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tv   News  RT  May 23, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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more complex, multifaceted bit, let's stop without police, is that spelled out of the, there is one small country from the voltage that is not afraid to say loudly voltage gauge, this resolution because this resolution will open at the end and on as far. so it'd be as leader, right, this climbing the decision of the un general assembly, which adults so resolution declaring july, the 11th, i think international collaboration day of us revenue said genocide, thailand, the cost away from smalls traveling back the internet. and it's overseas territory of new caledonia, which has been racked 5 pine island. brian also an e u commission of makes and also very old threat to the georgia in prime minister. suggesting what happens to roberts street, so may await him if he doesn't tow the washington line and walk back george's
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foreign agent. the i just off the midnight here in moscow i t is live and world one. the un general assembly has adopted a resolution declaring july, the 11th, as the international collaboration day of the sort of and it's a genocide. so obviously the judge openly spoke out against the move, saying it will open pandora's box. i would like to unmask this untruth and full justification for putting such a resolution. number one, this is kindly politicized resolution. and i will ask the 3 questions to which we didn't hear the proper response from the main authors of this resolution. germany. why is this resolution being fast? number one, they were speaking about individual legal liability mentioning montana green
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amendments here. and i'm asking you if that is so why this resolution is being passed. because speaking about individual legal liability, as it has already been done because already have been delivered, there is one small country from the ball comes that is not afraid to say loudly that will vote against this resolution because this resolution will open at the end and don't as box in the 2nd world war, we were among very rare people in se hutto. that's where i'm find that ceo's you wanted. and we paid the biggest price in southeast you would have more than $1000000.00. a firms were killed either by not to drums, either by not to crowds. why didn't they start to a depth resolution? because they needed this resolution in this particular moment. i'm not going to
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speak about the guys and all the other issues today. but no one should underestimate people here and this whole because everybody will understand everything. why we're, you know, something new member states. those who didn't want to vote in favor of this resolution saying that if they've done vote in favor of that resolution, they will not get to your support, your help on economic and all the other issues is this is that to europe and values, democratic values are your thoughts that i was not going to be able to speak up about it. i have kinds of examples about it. past strong comments from food judge for the events in the set of minutes during the war in bosnia and herzegovina in 1995 declared as genocide by the international tribunal for the former yugoslavia. a declaration left deep divisions between serbs on both hands. serve you as president, alexander full judges, said the new un moves an attempt to ask for reparations from the great,
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well that's one more post live to new york pressures, dr. 5 pm. that's our correspondent caleb up and kind of give us more details if you can about this resolution that's really inflaming a number of people as well. it was the united nations general assembly that voted to have july 11th to be an international day of reflection and collaboration. for the events of 1995, now 84 countries voted in favor of this 19 voted against its 68, abstained and 22 countries member states of united nations just didn't vote. now 3 of the 5 permanent members of the un security council voted for it. but russia and china both permanent members of the un security council voted against it. now in the balkans who have serbia and hungary who voted against it. slovakia and greece of stain and the rest of the balkans voted in favor. now the resolution was
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sponsored by germany and ro, wanda, and when russian ambassador and a band z, a spoke about why he and russia oppose the resolution. he emphasized that this essentially demonizes, the former yugoslavia and furthermore, it puts peace in bosnia or is it could be in your into jeopardy. here's what he had to say, are just waiting for it to that is the president distinguished colleagues we've witnessed today is a sad chapter in the history of the u. n. a number of delegations laid by germany decided to abuse the authority of the general assembly. and under the guise of a resolution, most of the day, if i remember ration and a political declaration, you pardon his goal is to demonize wanted to see voltage. so the global might you can slowly and you've got to read. one thing is clear, the resolution sponsors are deliberately pushing boston into conflicts, calling with the price that country paid during the civil war. the 1993 when 100000
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people died at the point we left with an impression that is done to make sure that the people that possibly have to bring up a reconcile can so that we can see this a listen as a threat to peace and security in the country and the region is a hole on the face, the cynical and hypocritical since it's what so even more surprising stuff is the main phone's, the old, this resolution is germany. germany we started to weld was in the 20th century, killed millions of people in concentration camps is responsible for massive troll. so things are now progress that participated most actively can be breakdown of yugoslavia. pretty much the bombings of san diego in 1995 because to that country is now trying within the united nations general assembly to lecture of it is about the importance of reconciliation. but in this team, we convinced that germany has no moral authority to even mention the time of genocide or to describe anything other than that, a friction scroggins. now, the russian ambassador, speaking before the general assembly,
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also emphasized that at this point, the un general assembly has never passed a resolution recognizing the crimes of the nazis against both the peoples of the former soviet union. 27000000 of whom died in the 2nd world. war as well as the peoples of former yugoslavia and the cost of the day paid for the crimes uh and the, the way that they perished in the war and the atrocities that were committed against them. and if these crimes are not going to be acknowledged, that why should the events of 1995 july 11th get this special uh commemoration. when other genocides don't seem to be treated this way? now, nicaragua and the democratic republic of the congo both voted against the resolution, calling it counter productive, not and helping create peace in the world. here's what we heard. mister president. in this assembly, it's increasingly notorious that there's
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a double standard in the western world that has no limits. our general assembly continues to be a victim of manipulations, and it's used to advance political agendas and specific interest of western countries. in history, we cannot overlook the responsibility and participation of nato in this tragic events. 25 years ago, nato bond. this area indiscriminately called causing thousands of wounded and death in yugoslavia. mfc, mister, please, you don't. thank you very much, mister president. the draft resolution is presented, as can see there's an antagonistic act by one community against another. to tell them it will be counter productive and deep and the divide. it will not strength and peace and will lead to new wages tensions logged into showing we are sure to save at some perpetrators of atrocities in the democratic republic of congo, or amongst the initiators of this resolution. as if they have any sympathy, specific symptoms, straight bonita,
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yeah. louder now china and cuba both voted against the resolutions that it was counterproductive that it was demonizing certain countries and not working to build peace. well, you talk about some of the countries that voted against the resolution. what about what about those who voted up for it and how, how do they justify the move? okay, the as well. the primary voices in favor of the resolution and the majority of the countries that voted in favor of it were either western countries or they are long time allies. and here is what was said by some of the countries that voted in favor of making july 11th. a holiday for commemoration and reflection. here's what they said by designating the 11th of july as an international day of reflection and come on ration of distributed set dental side. we are committed to closing this gap and the institutionalized memory of this organization. mister present president,
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let me be frank, false allegations about this resolution have been spread either from one to provide some clarification. this resolution is not directed against anybody, not against a valued member of this organization. if at all, it is directed against perpetrators of a general side, montenegro has totally examined discontent, including its political and legal implications. as a multi cultural and loc, the ethnic society montenegro placed as a significant value in the culture of remembrance and good neighborly relations, demonstrating sensitivity and understanding to issues essential for peaceful coexistence corporation and reconciliation in the region on living and remembering victims of genocide is a must human side of a stain on our collective memory, the crime of all crimes. and we must all walk to ensure that such heinous crimes of genocide never happen. anywhere else again,
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is now $68.00 countries, abstained, and many of them express that they feel that commemorating the tragic events and this around describes that took place, requires careful preparation and discussion and needs to be done in a more responsible manner that moving ahead with this day of commemoration and reflection was not the best way to go about commemorating those who lost their lives. now brazil understand and when brazil understand they made the point of saying that it would be inappropriate to create this day of reflection and commemoration at a time when israel is currently bombing, gaza, and a view israel to actions in gaza as genocidal. and if a genocide is currently taking place, it's not the time to reflect on events from decades past, it's time to take action to stop them. now we also heard from indonesia and syria and other countries that made a point of abstaining for similar reasons. here's what they had to say. as we looked around the victims of the stuff kept the industry,
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we are compelled to apply the lessons from my benefits to the present day. before our eyes, a genocide is unfolding in god's engrossing indonesia has voted into parts of the phrase the illusion. let us not taught at least the solar memory of sleep it needs uh, with our inaction in grocer. if we do not one history repeats itself, we must all be firm upholding international law. and do you encounter? we must reject double standard, requested the east. thank you mister president. my delegation found itself today obliged to vote against a draft resolution. we also categorically reject this ation of human rights issues and table in biased draft resolutions. particularly germany is currently engaged publicly in supporting israel politically, economically and military enabling it to commit crimes and civilian distresses. the
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false allegations by the states that are made in bad faith insensitive reflect the attention away from their direct involved and even the genocidal acts. and gosh, it has a crown. okay. the pallet, right. sorry, a sorry for dropping the 1000 background if i could. a. yeah, yes, july 11th, 19958000 man and boys were killed by bosnian serbs and in 2007, the international court of justice declared the events based on the legal definitions and the proceedings that went on. they declared it to be a genocide now and 25th teen russia vetoed a resolution before the un security council calling for international commemorations, making similar points about al. this is a one sided version of events that puts blame on certain countries will not heal the wounds of the conflict will not create peace in bosnia herzegovina and what's
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important to point out about today's events. the vote that took place at the un general assembly is that no one was down playing the horrendous atrocities the around his crime that happened. no one was saying that it didn't really happen was trying to deny it or say that it wasn't terrific. there was a feeling, however, that this day of collaboration is day of reflection and commemoration. july 11th would further divide the peoples of the region. it would inflame tensions and it wouldn't be moving toward peace. and that was the main point made by countries that oppose the resolution. they were obviously fortify by the events that happened and the lives that were lost and the crimes that took place. they simply did not feel that moving ahead with this resolution. and the international day was really the best option for how to commemorate those who lost their lives and make sure that our renter's events like this never happened again. all right, of course one that came up and live in new york. thank you. well,
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we discussed this earlier with the research of the institute of european studies and build grade says that this resolution comes as some powers across the world are simply trying to improve their image. have a listen for your sounds in the west was to try to find an example where it treats mostly as well because. busy of all of the muslim world sees that the western countries are supporting israel in the slaughter of gaza, which is happening for the last 6 months. and this is also a convenient way for many leaderships in the move in countries that we're not doing cannot defend moses and gather to say, okay, we are doing something for the atrocities against moving to the in general. so that is another reason their proxy, ukraine is clearly losing the war and the dogs. we see that the western gear is
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comfortably being destroyed by russian forces in the front line. and they want some kind of compensation, some kind of military abrupt, perhaps compensation. so therefore maybe they were. busy and 2 stair ups, the spirits in the bulk of the once again, and to try to appear victorious. now despite making a 25 hour dash to the other side of the world, the french president and marrow macro, and it didn't get the womans of welcome city, arrived. a new kind of donia in the wake of the west bobbins to rock the overseas territory in many dec i got my toilet foundation on his last. he doesn't know what to do. everyone there is looking at friends. everyone see you the shenanigans in france now that he is coming here, we don't meet him here since then has been sending all politicians to france. we don't need to go to france. the discussions are here because of the future of the countries here and kind of get what i don't know. we don't want to see him here. just started this, the things on fine started to race passions to the point of setting things on fire
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. it wasn't the young people who started before. it wasn't us, was sudden, they started to find in any case, it's already good. the bad comment. but after that we cons. we don't know if you arrive to restore. com, but in any case, he's already con and gone and things are still the same. there is no real com, no real peace, no way allow me to send the army here. or we didn't ask the army to come here. we are fighting for oral cancer and fall killed. i'll say it again. is this for our children later on? the armies here, but i don't know what the army is doing here. we don't need them here. we can protect also. we can manage all countries, the young people scream because it is difficult for them every day. they see what's happening, a step away from them, easy more of a t, they live on like the people next door. i think it's more of a socio economic crisis. it's more than a struggle um, and more they really resorted to fighting and increasing the number of the electorate. but there was a socio economic crisis behind it. people want. well,
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meanwhile, the french government had floated the idea to downgrade internet access on the entire tree. however, no surprise proposal was mysteriously shot down that they did sort of slow, even though we raised the issue in the sending reports on the rights. for some reasons, the decision was not made to reduce the internet access from 5 g to g for social networks or to, to, or finding out now directly from the front end. here are ministers, yet i've done them. i know, speaking in a parliamentary commission on the unrest in frances overseas territory, new caledonia, that the government actually considered working hand in hand with a publicly owned internet provider over there to cut off for g and 5, g internet, reducing it to 2 g, which basically just allows people to send text messages at most, but doesn't allow for them to use apps or social media or for other people in new caledonia, even pay for their burger and fries with the banking car because that requires
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a higher speed network. guess it's not technically cutting off the internet of people can still use to g and send texts like the cops in town to your car and saying that you can always just take the bus to work or hey, no in stopping you from going and getting a horse, but ultimately the government just decided instead, van take talked and they forgot about reducing the speed based on what x, the central proof of the apps responsibility for what's going on in new caledonia. none really. it's just a theory. so i guess once he took everything on the question to take talk, which had been widely used, it was due to the exceptional circumstances that the prime minister allowed this decision to be taken in conjunction with the government of new caledonia until during the riots in france. back in june of last year, over a 17 year old of north africa in orange and getting smoke by a french carpet suburban parents for failing to abide by a traffic stop. the government contracted online platforms like to talk an snapshot and got them to sensor content that the government considered probably magic or
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provoking things even further. of course, that censorship under the pretext of curtailing unrest could ever and becoming a president resulting sunday and more extensive censorship. for other things that establishment politicians consider inconvenient, right? to switch in a decision to the bicycle, the government's decision to suspend take tom. so the chinese interference, the russian interference with the attack kind of bringing down being tied into that network. just before the president's arrival in new caledonia reprocessing by john k, that's too much. he says, yeah, major of course for senate is currently debating a bill on foreign interference in front of these yourselves, which is massive not just in new caledonia, but all over the country. a mess comes from many countries, buffalo, russia, and china. it's time to stop denying it, it's trying to protect ourselves against that she. so some of the opposition politicians, notably on the left,
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are demanding that the government show its work on the tick tock ban and to actually connect the dots and prove how exactly tick, tock and other social media apps are directly responsible for feeling any violence in new caledonia, rather than just operating on hunches and theories. what is happening right now is unprecedented. no country in europe has ever band tick tock and government officials have provided no evidence to show the networks linked to the violence. only one argument young people use this network. the government considered them guilty by definition because of their age. we are facing an extremely serious liver to sidle drift. the arguments developed at the hearing by the government is still nation. no evidence is produced to legitimize the use of the band. no connection is demonstrated between the use of tick tock and the violence. this is a guilty indulgence in the use of custodial a mattress. this measure is not legitimate and the government is floundering to justify. yes. another attack on freedoms in the context of colonial repression. hey,
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look, it's not like riots in france suddenly became a thing when social media came along, but that hasn't stopped french president in under, in that coal from scapegoating it, no doubt that's more convenient than revisiting his government's new policies that set off this whole crisis. the one that would mean adding thousands more voters to electro lists on the island. if those people have been there for 10 years and giving new comers more power than to dilute the electronic voice of the native count acts on the land up until the expiration of the new may accords with france just recently had been given relative autonomy over its select total process, but before mac home was blaming social media, he was blaming video games for causing glass summers. riots around mainland france . well, some good we saw on several of them snapshot take talk on several august, the island gatherings being organized and the sort of copycatting of y allowance. these i'm on the youngest leads to sort of escape from reality. we sometimes have
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the feeling that some of them are leaving the streets of the video games that haven't bucks a to them. i assume this platforms to be responsible. so it's pretty clear that last year nicole had a theory that young people were going around setting france on fire because they just think they're living in a giant video game and can tell the difference between life behind the screen and life in front of it. turns out expert said that was totally wrong, which doesn't really bode well for his binding new theory that tick tock causes riots. it is a black male by definition, the west is up in arms of the georgia is parliament passing a transparency load, which will shed light on who is funding n g o is on the meteor in the country. the trojan prime minister revealed an e. you commissioner, did not minutes. well, it's in a recent conversation, trusting a dangerous response. if the police didn't throw the line even in the face of prolonged black, i'm at least right to voice during
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a telephone conversation with one of the european commission is with shocking. during our conversation, the european commission that listed a number of measures that weston politicians might take if the retail on the transparency low is overcome. while listing these measures he mentioned, you've seen what happened to feed so, and you should be very careful. let's just go back to that little that little which has been adopted by the georgia in parliament. that would give me transparency in terms of who is funding and use and major in the country. there's a threat that it's not going to be signed off by the president, but there's been huge protests in the last few months into please see as a result of that law. in fact, we even sort of foreign ministers from the countries in attendance, l. c. and miscellaneous and eastern. yeah. like, i mean, there's no foss stretched to say the sizes for an interference in itself, but you can get a sense of how important this is for the new opinion. and as a result of that, you know, we've now got this huge claim from the georgia employment. it says that essentially
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it has been a threat to his life on the is bank because what, what fits. so this is the vacuum prime minister who was shot at a blank point range just a few weeks ago. have to have emergency surgery. he's now recovering from that surgery. but, you know, this is a major issue to me just right is it's funny bleach. i don't even think it's blackmail. it's a blatant right. and what we also then heard from the georgia prime, minnesota, is that he went on to say that the attack against will but fits so had these traces of special services from one country, but he says a link to the global group policy. yeah, i wanted to ask you about that mr. cobra kids, the mentions the global war party and his statement. can you elaborate on why that's important? yeah, that's important because of the global parties. so it's based on the specified political force. is that a all a piece of forces from the west, but he believes to trying to sparkle resolution in his home country and also trying
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to open up a 2nd front in relation to what's happening in regards to being pregnant conflict. so this is a really big concern when we see the protesting to pc and we see the ministers that and it really does have some sort of remedy a sense of what we saw in terms of might and in ukraine, back in 2014. so you can understand his concern regard to that and some like force this office being conspiratorial. but let's be clear the attempted assassination on the life of the sla vacuum prime minister was made by a man cool. you are sent to the main stream meter in the west is not really picked up or quoted on the fact that he was politically motivated because will that pizza, when he came into power, said, we're not going to send any more weapon this to queen. want to be more neutral party and this, and that there was a video of him online shouting to learn, lift your plane, but it's not being reported. so, you know,
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the trying to sweep out into the compet basically with political motivations. we saw from mobile st service attack. now slovakia has said this was a politically motivated attempt and they've actually blamed a most of the media coverage of faint. so saying, but you know, it was threatening, it was negative and he was constantly being cool. the russian stooge, the american liberal media, is trying to cover up that the assassin and potential terrorists and tula, it's a political fanatic from their own camp. pro ukrainian anti trump progressive that attack on the feet. so with my safely shocking, and it's clear with the george and prime minister from what he's saying has had his watch discrepancy. if he doesn't move back on a little bit, his policy, which is the elective policy into which is the ruling policy, believes is the best way to proceed to his own country. we don't know who the commissioner was. she hasn't seen any word for thoughts best from the you. so saw
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that the reality is a space is truth in that can use google to. i don't simple because that's what we took. 4 minutes is interfering in the domestic politics in another country. the close a tubes about its moral superiority when it comes to other countries. and if this is true, it's essentially acting like a mafia state. well, the you neighborhood and enlargement commissioner admitted it was him that made that statement and the phone call, but the georgia in pine, minnesota, however, he says he used to feed. so his case as an example of the polarization in society, adding that quote, his words were taken out of context with georgian political analyst, russell, a couple that say says the threat to the georgia department shows the true face of southern west and officials. but am we literally well, there is no direct threat to the prime minister's life. at this point. the words of the commission official to mr. coleman, he said to see what happened to the slovak counterpart means, of course, that from black mailing. the european officials are now moving to threats towards
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georgia. that's outrageous. any normal person would consider that a threat, and the implication that something like this may happen. i think most georgians will react to that. these threats implicitly mean that even if you're a pain officials didn't take part in organizing attempts on pizza as life. we can see that unfortunately, they have no problem with such an act. therefore, the collective west shows its true face in a very bad way. this doesn't go in noticing georgia, and of course, every normal person is outraged. even those who usually don't support the government. we're not surprised. we see what's happening in ukraine. the georgia government is now told that if you won't give up on that foreign influence law, something bad will happen to you like something. what happened with the slovak prime minister? such pressure shows the true face of those representing the collective west of the multi potable the motors here at home. the brick states are in halting the cooperation in space. it's been a very big meeting,
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great between head to the respective agencies and we managed to speak with one rep from one of the newest members of the bricks. so far we launch of the original is our development spots and ups. and in was look at the inverse piece. we also subset graduates from the alpha, aerospace and drink. also in science can dislike uh, sort of a sense of deposition, the motion some going to the she was in pitch the in the must haves from them or something like that. the state of the us congress, anything station $400.00 was going to be since i've tonight and right now we're preparing to go for the highest addition as of the division keep the joint breaks this year. so we have a new members.


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