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tv   News  RT  May 23, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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direction, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way inside the and i for and i lot of air pollutant issues, a retaliatory decree on using us property in russia as compensation for washington . the seizure of pros and russian asset that was for an agreement that we would convene and names natural peace conference. russia is the country to us for support for this conference because russia plays a vital role. the king of the rain invites russia to a middle east security conference. he was speaking during a visit to mall scout, where both countries hail the strengthening voice of the global self and russian forces liberate the town of on the day of the done yet to people's republic because they continue to cement their gains and the region. the
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just after 6 pm here on the russian capital and you're watching r t international. my name's donald quarter. welcome to the program. we start this hour with breaking news from the russian capital where president vladimir putin has issued a decree on using us property in russia, as compensation for washington. seizure of frozen russian assets business out the decree rates. the court shall send a request to the government commission for control over foreign investments in the russian federation. hearing, often referred to as the commission for a list of property of the united states of america and all foreign persons related to the united states of america, which may be used for the purpose of compensation of damages. what we get more on this story now we're doing live in a studio by r t correspondent. the issue are, uh oh my, can you tell us about the details of this decree? what does it say now the russian president just issued at the preacher's us
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property in russia now, as for my themselves, that this comes after the us senate passed to legislation to essentially seize russian assets in the united states that they want to later on and send to kids was also remember that the us and his allies hold and have sees the around $300000000000.00 of russian as they're planning to use for ukraine. now in a nutshell, this degree is about compensation for damage. that was costs to ross shocked by the united states. it applies in the event of on justify deprivation of the russian citizens property. so essentially, now a russian citizen has the right to go to court and business. we talk about his case or her case, and then as well as in assessment of damages and then the port once the application gets accepted by the court. the court where requests to the governmental commission for control of foreign investments in the russian federation,
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which will in return send a list of the us properties as well as properties that are owned by us citizens in russia. and that will be used as some sort of compensation to the russian citizen. this isn't the 1st time right that moscow is retaliated against some of these measures that's taken been taken against it. yeah, of course. over a month ago, jp morgan had already warned that it's s as in rush, i'm maybe sees now that comes after the a russian court already order to seize the accounts of jp morgan is now that, that was also after rushes with a big bag, sued uh, suit, jp morgan to again it's funds that are blocked abroad now minded that is over $400000000.00 that uh, from gp morgan that they froze after the start of this special military operation. so it seems to be american bank itself is not doing well with the sanctions that were put on russia by the was let's split the listen to the statement from jp
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morgan. it is declared a judge and decreed the jp morgan has made the necessary showing for a preliminary injunction of irreparable harm. now to be morgan is not alone at the russian court, also order the seizure of assets properties as well as accounts as part of the lawsuit with german bank. so it seems that there was some sort of warning before this decree and it's not just the us, right. the european union has also seized russian assets if i'm not mistaken. yeah . so now the u. uh has officially filled the deal that it will be using the russians, frozen assets to help provide military support to ukraine. the you alone holds around 210000000000 euros in russian unfrozen assets. the u is essentially no saying that 90 percent of that money would go to a special fund that is known as the european piece facility. and now that fund is used by you countries where they get reimbursed for the military equipment that
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they've been sending to your claim. and they say that 10 percent of that money will go into the budget. the head of the check for an ministry even set it himself, he made it clear that his country is now ready to said 2800000000 euros that they've received from those frozen assets to present as there was a list of melissa. so today we have approved in the you using revenues from russia's central banks, frozen assets, to help you crane up to 3000000000 euros. only this year, 90 percent goes for ukraine's military. russia must pay for its for damages. now knowing all of this is really no surprise that russia is reacting the way it is. i mean, it looks like it's bring in some sort of balance to the situation. yeah, definitely some serious developments are to use my chart. thanks for bringing us the details. the most goals rolled out the red carpet for the king of bob rain whose health talks in the russian capital with president vladimir, put in the 2 countries are looking to strengthen ties and counter western dominance
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in the world. the monarch emphasized small scale as role and global peace processes and invited russia to take part in a future middle east security, some in the bathroom. and so i have a friend send you old, a lot of an appreciation for russia's role incorporation on arab masses. that was for the agreement that we would convene and international peace conference. russia is the country to us for support for this conference, because russia plays advisory role. russia is one of the most influential countries in the world. another topic is the situation in gauze which is painful for us. so what we want to stop this war to save that lives, hundreds of thousands of people have had to leave that homes. this region is just 40 kilometers long and 12 kilometers wide women and children are being attacked. i emphasize that we're talking about it as and people don't want the position of the arab league during it. somebody was unanimous. well, the meeting started with a kind of a phrase saying that this meeting vladimir fruits and them being here today is one
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of the happiest moments in his life. it's really set that's home. we know that this is a very close and friendly relationship. something which was reiterated once again, the ones who maintain then the ones to build on their relationship, which is why they're discussing corporation in various fields, trade, the economy, humanitarian areas, as well. they'll be a cultural exchange. so days of bust rain in russia, and in 2025 we'll see a cultural exchange with the russian seasons taking place over in the rain. also, there of course, naturally touched upon regional and international issues where they see eye to eye something which of course we knew from the get go with police to express great pride in the high position that the russian federation occupies on the international stage under the leadership of president vladimir putin playing a constructive role in maintaining international peace and security, as well as helping the process of development and prosperity in various countries.
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we also do justice to be outstanding progress. russia is achieved at the economic level. these are of course, complementary will never hear from the west when it comes to vladimir putin or when it comes to russia. latimer preaching was also interested. see here what was the sites and they agreed upon at the end of the 33rd summit of the arab league of nations, which was hosted in box spring last week. we heard already from the king of that we had the world leaders send in their regard to vladimir putin who is really moving forward on his a multi polar pass and bringing in and unites and the different countries and moving forward and making sure that they are strong enough on their own, and on the basis of course, of mutual respect the next year, we will celebrate the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries. over the years, much has been done in building relations between now states. we have very good contacts throughout foreign ministry and oppositions
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a close on many issues on the international agenda as for the level of trade relations. unfortunately, this is still symbolic, but the trends are good. as for investment cooperation, the situation is more favorable about 30 large projects of being implemented with the total volume of the package being about $500000000.00. well, let's not forget to vladimir putin. it was recently in china, and this is where the king of buffering is heading to next place. it will also discuss some regional and international issues as well as corporation. and this is very interesting because of course, it comes at a time when we're seeing an increasing divide between the last and the global south . we'll see. and how the west is trying to appeal to countries and trying to in some cases force them. um, push them towards picking sides their sides. of course, when it comes to various conflicts around the world, in particular, the conflict in ukraine. we've heard for example, from the u. k. defense secretary, just recently. so i'm in china for supposedly either already provide him or
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planning to provide lisa a to to russia and they're saying that china is fueling the firewall. china has come back, the foreign ministry has slowly i'm that you cage saying that this is baseless slander and it is actually them who are blocking efforts to achieve peace. it must be pointed out that it is the british side, not china. that is adding fuel to the fire on the ukrainian issue. it was precisely because of the obstruction of the british and other parties that the conflict has been delayed to this day. what's interesting is that in 2022, the king of bach, right, and actually expressed his willingness to meet the negotiations peace negotiations between t evan, moscow of course. but as we know those piece folks failed at the request of the was so well moving forward. lots of documents have been signed and we're expecting to see the fruition of this as we're moving forward in this multi polo world.
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political consultant from buff. rain ok med cause. i a says that russia's voice on the global stage cannot be ignored. the gulf corporation console, which includes the frame, is one of the united states major allies around the world. and on the other hand, russia is viewed here as an ally of the gulf as well. so if we look at the leadership of his band, just to comment, who has a vision of peace that seeks to bring both allies at the same table, at least, i don't think that will bring a will a cold for any pressure from the us. russia has to meet your power that nobody can neglect, they can be no balance in the world without just major powers reaching a solution and a resolution. i mean, literally an appraisal with our trash has a presence. they can never be on an ultimate temp, on many issues around the world today. ok, penny a piece talks without trash and bolt russia is heavily involved in the whole matter . without the rush of being on the table,
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they can be no resolution coming out. the problem is a simple uh, how we in the middle east view, russia is different from the west, is viewing it apparently. and um, that's on its own makes a big difference on why we see divide to rule afresh on the game. now does the ukraine conflict where the russian military says it is now in control of the town of on the day of caught in the den? yes, the people's republic. it comes a day after russian forces liberated the town of to shave. car ortiz either starting of has more. the village of andrea guy has been liberated according to the russian ministry of defense, along with the town of cliche. because something the announcement that came just yesterday and to both cities or rather both villages, they all considered to be on the flank of a major city of thomas, which has been under the russian control for just over a year now. but the development,
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well the names and the village of the set themselves might not be that important. and that's not the major. but the in terms of the fighting or the just what's going on on the bus will feel that they approve shell. they have the 1st assess, the reason it is so basically they are the moments of glory for the ukrainian army because they are the one of the few localities that were taken and captured by the ukrainian army over the course of the last he is counter offensive now the russian troops have already taken the village on board. you now propose you agree of country ship have been re taken once again on the well, it basically leaves the ukrainian army with nothing to show for the 10s of thousands of deaths and all that. well occurred during the counter offensive back in 2023. now speaking of the importance of this small village,
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basically. right now, the russian army advancing on another town in the next page of the town of chess of yeah, it's very, very important because it is considered to be the gateway of the dominate to hide before the slowdowns can come. of course, because on the ration i do understand that's a lot of typography in a few sentences, but this is simply the nature of this rule. because when the sky is about the battle field, i so densely populated by coming kazi drones at sending a large number of numbers of troops to a soles, a town or a village is the like. it was done back. yeah. in, during the world war 2, for example, is that idea is not just counter productive. it is simply suicide though. so a force of $3.00 to $5.00 men is already formidable here on the battle field. so even the small village, a small hide it. well it does, it does entail loss the consequences under the fact that within the span of
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a couple of days, 2 major strongholds will be praying and ami they. i've been sending waive up to waiver of reinforcements to keep those to those villages under the control the villages of, of the, of got and can shape the fax that over the, over the course of the, of 2 days they have had to pull out. it does indicate that well they are the forces, the ukrainian forces. i'm really stretched finley. there's a couple of reasons to that. or the russian assault from the heart of region happening not so far from here is of course one and rushes well. gains across the front, including the town of chess of. yeah, that's another. so this is definitely a, it's, well, it is a strong blow for the you, craig, and forces both militarily and the wise. as for the town of andrea, you've got it is still very, very close to the front line. it has just moved from the so called gray zone, the no man's land to be under the control of the russian forces. it won't be soon
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when russian jealous will be granted access to that village, but our crew. we did tell them that when the russians wagner, group captured and liberated the village of updates to back in 2022. here's a short clip of our reports from the village that, well, frankly, is no more. we're at the small village of 100 k, and this is the closest that the fact the forces have managed to get to the city of books moved when it comes to the south west in direction. basically it's about 7 kilometers to the city itself and may be 600 meters to a kilometer, to the point where the wagner's troops clashing with the ukrainian enemy. this drone footage was short. a few days ago wagner's artillery crew spotted a ukrainian unit heavy shilling put the enemy to flight. they fled, abandoning their dead and wounded brothers in arms,
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whose bodies were left for us to discover these positions of the ones that the ukrainian forces abandoned. most recently, behind me, you can see 2 dead bodies left here left behind, along with the thoughts of occasions. those soldiers who accompany us here, they're telling us it is not safe to stand up because just yesterday, that ukrainian sniper was working and firing in this direction from less than a kilometer away. meanwhile, the us secretary of state is trying to wield the power of persuasion and convince the white house to allow ukraine to use american weapons to strike deep into russian territory. that's according to the new york times, citing unnamed officials read all about this and much more over on our website, r t dot com. the, it's black male, by definition, as the west is up in arms over at george's parliament, passing a transparency law which will shed light on who's funding and g o's and media in
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the country. the georgia and prime minister has revealed an e u commission, or didn't mince words in a recent conversation, and threatened the dangerous response if he didn't tell the line. even in the face of prolonged black, i'm at least right to voice during a telephone conversation with one of the european commission is with shocking during our conversation, the european commission that listed a number of measures that weston politicians might take if the retail on the transparency low is overcome, while listing these measures he mentioned, you've seen what happened 2 feet. so, and you should be very careful. well, to get more on this story, i'm joined live in the studio by r t. charlotte davinsky. charlotte. obviously the george and prime minister was quite taken aback by this conversation. can you tell us more about the context? yeah, it's a pretty big bull michelle, of a claim to suggest that an e commission has said that. now, what we've heard from the judge and prime minister is this came directly from an you commission that we don't know which one,
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but busy you commission. it was warning if georgia preceded ahead with the so called for an agent spill. this is a bill, as you mentioned, that would get more transparency in terms of who is funding and use a major in the country that he would, i quote from the georgia in prime minister face a similar fate. 2 feet. so when we took him up seats, are we talking about the slack kit? so back in 5 minutes or what, but fit so where there was an attempted assassination on his life just a couple of weeks ago. but let's just go back to that move that move, which has been adopted by the children parliament. and it's a threat that it is not going to be signed by the primary at by the president. but there's been huge protests in the last few months into play. see as a result of that little, in fact, we even saw foreign ministers from e u countries in attendance, l. c, and miscellaneous, and estonia. and i mean, it's not a foss stretched to say that that is for an interference in itself, but you can get a sense of how important this is for the you opinion. and as
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a result of that, you know, we've now got this sewage claim from the georgia in prime minister that essentially there's been a, a threat to his life. and it is big because what, but feet. so this is a vacuum prime minister who was shot at a blank point range just a few weeks ago. have to have emergency surgery. he's now recovering from that surgery. but you know, this is a major issue to me just write it. it's funny, blake, don't even think it's blackmail. it's a blatant right. and what we also then heard from the georgia, me prime minister, is that he went on to say that be a tactic gains will, but fit so have these traces of special services from one country that he says a link to the global roof policy. yeah, i wanted to ask you about that mr. cobra kids a mentions the global war party and his statement. can you elaborate on why that's important? yeah, that's important because of the global war parties. so it's based on the specified
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political forces that all will increase the forces from the west. but he believes to trying to skulk a resolution in his home country and also trying to open up a 2nd front in relation to what's happening in regards to the pregnant conflict. this is a really big concern when we see the protests into pc. and we see the ministers that and it really does have some sort of remedies into what we saw in terms of might and in ukraine, back in 2014. so you can understand his concern regard to that on some way, versus office being conspiratorial. but let's be clear, the attempted assassination on the life with the slow vacuum 5 minutes that was made by him. i'm cool. you were sent to the main street meter and the west is not really picked up or reported on the fact that he was politically motivated because will but pete. so when he came into power said, we don't want to send any more weapons to queen. want to be a more neutral party and this and the videos of him online shouting loan,
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lift your claim, but it's not being reported. so, you know, the trying to sweep out into the carpet is political motivations we saw for love a seat. so it was a task. yeah. now slovakia has said this was a politically motivated attempt and they've actually blamed a most of the immediate coverage of speech. so saying that, you know, it was threatening, it was negative and he was constantly being cool. russian stooge. that's how we're listening to what is that i can definitely the problem is for his set of office the american liberal media is trying to cover up that the assassin and potential terrorists in tula. it's a political fanatic from their own camp. pro ukrainian anti trump progressive ways headlines, claim human. so i'm a tree hit the very least. and that attack on fit. so with my safely shocking, and it's clear with the georgian prime minister of what he's saying has had his
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watch threatened to if he doesn't go back on his policy, which is the elective policy in georgia, which is the ruling policy believes is the best way to proceed for his own country . we don't know who the in commission of was the hasn't been any with regards to this from the you so far. but the reality is, a space is truth and he was going to look out simple because for us, when we put the foreign ministers interfering in the domestic politics in another country, the cost a talks about its moral superiority when it comes to other countries. and if this is true, it's essentially acting like a mafia state. yep. ford meddling by the west that it's fine to start to charlotte davinsky. thanks a lot for bringing us those details. this is the 3rd day a funeral services in iran. following this week, the weekends for a fatal helicopter crash which claimed the life of the president, the foreign minister, and other key officials from the country. the body of the late president was taken
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to his hometown of mush bod for burial. earlier the cities of the breeze calm and the capital of to run hosted grand processions around $94.00 and dignitaries are said to have attended the event and to run. they included the prime ministers of pakistan and the rack, as well as the president of subject us. then we got the reaction from radians, brandy and i have experience. many things like that, but people never forgets is efforts is actually the way he used to go. and he used to be the person to save our country from dispatch situation really must be that when i last presenter i use and he's companions was the same as when i lost my father. i was truly touched with the power of our dear leader, ayatollah committee. we are confident in the support of the leader. nothing bad is
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going to happen in iran. meanwhile, it runs vice president has said abraham re sees legacy insured economic stability and independence from western influence. he was speaking in an exclusive interview to archie. you burned him raise he has brought about many around in achievements in the last 3 years. for instance, a great breakthrough in international relations. within a short period, our country was initiated into the shanghai cooperation organization and bricks became active in the region economic union and improved its relations with neighbors. in a way, he was like profit abraham, who is known as an idol breaker. as rice, he broke the idol of economic sanctions. i believe you're on, we'll continue nourishing the goals and i, the ology of i a told her right. you see, in fact, his martyrdom provided a brighter horizon for the role of your on in the world. and it's important in the international community unveiling the prospects of relations between other nations
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and you're on a friend of mine who is in charge of the red crescent of breeze, immediately contacted me and said that the connection with the president's helicopter was lost. then search and rescue operations started due to bad weather conditions. it was not until about 5 in the morning that they were able to see it from a close distance. upon arriving there, they informed me that all the passengers became martyrs. there was a great sorrow for me as present. right. you see had been a dear friend, a genuine friend of mine, especially in the past 3 years. when i was the secretary of his economic council. i was very distressed. that's all for this. our stick around for more news in just about 30 minutes here on our to international the a when i went to the wrong
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just don't have to shape house to come and engagement because the trails when so many find themselves world support. we choose to look for common ground the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, everybody. i'm rick sanchez. this is the show you been wanting to see. this is direct impact, and this is what you're going to be talking about. the presence of 425 on the u. r. a war longer shame on you that secretary state anthony blinking. i'm sure you could tell he goes before the senate foreign relations committee and then he is a sale and it's repeated and repeated and you're going to see it. i'm rick sanchez . let's do it. of
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the far right, let's talk a little bit here about anthony blank, and i showed you a video of him. do you remember playing the guitar at a club in ukraine as the war continued there? i still can't believe that he actually did that. i mean, what the hell was he thinking, right. i mean talk about insensitivity. but then again, that's his whole stick. like many of his predecessors at the state department, from henry kissinger, to madeline albright and i could go on some good ones. he's essentially paid to. i'm just going to say he's paid the lie and kill and start wards. much of it at the highest of large military contractor who he has worked for in the past and will likely work for him when this temporary dig that he has now. 3 the white house is over, he'll be back there. they all do. of course, he won't get that $1000000.00 pair of shoes. if,
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while he's at the what else he goes against the status quote, which is why he doesn't. and which is why he won't you follow me? well, that means is he lies. and he is inconsistent positions on ukraine and garza, and on the south, tennessee, and other rod and a host of other global politics. they don't matter to him, right? they don't matter to him to do those things, even as the whole world calls him out. he does not care. you know why he does not care, because he knows that he will always be protected by congress. which is corrupt by military contractors who simply want him to start more war so they can get more rich then by the corporate media, who will never challenge him like they're supposed to. because they know that if they don't challenge him, they will be fired. so here's the point when it comes to the us, secretary of state, this dude anthony blinking,


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