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tv   News  RT  May 23, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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the, the iran is, it is the day of the country morning of the late president. right. so you and other victims all but you have you come to crashes, they are to be buried in the 100 pounds because they're just vice president says you essentials would posit, responsible for the project on the co. the american economic sanctions have also affected our own aviation equipment systems. we have lost great people with the political history to run and the last half century has shown that such incidents have only led to greater use visa, pete, the process prison and my partner runs in the pacific because of you coming down here to address the public outrages the changes are made, will boats in right levels of his government. don't wait,
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allow me to send the army here. but we didn't ask the army to come here. we don't know if you arrive to restore. com, but in any case, he's already con and gone and thinks us to the site. there is no really. com, no real piece the product. the cool, the us to say that you want us to get in washington is about whether a good faith legal proceedings in the international criminal court, luckett suppose, allied as well. the problem most as to the well, this is good to have your company today. my name's tonight is the 3rd day of funerals across iran for present racy and of a frightened level. officials in died in a helicopter class,
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last weekend. massive crowds of motors were filled with the feats of eastern cities, of a bit of john the under my hands, expecting the bodies of present raise the other victims of the crash to be buried in the towns in the cities of properties club and the capital tax ron hosted gland possessions of the bulls at least $94.00 degrees, attended the processions entail all names of the departments of a progress on, on the wrong because it was because it, gustavo president, we heard from it rainy is gathered at the funeral processions brandy. and i have experience, many things like that, but he will never forget is efforts is actually the way he used to go. and he used to be the person to save our country from dispatch situation really must be that when i last present race and he's companions
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was the same as when i lost my father. i was truly touched with the power of our dear leader, ayatollah committee. we are confident in the support of the leader. nothing bad is going to happen in iran. right. if it feels have said the u. s. is possibly responsible for the faithful glass of washington. it has been just for up to the middle eastern countries, aviation industry of the u. s. breast of those concerns, an assistant will maintain its sanctions regime the right and vice versa, spoke about wasn't as comfortable, but let's see. and an exclusive interview with oxy on the display of the to the americans are responsible for prison. gracie's helicopter crash for 2 reasons. first, before the 1979 is lumnick revolution, iran had agreements with the united states regarding airborne vehicles and aviation systems. americans have never filled their commitment since, nor have they returned the money we paid them for equipment. second,
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the american economic sanctions have also affected our own aviation equipment systems. we have lost great people, but the political history of iran in the last half century has shown that such incidents have only led to greater unity, the people accumulating the internal strength and big ration of our ideology. strange things have happened, and many people around the world became sad. many governments have declared a public morning period, including india, pakistan's, iraq, syria, and lebanon. many international assemblies have observed a minute of silence, including the united nations security council. this phenomenon is very significant and has resulted in politicians, even ones who oppose us being moved by this incident. they have a more realistic view about the administration of the country. in fact, present rise. these martyrdom provided a brighter horizon of the role and effective a ron in the world and the international community. it is shown the relations between nations around the world and the ron abraham race. he has brought about
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many around in achievements in the last 3 years. for instance, a great breakthrough in international relations. within a short period, our country was initiated into the shanghai cooperation organization and bricks became active in the region economic union and improved its relations with neighbors. in a way, he was like profit abraham, who is known as an idol breaker. as rice, he broke the idol of economic sanctions. i believe you're on, we'll continue nourishing the goals and i, the ology of i told her, right, you see, in fact, his martyrdom provided a bright, your verizon for the role of your on in the world. and it's important in the international community unveiling the prospect stipulations between other nations and you are on. a friend of mine who is in charge of the red crescent of breeze immediately contacted me and said that the connection with the president's helicopter was lost. then search and rescue operations started due to bad weather
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conditions. it was not until about 5 in the morning that they were able to see it from a close distance. upon arriving there, they informed me that all the passengers became martyrs who was a great sorrow for me as present. right. you see, had been a dear friend, a genuine friend of mine, especially in the past 3 years when i was the secretary of his economic council. i was very distressed to fully mind here michael has arrived in french rolled noon colored. the officer was wyatt's. and on the island in full, he is sponsoring violet unrest that his arrival did not go down well with the islands inhabitants. i got my toilet foundation on his last. he doesn't know what to do. everyone there is looking at france. everyone. see you. the shenanigans in france now that he is coming here, we don't meet him here since then has been sending out full edition. so friends, we don't need to go to friends. the discussions are here because the future of the country is here and kind of get what i don't know. we don't want to see him here.
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he started this, the things on fire started to raise thousands to the point of setting things on fire. it wasn't the young people who started before. it wasn't us was sense. they sounded fine. in any case, it's already good. the bad comment. but after that, we can't, we don't know if he'll arrive to restore. com. but in any case, he's already come and gone. and things are still the same. there is no real calm, no real peace, no way allow me to send the army here. but we didn't ask the army to come here. we are fighting for all consumers and follow the children. i'll say it again. this is for our children later on, the armies here, but i don't know what the army is doing here. we don't need them here. we can protect ourselves. we can manage all countries here. probably this is a right to say that new battery, okay? those lines ahead of my phones, visits the tubes, following the funds that combined in schools like government elect, total reforms, paused last week the. this was
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a separate thing on a so, so me there says a smoke rising above destroyed buildings in the capital of new man. opposite continued precedence in protest as in police and the remains of but i have called the shops listed the space. 6 people were killed in violent wisely for them both by the funds of governments. propose modifications to local elect tore rights according to a 2019 sense of indigenous color ex account for 40 percent of the population of 24 percent. identify as near a pin code that says the that the revisions will diminish the votes. dislike public protest. michael, on his side to the face, troops will remain in the territory for as long as necessary. let me phone as i speak through our 3000 internal security forces in new caledonia and more
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reinforcements will arrive in the next few hours. this is unprecedented. and for several days now, there have been no more than at the time of the 3rd referendum. let me be very clear. these forces will remain as long as necessary, including during the olympic and paralympic games. and why then person i called the well technically new color, there is a french region, but it is located about 17000 kilometers from paris, the light and describes the archipelago as a non self governing territory, just slight being part of the effect of public new caledonia. as president, but and i knew michael is listed as a head of state steve charlotte and m p provides pulling media. says the french government is entirely responsible for the unrest in the territory. i just, yeah. what i believe i would like to remind you, mr. prime minister that your government is entirely responsible for the tragedies
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that are currently taking place in this territory. moreover, i remind you that the full of presidents of overseas regions support the territory of kentucky and all unanimously in favor of the withdrawal of your text. it is necessary to most of the long history of the oci on the and peoples to understand the anger that reigns in kentucky. this is what i tried to explain to you during the crisis meeting. imagine you on friday may 17th, where i particularly emphasize the fact that the peoples of the pacific attached great importance to trust and the authenticity of human relations. however, to the past year adopted by the current government makes any dialogue with the people impossible. global net home process of sources of wireless interrupted in the find specific territory of new kind of done a last week. right? it is among cheap and uses of the mess of essential for batteries, electrical vehicles and other devices. for ray, i'm a new executive director of the sense of the natural resources go. this describes
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the situation and the read just region as re souls nationalism explain about war, decides induce to the power, decides which your company must have come to extract a g o mix. but this issue gets bit loud and say, well, that's a resource bending over a b, a because of the disruption that was supposed to by abuse is protest. the price of need to get shut up from about $18500.00 a time to about $21000.00. the time there is the which is called the resource mission. it is we are a lot of communities that reach maturity sources. i'm now demanding clear to me. we are looking for people touching ownership of the natural resources
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to be a silver drainage. that's what we kind of be suffering. we don't the phone. i walk, i was not giving you a brand new award, so it's a 2nd acts as pro policy imposes and was again, had called us secretary of state as a blended image center savings in washington. the . * the, well, the 36000 people died in the war. it's been why been condemned around the world, but not by as main allies. washington saw us, well as this is,
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are still standing out is up and criticizing the international criminal court. once more officer prosecute the off for the rest for, for is really different as the guidelines and the prime minister benjamin netanyahu . the speaker of the us house of representatives is concerned that washington to be next in cause off the israel. he threatened to impose sanctions against the you, disagree of america should punish the i. c, c, input, careen con, back in his place. and if the icpc is allowed to threaten israel's leaders, we know that america will be next. so we hopefully together will find a way to rest dr. displeasure with a, as the site goes. if they'll do this is or we're next, we're going to work together to send a signal that as easy. what you did was not only outrages you destroy the rules, we know it ungoverned spaces and rogue nations are the pointed by c. c. this is
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just the latest chapter in america's bizarre relationship with the international criminal court. the united states never likes it when the i c. c starts looking in to the activities of the pentagon or its allies. let's recall what happened when chief prosecutor of the icpc for to ben suda started investigating us. war crimes and a half dana stats. war crimes by members of the united states armed forces, one of the 2 to a full studies done. and by members of the us, central intelligence agency in secret detention facilities, enough by the sun and on the territory of other states parties to their own statute . in september of 2020, the united states slap the eyes, the seed was sanction mike palm peo. then the us secretary of state announced also that unnamed individuals who were involved with investigations by the i c. c, into us personnel. we're going to have their visas blocks. the state department has restricted the issuance of the visas for certain individuals involved in the ice.
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these, these efforts to investigate us personnel, us, senator ted cruz, the recently joined the club of those threatening to target the i. c. c. this time over its arrest warrants for his really officials. he said back in 2021 that the i z z is nothing but a political organization targeting america and its allies. the only c. c is competing against our troops will fail. because the united states will ensure that it fails, but also because it is fundamentally illegitimate. the i c, c, and the international community must decide between bringing the court back in line or destroying whatever legitimacy it still claims for itself. now us senator lindsey graham is worried about the united states being prosecuted. well, that would be a 1st take a look at libby, afghanistan and a number of other countries that have been cast into chaos. bang, c u. s. resume change operations, my fellow citizens. at this hour, american and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to
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design the rack, to free its people and to defend the world from great danger the we came, we saw died. the, there's some concern about the us funding, the syrian opposition when there are a lot of reports. it all kinda is kind of heading up that opposition. how do you justify that? do i share that concern? and so what we've done it is to say we will provide non legal assistance to syria
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and opposition leadership that are committed to a political transition. the will not stay involved that dentist and militarily or diplomatic can you manage through work will continue, will continue to support the government. in fact, we will keep providing assistance. we ask in national defenses and security for the back of the united states has never been prosecuted by the international criminal court. is certainly interesting. and now as we see you as a business, crying foul about the prosecution of netanyahu, democracy is being pretty obviously a highlighted. some countries feel that it's their job selection. the world is
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about a rules, basically the border and the international law. but they feel that those rules and laws apply to others rather than to themselves, and they're making hardly any real effort to conceal it. at this point are to new york the king of offering has arrived in moscow as the invitation of president of inputs in his experience. it's a whole tools with the russian lead up later on thursday. king, how much is the all the, how the was med buses, deputy for a man. so i'm a russian one. 0 god is his pain lived in the 8th of the visit is to discuss and blindfold files as well as the latest international developers. also we have no so it seems that our leaks so many offerings that is designed to enhance cooperation with russia. the next stop all the things to will take things of aging for the arab chinese cooperation for to us
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admit it has no evidence to support his previous claims of china as opposed to the sending weapons to russia for the queen conflict. but a sudden mission by the white house itself was official in the pos did not shy away from accusing beijing rendering misery support from oscar. going back to 2022, i've actually stood at this podium and warrant about my concern. the china might provide weapons directly to assistance to russia. we didn't see that 2022. we didn't see that in 2023. we have not seen that today. while the u. s. is boxy away for the previous claims. the k is doubling down and the massive concrete diction law live. it hasn't been the accusing beijing of involvement and the claim conflict sign up as denied moved to vote in the ukraine because it has said it's close ties
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with neighboring russia on non confrontational towards any of the country. but leverage defense surgery says he supposedly have that live in some needful aid flowing. china, russia, i can reveal that we have evidence that rusher and china are collaborating on comebacks, equipment for using you train. legal aid is now will be flowing from china to rusher and into ukraine. i think it is a significant development full that see i and i slide off of this as those contradictory claims, our reflection of the dis unit see among western powers. this is again, another symptom of the lumen, the feet of nato. to keep, you know, the, the, the line out of washing always has been, is that all nato is stronger. now it's more unified than ever. god, people are lining up to join us. things are great, but the reality is, you've got ever, you know,
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the members of nato go in and completely different directions and add on some significant. so substantive issues. you've got washington, the position tried to tell the other europeans, members of nato, what weapons they need to send to ukraine when the united states itself is bulky and it's sending some, some types of equipment. so it's, well, what we're seeing, this kind of chaos is when people are in a panic situation, they're the, are acting with the routing. frantically, they're not following a plan. they were just reacting to with their emotions. now to think right and confidence in ross showed me prior to being conducting thing both ways on targets along the front lines, the russian defense and then he has raised the video footage of s u c. 4 ad go off, fly. mrs sykes. you destroy. if you couldn't emergency position never plays a scene role in seeing gliding bottoms that descend to the intended target is out
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of the range of opposing defense systems that. meanwhile, russia has offered to release 500 ukranian piano doubles. it appeared the potential exchange deal, but cave. oh, and it was a mess of fraction of just search the 8 soldiers. now, all to use editor in chief mazda, it's assuming i'm posted the complete list of prisoners on her 10 of your own channels. she said those 6 key wanted back, what predominantly from neo nazi formation with in the putting in all me singularly the, as of the time, you know, we discussed this martha with the independent does janice sonya, of on that. and she said that concerning quinn, lots of model power is refusal to bring back molar tooth makes no sense. and
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it shows that actually the actual intel in is very important for a salon skimming. mean they all say ok, they're not new. and that season, you know, but they are, i know this, i was there. so it's, so they are very important for the regime and the other people apparently now, but you know, this is very strange because we all know that you create the ukraine is lacking soldiers. so i cannot understand that if you release your p o w's and you treat them, maybe some of them were injured or not. i suppose not because they were fairly good changes in the russia. i know that. so it's, it's strange. it's like if they don't want them back, i mean, why do you don't want your soldiers back? what are they afraid? or maybe we don't know everything. maybe the soldiers want to stay in russia. this is also what i heard, that i was in long skin, january as bad as vocational soldiers who were captain. but they were all of us and they don't want to go back because they are very poorly treated in ukraine. and
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you know, they go to the front lines barely any training. so maybe that is the case with the other civil doors. it doesn't make any sense. only makes this one. it could be an a p r solved as well, you know, but he doesn't want them back. and he's saying all the time in the press or, you know, we don't have enough soldiers and we need to do something and they can do something now. but this is not going to happen to you now the commission president has made have like a gaze forward input as a teen topic of a re election campaign of on that i'm so as she wants to implement a so called european democracy child support tax and the block from outside in to various but how democratic would that be now to contribute to visualize them in spite or one of the hallmarks of the european union is that if something sounds too
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good to be true easily, just means the exact opposite. she's been posting ads on social media lately, having apparently just discovered the same sophisticated video making out, mastered by 12 year olds across the you. and it was such a video. she promises that if she's re coordinated, she'll defend europe with a democracy. shield means about democracies manipulating information to so deficient. so we must step up products with a european democracy shield, unambitious european projects that focuses on the biggest threats from foreign into feelings and money. police, so here we go again. democracy in this case really just means censorship actually because what does the shield protect your from? well, from things like inconvenient facts and from cleaners let and the rest of the european establishment having to defend their own ideological literacy and explain to them leads why the narratives are selling. just don't jive with reality. what. ringback democracy just be better off altogether. it's everything that didn't sit there
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propaganda could just be wiped over the head and dragged off into the shadows by cleaners loose online democracy shield. gustavo. oh, hey, maybe characterizing the democracy shield as the propaganda sealed is unfair, right? it's not like you is interested in doing propaganda. they just want to do a little pre bunting, which totally doesn't sound like propaganda at all. research has shown that pre bunking is much more successful. then the bunk pre bunking is basically the opposite of the bunking in short. prevention is preferable to cure perhaps if you think of information menu police and as a virus instead of treating an infection once it has taken hold. that is the bunking as it is much better to vaccinate,
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so that the body is inoculated. pre bunking is the same approach. because this information relies on people passing it on to office. it is essential that people know what's on the line. informations influence is and what the techniques are that are behind it. and as the knowledge of bills of our chances of being influenced goes down and that fills up the society really is the resilience that we will need. yeah, think a free debate and discussion as a nasty virus could get messy, wouldn't it just be better if the you could inject its narratives like a vaccine, right, into the minds of systems to eliminate any risk of opposing views or information. hey, what is the pre bunk narrative? is that this information though?
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of course, that never happens right. by the way, so side of resilience here just means compliance to everyone, piles into the cloud car on command, so that these jokers can take everyone on a joy ride down this toby and highway in the direction of whatever their agenda happens to dictate. but hey, maybe clean ursula should be given the benefit of the doubt here. maybe i'm being a little bit too harsh on her. perhaps she just wants to deploy democracy, shield against armies of annoying, online body, and not at all against the political playing field across descent. we have seen far right politicians and lead candidates from a, if the in germany in the pockets of russia snare, selling the souls on russian propaganda outlets and videos. hey, you want us to mirror political opponent because they happen to enjoy a free speech on a variety of platforms. sounds like a job for the democracy shield, which like nato is totally defensive and absolutely does not do all sensitive operations and actively snuff the opponents on the political landscape. the you
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already tried to pick off the entire media outlets that didn't light censoring rushing media outlets like r t and splitting it at that super national level. and imposing that ban on all of the number of states of the entire block. the justification that they were spreading, quote, the distortion of facts that threaten the you, democratic order. not exactly a big crowd pleaser though for the proponents of a free press. first of all, it should be remembered that media regulation does not fall within the competence of the european union. we believe the eu has no right to grant or withdraw broadcast licenses. this is an exclusive competence of the states in our liberal democracies. it is independent regulators, never the government that are allowed to manage the allocation of licenses, turns out the blanket sense or should didn't quite knock everyone into line. so now if we enter, so instead of seeing her add that the democracy shield will quote, track down information manipulation and coordinate with national agencies hunting
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down wrong speakers on the informational landscape. sounds super democratic. so does the idea of quote, national agencies deciding what qualifies as news is this authoritarian democracy shield warner require any like independent oversight or anything? because cleaners love back when she was german defense minister under chancellor angela merkel really wasn't in to that kind of thing of the lack of arms and vehicles was made public defense minister full of under land low top grade and prepared the equipment according to some soldiers and offices, the minister has so far failed to deliver on her promises. we know from her stonewalling of the committee, demanding the senior text messages with pfizer brass over her vaccine deals that she really isn't into transparency very much either who needs actual democratic values. so when you have a democracy shields, maybe we can see it deployed in real time in a sort of test if it was really.


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