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tv   The Cost of Everything  RT  May 23, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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the, the 12, the by the ministration, many of its close as allies continue to shield israel with diplomatic cover. the international criminal court and the international court of justice speak for much of the world. if there is to be just this, it must be applied to all the water is the life blood of our planet, constantly flowing from one body to the next. from the moment it flows out our faucet, it journeys its way through the labyrinth of pipes undergoing all sorts of treatment before it is released back out for water is a precious resource. and too much of it is being wasted already from an adequate treatment facilities. i'm christy i in today we're going to be following the flow of water and where all the waste water goes to be treated, recycled, and we use the,
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it seems like a silly question, but where does the water go at the flush, the toilet or drain the sinks in your home. well, usually it flows to waste water treatment facility where it is treated to reduce or remove pollutants. the traded waste water is then released into local waterways where it is used again for any number of purposes such as you're getting crops and sustaining aquatic life. but recently california became the 2nd state behind colorado to allow waste water from showers and even toilets to be purified into drinking water. many areas in the west already use treated waste water for outdoor irrigation or to replenish underwater alco 1st, where water is further cleanse as of percolates through the soil. but the idea of sending treated waste water directly to homes has lost struggle to overcome the x factor in california. this toilet, to tap idea is still a big factor for many
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a residence including myself. but apparently now advances and water purification technology have made it so that recycle waste water can be brought up to drinking standards in a matter of hours and public back into a pipe says apply home schools and businesses with drinking water. waste water management is more than just pipes and treatment plants. they're an integral part of our societal structure. years ago, when sewage was dumped into waterways, you had a natural purification process because the sheer volume of clean water in the streams dilute the waste bacteria and other small organisms in the water consume the sewage and other matter. but to day hire population in greater volume of domestic and industrial waste, water requires that communities give nature a helping hand. wastewater treatment basically speeds up the natural processes by which water is purified. there are 2 basic stages and the treatment of water. in the primary treatment phase, sewage flows through the screen which moves large floating objects such as rags and
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non biodegradable that might clog up pipes and then passes through a grit chamber where sand, small stones, and grits settled to the bottom. the sewage then flows to a sedimentation tank were suspended by a solid will sing to the bottom and will be used for fertilizer. it then goes through a secondary treatment phase wherever moves about 85 percent of organic matter. the sewage is palm through a trickling filter, which is a simply a bed of stones about 6 feet deep through which sewage passes. bacteria gather, multiply on the stones until they can consume most of the organic matter. the clean or water trickles through the pipes for further treatment where the bacteria is then removed with flooring a. however, new pollution problems have now place additional burdens on waste water treatment systems. today we have pollutants such as heavy metals, chemical compounds and toxic substitutions that are more difficult to remove from water rising demand on the water supply. and we aggravates the problems as well to
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remove new pollutants. we require advanced waste treatment techniques such as carbon absorption, distillation, or reverse osmosis that are way more expensive to build and operate. and now we're joined by dr. mullin, shot chief scientist wastewater research at enviro tech. what are the economic consequences of an adequate waste water management on communities and cities, economy, consequences of the united, correct risk management on communities. and so he's going to be to get one central florida associates let's to has his that's interesting has get caught and reducing what it costs productivity, at least not equal to $500.00 a walking. so suspend damage equity goes up and basically it's impacting sorts. it can be unlikely what's, what, what i'm thinking of is look, look at, i'm 3 exams and property values. each of the 3 in this way then in the economy goes all the way golf, bravo, based upper management. but the significance find themselves by bits on both of the economies and governments. can you share examples where in sufficient investment
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and waste water infrastructure lead to significant economic losses or public health challenges inefficient investment and we split the inside system has big too numerous examples of significant economic losses and public's hotel. in this one instance in the up in countries like india in bangladesh, inadequate, we sort of expand has to be the even wide space what the one digit is. imposing substance selling has costs and producing $1.00 plus productivity. if it's like sprint, michigan, you. busy say red aging inside step to the cost later on. so i'm gonna send indoor to supplies that way to both hands. could i see savvy more people? i mean $3.02. think already decreased property values and increase has good expect is these examples underscore the i think the lead flooded robust investment invest . what interests are to see if that of what public has had in the comic of that would be and how kind of investments in sustainable waste water solutions contribute to both environmental and economic benefits. invest wendy and
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sustainable risk for the solar sense of what a deal of benefits and what that does is that it was so that economy plus buddy take implementing technologies like police to a recycling, it'd be centralized. strict ment system with the new 6 butler said gonzales, what resources and meet the goods to be core, logic of damage for studying and a lot of my thoughts as to maybe the most i meant initially these investments could be a job opportunities in the green sector stream unit, you know, as a and, and how does local interests look to leading to long term economic growth by a private are these, you can suspend them all the way store for management. governor does get a to uh, when use balance between the and what about those 2 axes and the code on the don't mention either successful case studies where cities or industries have realized substantial economic returns through investments and waste water management. yeah, definitely. so those are these and in the streets demonstrate that significantly competence through investment, invest what to management, what example copenhagen denmark. dr. stuart is out about a summer party trying to work for me into
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a timing recreation of the equity duties and boosting property. we lose definitely investing in edwin's resources when technologies seemingly industrious, such as breweries infect style, manufactured us how to use what methods up. so then operational costs by limiting efficient ways to do the 2nd system leading to improve profitability and facilitate this case. studies highlight the as well they show a lot of substance. so economically, pence wind, but i would i be using smart investment in resource management and what challenges are there to integrate sewage systems into urban planning that a lot of standards including sewage systems, into of i'm planning for this. so really the elements firstly, the existing in 1st set up, maybe i will make it on insufficient to echo or to greet popular. so i'm saying i would explain since, but equating cost of yeah, but it's an excellent sense. secondly, coordinating between radius 3 quarters in 40 minutes. what are, what are these engineers and,
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and what about the latency scan be complex and they've been doing that is slowly len groceries and conflicting interest making. busy the up to my place made up so we didn't 1st look to mississippi, you know, we do some research and community engagement to work on these studies. finally, and showing sustainable and reciting. so it's a stevens emmys. climate change impacts like a sea level rise, an extreme where the events as another layer of complexity to a blinding me, thoughts. and now how do different countries approach waste water management and are there lessons that can be learned from international practice to different countries? products, wastewater management tool that you'll stick to just depending on factors like popular some density, economic resource. and then when i went up route, it is some of the sense, but i would i be centralized strickland. nonsense speak. thank you. that's. that's why those focus want to be centralized. the stream spot me thoughts all this on. it's like i started with lens in douglas, look back. this is sort of valuable lessons in terms of technology adoption policy for them. and they said and community engagement flooding sense countries like the
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lens x ending what we're using for our management. so okay, think of benefits. so you know, we do equities and call over to somebody to envelopment industry and academia. so by starting and end up being successful practices from around the world, the interest in enhanced database to, to management. so if it is an address global order, it kinda gets more effectively. thank you so much dr. mullin, but please stick around the chief scientist doctor mullin. shaw will be with us after the break and when we come back, what does it cost to build a water treatment facility? well, have more after the wreck, the l look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show your mind. and just in case we should be very
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careful about our personal intelligence, the point obviously is to place trust rather than to the various job. i mean with the artificial intelligence we have so many with the in the a robot must protect this phone. existence was alexis, the rom, just don't have to say power and engagement. it was the trail. when so many find themselves will support, we choose to look so common ground, the
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the more expensive. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. several opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to planes or do they have the state department, the c, i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and
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whatever you do. don't want my shell stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, we don't wanna watch it because it might just change the wayne state the
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other way. all right, so see which ones are out there. so some of this, so basically of course we see your last name was needed, read it comes to movies. do you imagine we have some more more or some movies this we would show on the approval to the, the, the, the
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take a fresh look around is a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power type vision with no real opinions fixtures, design to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just because it shows you fractured images, presented to this 1st? can you see through their illusion going underground? can the
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water treatment centers are expensive and often cost about $12000000.00 for each 1000000 gallons per day of average flow. you expect to go through the plant in los angeles. they are currently building a $500000000.00 advance water purification facility to achieve its vision of fully we using is water supply and supply up to $200000.00 customers in the san fernando valley. but the middle east has emerge as a global leader and water innovation, particularly in the fields of the solid ice ation water and wastewater treatment. and the d carbonized ation of the water sector in the middle east spaces unique challenges when it comes to water scarcity, making it imperative for the region to develop groundbreaking solutions to sustain its growing population. the selling ice ation has become the cornerstone of the water supply in many middle eastern countries and has implemented cutting edge technology is to purify and we use waste water reducing the strain on fresh water resources. advanced treatment processes include membrane field tracing biological
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treatment, and this infection techniques that have been used to ensure the safe and efficient and you use of water. but meanwhile, in low income areas, in adequate waste water management can lead to health risks, environmental degrading deviation and economic losses. approximately 56 percent of the urban population in africa and 26 percent and central south east asia like access to private, titanic toilets. and under developed and developing countries, less than 8 percent of waste water is on treated. this entry is sewage and, and adequately treated waste water from industries continued to deplete water quality. in developing countries, each person produces on average 6 leaders, a toilet waste water each day. that equates to nearly 14000000000 leaders of untreated, physically contaminated waste water created each day. so for reference, that's $5600.00 olympic sized swimming pools. this leads to hi,
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pathogen concentrations which could easily spread diseases. approximately 1.4 or 5000000 people die annually as a result of diarrhea alone. and at least 50 percent of these cases are caused by poor sanitation. in south africa, rivers and bodies of water have been to polluted by sewage for use because waste water facilities are failing to properly treat sewage before releasing it back into the environment. chad, congo, somalia answered in treat less than 5 percent of waste water. the software this and more let's bring in again dr. mall and shot chief scientist of wastewater research at enviro tech. now doctor mullin in your opinion, which country has demonstrated the most effective and sustainable models for waste water treatment identifies a single country as having the most effective and sustainable work. one of the photo based on treatment is challenging you to deny what is produced in context.
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your pick does in was probably a lot of countries like thing. couple stand out for the, you know, if you and comprehensive, resort for management strategies. sync up what has implemented edwin's technologies as knew what to reach verifies based on what type of drinking water standards i didn't think of the approaches like the deep dynamic switch system to optimize the thoughts efficiency. and one of my thoughts was staying with the other countries with not the 2 minutes in resorted, meant able denmark, the netherlands, and so we did, it's the north for the communist. one of the thing is technology stream doesn't glasses and public engagement strategies and other specific strategies or technologies that set these countries apart in terms of successful waste water management. yeah. then please know and so successful in risk management likes, example then my, then a deadlines entry, the envelope on being as an off, you know, as an instructor, this and technologies, these things were edgewise treatment process such as member and body of those. and the was us most useful what the use coupled with, if you send the centralized of systems to minimize the cost of sending transport
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costs at least slowly a stream don't regularly since and protected government policies incentivize compliance and data continues implementing risk or treatments on that's what blake o m s complaints and community and government and it seduce, flustered, flustered guns that was done and, and what i want does to watch sleep and i'm seeing the auto system of the, of these police resort management practices. and what recent technological advancements have been particularly promising in the fields of purifying wastewater? yeah, there are so many of the septic multiple vitamins nowadays in the store to put if it gets un helpful and promising the results. any improvement. what for quality and resource availability? memory and technologies, so this slide, what else will sees and dental peterson? i don't know if he's the reason of what if he shows the more of one time, you know, so i mean, you may think and those he comes up. some advice, thoughts isn't a processing story, you'll be based on a network, i mean, cuz my post effectively the good organic but it does. and that's what, that's what,
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what emerging technologies like might be up to the old says and electrical glistened. demonstrate what the ship for cyber living is, we sort of, it meant an empty, done this, and the scene always own speak with the affordable, sustainable, and cost effective way approaches to waste sort of the art if it gets a addressing facing and what i mean. and public has done sense. so besides that, he said to, i would say technology guidelines, maint nowadays, we thought of going on a risk management system. and now what unique challenges to developing countries space and investing and implementing effective wastewater treatment solutions since last 15 years. i'm observing that the people do not have much knowledge of well, the sort of micro biology. so the sort of healthy it must help the knowledge of facebook or making a lot of the how to treat. we have talked to rapidly and what are the difficult, i mean those to sort out this problem. so these not as much to me of which most of
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the and what about the engineers by the lady in the us. my toilet is which i am seeing that they don't know what i know. looking ahead. what chance do you foresee in the costs and investments associated with waste water management globally? yeah, i can see, but not so much because industry, at least not very keen. they don't have a keen interest to sort of these problems. they added this to uh, interested in their own money out on money. they don't have much interest how to sort out these political issue which would create the how indefinitely to and now what are some of the key issues that are holding back your industry from advancement when i operate some be so different plans, i much help a basic and i don't know, they don't that that's what kind of issue it is coming. what are the categories 6, what are the pollutants pollutants presenting that we store to? and how do i pick the best way to my which type of technologies?
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my i the physical, chemical, or biological, see i believe that a lot of the closest to is one of the best treatment system in the scientific world . well, you don't have a list much. why didn't physical? okay. let me tell you, you must help so many funds and we don't funds you cannot read the reason why i don't think biological treatment or biological mental analogy you can create easily without funding much universe makes. so what sort of how a good and all adults microbiology to treat that is so different plans i am seeing seen so many yes, that the most of the people say, i believe very fantastically says, but not f. like. and i would say, see, when i do any type of kind of research, i do that i sort of have some applied research which should be applicable to this website. it seems that interest and research and spilled is growing. but are there
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any obstacles? most of them such as the 90 percent, not 90, a 90 plus, but centrally says that so it does have just but missing people to see. i have the effect of jump modes at the ending so many conferences. i don't the was so i, i don't believe in this scenario. anybody knows, but they added the spot, their own progress. that how do i progress myself? so is there a remedy to this issue? yeah, well not the actually i a see i what do you need by meeting this week and i am seeing since last 15 different deals that industrial is that will lead wrestling of make money out to on the money the out of not much interested in how to sort out the problems which we have facing and the end and data on television data. if we do not solve this problem at present, then this will be well, how about for the future? i've done this and they are just insisting that employees and they have just been
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interested in an hour or 2 on money. how do i have the money board? i don't have any. i mean, so uh, i'm not interested in this problem. so this is in the lean country, specifically in dire need of waste water management. india look how much of a means a research within deputy makes itself needs to be sort of a micro already i am seeing that. busy the land denmark's, we then the out of having good research the for the sector. so india sure to fail. and i am planning to manage these sector, which we have a good research team. and what is the key point that you'd like to convey that with advanced wastewater research? this is the field when, if you leave the house some interest and you will sort out the problems that we come in, the future. this one who and if it did go to that, if you took the sense being the scientist, i must be that what
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a lot of research i do must be applicable to the society. i don't believe in fate don't. i don't believe in the public is something i back to douglas. if i publish my buddy, bind 001 a bit like that. but it must have somebody like a sense with the society before it can use my data for that and such. so this is what i believe personally you are doing research by taking funds from the government and these funds out of some local public that you should build these thoughts. so if you're doing research, you're sort of have some kind of research needs to really be applicable to the society because you are using the money. so i'm the society from the people. thank you so much dr. mullen. shaw for all your time today. when plumbing and waste water is flowing and being treated, everything is fine and dandy. but one waste water facilities fail. that's when
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society as a whole collapses. and now that may be a bit of an overstatement, but it does result in catastrophic failure. in july of 2021, the hyperion water reclamation plants in california failed, which resulted in millions of gallons of raw sewage flooding the surroundings and being dumped directly into the pacific ocean. in the following weeks, citizens and surrounding cities have begun complaining of the lingering stench and health concerns caused by the older and potential exposure to the raw sewage and the water. piney point in florida also experience something similar was plant dump more than 200000000 gallons of sewage and to tampa bay after a leak in 2021. hundreds of millions of gallons of waste water remain at piney point and has still not been cleaned up. so with all the ag facilities across the us waste water infrastructure is a crisis that no one wants to talk about. i'm christy. i thanks for watching and we'll see you right back here next time on the cost of everything.
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the product, the video. so it's not someone pretty easy to run them. good. that sounds good. yeah, we use them for streaming, with the less of up to just get all kinds of them document that initiate and look at the results of those these reasoning. why the, the,
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on the muscle you can use a brand new news, the movie and walters paused, so we took the chance portion of the, well, the vitamin ministration, many of its closest allies continue to shield israel with diplomatic cover, the international criminal court and the international court of justice speak for much of the world. if there is to be just this, it must be applied to all the of the other you live.
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on up what? sky? o'neil's laws, the when you talk with fox, the fox got them to move the chat. by the way, if i've the money for the theater, if as little as human views to that please just give us just do it really well. i get those go for needing a lot more to the doors of the year. was as simple as that, but yeah, i don't know the shape but just as easy as i think you said on the pnc and there with which essentially when you put in your article here, that'd be the to the
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small country from the balkans that is not afraid to say loudly that's will vote against this resolution because this resolution will open at the end from dollars box. so obviously there right, this climbing of the decision up a new way to the general assembly, which adults so resolution to declare july the 11th is the international chemical ration day of us. so whatever need to kennesaw and the new commission that makes and also veiled threat to the georgia and prime minister. suggesting what happens over a 100 feet. so maybe a weight of hidden b as in total western line and will about georgia's bar. and the ancient bill and millions fucking in the streets all bear on mourning, the nation's late presence laid to rest in his hometown after a headache up the crash to.


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