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tv   Documentary  RT  May 23, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT

1:30 pm
yeah, why don't you ask me what one of the things talking the agenda is this theoretical can you let mission to hate see, to try and bring some sort of restoration to all piece the i don't understand why washington is going all the way. it's a 10. yeah. i nice thing. okay, now i need you to go all the way to hate. see and do some sort of peace keeping mission. why is washington hunt picking me up to go to 80 for love these? because kenya has the peacekeeping mission for east us, you see the way the watching jessica, all the way they own they're watching some money and know that by inviting them really it's very far from gina to have a look at the canyon majorities. we are supposed to be because we feel it is very fun and its impacts on us would be very dia and not good for our country. with that, with that we, we really stuff. well, we cannot continue to do the best for us,
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a job. even the people that actually save our country was to say the police cannot release you guys, they can help police. i mean i just, i different country white glove. this thing they, i mean and why don't they say they can to a place where america we want it's might and power has famed. you can easily one can have a fee because they've been successful before. and now they're showing they're showing how proactive steps is. i know they have to switch over here because i'm, you guys will see that something. isn't that interesting to me? i must say, if i sent anything insightful commentary of veronica of young vogala was, are joining us here live on how to you international. a member of the canyon opposition party, also the orange democratic movement. veronica, it has been an absolute pleasure. thank you so much for your time. i think you thank you. i thank you for your time as well. joining us with this program live in the heart of the russian capital. this is on the
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i need you to have significant you are still the categories and putting as of which was this the think of some of the if i want to increase this, i know of course with them. i'm just hoping to wait for the children were intervening, persevering the number, which is a little bit of sense. i'm interested on this to them for both children. easy to go to wholesale, brought the bill to comes to the, the surety this much
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i'm looking for. for me. it's not a good refresh for my interest. you should get it from spanish versus because the system us as christmas presents to switch theory participated. then this is a long story, is to go more into blue uh with the coverage for present. now to them we were never less than a $150.00 a month. so good. yes, that is supposed to be. is the one the just the
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recent yes. the advantage across the largest share for your home phone is why the full living in the muscle using it. let's give it to the
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the . ringback you see the, you the show of the wife. so there's a pretty good results. functions every piece of a so, for, you know, for a neutral, says the phrase quoted. most insurance, if i the know of to use, you know, as many as of us knew this was the usually
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the the but you will actually bet the bottom i to
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a mobile notary name would be is that say that boy you does a new particular chance still move your dispute away and what so not the what? the why you go through. what am school, what you, what is that to watch football? what, what clicks uh, by my nipples. your store, um the, um, the 4th uh, spanish goose put in you have a premium as to what the so i even though 3 and so basically when the guy shall golden, you have to go to us builder. you got the best, the good the shooting. yeah. so what's on your dog's name? does that go to this little wheel mark or it does it got the tag, the older by it. so those can watch that good. but i'm wondering of that. so moves back and let me know more about them. can you have some like that was the, was there was a get the by mile get the category the sure. what's going on here? porsha at the i, me, scarcity, back the,
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the, the,
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the, the laws, lizzie, i mean, unit sell was lose all of the new point on australian. so the, or you, you will see you stick with people
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and then once they end up in a numerous attempts about what kind is it going to? so when way alleged for them when it was really winning way away, cielo and you were going into my nose as the last, and that was the most compelling and well ended up on. so simple as extreme. i mean, i was there was that i can think of someone who wants to request for us to take the assembly and is that kind of what's up on this thing? and the most part of the ssl certificate for the schools are for casa function. yeah, most of the push the way to the private and i deelye just on the phone really um with passion for your student across the image, but not just because of the thing but the most the most sleeping is a boy with a speech opinion is political move 3 months or so. so we took the, we did the trans flush, the on the form was filled with the customer to cut the website and that you put the designers, those are the beautiful. most of the playboy shooting aspect of the world nearby is the worst of what the super to adoption could use could with up with the football,
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with the way me of the country words, no tribute to me is this should have to be in which it was sort of showing that you so much to the, the, the flushing new shift. so i'm a surprise me see of sort of way in the corner of the 5th floor. i suggest you might need looking into just the price points. this is joseph bureau, and it's about the jacob. dora personally was part of the manufacturing was little
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deal with which in take a look at them. what the, what the ownership project, where would i go to look up regarding the program, the board opportunities look, i'm hoping you might have just for a while. i'm a discussion with my son was a part of the for jessica, for on the what i'm going to get a great the dark jelly. get the playing for the of the, you know, well, show them the need for i'm with is i'm getting this game with a 1000000000. there's a way to manage the virtual freezing, but you have the shows for one that you think you should you that will put you near ethical regina critique permission either. or i see the solution guy on the side euro. it will take 2 inputs, which will start with which will be the thoughts we'll see what sort of short move i used to own bruce. the idea on the gym impersonate. you completed the daily come and get a good list of what semester became my me on the i need can use my ocean single
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life, but usually still when you switch yours in we've subjected him said little girl repeated. look at them. then you can go, when you've done your site, you will bring your square law somewhere, meeting and go get this thing. let me know, but i didn't. i'm not going to work any better with the here at the mercy of what they gave him a show. but the most of my most viewed him from google, it vision excited across at the bottom or flip like skies of math. but i didn't, i'd be surprised when they'd be see that the
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teachers to choose choose the the us she's got the,
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the world's largest democracy folks the rest of the planet watches in an emerging multi polar world. india's voice matters. but who will be the power behind watches, almost 1000000000 people decide and billions more, react the, which was the middle, the summer for the city. the focus instead of what this of, of which somebody from you. this is just for this place,
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the story and do much book them through with but she also situated to me this name is virtual context and it was real shoulder new for that. the scope of course, the designing sort of affinity device rates. and then yes, computers or viruses assume you could sort of move with the, the, the slow, but with me as the student mixed up with that on the notes and assuming too much of the bookstore that this and what's been using you for the new device. it was a silver smoke, more generous, now coordinate was tailored precision materials of the system. usually the object assess simply because most of the people i'm still looking for is when we let people know that these people. so then you're going to have going to go to the
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business which one inch is on the quote with home, is it the cell phone? do you want to put some more additional? does your business and you could send as much deputy to, to be offices here though. we don't have to push disease, which is the 5090 degree. usually we usually, you know, take a picture of students who just assume what storage come on is going to new production. looked at the new continues, then it's gonna be pretty cheap. conducting it. you know, it, you know, computer young, easy to use the
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gym to football and the zip. uh, it's just stuff because of david, most of the music digital blame the
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the, the gimme a good word showing me the would you me to go through with mr. summerstone, i'm due because of noise when you wish to switch from the book to known by your phone book or with me, most of the non precision use it because that's with time. if i don't, when you look, i'm not sure what of the i said i was called the sims, don't assume or keep the or
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the other thing is that a good the to maybe of a was a good a. then you put it all to really to well duplicate. besides utilize this, but some of the i'm exposed to it was of my bidding, the for the old school to the city, the city of chicago . we have a lot of particular florida. we show the queens of when you were doing us the quizzical sheets, and of course we'd also explain them on the
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phone, but it's not somebody who can tell me a decrease. and here's the deal that screw up the special needs to be. so the, the, the 5 year old dump, the city is done with most of the, most of the, with the present to the, with a big digital solution to adjustments up in your book purchasing these get off with the smoke of building. there's no way to place to the people continue to the followup must done it because they meet all of this comes with the recall, the call the,
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[000:00:00;00] the yes, no brotheckle, cause i know he's zillow and he's able to prostate the cook worth. as soon as i am what you're going to do most to me to the court, but the me that is a fabulous job for numerous thoughts on decision. it was a source of it isn't going to say from one to also for me, of the catalog,
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and you're using kind of little wisdom, the wisdom i use use to painted you smith, rock design, you series and i see a feel from both use to wear them walter on 0 is this you meant to flush like now it is your last name, which when you go throw me over to the motion. you can warn you, let us but yeah, yeah it is. i just got it on the something like that where we stand with something you have to go with and photographs from forgot. what are you the bless i'm going to think of when you took full of 3 of which you, you think it's always, you know, professional class. if this was not just what she was supposed to,
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but as long it's a for that's still something done. yes. because of the, with some of them. yeah. cuz i just even avoided so she can already have this conversation with her show the show that will give what it is in with a web shift when it's associated with those things. almost present, you know, awesome for the, for the, for what you all us, what the news love to talk to the is on a very small through the the the, the rest assured by me see the phone for the
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page because of the truth. speeches, logan, todd, issue, the used car, sales force for the simple you just got it yesterday from another. both of them are still still correct. that's not us. and they love the fine you have on the look of them as much as is it, why is this both? it's a crappy on what i was hoping to do with the difference between those wardrobe. anything you were simply wanting to so, so we've seen for new whole exposure by miller roll winters of supercharger, the file names listed on the i was wondering if i knew was most along the phone system and organized for the english has decided my dentist with the biggest benefit, i have a blessed day. i may have to spend a lot of questions of what would you be technical course the women force the to the previously important rid of the church you may have so, but it's just do this. this is the world much
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the same uh vehicle or what is available is the scores was was just witnessing oh oh, just got a much coupled record on are you on the phone from just that wasn't appropriate for me to contribute on you know the 3rd piece just in case the vehicle was leased, it's a whole bunch of good, you know? yeah. well those guys, when you bought because they me been, you know, close to close the cover up didn't so wouldn't end up losing just more than i figured out. yeah. can you, can you send me over to someone regarding a school or something changing the option of getting a good day to pull the stuff that i need, you know,
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that will store this price for you because most of the receipts uh the plus comes on the moon, we want the triple to cover the world. usually we have the largest constraints of low, let me on with infinity knowledge, which could also with the
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villain donald's whom i gave was trust because they didn't respond to it. so here's a follow up with that though, there's a couple of mistrust for them. so there's something in the interest. but the reason on the script was that assurance and that the tutoring speakers took them to the core attempted to come continuously to cook some sort of facility and need assistance because you didn't even see the funded the may have been doing it to the menu of the place where it was it, you should go to the nipple and you might stay actual store. still replace with a school could assist us not plus a machine with a single different pressure system at the beginning that besides the produce the start, look at the dentist, the good news,
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2:00 pm
the, the read. the headlines is looking like a case of tit for tat vladimir putin issues that were totally atory decree on using us property in russia as compensation for washington seizure or frozen russian. there was one agreement that we would convene and means national peace conference. russia is the country to offer support for this conferences flush. it plays a viking role. the king of buffering advising russia to a middle east security conference, speaking during a prince and he had them also, both countries pay all the strings, sitting boyce, the global sound. also in the program island cost away as from smaller truck link back to internet access and it's overseas territory of new caledonia which has been


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