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tv   News  RT  May 23, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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as much extra money for the notes that the, the king of bahrain passes on the warm regards of the our people as he meets president tutoring for talks of the kremlin and both hailed the increasing voice of the global south. the process, ministry of defense says it's now in control of the town of the day of car that done yet, people's republic. it's the 2nd locality that russian forces have liberated this week. the french presidents, emanuel mac, ron, arrives in the pacific territory of new caledonia to address public outbreak. silver changes to regional voting rights. locals, their denounce, his government will allow me to send the army here. well, we didn't ask the army to come here. they took it all cherry and balance,
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but that's never been the case. he's already gone and gone and thinks us to the site the so it's about 3 pm here in moscow when you're watching r t international. my name's donald quarter. welcome to the program. our top story, the king of bahrain is currently in moscow for a summit with president vladimir putin as the 2 countries strengthening their bilateral ties in opposition to western dominance. they bought brand new dignitary emphasize the importance of moscow. his role in global peace processes and invited russia to take part in a future security summit. the fossil fuel, arab friends, and you all the love and appreciation for russia's role in co operation on arab matches. there was for the agreement that we would convene and international peace conference. russia is the country to ask for support for this conference,
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because russia plays a vital role. russia is one of the most influential countries in the world that was another topic, is the situation in gaza, which is painful for us. we want to stop this war to save their own lives. hundreds of thousands of people have had to leave their homes. this region is just 40 kilometers long, and 12 kilometers wide to women and children are being attacked. i emphasize that we are talking about innocent people, the position of the arab league during if somebody was unanimous. well, the meeting started with the king of a friend saying that this meeting vladimir fruits and them being here today is one of the happiest moments in his life. it's fully set that's home. we know that this is a very close and friendly relationship. something which was reiterated once again, that wants to maintain that and the one to build on their relationship, which is why they're discussing corporation in various fields, trade, the economy to man, it's harry and area as well. they'll be a cultural exchange. so days of buffering in russia and in 2025, we'll see
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a cultural exchange with the russian seasons taking place over in boss rain. also there of course, naturally touched upon regional and international issues where they see i to i something which of course we knew from the get go. we are pleased to express great pride in the high position that the russian federation occupies on the international stage. under the leadership of president vladimir putin playing a constructive role in maintaining international peace and security, as well as helping the process of development and prosperity in various countries. we also do justice to the outstanding progress russia has achieved at the economic level. these are of course confidence. he will never hear from the west when it comes to vladimir putin or when it comes to russia. latimer preaching was also interested to hear what was the sites and agreed upon at the end of the 33rd summit
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of the arab league of nations, which was hosted in box spring last week. we heard already from the king that we had the world leaders send in their regard to vladimir putin who is really moving forward on his own multi polar path and bring it in and unites in different countries and moving forward and making sure that they are strong enough on their own and on the basis of course of mutual respect is next year. we will celebrate the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between all countries. over the years, much has been done in building relations between our states. we have very good contacts throughout foreign ministry and oppositions a close on many issues on the international agenda as for the level of trade relations. unfortunately, this is still symbolic, but the trends are good. as for investment cooperation, the situation is more favorable about 30 large projects of being implemented with
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the total volume of the package being about $500000000.00. well that's, that's what gets applied to my products. and it was recently in china, and this is where the king of, of frame is heading to next for you to also to discuss some regional and international issues as well as corporation. and this is very interesting because of course it comes at a time when we see an increasing divide between the weiss, i'm the global south we'll see. and how the west was trying to appeal to countries and trying to in some cases forced them. um, push them towards picking sides their sides. of course, when it comes to various conflicts around the world, in particular, the conflict in ukraine. we've heard for example, from that you can defense secretary just recently. so i'm in china for supposedly either already provide him or planning to provide lisa a to to russia and they're saying that china is fueling the firewall. china has come back to the foreign ministry, has slammed that u. k saying that this is baseless slander and it is actually them who are blocking
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efforts to achieve peace. it must be pointed out that it is the british side, not china. that is adding fuel to the fire on the ukrainian issue. it was precisely because of the obstruction of the british and other parties that the conflict has been delayed to this day. what's interesting is that in 2022, the candle box, right, and actually expressed his willingness to meet the negotiations. peace negotiations between evan moscow, of course. but as we know, those keys talks failed at the request of the west. so well moving forward, lots of documents have been signed and we're expecting to see the fruition of this as we're moving forward in this multi hello world. or the get more on the story now we're crossing live to i know our time getting his senior fellow at the ty, her institute, and chairman of asian narratives, thanks a lot for joining us once again on the program. so after this visit to moscow,
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that king of bar rain is actually set to go to china. what would you say is the significance of these meetings with the leaders of the multiple of worlds that the king is making as well, i'll just leave a long piece even if great bread within the united states don't seem to want to. it's noticeable, but they are the ones who are supplying the arms and then yet accusing others of potentially supplying arms. i mean, it's, it's, it's all the thoughts of ridiculous. the great britain accusing china, providing legal aid to ride to russia. mean china hasn't done that. they haven't, by the evidence, and coincidently, instead of calls just after center calls for a general electric common pattern here. china has become the red cape to the public bullet for all western leaders. would you say that that's the main reason for why you case making these accusations right now or is, is there something else to it? i want to ask you about that as well? no, it's about it. i mean they, they have been publicly bellicose for
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a long period of time. but this is the 1st time that they've accused china directly of supplying legal leg, of course without any evidence. so you have to put $2.00 and $2.00 together. you know, what you've seen is a consistent pattern in taiwan. all of a sudden, you know, a china is always wrapped that pulls people together for to unfortunately, it was time for the, the party that wants to be in the independent. they will only be able to get 40 percent for the president and not a i a majority in the house. so it's, it's, it's going to wear off. you can probably will only so many times before people start to wonder what the heck you're doing while we've spoken a bit about great britain. but why do you think cra us lawmakers continue making these uh, visits to taiwan as well? i mean it's, it's publication and it's politics. they want is say, oh, we're standing strong with taiwan, taiwan, it's autocracy versus democracy. you know, it's a, it's
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a lot of nonsense and quite frankly, they'd rather be there than going to gaza. where the u. s. case for keeps saying that there's nothing going on there that anyone has to be worried about. although we are, are trying to limit the civilian casualties it's, it's really big to us. the us is really, really jane for any kind of reason why it can shift lame away from its own actions towards anybody else's in china is always the the end result. when in doubt, blaine, china was speaking of this, a policy of one and blame china. i mean, western media as recently published sort of alarm is reports over china is latest military drills around taiwan. do you think we're going to see a new round of scare mongering in the west in the coming days to yeah, unfortunately. i mean, the us knows how to push trying his buttons pretty well. uh, this is a red line. the us knows that china is going to try to once again, send the message that this is not something they're gonna fool around with that.
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any attempt to, you know, declare taiwan independent, have some sort of referendum or start arming is so that happened has offensive weapons. in addition to defensive weapons is going to result in some sort of conflict. but it seems to be the end game from washington. they, they don't want to direct conflict with the want or proxy conflicts. same thing as it is in ukraine, pushing push it to the point where it felt that it had to act. it's not a good situation. china would like to see peace. so would everyone else that's what the deal uh, byron m years trying to do what you mentioned cause or for a 2nd. and i want to to ask about the recent or recognitions of a palestinian statehood by uh, 3 western states. uh ireland. uh, norway and italy, if i'm, if i remember correctly and they, um, i mean, how, how do you think about spain rather?
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yeah, thank you for that. how do you think this is going to change the international situation around gaza? and how is china going to integrate this approach with that? do you think i and well, i mean this guy right now, a $134.00 countries recognize the power stein, the latest additions are unique and that they are from europe. this is a real uh, schism that's happening there. uh, this is going to work, worry washington as they try to figure out what's going to happen and what the fallout is going to be. the world is fed up with the depths of these women and children. um, it wouldn't be any better for the versus, you know, perhaps any civilians, the elderly are not being spared. so you're, you have a situation where you have a manager and prices. it is definitely genocide, although no one wants in washington wants to acknowledge that or, and israel, i go there right now. no one seems to be able to do anything. the best that we can
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see is public opinion, not only in the global south, but now reaching into europe is starting to shift. and it's not against israel. what it is is it's for the palestinians. it has to be some sort of long term solution. you can't just have this full sales monitor going on all the time, right on our time getting senior fellow at the ty, her institute, and chairman of asian narrative. so it was a pleasure having your perspective on the program. thanks. thank you. don't. now we're bringing you some breaking news. this our, the russian president vladimir putin has issued a decree on using us property in russia as compensation for washington's seizure of frozen russian assets. it comes after the us senate passed legislation allowing for the seizure of russian state assets located in the us and to use them for the benefit of ukraine. on the topic of the ukraine conflict, the russian military says it is now in control of the town of on the day of comp,
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indeed against people's republic. it comes a day after forces were gained control of the town of cliche of con. our keys, eager as donald has more in the village of andrea guy has been liberated. according to the russian ministry of defense alone with the town of clichy. i've got something the announcement that came just yesterday and the both cities rather both the villages, they all considered to be on the flank of a major city of 12 months, which has been under the russian control for just over a year now. but the development while the names and the villages and set themselves um might not be that important. and that not the major, but the in terms of the fighting or the just what's going on on the battlefield that they are crucial. they are the 1st. so that's the reason it is. so basically they are the moments of glory for the ukrainian army because they are one of the
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few localities that were taken and captured by the ukrainian army over the course of the last he is counter offensive. now the russian troops have already retaken the village over the board. you now uh, ends up rogia on 3 of country ship had been re taken once again. and well, it basically leaves the ukrainian army with nothing to show for the 10s of thousands of deaths and all that well occurred during the counter offensive back in 2023. it's now speaking of the importance of this small village, basically. right now the russian army advancing on another town in the domestic regions. a town of chess of yeah, it's very, very important because it is considered to be the gateway and the dominate to hide before the slow downs can come. of course, good little gracious. i do understand that's a lot of poker fee on the flu sentences, but this is simply the nature of this war. because when the sky is about the battle
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field so densely populated by coming kazi drones sending a large number of numbers of troops to a sold a town or a village is so like, it was done back in during the world war 2, for example, is that idea is not just counter productive, it is simply suicide though. so a force of $3.00 to $5.00 men is already formidable here on the battlefield. so even a small village, a small hide it. well, it does, it does entail loss the consequences under the fact that within the span of a couple of days, 2 major strongholds of ukrainian army, they have been sending wave up to wave of reinforcements to keep those. ready those villages under the control the villages of, of the, of got increase shape, the fax that over the, over the course of the top 2 days, they have had to pull out. it does indicate that, well, they all the forces,
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the ukrainian forces are really stretched. suddenly there's a couple of reasons to that. or the russian assault on the heart of region happening not so far from here is of course one and rushes well gauge across the front, including the town of chess of yeah, that's another. so this is definitely a, it's, well, it is a strong blow for the you, craig, and forces both militarily and the wise. as for the town of andrea, you've got it is still very, very close to the front line. it has just moved from the so called gray zone, the no man's land to be under the control of the russian forces. it won't be soon when russian jealous will be granted access to that village, but our crew. we did tell them that when the russian wagner group captured and liberated the village of updates to back in 2022. here's a short clip of our reports from the village. that, well, frankly, is no more. we're at the small village of hundreds,
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and this is the closest that the fact the forces have managed to get to the city of bush moved when it comes to the south west in direction. basically it's about 7 kilometers to the city itself and may be 600 meters to a kilometer to the point where the wagner troops clashing with the ukrainian enemy . this drone footage was short, a few days ago wagner's 10 a recruit spots of the ukrainian unit. heavy shilling put the enemy to flight, they fled abandoning their dead and wounded brothers in arms, whose bodies were left for us to discover these positions of the ones that the ukrainian forces abandoned. most recently, behind me you can see 2 dead bodies left here left behind, along with the thoughts of occasions those soldiers who accompany us here they're telling us it is not safe to stand up. because just yesterday, that ukrainian sniper was working and firing in this direction from less than
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a kilometer away. president emanuel mac, ron has arrived in french controlled new caledonia after the worst riots on the island in 40 years. his arrival did not go down well with the islands. inhabitants by my toilet found the account is lost. he doesn't know what to do. everyone there is looking at franz. everyone. see you? the shenanigans in france now that he is coming here. we don't need him here. since then, has been sending out full additions to france. we don't need to go to friends. the discussions are here because the future of the country is here and kind of get what i don't know. we don't want to see him here. just started this. i things on fire, the started to race passions to the point of setting things on fire. it wasn't the young people started before. it wasn't us was sense. they started to fine. cdw, in any case, it's already good, the bad comment, but after that we can't, we don't know if you arrive to restore. com, but in any case, he's already con and gone and things are still the same. there is no real calm,
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no real peace, no way allow me to present the army here. but we didn't ask the army to come here. we are fighting for our country and follow the children. i'll say it again. this is for our children, wait on. the armies here, but i don't know what the army is doing here. we don't need them here. we can protect ourselves. we can manage all countries here. young people scream because it is difficult for them. every day they see what's happening and step away from them in what poverty they live. unlike the people next door, i think it's more of a socio economic crisis. it's moving a struggle. they really resulted to fighting, increasing the number of the electorate. but there was a socio economic crisis behind it. the protesters erected new barricades overnight . the head of microns visit for talks following the violence caused by government electro reforms. last week, the forwarded circulating on social media shall smoke rising above destroyed buildings and the territorial capital. after
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continued clashes between protesters and police, the burned down cars and remains from shops littered the streets. 6 people were killed in these violent riots, which were provoked by the french president's proposal, modifications to local electoral rights. according to a 2019 census indigenous people account for 40 percent of the islands population. well, 24 percent identify as europe. protestors fear that the revisions will diminish the indigenous vote. and despite this violence, micron has stated, the french troops will remain in this territory for as long as necessary. as i speak through our 3000 internal security forces in new caledonia and more reinforcements will arrive in the next few hours. this is unprecedented. and for several days now, there have been no more than at the time of the 3rd referendum. let me be very clear. these forces will remain as long as necessary,
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including during the olympic and paralympic games of this violence in the region spark. the rise in global nickel prices, the territory is among key producers of the metal essential for batteries, electrical vehicles and other devices. a factor that seems to be of great importance for paris, which seems unwilling to loosen its grip on the archipelago, defense and strategic expert from president university in indonesia. doctor john francois believes that france is unable to abandon it's colonial, past the best on the policy for the policy all sides funds is severely and expect of human rights. there's back off of the process of the conversation. but yet, as you can see under the president, my from he would like, let's say, wants to embrace wonderful and blessed the 3030 in the pacific region and including euclid in. yeah, it'll be on the, on the, on behalf of the perspective how, for example, to decode, in addition video, you cannot like kicked off
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a. com 3. okay. just becoming independent and vice. no, but we have separate outburst of those and i think uh from euclid in the young people who are for example, or they'd be living in co new but it didn't. yeah. before 1988. i think they had a model of progressive to see the from s a so and, but also they don't want to be able to look directly and they don't want to be like in order to be likely they would, they want to be independent of possibly the process, but it's quite a defense of young people, right. based on my sort of faith and also based on my any steps. uh for the one percent of the young people in new caledonia. they don't, they want to be like process. they want us uh plus process not split some a process like for example, the elders of the people before them. but it would be like perhaps one day becoming independent as just 2 weeks or left before elections. the european commission
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president seems to be extremely concerned about foreign propaganda. she's unavailable plans to construct a european democracy, shields supposedly, to quote, pre bunk this information before it spreads. but how democratic with the so called democracy shield actually b r to contributor rates on marston, explains what is the hallmarks of the european union? is this something sounds too good to be true? it usually just means the exact opposite tape. for example, the idea that ursula bunder lined she's been posting ads on social media lately, having apparently just discovered the same sophisticated video making out, mastered by 12 year olds across the you. and it was such a video. she promises that if she's re coordinated, she'll defend europe with a democracy. shield means about democracies manipulating information to subdivisions. so we must step up products with a european democracy shield. unimed vicious european pro just that focuses on the biggest threats from foreign into a few. and since many police,
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so here we go again. democracy in this case really just means censorship actually. because what does the shield protect your from? well, from things like inconvenient facts and from cleaners let and the rest of the european establishment having to defend their own ideological literacy and explain to the leads why the narratives are selling. just don't jive with reality when democracy just be better off altogether. it's everything that didn't sit there propaganda could just be wiped over the head and dragged off into the shadows by plane ursula as online democracy shield, gustavo ok, maybe characterizing the democracy shield as the propaganda sealed is unfair, right? it's not like you is interested in doing propaganda. they just want to do a little pre bunting, which totally doesn't sound like propaganda at all. research has shown that pre bunking is much more successful. then the bunk
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pre bunking is basically the opposite of the bunky. in short, prevention is preferable to cure perhaps if you think of information manipulation as a virus. so instead of treating an infection once it has taken hold, that is the bunky. it is much better to vaccinate, so that the body is inoculated. pre bunking is the same approach. because this information relies on people passing it on to office. it is essential that people know what's on the line. informations, influence is and what the techniques are. that are behind it and as the knowledge goes up, our chances of being influenced goes down. and that fills up the
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society really is the resilience that we will need. yeah, think a free debate and discussion as a nasty virus could get messy, wouldn't it just be better if the you could inject it's narratives like a vaccine, right, into the minds of assistance to eliminate any risk of opposing views or information . hey, what is the pre bunk narrative? is that this information though? of course, that never happens right? by the way, so side of resilience here just means compliance that everyone piles into the cloud, par on command so that these jokers can take everyone on a joy ride down this toby and highway in the direction of whatever their agenda happens to dictate. but hey, maybe queen ursula should be given the benefit of the doubt here. maybe i'm being a little bit too harsh on her. perhaps she just wants to deploy democracy shield against armies of annoying online bots, and not at all against the political playing field and watch descent. we have seen fluoride politicians and lead candidates from
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a if the and germany in the pockets of russia smash selling the souls on russian propaganda outlets and videos. hey, you want us to mirror political opponent because they happen to enjoy free speech on a variety of platforms. sounds like a job for the democracy shield, which like nato is totally defensive and absolutely does not do all sensitive operations and actively sniffled opponents on the political landscape. the you already tried to take off the entire media outlets that didn't light censoring rushing media outlets like r t and scrutiny at that super national level. and imposing that ban on all of the number of states of the entire block. the justification that they were spreading, quote, the distortion of facts that threaten the you, democratic order. not exactly a big crowd pleaser though for the proponents of a free press. first of all, it should be remembered that media regulation does not fall within the competence of the european union. we believe the eu has no right to grant or withdraw
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broadcast licenses. this is an exclusive competence of the states in our liberal democracies. it is independent regulators, never the government that are allowed to manage the allocation of licenses, turns out the blankets sense or should didn't quite knock everyone into line. so now for a nurse with, as in her ad that the democracy shield will quote, track down information manipulation and coordinate with national agencies hunting down wrong speakers on the informational landscape. sounds super democratic. so does the idea of quote, national agencies deciding what qualifies as news is this authoritarian democracy shield warner require any like independent oversight or anything? because cleaners love back when she was german defense minister under chancellor angela merkel really wasn't in to that kind of thing of the lack of arms and vehicles was made. public defense minister was full of under land,
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low top rated and prepared the equipment of going into some soldiers and offices. the minister has so far failed to deliver on her promises. we know from her stonewalling of the committee, demanding the senior text messages with pfizer brass over her vaccine deals that she really isn't into transparency very much either who needs actual democratic values. so when you have a democracy shields, maybe we can see it deployed in real time in a sort of test. if it was really truly shielding democracy, it would move down to the nurse was propaganda 1st and then just blow itself up. before we go some heart warming news, let's take a look at some footage of a giant panda cub named catch your shot splashing around in a pool at the mosque. i was just born in russia in august of last year and made history as the country's 1st panda for parents didn't, didn't en route he had already traveled to moscow in 2019 from beijing as a symbol of good relations. china practices, what is referred to as, quote, depend,
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that diplomacy, by lending enormous pandas to countries all over the globe, regardless of where they were born. criteria is expected to stay at the mosque out, sue until she's 4 years old. and it's probably it's, and it is probable that she will continue to reside in russia beyond that well, that's all the news we have for this hour, but stick around because we'll be back in just about 30 minutes here on our to international the
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