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tv   News  RT  May 23, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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comfortable my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way the thinking about rain visit small scale for a summit with president vladimir putin that expresses praise for unity among the global south in opposition to western dominance presses, ministry of defense says it's now in control of the town of on the day of come and the done yes for public. it's the 2nd locality that rushes and forces have liberated this week. the french president, emanuel macro on, arrives in the pacific territory of new caledonia to address public outrage over changes in regional voting rights locals. they are denounced his government no way allowed me to understand the army here,
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but we didn't onto the army to come here. they talk about sherry and balance, but that's and that will be the case. he's already gone, gone and thinks us to the site, the just about 2 pm here in the russian capital and you're watching r t international. i am your host donald quarter. welcome to the program. our top story, the king of bahrain is currently in moscow for a summit with president vladimir putin. as the 2 countries strengthened their bilateral ties in opposition to western dominance. the bomb rainy dignitary emphasized the importance of moscow's role in global peace processes and invited russia to take part in a future security summit. the fossil fuel, arab friends, and you all the love and appreciation for russia's role in co operation on arab matches. there was full agreement that we would convene an international peace
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conference. russia is the country to ask for support for this conference, because russia plays a vital role. russia is one of the most influential countries in the world that was another topic, is the situation in gaza, which is painful for us. we want to stop this war to save their own lives. hundreds of thousands of people have had to leave their homes. this region is just 40 kilometers long, and 12 kilometers wide to women and children are being attacked. i emphasize that we are talking about innocent people. the position of the arab league during its summit was unanimous. we get more on this. we're going across live to ortiz, marine are closer about who's at the meeting right now. marina, lots of praise from the king of bob rain. and it looks like rising unity among the global south, as opposed to uh, with the west vladimir putin and the king about rain. what have they said so far?
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hi there the, well, the meeting started actually with the king saying that being here today would vladimir putin is actually one of the happiest moments in his lives. this really set the tone. and you could tell that this is a very close and friendly relationship. something which was reiterated once again and then want to improve that relationship and make it stronger, which is why they're discussing cooperation in various fields. i'm afraid the economy energy from the terry in areas as well, for example, bilateral trade and it's 16163 amount. so to $14300000.00, that sounds like a lot, but actually it's not which is why the ones this frank from that and then once it increases that number, moving forward, a force snatched with a disgust regional and international issues. and they see eye to eye on their a number of issues, something which was of course, evidence from the get go. we are pleased to express great pride in the high position that the russian federation occupies on the international stage. under the
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leadership of president vladimir putin playing a constructive role in maintaining international peace and security, as well as helping the process of development and prosperity in various countries. we also do justice to the outstanding progress russia has achieved at the economic level of these are, of course complements. but you will never hear from the west about latimer fruits and or russia in general. but this shows that as much as the west would like everyone to think about the bottom of who santa rosa are isolated. this couldn't be further from the truth and they're moving forward. a lot of everything is also very optimistic on the pass of this multi polar feature that he is building along with his partners in the global south. the next year. we will celebrate the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries.
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over the years, much has been done in building relations between our states. we have very good contacts throughout foreign ministry and oppositions a close on many issues on the international agenda. as for the level of trade relations. unfortunately, this is still symbolic exception, but the trends are good and you do ask for investment cooperation. the situation is more favorable about 30 large projects of being implemented with the total volume of the package being about $500000000.00. that's how flat i'm a person, it was just recently in china and this is exactly where the king of boss rain is heading to next, where people also discussing regional and international issues as well as cooperation. and this is very interesting because of course this comes out of times when we're seeing the increase tensions between the wise and the. busy whole south, we're seeing more of the divide forming as the west is really pushing for countries to pick sides in various conflicts that were seen around the world. and in
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particular, of course the conflict and ukraine, which is heard that you k defense minister accusing and slime in china, all supposedly provide him or plan is to provide legal aid to russia as something which the chinese foreign ministry has. i'm the baseless slander, understand that the case really focus on trying to achieve peace and security and stability in the region instead of fuel and defy here. and it was actually them who originally did the mistake and of locking efforts with boards. johnson, of course, when that was on the less than that have a lesson, it must be pointed out that it is the british side, not china. that is adding fuel to the fire on the ukrainian issue. there are reports that as early as 2 years ago, russia and ukraine were close to reaching an agreement on ending the conflict. it was precisely because of the obstruction of the british and other parties that the
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conflict has been delayed to this day. and actually in 2022, the king of buff rain did express his readiness and willingness to meet the age between cuban moscow bottles, corps london had to come in the way and say no, this is not the time to discuss it to have peace negotiations with russia, it says the west that is a blocking any sort of peace attempts also were heard from china addressing the situation around taiwan and urging washington for example, not to send delegates from the us congress over there under the guise of tried to help. because we know what happens when we have american delegates anywhere in the world trying to help or advice. so china is urgent. washington against that. so we're seeing more and more of these tensions and power dynamics. and this is again in mid june. let's not forget that a lot of errors. lensky is holding these so called peace summit to, in switzerland, where they're trying to weigh the global south. for example, to go on their side,
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go so far, it's not working, but it remains to be seen. what will happen there, and of course, this trip to china after most go where the king of best friend will be heading to the next. yeah, we're definitely set to see some very promising outcomes from this meeting in terms of multiplayer already around the world. our case correspondence, we're in a closer out. the thanks for bringing us those details. the russian military says it is now in control of the town of on the day of comp and the done yet for the people's republic. it's the 2nd locality liberated by russian forces this week . and earlier the military reported it had regained control over the town of cache of car near the major city about 12 months. but to get more on this, now we're going to cross live to ortiz, corresponding diggers, dawn of who is in the center of the city right now. eager. what else do you know about the russian military's liberation of the day of con, of the? well, absolutely don't the, just i'm in fact,
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in the town of belgrade where the russian army just a few 1000 kilometers away from here, are well advancing in the high to region. but as you've said in the b. ready jump on very, i've got, has been liberated according to the russian ministry of defense along with the town of cliche because something the announcement that came just yesterday and the both cities rather both the villages they all considered to be on the flying girl. busy a major city of october, which has been under the russian control for just over a year now. but the development while the names and the villages and set themselves um might not be that important. and that not that major. but the in terms of the fighting or the just what's going on on the battlefield, that they are crucial. they are the 1st to assess the reason it is so basically they are the moments of glory for the ukrainian army because they are one of the few localities that were taken and captured by the ukrainian army over the course
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of the last. she is counter offensive. now the russian troops have already retaken the village over the board. you know, uh, ends up rogia andrea of country ship have been re taken once again. and well, it basically leaves the ukrainian army with nothing to show for the 10s of thousands of deaths and all that will occur during the counter offensive back in 2023. now speaking of the importance of this small village, basically, right now, the russian army advancing on another town in the domestic regions of the town of chess of yeah, it's very, very important because it is considered to be the gateway and the dominate to hide before the slow downs can come with ports, could longer ration. i do understand that's a lot of typography. let's move sentences. but this is simply the nature of this war. because when the sky is about the battle field are so densely populated by
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coming kazi, drones that sending a large number of numbers of troops to a sold a town or a village is like, it was done back here in during the world war 2. for example, is that idea is not just counter productive, it is simply suicide though. so a force of $3.00 to $5.00 men is already formidable here on the battle field. so even a small village, a small hide it. well, it does, it does entail loss the consequences under the fact that within the span of a couple of days, 2 major strongholds of ukrainian army, they have been sending wave up to wave of reinforcements to keep those 2 of those villages under the control the villages of, of the of got increase shape, the fax that over the, over the course of the, of 2 days they have had to pull out. it does indicate that, well, they all the forces, the ukrainian forces are really stretched finley. there's
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a couple of reasons to that. or the russian assault in the heart of region happening not so far from here is of course one and brushes well gauge across the front, including the town of chess of yeah, that's another. so this is definitely a, it's, well, it is a strong blow for the you, craig, and forces both militarily and the wise. as for the town of andrea, it is still very, very close to the front line. it has just moved from the so called gray zone, the no man's land to be under the control of the russian forces. it won't be soon when the russian jealous will be granted access to that village, but our crew. we did tell him that when the russian wagner group captured and liberated the village of updates to back in 2022. his a short clip of our reports from the village that, well, frankly, is no more or were at the small village of hundreds of gardens. this is the closest
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that the, that the forces have managed to get to the city of book moved when it comes to the south, west and direction. basically, it's about 7 kilometers to the city itself and may be 600 meters to a kilometer to the point where the van and the troops clashing with the ukrainian enemy. this drone footage was just a few days ago wagner's tillery crew spotted a ukrainian unit heavy shilling put the enemy to flight. they fled, abandoning their dead and wounded brothers in arms, whose bodies were left for us to discover these positions of the ones that the ukrainian forces abandoned. most recently, behind me, you can see 2 dead bodies left here left behind, along with the thoughts of occasions. those soldiers who accompany us here, they're telling us it is not safe to stand up because just yesterday, that ukrainian sniper was working and firing in this direction from less than
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a kilometer away. about the charges and the manual macro on has arrived in french controlled new caledonia after the worst riots on the island in 40 years. his arrival did not go down well with the islands inhabitants. a lot my toilet found the account is lost. he doesn't know what to do. everyone there is looking at france. everyone see you the shenanigans in france now that he is coming here. we don't meet him here since then has been sending out politicians to friends. we don't need to go to friends. the discussions are here because the future of the country is here and kind of get, but i don't know. we don't want to see him here. just started this. the things on fire started to raise thousands to the point of setting things on fire. it wasn't the young people started before. it wasn't us, was sudden, they started to find in any case, it's already good the day coming. but after that we can't, we don't know if you arrive to restore. com. but in any case he's already con and gone. and things are still the same. there is no real com, no real peace,
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no way allow me to put this on the army here. but we didn't ask the army to come here. we are fighting for all concerned and fall killed. i'll say it again. this is for our children later on, the armies here, i don't know what's the armies doing here? we don't need them here. we can protect all of selves. we can manage all countries, the young people scream because it is difficult for them with every day they see what's happening, a step away from them, the more of a t they live on, like the people next door. i think it's more of a socio economic crisis. it's moving a struggle um, and more they really resulted to fighting and increasing the number of the electorate, but there was a socio economic crisis behind it. it brought testers erected new barricades over night to ahead of knock problems, visit for talks, following the violence caused by government electoral reforms. last week the that's what it's circulating on. social media show smoke rising above destroyed buildings
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in the territorial capital. after continued clashes between protesters and police, the burnout cars and remains from shops littered the streets. 6 people were killed in these violent riots which were provoked by the french governments proposed modifications to local electro rights. according to a 2019 census indigenous people account for 40 percent of the islands population, while 241224 percent identify as european protesters fear that the revisions will diminish the indigenous vote. despite the violence, micron has stated, the french troops will remain in this territory for as long as necessary me phone as i speak throughout the 3000 internal security forces in new caledonia and more reinforcements will arrive in the next few hours. this is unprecedented. and for several days now, there have been no more than at the time of the 3rd referendum. let me be very
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clear. these forces will remain as long as necessary, including during the olympic and paralympic games. moreover, this violence of the region has sparked a rise in global nickel prices. the territory is along the key producers of the metal essential for batteries, the electrical vehicles and other devices. a factor that seems to be of great importance for paris, which seems unwilling to loosen its grip on the archipelago. as ortiz trotted davinsky reports, the most of the media focused on new caledonia right now is talking about the civil unrest and relating not to changes to the voting lights on the island, which locals claim, whoops, no 5, any hoops were eventually independence or clean. this is a trigger pointing, sadly, scratches the surface of what's really going on despite being some 16000 kilometers . will you probably think is fonts. this pacific island nation is actually part of
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the country's overseas territories. kind is important to paris for several reasons . it's the base for the french military, and it's a source of a precious metal nickel. nickel is wealth for new caledonia. it is also, and i emphasize this, a major strategic resource for france in europe at a time when we have undertaken a massive re industrialization efforts, goals, and use it a whole host of products, including with chargeable batteries, the hybrid vehicles. it's also used to make stainless steel. a crucial product for construction, access to supplies is key. it's just not about the new for sale. only they pro is very important, but it's about this sort of renting. so that summer in t normally it's also a political. but it's also economic and part of the economic. so renting has the elements of nickel extractions, then if the fusion and then also the profit of it. francis strategies very clear,
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then you're going to apply and assess and then make sure they explode as much as they can. this is also a story he says about competition on a global scale showing that has been securing its nickel subsidies from nearby indonesia at a cheaper rate. from the side of the e. u. by default, world to stop showing from flooding its market with cheap electric vehicles in the bathroom before resort as expressions management taking advantage of that, china is leading to the production i didn't take advantage of that kind of wind of the silver a t that's blowing around the french empire and freedom so they might take a little bit of time. at that point they can cut a deal, perhaps a china or any other country that can tell to china is probably the best been present here and asked that she for nickel from indonesia is becoming called us to
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be able to access new caledonia is importance. is rockets, a new caledonia could see or radically take up the slack and nichol supplies from indonesia. the territory could declare independence, take out the french and invite the chinese to invest and it's mines and smelters, as alex low suggested that this issue of exporting nicholas deeply connected to caused by some of the indigenous peoples for independence. while fonts needs to remain in control of this precious resource, getting well new caledonia has fost reserves of nickel mining. it has become unprofitable powers stepped up with a proposed so cool nickelback to sort this out. it said it would subsidize energy prices to reduce production costs. it would also invest in electricity production on the island. sounds good. well, not so many islanders to say that in return they have to find some $65000000.00 us dollars to finance that cost cutting exercise,
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meaning new tax burdens. once again, caledonia is, will have to contribute. this is all the more unacceptable as they already contribute. massively to supporting the industry that's a lot. and yet the commitments required of manufacturers are non existent, not signing. the pact would put us in an extremely difficult situation. but the conditions are questionable that nichol packed is also being criticized by pro independent support is for its colonial under toes. it's a colonial pact to take back control of new caledonia as a rule materials. there is no withdrawal of sovereignty. none at all. we have to stop talking nonsense because afterwards, the militants on the ground say, the state wants to steal our nickel. because font isn't saying is it by having more control of a nickel success? it's high, seems it's quick for me. file a nation for generations to come. nickel accounts for 90 percent of new color don't
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use exports and for one out of a freak 5 jobs. just look at this map of new caledonia. as you can see, the island is split into 2 zones in the south, it's governed by a political party that was to say, loyal to funds. but in the north, where the provost is governed by the cadillac independence movement, this is where the vast majority of nickel mines off there is the which is called the research mission. it isn't there is it only too much the works? we are the people i country, ownership of the natural resources to be a super age. that's why we kind of be suffering. we don't on. i walk a lot, not given you about maybe even a new board so, so it's already solely, it's locked in new colorado, new calling for independence, almost hoff of the population. while it fails to get his point across at the ballot
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box. losing 3 referendums since 2018. the movement is growing. new caledonia has been a french colony since the 1800s. those nicole mines with big wheezing white fonts initially. so control of it with you. repeat unsettling. heading the to strike it rich. and what they did, the local populations were marginalized, social and economic inequalities are still obese. almost 200 is later, i'm to the younger generations. colonialism still persists, saw we feel oppressed or angry. well, now everything is happening over there and we're wondering, surpassed the army, the cannick people being heard, stuff we've been lied to for years and years. they've lights, our ancestors, they've lights, our elders, to the various agreements that have been made. we're on the 3rd agreement as the longest, we have tired of not being recognized most kachimba once i realize that that
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they've never sold them all to us. they talk about sharing and balance, but that's, and that will be the case. most of them all they want is to be recognized in their own country and to be allowed to run the country themselves. if you go to fiji, they're fiji, it. if you go to to heating there to he shifts. if you go to wallace there while lesions, it's only here in new caledonia when you arrive, that you find other people in the authorities. so as someone who has been fighting for this cause since i was born, i don't understand why the truths are being hidden and disregarded. colonialism isn't that new color doesn't means of still living through it. they're still having that results is exploited to benefit which you repairs. folks is cracking down on the current and rest as it's concerned about access to the nickel lines. and until those mines of strict impass powers has a vested interest to keep new caledonia under its direct control.
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we'll discuss the story more were joined by doctor john francois defense, expert and strategic expert from president university and indonesia. thanks a lot for joining us on the program. the 1st thing i want to ask is about microns visit to new caledonia. why do you think it's been met with such a still of the, from the locals? okay, with the dentist on indonesia, even though my name is really sites, but i'm intuition. uh, 1st of all, i would like to say of, but they've got the lives this for all the victims effective and also the family by that i have sort of some lead in new caledonia from a farmer perspective. from indonesia. we don't have any official statement about that, but from my perspective, i have for stuff about a perspective, especially defense and security perspective. and i can say that the young people, especially the young people in the new college, and yet they don't really expect more of the funds. and then perhaps they have set
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for the things they see. but, except for the long, directly influenced by the profile as they me, i'm the best books and then also data. i'm science, but the idea of the color musician, my idea of, uh, food and they will pass it because, you know, you kind of do now is like in the french language galaxy with this, we did movie, very black. so i can speak french. so it means that um, especially also to be so what, i'm what, what makes them, what makes them, especially on perhaps this is like the questioning to or yes to the young people also knew colored in their how they perceive what is color. you call it. and then people, how is new color them in becoming? this stands out on, for example, in the gym. so it says select the question up just above niko. i quit the believe from the refuge. excellent. let's hear about the south identity. well, macro and arrived in his speech, he completely ignored the root cause of these riots. instead,
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he was focusing on restoring peace in the region. what, what do you think a strategy is? yes, i suppose based on the a policy for the sale funds, funds, instability, and aspect of human rights. there's back of the process of the conversation, but yet as you can see on the president, my problem, he would like, let's say, wants to embrace slumber embraced the betty party in the pacific region and including new caledonia at the time for france. so he had the prospect before president montgomery is quite different from what's perhaps new color demand perspectives since the body no, uh, agreement and also the 3 of the because the place you speak of said the but i think issues or maybe the thought. so here, data waiting for the for so here, while waiting for the, for a friend to me, i think the new color them young people, especially the young people that think what's the next one and you kind of don't. yeah. because the mix of the money will be on the flaps that he thought of. and
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also out of the defense the like i'm the president, my conduct so as to get to see that i'm not really welcoming the president about them. she said in, uh, yes, that'd be a little color. donia is in archipelago. that's located. 17000 kilometers away from paris. we already talked about the nickel factor here. but for one of the reasons, would you say the european countries are maintaining these uh, sort of remnants of colonial rule over far away islands. and would you say that this is something that needs to change? finally? yes, of course we need to the chance, but we have to know also the suspect before the se, but you and then it'll be on the, on the, on behalf of the perspective how, how does the decoder and efficient videos. you cannot like kicked off of problem 3 . ok, just becoming independent and good by. no. but we have separate our presidents and i think uh from new colored in the and people who are for example, already living in code and your brother doing yeah. before it might have been a b,
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it. i think that a more progressive. so i see the from s a sorry, but also they don't want to be a little directly and they don't want to be like in order to be likely they would, they want to be independent of possibly the process. but it's quite depends on the young people by best or my sort of faith and also based on my end except for the one percent of the young people in new college union dental. they want a buick process. they want us a fast process not split. some a process like for example, the elder or the people before them, but it could be perhaps one day becoming independent. so here it's quite a young generation to, to lift this like, uh, idea. okay, we need to really, uh, look on the front of it. we have a much special economic because there is no special interest in this context because for example, our me go share with the firms government a lot of other resources. so here i think just
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a different perspective for the question how for example, to do that and they go on, especially in the process of course we want, we want this, but the person does not get a clear not by divide yet not by. do they want us but i shouldn't be suspended, but for all i think, yes, we've got just a little bit of time. we'll have to like care if you could give a, a short answer to the possibility of new caledonia actually getting independence. what do you think that would look like, and what would they have to? what would the new authorities have to do if that happened? okay, so from my perspective, we really have the 4 things that i'm doing, i think, and you're probably doing yes and for a b one percent still uh go to this of young people and perhaps also the slight possibility of becoming independence. although we know that the bottom it will be not about the new problem in the, in the next. still not really a pro with the fibers to go for months, but she had, let's see on the next uh, couple of yes, i think all right, dr. john francois def.


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