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tv   Direct Impact  RT  May 24, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EDT

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the slates uh, sort of escape from reality. we sometimes have the feeling that some of them are living to the streets of the video games that havent bucks a to them. i assume this platforms to be responsible. so it's pretty clear that last year nicole had a theory that young people were going around setting france on fire because they just think they're living in a giant video game and can tell the difference between life behind the screen and life in front of it. turns out expert said that was totally wrong, which doesn't really bode well for his binding new theory that tick tock causes. right. thanks for watching r t international. stick around for more news and just about 30 minutes. the the and hello again everybody. i'm rick sanchez and this
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is direct impact. also, this is what we're going to be talking about today. arden's norway in spain are 9 say that we recognize the space of policy, the prime ministers of spain and ireland and norway farming there knows that israel and the united states. and you're going to hear why they explained that. i'm rick sanchez. let's do it. the the so yeah, we're going to begin uh, we're going to be going to show with uh, so much startling announcement that is making the is really governmental maybe that, that yahoo and the united states, the state department here is how many furious, 3 countries have suddenly just come out and together in a joint news conference, no less. they are defying both the united states and israel by calling for the
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immediate establishment of a free palestinian space. now i'm a play for you. i'm going to play for you the statements that were made by the prime ministers of both spain and norway. back to back. here we go. all the time has come to, to action, to the movie and you know, some, some things are listed in union that we are with them. all us the and then the new and have a fundamentally independent right to their own. and they installed both of his relatives and it was simians have the right to live in peace, even their respective states that they don't think there cannot be able to stay a solution in rome and without a palace, city and state. he goes on to say there can never be peace in the middle east without a palestinian state. those are really important words. those are really important words because i think everybody who could faint properly would agree with him, right? but this is a big deal for other reasons. it's because most of you know who watch my show
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regularly and thank you so much to all of you who do all over the world and that, you know, that we regularly talk about this, how the world has divided among the, the why it's right. the, i mean there's the west, obviously led by france and the brits and the united states. in other words, the old colonial guard. and then they, they tend to agree on backing israel at all costs. in fact, those countries tend to agree on most states. and then there's the global south, right? they're led by india, china, russia and south africa and brazil. and they're ron and even saudi arabia to a certain extent growing into that area. and it's a growing list of other countries. countries are all tend to agree more than they disagree, so it's the west and the global. so that's what's happening in our world right now . unfortunately, in the united states, nobody reports, there's, nobody even knows this is happening, but it's important. and here's why this becomes important lightly. we've seen
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a real fisher emerging between the western countries a little bit of a separation. the gap, right? this is a good example of that. i mean, here's ireland in norway and spain, literally plumbing their noses at washington. and the is really government. you wouldn't expect that us says they're wrong and they shouldn't be doing this. they're mat washington's bad method. yeah. who is furious, and who better to speak for both of them? lindsay graham. ah, yes. the so called tough guy sen, known for his fake accent and his big lifestyle. these are allies, but they need to hear from a friend what you did as a reference book to my friends in ireland, spain and norway. what you did was reward him off. here's the message you're sending kill jews and you'll get a reward. yeah, so you know what, he's really hearing what he's saying there. i mean according to lindsey,
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you can't give palestinians of state because they're all terrorists actually saying he saying if you will, if you give them a state your warning terrorists, right? so you know, every single one of them, the grandmother's, the babies, all the people in palestine, all the people in gauze are terry says the man who lives a secret life. um no, i'm bringing you in. this is kind of an interesting reaction from him. i see you smiling, i don't know why. maybe it's because of what i've just said. it'd be um, but uh you say what as well 1st i, i can't speak to whatever his personal lifestyle is. but i will say if it walks like a dock and it quacks like a dock, then it's a war hawk. but learning may 28. that is when a, spain, norway, and ireland will officially make their reckoning recognition official on paper. we should note that 7 members of the 27 member states in the european union
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already officially recognized palestine as a state. 5 of them are former of what we would call east block countries. and some of them going as far back as 1988 in recognizing a palestinian as an independent state suite. and in 2014 they had already said that they recognized palestinian palestine as a state. and remember they are the newest members in tomato. so this rick, i think, shows a lot of, yeah, fraction in this, you know, nato e u membership because there's a lot of overlap. it's a big deal. you're absolutely right. if i was to show you a map of the world right now, and you can probably find it, you would see that most of the global south community is long ago decided that palestine deserves to be a country and deserves to be a state while we're now seeing 40 a 140 of them see 140 countries rick out of a 190 roughly in the world. that's amazing. thanks for once again,
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being ahead of me on that manila. all right, so, so let's talk about this. now. there's a new study out there. it was published by uh, by axioms, founded as i was surfing last night with my wife no less. and, and this thing is catching fire on the internet. it what it reveals about young americans and what they say about their country, our country who live here in the united states compared to what their parents and their grandparents think. this is remarkable. look at this, all right, put it up. look at this one older americans. that's why people like me age 59 to 70 . we're asked if they believe in america. if they're still patriotic. 76 percent said yes. they still believe in america, they're still patriotic. then they ask the same question of gen z, here's people 18 to 26. only 32 percent said the same. that's crazy. how different that is now now look what they said when they were asked if the us is the best place in the world to live in
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a her americans ask is the us the best place to live in in the entire world? well, 66 percent said yes, i want to live in the us. i don't want to live anywhere else. but look at jim's ears, only 33 percent said they think they live in the best country in the world. look, i expect that there was going to be a disparity, but i mean, this is a day lose between these 2 groups. manila, what do you think of this? well, i mean, part of that is the use is partially inexperienced in life. as far as saying the us isn't a wonderful place to live. i have lived overseas and i'm part of the gen x generation that nobody everybody forgets about. they just talk about boomers and, and the gen the but the older you get, you kind of have more appreciation for where you live, but is the united states a perfect place? of course not. but i think there were some other important measures that these holes did, especially talking about the economy. yeah. which obviously millennials got screwed
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with the housing boom and then boss. and now the gen z are, are also getting screwed with a terrible economy. is there a graduating college? think about this. our grandparents in the united states used to have one salary and with one salary, they own their own home. they often had a 2nd home like a little lake cottage or something. they usually own their own car and they went on vacation, 2 or 3 times a year, tried doing the day, trying to try try being a 25 year old with a new family graduated from college 5 years ago and tried to do that today. and the that it's impossible, but just the numbers just don't add up. so you're right with you. you mentioned 2025 and married. that's also on the decline here in the united states where his marriage was viewed more favorably in the older generation. the younger generation here in america no longer wants to have babies, no one, no longer wants to get married in the 1st place. so for a lot of people, i think you can look at this and more broadly say that this pulling kind of shows
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that the american dream is dead. yeah. yeah. that or certainly, um, like support here. hey, i wanna show you a writer's report that across recently here it is. i think we can put this up as well. look at this headline. apparently the e u as formerly adopting a plan to steal the profit from russian central bank assets that they froze back in february of 2022. they say they will take those winful prophets that don't belong to them. by the way, i guess what they're going to do with them, they're going to give them to ukraine. and so they're going to take the money from russia that doesn't belong to them, but they're just going to freeze it and take it just like when the, when the bank of england took over that as well as gold and sudden that belongs to us. now, a senior russian diplomat has come out and responded to this. he's kind of taking the high road because you'd think you'd be more angry. he's denouncing the plan by essentially saying, go ahead, but sooner or later, you weren't going to have to return to russia. what belongs to russia,
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he goes on to say, what has been stolen is the word he uses from russia. this does beg the question, doesn't it vanilla, how can one country take the assets of another country and then hand it over to a 3rd country that just seems crazy on its face? no matter your reason? well, i mean, it's either just plain old fast or one might call it piracy. but listen, rick, this will serve to further disrupt the us financial system or, or the western financial system more broadly. this is going to shake for an investor trust in the us in western banking. and as you said, if we harkened back to just 2022, what the bank of england did, refusing to return $1620000000.00 worth of ben is willing gold because they say they don't recognize nichol. ask them a doodle as the president in favor of one guy. no. this just shows the arbitrary nature of western banking, and have been politicized,
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been later weaponized against those they deem its enemies. so if western banking doesn't, you know, separate itself from political decisions like this, i'm afraid this is going to spell disaster for the rest of us who live in the western world, especially as bricks, nations develop their own system of currency. and that's going to counter the euro, it's gonna weekend the, the us dollar as the currency do your that's yeah, that's well said, i also liked the way you tried to and grinned yourself by saying nicholas, my doodle so well done there. hey, i'm around faith. you live in america? oh, great, go, sorry. the bags have a fantastic weekend by the way, thanks for it. when we come back, we're going to be taking you to take a rob here from a popular podcast or in research or about what's gonna happen there after the death of the president, you heard about his helicopter crashing president, right? easy so, so tara, so becky is going to join us here. next,
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don't go away the the same wrong. just don't you have to shape out to come to the application and engagement you close the trail. when so many find themselves will support, we choose to look for common ground the
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so welcome back. let me tell you about my next guest to jose popular podcast. it's called twice told tales. she's also a researcher at the university of care on. so tara subject is good enough to join us. thank you so tara, for taking time to talk to us today by for having me, rick. so, um, it's been a rough week. uh, we reported it as breaking news when it happened. it seems very curious. uh, the president's helicopter, going down in the fog, what's been the reaction there in iran, and what do you expect this will change or not change in terms of uh, the government of iran to well, the people,
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the nation has been receiving the new useless grief and shock, even a lot of people who did not even vote for him or did not necessarily agree with some of his policy, especially in economy because of what the nation has been going through in terms of the economy, hardship. mm. uh, partly due to sanctions, but also because of the mismanagement inside iran. but they regarded him as an honest and hard working president who was very soft laws and wanted to work hard to bring a better like the better conditions for the nation. i attended the funeral and to her on it actually talks to, you know, other people who were attending the funeral and a couple of people that i talked to who are from the working class. shelton said that the felt they have lost their father or a very dear family member. and there were there were people who were crying and
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weeping. the passing away. uh uh their presidents and um, it was very shocking obviously because uh we, we lost both our press. yes, i would imagine. i mean, you know, it's funny is i watch this and as i listen to you, um, it makes me think of how different the reality of a ron must be. from what most people in the west perceive, especially here. i mean, you're speaking to me from here on in here, i am in the united states of america where we are bludgeoned with information about everyone in iran as a terrace. everybody. there is miserable. the government is horrible. people are unhappy. i mean, they, they, they, they make this picture the so dismal, it can't possibly be true. can you just for the sake of our own enlightenment and edification, help us understand what it's like to live in or on as well. i would
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recommend everyone to try and visit iran, and i have friends coming from your road from america, from latin america, from australia, new zealand, china, russia, and everywhere to come in. and everyone tells the story of the story of how they were surprised, how they were positively shocks that this, the things that they had heard was very different from the reality is on the ground . but apart from that, they can also maybe watch my youtube channel and our product. yes. because that's what i tried to do to offer a very different perspective of what's going on in iran. and there are around in, on social media including instagram, including the ex, or formerly twitter. they're talking about a reality is on the grounds and people can follow them apart from that. there are, for example, travelers i know at least 2 american travelers and travelers from other countries
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who have like they have travel around the world. and everyone has been one of the destination that they have visited. and they're saying that it's so underrated and it's just so different from everything that they have here is uh, mainstreaming mainstream media about it wrong. but apart from that we're, we're just human peace. yeah. right. like everybody else in the world and we're living our normal life. uh, what about what about for when? what about for women? i see i see pictures of a ron and that you see pictures of malls and you see young people out there hanging around and dating and dancing and having parties. and most of the time i see pictures of women, some of them who choose to cover their heads and others who don't choose to cover their heads. it, they do have the chart. they do have a choice, right? it's not like there's no police out there, right? to i mean there are, there are cases where the police would talk to like the stop people to tell them that they need to observe
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a dress code. but it really depends on the culture of that area. so i can't say that it's right to like, there is no policing of the dress code, but it's, it's, for example, in my city because i'm originally from us for hon. the, the city is conservative. but there are maybe a couple of places that you would see, the police standing and telling people the thing that they do is they walk to people and tell them that they have a need to observe or just go. but apart from that, it's like, as you said, you walk in the malls on the streets, in coffee shops. i don't know a lot of places, especially during the past few years. you see people that are not even covering their head and nothing happens to them. so it's, you know, it's not a ballistic society and we have a people who wants to where if people don't want to wear it, but because they think it's part of the culture and like they wants to, you know,
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um that's interest. this almost similar to other people in the car and so that they don't stand out. yes, there are areas during the work where it but yes, we have women writing bicycles working as professionals, a 70 percent of our university students are women. women are in the parliament, like in the executive branch. women are judges or lawyers, doctors, athletes. we have women who have one metals in international competitions. uh that. so yeah, it's, yeah, it the, the, the start what you're saying. and the story we are told by i hollywood and buy are politicians and buyer, or 2 completely different stories. it's, it's too bad that i know it's to fact that we live in a world where,
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especially us as americans, i mean, my gosh, we are so kept in the dark about so many things in this world. and that's why it's so important to try and have a global perspective as we try to present here on the show on a daily basis. let me ask you about, you mentioned social media. as soon as the president's helicopter went down, i mean the social media and the google's, as we like to say, the internet exploded with everybody immediately saying, all this had to be is real. this had to be israel, or maybe even israel with the help of the united states. and maybe it's because it was after all, a bell helicopter, which is made by the united. there's all kinds of stories out there. i have not seen a shred of evidence that proves that there was anything involving foul play that this may have just been a helicopter going down. but for some reason that seems to be the scuttlebutt. is it the same? are you hearing the same things there and iran to yeah, actually there are people who are talking about how it could be israel. lower people will actually side with confidence, not because they have evidence,
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but because they know their history of the israel and the us hosted it is against iran. israel has assassinated our nuclear scientists. israel has worked with the c, i a to train the most notorious, the terrorist inside the us to just carry out assassinations of our nuclear scientists. israel in america, have armed and fund terrace groups against us. israel has attacked our embassy and see yeah. uh yeah, i mean there is just all sorts of hospitals that israel has to be carried out against the ronnie, ronnie, a nation. so why not point the finger to israel when uh, when you don't, you're not sure. but as you said so far, there is not really a evidence what exactly happened, investigations are going on. and there are number of factors that make people speculate so that there is foul play on an or like chances upside latasha or assassination cannot be totally ruled out and goes back along those factors. i can
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refer to the fact that as he asked also by johnny have president and he's an x ray aside, he's a special ally of the, to the yahoo israel and the was have a significant presence in azerbaijan. and there's also the fact that, for example, um, if a couple of these really official accounts as though you're talking about assassinated or celebrating within the 1st hours that we were hearing, that there's like cars landing and the stuff still we were not even sure what has happened, they were to, we didn't get celebrating the gases of the, even in president. there's also this unit on the founder of the s d b. i mark, um i forgot this last name. no. but he treat that, that, that, that there is evidence. i mean, he's saying that there is evidence that some of the just sit in groups inside iran
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and might have been involved in or the assassination attempt, which looks like a more like cover up for his room. but at this point we don't really. yeah, i think, i guess how, yeah, i think conjecture at this point would not be responsible, certainly not from a journalistic standpoint. nonetheless, we know that the bladder is out there. we're down to about a minute and a half and i, and that would be remiss if i didn't ask you about your thoughts on the situation right now in the, in gaza. what israel has been doing. it would seem to me that, you know, israel wasn't a pretty good place, perception wise world wide up until this moment. iran was not. i almost think they're kind of trading places. perception wise, globally in the last uh yeah. since october 7th. do you agree as well? i think um, after the uh uh, operation against this really occupation in garza and the siege
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against garza. uh huh. i mean, we have for 75 for more than 75 years. we have been witnessing the crimes of the state of israel against palestinians. how do we actually post indians but syrians loving these iranians, even americans, i mean, american taxpayers are paying for all these crimes that are being carried out and committed in, in palestine. but after what happened then they'll do perception. and there was uprising from the resistance groups in, in palestine. the narrative, as you said, started to change. yeah. there was so many life there was telling everyone and they were, it goes and the word journalist a reporting on social media life from uh, whatever was happening in gaza and nobody can turn a blind eye to the genocide that is going on. and no matter how is real tries to
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cover up, people will understand the worst day on presidente, like student protests and lea wise jewish community, i think up against a guest for later israel. so yes, the perception is changing and it's not, it's not benefiting israel. and yeah, we're seeing that in here for the countries like, yeah, and we're seeing that countries like iran who's ports policy in the use of the house, i mean, resistance and will support where it gets the genocide receiving them better and more positive. yeah, yes i, i am kind of seeing that as well, and then it's flipping that way and i think it's probably because of some of those actions. and by the way, you have been an absolute delight to talk to thank you so much. you're smart, you've got a great personality, you're easy to talk to. and i thank you for, for taking time to share your story and good luck with your pod can give us the name of it one more time. uh uh, thank you for having me. thanks for giving us. oh, are offering a different perspective on the ground in the wrong,
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which is something that the main stream media would never do. and the name of what i guess is twice told tales podcasts, it's a youtube channel and get sick. thanks so much, we certainly appreciate it's tara for sharing your time with us and that is our show. remember to always look outside your own boxes. i like to say because truths don't live in boxes. i'm rick sanchez to look for you next to the when the world's largest democracy votes, the rest of the planet watches in emerging multi polar world. india's voice matters . but who will be the power behind watches, almost 1000000000 people decide and billions more, react the
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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the since world war 2, united states has fostered extremist anti russian prejudices and hatreds among the
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ukrainian d. as for at least in canada, united states and countries in eastern europe, probably everywhere. and it doesn't matter what these groups say or do they will support them. if it is, the groups are causing hatred and chaos within the target country. joe again might done on the choose the gun scale or sort of do when i was one of the middle. i know myself, it just means that the printer was using just $50.00. let me see. i see i use is anyone at any time if there's a religion the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the breaking news here on our to international russian authorities have confirmed that ukrainian military intelligence was involved in the deadly terrorist attack on the moscow concert hall 2 months ago. more than 20 suspects had been arrested so far. the british parliament hosts the members of the neo nazi as all the battalions as former p. m. boris johnson calls the mirror.


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