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tv   News  RT  May 24, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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the, the, the is the most immediacy for me to open. and any other action ended up, 5 governor siding an immense risk to the palestinian population, the international court of justice and the hague. orders and immediate halts to israel's military operation in the southern gauze and city of rough tracking tower. 2 months on from the massacre. and at moscow concert hall and russia says ukrainian military intelligence was directly involved, more than 20 suspects had been arrested so far. and the top times for ukraine as those forcibly mobilized, don't even manage to make it to the battlefield and died at conscription send
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the it's a wonderful spring evening here in the russian capital. and you're watching our t international. i'm your host donald quarter. welcome to the program. we start this hour with breaking news and just a few hours ago, the international court of justice and the hague, ordered israel to immediately stop. it's military operations in the southern gauze and city of reform. the quotes considered, is that in conformity with the obligation under the genocide convention, is that it must immediately behold. it's mindy to offense and any other accident ended up on a government which may inflict on due by assuming a group and gaza conditions of life. that would bring about its physical destruction in hold or input in the presidency consensus. the court is also of the view that in order to piece of evidence related allegations of ass forwarding
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within the scope of up to 3 outside convention is must be effective measures for insured b and b, the access to the guy, the script of any commission of inquiry fact finding mission or ever investigated by the mandated by competent organs of the united nations to investigate allegations of general. so i want to get more on this breaking news story. we're going across live now to our to correspondence know, love we'll come get who's joining us from south africa. so can you take us through what the hague court has ruled and what does this mean for the conflict right now? it's being conducted by israel and gaza as well. the international court of justice headboard has or to draw the is all to immediately stop it submitted to assaults on the left side with more than 1000000 people that sought to refuse in dire
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conditions. in fact, it was such and such as of the 15 that has agreed that to the situation in the fast is it completes the red line. seeing that it entails for the risk of a repairable home to the human rights of people and does not even know thing back to more than 800000 people had been forced to flee a lot faster. this is really forces begin round operations, and it gave us the head been once the kid is safe. so is the judge now watched salon also say is the situation has changed since the i j made is previous orders and conditions that had been made. so phone you emergency misses in the case of further stating that as judges, if they are not convinced that the evacuation, if it's and related miss has that as well. a sense to have undertaken sufficient haven't listen to this when the basis of information for the quote is not convince that the investigation efforts and the latest measures that is the
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funds to have undertaken to enhance the security of civilians. because a split and particularly those recently displaced from that of government is sufficient to live. ready immense, it is which the by the city and population is exposed as a result of the media to offensive. and the so i'm says that provisional misses that had been previously ordered by the court in march did not fully address the situation in gaza. you'll also maintain that this emergency order was necessary due to the distraction and the disastrous communitarian situation. in guys, the court has made as the orders alongside the halting of military, such as for as well to report to the courts within one months. and it's appropriate and applying the business or did from today on was and also to open the footboard, the crossing would egypt for
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b and c. off you may need to be an aide. it is the 1st time that the court has told as well to hold it's going to show up for races as a previously, i'm just for that as well to prevent access genocide and allow age in. so guys, us, and today's ruling is of course pots of a must be got case both by south africa choosing is well also committing genocide a days palistine is in does that is all has a taken offense on those accusations of rejecting the claims and as false and saying that they are baseless, and we do know that the international court of justice is not expected to deliver it, rolling on that part of the case for several years, but to a very recent and very urgency. so that's because i did off the court to take these urge and mrs, which is essentially a court injunction that can freeze a situation to prevent any harm being done before a final cause finding is released. so that's because also recently said that the
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previous rulings from the best talent useful to prevent the farms and guys that have not succeeded. so this was pictorial seeking and explicit or the at this point so that the guy has welcome to court order as well to stop is offensive or philadelphia. and it is also, it's just as the you in member states to beckett's, the policy and then also already it has also been reported a welcoming the i c. j decision saying that it's a represents an international consensus. and israel's one does not write or to correspond to know who you're welcome. good, thanks for bringing us those details from johannesburg, south africa. now speaking of south africa, the countries foreign minister has held the decision by the i see job a i c j saying that the strong wording provisional measures is a very clear call for succession. the director general of the nation's department of international relations and cooperation called the verdict,
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groundbreaking. so the wheel comes goodly made by the court. today. the court essentially quoted israel to hold its military operations in that of the area. it is ordering the major party game, this conflict in each village and an action against the people. this is a crown, but breaking decision by the court. the court has ordered israel to ensure that the, the allows access to investigate, does appointed very comfortable. that's of the you in between risk gate actions that would be tantamount to genocide in the whole of kaiser. again, this is important because it allows for independent researches to go into it is that journalist have been prohibited from virtually serving cube. we need to point out that this order, like the others,
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are obligated to be sure they are binding and israel has to adhere to the safe but the straits that these are the states. the state parties of the genocide convention also garage to, to speak to does the good. and we will be engaging with the state parties to ensure that in the interest of prospecting and promoting international that they to ensure that the big right to the court orders that are suppressed today. well, from our reaction now and this breaking news story, we're crossing live to the former palestinian national economy minister and ceo of uh, pharma care p l. c bus. him. corey, thanks for joining us on the program, sir. so this, i've decided to make this decision by the international criminal uh, the, the i, c, j has ordered israel to halt it's offensive. and rough on this, on paper of course, is a good step, but how likely do you think it is that israel will comply?
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well, 1st of all, i think it's a very good step. it says step that i, that actually decides that this is exactly what the request by south africa was to, to us, to court order this. we have to order a petition about fox. so the court is obliged, and gave all the adjoining line. it was what the south african request was. the i think this time it's different because it said that some say that this request which from is a, it's not the domain to the best effort, not to harvest the videos that and to limit the number of people being generated. i'd like to engage in genocides, similar to the previous lives. it's of explicit all done that they have to post the it isn't sweet sweet parts of the or that was one of the one they have to hold to the producers enough office number 2, they have to open the border crossing. so it's a very explicit to ask a number,
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see, they have to allow that dimension of investigators. so we come in to investigate it to make sure that, that the evidence of, i mean what times this topic. so actually it is very explicit or that that's what actually i believe it's different than the ones that was in the past. the past that was more journeymen. and now that you go to the un security concept adopted seriously, that the us would veto a decision taken by the international court. and of course, if the us does not veto, then that couldn't be doesn't a game changer. and it's the usb does. it was be another proves that to us is not really interested in that little flaw in international that international each is system operating properly that most interested in protecting the procedure. is that a, i was speaking of that. i mean, recently we saw the international criminal court suggests potentially putting out
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an arrest for and for benjamin that's on yahoo. and the reason the american reaction to that was to suggest potentially sanctioning that organization. so if israel dismisses this ruling, would you say that it would lead to any condemnation from its western partners? i don't think is a just dismiss, substituting just like i don't think i said can't dismiss the i c j, i see it. uh, it gives the thing, you know, if there's nothing you know as us to bypass the judges, not to do it on that. what that, that would be that and what i'm showing is that asked if, if nothing ever has been lost out. i think you'd be making a big mistake. it today, even the strongest outline of the, as a germany was explicitly saying, but if nothing else, steps, foot in germany, the jumping off auditors would not estimate them. yeah. so i think the game is changing. i think the dimensions on the courts i suggest, has given is that old and it's linked in the 1st link and the give them another
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role in the 2nd truly at all to get out of the mess that unfortunately isn't used at all. or maybe fortunately, just leaving only be that touch on that is that is that the target search, instead of doing things in accordance with the international dogs and what the i, c, c and i, c, j expect. and what the national to tennessee expects us is it or they do the exact same exact opposite and continued on the actions which on the genocide on domestic lansing above the french. i'm the 5 most likely it is not. i think that would be awesome. now is there in the course of situations is definitely an injured bed, of course is buyers could be very helpful. but the, i think, and that's in the, i don't know is not in a position to be able to move as much to what you said the game is changing right now. and i think i have to say, i agree that it really looks like that because,
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you know, we spoke about the international criminal court decision. we've got this i c j decision. and it's also happening at the same time the palestine is going to be recognized by 3 more western nations as an independent state this week. and israel's, of course, fuming over that decision as well. so do you think this is the beginning of a sort of a wider wave of pro palestinian sentiments in the international community? and if that's the case, what do you think the ramifications are going to be? but i think that this dash, it, all you need to do is watch the graduations from the american universities. today, i was watching the harvard graduation. what thousands of students, thousands of students stood up waiting basically, and slides eh, calling for the city. by this time, look at the statement today by the deputy prime minister with us. the space in which is explicitly spoke about beneficial sort of deep. i'd see them for all the
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between the embassy as many as ladies don't like that because they would expect that this would be at the city and state between the same and actually freedom between that. what are the see also the but i think isn't from the practices of the task because i think in many ways the practices of them today is also affecting it's citizens on the longer. yes, there is a seat of change. it definitely just examples in that direction. i tell you frankly, in my wildest dreams, i didn't expect to see what i'm seeing now, whether indeed against the weather in us 3, whether you guys universities or the decisions of governments that you'd finally say enough is enough. they've been studying people and i've looked through our to, for the last, it's subject to 6 years. it's time to give them just to start to recognize the super fun to stay today as it stands, other than 34 countries in the world to recognize the state of palestine. they,
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i think the number is growing as i expected. it would be for the modem, it'll be in countries, countries that will recognize better starting the next week or 2. and i'm not know, would you say that this demand to end, the military operation and rough thought could equate to a demands to an end the war and gaza in general? or do you think we're a long way from that? the enhanced the world just don't want to to stop the war. no, no, no, definitely. it does the push to stop the war, and it's the 1st step i believe that i think the water is winding down if you will follow the news that now is a, is encouraging or is something to and bushing. it's negotiators to go back to the course you think they, but i believe it has realized that by what by military means, it would not just get the hostages back alive, then we get them in bodies, the delivery to get them. and i, so to be honest that i think this is another main,
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the coughing of this work. and as the, the price was extremely high use being about $40000.00 people, just the guys up around $25.00 out of that for to 1000 plus. and unfortunately the climbing and the speaking of the one of the majority of them being women and children so well, that's a 50 percent civilian population. women. interesting it. so the, the numbers are high. yes. the owner does always done the state of destroyed 2 sides of the houses are destroyed, something all the universities, all the, all the interest such as somebody and it just sucks. it has been decimated. however, i believe that that we're going in that direction for the 1st time in the month of history. the yes, there's a high prize, but the prize, hopefully not quite. and jane, and i think now is a, and there's a is they have direct and with, with the hardware, i'm looking at them as a but i, a states and the hospice logistics. what years ago you came out with
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a statement saying that half solutions aren't going to lead to anything in terms of solving the as rarely posting in conflict. would you say that that's still true today? oh definitely. we have to look for it completely different, but i went to try to complete the different i'm in solution. i think now the best i should get denied with sort of d a, but it's the need to reach us the, the necessary, the solutions. and i believe that the, for some of the, this is the dates that we would have like for an access to our borders, to out of space or to i was really played the play. things you know, for everything done is in the, in the definition of the practice that is being practiced by an independent state. and there is otherwise one of the solution. and the, unfortunately for us, i probably as a, as in many ways as, as fault that to the,
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to the means that you something, it's been almost 6 months. i mean, it's in a week then basically be 8 months. and that is that actually nothing, but this thing goes hostages. what, it's just that hostage was deliberate to the life of the, the, of the country. the have the, there is a u. r b, instead of the fishing opportunity once the hostages web and the way, the way you can watch lots, salting and hit old please save us. instead of searching the shop, the, the select the mentality and select staff to do that. but as ladies, this will get can orders of getting after, but the not only been sending us, but also hostages waving white flags. so yes, there should be a new situation that i believe it's just coming. i believe that the last 1875 years 76 years with a hardship that you've been facing this slow to started coming to an end. yes, it is difficult. not a big we say, but thought the spark of the light is the
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o. does the few minutes before the sun comes out? so we are in the darkest? yes, it looks like just the darkest part of the night, but the sun is coming up pushing as well. i'd like to ask you a question. um, not regarding the political situation there, but really the humanitarian situation there because of course, as a ceo of palestinian pharmaceutical company, i'm sure you have unique insight into what the state of the health care system is in god's. i'm sure it's horrible in our view. it should get some information about that. actually the social economic conditions of does not understand extremely, explain the difficult. unfortunately, sometimes only focusing on does a leads get the feeling that the things and the was fine and then just the model. ok. but also the, the situation to respond to is also very about a disease are doing better, some of the incursions into the west, back as it was doing gaza. and what did this week engine in that section,
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but getting the structure of that for such a big structure. and hopefully this will take them to the for the security and infrastructure also by the bank and gaza distribution is worse. of course, all the hospitals that have been related payment must be dysfunctional to those 8. so just thought of that as a business of yourself. that's of the medical care, but the equipment and the hundreds of the doctors have been i've talked to attempting to say that. i mean, what you saw in the rest of those reports that the medical stuff with headsets and will kill somebody executed with that have stayed behind the box and there was the wedding. that's the notion. you guys that might be $2.00 accept to the cloud shift. so a distortion is extremely difficult. i've been in contact with casa, and the studies we hear of some team ownership. and
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a lot of there's one of the things that is not about the only the on people's minds all the time. but you're speaking of thousands of children that you have left without the offering. you know, i or something just claimed that it won't get charged with most inviting developers. i'm just having a bit of discuss houses and such. so actually the capacity of the future is going to be huge in a way, once and diabetes we will get to rooting by the i suggest that this was the genocide, the design will be applied by the total load and also germany as a company that is pushing the side of that is that they would both be applied to a gift compensation local to the city and, and to do the construction not only of the infrastructure but also of people's lives at the, the something with the push foot and the we,
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i believe we don't get and there is. the word is not waking up with a huge unitarian catastrophe. that is going is speaking of hold from it is being wiped up of out of the population and i just didn't. you're speaking welfare of children as young as 2 or 3 left to defend for themselves, but nobody out of the nobody to give them any sort of faded would have coverage. and i didn't know the situation. and the super duty issue asked me, it says that he's is that they thought they wanted to fight from us. but what they did, they for the whole business to be in community. and there was no climb be. there was no speaking of the aspect of that, they asked us to connect frequency and as a result of the home. but it's still going to population as you'd like to defy it to the suggestion. and the in a sense, in the sense that they sort of plan the plan for isolated from us, these functions from us and the,
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in the 7th and they have gone and you guys are switching out for the 3rd time. what's happening today is your body. i, this is the 4th time there isn't a bottom here from the beginning most of the work. and the, the answer to that we have to believe that's the same day. and then there's even the moment there leaves the situation that there's a task to what it was before the answer. so actually the situation of all over the work gossip is affiliate after seeing you after the free you. there's a dis fade to effective, says on october 7th, there's alias failed in the operation to do something and gaza accept killing of women and children accept of the signing of civilian infrastructure. today the pictures are being posted it as a leads as social media, about soldiers burning university hop university libraries. i mean that the, what's more of, of the times if you want more than just if you've seen the edge also of the people
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such as black jeans and what they're doing. and guys that would scold, qualify as well, cards, and they're doing good, the talk and social media and but i doing except like so. so this is, i believe, faith, i'm sure you will be in this war. and the only way out for the service to stop and stop. no, that's why i'm hopeful that that is where he's give directions to it's negotiators to go to describe do just add to sign a d. we will try to close the deal which was accepted. unfortunately resigned issues there and they decided to start to identify and we may not like 1st the steps and why that is in gaza. and we have to active guys a most of the guys are valued it so as to get people from us to gaze. so the answer because of the dentist. oh no, no. if you didn't have, you just have to go south to find units. so they went out to have you this forcing
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$1500000.00 pedestal games to be displays. and then they said, oh no, no, no, no, he's good enough. and then the americans are saying to say is saying that actually 2 thirds of the from us versus other doc, a 2 sides of the problems the time i spent a lot of time. so this tells you that this whole pollution street died. and remember to give them these are the also just most secure us. all right, mr. bass. i'm cory, of really a horrible humanitarian situation there, of course, but hopefully these recent developments, like you said, end up having a positive impact on the situation. so boss inquiry, i mean, i mean the former minister of national academy in the palestinian authority and ceo of pharmacare p l. c. thanks a lot for joining us on the program. thank you, sir. thank you. the reference already say ukrainian military intelligence was directly involved in the deadly terrorist attack on a mosque out concert hall 2 months ago,
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which left $145.00 people dead. the head of the federal security service at an international terrorist group helped train the perpetrators it has been determined that the prepared actions financing attack and get away of the terrorist was coordinated through the internet. with the members of the we lie a horse and group located on the border of afghanistan and pakistan. after conducting the attack, the terrorists were given a clear order to head to the ukrainian border were an opening was being prepared for them. while the investigation is ongoing, it is possible to say with confidence that ukrainian military intelligence was directly involved in this attack. this is alexander board because he's a veteran security chief when he speaks about this stuff, we listen because we've been on tenterhooks, waiting to get more information about the details of what's been going on in the aftermath of the attack, a lot of speculation online about the assault on chrome because the brutal effect
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of course these a attackers were apprehended heading towards ukrainian border. now he's also told us that there's been 20 people detained, the attackers themselves, and a significant network of people facilitating them as well, which is very interesting. there's a huge investigation. the investigation is still ongoing. now bought the calls, made these comments out of commonwealth of independent states meeting, which is an alliance of old soviet states, russia's allies and friends. he also find them interestingly, for their assistance in carrying out the investigation which suggest is a very wide ranging investigation where a lot of these countries these and so many of them i was number 4 because remember there was allegations that this was a and is allowing us to attack and he also has suggested that there was an islamist involvement from an ask on slash pakistani a group striving that sort of wild area between the 2 countries that there was
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involved. but there as well. he also said something very, very interesting about the desperation that this marks, that this type of brutality that no real, as you know of civilized states could possibly be, will be involved in this. and that the ukraine's involvement demonstrates a real sense of desperation that they're losing on the battlefield up their meal. it treat campaign is collapsing. and in the event of that, they're seeking desperately to try and impact bush in any way they can listen to what he said about them or. busy ukrainian authorities having no real opportunities to achieve their goals on the battlefield, have resorted to terrorism through a systematic showing of the civilian population and public infrastructure in russian regions. sabotage, rates are being carried out in the border area. ukrainian special services are actively recruiting young people to engage in terrorist activities by promoting pro ukrainian nationalist formations on social networks with the assistance of nato
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countries. the massive transfer of mercenaries and fighters of international terrorist organizations from the middle east, north africa, and afghanistan to ukraine, continues. some of them are used for further terrorist expansion in the commonwealth of independent states. we just heard from the head of the f. s. field of federal security services that he said that you created was somehow into twined with nato members. i mean, what role did these need to members play? do you think in the crow cuz attacks. uh huh. i think this all has to be taken into wider view point of view, planning and project for the west is buried. anything happens in your train without a western imprint on a know from finance, from weapons from direction on the battlefield. they've decided in the west that they're going to take control of many elements of ukrainian society. and we know
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that the military campaign is intimately controlled by them. and we also know that the investigative committee in russia has recently opened an investigation into the activities of companies in your play, like very small, which hunter, boyd was intimately involved in himself. he was a director on the board of the reason that which is a big energy company in your face and a funding and cash from that operation has been used in a terrorist operations against russian interest from within russia, in the new territories of russia. and don't bust on this new guns and also in north stream or mac, mac. so this is not as some sort of conspiracy. there's actual investigations that are coming up with the information with the move with the money. the form describes the type of tyra's run of interesting you say, i mean we do look, take a step back. and so it will take a while to look at the painter nato countries by must also involve of the western countries. i mean, you said the money comes from the u. k, the us, whatever. but since.


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