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tv   Documentary  RT  May 23, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EDT

3:30 am
the, the negative so that if i do wish to the cocktail producing, putting as a, which was this, the think of some of the if i want to increase the sign out, of course, with them. i'm just hoping to wait for the children were intervening, persevering. the nimble, with just a little bit of sense. i'm actually on this to them for both. so it's been easy to go to whole. so brought the both of them so the sure and the
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news for me, it's not that good or forceful might interest. you should get it from spanish versus create another system us this christmas present. as the switch theory participated, then because it was not there is to go more into blue uh with the provides progressive. now through them we were never had a mess and i'm a victim. once we get yes, that is supposed to be is the one the just the
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the, the ocean or whatever. we can use the advantage across the largest share here on the phone. we saw the video, it was the commercial solution it was given to the
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. ringback you see the, you the show of the life. so the result was more comfortable. every piece of us, you know, for a neutral says this price quote is most insurance. if i get, you know, up to got, you know, as many as of us knew this was the guy which is usually the
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one who actually met the part of my to a mobile notary name. what bill is that? say that boy, you does
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a new particular chance still moving disappeared away. and what so not the what? the why you go through what the school, what year is that to watch football? what, what clicks uh, by my nipples. your store on the um, the 4th, the finish space put in your premiums to what? the sliding little thing and so basically what the actual build and you have to go to us builder. you got the best buy the good. been doing them that way of shooting? yeah. so what's on your dog's name? does that go to the store all wheel mark or it does it got the tag, the all the by it. so those can watch that cool. but i'm wondering if that so least i can let me know more about them. can you have some like that was the, was there was a get the by mile get the category the sure what's going on here publish it, but i mean it's good. so the back the,
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the the the,
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the lease on us, the new point on australian. so most of the, or you, you will see you stick with people in the front. and then once they end up in a numerous attempts, and that's what kind of interesting when in way away with them when he was really
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winning way away, cielo and you were going into my nose as low as so that was the most important and well ended up on so some thoughts extreme. i mean i was there was that i can think of someone who wants to request for us to talk to assembly and it is like, i'm sure it's the same as the most part of the ssl certificate for us. both are for casa function. yeah. most of the eclipse, the web store, the private and i deelye just on the phone really. um, we're not sure where you're going across the image, but not as you come to the game, but the most the most. but you can use a board where the speech opinion is the most are suppose we took the, we did the trans flush, the of the farm was beauty was supposed to cut the whole thing and that you put the desire. so those are the beautiful most of the playboy she has spoken to were in yuba is the worst of what the super to at the absolute but talking to you with the, with the football with thoughts the way me of so got you words now jim good to me
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is there should have to gain ridiculous solution that the you so much to bring it to the question you shift. so i'm a surprise miss. you have single in the corner of the store. i suggest you might need to show us the price points. this is jessica bureau and it's louis and he bought the jacob dora, personally was part of the video for sure. it was a little deal with watching 3 for the look at the more towards the image of project . where would i go to a couple guys again, the archibald opportunities,
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whatever you might have just for a while on the discussion with my son, with a parcel for jessica, for on the what i'm going you to great, the dark jelly. get the poignancy to the, you know, well, show them the need. so i'm with is i'm getting is dealing with a 1000000. there's a the right to manage the domain virtual for region, but we have the shuttle not to do that will put, you mean? yeah, ethical, regina critique permission or the other? see? yeah, the solution guy on the side euro it will take 2 inputs, which will start with what you will be the thoughts we'll see what sort of short move i used to own bruce got out of here on jim impersonate. you completed that daily. come and get a good list of what semester became my me on the i need can use my ocean single life, but usually still when you switch yours in we've subjected him said little girl
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repeated. look at them. then you click on when you've done your site, you will bring your square last summer meeting and go get this thing. let me know, but i can let them know that was the way any better with the here at the mercy of what they did. and i show, but the most of my most viewed them from google is next. i 2 car garage at the bottom, a slip like skies of math, but i didn't, i'd be surprised when they'd be seeing that the the
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teachers to choose choose to the us. she's got the the
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the the,
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the, the which was the middle the summer for the so the focus seats that of what that some of which somebody from you to see just for this face facility and do much but book them through with but she also situated to me, this name is most of the contacts and it was real shows a new for, did this go with the, from the designing sort of affinity device was agent then?
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yes, computers, or viruses assume you could sort of move with the, the, the slow, but with me, a sort of mixed up was that on the notes and assuming too much of the bookstore, the view is what's been using you for the new device. it's sort of silver flow cuz we're doing this now for and it was filled with precision materials of the system. usually the object assess simply because most of the people i'm still looking for a squint syllable model. the condition of the people are the people. so then you're going to have going to go with the ethical issues this one inch is on the quote to speak with tongues at the boundary is because of depressing more additional
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panelists, because your business and you could bring as much cub deputy to, to be offices you have a queen don't use disease which is the $5090.00 degree. usually we usually, you know, we could put starting just to just assume what storage is going. can you potentially look at the continues is conducting a cheap deducting it, you know, choose your computer. you don't really suit the
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gym to football on the get the mission of the cause of david, most of the music digital or blame the
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the, the good word showing me of the on the would you me to do my computer with mr. summerstone? i'm due because of noise when you wish to switch from the known for your phone book or with me, most of the non precision use the program. was that with some of it, by the way, you must go. most of it of the, of called the sims, don't a solution. uh, the keep the old yeah, there's not a good the to maybe of them was a good way to when you put it all to really to well duplicate,
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besides you is. this was 13 to look score. sure. i was of my bidding the for the old school to the city. the city of course it was you. i mean, a lot of particular florida we sure was the zip codes that of when you were doing us for quizzical sheets. and of course we also exclude him on the
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bulk of some but you're welcome. tell me a decrease and usually will screw up the special needs to be so the the dump, the city is almost pushing you for your patience. all of us that the, with the to the, with the big digital will assist you to just the stuff in your book purchasing these get out of the house. you know, i smoke of leaders are ready to place to the north for the people continue to the followup. must i? because they meet all of this comes with the recall, the call the,
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[000:00:00;00] the yes man, a brotheckle cause i know he's zillow and is your prostate the cook worth as soon as i am what you're going to do most to me to the court. but the me that is a fabulous job for numerous thoughts on decision. it was a source of it isn't going to share some went to us out now. so for me of the catalog and you're using kind of little listing here. so i'm wasting my use is to
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really just me a rock like the series and i see a feel from both use to wear them. walter on 0 is this you me to flush like now it is the last name which when you go throw me over to the motion you can warn you, let us but yeah, yeah it is. i just got it on the or something like that. we still need to go with some photographs, some sort of or you know somebody just cynical thing at the phone with a video of what you you think it's always, you know, professional quest. if it's as long as we show us, it's a full but as long it's a fluid, it's still something done. yes. because some of the some of them. yeah. cuz i just even avoid this is gloria this concession with a show. the show that will give will is in,
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with an option when it's associated with those things almost present, you know, some for the to soak the for what you all as well to my talk with a lot of this month or all the best in the the the rest assured i me see when the page because of the truth speeches move in tod, issue me as far as the a full troy of of the simple you've got to just the from the crap. that's not us
3:54 am
middle of the find you out on the look of them as much as 0. why is this both? it's a crappy off. this was because, you know, the distance between those wardrobe units and we were simply wanting to so, so we've seen for new whole exposure by miller roll corners of supercharger. while name is still on the as long as you find me, yours was a log in the system and organized for the english. just as a reminder, this was the biggest benefit i have. plus they on, they have to spend an hour. okay. and that's what, what was the reason like, of course the women forced to, to do, i think, is very important rid of the church of lives here. but it's just do this. this is the who wants to see
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or what is the real to watch sports as well? oh oh boy. or do some got image putting it on? are you on the phone some just that i wasn't appropriate for me to put you down. you know the piano is just in place, the vehicle was leased it is the check engine light. yeah. motors car uh when he bought because they may been you know, close to plus the rep that and so wouldn't end up losing just more than i paid right. yeah, can you, can you send me over to someone who can score this up? you're checking the option of those people, you're good. they have to pull stuff. thing in, you know, we'll store this price for, you can push more of a quote on that, but it was, it's a little group of kind of on the moon.
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we've also triple to come to the world. usually we have something that will just constraints of load the field, you know, which, which could also with the zealand donaldson, why gave was trust because they didn't respond. so here's a follow up with the, to the couple of mistrust enough for them. so there's to bring in the whole substitute of interest,
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but the reason on descriptive of their shares and that the tutoring speakers to still come to the core them to the functionality. so to a couple of sort of specialists and need assistance with using him see the funded the my think there is a it to me, you mean you wish the place where it was it your issue, the losing your plan. you might have to stay issue for the place with the school could assist us not positive, but she more interested in the progression from school system of the beginning. but besides the, so the good news,
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3:59 am
the, the, the, the other, you lose your mama, what sky o'neills was the when you talk with bach, with bach, got them of the book, the job i have of the money for the theater. if as little as human views to them please, yes, it's of the attendance like you to associate with read you a couple, i get those go coordinating a lot more to the door. so familiar with this one. as i said, watch blushing, but just as soon as i think you said that we can see it on there,
4:00 am
which assessment when you put it, you got it got to get the, the, the pro, the micro on a runs in the pacific territory of new kind of done yeah, to the public outrage of big changes to original voting rights. local is government going way allow me to understand the army here, but we didn't ask the army to come here. they talk about sharing and balance, but that's and that will be the case he's already con and gone and thinks us to the site or on. and then in the, in the day of the country morning, the late president re c and the other, the incentive i had to go to class as they're all to be buried in their hometown and do the vice president sized us sanctions were partially responsible for the


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