easily defense and that's it. yeah. got
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a lot of i'm prime minister benjamin netanyahu. oh, think or so don't move in those deep. the us officials are up in arms over the recent indictment of his railey officials by the international criminal court. they say this has got to be nipped in the but 1st, israel gets indicted next america, america should punish the i. c, c, input, careen con, back in his place. and if the icpc is allowed to threaten israel's leaders, we know that america will be next. we have some very aggressive legislation that we're going to push is as quickly as possible. it will impose sanctions. so we hopefully together will find a way to rest drive displeasure, where they actually see it goes. if they'll do this is or we're next. so at the end of the day here, what i hope to happen is that we level sanctions against the c c. for this outrage to not only help our friends in israel, but protect ourselves overtime. blanking assured the country he's working with the
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us congress on an appropriate response to the i. c, c's indictment of netanyahu. i want to take actions and not just words, where you support by person, effort to sanction the i. c. c. not only for the outrage against israel, but to protect in the future own interest. i welcome working with you on that. okay, let me said that we're going to work together to send a signal, but as easy, what you did was not only outragious you destroyed the rule was we know it and you've given like been us for like 9 months. and i, i've never been more disappointed we work together to help the c, c, against russia, ungoverned spaces and rogue nations are the pointed by c. c. this is just the latest chapter in america is bizarre. relationship with the international criminal court. the united states never likes it when the i c. c starts looking into the activities of the pentagon or its allies. let's recall what happened when chief
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prosecutor of the icpc for to been sued to started investigating u. s. war crimes in afghanistan. as a result of its examination, my office has determined that these a reasonable basis to believe that the following categories of crimes within the court's jurisdiction have a good a, a war crimes by members of the united states armed forces on the territory off of 90 stone and by members of the us, central intelligence agency in secret detention facilities, enough got his son and on the territory of other states parties to their own statute. in september of 2020 the united states slabtown was sanction mike palm peo . then the us secretary of state announced also that unnamed individuals who were involved with investigations by the i c. c, into us personnel. we're going to have their visas blocked individuals and entities that continue to materially support those individuals for us exposure to sanctions
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as well. additionally, the state department has restricted the issuance of the visas for certain individuals involved in the ice. these, these efforts to investigate us personnel, us, senator ted cruz, the recently joined the club of those threatening to target the i. c. c. this time over its arrest warrants for his railey officials. he said back in 2021, that the i z z is nothing but a political organization targeting america and its allies and that their campaign would fail. the only c sees campaign against our troops will fail, because the united states will ensure that it fails. but also because it is fundamentally legitimate, the i, c, c, and the international community must decide between bringing the court back in line or destroying whatever legitimacy. it's still claims for itself. now us senator lindsey graham is worried about the united states being prosecuted. well, that would be a 1st take a look at libby, afghanistan, and a number of other countries that have been cast into chaos banks,
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the u. s. regime change operations. the usa has been caught in syria and other places arming and backing some pretty nasty terrorist and human rights violators. and let's not forget that since the beginning of the war on terror. watch dogs like amnesty international, have been raising questions about the tensions carried out by us officials in 2003, the added states invaded iraq. they said the country had weapons of mass destruction, and that turned out to be a lie. hundreds of thousands of people died and millions were displaced. then after the claims about weapons were give bonds, we had us president george w bush move the golf house and say the war was really just about spreading freedom of my fellow citizens at this hour. american and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm a rack, to free its people, and to defend the world from grave danger. the
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we came, we saw died. the, there's some concern about the us funding of the syrian opposition when there are a lot of reports. it all kinda is kind of heading up that opposition. how do you justify the, do i share that concern? and so what we've done it is to say we will provide non legal assistance to siri and opposition leadership that are committed to a political transition. the
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will not stay involved that dentist and militarily are diplomatic and you mandatory work will continue will continue to support to come this afternoon. we will keep providing assistance to the ask in national defenses and security forces. the, the back of the united states has never been prosecuted by the international criminal court is certainly interesting. and now as we see you as a business crying foul about the prosecution of netanyahu. democracies being pretty obviously a highlighted. some countries feel that it's their job selection. the world is about a rules, basically the border and international law. but they feel that those rules and laws apply to others rather than to themselves. and they're making hardly any real
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effort to conceal what at this point, failed archie, new york. now the thing conflicts russell, i have been conducting. the bowman weighs on thomas along the front lines. russian defense. and if he is released the video footage of f, you city for ag cloth flying, the mason says so i can same as the positions of i is the same launching guide. ones that this send it to the intended target is out of the range of opposing ad defense systems. meanwhile, russia has offered through these 500 ukranian p, a w's and up to the ssl exchange the cube only once i may a fraction of them. black, yes. so if your soldiers, the, that is, are in chief mother to send me, i posted the complete list of prisoners on either side of the channel. she said, this is key, wanted and banquet domain name from neo nazi information within li. cleaning ami
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particularly big as of the time you were you discussed this last side with independent dots in john, lift a sonya bond and she said, not considering any claims, lack of manpower as a refusal to bring back more to his makes no sense as it shows it actually as of intelligence, it's very important for us to land skimming. i mean the old se, okay. they're not new in that season. you know, but they are, i know this i was, the asshole is so they are very important for the regime and the other people apparently now, but you know, this is very strange because we all know that you create the ukraine is lacking soldiers. so i cannot understand that if you release your p o w's and you treat them, maybe some of them were injured or not, as opposed now because they were fairly good changes in the russia. i know that. so
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it's, it's strange. it's like if they don't want them back, i mean, why do you don't want your soldiers back? what are they afraid? or maybe we don't know everything. maybe the soldiers want to stay in russia. this is also what i heard, that i was in long skin, january as bad as vocational the soldiers who were captain. but they were all of us and they don't want to go back because they are very poorly trained to us in ukraine. and you know, they go through the phone lines with barely any training. so maybe that is the case with the other civil doors. it doesn't make any sense, only makes this one. it could be the p r, spelled as well, you know, but he doesn't want them back. and he's saying all the time in the press or, you know, we don't have enough soldiers and we need to do something and they can do something now. but this is not going to happen, but us and this it has no evidence of support is for you is claims of ty is
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supposedly suddenly weapons to rush out for the grant. compet buys admission by the white house itself, is officials in the pos did not shy away from accusing basie of rendering that for the support from oscar. a going back to 2022. i've actually started this podium and warrant about my concern, the china might provide weapons directly to assistance to russia. we didn't see that 2022. we didn't see it in 2023. we have not seen that today. well, while we us is black here away from his previous clients, the u. k is doubling down and a massive contradiction. london, i'm of the choosing the aging of involved in the play and conflicts. china has said it's close to either the navy in russia, a non confrontational towards any of the country with a brush defense, i think, says he's supposedly have evidence of mutual aid flying from china. russia,
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i can reveal that we have evidence that rusher and china are collaborating on, come back to equipment, see using you, train. legal aid is now full, will be flowing from china to rusher and into ukraine. i think it is a significant development. former c, i a alice, a lot of adults and says, those contradictory plans are a reflection of the, this unity among western powers. this is again, another symptom, one of the looming feet of nato. to keep the, you know, the, the, the line out of washing always has been, is that all nato, a stronger now it's more unified than ever. god, people are lining up to join us. things are great. but the reality is, you've got ever, you know, members of nato go in and completely different directions and on some significant. so substantive issues. you've got washington, the position tried to tell the other europeans, members of nato, what weapons they need to send to ukraine when the united states itself is bulky
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and it's sending some, some types of equipment. so it's, well, what we're seeing, this kind of chaos is when people are in a panic situation, they're the, are acting with the directing, frantically, they're not following a plan. they were just reacting to with their emotions. the us 53 sided thing. you have it done in the field and tried to make it, rosalie, try that on a visit to beijing last month. but now she's switching his funds intending to washington as you are putting allies to confront china's industrial advantages. the chinese industrial policy may seem remote as we sit here in this room. but if we do not respond strategically and in the united way, the viability of businesses in both or countries and around the world could be at
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risk to buying the highest post new tires on chinese electric vehicles, assessing, doubling the price tag in the us. and also raised the import duties of solar panels . still island menu and medical equipment. washington is moved to conserve his own and to feed them says china has on se economic advantages. u. s. is also run payoff is on some of the games, but using over its close ties with laska you can have china on the one hand professing to see better relations with countries in europe, while on the other hand, fueling the greatest security threat to europe. since the end of the cold war, what we've done and what we need to continue to do one is we want a section more than a 100 chinese entities that we've identified that we're engaged in providing dual use um products. uh, other things that on sanctions list, we will continue to do that and we're working to coordinate our efforts with european and other partners who are also aggrieved. in fact, in many ways,
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even more greed by this practice because the direct threat to them 1000, well from the shine high sense of a rim packet is obviously, so he's not buying what i don't see, but can, is selling. i think the, the response from the white house is kind of expected, but uh, it basically shows that these, the american politicians, all the white house, people being the white house, a basically lost the status is on these accusations of china for its over capacity is totally upset because there is a, a for electric vehicles. there is a parent play, a big shortage of electric vehicles worldwide. and china's capacity um production capacity is good. it is actually a good news for the rest of the. well, it's actually the us and europe,
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and the european countries they are lagging behind in this sector. so it is more of a exercising trade protectionism, rather than you know, trade capacity of china. this is totally wrong. people with sensors will realize what the real reason behind or of this and the us is also itself giving out subsidies to its own company is in the semi conductor industry. and in the electric vehicle industry as well, why? out of the blue when it comes to china, the us subsidies becomes strategic, strategic importance. whereas when china produces its cars, it becomes a threat. so this is not federal aid. they are working against the rules based or perhaps i think it's time we sure to remind our friends
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and counterparts in the west that uh what about the rules based older and before we got some hot warming, let's take a look at some footage of a giant pine, the cold, cold cuts, use a spot for you around in a pool at the mosque as a bone in russia in august of last year. she made his c is the kind of the 1st time the power has been doing and really had those letting 5 on too long ago in 2019 from beijing. the symbol of good relations, telling them problems is what is smith a to as i'm the diplomacy by letting the in know list of those countries all over the globe regardless of where they will do stuff is expect. this is the most is due until she is fully as old as possible that she will continue to reside in russia field box. but as always, it's going to have your company here on our
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t until the last, so didn't check out all see it. i'll call that a lot of interesting stories that we'll be back in about 30 minutes. we'll hope you'll join us by the, the line, scott bennett. i'm a former united states army psychological warfare officer who served in the state department counterterrorism office under investor del daily. so i wanted to come here to russia in the dawn bass area and gather the facts to take back to the american people for the .


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