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tv   Direct Impact  RT  May 23, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EDT

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is against the status quote, which is why he doesn't and which is why he won't you follow me. what that means is he lies and he is inconsistent positions on ukraine, and i'm cause a and on the south, tennessee, and other rod and a host of other global politics. they don't matter to him, right? they don't matter to him to do those things, even as the whole world calls him out. he does not care. you know why he does not care, because he knows that he will always be protected by congress. which is corrupt by military contractors who simply want him to start more war so they can get more rich. and by the corporate media, one level challenge him like they're supposed to. because they know that if they don't challenge him, they will be fired. so here's the point when it comes to the us, secretary of state, this dude anthony blinking, you just saw right there. there's no one to call him out. you know there's,
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there's no one there to call to make him accountable. and that is why i want you to see this video. that's why this video caught my attention and that's why i want you to watch it. that's why i, i think it's hard not to watch it because we've come to a point in america in this country. where maybe the only way to challenge anthony blinking is, dishonesty is one private citizens. private citizens have to put their careers and their own bodies on the line to speak. truth to power need for us, global leadership and for cooperation with allies and partners, has never been greater. the people's republic of china showing the and, you know, i'm just thinking, as i'm watching this, as we look at protest or after protest her call him a war criminal and
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a war longer watches expression and ask yourself, how would you feel if somebody came up and said that to you, somebody came up and told you that you killed babies. i mean, i can't tell you, he doesn't seem to be showing much of anything. nor is you commenting here. let's watch another one for $25.00. but the lady was literally being carried over the shoulder out the room. i mean, you know, we have a saying in my culture, i'm hispanic born in cuba and all that stuff. we have a saying in spanish that we use a lot in miami, it's called a hard face. we call it or not got a load, right? but when we say that somebody has a hard face, having a hard face means never being able to show what you are really feeling or doing, even if what you're doing is a horrible, horrible thing. there's one more people's republic of china
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the, i mean this is just over and over and over again. and again, my point manila is okay. i know this happens from time to time whenever there have hearings. but i think it's a special case in this case because nobody else is allowed to touch this guy. the media won't do it, the military won't do it, and congress won't do it. the only people can do it is just average joe's will show up at these committee years. yeah, this is obviously a systemic failure within the so called 4th branch of government, the us mainstream media. they do not hold power to account. nobody's feet are held to the fire, so who's, who's left to do it? obviously it's going to have to be citizens and protesters to split the facts. bit the truth out there, but i'd like to point out one thing, right? yeah. you remember when early on i think it was still during the trump
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administration, when congresswoman maxine waters was giving a rally down back home in los angeles where she called on on democratic supporters to you know, go after these republicans. the trump, or, you know, if they're pumping gasoline, if they're at a restaurant or whatever. well now the show is on the other foot and a bite and administration is in power. and obviously anthony, blinking is not going to have any quiet nights because the same sets of protesters are outside of his house from my understanding pretty much every single day. and i think deservedly so. he's probably thinking, as i mentioned a little while ago i got, but i got maybe another half a year of this stuff and then i can go back and work a great the on once again or any of the companies. i mean, cuz that's what they do. i mean, that's what they do. that's just the way the system works right now. and it's shameful that it works that way, but it is what it is. by the way, i've always believed that defiance my thought defiance,
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like what we saw right there, that's courage. that's true. we thought we are always calling people key rows and stuff. that's courage, you know, and, and it can come in many forms. let me show you another greenberg call, and her name is lily as an assistant chief of staff in the department of interior. she was appointed by the present himself president button, which is quitting because of the ridiculous comments that she says the president has made about jude's. jeez joyce yourself, by the way, this is the comment that she is talking about the bothers or folks the word there are no, israel wouldn't be a jew in the world or safe where there are no israel. there'd be no jew in the world that is safe. here's what she says. read with me. here's what greenberg call is saying about biden's comment that made her angry as a jewish american quote. he is making jews the face of the american war machine. and that is so deeply wrong because so many of our ancestors were killed by state
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sponsored violence. you know, she seems manila to be saying 2 things here. she seems to be saying one that. busy is real, is doing is not making just say for it's making being joyce in the world more dangerous. and so she seems to be comparing our foreign policy in that of israel to what happened in germany and other parts of the world when jews were slain for simply being jones for being different. what do you think of yeah, as we know with world war 2, there's been a lot of comparisons to that episode of history with gaza currently back and forth depending on what side that you're on. but one thing is clearly clear here is that she says, we don't want we speaking, you know, she is a jewish woman, correct thing. we don't want joe biden to use us as your scape goat as to why you continually support the war efforts and gaza and army and continuing to arm bb nothing. yahoo is government now. i think it's an important note to make here. rick,
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her last name is greenberg call. yeah. her father. mister greenberg is actually a high ranking engineer at raytheon technologies. wow. who actually of course makes weapons of mass destruction. so i think it's a specially a sale it that this young woman would stand up as she was doing and leave her her body career. she's only 26 years old to stand up for her. believe she's calling out of her boss for president of the united states, joe biden, and she's also actually calling out her father while she's doing that, talking about more machine. nothing says war machine like raytheon. by the way. it's interesting must make for some real interesting thanksgiving dinner conversations all there at the greenberg family household. by the way, the big talk of worldwide is the i. c. c. as we've been reporting this week announcing the arrest for benjamin netanyahu for war crimes,
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the killing of 40000 people in suspect of genocide as they say. and guess who's for it? this is fascinating. brett's and the government of my and my well, my crone, he seems to be breaking ranks with nato by supporting the i c. c. on this however, france does not get a pass when it comes to its own colonialism. and let me tell you why. this is a story that's been on the radar for us. this week. france has a territory in the pacific ocean. it's called new caledonia, 2nd island, right small. but the people they're wanting dependents. but because they've discovered a ton of nickel there, which is what is used on our iphones, etc. france does not want to give up new caledonia. and that is why there are now riots in new caledonia. here's the pictures. take a look. yeah, look at this, this has been people who been uh, essentially coming out all week long. they have been burning cars. they have been starting fires. there had been a tax, there have been some debts. so why are they angry?
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well, they have enough fords. enough votes to force out the french. but knowing that you know what my problem did, he's exporting more french citizens to go move on to the island, so they can vote against the natives. and these changing the laws so that they will be able to vote. and that is why these people there who are protesting and who are burning stuff are so so furious about this, you know, what this is? colonialism dies hard. president, manila, yes. and, and rick, one thing before we touch on new caledonia. i want to make a correction cuz i think it's important and i think this show is one of the few shows that will make corrections. if we say something wrong, i got the family names mixed up on miss lillian call call. yeah. greenberg call her father is thomas call, a senior chief engineer at raytheon, and her mother is actually
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a famous broadway producer theater producer named amy greenberg. so i want to correct the record there before anyone tries to fix the problem. the greenberg is maternal and the call is paternal. thank you so much recorded, correct? correct. and now the new caledonia, thing, speaking of a terminal, right, can you get more paternal de france and there continued colonial empire that they are, you know, say they have a band and you know, here and there from the 19 sixties and 19 seventies. obviously that's well before a manual my comp time. but what we're seeing here in new caledonia, i don't think necessarily is a move for france for the sake of france. no, i think it's actually a move for the sake of the united states as the us in china continue to kind of spar over space and the influence in the space of that area down by, by australia where this island is me, i think and manual my quote is actually trying to play interference here. we'll,
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we'll use football terminology in order for the us to gain dominance in that region . so i don't think it necessarily for france. i think it has a lot to do with the nickel to i think the future of the world is depressed. others that as it used to be on oil and somewhat still is yeah, exactly. everything having to do with the things that are going to operate are or are these and our phones, etc. and when they discover something, a mineral like nickel. yeah, on your country, all of a sudden all of your p and countries are like, well, we didn't, we weren't interested in the past, but we most certainly are now. you know what i mean? it's like, let's get in there. there's new caledonia, where is it? who cares? let's get it up. thanks so much. we appreciate it. manila, when we got across just destroying ukraine's army and made oh, is in a panic. who said that? our next guest? it is a military enable atlas. his name is andre. my t and off, and he's going to be good enough to show it to join us here in just
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a little bit. stay with us of the russian states. never. so i've started as one of the most sense community best. nothing was all sun set up, the in the 6595 and speed you what else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media machine, the state on the rush to day and split the ortiz full, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the payment services to the question, did you receive a twist, which is the
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voltage to search as well as the other way? not? right, so see what's printing was are out there . so sounds good. just so basically of course we need your last name was needed, read it was can, will be used to be too much and we have some more more specifics for someone who is this relationship to the, the,
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the world's largest democracy votes the rest of the planets watches in an emerging multi polar world. india's voice matters, but who will be the power behind watches, almost 1000000000 people decide, and billions more, react the so welcome back. i'm rick sanchez. this is a direct impact. let me introduce you to a military unable analyst andre marching off, who is good enough to join us now because he has been writing and thinking a lot about this incredibly unique relationship between nato, the united states, ukraine, and russia. and he thinks of nato is really being short shrift did in this deal. it is revealing itself for what it is and what would you say it is andre?
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yeah, it's my pleasure to be here. thank you. d o r r a. it's a wrong provider. if we kinda, you know, meet any kind, all the formalities here and on minute average a, your bmw a very is really, are not more than and capable force. and there is much to this incapability where you bought this west quoted this way because of it's all based on the economic importance and the process of the stadium dantas, the early zation and visionary tional, the only institution for which or usually support them, nations defense policies and procurement bonuses, and you cannot talk about the such place as like germany or e barely as any kind of military power. and the one france, if your move, it's like indigenous of the so to speak, all nature if you wish, nuclear deterrent. yeah. me that's the end of the day of the week. there are
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a great so what are the so the so that's fascinating and i love the choice of word pipsqueak by the way. i haven't heard that in a while that's from our generation. that's one of those words are my kids when i use that word, they always look at me and say, dad, that's one of those old words. nobody understands anymore. but i think it's right on point. and i, and i think part of what you're saying is, as we watch what's going on right now, and ukraine, ukraine is being supported by nato. ukraine is using nato's weapons. ukraine is using nato's hardware, their technology, and who's winning. and how big are they winning? and i think like the price is in the party, right. 3 is another term for of our generation. yeah, it's um, yeah, many people still don't understand it because they will graduate of their school or for advanced military studies by hollywood and the move in the bathroom. the or is necessarily just running into some kind on their mileage or a week after and share it or, you know, and uh the question here is, uh,
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very simple. if you uh, do you remember there were famous landline or frank was it, is there any old your old uh email or do you still make the 2 for the hannah is compelled the enemy to do all were real and you can do it. but just simply give them and they didn't give an economic unlimited potential. and this is exactly what they're actually doing and is doing. and their care of this thing is to implement a show older mobilization or better from our issue for um, for, for so if you're free and uh when you go see that their actual number mobile, which is do them by there were actually the 1st minister because it is very conservative, again, the rest of the house, the industry provides the numbers only which you can see and you can count when looking somewhere between you want me to appeal to him, actually in washington to denver more of a 1000000 me? yes. so this is kind of, we, the old girl. so,
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and that means that what we stop already, you know, just to give you example a few days ago along the russian soldiers have been, are, they can brazen or yeah. buy for your fine young soldiers give the salary well, the cox because you one day before i do being so i just wonder if you wanted to. bandage comes out there. they were so been taken prisoner of a 20 minute park. she pulled with them prisoners and basically told them they have promised them that they will be changed. yes, please. and also for the brain, they wanted to say, well, you know, in russia, so, and this book you might have done besides them, you know, also the wines and all the bells. you do more or more out if you wish. all due for a new troops, there are still some formations like fanatic romances. but if you look at different, every collapse of such as i've no rocking tracking, bree gates, or whatever they own them, of those units. they are not through in a rush to find them very well, you know, rush, so is the, you know, so, so,
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so let me ask you that because i'm passionate about what you're saying. and i didn't know that number was a 1000000, and i'm glad you quoted that for us. so if that's the case, if the cleaning and military is decimated, as you say, it is and not just in terms of physical strength, but also it's moral strings. and then that would mean that russia could pretty much run roughshod through ukraine. why don't they, why is it russia, for example, already in odessa? why has it russia already taking a little bit more of the north, around park, off, etc. even though i know that they're doing so it seems like they're going slowly. why? oh yeah. oh, because in the how do you still remember the rise and demilitarization meals in the alicia over there and it sounds horrible. but if you're going to say that the crash will just all mean, are you afraid when the rooftop, nobody decides against roger again, the reducing their fuel be which can of uh well let's say i'll come back some kind old. there are the doors and the re,
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i'm still the best options off that is old dom in montgomery, across to keep in mind a shock for i use not really in terms of beginning territory gets better. what was the point of if you're looking at this from me, is from be unable to asians in 2020 to it wasn't about gaining new jersey doors. it was about the roster security and the rising, your brain reducing it's uh military about that. so now it's just been gone, but pretty much so call is going to proceed from there. you from zillow, but do you see any which is going back up on? it's only about 2 after brandon. do you make a decision of what russia is going to gain in terms of their already did you ever doors, which we know you're already parker proctor, which of those 4 regions are such as upper use your phone of been yes. going to goes. so will the rest of the, there are a big heart of god, possibly, but iraq is the day and you know, bridge
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a group in those 200000 oper from out of date this received it, which will oversee, in will be hard on this number older yeah, so the i guess will just, yeah, so rush right, you're going to have you call them before. so to be made and doesn't want to, you know, just you are both a people on this is that that's fascinating. it's fascinating talking to you, you seem to have a real understanding of what the russian strategy or m o is in this situation. do you think i mentioned in odessa, because it's almost like finishing the, the circle sorta, or the have some, or those sort of speed. it would be creating that buffer so that they control the maritime lanes. do you think, at some point odessa will fall to the russian military? if there is no truth? if the lensky does not come to the table, we'll rush or go there. walter, this is going going onto the table. she was particularly, or the one that starts on and we start media difficulties or goals for the explicit
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and explaining it is great because she is either going to be on there are, you know, are there other trip tribes went home from work? crime skin, your brain, well, she was going to be eliminate, she is lot legitimate brands and then any more is a good paper. and then by the way, by the, by the way, let me explain to you is what you just said. he was supposed to be re elected. there was supposed to be an election right about now, and they've cancelled the election, which means he is now the president of a country, even though he has not been the elected president of the country, which is why you use the word dictate or continue please. no, i mean, i guess i went through will be a what we're trying to. they are the roster because of the licensed agent. it was founded by russians as well due by russians. so it's during the government, the great and are the solve eventually. it's going to help them always go my problem. i won't be as involved in the general stop over our shock, so i don't know, but i'm sure they're blind store. they get that sound fair enough time to go by the
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way. oh, i think we're running out of time, but i'm still curious. so us give them what was the number 650000 or $65.00? pardon me, $65000000000.00 more. or $75000000000.00, whatever the number is, it doesn't matter. what are they going to do with all of that equipment? if they don't have soldiers to, to use it in to fight? i don't understand that. do you as well? do you feel still on those bridge? military blathers, incomes or one state department, those people don't understand what more the more he's been that when you just start with and are sitting there american war records, which are primarily losses in the united states and have a pull up their real zeros combined on some portion of scale against a bottom to enemy solve our yeah they've, they've been those, you know, they've got movies and they think that, you know, if you, we've done to throw more money somehow is going to shop on that small cap on more
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is a very complex business, but most people in are when you look at the background from those people who have a very few do professional is up there. even when those minute professionals are being you'll drop down his band rush. and so i'm, i'm thinking of any more seriously. they know that united states getting great major, but if you're low risk, professional media, professional media, such as bomb, it was, you know, drawing for water and things like that. mm hm. the is actually much more realistic than what they fall into the mass media in the united states. i'm in the west. yeah . yeah. the united states simply is walking the same lead militarily and both hardware wise and let alone operationally because of the same break as no experience. yeah, i'd serious, it seems in fact like, uh, this situation and the push by washington has actually improved rushes military. while it's also improved its economy, what
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a strange thing. i would never have said that 2 and a half years ago, and here we are talking about it on tv. and so are even western analyst andre marching off. you are a delight to talk to. thank you, sir, for sharing some of your wisdom with us. we appreciate it. let's do it again. okay, my pleasure. great. that's our shelf. remember, always look outside your own box truths. don't live in boxes. i'm rick sanchez. thanks so much for being with us. and we'll look for your against the after the end of world war 2,
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great britain decided to make up for its losses with the merciless exploitation of its colonies. the plundering of the occupied territories. have my la, devastated as a result of the decade loan fighting extremely hard. j as in grew and in 1948, the colonial administration was forced to declare a state of emergency. in response patriots united him to the malay in people's liberation army and began a guerrilla war. london decided to suppress resistance, georgia and mass deportations. executions of civilians and spraying of chemicals, scale being and cutting off it. these were the barbaric methods the british used trying to keep my la within their empire. the massacre in the village of baton gully, committed by the scots guards against the unarmed specialist because a particular stir, the entire male population became victims. trying to suppress the gorilla movement, the occupiers relocated 500000 people to concentration camps. for roses drill the
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board, screwed. the base rates were scattered. however, the british experienced the strength of the malay resistance to the full extent. the british army losses in the la where the large since the end of world war 2. in 1957, the british empire was forced to recognize malay and independence. the resilience of them a late people put an end to the history of british colonialism in southeast asia. the scott bennett, i'm a former united states army psychological warfare officer, really served in the state department counterterrorism office under investor del daily the
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. so i wanted to come here to russia in the dawn bass area and to gather the facts, to take back to the american people, the hold on bass of the front line. so this is where the bombs and the bullets are raging. this is where people are dying. this is where the buildings are exploding the all. i wanted to see 1st hand the scars of war, the while at the other unit
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on up what strikes o'neil's laws? the when you talk with bach with bach, got them to move. why jeff, i don't know if i've the money for the theatre. if i've heard of human views, the deputy just like us, just do it really a couple i get those go for getting a lot more of the doors. familiar with this one as the lights, the shape, but just as easy as i'm making snyder and then we can see it on there with which especially when you put it you, i think a go cannot be the, the,
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the and i for and i lot him are putting issues a retaliatory decree on using us property in russia as compensation for washington . seizure of frozen russian as an island passed away, prince moles, throttling back internet access and its overseas territory of new caledonia, which has been racked by violent ryan and israel slams. spain, ireland and norway framing they are rewarding terrorism. it comes after the trio announce they are recognizing the palestine suburbs the this about so.


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