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tv   News  RT  May 23, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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the billions, react, the there is one small country from the voltage that is not afraid to say loudly that will vote against this resolution because this resolution will open at the end from dollars box. so obviously the slamming of the decision of the un general assembly, which adults the resolution to declare july the 11th as the international collaboration day of us rep. and it's a genesis jumping on the bandwagon most. but the us house speaker is the latest. the voice states side court is the key to be allowed to stripe russian territory in the western supply. long range, but it is going downhill for the us dollars. china did choose us treasuries and tons to gold. this region, visits by american officials back fire leading badging to take matters into it's of
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the just off to 11 pm locally here at most go with, i guess the correspondence and our analyst store ready to join the program. we are live from much well the, you, in a general assembly has adopted a resolution that basically declares july, the 11th as the international commemoration day of a sort of and it's a genocide, a. so it'd be as liter, alexander, of which openly spoke half against the move, saying it'll open pandora's box. i would like to unmask this untruth and full justification for putting such a resolution. number one, this is kindly politicized resolution. the last 3 questions to which we didn't hear the proper response from the main authors of this resolution, germany, why is this resolution being fast? number one,
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never speaking about individual legal liability mentioning montana green amendments here. and i'm asking you if that is so why this resolution is being passed because speaking about individual legal liability, it has already been done if has already been delivered. there is one small country from the balkans that is not afraid to say loudly that will hold the gains this resolution because this resolution will open at the end from dollars box or the event said that it's got everything. it's during the war in bosnia and herzegovina . there's a 1995, basically declared as genocide by the international tribunal former yugoslavia that declaration level deep divisions between stubs on both the acts. so it'd be as present of old churches said the new you and moved was an attempt to ask for reparations from bel grade. let's learn more to new york. we go onto you. so i came
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up and started by for us right now. caleb, can it, can you give us more details about this resolution? sure. all the united nations general assembly is the body that contains every member states. and when this resolution was put for re 84 countries voted for it 19 voted against it. a whopping 68, abstained as a number of countries abstaining, and 22 countries voted no. now 3 of the 5 permanent members of the un security council voted for it. but russia and china that are both permanent members of the un security council. they voted against it. uh serbia and hungary voted for it. uh, slovakia and degrees. uh they, uh, serbia and hungry voted against it. so the lock in greece abstained, and the rest of the balkan countries voted in favor of it. now russia voted against it, saying that this resolution and this international day that's being declared and international day of reflection and commemoration for a 1995 genocide. this,
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this essentially demonizes, the former yugoslavia and it puts peace in bosnia herzegovina into jeopardy. this is what the russian ambassador and a ben z i had to say before the international body. i was waiting for the vista president distinguished colleagues. we've witnessed today a sad chapter in the history of the un, number of delegations lied to by germany, decided to abuse the authority of the general assembly and under the guise of a resolution to declare the day of commemoration of political declaration. whose goal is to demonize, one of the peoples of the former yugoslavia. one thing is clear, the resolution sponsors are deliberately pushing boston into conflicts with that word called for the price that country paid during the civil war. the 19 ninety's, when 100000 people died, we left with an impression that is done to make sure that the peoples of boston yet never reconciled. and we can see this in this as
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a threat to peace and security in the country. and the region is a whole photo base is cynical and hypocritical. but what's even more surprising is that the main sponsor of this resolution is germany. germany. we started to weld was in the 20th century, killed millions of people in concentration camps is responsible for mass atrocities in africa and participated most actively in the breakdown of yugoslavia and the bombings of san diego in 1995 to that country is now trying within the united nations general assembly to lecture others about the importance of reconciliation. we convinced that germany has no moral authority to even mentioned the time of genocide to describe anything other than the atrocious crimes. and now it's important to note that as you just heard from the russian and bassett or germany along with rolanda was the main sponsor of the resolution. but the bands get pointed out that there has not yet been
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a united nations general assembly resolution condemning the crimes of the nazis against the peoples of the former soviet union or against the slavic peoples. and so uh with that being the case. how is this resolution and this international day of reflection and commemoration? how does it make sense now, nicaragua and the democratic republic of the congo both spoke against the resolution and voted against it, saying that it was simply counterproductive. it wouldn't be helping build peace in the world. here's what they said senior, but i see you and mister president in this assembly is increasingly notorious that there is a double standard in the western world that has no limits. our general assembly continues to be a victim of manipulations, and it's used to advance political agendas and specific interest of western countries. in history, we cannot overlook the responsibility and participation of nato in this tragic
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events. 25 years ago, nato bond. this area indiscriminately called causing thousands of wounded and deaths, and you can solve you see, mr. please, you don't. thank you very much, mister president. the draft resolution is presented, as can see there's an antagonistic act by one community against another. it will be counter productive and deep and the divide. it will not strength and peace and will lead to new ways of tensions. we are shocked to see that some perpetrators of atrocities in the democratic republic of congo are amongst the initiators of this resolution. as if they have any sympathy for the victims subscriber needs. uh, yeah. to mount china and cuba also spoke against the resolution, calling it counter productive, saying that it wasn't working to build peace. and that is specifically demonizes certain countries that kind of okay, i get that last but, but what, what about those who, who actually voted for this resolution?
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did they try and justify the move? well, as was predicted, the country is supporting the resolution. we're mainly western countries and their allies, and here's some of their logic for justifying their vote in support of a day of commemoration. here's what they said by designating the 11th of july as an international day of reflection and come on ration of distributed set dental side. we are committed to closing this gap and the institutionalized memory of this organization was to present president. let me be frank, false allegations about this resolution have been spread. i there for one to provide some clarification. this resolution is not directed against anybody, not against a valued member of this organization. if at all, it is directed against perpetrators of a general side, montenegro has thoroughly examined content, including its political and legal implications. as
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a multi cultural unlock the ethics society montenegro, places of significant value on the culture for members in good neighbor, the relations demonstrating sensitivity and understanding to issues essential for peaceful coexistence corporation and reconciliation in the region. one, i think, and remembering victim of the genocide is that most human side is a stain on our collective memory, the crime of all crimes. and we must all walk to ensure that such heinous crimes of genocide never happen. anywhere else again, are now $68.00 countries stand and the logic they gave for abstaining was that simply commemorating these events. the tragic events of 1995 requires more preparation needs to be done more carefully in a way to build peace in the world and make sure that different parties involved don't reopen old wounds and conflicts. it needs to be done in
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a way that is constructive to international dialogue and relations. now brazil abstained and they said that they felt that yes, they wanted to absolutely commemorate this event and, and the genocide that took place. however, they felt that this resolution was not appropriate at the time at this point because of what's happening in gaza and what israel is doing, which they considered to be a genocide and with a genocide ongoing commemorating. another one is if it's not taking place, would just be inappropriate. we heard similar sentiments put forward by other countries that have stained here's some of what was said. it has to be looked the one that of the victims of the stock kept the industry. we are compelled to apply the lessons from 3 minutes to the present day. before our eyes, a genocide is unfolding in god's engross. indonesia has voted in support of the phrase the illusion. let us not taught at least the solar memory of 3 minutes with our inaction in grocer. if we do not, once he's $33.00 p itself,
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we must all be fun. you're not holding international law, and do you encounter? we must reject the standard request here, the east. thank you, mr. president. my delegation felt itself today obliged to vote against the draft resolution. we also categorically reject polluted as ation of human rights issues and table in biased draft resolutions. particularly germany is currently engaged publicly in supporting israel politically, economically, and militarily enabling it to commit crimes against civilians. this stresses the false allegations by the states that are made in bad faith and set to deflect attention away from their direct involvement in the genocidal acts and gaza. talking about some background kaylee before i can just jump into it quickly. get can you give us some background on the 1995 massacre itself in any, any details in brief, on the previous surveillance or resolutions? a sure, a july 11th 1995. you had roughly 8000 men and boys
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killed by bosnian serbs. and this event was declared in 2007 by the international court of justice to be a genocide based on their legal definitions that the united nations and what was discussed in the testimony they received. that ruling came down in 2007. now in 2015, russia, vito, a resolution about it before the un security council. all arguing, as has been argued today, that the narratives around is, are not constructive narratives. now, one thing i do want to emphasize is that there was no belittling of the suffering that went on. there was no denial. there was no attempt to say to what happened was not heretic. there was just an emphasis from the countries that disagreed with this resolution on the wording and the narratives. and the way certain countries are being singled out. no one was to. 8 going to down, play,
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or not commemorate and acknowledge that heretic events that took place. there was simply a feeling that it needs to be done in a more cautious way to build peace in the world and make sure that her renders massacres like this. don't continue to happen, right. live in new york, our correspondent caleb awesome. thank you for your bell. great. we go to stuff on guy as a research of the institute of the european studies. joining us by compel, great is so good to get you on his stuff. i'm thank you very, very much for joining us. i just, i mean to write off about will you be surprised the you, when adopted this sort of and it's a commemoration resolution. i was not surprised that sir. it has adopted as i was surprised by several co facts of 1st of all, i was surprised that the west could not gather larger for parts for uh that it cannot believe more uh, countries into buildings. uh for this resolution. uh, another uh,
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icons even save it. this is the prize or not. uh it, is it router bizarre. the germany, uh, was the country that, uh, this came with this resolution. i've driven, you know, totally committed genocide. so i guess the peoples of, of not i am here at all at the beginning of the 20th century, norfolk up and then holocaust. uh, europe. i guess the floods, jews, and other peoples. uh it was specifically he was in uh at least 3 uh bulk and was in the 20th century soley apparently everything i'm sorry, germany occupied a serbia and became the. busy you give us a lot of yeah, during world. busy are 2, it has committed a rigid control speed is only in serbia. they've results had a policy for one killed driven folders. they would uh, they would murder a one. how did civilians for
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a woozy driven so. busy they would kill 50 civilians. there's not a single family here that did not suffer from what the germans did very little more do. so this is a really roger insulting to the service. i also think that this resolution is also a racist because natal is behaving as if it did not take part in the war of us off the session. so of yugoslavia a bring down in a civil war which was uh, posted uh by a, a may foreign countries, especially in germany, especially at the time. uh, mr. uh huh. the game show that you almost call were the ones who uh were i would say perpetrator is uh of, uh, what award crime indirectly at least. and now germany comes as over memorial high grounds. uh, to judge. uh, what happened. uh, we didn't even measure the merits of,
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of the, of what really happened. and what did happen was that there were need to pay more crimes that were committed on a size in $70.00 some reason for it because there were more crimes against the serbs, especially in 1992 and 93. this was the un zone. so uh the forces from uh the. busy city of services were back in service, were not uh, a theory not allowed by the un to do that and they did it. so this is really hypocrisy. and i would say that the united nations is more and more bankrupting and as a, as an institution. uh, when would we see a seems like this? well, why don't we started jumping? you wouldn't be the 1st person to say that i mean rusher and china and many other countries have been calling for the u. n. to be over, hold and updated for very, very long time. but i appreciate what you're saying. um,
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we had the serbian president comparing himself with the russian general you cough saying that he will defend so be is on uh, what do you, what do you make of that comment? but the thing is that, uh, this is a really a career cookie zation and it is not an accusation. it's kind of that a thousands lightly. it is supposed to put the stigma against the serbian people. so i guess that this comparison was a regarding the, the struggle that we're facing. and this thing is, uh, is it just simply not coming from the germans, who just recently refused to recognize that they have committed genocide in lending drugs to they st. petersburg, where almost 700000 civilians died during the siege of the old german german forces. today, germany is sending uh its weapons to another european war. and it certainly gets
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to a side which has a feasible number of soldiers with nazi insignia. also germany is heavily supporting what is happening in gaza together with united states. uh and uh, i really don't get where do they get have get the nerve. yeah. so even sick of calling job, anybody else of that before looking themselves into the mirror? yeah, isn't it? interesting indeed, i, i do think they're there so many sensitive levels to this story. it's difficult to really address at all from many angles so quickly by stuff on guy ever such a is a suit of european studies live and ball. great. i really appreciate your comments . you're lifting the live here, lifting related, shedding light. i appreciate your time. thank you very much. so the us plans to anoint, can you as a major non nato ally comes as our president william rudo is currently on
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a 3 day stage visit to america the 1st by a canyon leader in more than 15 years. i'm proud to announce we're working with congress to designate can you a major non nato ally for ensuring democracy delivers for our fee that includes candidates. i asked for community here in the united states today. we're building on her work. this tense and longstanding bond between our feet house want to thank you, mr. president for taking action. if one that's a long way to public benefits organization, which provides are stored protections for civil society and n g o's, all across can. we agreed on the significant opportunity for the us to read because really pre calibrate it, strategy and spence and its support for applica. discuss the us frequently the ship summit by enhancing its investment in the institutions of public on integration
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and increasing support for peace and security. what's about a 20 plus 9 p, i'm in a boat which are right now. that's where that's where i correspond to. timothy, i'll be as it was, tiny bites him. good, good to get you back on the program. now this is a, this is the 1st visit to washington by kenyan leader in more than 15 years. that must be some pretty important goals of the trip. or can you tell us? yes, of course i'm with, i'm rude. so it did say that, but say, you know, what's the 1st are, you know, partnerships and friendship, that kind of came? yeah. and us as town for him out for more than 60 years now. and the designation wouldn't be that can become so 1st country in such a hard advert got to be conferred that um you know, tied to largely significant sizes. i called out get me out from, you know, a regional, a partner to global insolence. but i mean,
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if there was more than just the concern of titles that happened outside the giant press briefing today at the white house. and um, one important thing to note. there was the us slides in spite of $1000000000.00 in palm capital funding, you know, to enhance the whole part of nations in africa, present 5 and said back would enhance the resilience. and um, i mean, but the problem with that is that there is a growing, you know, weariness solve the problem, you know, far in. busy in africa with critics saying about the west of the countries are using, you know, uh, based that uses like global institutions like the i am, if i was bad, you know, to extort you have to, i mean, i'm on the contents using the ones on, you know, get shots also this um visit of, um, uh price on roots or to, to washington is call me and i'm be, you know,
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like we've got to deploy at least around a 1000 police on a troops for to, to have the to are help in the private based on groups i'm trying to say and um it says one a plan doctor. so us presidential biding supports the sense of what he said, what the united states, who support the collective efforts. and of course, can, you won't be going long for working with congress, provide $300000000.00 submission, an additional $60000000.00 for equipment assistance. and we've lost that we've received and are continuing to bring major contributions from other partners as well. present rudo and i agree that nation people who deserve better is there a peace and security and, and i thank him for taking on this responsibility. but we have his back where they are all the way can united states can. yeah. or if the nation's collectively raise the backs of this coordinated militia,
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that has the risk of damage that much. yes. the on the side of the apply there, tega, now shop of the sport to aging has been has been a stop checks to many today. it's like kenyan citizen in the past and i'm back home . um, the price then whatever routes or some visits a washer. and they had been overshadowed by this some ted, this content meant by us citizens who are disgruntled about the stomach corruption for us or are, and we about, you know, propose a tax increase and also who are, you know, not very pleased with the way the government you know, i've handled the flooding back to around the 160 kenyan citizen, and this was very reflective and, and i could stomach, so about one of the journalists, genuine drum. these are in the price between road on price of roots or increase on
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where it's cheap. preston, the preston, sage. but it appears as though the case of the blind forces to have you guys want to someone who was our skis on file, but he is so busy trying to put out the fire in another person. so, such a one has to say and you know, it's plain the, your political goal, 12000 kilometers away from late will be when it's closing the account is on buying or was full time to kind of have multiple things because of the abundance of problem. you're competing on much the police plus the height and weight of the priority. is this been one of your major, one in festa, feel us talking about security after the x and the even the defense governance secretary talked about the deployment of if need be that can minutes your the session possibly out to make sure that the school study up into the store, in areas that are funded phone in kenya, why are you committing tides? why do we have a problem back home? we have made tremendous progress in making sure that we p as it could be the whole . but that,
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that's not take away our responsibility even as we why deploying troops and policemen in our own country not ripped to slip out there monday to appropriate. we still deployed 800-8002 add troops to dsp cool, because that is our need. but we have 5000 troops in somebody because equally that is our responsibility and he should not be an exception. every social pressure coming from the opposition party software lives, part of the portal office said, well somebody who worked records like you were to some of the us, you know, to put an end to, you know, a doctor that we have to do to some patients a device, can you guys are national police to haiti and here's the key some corner. okay. actually scan your engine either states or you know, in the air. and i'll be in a lot of countries that are being prof, jerry and be up as a page and creating,
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you know, soft brain among the people. they start to work and surface the very 1st must be made by a democratically elected president of the request. incomes doesn't have a president. seems the keeping of another moist in in july 2021. this i'm a prime minister, right audio audrey watching these designs. other time did not of those powers under the constitutional rights. i'm therefore making the home. it is typical agreement another from the very beginning. well, i'm going to say that to washington is the 1st to happen. same swim 18 by a canyon from the leader at vistacomm. it's a very um, you know, uh, significant point for the united states. its the united states status uh last year has been strongly to maintain it since the sun in the outbreak. i asked for leaving that and um, it just last week the us and from the sure um from what it stands to withdraw
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troops from the country and um this far away and resentment and out of west offering. i west fund resigned frontier in africa. uh, you know, could be one of them. i mean, some, some people are, you'll be on that that can lead us easily to the us could be some way, some sort of combat for the us, you know, care trying to for trade itself as, you know, maintain that dominance in africa. whereas rivals like china and russia are making headway with minneapolis and punches. or i'd love to report a time with you guys. thank you. for the luster of the us dollar suddenly losing its shine. it's according to the treasury department now get this. china has dropped. it's reserves in the us green bank by a whopping 50000000000 bucks in the past few months. it's based things industrial powerhouse grows. it's total foreign exchange reserves has ballooned to over 3
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trillion dollars with but with the recent trips by john it yellow and they blinked and tried and failed to get china to abide by washington rules badging this past life. and this load is set to it being prompted by us tire of sun, all things chinese. now washington has been forced to admit the reality. that is fiscal policy and uncle. sam's one strong arm is losing power. rising geo political tensions, sanctions against russia. china's efforts to bolster usage of the remember, you and economic fragmentation all can affect the international use of the dollar. while recognizing that the us dollar may face some challenges to its dominance in the future. we as policy makers, are also a tune, the potential potential financial stability challenges the, the current broad use of the us dollar can pose for financial systems in the united
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states and the rest of the world. wow, i do not expect to see the us dollar lose that status as a world reserve currency any time, so nor even see a significant decline. and it's privacy and trade in finance. a recent developments that some have warranted threatened have status if anything straightened, at least so far. so where is trying to policy is funds now? well, it's uh center by and continue to scoop up physical gold. and the josh reflects that. all those are following susan, finding the rock. so the asset has a bedroom and what the fed has to offer is it prints to oblivion, state side inflation following alone. and we spoke with richard will fall through of democracy. it will occur size of the changes on global the global stage reflect the state of the us economy, which he describes as a declining empire. we are watching a very historic shift in the world. as part of that situation,
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the relative decline of the united states and its allies, relative to china and dips or allies, means that the world doesn't need and doesn't want dollars the way. and once did, there is one further of baxter, which is the sanctions against russia. this is another reason why people around the world are recognizing, including central bankers that holding reserves in the united states dollar and using the dollar has a new risk attached to it is that they haven't understood before and hadn't seen before. it is a way of showing here in the united states, particularly the importance of the united states. we are the nation that punishes all.


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