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tv   News  RT  May 24, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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that they just a matter of the csp or the math with which assessment funding put is you, i look at the data, the, the, the library to something remember states those who didn't want to vote in favor of this resolution. this resolution will open at the end from dollars box. sorry, i didn't know there's a western box and un resolution declare that a 19955 to leave this law rules. laws of the genocide done by the problem is, is to send money. so after goods i'm tired easily, so i conclude from deal with pena way from the us, a lot of stuff and dump a police intervention in the prices. and the kind of in nature of hanes canyon, the positions strongly pushed, the sizes that you know, make i using kenya. and now course we don't have to be on a single week. do you want the length of the got the affinity seeking only by co on
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hold on is called to buy sold boats in the new color is that only a temporary, a feasible police outlay to cool with the almost good to the world. this is of c, it is good to have your company today. my name's mama sylvia has condemned a lesson by this resolution as the you are insane. it was highly politicized to measure that essentially openness pandora's box. now the you and decided to declare the 11th of july as a day of commemoration of a contest of acts of genocide that i could in a bullying town the 30 years ago. amid the gustavo, i would like to unmask this untruth and full of justification for passing such
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a resolution. there is one small country from the balkans that is not afraid to say loudly that will vote against this resolution because this resolution will open at the end from the xbox in the 2nd world war. we were among very rare people and se doodle. that's where i'm tied, that's the only entity. and we paid the biggest price associates. 2 of them. more than 1000000 of serves, were killed either by nazi drums, either by not 2 cards. why didn't they stopped with that resolution? because they needed this resolution in this particular moment library or something . remember of states those who didn't want to vote in favor of this resolution. saying that if they don't vote in favor of that resolution, they will not get to your support your help. when it cannot be, can all the other issues is that to europe and values, democratic values are your thoughts that i was not going to be able to speak up
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about it. i have kinds of examples about a sense of loss of a lot and see, i'm trying to seduce me. you as moves commemorates and the 5 to 7, it's a i, as in genocide, thousands of athletes serves, gather them the national capital. once in a row, they so the house against the government and having beaten boots in full, the resolution which has been pushed by germany. they described it as a betrayal of the trust in the state. and now we heard from some of them and then us now look at the decision regarding the genocide in september. and this is a decision jose was not reconciliation unfortunately, but the civilization of the region. this will unfortunately manifest very soon in our region, which was relatively peaceful after all those wars a money physical i bought as a whole, excuse me. i think this resolution is shameful. it's against the sell the nation as a whole. it should not have been adopted. and mock is placed on the southern people,
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there's a whole, it is completely unfounded and unjustified. so the resolution i dealt with here that i, those by the un general assembly pertains to a 1995 event in the the solve was ethics of full says to control over the bulls in town. o 7, it's a also, it's balls in moves them said those troops killed $8000.00 men and boys in the area . oh, awesome. by this tribunal, leading to the said it was an act of genocide. that was this slide opposition buys the testers. the 3000 of their own soldiers were killed in the bustle for the town laid at all the aspects of them. both of them has a vain. you want to peacefully established an old homeless state for his people. it says apply will be presented within the coming weeks because of the bulls in federation, in its current form is dysfunctional states you. what is the goal
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of this resolution that you impose on us the story that because it is a non binding resolution of the united nations, that we should accept it as such, we will not accept it. i say immediately that we will not, it will not be included in school programs. we will not mark july 11th is your day . we will not mark anything that is written. there was very little guarantees of voted in favor of the resolution of 68, abstained. and another 90 including washer china, i'm sub a voted against it was on by so the to the you said it was an abuse of the general assembly as he questions germany's role in guessing the measure of past, i'm just waiting for it to that is the present, distinguished colleagues, we've witnessed today is a sad chapter in the history of the un. number of delegations lied to by germany, decided to abuse the authority of the general assembly and under the guise of
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a resolution to try the day of commemoration. a political declaration whose goal is to demonize, one of the peoples of the full amount yugoslavia provides what's even more surprising is the main sponsor of this resolution is germany. germany we started to weld was in the 20th century, killed millions of people in concentration. camps is responsible for mass atrocities in africa and participated most actively in the breakdown of yugoslavia and the bombings of syria evaluated 1995 for the country is now trying within the united nations general assembly to lecture of it is about the importance of reconciliation. jim, should we convinced that germany has no moral authority to even mentioned the time of genocide which describes anything other than that atrocious crimes? there is no recognition from the united nations general assembly of the crimes committed by the nazis against the peoples of the former soviet union or the
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peoples of former yugoslavia. and that was pointed out by any bands. yeah. and if we're not going to acknowledge the crimes that the german nazi is committed during the 2nd world war, why should one of the engine 1995 be singled out? now, other countries oppose the resolution, including nicaragua and the democratic republic of the congo. when they spoke, they emphasized that the resolution seemed pretty counter productive. and you're going to see you and mister president. in this assembly, it's increasingly notorious that there is a double standard in the western world, but has no limits. our general assembly continues to be a victim of manipulations, and it's used to advance political agendas and specific interest of western countries. the draw resolution is present, it is conceived as an antagonist, attacked by one community against another. it will be counter productive and deep and the divide. it will not strength and peace and will lead to new ways of tensions. we are shocked to see that some perpetrators of atrocities in the
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democratic republic of congo are amongst the initiators of this resolution, as if they have any sympathy for the victims of stray brittany to china. and cuba also oppose the resolution saying it demonizes and singles out certain countries and is not really helpful in the process of building peace in the world. what was mainly western countries in their long time allies that voted in favor of the resolution by designating the 11th of july as an international day of reflection and come on ration of this ribbon and such. i know side. we are committed to closing this gap and the institutional life memory of this organization, mr. present president, let me be frank, false allegations about this resolution have been spread. i there for one to provide some clarification. this resolution is not directed against anybody, not against a valued member of this organization. if at all, it is directed against perpetrators of a general side to funding and remembering victim the human side is
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a must human side as a stain on our collective memory. the crime of our crimes, and we must all walk to ensure that such heinous crimes of genocide never happen anywhere else again, 68 countries chose to abstain, and among them there were many different sentiments, reflected a number of the countries said they did want to commemorate the genocide, but they felt that the manner of declaring july 11th and international day was irresponsible, more preparation and discussion needed to be done about how they've been doing so. and how to commemorate the crimes of 1995 in a way that brought peace and further peace in the world. now in addition to that, we heard brazil that spoke about how they certainly wanted to commemorate the events of 1995, but they did not feel it was appropriate to commemorate a genocide from decades ago while israel was committing what they considered to be
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a genocide. in gaza, similar sentiments came from indonesia and syria. as we looked around the victims of the stuff kept the industry, we are compelled to apply the lessons from 3 minutes to the present day. before our eyes again, the site is unfolding in god's engross. indonesia has voted in support of the off resolution. lack awesome, not taught at least the solar memory of sleep. it needs uh with our inaction in garza. if we do not have one history repeats itself, we must all be firm not holding international law. and do you encounter? we must reject double strand this request said that the east. thank you mr. president. my delegation found itself today obliged to vote against the draft resolution. we also categorically reject polluted as ation of human rights issues and table in bias to draft resolutions. particularly germany is currently engaged
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publicly in supporting israel politically, economically, and militarily, enabling it to commit crimes against civilians distresses the false allegations by the states that are made in bad faith and set to deflect attention away from their direct involvement in the genocidal acts and gaza july 11th 1995, you had roughly 8000 boys and men who were killed in by bosnian serbs now in 2007. the international court of justice declared the events based on their legal understanding of the term to be a genocide. and that ruling came down, arguing that what took place was indeed genocide on. now in 2015, a similar resolution put forward at the un security council was vetoed by russia. and the important thing to remember about today's proceedings at the un general assembly was it all. tardies were horrified by the events that took place. there
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was no attempts to downplay or deny the horrendous atrocities of 1995. however, the emphasis was on how best to commemorate the events and move forward, creating peace in the world to make sure nothing like what happened on july 11th. 1995 could ever happen again. there was a feeling that this resolution and is ratified international. the day of reflection in commemoration was not really conducive to bringing the con, the parties of the region together. it was simply going to reopen old wounds and as we heard from the serbian leader opened pandora's box, it was not strategic and did not really serve the purpose. that those who put it forward said it would serve. oh that we discussed this issue with a sub in america in just a nibble. your mileage means that the reservation environment is a peace agreement. as it was both, it is a constitution. you had the um,
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the foreign ministry, then you went to basset or, and one of the 3 presidents go through the go to the you when and basically say, oh, you know, we are, we, we stand behind as bosnia, stand behind this beam, clear, violation of the countries, constitutions, which by the way, is part of the antics of the peace treaties at the end of the civil war, 1995 years, and people from level to entre definitely treatment to testify. what happens when these power sharing arrangements get violated? demonstration, everybody that they don't care about the peace treaty, they don't care about the law. they don't care about the constitution. and they certainly don't give a damned about any sort of reconciliation or truth or co habitation within uh, within the boundaries they, they've accepted themselves. and so again, this brings into questions entire piece treaty. uh, you know, present doors. it has a point, i know doubts tomorrow, the americans and the germans and the british. and all of these other people who voted for the resolution will say, oh, we don't dirty cuz threatening peace. i'm sorry, gentlemen, daughter, because not the one for acting peace as well as you are. you just literally
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participated in doing it. obviously is unraveling of the bosnian constitution and trampling the peace treaty that you yourself wrote and sponsored and took upon yourself to enforce in order to pass this meaningless resolution that nobody's going to buy buy because let's revise and let's remember the u. s. is not abiding. by the legally binding, the resolution for 40, for guaranteeing serbian sovereignty uncomfortable. well that's different. no, it's not. the security council resolutions are legally binding. the un general assembly resolutions are advisory. so now they're gonna tell me that this resolution somehow trip trumps the security council. once that's not how this works and then of course tomorrow into the after, when somebody else proposes another genocide resolution against somebody, the life they're going to argue. oh no, this is improper, just like you're doing with the icpc. now, last year they were cheering for when it's sort of interest form because motion preserves was definitely not a subject to the jurisdiction. and now they're saying,
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oh, you can't do this to israel because israel's not under your jurisdiction. well, which is it? is this the rules based order where you will get to make the rules? 2 thirds of humanity disagrees with this guy who has promised to send money. so advocate to apparently sweeten a clunk. 2 of us will deal with. can you see us was the stop and country to conduct the police intervention in the crisis? second, carol, the nation of 18, we made a major commitment to this number one who said the united states as long term pretty the national financial institutions that provide low cost concessional resources to enforce developing countries, including from the i'm a to that. and my ministration helped design is established on that new initiative that provides low cost funding for countries that are taking steps to enhance their resilience. now, that's why we work with congress to enable the united states to make available in
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the coming weeks, up to 21000000000 dollars in new lending resources to the i m f. trust fund that provides concessional, lending in the poorest countries. so little like a, you know, having a go when you're in debt, having to go and find someone to help you out. that's what this is about. we release of 40 friends in this partnership is happy to we're happy to do our part the progress k last king is currently in the file. so he's to send police forces to hey d, and it's 1st security mission out beside the, i've been constant. the care of a nation has been rocks by violence as gains of seeds control as much. so it's capital port old prints both into them as the biggest funds to the hate, the mission, the private deployment have spots. a face reaction among kaden is putting present router on the defensive village. and you explained the,
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your political goal. 12000 kilometers away from late will be when it's closing the account is on buying or was full time to kind of have looked at it because of the abundance of problem your company to go and watch the police post height to other ways. the priority is this been one of your major, one in festa, feel us talking about security after the x and the even the defense governance secretary talked about the deployment of if need be that can minutes you or the special muscle. now to make sure that the school study up into the boxes for in areas that are funded funding king, why are you committing tides? why do we have a problem back home? we have made tremendous progress in making sure that we took the whole, but that, that's not take away our responsibility even as we why deploying troops and policemen in our own country not ripped to slip out there bunch of to progress. we still deployed 800-8002 add troops to dsp cool, because that is our need,
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but we have 5000 troops in somebody because equally that responsibility. and he should not be an exception. a lawyer as well. well, he hobbs to provide the plans, but he isn't device and in haiti over this impulse is to say the deployment must be coordinated. the democratically elected the, the caribbean nation. the very 1st must be made by a democratically elected president of the requesting goods. does not have a president seeing that keeping over of another moist in in july 2021. this, i'm a prime minister, right audio, audrey watching, is designed, other time, did not of those powers under the constitutional rights. i'm therefore, making the home a typical agreement. another 2 from the very beginning. he said with a member of the canyon and put who i'll position, veronica, a gullow. she sighed. router and visit to the u. s. has benefits in washington much
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more than can yeah. i know the us benefit from this meeting more than virginia can now mean when jeanette, such as you can pick up. but i didn't know was invited to the u. s. and the invitation is basically to help the u. s. people have a feeling of the, i think because of the fear that actually got is a getting a slice from voice the of china and russia. if you don't make eyes using can, you know, because we don't have to be at a central beach, they want to slice off the got there. if you need to sleep, you know, we, one thing i went to the i content, the son, i mean, is what, when would you want me to go? and we do not have to be controlled for bathing. i'm happy that's can, you has an over sure. i'll click on the line and we'll be doing a visit to the west every time they are looking for financial services. leaving looks at helping me do that. i am, if you want to. i mean,
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if we can get them elsewhere like j not russia, why not? but then one domain across the street and it's because singly to them unless they have a heat, imagine how much we also kind of go to the main thing was the environmental routes . ok, by the time when the us is news is influence on the applicant content. oh yeah, the us. but if you would really soon for the mid few base and said that movie came just over a month, also enabling the chair. and it is simply went with the u. s. movie that has allowed american personnel. so operates in newest african country. cellphones as a code, all right, does the international action center is observed, the immediate change to an africa as us influence on the content is waiting to the u. s. is scrambling everywhere they can in the world for any allies that they can get. china and russia was involved and in africa is entirely different than the over hundreds of years of colonial occupation and moving that has existed both by
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the european countries and by the us. those relationships, not one of the more detail relationships, not one of the more about the development for the countries themselves. all of the more about the draft overall materials and every one of these countries, there's a new day. they see new possibilities, new alliances, new friendships, and they're refusing to go along with the leading that has been their whole past existence. and we can, you can especially see that is true and then new alignment and new share and demanding that us troops leave. and there's a real c change that is happening throughout africa. somebody puts it arrives in minutes on thursday evening to a very warm welcome from his clothes. i like the russian president. i was on the shank go as there was a sense of the problem was it was really do with my smiling lucas. i got they said
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a few words and both read that was offered by young lady on the red carpet. the need is artist by then to discuss the biological national development, the singularly minimum, see drills in halls, coordination among near clear for the from says president, my clubs have held back on a controversial vote to reform for the pacific island surgery over new caledonia, bias house and little protests against the measure descended into the worst bottoms in the region. in decades from showing gives us could. i have pledged that this reform will not be forced through in the current context. and that we will allow some weeks to allow the coming of pensions and resumption of dialogue to find a broader court. well, file says no. yeah, it's addressed the root cause of the issue that the reform would dilute the rights
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of indigenous villages instead, powers of shows and to block the social network didn't talk in the region, saying the app was used to for months of the process. falls is also considered a downgrading internet access for the tennessee, but that prime scott, a net 30 feet of flood. even though we raised the issue in the sending for ports on the rights. for some reasons, the decision was not made to reduce the internet access from 5 g to 2 g for social networks or data, or finding out now directly from the french into your ministers. yet, i've done my now speaking in a parliamentary commission on the unrest in frances overseas territory, new caledonia, that the government actually considered working hand in hand with a publicly owned internet provider over there to cut off 4, g and 5 g internet, reducing it to 2 g which basically just allows people to send text messages at most, but doesn't allow for them to use apps or social media or for other people in
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newton. although yeah, it's even pay for their burger and fries with the banking car because that requires a higher speed network. guess it's not technically cutting off the internet of people can still use to g and send texts like the cops empowering of your car and saying that you can always just take the bus to work or hey, no, and stopping you from going and getting a horse but ultimately the government just decided instead, van tape talked and they forgot about reducing the speed based on what x, the central proof of the apps responsibility for what's going on in new caledonia. none. and really, it's just the theories. so i guess once he took everything out on the question, the tick tock which had been widely used. it was due to the exceptional circumstances that the prime minister allowed this decision to be taken in conjunction with the government of new caledonia and killed during the riots in france back in june of last year, over a 17 year old of north africa in orange. and getting smoke by a french cop in suburban paris for failing to abide by a traffic stop. the government contracted online platforms like to talk an snapshot
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and got them to sense or content that the government considered probably magic or provoking things even further. of course, that censorship under the pretext of curtailing unrest could no ever and becoming a president resulting sunday and more extensive censorship. for other things that establishment politicians consider inconvenient. right? to switch you on a decision to. well, they're all by supposed the government's decision to suspend take told me so the chinese interference, the russian interference with the attack kind of bringing down being tied into that network just before the president's arrival in new caledonia and the plus tested by john mckinney. that's too much as you know, major of course the senate is currently debating a bill on foreign interference and from these yourselves, which is massive, not just in new caledonia, but all over the country. a mess comes from many countries for buffalo, russia and china. it's time to stop denying it. it's trying to protect ourselves
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against a scene. so some of the opposition politicians, notably on the left, are demanding that the government show its work on the tick tock ban and to actually connect the dots and prove how exactly tick, tock and other social media apps are directly responsible for fueling any violence in new caledonia, rather than just operating on hunches and theories. what is happening right now is unprecedented. no country in europe has ever banned tick tock and government officials have provided no evidence to show the networks linked to the violence. only one argument young people use this network. the government considered them guilty by definition because of their age. we are facing an extremely serious slipper to sidle drift. the arguments developed at the hearing by the government is still nation. no evidence is produced to legitimize the use of the band. no connection is demonstrated between the use of take talk and the volumes. this is a gills indulgence in the use of custodial a mattress. this measure is not legitimate and the government is floundering to
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justify yet another attack on freedoms in the context of colonial repression. hey, look, it's not like riots in france suddenly became a thing when social media came along, but that has to stop french present in under the black hole from scapegoating. it. no doubt that's more convenient than revisiting his government's new policy that set off this whole crisis. the one that would mean adding thousands more voters to electrolysis on the island. if those people have been there for 10 years and giving new comers more power than to dilute the electronic voice of the native count acts on the land up until the expiration of the new may, of course with france just recently had been given relative autonomy over its electoral process, but before mac home was blaming social media, he was blaming video games for causing glass summers. riots around mainland for us . because we saw on several of them snapshot take talk on several august, the island gatherings being organized and the sort of copycatting of y allowance.
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these i'm on the youngest leads to sort of escape from reality. we sometimes have the feeling that some of them are leaving the streets of the video games that haven't bucks a to them. i assume this platforms to be responsible. so it's pretty clear that last year nicole had a theory that young people were going around setting france on fire because they just think they're living in a giant video game and can tell the difference between life behind a screen and life in front of it. turns out expert said that was totally wrong, which doesn't really bode well for his binding new theory that tick tock causes. right. very good news was an assault and he said that you claim in military and tyler, this was directly involved with the deadline service at the top. most of the content, whole 2 months ago, a 145 people were killed in that incident. the head of a rush is a federal security service, said that more than 20 individuals have been arrested in connection with the attack
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that includes suspected perpetrators. and the compass is that about some of this news out on us on the note. indeed, we'll be back in about 30 minutes of debates. this is on up. we'll see you the, the, [000:00:00;00] the the stimulus and also the by dealing with difficult
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people for the 20th. okay, so look at the, and let me ask if i could, uh, that's what it's called web meeting code that i need to be a 3. i don't know, but actually i did a bunch of, of websites, but actually not similar. huh. now it's almost like a little hold. oh hi, it's me doing well, is the news when you start the blood you purchase on just the most brochure it can you hold it the video or almost smote it and keep her in school. we


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