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tv   News  RT  May 24, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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for the international criminal court and the international court of justice to speak for much of the world. if there is to be justice, it must be applied to all the great news here. and i'll see that i feel right. so now some of these have come from the clinton movie intelligence was involved in the the terrace attack loss could come to the whole 2 months ago. more than 20 suspects have been arrested. so far. so far as far as the host members of all the kids is not as old battalion as form of p. m a bar stools and calls them arrows the last time i drove by them, promises to send money to africa. a power is sweet to
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a consumer vice of deal with pain, yet basically yours was a lease in intervention and the courses so they can category and a nation of haiti. k is all positions. strongly put the sizes the plan you know, make, i can, you know, push to, to have to be on the central beach. do you want the place to lovely? got the feed sleeping away the life of the center in moscow. this is the welcome to the global news. we thought we were on top of the story this, i believe the russian authorities now say that the training of intelligence was in fact directly involved in the deadly terrorist attack on a moscow console. 2 months ago, a 145 people were killed in that incident. speaking at the meeting hosted by rushes, ally could just on the head of the federal securities of the said and international
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terrace group helped train the public traces. it has been determined that the prepared actions financing attack and get away of the terrorist was coordinated through the internet with members of the we law. yeah. horace, san group located on the border of afghanistan and pakistan. after conducting the attack, the terrorists were given a clear order to head to the ukrainian border were an opening was being prepared for them. while the investigation is ongoing, it is possible to say with confidence that ukrainian military intelligence was directly involved in this attack. while joining me now in the pseudo is all st correspondent shape a say good to have you here in the see to shape uh, oversee the confirmation. now the current in minutes intelligence was in facts involved in this attack. can you say tell us what, what do we know what,
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what do we know about this? yeah, well, this is alexander board because he's a veteran security chief, if you like it for, which is federal security service. so when he speaks about this stuff, we listen because we've been on tend to hold waiting to get more information about the details of what's been going on. in the aftermath of the attack, a lot of speculation online about the assault on chromecast. the brutal attack, of course these attackers were apprehended heading towards the opinion border. now he's also told us that there's been 20 people uh, detained, the attackers themselves, and a significant network of people facilitating them as well, which is very interesting. there's a huge investigation. the investigation is still ongoing. now bought the gulf, made these comments out of commonwealth of independent states meeting, which is an alliance of old soviet states, russia's allies and friends at. he also find them interestingly, for their assistance in turning out the investigation which suggest is
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a very wide ranging investigation where a lot of these countries these and so many of them uh, most of them are publishes or may where there was allegations that this was a and as long as the attack, and he also has suggested that there was an islamist involvement from an ask on slash pakistani, a group striving that sort of wild area between the 2 countries that there was involved and there as well. he also said something very, very interesting about the desperation that this match, that this type of brutality that no real, as you know of civilized states could possibly be involved in this. and that the ukraine's involvement demonstrates a real sense of desperation, of the losing on the battlefield, that their military campaign is collapsing. and in the event of that, they're seeking desperately to try and impact push in any way they can listen to what he said about them or the. busy ukrainian authorities having no real opportunities to achieve their goals on the battlefield, have resorted to terrorism through a systematic showing of the civilian population and public infrastructure in
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russian regions. sabotage, rates are being carried out in the border area. ukrainian special services are actively recruiting young people to engage in terrorist activities by promoting pro ukrainian national is formations on social networks with the assistance of nato countries, the massive transfer of mercenaries and fighters of international terrorist organizations from the middle east, north africa, and afghanistan to ukraine continues, some of them are used for further terrorist expansion in the commonwealth of independent states. a shame we just heard from the head of the fs feel the federal securities of says that he said the ukraine was somehow into twined with nato members. i mean, what role did these need to members play?
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do you think in the crow cuz effects. uh huh. i think this all has to be taken into wider view point of view, planning and project for the west is buried. anything happens in your train without a western imprint on a know from finance, from weapons from direction on the battlefield. now interestingly, i think you've got to look at it from the point of a wider impact. they've decided in the west that they're going to take control of many elements of ukrainian society. and we know that the military campaign is intimately controlled by them. and we also know that the investigative committee in russia has recently opened an investigation into the activities of companies in you'd probably like bruce law, which hunter boy was intimately involved in himself. he was a director on the board of the reason that which is the big energy company in your bank. and the funding attached from the operation has been used in a terrorist operations against ocean interest from within russia, in the new territories of russia,
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in don't bust on this new guns and also in north stream. remarkably. so this is not as some sort of conspiracy. there's actual investigations that are coming up with the information with the move, with the money the phone describe the type of tyra's run. well, that's interesting. you say, i mean we do look, take a step back. and so it takes a while to look at the picture nato countries, but must also involve of the west. some kind of did, i mean, you said the money comes from the u. k, the us, whatever. but since 2014, basically they've been getting involved in ukraine in every aspect, whether it's running the government, whether it is putting on a the dnc as of what time would be to go by that they to in the program. but what does this mean? i mean, moving forward, can you give us some examples of the sort of thing that they've been involved in? yeah. what it's, it's, it's an open secret now that the c a m, y, 6 british intelligence are involved in ukraine. we've had reports from various
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western media outlets through your time. is the washington post talking about how the c a is training the the s b u. they're very much feared the domestic security service within ukraine. and even back in the 2016, the new york times themselves, they wrote an article talking at a very proudly about how the west and security service we're training. and you play in secret service in sabotaged. so to attract russian targets out to reverse engineer drawings that capture from oceans like that sort of a list. and our look as a new york times article. and one of the men mentioned in this remarkably is mister booth, down of the head of the s b u. today, by of around 2016, the c i, a began training and the lead ukrainian commander force, known as unit 2245, which captured russian drones and communications gear. so that c, i, a technicians could reverse engineer them and crack moscow's encryption systems.
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one officer in the unit was carrillo boot on of now, the general leading ukraine's military intelligence and the c. i a also help train the new generation of ukrainian spies who operated inside russia, across europe and in cuba and other places where the russians have a large presence. so also in the context of the revelations recently that our own, the editor in chief might be the same one. yeah. and revealed german officers talking about how they were going to facilitate and provide weapons. unintelligence disliked the church bridge in crimea. we know that ukraine has absolutely no satellite systems. it doesn't have to target these weapons. it doesn't have any storm shuttle miss us doesn't have any scope as of assuming that it doesn't have the capacity to operate these huge operations across the russian frontier on oil refineries. etc, so we know it's obvious and we know from accounts in the western media that the nato countries on the proxy, a war that's been wage by the west against osha,
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it's been doing dual. and if you like, the snowball has been rolled in london and washington thrown from yes, there was city all this now that these western countries, nato, as well, they have blood on that have very clearly it's 145 people. the women and children that last allows tragic indeed, accurate. there's just 2 months ago. auntie is shay both joining us here today. thank you so much for your time. i. it's now another shelving slowly because bush and will make cuz in parliament have welcomed and she did for members of an infamous implant in near not secret b as of batavia, russian. i'm the safe in london did alice of the incident as a sign of going oh, so i'm growing and i'm c. semitism in the u. k. he's off his game worldwide. notoriety both for to widespread use a fascist,
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both on go insignia and despicable war. crimes against civilians could entertaining clear cut fascists at the houses of parliament. perhaps be a motive for the documented rise in anti semitism in the u. k. we as of the time, it was represented as a round table by service, one who fought in the city of morrow vote. i am a former prisoners of war. the fights and spoke to members of the totally atom laid the policies about the struggle to bring home about 900 captain as all fighters who was still in captivity to a full p. m boris johnson. to look for the appraisal, it was hand roseann, cool, new claim, the best investment for you on here with us for this,
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discuss this further. joining me live is political since it is i'm campaign that mr . i'm to me whether i am c. thanks so much for joining us here today. interesting news coming out of london. we sold both of them that quote in the as all but how the in the heroes, what do you make of that? just, well, it sort of being played down a little bit. so most of the main stream media uh its uh, shows how uh, delete some of the m p 's or uh, children trying to do all the facts. uh, because obviously the as all the trolley impulse of a national con, review crane had gotten straight. he missed backgrounds that find very much shelves to see with this visit to how the house is appointment, said tron down, play that. but the reality is, is not the investor slave agenda. there's some by the purchase,
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by new streaming media to you. it's funny as well. i don't know because very big. ah, that's nicer to terrace. so does action in russia since 2022. uh because of our activities or the legs won't crimes, but it's just um, deployed the state of prefers we see the former prime minister across johnson uh showed his troops uh, by being quite happy for hundreds of thousands of your credit again uh, service tasks. now, under the russians as well, to be sacrifice to home, the old trophies iden. uh, tribe list um, most is uh, some of the instructions i need is very sad because he was instrumental in stop. right. and really, uh, pay sale between you credit and russia. uh, probably 2 years ago,
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and so i could have been based on the house of big items that are closer with now across general election. but she has a balance of stops in the u. k. i. um, so uh the, the main street and policies protect a lady by a conservative hall. i'm trying to downplay you for 5, but, but you trying eventually us has close the business about better gauge rise in the costs of having this car as long article is huge, energy price rises and keeps. that's pretty much higher, that these issues will be false. and so if a company can re, i feel like shipment, uh there is a deep apology. the workers volunteer to great britain, which is hard thing to say over few 100 candidates. uh, but it's very important in both parties, company to base on these things because the case involvement in sydney crying has
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stayed with our at the bottom right. lots are right that from the purchase public, as i mentioned, best buy to boss johnson. he has no mandate today. well james and drum is always there, quite sad but well says a u. k e. are you crying? follow them and treat parade. the u. k. ha, russian parliament treat great, is allowed to do you phones on the 8th, subtract as a because people, they won't peace and good role in the world. and it wasn't that long ago. when we have members of the world family, this is a russia. so sensible people in the united kingdom so. so that is good. i think dr . good economic and try using a lot of the for the nation is with russia. and now we've got people in charge who the vice city couldn't care less about. so you're training people and ones, uh, the hardening people have to be even closer, legitimate,
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personally now because it's time of office, i just don't to try and cheer for my and all the elections are being delayed. so you get to argue that he's got no legitimacy as a whole and this is, oh, i'm to the walks of the u. k. and the us side who i've been quite happy to allow these actions to be delayed. yes, the people in the crate that's whole foot by a fine thing, full freedom and democracy when i dropped my freedom and democracy want. so i have it in the country now sir, this is on, you know, this visit said the guy paul on is a prince of the from because these people are invited to where they represent and she's on my project. so it was, um, i tried to sort of quickly the 8, so there brings in time to send messages because by you say, agree there's
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a big debate you sent me, you can, but my payments are based on what to do with people being criticized for being a guide, saunders and these items have to be a chair expression to be for gates as long as i say, uh i, i can say protect, uh, pulling choose is correct. and so, um, if on my end to pay for a 2nd just quickly if i may, um when you look good. so like the silver is the bar as douglas and getting involved at every step, we saw him, as you said, quite riley be in today and said, oh i was gonna be a pain still in if someone will. just 2 years ago, we have the david cameron, uh, the furnace that going to be coming out and saying, you clean services to be allowed to strike a ros entirely for you the west. so weapons. why a is the u. k. or the united kingdom? great bread, so whatever, what do you want to use was so the so adamant to,
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to continue this push and support for you quite where survey lives are being lost and not bringing people to the negotiating table as well. we're close load cameron. let's go 9 mandate. law says i is be the putting sage from the secretary of items. yes, but it's very logic. and what is being proposed from the site by your kind of government representatives? uh, the, the war whole, the special, the ship ration uh, was run by russia a long time ago. and over stop doing now is certain people in west country. so trying to save face thoughts. here's a bit by january at the end of the 2nd world war. it was well 9, but the ball was lost at least 1944 above that was needless suffering for
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a good for the year before the end of that conflict. and this is the voltage, sure. responsible politicians are being brought this in. and the crazy situation. we've got the gist of it. you try president, and we've got people actually my balance of human rights for lowering global prolonging software. i mean, prolonging economic hardship in many conversations. the wells are visual. how necessary and i'd really hate that so major election issue. yeah that's i think us do change and if he doesn't have to leave of that, i thank you so much, but it's a little sort of his i'm campaign that mysa adds a web applies. so thanks again. ricky jo, item has promised to send money to africa to apparently suite to the client to, to deal with. can you see us once the east african country to conduct
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a police is to bring this in in the crisis spoken kind of a nation. ok to the united states is long term for you, the international financial institutions that provide low cost concessional resources to of course, developing countries including from the i'm a that's why we work with congress to enable the united states to make available in the coming weeks up to $21000000000.00 in new lending resources. so the i m f trust fund that provides concessional lending is of course, congress. why that slide out more about this and cost of live it to the pool. so timothy is joining us from boucher timothy. thanks for taking that final. this is a 1st uh, 1st visit, so it was into by of opinion nita, in more than 15 years, we're also totally about a lot of money being promised by the white house. as the us keeps pushing for a canyon led into vincent in haiti,
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how do you say this trip is going currently as well? yes, the price of william roots of kenya became the 1st officer lead out to visit our men, make don't fish out visit to the white house outside. john profile got out who was back in 2018. and this is a quite sides with far, you know, like a 10. yeah. and the united states celebrate in 16 years of our bilateral relations . i'd partnerships it. well, i mean, according to president william boots or our test age, you said i'm in the market for 60 years of friendship and i'm partnership. and so far this lisa has gone on. you know, definitely a lot of problems celebrate to read offense. while coming can be, as i'm with our move to, to the united states, but also on tests that we saw about the, the price central biting made. you know, the pronouncement about the u. s. commission around $21000000000.00 to uh for
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africa, nissan in his words, to do it. and hans, the resilience and um, yes, published one announcement that is coming out of 5 minutes and a profile for, for our price on william roots, us on the official state safely to the united states. but we also seeing lots of mary on the selling deals that have been announced by president william, brutal and the united states from that. does that include in uh, deals in green energy in education and global health care. and um, and, and security as well. can the i have played unimportant regional role a role as a regional partner for the united states. you know, as soon as a security um spot in our for the us in but use is done. reach on offer ops, we got and also tracked, you know, uh, specs to say, the reason why kelly are recently is solid to find plans to deploy
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a national police force around the world, a 1000 police agents to pay to, to have an impact on file inspect. this is a move at the us totally supports add on presidential bite and it made sense that uh, yesterday doreen uh price uh at the white house but it's also important just state that this move it's, it's not something that you know has been tested widespread support among academy and it's been subsets, so many debates in kenya in the past. and that also led to when i put you on a lease at the white house press ok. yes. the dates really impressed the route to ask and why he's point along with stop plans. if, even when can you have so many problems of it? so united states can support the collective efforts and of course, can, you won't be going alone. we're working with congress to provide $300000000.00 to m . s. s mission and additional 60000000 for equipment assistance. and we've also,
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we've received and are continuing to bring major contributions from other partners as well. present router and i agree that the haitian people deserve better. is there a piece of security and, and i thank him for taking on this responsibility, but we have is back from where they're on the way your political goal. 12000 kilometers away from late will be when it's quotes in the county, so bilingual wistful court and to kind of have looked at open it because some of the abundance of problems you are committing on national police force to haiti. otherwise, the priority we have made tremendous progress in making sure that we get security at home. but that does not take away our responsibility even as we why deploying troops and policemen in our own country. not group to slip out there monday through appropriate we students deployed 800280028 tops to ds
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equal hey, t should not be an exception. a press . what am routes or is also facing a mountain press off by the opposition party opens each on top is lead uh uh, um, through our cuts right seems to be something united states in a big just top the plow and deployment of um, national police force to he, um, he's talking about, uh kenya and us like she was in canada and us a spin pop of culture, the countries that are meddling and can be affairs of tv and uh, you know, uh, cost interest citizens, that's a struggle to what he has to say very 1st must be made by a democratically elected president of the requesting coach. doesn't have a president seeing that keeping officer of another boys in, in july 2021. this i'm a prime minister, right. audio audrey, who actually resigned at the time,
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did not of those powers under the constitutional rights. i'm therefore making the home it is typical agreement. another from the very beginning. now it does appear about us and provides on to a tammy. yeah. may look like the us trying to swim and relationships. i'm with africa. it's enough that the space, the lot of positions in recent months following fall it full price is imbecile of africa web a year for free. you know ok. sick to withdraw from the troops. now this intervention, uh, this plans department of police force is through higgs. that is one that the haitians themselves have routed against for tomorrow at this time. i mean the us is, i'm this time this plan is being deprived using all the hands and thought would be 10. yeah. all right, there was a, there is a and i will just thank you for that update now. now on,
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if we so who is a member of the tank in place of all position of veronica? oh god i, she said really does visit to the u. s. has benefits in washington much more than that has kenya. and i know good to have the us benefit from this meeting more then virginia can only wait. jeanette, such as you can ask the got, but i didn't know was invited to the u. s. and the dish one is basically to help the u. s. people have a feeling of the, i think because of the fear that actually got is a getting a slice from voice, the china and russia. if you don't make, i do think in, you know, because we don't have to be of a central heat. they want to slice throughout the got there. if you need to sleep, you know, we one thing i went to the i come to the sun, i mean the new america and we do not have to be controlled for bathing. i think i'm happy that's can you has other over sure. i'll think on the line and they don't the
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fees to the west every time they are looking for financial services because even looked at helping giving it to the am. if it's not, i mean if we can get them elsewhere like shame whereas yeah, why not? but then what domain is the licensee it has to because i think the to them unless they how he didn't i didn't how much we also comes on sundays. well, a lot of us me is i've always going to have you say on all the international, multi dot com is a great website you should visit. we'll be back in about 30 minutes. the top of stimulus and also by dealing with difficult people for the 20th. okay. so look a little bit of it for the mobile. yeah. and i mean if i do is i'll have to do that
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. so it's called web and even throw that on without it need to be a 3, i don't know. but actually i did a bunch of of upsized, but actually not similar. huh. no stumble slowly. hello. hello. hello. hello. hi, yes me doing well, is the news when you are on the board, you purchased? sonya is the most brochure. it can you know who the theater, the video or the last night and keep her in school. we watch the video to learn to play. he play which know how to do the do to foster body to ship
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a visual. i'm to peach mine and so when you move on your telephone credential stone, you put the my god, tools in your possession, the city. if you keep the photograph i'm throwing it will post the showing you what your triple play simply did trust, all the ocean stuff. the email is up still up due to the new new trip. so long will change. and what would you plus you have the which so what i could do but i'm doing a few.


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