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tv   News  RT  May 24, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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when so many find themselves boils, the parts we choose to look so common ground the tracking tower or 2 months on from the massacre. and i'm off gal, concert hall, and russia says ukrainian military intelligence was directly involved, more than 20 suspects had been arrested so far. is the most immediate free hold. if somebody drove in and any other action ended up siding an immense risk to the palestinian population, the international court of justice in the hague, orders and immediate homes to israel's military operations in the southern gauze and city of rep on the flooding airport and says russia is open to holding peace talks with the legitimate authorities and ukraine, the russian leader. question,
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and if you crate president at any legitimacy left the just about 70. i'm here in law scout when you're watching r t international. my name's donald quarter. welcome to the program. our top story, russian authorities say that ukrainian military intelligence was directly involved in the deadly terrorist attack on a small scale concert hall that took place 2 months ago. this left 145 people dead . the head of the federal security service said an international terrorist group helped train the perpetrators it has been determined that the prepared actions financing a tech and get a way of the terrorist was coordinated through the internet. with members of the we lie a horse and group located on the border of afghanistan and pakistan. after conducting the attack, the terrorists were given
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a clear order to head to the ukrainian border, where an opening was being prepared for them. while the investigation is ongoing, it is possible to say with confidence that ukrainian military intelligence was directly involved in this attack. this is alexander board because he's a veteran security chief when he speaks about this stuff. we listen because we've been on 10th a hold waiting to get more information about the details of what's been going on in the aftermath of the attack. a lot of speculation on line about the assault on crow because the brutal effect. of course these a attackers were apprehended heading towards ukrainian border. now he's also told us that there's been 20 people detained, the attackers themselves, and a significant network of people facilitating them as well, which is very interesting. there's a huge investigation. the investigation is still ongoing. now bought the calls made these comments of the commonwealth of independent states meeting,
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which is an alliance of old soviet states, russia's allies and friends. he also find them interestingly, for their assistance in carrying out the investigation which suggest is a very wide ranging investigation. where a lot of these countries these and so many of them uh, most number of publishers. remember there was allegations that this was a and is allowing us to attack. and he also has suggested that there was an islamist involvement from an ask on slash pakistani, a group striving that sort of wild area between the 2 countries that there was involved and there as well. he also said something very, very interesting about the desperation that this marks, that this type of brutality that no real, as you know, of civilized states could possibly be involved in this. and that the ukraine's involvement demonstrates a real sense of desperation that they're losing on the battlefield up, their military campaigns is collapsing. and in the event of that, they're seeking desperately to try and impact bush in any way they can listen to what he said about them or. busy ukrainian authorities having no real opportunities
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to achieve their goals on the battlefield, have resorted to terrorism. they're a systematic showing of the civilian population and public infrastructure in russian regions. sabotage, rates are being carried out in the border area. ukrainian special services are actively recruiting young people to engage in terrorist activities by promoting pro ukrainian nationalist formations on social networks with the assistance of nato countries. the massive transfer of mercenaries and fighters of international terrorist organizations from the middle east, north africa, and afghanistan to ukraine, continues. some of them are used for further terrorist expansion in the commonwealth of independent states. we just had from the head of the, the f s field of federal security services that he said that you created was
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somehow into twined with me. so members, i mean, what role did these need to members play? do you think in the crow? cuz the facts, i think this all has to be taken into wider view point of view, training and project for the west is barely anything happens in your train without a western imprint on a know from finance, from weapons from direction on the battlefield. they've decided in the west that they're going to take control of many elements of ukrainian society. and we know that the military campaign is intimately controlled by them. and we also know that the investigative committee in russia has recently opened an investigation into the activities of companies in you, probably like maurice ma, which hunter bite, was intimately involved in himself. he was a director on the board of the reason that which is a big energy company in your brain and a funding and cash from the operation has been used in a terrorist operations against russian interests from within russia. in the new
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territories of russia in don't based on asking new guns and also in north stream. remarkably. so this is not as some sort of conspiracy. there's actual investigations that are coming up with the information at the move with the money. the form describes the type of terrace and rough. oh, that's interesting. you say, i mean, we do look, take a step back. and so it'll take a while to look at the thing to nato countries by must also involve of the western countries. i mean, you said the money comes from the u. k, the u. s. whatever, but since 2014, basically they've been getting involved in the ukraine in every aspect. can you give us some examples of the sort of thing that they've been involved in? yeah. what it's, it's, it's an open secret now that the c a m, y, 6 british intelligence are involved in ukraine. we've had reports from various western media. let's do your time. is the washington post talking about how the c a is training the,
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the s b u. they're very much feared domestic security service within ukraine. and even back in the 2016, the new york times themselves, they wrote an article talking at a very proudly about how the west and security service were explaining a new play in secret service in sabotage show to attract russian targets. have to reverse engineer drawings that capture from oceans like that sort of a list and our look as a new york times article. around 2016, the c i a began training and the lead ukrainian commando force known as unit 2245, which captured russian drones and communications gear. so that see, i technicians could reverse engineer them and crack moscow's encryption systems. one officer in the unit was carrillo boot on of now, the general leading ukraine's military intelligence and the c. i. a also helped train a new generation of ukrainian spies who operated inside russia, across europe and in cuba and other places where the russians have
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a large presence. also in the context of the revelations recently that our own, the editor in chief might be the same one. yon revealed the german officers talking about how they were going to facilitate and provide weapons. unintelligence disliked the courage bridge in crimea. we know that you find a subsidy, no satellite systems, it doesn't have to target these weapons. it doesn't have any storm shuttle miss. still nobody scouts as of assuming that it doesn't have the capacity to operate these huge operations across the russian frontier on oil refineries, etc. so we know it's obvious and we know from accounts in the western media that the nato countries on the proxy. a war that's been wage by the west against ocean is being doing dual. and if you like, the snowball has been rolled in london and washing and thrown from the international court of justice. and the hey, has ordered israel to immediately stop its military operations in the southern
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gauze and city of or a far because considered event in conformity with obligations. under the genocide convention, is that it must immediately hold. it's mindy to offense and any other accident ends . it also have governors which may conflict only by assuming a. ready garza, conditions of life that would bring about physical destruction in hold or influx the presidency consensus. the court is also of the view that an older piece of evidence related to allegations of facts forwarding within the school of advocate to give 3. or would you tell us how convention is must be effective messes, ensured b and b, the access to the guy, the script of any commission of inquiry. fact finding mission or as an investigative body mandated by competent organs of the united nations. to
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investigate allegations of genocide while they get more on this breaking news story, we're crossing live now to our to correspondence know lovario queen gave was joining us from south africa. it's a decision that seems to have caught many people by surprise. can you flush out some of the details of this ruling for us? the international court of justice has indeed ordered as well to immediately stop it's military assault on the fast way. more than 1000000 people have sorts of issues in dia conditions. in fact, it is 13 judges of the 15 that have agreed to that to the situation in the left side is a complete to red line saying that it entail the further risk off of the repairable home to the human rights of people in guys that even noticing that more than 800000 people had been forced to flee a lot. 5 since is all forces began ground operations in an area that had been once um, perceived and declared
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a safe zone. judge no watson. i'm supposed to say that the situation has changed since the as to j made its previous orders and conditions have been mixed up. and when you imagine some is in the case, the stating that as such as they are not convinced that the back to wishing it was and as a business that is well foods to have undertaken even sufficient, have a listen to this. when the basis of information for the quote is not convince that the if a patient or thoughts and the latest measures that isabella firms who have undertaken to enhance the security of civilians and because of split. and particularly those recently displaced from that of a government that is sufficient to live yet immense. it is which the by the city and population is exposed as a result of the media to offensive. and that of the judge said that the misses that
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had previously been ordered by the courts in march. the task would be addressed to the situation. and does he even maintain that this emergency was mississippi due to the disaster? so many children situation in the gaza strip. the court has even made as old as alongside the, the whole team of military such as east flow to for, to the court within one a month on each probe, race and applying the mrs or the from today. and also to open the for that i saw border crossing, which is with egypt for the in see off too many children aid. this is of course of the 1st time that the court has full as well to stop his military operations it as it previously. or did you slow to prevents as of genocide and allow agent to interrupt as that. and of course, today's ruling is part of a much bigger case. who wants to buy? so that's because choosing he's off of committing suicide again for the senior. does that and is well, has not taken a good um the response to the assets. it has rejected the claims as false and
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baseless, and we do know that the i c j is not expected to deliver it on that cost of the case for several years. that's it was very recently that's. so that's taken off the call to, to take these and mrs, which is essentially a court injunction that can seize, is this a waste and to prevent any of the home being done before a final quote fine, because visa, so that's a draft has also recently said that the previous meetings, the pinch testing is well to prevent the crimes and does that have not succeeded in protecting for the student is so this was pretoria seating some thoughts off and explicit for that and at this point. so that's because welcome to the court or the for as well to stop it's offensive on, on the left side. and this is also, as i said, you in member states to complete the package. the put a signal, sorry to you, as also being reported that it has welcome the i c j decision saying it to
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represents an international consensus to in the on does that all of we'll come get joining us from south africa. thanks a lot for bringing us those details and now we're going to discuss this further live with an as rarely political activist jonathan pollock. thanks for joining us. once again on the program, jonathan. uh, earlier this year you said in an interview that international institutions cannot put a stop to the war in gaza. so does that mean you're a bit pessimistic about this, the i c j rolling or do you think it could yield some positive outcomes? and i think it really depends not on the i c, j decision itself that has no teeth, it's in and of itself. the ip j has no enforcement mechanism. the question is, what the, what the international community decides to do and how it act. visa viewed that decision, israel has already been,
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is riley in is really media. it has already been declared in officially been by unnamed sources that if it will continue the war. now israel is waiting a genocide of war against the people who does a with the full support of is very society. no one should expect. uh now almost 8 months after the beginning of the war. that if it was simply stop and abide by the court decision, uh, what needs to happen and it needs to happen yesterday. um, is that elements within the international community start taking being things seriously and simply putting a stop to it throws genocide. this can happen informed of sanctions off off of, of the open arms or amber embargo, or the international community has a multitude of, of the majors accepted suspense to stop israel from committing genocide. it is to
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be not doing so well on the topic of international reaction. what kind of international really reaction do you think we will need to see to actually make is real, comply with this i c, j really a it's, it's very hard to say, but it, it is obvious that what is happening until now it's insufficient. it is simply not enough and we've seen wall to wall condemnation with the of the decision today's in within. is there any society from people within the, within the government or, and even opposition leader lead saying that this is uh, a more uh, more crisis decision is a more of a crisis. completely ignoring the fact that there be more prices if the genocide being committed in gaza and the involvement of the get tired is really society. and
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in that they're completed, the entire is really of the entire is very society in the general side. but i don't know exactly what steps could be taken to forces road, but definitely what is happening right now isn't enough. and the world has other measures that it can employ and it would have employed um, it would if, if it's me sorry if this was any other country. um for, for starters there could be um, doing the security council resolution and forcing it for up to stop the war and forcing the, the i to j decision. the eyes of j decision should be enforced by the internet. but by the you on security council. well, you mentioned that of course, that the is rarely society in general, right? yeah, i reacted negatively to this i c, j a decision. so would you say that if in the theoretical situation prime minister benjamin netanyahu decided to end the offensive and rough off,
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is that even an option for him? what kind of, what kind of repercussions would there be for the prime minister if he ended up backing down off of the fence of what's going on right now? i think the day is very prime minister and his government are set on continuing the government on continuing the, the general side. the repercussions would probably be the fault of his government and probably um, in, in the ensuing election, he will probably lose. but that is really not like it shouldn't be of much importance because like i said, it with that in parity of the very political spectrum supports the war and supports the genocide. we've seen it very citizens torching aid trucks on their way to get
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it to stop them to stop aid. so if, if that is not the definition of a genocide of society, i do not know why it is. and again, i would say that that was not should not rely on it's very society in on opposition within these very society does to indoor, it must force it on israel. so it shouldn't matter what nathaniel banks about ending the war or not. it should not be an option to continue. all right, is rarely political activist, jonathan pollock. thanks a lot for joining us in the program and sharing your perspective. thank you for having me. and i have a newsletter we're putting and alexander lucas shank. go have just wrapped up a press conference in minutes, the leaders of russia and bella. ruth discussed a wide range of topics including non strategic nuclear exercises and the prospect of resuming negotiations with ukraine when you leave. but it will just rush, i conduct strengths of both at strategic and non strategic nuclear deterrence
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forces on a regular basis. the difference is that after part of our non strategic nuclear weapons were placed in belarus, we conduct the drills together with our beller, lucy and allies. russia fully follows all of its obligations over nuclear arms. there's nothing we would violate and there's nothing unusual in what we are doing compared to nato's actions. everything goes by a schedule and we are not escalating anything. you're really use it to you while a rifleman. why do you have a rifle to either attack or protect yourself? we don't want to attack any body to protect ourselves. we need to know how to use the weapon. the nuclear weapon is deadly and dangerous and cannot be compared to the rifle. so we need to train itself the training exercise, since nuclear weapons have been placed in by the roost. the russians haven't disclosed that before, but they've probably had thousands of such exercises. nothing is unusual. we're doing the same. the others did before and do now. the world is unstable and dangerous. we cannot allow this to strike us like it was in the middle of the last
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century. we won't allow that and they must know it, but we don't escalate. we do not need war from a while to get more details on this meeting. we're crossing live now to our chief political correspondent, the garbage going off. you are the 2 leaders discussed the range of topics a wide range of topics. what are we know so far? about what they discussed well, uh russia and those are already quite close. so yet as we've heard from both eaters, today to in minsk, these guys are only getting stronger. and the specter of fields of cooperation between the 2 states is quite great. culture, trade, energy, security, you name it. i know all of them are on the rise. it seems that russia is helping builders to gain more influence in asia. present important said that he discussed the bellows with his chinese council part during his recent visit to china. it also
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seems of that valor, which is on the verge of becoming the newest member of the shot of high cooperation organization, a vladimir report, and says that this could become official in the near future. possibly even during the seals. the upcoming summit in context on of course joint defense and security is one of the more important building blocks i'd say of this relationship, which by the way, both leaders are calling as brother. really, the 2 countries have formed a joint defense force. so there are folding joints and military drills including nuclear, tactical weapons drills, and both the latter important n alexander lucas shantell stressing that all of this is aimed at ensuring security and protection from threats coming from the west, which is quite significant in light of the rising nato activities in eastern europe, ukraine and russia's special military operation were also discussed. in fact, following the talks during the media conference vladimir put in,
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was asked the question whether or not moscow is open to piece talks with cuba. here's how vitally important replied still concerns. if you go to the process of the m. s for the negotiation process. i have spoken about this many times and i want to emphasize it again here in russia has never refused negotiations with moreover, we started these negotiations and but literally said one thing, then move them at the request of the ukranian side to east and will talk you and came to an agreement, we had reached the draft agreement and the head of the negotiating group on the ukrainian side, signed the document. that is in principle, the ukrainian side was generally satisfied with it and the russian side as well. and there were some points that needed to be finalized, but on the whole, if the ukrainian side sign this document, it means that the ukranian side was satisfied with it. for well known reasons, after the former british prime minister arrived to keep the ukrainian sides throughout these agreements and stopped implementing them. moreover,
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it announced that the negotiations were being terminated. they also said it publicly, it's not us who stop these negotiations. they stopped them. and even more they for made themselves to conduct further negotiations. we did not forbid anyone. we are in favor of negotiations after that. again, at the instigation of western sponsors and masters, the goal was set to achieve a strategic defeat of russia and victory over russia on the battlefield. totally. so lack of trust and western influence over a key of the decision making. let's go with that. are significant obstacles, but according to the russian president, there's also another issue, and that is the issue of vladimir zelinski. the legitimacy was presidential term, was supposed to come to an end of this month, yet new presidential elections still haven't been held. and we do see me and of course we realize that the legitimacy of the current head of state is over, who to negotiate with this is of course
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a fair question. i agree with you. i think that one of the goals of the conference that has been announced the conference in switzerland is precisely to have the west and community and the sponsors of the current version confirmed the legitimacy of the incumbent head of state or the inactive one. but nice p steps, they do not matter for legal documents, of course. so we would need if it comes to that. and i proceed from the fact that the stokes should be resumed without tomatoes, but with common sense. and they should be based on common sense. but if it comes to that, of course, we need to understand who we can deal with in order to get through the signing of legally binding documents. and then we need to be fully confident that we are dealing with legitimate authorities. this question must be answered in ukraine itself. first of all, i think from the position of the parliament, the constitutional court, or some other authorities, should look at what is written in the constitution of ukraine. which authorities have the right to be extended under the constitution of you things without elections, without electoral procedures,
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and which ones cannot count on these rights. this is different. this can be done on the basis of legal analysis. these are questions to the ukrainian political and legal system. sites is what you're looking for the exploration overland them as the landscapes to main office. that can be no legal purity that because there is a deep democracy that you want to spend. everything that is strangled comes up to for the round up uh this visits to main skis. why to me and 14 seconds for in the visit since he's in all the ration after being re elected as the president of russia and following the visit to china, which i think is another sign showing how significant and close the relationship between rusher and those kids. right, that's our to use political correspond that you got this going all thanks for bringing us the details for miss mintz, the head of the fast approaching
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e u elections. the commission chief versatile of under land has warnings that right wing parties are threatening to destroy everything we've built together. and there was the usual bad apple touted as being at the center of this mischief making russia. we must be glad i resemble a month national a of the confederacy, a different names, but it will the same. the prudence puppets and proxies and their trampling on all values. we will let them destroy what we have built together a while to get more on the story were joined live now by german m e p. gunner beck, thanks for joining us on the program gunner. so perfect. so ursula of under land has never exactly been russia's biggest fan and now she's blaming it for how the european people are potentially going to vote in the upcoming elections. does she have any grounds for her concerns? would you say, are most scouts tentacle is going to stretch all the way to the voting booths and
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control the very, uh, hands that will be taking the boxes. but that's what she is saying that she has new evidence for this. and obviously, it's just kind of cool that the woman likes to so many of those in the west of blaming russia. but every ill in the world, or at least in europe, inflation is the uh, the dishwasher to play the migration crises, separate occasions. this was claimed on instability, crazy by russia, as well. ro side is also a climate climate calibrate. and russia is scratching the security of your i vaguely remember that these spec to speak about doing the final stations, the cold war in the 1918 where. uh, mr. v does, and i'll be the senior on the offices. we're trying to convince the population
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that's a nice job and the bad hide the in charge of an army. there were many units of eastern block and russian soldiers getting in punches on to that t, just waiting for 1 may batch se involves. and then go to the, uh, uh, a baited euro left. nothing. you then wait like lucas now the stay exactly the same thing. we are in the election campaign. i've been to various discussions. my opponents, patrick, the all the a pro you all she's a javi talking about russia. exactly. there's tubs again. uh no. they're just waiting. now behind the behind the pony spending a rush boulder onto that cheese, right? to be waiting for flooding. we have food, it's a come on to march right to the right through the hold of europe,
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right up to the english channel. if it's all in one box, uh, as for mrs. funder lied, she's saying she's not going to allow right. we've policies to destroy what she has built. this is funded line has built nothing. she has ruined europe. she's a prison. i did. oh, but the president did the economic decline. she's brought to you in a on to a coalition because uh with russia. uh, she is engaged, are sitting in the necessary warrant ukraine, and she's not blaming eyes of russia all the right wing parties. mrs. fun denied is also risk presiding over the effective d european eyes ation of the or by him 4010, thousands of millions of unqualified migrants. this is funded line. is this joy yarborough? nothing else. well she bring blame is right wing parties, but do you think should be, should be looking closer to home? i mean.


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