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tv   News  RT  May 24, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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the, the, the breaking news here on our t international russian authorities have confirmed that ukrainian military intelligence was involved in the deadly terrorist attack on a mosque out concert hall 2 months ago. more than 20 suspects had been arrested so far. the british parliament house members of keeps neo nazi as off battalion as former pm forest. johnson calls them here at the library. you remember states those who didn't want to vote in favor of this
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resolution. this resolution will open at the end funds on us box survey of the announces are western back to you when resolution that describes a battle in the yugoslav words 3 decades ago. as genocide, survey argues that the new measure was only conducted to benefits certain western interest. the it's about 2 pm here in los gal when you're watching arch international. my name's donald quarter. welcome to the program. us. now we start this news. our with breaking news, russian authorities say that ukrainian military intelligence was directly involved in the deadly terrorist attack on a mosque out concert hall 2 months ago. a tragedy that killed 145 people speaking at a meeting hosted by russia's algo ally, curtis dan. the head of the federal security service said an international terrorist group helps train the perpetrators it has been determined that the
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prepared actions financing attack and get away of the terrorist was coordinated through the internet. with members of the we lie a horse and group located on the border of afghanistan and pakistan. after conducting the attack, the terrorists were given a clear order to head to the ukrainian border, where an opening was being prepared for them. while the investigation is ongoing, it is possible to say with confidence that ukrainian military intelligence was directly involved in this attack. this is alexander board because he's a veteran security chief when he speaks about this stuff, we listen because we've been on 10th holds, waiting to get more information about the details of what's been going on in the aftermath of the attack. a lot of speculation on line about the assault on chromecast, the brutal effect, of course these a attackers were apprehended heading towards the premium porter. now he's also told
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us that there's been 20 people uh, detained, the attackers themselves, and a significant network of people facilitating them as well, which is very interesting. there's a huge investigation. the investigation is still ongoing. now bought the calls, made these comments out of commonwealth of independent states meeting, which is an alliance of old soviet states, russia's allies and friends at. he also find them interestingly, for their assistance in turning out the investigation which suggest is the very wide ranging investigation where a lot of these countries these and so many of them uh, most of the publishers, remember there was allegations that this was a and is allowing us to attack and he also has suggested that there was an islamist involvement from an ask on slash pakistani, a group striving that sort of wild area between the 2 countries that there was involved and there as well. he also said something very, very interesting about the desperation that this marks up this type of policy that
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no real, as you know of civilized states could possibly be involved in this. and that the ukraine's involvement demonstrates a real sense of desperation, of the losing on the battlefield, that their military campaign is collapsing. and in the event of that, they're seeking desperately to try and impact bush in any way. they can listen to what he said about them, or the crating authorities, having no real opportunities to achieve their goals on the battlefield, have resorted to terrorism. there are a systematic showing of the civilian population and public infrastructure in russian regions. sabotage, rates are being carried out in the border area. ukrainian special services are actively recruiting young people to engage in terrorist activities by promoting pro ukrainian national as formations on social networks. with the assistance of nato countries, the massive transfer of mercenaries and fighters of international terrorist
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organizations from the middle east, north africa, and afghanistan to ukraine, continues. some of them are used for further terrorist expansion in the commonwealth of independent states. we just had from the head of the, the f s field of federal security services that he said that you created was somehow into twined with nato members. i mean, what role did these need to members play? do you think in the crow cuz effects. uh huh. i think this all has to be taken into wider view point of view, planning and project for the west is buried. anything happens in your train without a western imprint on it now from finance, from weapons from direction on the battlefield. they've decided in the west that they're going to take control of many elements of ukrainian society. and we know that the military campaign is intimately controlled by them. and we also know that the investigative committee in russia has recently over an investigation into the
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activities of companies in you, probably like police law, which hunter boyd was intimately involved in himself. he was a director on the board of the reason that which is to be the energy company in your brain. and the funding and cash from the operation has been used in a terrorist operations against russian interests from within russia. in the new territories of russia, in don't bust on this new guns also in north stream or mac, mac. so this is not as some sort of conspiracy. there's actual investigations that are coming up with the information with the move, with the money the phone describes the type of tyra's rest of interest and you say, oh and we do look, take a step back. and so it takes a while to look at the thing to nato countries by muscle, also involved of the western countries. i mean, you said the money comes from the u. k. the us, what i have about since the start a full team, basically they've been getting involved in ukraine in every aspect. can you give us
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some examples of the sort of thing that they've been involved in? yeah. what it's, it's, it's an open secret now that the c a and m y 6 british intelligence are involved in ukraine. we've had reports from various western media outlets. new york times the washington post talking about how the c a is training, the, the s b u, they're very much feared domestic security service within ukraine. and even back in 2016, the new york times themselves, they wrote an article talking at a very proudly about how the west and security service were training. the new plane in secret service in sabotaged. so to attract russian targets out to the reverse engineer, drones that i kept her from motions like this sort of a list and our look as a new york times article around 2016, the c i a began training and a lead ukrainian commander force known as unit 2245, which captured russian drones and communications gear. so that c,
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i technicians could reverse engineer them and crack moscow's encryption systems. one officer in the unit was carrillo boot on of now, the general leading ukraine's military intelligence and the c. i. a also helped train a new generation of ukrainian spies who operated inside russia, across europe and in cuba and other places where the russians have a large presence. also in the context of the revelations recently that our own, the editor in chief margarita, similar in yon, revealed at german officers talking about how they were going to facilitate and provide weapons. unintelligence dislike the courage bridge and find me. we know that you find a subsidy, no satellite systems, it doesn't have to target these weapons. it doesn't have any storm shuttle him is still nobody's called me. so i was assuming that he doesn't have the capacity to operate these huge operations across the russian frontier on oil refineries, etc. so we know it's all of us and we know from accounts in the western media that
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the nato countries on the proxy. a war that's been wage by the west against ocean is being doing dual. and they feel like the snowball has been rolled in london and washing and thrown from the british law makers in parliament, have welcomed and shared for members of an infamous ukrainian, neo nazi group called the as off battalion. the russian embassy in london denounced the incident as a sign of growing anti semitism in the u. k. he's off his game worldwide notoriety, both for its widespread use of fascist both ongoing insignia and despicable war. crimes against civilians could entertaining clear cut fascists at the houses of parliament. perhaps be a motive for the documented rise in anti semitism in the u. k. to yes of vitality and was represented at a round table by service. men who fought in the city of mario, apple and were former prisoners of war. the fighters spoke to members of the tory
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and labor parties about the struggle to bring home around $900.00 captured as all fighters for still in captivity. former p. m boris johnson took the floor to praise them as heroes. ringback with us we've got more on the story now. we're going across live to former un staff member arguing cott thoughts. thanks a lot for joining us on the program origin. so what do you make the forest johnson, the former prime minister view k calling at the as all the battalion fighters here . ok. but why are you surprised? because it's of the same gentleman who took care of in april 2022 and preventive. came from signing what was then an insured disagreement. so he has
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a yeah, the history of should be say being very ready broke here. but still, i mean, um, as old is a relatively in famous unit, and i'm quite surprised that people in the british parliament entertain them well based on their infamous track record of neo naziism and war crimes. it's committed . what do you think are the potential political implications for the u. k. parliament, after hosting members of this organization? and i don't think they're going to be any political implications because it's just another one and a fairly long line of publications. and you know, you can't prevent someone from hosting, whoever they want, it doesn't send a good signal that, that i completely agree, but i don't very much if it's going to have any significant political impacts on
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the situation. there's no trust between the russia and the u. k, any rate? well on this subject of basically the okay, uh, having the legacy of provocations, the u. k. 4 and secretary said the ukranian troops should be allowed to strike deep within russian territory using western supplied weapons. what do you think about that? yes i, i remember that for a couple of weeks ago that came up, but i taught that once the russian foreign ministry caught in the british ambassador and made it quite clear that threshold were just bond or right. is that right to respond to the british presence anyway and the relative that happened? i've talked back to that back. that's a big from that particular threat. should i say? well, it's all happening. 2 weeks before the d day anniversary. actually when 80 years ago allied forces fought against the germans, were nazis led by nazis at the time?
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obviously, while at the beginning of the ukrainian crisis, western officials were saying that russia was fighting, quote, imaginary nazis and ukraine. would you say this? still imaginary? hey, you know, i'm at this point in time, a position that works so hard and that it doesn't really matter what officials say . i mean that essentially open ends on both sides. and i must say that the size of the day celebration that concern the restaurant has been invited. there was a time when people was saying that pressure shouldn't be invited. so i think that's a good thing. well, what kind of message do you think that this behavior from the west sense, the rest of the global community? i mean, that's fairly obvious, isn't that i mean the supporting the battalion which has been condemned by human rights watch, which has been condemned by amnesty international is not a particularly sensible thing to do for
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a country which considers it tends to be good enough. democracy, all right, form, are you on staff member arjun contacts, thanks for joining us in the program. thank you. and have a new serbia, has condemned a western back to resolution of the united nations saying it was highly politicized . and that it essentially opens pandora's box. you and decided to declare the 11th of july as the day of collaborations, of a contested act of genocide that occurred in a bosnian town nearly 30 years ago. maybe you could swab worse. i would like to unmask this untruth and full justification for passing such a resolution. there is one small country from the balkans that is not afraid to say loudly that will vote against this resolution because this resolution will open at the end from the us books and the 2nd world war we were among very rare people and
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se fuel. that's where i'm tied, that's the entity. and we paid the biggest price associates to, to more than $1000000.00 of serves, were killed either by not to drums, either by nazi cards. why didn't they stopped with that resolution? because they needed this resolution in this particular moment. why were your settings remember states those who didn't want to vote in favor of this resolution? saying that if they don't vote in favor of that resolution, they will not get to your support your help when they cannot make general the other issues is that to european values, democratic values are your thoughts that i was not going to be able to speak up about it, i have kinds of examples about it serves across the balkans have been marching in protest against the winds move to commemorate the battle of several breeds for server needs. so as an act of genocide,
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thousands of ethnic serbs gathered in the national capital of montenegro. they spoke out against that government for having voted for the resolution which was being pushed by germany. they described it as a betrayal of their trust in the states. 84 countries voted in favor of this revolution. a resolution 68, abstained. and another 19 including russia, china and serbia voted against it. russia's investor to the united nations said it was an abuse of the general assembly as requesting germany's role in getting the measure past. i'm just waiting for this is this the president distinguished colleagues we've witnessed today is sad chapter in the history of the un. number of delegations lied to by germany, decided to abuse the authority of the general assembly and under the guise of a resolution to declare the day of commemoration of political declaration. whose goal is to demonize, one of the peoples of the former yugoslavia. but once even more surprising is that
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the main phone's the oldest resolution is germany. germany we started to weld, was in the 20th century, killed millions of people in concentration. camps is responsible for mass atrocities in africa and participated most actively in the breakdown of yugoslavia and the bombings of syria, hugo in 1995. that country is now trying within the united nations general assembly to lecture of it is about the importance of reconciliation. we convinced that germany has no moral authority to even mentioned the time of genocide to describe anything other than the atrocious crimes. there is no recognition from the united nations general assembly of the crimes committed by the nazis against the peoples of the former soviet union or the peoples of former yugoslavia. and that was pointed out by new bands. yeah. and if we're not going to acknowledge the crimes that the german nazi is committed during the 2nd world war, why should one of the and in 1995 be singled out? now other countries oppose the resolution,
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including nicaragua and the democratic republic of the congo. when they spoke, they emphasized that the resolution seemed pretty counter productive. but i see you then mister president. in this assembly is increasingly notorious that there is a double standard in the western world that has no limits. our general assembly continues to be a victim of manipulations, and it's used to advance political agendas and specific interest of western countries. the draw resolution is present, it is conceived as an antagonistic act by one community against another. it will be counter productive and deep and the divide. it will not strength and peace and will lead to new ways of tensions. we are shocked to see that some perpetrators of atrocities in the democratic republic of congo are amongst the initiators of this resolution. as if they have any sympathy for the victims of stray, bernita, china and cuba also oppose the resolution saying it demonizes and singles out
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certain countries and is not really helpful in the process of building peace in the world. what was mainly western countries in their long time, allies that voted in favor of the resolution. 68 countries chose to abstain. and among them, there were many different sentiments are reflected a number of the countries that they did want to commemorate the genocide. but they felt that the manner of declaring july 11th and international day was irresponsible, more preparation and discussion needed to be done about how to be doing so. and how to commemorate the crimes of 1995 in a way that brought peace and further peace in the world. now in addition to that, we heard brazil that spoke about how they certainly wanted to commemorate the events of 1995, but they did not steal. it was appropriate to commemorate a genocide from decades ago while israel was committing what they considered to be a genocide. in gaza, similar sentiments came from indonesia and syria. july 11th 1995. you had roughly
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8000 boys and men who were killed in by bosnian serbs now in 2007. the international court of justice declared the events based on their legal understanding of the term to be a genocide. and that ruling came down, arguing that what took place was indeed genocide all now in 2015, a similar resolution put forward at the un security council was vetoed by russia. and the important thing to remember about today's proceedings at the un general assembly was it. all parties were horrified by the events that took place. there was no attempts to downplay or deny the horrendous atrocities of 1995. however, the emphasis was on how best to commemorate the events and move forward, creating peace in the world to make sure nothing like what happened on july 11th 1995 good ever happened again. there was
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a feeling that is resolution and is ratified international day of reflection in commemoration was not really conducive to bringing the con the parties of the region together. it was simply going to reopen old wounds and as we heard from the serbian leader opened pandora's box, it was not strategic and did not really serve the purpose. that those who put it forward said it would serve. we discussed this issue with a serbian american journalist who said that the resolution violates a peace agreement as well as bosnia is constitution or even some of those who voted for it's literally said we understand that this is an extremely politicized species . attempts to distract from the event and gaza. but because of our ethnic and religious solidarity, we're going to vote for it anyway. which was, you know, their, their shame not mine. here we have this advance. that is, i believe, unique in human history because it's declared the existence of genocide in one town
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based on people who died, who were mainly combatants of the military formation. that by the one's own roles, did not have any right to be there to begin with. at and here's germany, which is essentially the, the reason that the term genocide came into being that the un itself came into being in 1945 because of that, what the germans did to the european jews as well as millions of others including the serbs. i would add during world war 2 and here in germany, trying to whitewash this by the, you know, sponsoring this resolution. and, you know, here's these people who are, by the way, obviously working with the us and u. k. and the rest of nato trying to impose this agenda on to you when on the 20, the, even not even, not even on the 29 sent over 3. because that apparently is somewhat significant of a date for them. but you know, months before that. and so what not clearly because something else is happening
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that they want to distract from. and they wanted to throw a bone to most one countries which are there currently feuding with because of this event that everybody is avoiding dimension and, and we're supposed to just ignore this and go along. and again, regrettably, some of the countries from the organization of islamic confidence went along with this plan and even admitted that they were going along with it. but they voted for it anyway. and again, that's their shame. and that we go to tell the visa salt on palestine where the israeli military is not only fighting and gaza, but also with has below along the northern border. the latest strike on neighboring lebanon killed one man and wounded 3 children. according to lebanese media, the children were head well on their way to school. the idea of claim that had killed a has bullet commander and the lebanese group confirmed that
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a fighter had been killed but did not specify his right and retaliation. as bullet fired dozens of rockets into northern israel, but no one was hurt. israel's prime minister has claimed that his army has surprising plans for restoring security on the northern border. now the news, the french president, the manual macro on, has held back on a controversial voting reform for the pacific island territory of new caledonia as after local protests against the measure descended into the worst violence in the region in decades. so it gives us cuz i have pledged that this way form will not be forced through in the current context and that we will allow some weeks to allow the coming of pensions and resumption of dialogue to find a broader cord. 6 people were killed when the protests devolved into violent riots . frances tried to quell the unrest, but has not addressed the root cause, but the reform would dilute the rights of indigenous voters. instead,
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paris has chosen to block the social network, tick tock in the region, saying the app was used to for meant the uprising. friends also considered downgrading internet access for the territory on that plan was spread net by 2 feet of flood. even though we raised the issue in the sending of reports on the rights for some reasons, the decision was not made to reduce the internet access from 5 g to g for all social networks or data for finding out now directly from the front end. here are ministers yet identify now speaking in a parliamentary commission on the unrest in frances overseas territory, new caledonia, that the government actually considered working hand in hand with a publicly owned internet provider over there to cut off for g and 5, g internet, reducing it to 2 g, which basically just allows people to send text messages at most, but doesn't allow for them to use apps or social media or for other people in new houses already as even pay for their burger and fries with
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a banking card. because that requires a higher speed network. guess it's not technically cutting off the internet of people can still use to g and send texts like the cops empowering of your car and saying that you can always just take the bus to work or hey, no in stopping you from going and getting a horse but ultimately the government just decided instead to band tick tock and they forgot about reducing the speed based on what existential proof of the apps responsibility for what's going on in new caledonia. none really, it's just a theory. so it gets into the, to give it the loan, the question of tick tock, which had been widely used. it was due to the exceptional circumstances that the prime minister allowed this decision to be taken in conjunction with the government of new caledonia until during the riots in france back in june of last year, over a 17 year old of north africa in orange and getting smoke by a french cop in suburban parents for failing to abide by a traffic stop. the government contacted online platforms like to talk an snapshot
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and got them to sense or content that the government considered probably magic or provoking things even further. of course, that censorship under the pretext of curtailing unrest could never end up becoming a precedent resulting someday and more extensive censorship. for other things that establishment politicians consider inconvenient. right? to switch you on a decision on the bicycle, the government's decision to suspend take talk. so the chinese interference, the russian interference with the attack kind of bringing down the entire intimate network just before the president's arrival in new caledonia plus tested by john. that's too much says i made of course the senate is currently debating a bill on foreign interference and from these yourselves, which is massive, not just in new caledonia, but all over the country. a mess comes from many countries. for buffalo, russia and china. it's time to stop denying it, it's time to protect ourselves against a scene. so some of the opposition politicians, notably on the left,
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are demanding that the government show its work on the tick tock ban and to actually connect the dots, improve how exactly tick, tock and other social media apps are directly responsible for feeling any violence in new caledonia, rather than just operating on hunches and theories, what is happening right now is unprecedented. no country in europe has ever banned tick tock and government officials have provided no evidence to show the networks linked to the violence. only one argument young people use this network. the government considered them guilty by definition because of their age. we are facing an extremely serious liber decide will drift. the arguments developed at the hearing by the government, is still nation. no evidence is produced to legitimize the use of the band. no connection is demonstrated between the use of take talk and the volumes. this is a guilty indulgence in the use of custodial and mattress. this measure is not legitimate and the government is floundering to justify yet another attack on
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freedoms in a context of colonial repression. hey, look, it's not like riots in france suddenly became a thing when social media came along, but that hasn't stopped french president in under, in that whole, from scapegoating. it, no doubt that's more convenient than revisiting his government's new policy that set off this whole crisis. the one that would mean adding thousands more voters to electrolysis on the island. if those people have been there for 10 years and giving new comers more power than to dilute the electronic voice of the native count acts on the land up until the expiration of the new may accords with france just recently had been given relative autonomy over its electoral process, but before mac home was blaming social media, he was blaming video games for causing glass summers. riots around mainland france . we saw on several of them snapshot take talk on several audits, the violem gatherings being organized in a sort of copycatting of allowance. these i'm on the younger slates. uh,
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sort of escape from reality. and we sometimes have the feeling that some of them are living into the streets of the video games that haven't bucks, like 8 of them. i assume this platforms to be responsible. so it's pretty clear that last year nicole had a theory that young people were going around setting france on fire because they just think they're living in a giant video game and can tell the difference between life behind the screen and life in front of it. turns out expert said that was totally wrong, which doesn't really bode well for his funding. new theory that tick tock causes. right. thanks for watching our to international stick around for more news and just about 30 minutes the .


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