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tv   News  RT  May 23, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the and i for and i have a lot of air pollutant issues, a retaliatory decree on using us property in russia as compensation for washington . seizure of pros in russian asset that was for the agreement that we would convey the names national peace conference prussia is the country to ask for support for this conference because russia plays a viking role. the thing about rein invites russia to a middle east security conference. he was speaking during a visit to moscow, where both countries hailed the strengthening voice of the global south. prussian forces are now in control of the town of on the day of the car and the down. you have to people's republic as they continue to cement their gains in the region. and
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as the french president scrambles half way across the globe to a distant french colony, locals give him and his attempts to call him boiling annual. they're the cold shoulder don't we allow me to send the army here. but we didn't ask the army to come here, they talking about sharing and balance, but that's and that will be the case. he's already content gone and thinks us to the site, the just about 5 pm here in moscow when you're watching or t international. i am your host donald quarter. welcome to the appropriate we start this news hour with breaking news from the russian capital where president vladimir putin has issued a decree on using us property in russia, as compensation for washington seizure of frozen russian assets. this of the decree rates. the court shall send a request to the government commission for control over foreign investments in the russian federation. hearing, often referred to as the commission for
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a list of property of the united states of america and all foreign persons related to the united states of america, which may be used for the purpose of compensation of damages. while they get more details on this story, we're joined live here in the studio with our corresponded oma as shar. it will not, can you walk us through the details of this decree and what it means? of course, the russian president issued this degree to use the u. s. a property in russia. and now this comes after the u. s. senate passed the legislation essentially saying that they have the right to seize the russian assets in the united states. now it's remember that the us and its allies hold have sees some around $300000000000.00 across an asset that they plan to send to kids. but to take you through this decree and, and not so it's about the compensation for damage that was caused through russia and connection to the actions that was take that were taken by the united states. here the, the,
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it applies in the event of on just supply deprivation of property of a russian rights folder. essentially would give the right to the russian citizen to go to court and establish the fact of fund just to fight the provision of his own property. and also in assessment of damage know essentially wouldn't, once the court accepts the application, you would send the request to the governmental commission for control of foreign investments in the russian federation, which will in return send a list of properties that are owned by the united states. or us citizens in russia, and then based on that, the court will decide, uh what, what, what the response would be. now essentially, the commission will organize the end of the vacation, of either properties or uh, security is that are owned by the us are a us citizen in russia. i think it's a, can you tell us a little bit more about the precedence for this type of action that's been taken by
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the russian government of, over a month ago at jp morgan, a warrant that is s, as in rochelle will be seized. now this comes as a russian court already had order to save the accounts of jp morgan. and because after russia, russia's the bet they'd be bank suits to regain its funds that were blocked abroad . now, mind you that some $439000000.00 from jp morgan that they froze in us accounts after the special military operation operation. now these millions of dollars belong to the bank ballistic. listen to what jp morgan had to say. it is declared a judge and decreed that jp morgan has made the necessary showing for a preliminary injunction of a irreparable harm and be either one likelihood of success on the merits or to sufficiently serious questions. go into the merits, claim to make them a fair ground for litigation, and a balance of hardships tipping decidedly toward the party,
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requesting the preliminary relief to what we've generally focused on american assets. but it's true, right, that the european union has also seized or frozen the russian assets. can you tell us a little bit about that? yeah, just recently the eu has essentially sealed the deal to use profit from the photos and russian assets to help provide military support for ukraine. the loan is holding over 200000000 euros of russian assets. and the headquarters is now essentially saying that 90 percent of the money will go to a special of fund, a new fund, and known as the european piece facility. and then many cars were many countries get reinforced the reimbursed for the military equipment that they've sent to kids . and then 10 percent. they say, well go to the you budget. now the head of the check republics for administrator says that he made it clear that he's country will transfer
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a to point 8000000 euros received from frozen assets to your plan was sick listened to really driven by energy. we have approved in the you using revenues from russia's central banks, frozen assets, to help you crank up to 3000000000 euros only this year. 90 percent goes for ukraine's military. russian must pay for its for damages. now knowing all of this is really no surprise that a rasa would react the way. did that mean? i think it's trying to bring some sort of balance almost to the situation. all right? yeah, definitely a tit for tat move. there are 2 use of my chart. thanks for bringing us the details . moscow is rolled out the red carpet for the king of bob rain, who's in the russian capital for talks with president. put the 2 countries are looking to strengthen ties and counter western dominance in the world. the monarch emphasized moscow's role in global peace processes and invited russia to take part in a future middle east summit security summit in the bathroom. and so i have a friend send you old,
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a love and appreciation for russia's role incorporation on arab masses. that was for the agreement that we would convene and means national peace conference. russia is the country to offer support for this conference because russia plays advisory role. russia is one of the most influential countries in the world. another topic is the situation in gauze, which is painful for us for what we want to stop this war. to save that our lives, hundreds of thousands of people have had to leave that homes. this region is just 40 kilometers long and 12 kilometers wide to white. women and children are being attacked. i emphasize that we're talking about it as and people don't want the position of the arab league during it. somebody was unanimous. well, the meeting started with a king of a frame saying that this meeting vladimir fruits and them being here today is one of the happiest moments in his life. it's really set that's home. we know that this is a very close and friendly relationship. something which was reiterated once again, the ones who maintain the ones to build on their relationship,
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which is why they're discussing corporation in various fields, trade, the economy, to man, it's harry and area as well. they'll be a cultural exchange. so days of bust rain in russia, and in 2025 we'll see a cultural exchange with the russian seasons taking place over in bulk rain. also there of course, naturally touched upon regional and international issues where they see i to i something which of course we knew from the get go with police to express great pride in the high position that the russian federation occupies on the international stage under the leadership of president vladimir putin playing a constructive role in maintaining international peace and security, as well as helping the process of development and prosperity in various countries. we also do justice to be outstanding progress. russia is achieved at the economic level. these are of course, complementary will never hear from the west when it comes to vladimir putin or when it comes to russia. latimer preaching was also interested. see here what was the
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sites and they agreed upon at the end of the 33rd summit of the arab league of nations, which was hosted in box spring last week. we heard already from the king that we had the world leaders send in their regard to vladimir putin who is really moving forward on his own multi polar pass and bringing in and unites in different countries and moving forward and making sure that they are strong enough on their own and on the basis of course of mutual respect the next year, we will celebrate the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries. over the years, much has been done in building relations between now states. we have very good contacts throughout foreign ministry and oppositions a close on many issues on the international agenda as for the level of trade relations. unfortunately, this is still symbolic, but the trends are good. as for investment cooperation, the situation is more favorable about 30 large projects of being implemented with
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the total volume of the package being about $500000000.00. well, let's not forget to vladimir putin as most recently in china, and this is where the king of buffering is heading to next place. it will also discuss some regional and international issues as well as corporation. and this is very interesting because of course it comes at a time when we see an increasing divide between the weiss and the global south. we're seeing how the west was trying to appeal to countries and trying to, in some cases force them um, push them towards picking sides their sides. of course, when it comes to various conflicts around the world, in particular, the conflict in ukraine. we've heard, for example, from the u. k. defense secretary, just recently. so i'm in china for supposedly either already provide him or planning to provide lisa a to to russia. and they're saying that china is fueling the firewall. china has come back, the foreign ministry has,
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i am the cage saying that this is baseless slander and it is actually them who are blocking efforts to achieve peace. it must be pointed out that it is the british side, not china. that is adding fuel to the fire on the ukrainian issue. it was precisely because of the obstruction of the british and other parties that the conflict has been delayed to this day. what's interesting is that in 2022, the king of bach, right, and actually expressed his willingness to meet the negotiations peace negotiations between t evan, moscow of course. but as we know those piece folks failed at the request of the was so well moving forward. lots of documents have been signed and were expecting to see the fruition of this as we're moving forward in this multi polo world political consultant from bahrain. ok med cause. i a says that russia's voice on the global scale can not be ignored. the golf corporation console, which includes but freight is what is the united states major allies around the
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world. and on the other hand, russia is huge here as an ally of the gulf as well. so if we look at the leadership of his band, just take a comment, who has a vision of peace that seeks to bring both allies at the same table? at least, i don't think that will bring a will a cold for any pressure from the us. russia has to meet your power that nobody can neglect, they can be no balance of the walls without just major powers reaching a solution and a resolution. i mean, literally an appraisal with our trash has a presence that can never be on an ultimate temp on many issues around the world today. ok if you need a peace talks without trash and bolt. russia is heavily involved in the whole matter. without the rush of being on the table. there can be no resolution coming at the front of a simple uh how we in the middle east view. russia is different from the west view and get to apparently, and um, the dots on its own makes
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a big difference on why we see divide turmoil of fresh out. and again, the russian military says it is now in control of the town of on day of cop in the done yet people's republic. it comes just a day after russian forces liberated the town of cliche i've got our t seekers. don have has more the thieves. ready on very, i've got, has been liberated according to the russian ministry of defense, along with the town of police shift or something. the announcement that came just yesterday and the both cities rather both villages, they all considered to be on the flank of a major city on october, which has been under the rush you control for just over a year now. but the development, well, the names in the village of the set themselves might not be that important. and that not the major, but the in terms of the fighting or the just what's going on on the bus will feel that they approve shell. they have the 1st to assess the reason it is so basically
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they are at the moment of glory for the ukrainian army, because they are the one of the few localities that were taken and captured by the ukrainian army over the course of the last. he is counter offensive. now the russian troops have already taken the village of it. i'm fortunate, i propose you, andrea country ship had been retaken once again and well, it basically leaves the ukrainian army with nothing to show for the 10s of thousands of deaths on the or that will occur during back how to offensive back in 2023. now speaking of the importance of the small village, basically, right now, the russian army advancing on another town in the dimness page of the town of chess of yeah, it's very, very important because it is considered to be the gateway of the dominate heights before the slow downs can come, of course, because on the ration i do understand that's a lot of typography in
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a few sentences. but this is simply the nature of this war. because when the sky is about the battlefield, so densely populated by coming kazi drones sending a large number of numbers of troops to a soles, a town or a village is the like. it was done back. yeah. in, during the world war 2, for example, is that idea is not just counter productive. it is simply suicide though. so a force of $3.00 to $5.00 men is already formidable here on the battle field. so even a small village, a small hide it. well it does, it does entail loss the consequences under the fact that within the span of a couple of days, 2 major strongholds of you bringing on these a i've been sending waive up to waiver of reinforcements to keep those 2, those villages under the control the village of game got and can shape the fax that over the over the course of the,
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of 2 days they have had to pull out. it does indicate that well they owe the forces ukrainian forces. i'm really surprised then the, there's a couple of reasons to that. or the russian assault in the heart of region happening not so far from here is of course one and brushes well, gains across the front, including the town of chess of. yeah, that's another. so this is definitely a, it's, well, it is a strong blow for the you, craig, and forces both militarily and the wise. as for the town of andre, i've got, it is still very, very close to the front line. it has just moved from the so called gray zone, the no man's land to be under the control of the russian forces. it won't be showing when russian jealous will be drawn to access to that village but our crew. we did the film that when the russian wagner group captured and liberated the village of dave to back in 2022. his uh,
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a short clip of our reports from the village that, well, frankly, is no more were at the small village of hundreds. and this is the closest that the fact the forces have managed to get to the city of bush moved when it comes to the south west in direction. basically it's about 7 kilometers to the city itself and may be 600 meters to a kilometer to the point where the bag of troops clashing with the ukrainian enemy . this drone footage was short, a few days ago wagner's temporary crew spotted a ukrainian unit. heavy shilling put the enemy to flight. they fled, abandoning their dead and wounded brothers in arms, whose bodies were left for us to discover these positions of the ones. but the ukrainian forces abandoned most recently behind me, you can see 2 dead bodies left here left behind, along with the thoughts of occasions those soldiers who accompany us here,
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they're telling us it is not safe to stand up because just yesterday, ukrainian sniper was working. and firing in this direction from less than a kilometer away. meanwhile, the us secretary of state is trying to wield the power of persuasion and convince the white house to allow ukraine's use american weapons to strike deep into russian territory. that's according to the new york times cited on names. officials read all about this and much more over on our website, r t dot com, the despite making a 25 hour dash to the other side of the earth, the french president of manuel mac ron didn't get the warmest of welcomes as he arrived in new caledonia, in the wake of the worst violence to roxy overseas territory and decades. i got my toilet foundation on his last. he doesn't know what to do. everyone there is looking at france. everyone. see you. the shenanigans in france now that he is coming here. we don't meet him here since then has been sending all politicians to
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friends. we don't need to go to friends. the discussions are here because the future of the country is here and kind of get, but i don't know. we don't want to see him here. just started this, the things on fire started to race passions to the point of setting things on fire . it wasn't the young people who started before. it wasn't us, was sudden, they started to find in any case, it's already good, the bad comment. but after that, we can't, we don't know if you arrive to restore. com, but in any case, he's already come and gone and things are still the same. there is no real com, no real peace, no way allow me to send the army here. but we didn't ask the army to come here. we are fighting for our country and follow the children. i'll say it again. this is for our children later on. the armies here, but i don't know what the army is doing here. we don't need them here. we can preserve also, we can manage all countries here. young people scream because it is difficult for them every day they see what's happening and step away from them in what poverty
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they live on like the people next door. i think it's more of a socio economic crisis. it's moving a struggle. they really resulted to fighting, increasing the number of the electorate, but there was a socio economic crisis behind it. protesters erected new barricades overnight ahead of micro on his visit. the violence which erupt had last week, followed electoral reforms which locals claimed or designs to put huge hurdles in front of any independence aspirations. the footage posted on, posted on line shows, smoke rising above the buildings in the capital. 6 people were killed in the riots, and in the wake of the violence president crohn said french troops will remain in the territory for as long as necessary. me as i speak through our 3000 internal security forces in new caledonia and more reinforcements will arrive in
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the next few hours. this is unprecedented. and for several days now, there have been no more than at the time of the 3rd referendum. let me be very clear. these forces will remain as long as necessary, including during the olympic and paralympic games. the violence lead to a spike and global nickel price. it says the territory is a major, major producer of the metal which is used in batteries, electric vehicles, and steel production. a key reason, perhaps the power seems unwilling to loosen its grip on the archipelago. as ortiz, charlotte davinsky explains. most of the media focus on new caledonia right now is talking about the civil unrest and relating not to changes to the voting lights on the island, which locals claim, whoops, no 5, any hoops were eventually independence to clearly this is a trigger pointed valley scratches the surface of what's really going on despite being some 16000 kilometers,
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will you probably think is fonts. this pacific island nation is actually part of the country's overseas territories kind. it's important to paris for several reasons. it's the base for the french military, and it's a source of a precious metal nickel. nickel is wealth for new caledonia. it is also, and i emphasize this, a major strategic resource for france in europe at a time when we have undertaken a massive re industrialization efforts. nichols use did a whole host of products including we chargeable batteries, the hyphen vehicles. it's also used to make stainless steel. a crucial product for construction, access to supplies is key. it's just the, not about the new a for sale only they feel is very important. but it's about the song renting, so that summer in t normally, it's also a political but it's also economic and part of the economic. so renting
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has the elements of nickel extractions, fusion, and then also the profit of it, francis strategies, very unclear. then you're going to apply and assess and then made sure they explode as much as they can. this is also a story. he says about competition on a global scale trying that has been securing it's nickel subsidies from nearby indonesia at a cheaper rate. from the side of the you by default will to still showing from flooding its market with cheap electric vehicles. it's about a, back to the solar resource extractions and management. taking advantage of that. china is leading to my products and i didn't take advantage of that kind of wind of the silver red tea that's blowing around the french empire and freedom. so they might take a little bit of time. at that point they can cut a deal, perhaps china or any other country that can tell to china is probably the best bank
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right here and asked that she for nickel from indonesia is becoming harder for the you to access new caledonia is importance. is rockets, a new caledonia could see radically take up the slack and nichol supplies from indonesia. the territory could declare independence, took out the french and invite the chinese to invest in its minds and smelters. as alex levy suggested that this issue of wick, sporting nicholas deeply connected to cools by some of the indigenous peoples for independence, while fonts needs to remain in control of this precious resource. well, new caledonia has fost reserves of nickel mining. it has become unprofitable powers stepped off with the proposed so called nickel pack, just so they sat, it said it would subsidize energy prices to reduce production costs. it would also invest in electricity production on the island. sounds good. well,
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not too many island does he say that in return they have to find some $65000000.00 us dollars to finance that cost competing exercise, meaning new tax burdens once again, caledonia is, will have to contribute. this is all the more unacceptable as they already contribute, massively to supporting the industry that's a lot. and yet the commitments required of manufacturers are non existent, not signing. the pact would put us in an extremely difficult situation. but the conditions are questionable that nichol packed has also been criticized by pro independent support as for its colonial under toes. it's a colonial pact to take back control of new caledonia as rule materials. there is no withdrawal of sovereignty. none at all. we have to stop talking nonsense because afterwards the militants on the ground say, the state wants to steal our nickel. because what font isn't saying is that by having more control of a nickel, sykes to it type things, it's quick,
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fleming island nation for generations to come. nickel accounts for 90 percent of new color don't use x sports and for one out of every 5 jobs. just look at this map of new caledonia. as you can see, the island is split into 2 zones in the south. it's governed by a political party that wants to stay loyal to funds, but in the north, where the province is governed by the cadillac independence movement, this is where the vast majority of nickel, mine's all. there is the which is called the research mission. it isn't there, is it? oh you too much the works. we are the people i country, ownership of natural resources to be a super age. that's we kind of be suffering. we don't own i walk. i was not given you, but they, they even the renewal board. so since there's already
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a solar block in new colorado near calling for independence, almost hoff of the population. while it's failed to get his point across the ballot box losing 3 referendum since 2018, the movement is growing. new caledonia has been a french colony since the 1800s. those nicole mines were big ways and what fonts initially. so control of it with your pin satellites heading the to strike it rich and was the, did the local populations were marginalized, social and economic inequality is still open. almost $200.00 is later on for the younger generations. colonialism still persists, saw we feel oppressed or angry. well, now everything is happening over there. and we're wondering to pass the army, the cannick people being heard. since we've been lied to for years and years, they've lights, our ancestors, they have lights, our elders,
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to the various agreements that have been made clear on the 3rd agreement as the longest we are tired of not being recognized must catch them up. once i realize that that they've never felt involved us, they talk about sharing and balance, but that's and that will be the case. most of them all they want is to be recognized in their own country and to be allowed to run the country themselves. if you go to fiji, they're fiji, it. if you go to to cd their to he sions. if you go to wallace there while lesions, it's only here in new caledonia when you arrive, that you find other people in the authorities. so as someone who has been fighting for this cause, since i was born, i don't understand why the truths are be in hidden and disregarded. colonialism, isn't that new color doesn't means of still living through it. but still having that result is exploited to benefit which you repairs. folks is cracking down on the car and ton ross,
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this is concerned about access to the nickel lines. and until those mines of strict bass powers has a vested interest to keep new caledonia under its direct control on the screen behind me, you should be able to see live pictures of the 3rd day of funeral services in a run following the weekends. fatal helicopter crash, which claimed the life of the president before administer and other key officials. the body of the late president was taken to his hometown of my spot for a burial earlier the cities of to breeze poem and the capital to ron hosted grand processions, run, 94 and dignitaries are said to have attended the event and to run. they included the prime ministers of pakistan and the rack, as well as to jacob stands president. we've got the reaction from radians, brandy and i have experience, many things like that,
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but he will never forget is efforts is actually the way he used to go. and he used to be the person to save our country from dispatch situation really must be that when i last present twice and his companions was the same as when i lost my father. i was truly touched with the power of our dear leader, ayatollah committee. we are confident in the support of the leader. nothing bad is going to happen in iran. meanwhile, ron's vice president has said that abraham re sees legacy insured economic stability and independence from western influence. he was speaking in an exclusive interview to r t. why do you bring him raised? he has brought about many around in achievements and the last 3 years. for instance, a great breakthrough in international relations. when in a short period, our country was initiated into the shanghai cooperation organization and bricks


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