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tv   News  RT  May 23, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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what's the, what's the assess of anybody's rodnick? i to get the, the, the problem, the problem i called a rise in the pacific territory of new kind of done yes to address public outrage over the changes to original voting rights. local in govern. going way allow me to send the army here. well, we didn't ask the army to come here. they talk about sharing and balance. but that's and that will be the case he's already con and gone and thinks us to the site here on. and then in the day of the country morning, the late president re c and the other big symbols i had to come to class as they are to be buried in their hometown. regard to the vice president says us sanctions were partially responsible for the president. the,
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the american economic sanctions have also affected her own aviation equipment systems. we have lost great people, but the political history of iran and the last half century has shown that such incidents have only led to greater unity of the people. the crow policy in the miseries had cool us to stay. and once again, as long as it did, it was about whether they could face legal proceedings and the incessant criminal court. august, post i life is, well, america should punish the i. c, c, input, careen con, back in his place. and if the icpc is allowed to threaten israel's leaders, we know that america will be next the let's just go on $811.00. am here in the russian capital. welcome. wherever you're capturing the news from today,
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this is oxy. the local has arrived in french, ruled and new caledonia, off to the was why it is on the island of faulty is sparks and violent unrest. is there, why wouldn't they know the down well? well the islands inhabitants drama toilet found the count as last. he doesn't know what to do. everyone there is looking at friends. everyone see you the shenanigans in france now that he is coming here, we don't meet him here since then has been sending out full edition. so friends, we don't need to go to friends. the discussions are here because the future of the country is here and kind of get what i don't know. we don't want to see him here. just started this. the things on fire just started to raise taxes to the point of setting things on fire. it wasn't, the young people was started before. it wasn't us was sense. they sounded fine. in any case, it's already good. the bad comment. but after that we'd cons. we don't know if you arrive to restore. com. but in any case, these already come and gone. and things are still the same. there is no real calm,
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no real peace, no way allow me to send the army here. but we didn't ask the army to come here. we are fighting for our country and follow the children. i'll say it again. this is for our children, wait on the armies here, but i don't know what the army is doing here. we don't need them here. we can protect our selves. we can manage our country here. young people scream because it is difficult for them. every day they see what's happening and step away from them in what poverty they live. unlike the people next door, i think it's more of a socio economic crisis. it's moving to struggle. they really resulted to fighting, increasing the number of the electorate. but there was a socio economic crisis behind it. probably the test says the right, it's a new battery case over the night. the head of black cons visits for adult before the funding buyers close by government at a total reforms pos just last week. the
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this further inside the on site. so maybe it has smoke rising above and this fluid buildings in the cam to new may at all to continue the process of seeing photo system police. the remains of birds out called, i'm sorry, i missed this, these 6 people were killed in violent riots. i suppose both 5 defense of governments propose modifications to the local elect or rights. now, according to a 2019 census in the just kind of acts, accounting for 40 percent of the population was 24 percent identified as you appear in the sense that they revisions will diminish the votes. this white public protest michael and had stated that frank foods will remain in this territory for as long as necessary for me. as i speak through our 3000 internal security forces in new caledonia and more reinforcements will arrive in the next few hours. this is
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unprecedented and for several days now, there have been no more than at the time of the 3rd referendum. let me be very clear. these forces will remain as long as necessary, including during the olympic and paralympic games. the water is running through the in the hills. blogs, arising global nicole prices, the tennessee is among key producers of the medical center. so for batteries, electric vehicles and other devices now list seems to be why falls is not willing to loosen his grip on the archipelago. as all the seas, charlotte dimansky explains as most of the media focus on new caledonia right now, is talking about the civil unrest and relating not to changes to the voting lights on the island, which locals claim, whoops, no 5, any hoops were eventually independence or clean this is a trigger pointing, sadly,
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scratches the surface of what's really going on, despite being some 16000 kilometers. what you probably think is fonts. this pacific island nation is actually part of the country's overseas territories. and it's important to paris for several reasons. it's the base for the factory military, and it's a source of a precious metal nickel. nickel is wealth for new caledonia. it is also, and i emphasize this, a major strategic resource for france in europe at a time when we have undertaken a massive re industrialization efforts, goals, and use it a whole host of products, including with chargeable batteries, the hybrid vehicles. it's also used to make stainless steel. a crucial product for construction, access to supplies is key. it's just the, not about the nice little for sale over the goal is very important. but it's about the song renting, so that summer in t normally, it's also
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a political but it's also economic and part of the economic. so renting has the elements of nickel extractions, bennett fusion and then also the profit of it. francis strategies. very clear. then you're going to apply and assess and then made sure they explode as much as they can. this is also a story. he says about competition on a global scale trying that has been securing it's nickel subsidies from nearby indonesia at a cheaper rate. from sam b u by default to, to still showing from flooding its market with cheap electric vehicles in the back to the full resource extractions and management. taking advantage of that, china is leading to the facts and i didn't take advantage of that kind of wind of the silver red tea that's blowing around the french empire and then freed himself. but it might take a little bit of time. at that point, they can cut a deal,
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perhaps a china or any other country that can tell to china is probably the best bedframe you. i'd ask that shift nickel from indonesia is becoming harder for the you to access new caledonia as importance is woke, it's a new caledonia. could see radically take up the slack and nichol supplies from indonesia. the territory could declare independence, take out the french, and invite the chinese to invest and it's minds and smelters as alex hello suggested this issue of exporting nickel is deeply connected to caused by some of the indigenous peoples for independence. while france needs to remain in control of this precious resource, getting well new caledonia has fost reserves of nickel mining. it has become unprofitable powers stepped up with the proposed is so cool, nickel, back to sort this out. it said it would subsidize energy prices to reduce production costs. it would also invest in electricity production on the island.
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sounds good. well, not so many islanders who save it in return. they have to find some $65000000.00 us dollars to finance that cost cutting exercise, meaning new tax burdens. once again, caledonia is, will have to contribute. this is all the more unacceptable as they already contribute, massively to supporting the industry that's a lot. and yet the commitments required of manufacturers are non existent, not signing. the pact would put us in an extremely difficult situation. but the conditions are questionable that a nickel packet has also been criticized by pro independent support as for its colonial under toes. it's a colonial pact to take by control of new caledonia as a rule, materials. there is no withdrawal of sovereignty. none at all. we have to stop talking nonsense because afterwards, the militants on the ground say, the state wants to steal our nickel. because thoughts isn't saying is it by having
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more control of a nickel success, it's high, seems it's quick for me file a nation for generations to come. nickel accounts for 90 percent of new color don't use exports. and for one out of a freak 5 jobs and just look at this map of new caledonia. as you can see, the island is split into 2 zones in the south, it's governed by a political party that was to say, loyal to phones. but in the north, where the providence is governed by the cadillac independence movement, this is where the vast majority of nickel mines off there is the which is called the resource mission. it isn't, it only too much the works. we are the people i country, the ownership of the natural resources to be a super age. that's why we kind of be suffering. we don't own. i walk
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a lot. not really. we were both. they even the renewal boards offered, spend all ready solely locked in new colorado new calling for independence. almost half of the population one. it's failed to get his point across at the ballot box using 3 referendums since 2018. the movement is growing. new caledonia has been a french colony since the 1800s. those nicole mines with big wheezing white fonts initially. so control of it with your pin satellite, the heading, the to strike it rich. and what they did, the local populations were marginalized, social, and economic inequalities. us to obey us almost $200.00 is later. and for the younger generations colonialism still persists. us just saw, we feel oppressed or angry, or now everything is happening over there. and we're wondering, so plus the army to connect people being heard. stuff we've been lied to for years and years. they've lights, our ancestors, they've lights, our elders,
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to the various agreements that have been made clear on the 3rd agreement as the longest. we are tired of not being recognized most cation of what i realize it, that they've never felt and all to us. they talk about sharing and balance. but that's never been the case. most of them all they want is to be recognized in their own country. and to be allowed to run the country themselves. if you go to fiji, they're fijians, if you go to to hear their technicians. if you go to wallace, their wall lesions, it's only here in new caledonia when you arrive, that you find other people in the authorities. so as someone who has been fighting for this cause since i was born, i don't understand why the truths are being hidden and disregarded. colonialism isn't that new color doesn't use of still living through it is still having that results is exploited to benefit which you were piss. folks is cracking down on the
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current and rest as it's concerned about access to the nickel mines. and until those mines, us trip to bass, power has a vested interest to keep new caledonia on the it's direct control on to the movies. our media is of a rain is more over the death of those need is the country, is the vice president who raised concerns about partial us responsibility for the fatal accident. he spoke an exclusive interview to see about the liabilities of west side. this is against the wrong mistake, this because of the to the americans are responsible for prison drives this helicopter crash for 2 reasons. first, before the 1979 is law mich revolution, iran had agreements with the united states regarding airborne vehicles and aviation systems. americans have never filled their commitment since nor have the return the
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money we pay them for equipment. second, the american economic sanctions have also affected our own aviation equipment systems. we have lost great people, but the political history of iran and the last half century has shown that such incidents have only led to greater unity of the people. accumulating the internal strength and invigoration of our ideology. strange things have happened, and many people around the world became sad. many governments have declared a public morning period, including india, pakistan, iraq, syria, and lebanon. many international assemblies have observed a minute of silence, including the united nations security council. this phenomenon is very significant and has resulted in politicians, even ones who oppose us being moved by this incident. so today is the 3rd day of the and also costs are off of the present, the racing of the high level officials who died. and i had to come to class last weekend, massive crowds of motors of filled the seats of the eastern city, of those on the and the sides. so i think the bodies are present racy. i'm
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a little bit and since all the class to be buried in their home towns. oh yeah, the cities of the breeze come on the capital to her on who's to the grand processions of who entered least $94.00 and the fee that attended the procession into hom. they included the prime ministers of progress on the rock, as was the biggest of president hood. for me right now is gathered at the funeral processions brandy and i have experience many things like that, but he will never forget his efforts is actually the way he used to go. and he used to be the person to save our country from dispatch situation. really must be that when i last present trace and his companions was the same as when i lost my father, i was truly touched with the power of our dear leader,
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ayatollah committee. we are confident in the support of the leader. nothing bad is going to happen in iran. they lie was why, for the have and so, so as impulsive, the reason legacy saying it has and showed increment of stability and independence from watson influence. that's the official made that point it has. it's this event to be most as the brian henry you see has brought about many around in achievements in the last 3 years. for instance, a great breakthrough in international relations. when in a short period, our country was initiated into the shanghai cooperation organization and bricks became active in the region economic union and improved its relations with neighbors. in a way, he was like profit abraham, who is known as an idol breaker. as rice, he broke the idol of economic sanctions. i believe you're on, we'll continue nourishing the goals and i, the ology of ayatollah right. you see, in fact, his martyrdom provided
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a brighter horizon for the role of your on in the world. and it's important in the international community unveiling the prospects of relations between other nations and you're on a friend of mine who is in charge of the red crescent of breeze, immediately contacted me and said that the connection with the president's helicopter was lost. then search and rescue operations started due to bad weather conditions. it was not until about 5 in the morning that they were able to see it from a close distance. upon arriving there, they informed me that all the passengers became martyrs. it was a great sorrow for me as present. right. you see had been a dear friend, a genuine friend of mine, especially in the past 3 years when i was the secretary of his economic council. i was very distressed. but king of bahrain has arrived in moscow at the invitation and present right of inputs in it is, for instance, a whole tool for the russian lead up later today buys plus live so on. so you cause i'm not lo, read a costa rab marina. good to see what's on the agenda for today's towards the dean
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by the inputs. and i'm the king of ball frame. hi there, i'm all, well the 2 leaders are expected so far as discuss regional and international issues are also expected to touch upon corporation in various fields. for example, trade the energy judgment. it's harry and areas as well. uh, moving on to different projects that they have. they will also touch upon. of course the results of the 33rd arab summit, which was hosted in buffering last week. and after that, the came of box frame is heading to china will, who will need the leader there. and let's not forget vladimir putin was just there . so it's a very interesting timing as well. we'll see what will come out of that. it seems that all parties here are moving forward and there are multi polar path that we've seen. and of course, this is interesting to see what will come out again. the original and international issues, no doubt, will touch upon ukraine. the gaza is on lots going on in the world right now. and
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again, when it comes to isolation some that the west so, so time and time again, light them are approved to no one wants to talk to and no one wants to do business with russia. and what we're seeing is the complete opposite. we're seeing lot of americans in meeting with world leaders. yes. maybe it's not european leaders or something the american president, but like we set time and time again, the world is very big. and a lot of my printer is doing business with all the world leaders who do want to talk to and wants to do business with ross. i will find out when it comes to bus rain water as in store, we're expecting to see some documents being signed, so we'll see what will come out of that we're here. so stay tuned. all right, thanks a lot. marina know that we will come to you again by more is video. thanks again. and let's discuss this topic more very lucky to be joined by bob range list. i'm do not get an aid of the so thank you so much for joining us here today on r c, i visit site and dr. we just heard that from my colleague lorraine, in the king of bob rein,
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is here in moscow. he's going to have folks today of course, with the president of inputs in but 1st order and start with relations between russia and bob raid, how would you evaluate those look and the current state of things of festivals. thank you for having me. uh, is it his majesty's visit to russia is not that 1st and both leaders have a very special and unique relationship that's had uh, you know, resulted in developing a lot all the se. barry is all faults golf ration and start to ga. gov. understanding terms of the role on friendship and also the role of the dcc are presented by any leader from within this region in terms of you know, seeing how much we could do and to uh, areas of us such as you get interest. who is here sir? do you spell the 1st time?
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in fact, the last time the 2 data is met, they, they denials, uh, 1st of all they did out the actions of the west and ukraine. they also reaffirm that if you remember the opaque plus responsibilities. now in sort of a said, the some declarations that to be signed. my colleagues, maria felt a little bit about the trade and energy do think that will be all those things. so that'd be looking to get into politically and did do politically the i believe now by saying is the president of the current uh, uh, for the year 2024 until uh, the next round of the uh, our summit. so it does task with a lot of, uh, issues uh you know, politically socially and they automatically and some of those uh,
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delta discuss not gonna be limited only to the. busy college calais shoes like the size of the war, or the craze simply do the region of that or and as of things. but also it's gonna be interesting adults. all areas like golf, ration and energy and you know, scientific uh, development or scientific research and development. and other areas, so it's not going to be limited to to that, but definitely work by saying that the rest of the world would like to see more engagement till the end of russia towards, you know, fostering a more deepening. paul won't deep understanding all the, you know, of this operation i'm going to, if i may ask um i was reading the, the top notes from the 33rd hour a bleak, somebody's and one of the key things that k that i took away from was the arab
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league want to in gaza, especially perhaps a u. n. piece for us. is this something is this conversation that would be talks about, do they between a lot of inputs in and the king regarding uh, what can happen in garza, in the next few months? so coming is definitely, as i said, weight is major. so you're going to be uh, you know, uh, looking to, uh, every approach are venue in terms of re civilizing this region plus find the gateway out of this mess some and by that will be good. you know, us to reach some sort of under ascending and the, and the russian federation is a permanent member on this security concept. so we will definitely welcome and the russian role in terms of fostering deep understanding of regional cooperation also
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on to national commitment to ending those crisis. would peacekeeping force applicable uh, you know, venue or for a couple approach it with regard to pfizer, that that's going to be something for, for the discussion. and i will be the, you know, the international uh, community would put more pressure on israel and the united states and done so for the pressure on israel to see different approaches to, in doing this crisis. right, right into saying the, you know, of the, your a, a bus this to a, in, in my, on my, the so you know, the do politics but of the most of us. but what we look good um the way that the world seems to be changing. you know, the king's visit comes, i had all this upcoming swift summit where, you know, we had the lesson to come to the day. and so it will promote this. so called the
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landscape piece file. we also have this little of course happening on the wake of the hour of salt mats. but do you feel as a journalist in the region do feel that the, the times of change a or me in a live. this is a shifting. do you think we're looking at a more divided world as opposed to a you know, a union united one. what this way uh, what we are looking forward is more uh, lets say corporation or understanding the, the rules of engagement by the major powers, like, uh, uh, russian federation, china and then the united states of the st. john, we look forward to see more of bro, i could to europe in a role in terms of understanding their own security app or office, or they need to do and addressing the brain in crisis. could it be uh,
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contained in atlanta that told press, uh, uh for security for 5, the russian federation plus the rest of europe, including ukraine or either wise. this is what need to be addressed and address candidly and without tentative reservation. we need to address successes and failures of yesterday by the same time, we need serious consideration from all parties. when it's come to we're stabilizing, you, we never feel that you are gonna, you know, gets into such stages. so your need to address this issue from a different prospect of probably from the york being a prospector. and the russian federation is part of a lie to you or whatever. the, the or being like you to add the words and rushes a internal unimportant box. would we want to see a different approach from moscow to a finding
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a way out of this crisis. ukraine depth degree. yes. but we know that diplomacy is going to be the only way out and it's not going to be uh, military confrontation and need and data. indeed a no, i've in a day if, if anything is going to be discussed, they need both parties at the table. no point in having as if i meant to add that rushes don't involve would i have to leave it that i'm doing the janae the buffering base. so that's a pleasure, sir. thank you so much. feel time. a pleasure as mine. thank you. all right, a 2nd arcs as pro products see and photos is one of the set again, had filled us sends the state. i'm to a blink. let's the hearings in washington the
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the oldest. so the 6 files of people died in the gaza was so far as well is being widely condemned around the world, but not by this main ally, washington talk to i suppose this is a sofa. i'm the is the, i'm not criticizing the international criminal court was more author prosecute off for an arrest warrant for is really defensive is jo guidelines. i'm prime minister benjamin netanyahu this week of the us house of representatives is concerned, but washington couldn't be next. and calls off to, is he to athens, to impose sanctions against the judiciary of america, should punish the icpc input, careen con,
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back in his place. and if the icpc is allowed to threaten israel's leaders, we know that america will be next. so we hopefully together will find a way to rush dr. displeasure, where they, as the site goes, if they'll do this is all we're next. we're going to work together to send a signal, but as easy, what you did was not only outrageously destroy the rule laws, we know it ungoverned spaces and rogue nations are the pointed by c. c. this is just the latest chapter in america's bizarre relationship with the international criminal court. the united states never likes it when the i c. c starts looking in to the activities of the pentagon or its allies. let's recall what happened when chief prosecutor of the icpc for to ben suda started investigating us war crimes and afghanistan. war crimes by members of the united states forces one of the 2 to a funny son and by members of the us to intern intelligence agency in secret detention facilities enough got his son and on the territory of other states
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parties took their own statute in september of 2020, the united states slap the icbc and was sanction mike palm peo than the us secretary of state, announced also that on named individuals who were involved with investigations by the i c. c, into us personnel. we're going to have their visas blocks. the state department has restricted the issuance of the visas for certain individuals involved in the eyes. these, these efforts to investigate us personnel, us senator ted cruz, the recently joined the club of those threatening to target the i. c. c. this time over its arrest warrants for his railey officials. he said back in 2021 that the i d z is nothing but a political organization targeting america and its allies. the only ccs campaign against our troops will fail. because the united states will ensure that it fails, but also because it is fundamentally legitimate the i, c, c and the international.


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