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tv   Documentary  RT  May 24, 2024 5:30am-6:00am EDT

5:30 am
the superficial i'm to preach margins. when you move on your telephone credential stone, you put the money down to the city. if you keep up employee and will post the showing you which a couple of police did prestone which and stuff the exclusively made his lapse deal of due to the new new trip. so the oil change and what would you plus you have the watch. so what i could do, but even go on the computer with gloss, wondering why tool not to look. so i'm not sure i'm gonna show switch to you
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already. so all of the looks good should have gone up. if i show thumbs when you want to save me, do you want me to me up a full bullet delivered, which would be the potential to push that all the way up? sure. as of which there's, you know, it's a pulse, but more than you friday by the way up by the fee that the future facility that origin ma'am. what's your zip book at the most? welcome one more question. see you there he was the you, we have the one we should we, the closer you as much to know more just video given to the almost one have to go would show us the hopper cook sheer new used cars. i'm not sure book and you did of woods. each of them was simple for doing well for me to show you all said all you're seeing you how it each to work you up with you about them. most of,
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if i knew what the law software jim's up on the welcome, good question. so you said you would give them yes or the bridget door that goes to the dealer and you have to push out both of us. you need to know that that's the order and then you do this allows you to put the i just want to but crossing the street and give them to a score for you to just get this thing was that i'm with a be a good thing is a bill flow and year for each of them using his though when you can give them the course like somebody was yeah. them was put him to level of gun. yeah. and then we will show you the full equally shows. are you seeing the booming is black?
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them really? i didn't you me at them really? not that cool. lou. just want the insidious rains of old you to so you get that's the story and threw him even though her mission with makes sense. that them way we'd just like you said to me a little from this and get pretty you but we try to the 4th or 5th, i'm giving you. then you have good news and you're seeing that the of the shop. i don't last on the store live over to for the most the ones they go what i think there's a lot of the gym. i can shop the media and we, and we really, they even someone what i i just came on sunday,
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i've noticed the issue and she said that the cause of leave i is going to ask, what was the issue is say, i don't was doing what do they would pick up that would deal with a bottle. what's up with this sort of level? do you keep them to the ship because the electric will stall as you want us to meet with us. he bought a welcome from them. let me go to the
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corner. uh let you in the morning. let me pull at you have to to the newest community the opportunity are you in the coming? yeah. it's a long time ago. are you in? i mean, as soon as she meets nauseous me down while i go or sat, go down to back or shoot them in a 2nd. guess i attention on the phone cuz i'm not sure they're able to navigate. you like us a long shot, but that should install a separate follicle. change with the all the father of smaller size of the garage and was i bought it. i'm supposed to had a small spot more set of touch, hopefully by which of the life
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they well the for me, i mean the book at progress i way with the look out for me this is, would it be i can last of the see it much because i see they applauded just to visit with a he was the leading if where he really see not the 1st night at a 1000000000. there's only a bill in the street to the was 3 assembly go to the if the fullest to close would be able to keep your play with the, with a piece. just leave to give me the it just so you should receive the money or what has to show it. so what do you mean this threat will? so what do you have any of those instead of phone? yes. so we're good to wait with the says,
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but from the school keeps going with that. so, and it's very talk you talk for to see is this via canada zillow, but it's a function of different what that i'm with the yeah. for sure. also from what i thought, i'd say also come up to me, but the more from new and you to somebody in my, from a lower fund, you've gone from the items room for them to somebody deal. i've got going to have them slip them. it's almost done with, i'm going to live with the whole full, full full of all of the markets. the silver killed off to teddy always question you, most people have like the easy will. i'm only while you while i'm all of so who wrote specialist and will it show pretty well with the i had in the midst of the blood to
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fill my cousin choked into it and got out the sales to the most. i'm always i'm which i'm sure to hold with the is i'm calling with the field. so i'm kind of stuff up was i'm gonna fill up the balance of each of them. so i'm going to do a visual with nancy c. as in the shipping news here, so with me then let you know that somebody took the last piece is going to do it. the more people who used to cut really good senior issue that then we prepared for local. so looking for looking for the policy, it's gonna cost a lot. i've known them up all of the cost of the the course that's going on when they really loved people don't know me to read. yeah. yeah, yeah,
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they want me. so he said he has a couple lice, frankly. how are you? good. yes. down. you know what the going you know the on the other side, good to go to when they, when you waste meeting, they used quantico think they gave me what it start showing that it's a joy vehicles on thursday and just ask him, would i say he does say you wanted to say less than what was the zip aside and say to anybody got something in mind that perhaps you have a wonderful day and i'm sure it's, i know the name but the open the at the moment. can you just let me know bit yeah, those are the blue yeah. just through cities
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the sure. well good job please. good. good. good. good. good. yeah. what is that anyone that's always when i see that one because the with them. well, as i've used them, i think you're wilson, you know. yeah. so, so it came out the serial, i mean way, cuz i mean, i didn't even while it wasn't. yeah. and you could be up with it. and fuck, i'm 3 of the ways they should that seem to have more for me when they are definitely definitely be. i mean, let me tell me who it was really. i just continue listening. listen, you'll do it by you and you. it's pretty easy and that sort of cutting me johnny
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with him and then we'll just keep doing it. mostly, i'm not, i'm not just the way side. what's on the market? i'm on the come off plus, let's say we need to the living issue. sure. now, with low issue when you when you, when you throw, i pay you for a serious sure. america and my one is producing independence. what i need to speak to this is just let me look for you the intersection of the phone. you said they don't ship a, get any, what on the on the walls, let's mediately see the the new notes. can you look in
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the dialogue on the 20th on the ocean go? hotmail. difficult on the holidays, deduct for school on the course there. beloved on or live, the 3 will still scribble somebody to the most to question was when you a new pushed the the,
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the russian states never saw one of the most sense community best to him. then i'll send, send up the send, the 6595 must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union,
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the kremlin media mission, the state on the russians to day and split the ortiz phone, even our video agency, roughly, all the band on youtube tv services. what question did you say a request, which is the wiley, the boy especially the guy and the the national have goes to my or to least i know not ordering up last year. there are 2 of you, but i will send you another to lock you up with the slideshow, but it doesn't give me a lot, you know, to we all up,
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you had to go have to check if that is what's the help of the income you wouldn't be the one of you know, right so, so you have to be a lot of the larger, what are the larger set that up yet, but a lot of the larger so so that's this one we'll get over the and that the solve cox mass, excuse me, i'm gonna output the annual pepboys at the yeah, but i don't i don't know. oh god, you know what that, that me as simple as well. okay. we really just give you a med is that simple. if you have to, to continue the initial last name of the number they have, they always by mind much, but as i walk through it open them up though nobody i gave me was you
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know what to do and you're familiar with though i see any of those that are what i need. yeah. if i don't have to put them, you get to it, right, right. you know, the way in there, where would you and usually can use more with the most likely when you have to coordinate with classroom. let's say you're going to take me off. we just need to stay in the oh, the kid with the meeting. you know, if the people don't want like the, then you go down, you pick up what scotch of all on your fluids the when you look at the top of the
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bottom of williams, the move up want to move the photos display on the new a pro se the. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 didn't seems very simple access the shooting is because i'm showing the people a lot of green and civil engineers right now. so like you had a page like the night before, you're doing the t. 2 2 that patrol and what is it now? the gosh, you know, the commercial blue abruptly we shall see the 40 l green and then the. 2 2 2 2
5:48 am
yes, cuz you would need to go to it shows it up in new explicitly to jason, a new company might so especially like a so you kind of need to take the new site, get the new july election, you normally would or whoever lives say the day that i need it though, which is usually doesn't like one because i would have somebody in religion medicine. you should a lot of nature, nature, nature, nature information that i need to look at. i think you can have what i mean obviously. 2 2 going to the. 2 2 2 so as a whole hour store day, da, da da, the case study, gash, motion was the money where you're if as a little of came in with the yes and that somewhat yes,
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the color of the banquet. thank you. so you begin to wonder. i knew what the more associate i'm kind of running. it's a lot to be afraid to connect the table. yeah yeah, that's a funny a facebook we may be stuck with. don't hold another prophy. don't assume that the as being cool. and then as opposed to have stainless burwell, of realization,
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this thing has come up with a phillip on machine frustrated for giving me off this comment. i bought over um, gift on a more la setup curos recorded for all the blogs or whatever you may be recorded on for a chest. it goes to esl search id, much familiar with that image should. oh yes, definitely. walk us to that about the nobody's answering the brochure. i will not give me a minute here at the quiet along the way it does for most of you to the, to the pick up the federal debates. hold on, let me pull our lives up in a lot of places and you know, we did it when you posted us, then it was up initially definitely. but who sent me, you know, the value of the whole on the of the control so much that i should have left or wasn't i don't think i've looked at it, but i love that because i didn't even put enough stuff with that kick when you would shut off lambert, i was just talking to tim, somebody the, i'm just,
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i'm sure this got the letter will also have been you what your printers. so click on them should i, it would be the volume the of the show and all kind of data without the one in the middle is by saying the label. cut off now, but i just now this capital study window for sure. what's the zip stuff? somebody get going at a ball, get them on your on the on the quote to i actually in logic my initial, you're going to do it today and like they ask them on cell. i'm no slip, but they'll let me put you on the spot. so it will to that look like a photo or the follow up, which cool? looking at the wireless window, afraid girl personally will come through zillow will personally you hold on to get all the quoted on giving you a whole blah, blah, blah, blah to live. so low and you have to have put it really all simple enough and if all my show for the girl i i
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night from but you're not associate got plumbing day. so it's got a new company who there's all the food now show on out for you at the level. so yeah. okay. yeah. they should, they would say between egos i'm or alex. yeah, yeah. it's gotta be like, but you're more. yeah. you're that you're in the mail so i can show them as just let me give you the 2 mouse on the design as well. so what, what else outside? that's no problem. and you know, do you not at the origin about via, through the annual, at the shop? let's just put you on, put the application each, the whole thing. and you told me that the cost plus you live it just knowing it, you will not itself on the display on the i think at the end when they actually
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opened. so i can sure what the most important up items or spend like trying to schedule a new just wanted to discuss a little by its or the spectrum of hooked up with you know the address that going on. well, the bumpers on it and then they judge it based on the of my shopping in the same for all the set up on me. my daughter also the seal. they both usually have a beach in you said other day that'd be of them. what are those are still what it's got, the slip, all adult swim will pull it up at all. so the also begin to, to the i'll talk about the thought i did order we spoke when it gets on the the support yeah,
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it was let go. and show her that the show who was waiting for her. if it wouldn't, you're not a god. you should also do lives up. work on all you do a complement the suit front desk to pick. yeah. for sure with from there we are, the something you we just looked as chillers i'm, we're doing some load of the extra meal. if you off of the line you as a whole ball, i'll have it on the phone. you from the desk of also to the city, so please aloof for is the computer for discussion that process last yes. the deal that i'm leaving for florida? the the
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who who knew it just this is a one way so that's yes. so careful, the culturally uncomfortable at the inform the colorful way. and then for one, you know, and it's like, it's like you said, you everyone look around in the video it yard. it's also on the pavement is because of the, the, the whole click here to activity on processes that has a new plan you what they see and let them know specialist frontier towards the one with the but also i assure your suddenly the not so cool and i just gotta wait for them to look at your watch or what maybe unless it got back to the back of the time. so i've got the, how can i ask you about adams or whatnot, or best buy shopping and good, but to an issue? this sort of fluids, the last of the foot butte. so let's do it again. as i was on the cure was 18 then a model of the mushroom. i'm just going to put a little early daniel showing you all knowing about this guy. i'm talking about
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this got on both sides of show in which i shall i the courtship of this kind of introduce. i will actually be in somebody minutes by phone. but surely, we're waiting on a couple of students that you might need to send the the, the, the, the deputies. yes. and up and yes, guess when you think the issue is really it up? well, i get down to coordinating a lot more unique. i took that piece given you some of this is do it that you fly to other one. you got the one year last year with which if that's
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what, when you put it like a go cannot be. it was the cause of the bulk of my last but anyway, i've chosen the digital fell in love either hash. there was a small pick or i trip. i missed his bus partridge plus by the eligibility and you get that up. yeah. and you have to go from the store from the, from some. but if we're off the corner here, let me start items to the door. for them it is here to i'm sure you've gotten it just get push atkins, but the edge of what you want and i'll get your voicemail but that i am going to wish the nation your readers went back. the wisdom when i the 2nd said watch the
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i've yank you the, i don't know the shank, the to the me her get together on the lot for the front on the different so they get going to get going in with that all the sort of been associated more days. yeah. so so the come up a form to show me is i brought up the floor here. so the while the by the ministration many of its closest allies continue to shield israel with diplomatic cover. the international criminal court in the international court of justice speak for much of the world. if there is to be justice, it must be applied to all the since world war to
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united states as fostered extremist and t russian prejudices and hatreds among the ukrainian. the asked for, in, at least in canada, united states and countries in eastern europe, probably everywhere. and it doesn't matter what these groups say or do it will support them. if it is, the groups are causing hatred and chaos within the target country. joe again might done choose but who should consecrate dell or sort of do well as low as one of the some of the email myself, it just means the printer was interested in the portal. let me see. i see i use is anyone at any time if there's a religion the,
6:00 am
the greg can use it on all the see and did i feel wash and us are, these have confirmed the ink when it moves into it is, was in fact involved in a deadly coast attack on a most of the cost of the whole 2 months ago, walden, 20 suspects of the rest of the sofa fall over the hudson remembers the old keys in the nazi as the target was pulled on the as far as souls enclosed them. here the .


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