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tv   News  RT  May 23, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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the the, the and i for and i lot him are putting issues a retaliatory decree on using us property in russia as compensation for washington . seizure of frozen russian as an islands passed away, prince mole's throttling, rack, internet access and its overseas territory of new caledonia, which has been racked by violent riot. and israel slams spain, ireland, and norway framing they are rewarding terrorism. it comes after the trio announce they are recognizing palestine suffrage, the, it's about 7 p. m here in moscow, russia, and you're watching
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r t international. i am your host donald quarter. welcome to the program. we start this new is our with breaking news from the russian capital where president vladimir putin has issued a decree on using us property in russia as compensation for washington seizure of frozen russian assets. this is how the decree reads the court shall send a request to the government commission for control over foreign investments in the russian federation. hearing, often referred to as the commission for list of property of the united states of america and all foreign persons related to the united states of america, which may be used for the purpose of compensation of damages. of course, the russian president issued this decree to use the wes, uh property in russia, and now this comes after the u. s. senate passed the legislation essentially saying that they have the right to seize the russian assets in the united states. now let's remember that the us and its allies hold have seized some around
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$300000000000.00 across an asset that they've planned to send to kids. but to take you through this decree and, and not so it's about the compensation for damage that was caused through russia and connection to the actions that was take that were taken by the united states. here the, the, it applies in the event of and just to find the probation of property of a russian rights folder, essentially would give the right to the russian citizen to go to court and establish the fact the fund just to find the probation of his own property and also an assessment of damage know essentially wouldn't, once the court accepts the application, you would send the request to the governmental commission for control for an investments in the russian federation, which will in return send a list of properties that are owned by the united states or us citizens in russia, and then based on that, the court will decide what to,
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what the response would be. now essentially the commission will organize and if occasion of either properties or uh, security is dire, owned by the us or a us citizen in russia. i think it's a, can you tell us a little bit more about the precedents for this type of action that's been taken by the russian government of, over a month ago at jp morgan, a warrant that is, s, as in rochelle will be seized. now this comes as a russian court already had order to save the accounts of jp morgan, and because after russia, russia is the best they'd be bank suits. are we getting as far as that were blocked abroad? now, mind you that some $439000000.00 from jp morgan as that they froze in us accounts after the special military operation operation. now these millions of dollars belong to but the buying ballistic listen to what jp morgan had to say. it is declared a judged and decreed. the jp morgan has made the necessary showing for
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a preliminary injunction of irreparable harm. what we've generally focused on american assets, but it's true, right, that the european union has also seized or fro frozen the russian assets. can you tell us a little bit about that? yeah, just recently the eu has essentially sealed the deal to use profit from the frozen russian assets to help provide military support for ukraine. the loan is holding over $200000000.00 euros of russian assets, and the headquarters is now essentially saying that 90 percent of the money will go to a special of fund, new fund and known as the european piece facility. and then many count where many countries get reimbursed the reimbursed for the military equipment that they've sent to kids. and then 10 percent, they say will go to the you budget. now the head of the check republics for administrator says that he made it clear that his country will transferred to point
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8000000 euros received from frozen assets to you, playing with sick lists. and we have approved in the you using revenues from russia's central banks, frozen assets, to help you crane up to 3000000000 euros. only this year, 90 percent goes for ukraine's military. russia must pay for its for damages. now knowing all of this is really no surprise that a russia would react the way. did that mean? i think it's trying to bring some sort of balance almost to the situation. well scales rolled out the red carpet for the king of bob wright who was held talks and the russian capital with president the 2 countries are looking to strength and ties and counter western dominance in the world in the bathroom. and so i have a friend send you old, a lot of an appreciation for russia's role incorporation on arab masses. that was for the agreement that we would convene and means national peace conference. russia is the country to offer support for this conference because russia plays
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a vital role. russia is one of the most influential countries in the world. another topic is the situation in gauze that which is painful for us. we want to stop this war to save that our lives, hundreds of thousands of people have had to leave that homes. this region is just 40 kilometers long and 12 kilometers wide women and children are being attacked. i emphasize that we're talking about it as and people in the position of the arab league during his stomach was unanimous for the meeting started with the king of a crane saying that this meeting vladimir fruits and them being here today is one of the happiest moments in his life, which really set that's home, we know that this is a very close and friendly relationship. something which was reiterated once again, the ones who maintain then the ones to build on their relationship, which is why they're discussing cooperation in various fields, freight, the economy, humanitarian areas, as well. they'll be a cultural exchange. so days of box spring in russia, and in 2025 we'll see a cultural exchange with the russian seasons taking place over in the rain. also
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there of course, naturally touched upon regional and international issues where they see i to i something which of course we knew from the get go with police to express great pride in the high position that the russian federation occupies on the international stage under the leadership of president vladimir putin playing a constructive role in maintaining international peace and security, as well as helping the process of development and prosperity in various countries. we also do justice to be outstanding progress. russia is achieved at the economic level. these are of course, complementary will never hear from the west when it comes to vladimir putin or when it comes to russia. latimer preaching was also interested. see here what was the sites and agreed upon at the end of the 33rd summit of the arab league of nations, which was hosted in box spring last week. we heard already from the king of that we had the world leaders send in their regard to vladimir putin who is really moving
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forward on his a multi polar pass and bring it in and unites in the different countries and moving forward and making sure that they are strong enough on their own and on the basis of course, of mutual respect, the next year, we will celebrate the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries. over the years, much has been done in building relations between all states. we have very good contacts throughout foreign ministry and oppositions a close on many issues on the international agenda as for the level of trade relations. unfortunately, this is still symbolic, but the trends are good. as for investment cooperation, the situation is more favorable about 30 large projects of being implemented with the total volume of the package being about $500000000.00. well, let's not forget to apply to move fluids and it was recently in china, and this is where the king of buffering is heading to next sports. it'll also have
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a, discuss some regional and international issues as well as corporation. and this is very interesting because of course it comes at a time when we see an increasing divide between the weiss and the global south. we're seeing how the west is trying to appeal to countries and trying to, in some cases force them um, push them towards picking sides their sides. of course, when it comes to various conflicts around the world, in particular, the conflict in ukraine. we've heard, for example, from the u. k. defense secretary, just recently. so i'm in china now for supposedly either already provide him or planning to provide lisa a to to russia. and they're saying that china is fueling the firewall as china has come back to the foreign ministry has. i'm that you cage saying that this is baseless slander and it is actually them who are blocking efforts to achieve peace . it must be pointed out that it is the british side, not china, that is adding fuel to the fire on the ukrainian issue. it was precisely because of
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the obstruction of the british and other parties that the conflict has been delayed to this day. what's interesting is that in 2022, the king of bach, right, and actually expressed his willingness to meet the negotiations peace negotiations between t evan, moscow of course. but as we know those piece fox failed at the request of the was so well moving forward. lots of documents have been signed and were expecting to see the fruition of this as we're moving forward. and this multi polo world, despite making a 25 hour dash to the other side of the earth, the french president of manuel micron did not get the warmest of welcomes as he arrived in new caledonia in the wake of the worst violence to rock the overseas territory in decades. i got my toilet foundation on his last. he doesn't know what to do. everyone there is looking at france. everyone. see you the shenanigans in france now that he is coming here. we don't meet him here since then has been
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sending out full edition. so friends, we don't need to go to friends. the discussions are here because the future of the country is here and kind of get, but i don't know. we don't want to see him here, just started this, the things on fire started to raise passions to the point of setting things on fire . it wasn't the young people who started before. it wasn't us was set. they started to find cdw. in any case, it's already good, the bad comment, but after that we can't, we don't know if he'll arrive to restore. com, but in any case, he's already calm and gone, and things are still the same. there is no real calm, no real peace, no way allow me to send the army here. but we didn't ask the army to come here. we are fighting for our contract and fire children. i'll say it again. this is for our children later on. the armies here, but i don't know what the army is doing here. we don't need them here. we can protect ourselves. we can manage all countries here. young people scream because it is difficult for them every day they see what's happening,
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a step away from them in what poverty they live. unlike the people next door. i think it's more of a socio economic crisis. it's moving to struggle. they really resulted to fighting, increasing the number of the electorate, but there was a socio economic crisis behind it. meanwhile, the french government had floated the idea to downgrade internet access on the island territory. however, that proposal was shot down a net. they did sort of slow, even though we raised the issue in the sending for ports on the rights. for some reasons, the decision was not made to reduce the internet access from 5 g to g for social networks, or did you want to get more on this story? let's cross live now to our, to contribute or rachel marston. rachel, once the riots are updated in new caledonia, the french government seems to have given freedom of information a back seat. they band tick tock. they want to limit the amount of internet access people have. what do you think we can expect the next
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look, we're finding out now directly from the french into your ministers, yet i've done them. i know, speaking of parliamentary commission on the unrest in frances overseas territory, new caledonia, that the government actually considered working hand in hand with a publicly owned internet provider over there to cut off for g and 5, g internet, reducing it to 2 g, which basically just allows people to send text messages at most, but doesn't allow for them to use apps or social media or for other people in new houses already ads even pay for their burger and fries with a banking card because that requires a higher speed network. guess it's not technically cutting off the internet if people can still use to g and send texts like the cops in town to your car and saying that you can always just take the bus work or hey, no, and stopping you from going and getting a horse but ultimately the government just decided instead to band tick tock and they forgot about reducing the speed based on what existential proof of the apps
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responsibility for what's going on in new caledonia. none really. it's just a theory. so it gives him the, took everything on the question of tick tock, which had been widely used. it was due to be exceptional circumstances that the prime minister allowed this decision to be taken in conjunction with the government of new caledonia and killed or so during the riots in france back in june of last year, over 17 year old of north africa in orange and getting smoke by a french cop and suburban parents for failing to abide by a traffic stop. the government contracted online platforms like to talk an snapshot and got them to sensor content that the government considered probably magic or provoking things even further. of course, that censorship under the pretext of curtailing unrest could never end up becoming a precedent resulting sunday and more extensive censorship. for other things that
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establishment politicians consider inconvenient right? this which in a decision you will, they won't bicycle. the government's decision to suspend. take told me so the chinese interference, the russian interference with the attack kind of bringing down the entire intimate network just before the president's a relatively new caledonia plus as a by john, that's too much as you all made. of course the senate is currently debating a bill on foreign interference in from the diesel sweeties. massive not just in new caledonia, but all over the country. a mess comes from many countries, a whole rusher in china. it's time to stop denying it. it's time to protect ourselves against issue. so some of the opposition politicians, notably on the left, are demanding that the government show its work on the take talk ban and to actually connect the dots and prove how exactly take talk and other social media apps aren't directly responsible for feeling any violence in new caledonia, rather than just operating on hunches and theories,
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that is happening right now is unprecedented. no country in europe has ever band tick tock and government officials have provided no evidence to show the networks linked to the violence. only one argument young people use this network. the government considered them guilty by definition because of their age. we are facing an extremely serious roberta side will drift. the arguments, developed at the hearing by the government, is still in a sion no evidence is produced to legitimize the use of the band. no connection is demonstrated between the use of tick tock and the violence. this is a guilty indulgence in the use of custodial in mattress. this measure is not legitimate and the government is floundering to justify yet another attack on freedoms in the context of colonial repression. hey, look, it's not like riots in france suddenly became a thing when social media came along, but that hasn't stopped french present in under the black hole from escape go to it . no doubt that's more convenient then revisiting his government's new policy that
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set off this whole price is the $1.00 that would mean adding thousands more voters to electronic lists on the island. if those people have been there for 10 years and giving new comers more power than to dilute the electronic voice of the native count acts on the land up until the expiration of the new may accords with france just recently have been given relative autonomy over its electoral process, but before mac home was blaming social media, he was blaming video games for causing glass summers, riots around mainland friends or also he flips. so we saw on several of them snapshot take talk on several august, the island gatherings being organized in a sort of complicating of violence. these i'm on the youngest leads to a sort of escape from reality. and we sometimes have the feeling that some of them are leaving the streets of the video games that haven't bucks a to them. i assume this platforms to be responsible. so it's pretty clear that last year nicole had
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a theory that young people were going around setting france on fire because they just think they're living in a giant video game and can't tell the difference between life behind the screen and life in front of it. turns out expert said that was totally wrong, which doesn't really bode well for his funding. new theory that tick tock causes. right? all right. are to contribute to rachel marston. thanks for bringing us. those details is rarely for administer has lashed out at ireland, spain in norway over their decision to recognize palestine as a sovereign state. he claimed it was tantamount to rewarding terrorism. i issued a survey of the most of the ambassadors of spain on and to no wait in israel following that government's decision to award a gold medal to him. asked terrorist who kidnapped, taught daughters and burned in foot during the d. mash the past as we'll watch, a video of the brutal and cro kidnapping of our daughters by how much terrorist to
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emphasize the distorted decisions that governments have made. look into the eyes of our daughters post. i is currently recognized by a majority of un members. $143.00 out of $193.00. it also has non member observer status and the global body. and the decision by ireland norway in spain will officially come into effect next week. the same policy installed on the listing and stage is obliged in line with the international law to live in peace within secure, internationally recognized borders and to comply with all relevant to you and resolutions. i'm confident that further countries will join us and taking this important step in the coming weeks. this is an historic, unimportant stay for art and, and for palestine. she is by the time has come to move from words to action to tell the millions of innocence suffering, palestinians, the we're with them that there is hope. israel's categorically rolled out ever
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recognizing palestine as an independent state, while prime minister benjamin netanyahu has said the decision by ireland, norway and spain won't have any impact on the current war efforts. because when i should respond to the intention of a number of european countries to recognize a palestinian state is a reward for terror, this evil must not be given to the country, but it won't be a terror state that will try again and again to carry out the october 7 massacre. nicole, we will not allow even a declaration about a palestinian state, not even a declaration about the establishment of such a state. god forbid. holding it more on the issue. we cross live now to jerusalem development fun chairman and foot activist. some are sending you all way. thanks for joining us on the program, sir. we see more and more states recognizing palestine sovereignty as an independent state and made numerous protest calling for an end to israel's violence
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in the region. so would you say is real, is isolating itself from the global community based on everything that's going on here? well, definitely the bonuses of the prime minister now has led into the big qualifies relation. you can see this, the in the media in the search and we'll go from see this in the most amount of demonstrations all over the campuses of the universities in us. they're all of the ones. you can see this from the steps that the, these are 3 important europe and countries announced, oh boy, it can be seen as a symbolic announcement because by the end of the day, this will not change the status. that stimulus to me is on video compression, or it might have some kind of golf advantage in there by the issues that i placed.
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and this is off by the strong kind of opening these countries. but it shows more and more that the international community are wanting about the tools, that sort of thing. and they think they need to push the cut off to stand on the sides on and watch how that kind of government is. the elizabeth is continuing to destroy the possibility of achieving interest in solution with the policy is mandated by the 2 farm lifelink ministers than being on small village expansion or settlements. and the confiscating more and more line. they live in of violence on the front of the games, but a simians in the west bank is engaging the all these things are happening under what is watching. so some companies decided to deliver the message to is that they are not satisfied. and the i'm applauding, i think your step is also in favor of, is there any input so long in good faith level for the policy?
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and that is because if we remove the 2 step solution from the dead, what would be left? i think what will be left is the launched it, i'm just that will be posted in because now the majority of people between that event and in on, on, on the sea. and they have storage and other side is the majority is spot us. thing has 51 palestinians, 51 percent processing and i'm 49 percent use. so it's for the best. the best interest on the internet is to go to the 2 state solution that will ship on it. but us in and i would need is about eighty's in a way that they can for what they are requesting to have a jewish democratic stick with 51 percent of palestinians instead of the jewish. so the kind of the kind of prime minister is
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actually working against the interest of high speed, but this movie is, is doing there. but what is it, it's not in front of the prime minister and is that, i mean, go on this year. i'm done then dr. and you will need to change cost. this is the international community we would like to see the thing aspect next to the state of prison a well, israel under benjamin netanyahu is categorically refusing to ever accept this 2 state solution. so what, what would you say is the path forward as well? i guess most of the industry and now that they need to have a change in their industry. i think the most pressure as the public opinion polls shows the most of what is it a, it is requesting a very close elections. megabit comment, is it a heavy elections would be all the 2 steps option. they become bang that will be
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adapted to by all the thought is, is 2 steps on ocean. somebody's want to say, you know, we, we don't want to go to, it was the sort of the ship. some potters would say, yes, we want to go into a path that we need to, to set some issues. the change has happened in the, in the leadership it's, it's, it's going to help or maybe before the end of this year, maybe at the beginning of the coming year. so we want to see what would be the decision of the public and as of all their phones shows that and most of the is a and is on his it getting now to support that was that solution. but this is not of ideology. this is all of security costs. are those is what it is. i think more than 50 percent of the isn't it? it is would like to be separated from the 1st one life to walk to the 2 steps on the machine. but what, what is the now is the security. they don't want to see this, but
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a student has that as a threat to, to do the secure, to do it because the ages of the simple physically and the answer to this concept is simple. now we have on the, on the edge of the, on the possibility of bringing this over these for reason i've added 2 months that will strengthen the security of it by this management by morales vision with disabilities. and by having to report a ticket to the student is available and being discovered when be safe, i've done 0. so these concepts got to address this concerns can be meaning mind. uh so, um, i think there is a strong possibility that we will go there with all of diplomatic efforts from the international community i see about the manager,
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a superpower, us in the world, including time. uh sure. and i can say in a way or another, you can, i'm from france, although they did not recognize that but as the nearest it. but they are a lot of the speaking about the city to implement activated. that was the sort of machine and even the americans, the government, and the administration is, is, is talking about option all i, we have seen such it to him eh, previously, which was not really the suspect. the i remember about calling our, when he was, this is the student, is there connectivity holstead during the government? all the rest, the national of bush. he has promised at the time, the prime minister by this time the clear that he would it and push start
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processing aspect within 2 or 3 years and did both happen that was in and the 2000 to 2003, something like this. so i are, but the international community is, is pushing towards this, the add ons, which is what it both. and then everybody ups it to is i, the media piece that me, that is now is wanting to observe is that i are doing is to have, is are, and as possibly me there is no kind of keys about it is not possible that he is maybe is why it feels that it's more about the funeral, but we cannot escape from the fact that geographically is an inside that is needs to have integration with them and that is on the truck. the other most from countries would love to offer mouth is when we open our doors. for the peas government company, i should exchange technology investment donors. let's give me the eas
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box and we would like to see this digital photo slide as bob of this middle east, next door is divided. so this thoughts, i mean, everything is in place. and the way to working for the can win on the top of the man inside isn't right. it's not available now, but i think it might be coming soon. all right, summer city, job wage at jerusalem development fun chairman and activist of the for tom movement . thanks a lot for joining us on the program. thank you. now to a town on israel's northern border, where residents who were evacuated as has bull, a launch stripes from inside lebanon, and say, all they want now is to go back to their homes for more on this story. now let's cross live to ortiz, middle east bureau chief, maria for national. hi maria. what can you tell us about the situation now and in northern israel, mingle?
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well, good evening to your dawn. i have to say that the reason, the vibe of an open air party here, there is news exposure, dreams, families with children. but this is paul from a joyful gathering. hundreds of display space relays have come here at the entrance of the northern jewish communities of i'm yeah, and expressing their anger as these really governments that they say is failing to allow them to return to the home, the same problem. 10, send organized kind of him saying they're planning to stay here until the 4th is fix the security situation in the north paving the way for the safe return. others complain, they just feel left alone and they just once a voice to be heard and this is why they came here. how does this all people become homeless and refugees in their own country as they call themselves? they used to live in citizen towns, heck crow around does really both. it was never known that has become a dangerous place to stay after the 7th.


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