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tv   News  RT  May 23, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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the, the president, i caught a rise in the pacific territory of the new caledonia, to the public outrage over the changes to renew voting rights. the do not govern. don't we allow me to understand the army here? well, we didn't us of the army to come here. they talking all cherry and balance, but that's and that will be the case he's already con and gone and thinks us to the site the in this head cold the you want to get as washington does, is about whether it could be some legal proceedings and the international criminal court markets coast allies as well. america should punish the i, c, c,
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input, careen con, back in his place. and if the icpc is allowed to threaten israel's leaders, we know that america will be next. the good to have your company today for the latest global news roundup. i wrote him on me and this is the international. the king of bob wright is currently in moscow for a summit with present by the inputs in mazda 2 countries, things of that size. and opposition to weston goldman is ultimately some degree fixed by praise for russia as well on a global scale. we are pleased to express great pride in the high position that the russian federation occupies on the international stage. under the leadership of president vladimir putin playing a constructive role in maintaining international peace and security,
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as well as helping the process of development and prosperity in various countries. we also do justice to the outstanding progress russia has achieved at the economic level. well, that's cost, a lot of that is all st correspondent, marina customer rather than laredo. also praise that for russia on a global scale by the king of bomb, right? when psych rising unity in d, but we also know the inputs and, and the t i have just met. what are they said? a hi there and well, yes, the meeting i just started in fact there and now behind closed doors in the very beginning, we did see a little bit where the king did say that meeting vladimir putin today is a one of the best moments and hit the happiest moments in his life, you can really tell that the relationship between the 2 is very close and friendly . one, which is something that the king of a friend has reiterated, and he wants to make sure that the ties are strengthened, even the more. that's what they'll be discuss incorporation various field like
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trade. energy is monetary and issues as well. while that old freight in 2023 amounts a to $14300000.00 it's, it's not a law which is why the lot of our present of, instead of it's symbolic. so both parties are eager to see that number grow more and more they'll be cultural exchanges as well as days of bus rain and roll shining the following year. in the box frame, there will be a russian cultural season so that both countries have to get to know each other a little bit better. we also heard the king say that he appreciate some praises. russia's role in regulating the conflict in the middle east. and that's for the role but discussing regional and international issues. they see eye to eye on a number of issues the case that it's important to improve relations with their vaughn. and that of course, encompasses the west that wants to see things moving forward. there they want to scan and, and the conflict in gaza and they can go behind this say that he again phrase is
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let him have proof of the science and his support. now, also vladimir putin is eager to hear the results and what was said about 33rd, the summit of the arab league nations, which happened of the last week in bus rain. so he's interested to hear the points of view all the arab league of nations. i, so after this trip, let's not forget the king will go to china and let him, i was just there meeting with the time is present. so it's an interesting time right now, we're seeing a sort of a division that when the weiss and the global south are more times is great because of all the international issues. but just recently of with her, the accusations from the west when it comes to the conflict in ukraine, for example, we're seeing the west pushing for countries to pick sides. and right now, for example, the u. k. defense minister has a cues, china of meddling in the conflict in ukraine by providing or apparently flattened to provide legal aid to russia. dusta accusation is coming from the british side,
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which is the chinese. a foreign ministry has slammed as a baseless slander. it must be pointed out that it is the british side, not china. that is adding fuel to the fire on the ukrainian issue. there are reports that as early as 2 years ago, russia and ukraine were close to reaching an agreement on ending the conflict. it was precisely because of the obstruction of the british and other parties that the conflict has been delayed to this day. so china is saying that as the wes fueling, the flyer in your credit and china is also urging washington for example, to restrain and make sure that it doesn't send the delegates from congress to taiwan to fuel the fire there. so we're seeing a lot of international issues coming into play, and we're seeing countries moving forward towards the path of a multi polar future, which again, this is something that the west doesn't want that wants to avoid. but on this side
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of things we're seeing about global power houses are unites and they're becoming stronger and moving forward. and so the king of buff rain did say that russia will be the 1st country that he will turn to for a peace conference. when that comes to the middle east, and this is of course, coming 2 weeks before i let him or as lensky so called peace conference, which was simple. what happened there. but at, for the time being, we're waiting for those documents to be signed, and i'll tell you more about them as soon as we have some x unmarried across the river that i'll see comments on that really interesting times. we are living things for that. update the present in log me on. the problem has arrived in french rolled a new kind of duty officer was there why it is on the island in full t is sponsored by that. done right now is a rival, did not go down well with the island inhabitants. i got my toilet foundation on his
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last. he doesn't know what to do. everyone there is looking at france. everyone. see you the shenanigans in france now that he is coming here. we don't meet him here since then has been sending out politicians to friends. we don't need to go to friends. the discussions are here because the future of the country is here and kind of get, but i don't know. we don't want to see him here. just started this, the things on fire started to raise thousands to the point of setting things on fire. it wasn't the young people started before. it wasn't us was set. they started to find in any case, it's already good the day coming. but after that, we cons, we don't know if he'll arrive to restore. com, but in any case, he's already calm and gone and things are still the same. there is no real calm, no real peace, no way allow me to send the army here. but we didn't ask the army to come here. we are fighting for our country and follow the children. i'll say it again. this is for our children later on. the armies here, but i don't know what the army is doing here. we don't need them here. we can
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protect also we can manage all countries here. young people scream because it is difficult for them. every day they see what's happening, a step away from them, the more poverty they live on, like the people next door. i think it's more of a socio economic crisis. it's move in a struggle. they really resulted to fighting, increasing the number of the electorate. but there was a socio economic crisis behind digital products as a right to new bar. okay. the 9th, ahead of microns visit. if it's open following the tragic violent cools by government, and they told me the forms that we'll pos just last week. the, it's because it says, i think on social media shows the smoke rising above distorted buildings in the capstone in the off the continue process. and the same process as in police the remains of but how call and substituted the streets. 6 people hold killed as why
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the why is solution with the vote to bind the funds of government propose modifications to local elect total rights. according to a 2019 census indigenous cut out account for 40 percent of the items population, while 24 percent identified. as you will see in prose that says that the revision will diminish the votes dislike, public protest, micro on has stated that price will remain in this tennessee for as long as necessary as i speak through our 3000 internal security forces in new caledonia and more reinforcements will arrive in the next few hours. this is unprecedented. and for several days now, there have been no more than at the time of the 3rd referendum. letting me be very clear. these forces will remain as long as necessary, including during the olympic and paralympic games,
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regardless of the upset in the region small. so rise in global nickel price is the tendency is among produces of the method of a sudden silver batteries, electric vehicles, and other devices. this seems to be why fox is not willing to listen is grip on the archipelago as all to use a show. a demented ski explains the most of the media focused on new caledonia right now, is talking about the civil unrest and relating not to changes to the voting lights on the island, which locals claim, whoops, no 5, any hoops were eventually independence or clean. this is a trigger pointing, sadly, scratches the surface of what's really going on despite being some 16000 kilometers . will you probably think is fonts. this pacific island nation is actually part of the country's overseas territories kind. it's important to paris for several reasons. it's the base for the french military, and it's a source of
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a precious metal nickel. nickel is wealth for new caledonia. it is also, and i emphasize this, a major strategic resource for france in europe at a time when we have undertaken a massive re industrialization efforts, goals, and use that a whole host of products, including with chargeable batteries, the hybrid vehicles. it's also used to make stainless steel. a crucial product for construction, access to supplies is key. it's just the, not about the nice little for say over the pool is very important. but it's about this already to that summer in t. normally it's also a political, but it's also economic and part of the economic. so renting has the elements of nickel extractions, fusion, and then also the profit of its francis strategies, very unclear, and then you're going to apply and assess and then made sure they explode as much
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as they can. this is also a story he says about competition on a global scale showing that has been securing its nickel subsidies from nearby indonesia at a cheaper rate. from the side of the e. u. by default, world to stop showing from flooding its market with cheap electric vehicles. it's about a back to the full resource extractions and management and taking advantage of that . china is leading to my products and i didn't take advantage of the kind of wind of the silver red tea that's blowing around the french empire and freedom. so they might take a little bit of time. at that point, they could cut a deal, perhaps a china or any other country that can tell to china is probably the best bank right here and asked that she for a nickel from indonesia is becoming harder for the you to access new caledonia as importance is will contain new caledonia could see radically take up the slack and
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nichol supplies from indonesia. the territory could declare independence, take out the french, and invite the chinese to invest and it's minds and smelters as alex. let me suggest that this issue of exporting nickel is deeply connected to caused by some of the indigenous peoples for independence while from needs to remain in control of this precious resource. getting well new caledonia has fost reserves of nickel mining. it has become unprofitable powers stepped off with the proposed is so cool, nickel pack just sold this out. it said it would subsidize energy prices to reduce production costs. it would also invest in electricity production on the island. sounds good. well, not so many islanders who say that in return they have to find some $65000000.00 us dollars to finance that costs coughing, exercise, meaning, new tax burdens. once again, caledonia ends will have to contribute. this is all the more unacceptable as they
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already contribute. massively to supporting the industry that's a lot. and yet the commitments required of manufacturers are non existent, not signing. the pact would put us in an extremely difficult situation. but the conditions are questionable that nichol packed is also being criticized by pro independent support is for its colonial under toes. it's a colonial pact to take by control of new caledonia as a rule, materials. there is no withdrawal of sovereignty. none at all. we have to stop talking nonsense because afterwards the militants on the ground say, the state wants to steal our nickel. because thoughts isn't saying isn't by having more control of a nickel sykes to it's high things. it's quick for me. file a nation for generations to come. nickel attempts for 90 percent of new color don't use exports and for one out of every 5 jobs, just look at this map of new caledonia. as you can see,
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the island is split into 2 zones in the south. it is governed by a political party that was to say, loyal to phones, but in the north where the providence is governed by the cadillac independence movements. this is where the vast majority of nickel mines off there is the uh, which is called the resource mission. it isn't, there is any, oh you too much the where we are the people i country, ownership of the natural resources to be a super age. that's we kind of be suffering. we don't own. i walk, i was not given you, but they even the new board software all ready, solely locked in new colorado new calling for independence. almost half of the population one. it's failed to get his point across at the ballot box losing 3 referendum since 2018. the movement is growing, new caledonia has been
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a french colony since the 1800s. those nicole mines with big wheezing white fonts initially. so control of it with you. repeat unsettling. heading the to strike it rich. and what they did, the local populations were marginalized, social and economic inequalities are still obese. almost 200 is later, i'm for the younger generations. colonialism still persists. so we feel oppressed or angry till now. everything is happening over there. and we're wondering, plus the army to connect people being heard, the stuff we've been lied to for years and years. they've lights, our ancestors, they have lights, our elders, to the various agreements that have been made clear on the 3rd agreement as the longest. we are tired of not being recognized most kachimba once i realize that that they've never salt them all to us. they talk about sharing and balance, but that's and that will be the case. most of them all they want is to be
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recognized in their own country and to be allowed to run the country themselves. if you go to fiji, they're fiji it. if you go to to cd their technicians, if you go to wallace, their wall lesions, it's only here in new caledonia when you arrive, that you find other people in the authorities. so as someone who has been fighting for this cause since i was born, i don't understand why the truths are being hidden and disregarded. colonialism isn't that new color doesn't use of still living through it. they're still having the results is exploited to benefit which your opinions false is cracking down on the current and rest is it's concerned about access to the nickel mines and until those mines are stripped and bass power has a vested interest to keep new caledonia under its direct control a 2nd. all right, so as pro process i'm pro one set again, had cooled us
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a 2nd real estate and say, wait a minute says hearings in washington. the was 36000 people died in the gaza, was always been widely condemned around the world, but not by them. it is main. allied washington taught us politicians are still standing up israel and the criticizing thing. international criminal court, once more officer prosecute the off for the arrest warrant for that is really defensive. is it? yeah, of guidelines are the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu this week of the us house
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of representatives is concerned, but washington couldn't be next in colt off the israel. he threatened to impose sanctions against the do you disagree america should punish the i. c. c, input, careen con, back in his place. and if the icpc is allowed to threaten israel's leaders, we know that america will be next. so we hopefully together will find a way to rest dr. displeasure with a, as the state goes. if they'll do this is or we're next, we're going to work together to send a signal that as easy. what you did was not only outrages you destroy the rule was we know it ungoverned spaces and rogue nations are the pointed by c c. this is just the latest chapter, and america is bizarre. relationship with the international criminal court. the united states never likes it when the i c. c starts looking in to the activities of the pentagon or its allies. let's recall what happened when chief prosecutor of the icpc for to ben suda started investigating us war crimes and
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a half dana stats war crimes by members of the united states armed forces on the territory of of 90 stone and by members of the us central intelligence agency in secret detention facilities enough by the sun and on the territory of other states parties to their own statute. in september of 2020, the united states slap the eyes, the scene was sanction mike palm peo than the us secretary of state, announced also that on named individuals who were involved with investigations by the i c. c, into us personnel. we're going to have their visas blocks. the state department has restricted the issuance of the visas for certain individuals involved in the ice. these, these efforts to investigate us personnel, us, senator ted cruz, the recently joined the club of those threatening to target the i. c. c. this time over its arrest warrants for as really officials. he said back in 2021, that the icpc is nothing but
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a political organization targeting america and its allies. the only ccs campaign against our troops will fail. because the united states will ensure that it fails, but also because it is fundamentally illegitimate. the i c, c, and the international community must decide between bringing the court back in line or destroying whatever legitimacy it still claims for itself. now us senator lindsey graham is worried about the united states being prosecuted. well that would be a 1st take a look at libby, afghanistan, and a number of other countries that have been cast into chaos banks. the u. s. regime change operations the that's all us citizens. at this hour, american and coalition forces in the early stages of military operations, to design the rack, to free its people and to defend the world from great danger the
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we came, we saw died. the, there's some concern about the us funding, the syrian opposition when there are a lot of reports of al qaeda is kind of heading up that opposition. how do you justify the, do i share the concern? and so what we've done it is to say we will provide non legal assistance to siri
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and opposition leadership that are committed to a political transition of the the not stable in that case. then militarily, our diplomatic humanitarian work will continue, will continue to support the government affect us. we will keep providing assistance to the ask and national defense and security for the the back of the united states has never been prosecuted by the international criminal court is certainly interesting. and now as we see you as a business, crying foul about the prosecution of netanyahu, democracy is being pretty obviously
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a highlighted. some countries feel that it's their job selection. the world is about a rules, basically the border and international law. but they feel that those rules and laws apply to them, others rather than to themselves, and they're making hardly any real effort to conceal what at this point. failed r t new york wireless silva into this a little bit more and cross a live down to is really paul, i'm a member of the cause of all right, thanks a lot for taking the time to join us today. although thank you. good deal. what was it was a media reaction when you heard the, the i c c might issue and the russ want for pride. mr. benjamin, that's in. yeah. what are your thoughts as well? i've always thought the never, you know how you can kind of dates. the dates that they did in the middle and universal velocity. it must be
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a more important and must a date put a percentage, a mistake. why or do so a bit of a government say the seizure and the same land and the parliament slows etc. in that sense, i think that the, the decision a that was. busy announced by the a what's acute the of of the i c c. busy a i c, c is around one in a and it didn't $58.00. the said the thing the plan over the class, i say the demand, little kind of interviews as i'm saying it's now the international. busy must be in must be enforced in bottom. surely the universe of morality and there is something like that. i do not claim to be, you know, a more of a lot to be isn't that the soul way comb on the, on. ready to clean the globe a i do believe in the universe, i'm more of the deep. then i think of the dots,
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as i said before, the due date for your deep and should be enforced upon all governments only and send you a chance in order fiegel is that i'm the do the bottom surely. so in that sense, in the, in, as a consequence of stats, of my basic philosophic galloway, they are lucky code stands. so i, so this, these are end of the icy c o of the above prosecute to the right one. because what's going on in gaza? the kinds that are going on, you guys, us as a bonus, see a visa, any government, and like natalie of the, by many step shouldn't be investigated. the boss sheely stuff cannot be done by the government. it says that these accused, or at least some of it's always mendoza accused in general, so i don't want to have it. so in that sense, i think it's a, it's a decision. it's a good decision. it's not, i've does too many needs way in the each support is trying to say or that gets the
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purpose of the government to be more precise. it's not that they say it isn't, it's not. and they use the way it is enforcing the damage on the low bone if we want a clothing believe is of the country. i mean, it shouldn't be you know, boston did you. yeah. oh my yeah. i thought you use of you. i just want to, i want to reiterate that you felt a little bit about the world cries out, but you mean that's, yeah, it says, you know, he denies any ad tuesdays and all the world crimes. he says that the i c c's case is just a way for them to, to control as well, to control his decisions. when, when you're here, what do you think i do. i've never heard about any lead the, any government into add that was in charge. the accused us aspect,
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it will kind so or crimes against humanity accepted up that i meet that and said yes, i did that a by the way and it done you all the same as everybody knows is a of the, is in a tried to out serious so we have different charges against him, according to these a legal and he's been denying those charges all those you i was when i bought do, why don't, i don't believe became a, as far as these domestic charges can save southern lease of both team as well. as the internet about charges i can say is easy, bulk, you know, and they sold the city. okay. but because the, you know, the big brother, the united states of america has, basically, when they heard that the i c, c could charge mentioned yahoo, have they sold this one to the, in a way that, or they, they know how to, and that's they to, i think it's
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a sanction the i c c. i didn't know what that means. exactly. but how, how far will the usa go to to cover up will crimes done a legit i beg your pardon? i legit will crimes done in uh you know by these various i think we just have to look at the facts ever seems that data, but it must have good for me to buy from us which is also it will government kind against humanity and i salute the both the cube that way i see, see 4 jobs. you can delete those of a come up as well. a so ever seen the united states block degree as being supporting a the government, the reasoning. it's 40 c in properties. so on the why that and even when some speakers in the binding, by does ministration, including by the name, simple goals, a, a where talking and then in bologna visa, and not to continue with this vision or a with
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a death. don't feel since the beginning and see guys out on the other end, they haven't been continuing supplying the ohms. we, we inch the government. the reason i get is, oh that said gaming on 40 c. so i evidently expectations. i say, i said, you know, i know copy about people say the least. i say in that 1st great that way because i would have expected a the, the community of the whole to do whatever possible to prevent any walk. i need to be good. thank you. i mean, and the united states is very consistent in a and means that by doing this specifically in the last 8 months, even being in go to a big thing themselves, a making going, clinging to a huge difference. so gap between that there's a leak and the black days and black.


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