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tv   News  RT  May 24, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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should on criminal court in the international court of justice, speak for much of the world. if there is to be just this, it must be applied to all the is a must immediately hold. it's mean it's open. and any other action in bit i 5 governor . so i think that a men's risk to the palestinian population, the international court of justice in the hague, borders and immediate uphold to israel's military operation in the southern gaza and the city alternate fund of cult israel, react it goals the i. c, j ruling full out rate just spend morally repugnant from all thing. israel has never created conditions that could lead to the destruction of products in your lives and stuff like food and says russia is open to holding piece sold with the legitimate authorities by new crane. the russian lead a question to if your current president has any legitimacy with
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the we are looking at a very busy our, your analogy is a national, it's so good to have your company right now. the international court of justice in the hey, it has ordered israel to immediately stop its military operations and the southern gospel, the city of record considered event in conformity with obligations under the genocide convention is that it must immediately behold. it's mindy to offense, and any other accident ended up in a government which made conflict under, by assuming a group and gaza conditions of life that would bring about it physical destruction in hold or the info and the presidency consensus. the court is also of the view that in order to appease the evidence related to allegations of acts forwarding within the school of art is to get 3 outside convention is must be
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effective measures to ensure the and b, the access to the guy, the script of any commission of inquiry fact finding mission or as an investigative body mandated by competent organs of the united nations to investigate allegations of general. so the international court of justice had what has or to draw the is all to immediately stop it submitted to assaults on that. i faxed more than 1000000 people as lots of a future in dial conditions. the facts, it was such and such as of the 15 that has as read that to the situation in dropbox is a complete red line. seeing that it entails for the risk ascii, repeatable home to the human rights of people. and does that even know thing back to more than a 100000 people had been forced to see a lot. fusses is really forces begins round operations in an area that had been wants to create a safe. so just know was salon also say is the situation had changed since the ice
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to j made is previous orders and conditions had been made to full use, emergency misses in the case of for the stating that as judges. they are not convinced that to me evacuation it was and related misses that as well. a phones to have undertaken sufficient have a listen to this on the basis of information for this. the quote is not convinced that the investigation efforts and related measures that is the funds to have undertaken. ready enhanced the security of civilians in regards to split and particularly those recently displaced from that of govern. that is sufficient to live yet immense. it is which the by the city and population is exposed as a result of the media to offensive and that of so i'm says that provisional misses that had been previously ordered by the ports in march did not fully address the
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situation is, does that also maintain that this emergency for the was mississippi due to the destruction and the disastrous communitarian situation. in guys, the court has made as the orders alongside the halting of military, such as for as well to report to the 4th within one month. and it's pro racing, applying the business board from today on was and also to open the footboard um processing. but it will be in a few minutes to be a it is the 1st time that the court has told as well to hold its minutes reparations as it previously just forwarded, as well to prevent access to the side and allow age. and so guys that, and today's ruling is of course, part of a much bigger case bought by south africa choosing as well. also committing genocide against palistine is in gaza is all has a taken offense on those accusations of rejecting the claims and as false and
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saying that they are baseless. and we do know that the international court of justice is not expected to deliver it. rolling on that part of the case for several years, but to a very recent and very urgency. so that's because i did also for to take these urge and mrs. which is essentially a court injunction that can squeeze a situation to prevent any harm being done before a final pause finding is arranged. so that's because so recent you said that to the previous rulings from the beans telling he's well to prevent the funds and does that have not succeeded inputs. so this was tutorial speaking and explicit or the at this point so that the guy has welcome to court order, what you swell to stop. it's offensive off the laptop. and it is also urged as a you in member states to beckett's, the policy nichol. socrates has also been reported a welcoming the i c j decision saying that it's a represents an international consensus. and as well as one more course. well,
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i've talked to the deputy secretary general of the public junior national liberation movement, the central committee that somebody side on very is right. that joining us your analogy international and a very well welcome to you. so it's so good to get you on the program. i wanted you to start off if i may, it was just totally of this year. you said that the i c j's provisional ruling was, quote, a step in the right direction, a given today's ton of events. so do you think we are continuing on that part? well, let's get to be with you. indeed, that's another step and that all direction as it's we have yet to a place to put it on them is the fact that the policy is taking action on the ground is deeming this to be on. peace of mind is refusing is adopting this. there's action that's across the market, but there's complicated situation problems. so why that's really joyce, the position of the international community being of these. i mean the position of the i, c j. we had a good that is what i and once again wants to adopt. this one is x, and it's that's close to what is that for you? what appears to be the voice will sense is realty. what it is,
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it's something israel likes to use, isn't it? when it's under the gun of criticism, it like to say, oh you're putting out, you submitted it and likes to use this. it's like a little tongue caught in his back pocket. it pulls it out all the time. do you think israel is going to comply with what was the issue today by the i c j as well? can you say that the situation has changed since the last floating or the i c j? now, nothing you know, is pushed to the court coordinator with his eyes of law, basically a spider, you 2 or 2 by the seat in government. a has excluded to office. minnesota is from attending the meeting tonight. that is the routing of the international criminal court that is complicating them after school. and if in the all the recognition of the country is also the state of palestine. and so nothing the whole stands on very shaky droughts, as you have seen by them as they can, a step forward, basically by contacting the egyptian president trying to basically push forward any
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opening or softball and for the assumption of stokes. so to achieve so section of a set of these in a way that the americans fight for pm, the move of the i c j here coming for the 1st you of is what i the once a game and coming to the believe dr. and nothing you know, sense further on shaping clause, but is not in any way the situation but does not give him any qualifying grounds for being corrupted as one who is at the to the i'm to match up and supposed to do with all of the i c, j and the financial community, as i think is a very if i come in and when well said indeed, i mean, you know, you mentioned the itc complicating matters. you, you mentioned the political pressure and then that now it was under these days, those are the 3 european countries that, you know, i did in palestine as a, as a saw for an independent states. so, and also live in yahoo still on the allegation. corruption charges this investigation. do you think one of the reasons nathan, y'all was continuing this wars because that's the only way that he couldn't
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maintain his political shelf life. is there any way he can remain a somewhat free man? well, it would be that's the case. so that's the very secret behind do nothing. you always wish to continue the war. you may notice that every organization whose number to be deemed as corrupt as it is on things as to whether it's on occasions basis and what have you, the new stuff, organization. it seems to continue as the he does not have to here to, to any of the warnings that he is basically dashed out as own organizations up right in the middle. which means buck is what i am, is beyond the wish or the input. actually, i mean, if you want it in a box or boxes or know which is complicating about that was indeed for the thing. you know, the reason behind this, as i said, the is, is as you quite practical just it sounds like it's basically applied to introduce this. and he knows quite well before the successfully he can send to his opponents and so forth. in july is the end of this war coming out of the story is question
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a mass and basically the key thing for, that's the name, keep them and dismissing them altogether and movie the west bank. so his dream steam seems to be complicated, and that's where you can see by the 28th of this month, where the other countries would come forward, recognize, punish fine, that should come tickets. my thought was even further on that one might imagine. starting with the side of a meantime, the war has affected nearly every palestinian family here at all to you. we understand you've, you've lost more than 40, extended family members, but which we offer us in serious condolence here is, i mean, if i can ask you touching you on such a personal level. but there's somebody in your opinion, how should those responsible be held to account for the loss? so the civilian life. but i appreciated woods of this stuff in the collection of ink and the, the number is the increasing smile expands with mind. people or family members. obviously, as i finished them as a human being, as um, basically a position who's looking for the wait for what we'd like to see the ordering of the
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icpc. i've had the basically items sweet spots is, is what i should be investigated. then back in promotional index, but should be it out in the end. if that's the case, nobody would ever buy the color. but if you'll be un, because i'm going to deal at different, this was on this one of which is the highest c j. and wouldn't basically have to revisit the concept of government, the large, the, the basics and the principal comes back to me. i've been teaching all the kids with regards to human rights with regards to democracy you with that it goes to free them 0 or being pushed under the the, the, the, the arms and the legs of these the, all me that is a basically standing and your mind if you my actions i thought of taking face and cause and beyond some of these items, the deputy secretary journal that published in unit national liberation movement. the central committee joining us from a model. it's a, it's so good to get you on the program and i'm so grateful for the comment tree
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that you've offered us here on off the international. thank you very much for your time. a lot in the food and alexander look a shank of of just to wrapped up a press conference in minsk, deleted the brochure and by the roof discussing a wide range of topics that includes non strategic nuclear exercises and the prospect. so presumably, negotiations with russia conducts drills of both in strategic and non strategic nuclear deterrence forces on a regular basis. the difference is that after part of our non strategic nuclear weapons were placed inside the roof, we conduct the drills together with our vendor, lucy and a half inch to put them to russia fully follows all of its obligations over nuclear arms. so there's nothing we would violate and there's nothing unusual in what we are doing compared to nato's actions. everything goes by a schedule and we are not escalating anything. you're really use it to you while a rifleman. why do you have a rifle to either attackers or protect yourself and we don't want to attack for anybody to do this? to protect ourselves,
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we need to know how to use the weapon of the nuclear weapon is deadly and dangerous and cannot be compared to the rifle. so we need to train it's off the training exercise since nuclear weapons and been placed in by the roost. the russians haven't disclosed that before, but they've probably had thousands of such exercises, so nothing is unusual. we're doing the same. the others did before and do now. the world is unstable and dangerous. we cannot allow others to strike us like it was in the middle of the last century. we won't allow that and they must know it, but we don't escalate. we do not need to rush and bells are already quite close. so yet, as we've heard from both eaters today too in minsk, these dies are only getting stronger at the spectre of fields of cooperation between the 2 states is quite great. culture, trade, energy, security, you name it. i know all of them are on the rise. it seems that russia is helping those to gain more influence in asia. president clinton said that he discussed the
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bellows with his training sounds fine during this recent visit to china. it also seems that the bellows is on the verge of becoming the newest member of the shot of high cooperation organization. a lot of important says that this could become official in the nearest future. possibly even during the ceo's upcoming summit, inc, cause ex done, of course, joint defense and security is one of the more important building blocks i'd say of this relationship, which by the way, both leaders are calling as brotherly uh, the 2 countries have formed a joint defense for so they're folding joints and military drills including nuclear, tactical weapons drills, and both the latter important and alexander lucas shantora stressing that all of this is aimed at ensuring security and protection from threats coming from the west, which is quite significant in light of the rising day to activities in eastern europe,
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ukraine and russia's special military operation were also discussed. in fact, following the talks during the media conference, vladimir putin was asked the question whether or not moscow is open to piece talks with the key of here's how vitamin who replied still can say it's a video to know, but also so yeah, and that's for the negotiation process. i have spoken about this many times and i want to emphasize it again. humans could you go to? russia has never refusing negotiations and more and more over when we started these negotiations in the letter said one, personally would even move them at the request of the ukranian side to it's done with okay. and it came to an agreement. you have reached the draft agreement and some of the ahead of the negotiating group on the opinion side sign the document that is invasive, the cleaning cycles, getting ready, satisfied with the theme, the russian side as well. there were some points that needed to be finalized on the ukrainian side sign this document that you finished. i little satisfied with it. pretty easy for, well, it was easy normal after the former british prime minister driver's side,
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he's throughout this agreements, we stopped implementing the model over a multi denouncing the physical solutions were being terminated. they also said it publicly, it's not us who stop these negotiations, national based on 7400, even more they for made themselves to conduct further negotiation. the easiest thing did not forbid any one will be out in favor of negotiations. after that, again, before the instigation of western sponsors, and the goal was to have to achieve a strategically feet as rush out on victory over rush on the battlefield. so lack of trust and western influence over a key of the decision making. let's go with that. are significant obstacles, but according to the russian president, there is also another issue. and that is the issue of, of latter musical entities, legitimacy whose presidential term was supposed to come to an end of this month. so yet new presidential elections still haven't been held. we don't see media extra, of course we realize that the legitimacy of the current head of state is over who to negotiate with the system. and this is, of course,
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a fair question. i agree with you. i think that's one of the goals and the conference that has been announced that the conference by fits and is precisely to have the west and community functions of the kind of conversion confirmed the legitimacy of the incumbent and the state or the inactive one. but nice p steps they do not matter. for the contrary, i'm clicking on that and see what comes to that. and i proceed from the fact that it is folks who is associated with common sources. and they shouldn't be based on common sense. but if it comes to that, of course, we need to understand who we can deal with in order to get to the same office, legally binding documents. no. and then we need to be fully confident that we are dealing with legitimate authorities. this question must be answered in ukraine itself. first of all, i think from the position of the parliament, the constitutional court, unused or some other authorities, should look at what is written in the constitution. which of course, these have the right to be extended under the constitution of your claim without elections, without the electoral procedures,
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which while so i cannot count on these rights, this is different and this can be done on the basis of legal analysis. these are questions done with training and political, any legal system site's a legitimate expiration, all by them as an excuse to the main office that can be no legal purity that because there is a deep democracy that you understand everything that is triangle systems to round up for this visit to main skis, windermere, important and 2nd for and visit sensors and all the ration after being re elected as the president of russia unfolding the visit to china, which i think is another sign showing how significant and close this relationship between washer and beller was, is i, that's a good headfirst into this story right here on out to you. because a high ranking russell's, the official has come forward to admit he was the one who told the george and prime minister, he would do well to remember the face of his slow vide counterpart of close to the
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feet. so someone tried to kill him last week, however, the, the, you neighborhood and lost my commission, i claimed his words have been taken out of context. i felt the need to call the attention of the prime minister to the importance of another philippine flame. and they already fred john situation by adopting these laws and disregard the latest tragic event in slovakia was made as an example. and as a reference to where such a high level of polar ization can lead in a society, even in europe, i felt obliged to inform the georgians decide to you about this stretch. the power, though drone with the attempted assassination of robot fitz, so reminds us that the global war policy is an extremely dangerous false, willing to do anything to bring chaos to georgia. unless i talk about this more joint, i guess a barrier might start as a director of the ideas, intellectual property bureau joining us here on the international mary, i'm a very warm welcome to what a story this is. it's almost like it's almost like damage control. now because it seems like this guy is trying to cover his tracks to try and walk it all back,
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now he says what he meant by sizing feet. so it was a sauce and ation attempt is that the government should be careful about the polarized they shouldn't marry him. of the country. is this a case of damage control? it almost sounds like a point of open mouth inserts foot. i think for the question, i think that they have tried to pull her i situation in georgia for a long time. now it's not news for us. i do think that since the past times of global politics in the economics have changed a lot off to or in the ukraine, i think that so f less time to operate in georgia. it ways that they use to reach what has or kind of shoes are coming with it, so they wouldn't call every commendation and they would try to make it too obvious that they have their own interest in georgia. applied to oscar. it's cleaning all
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sense. uh and things are shifting now they have to work uh pretty fast. uh and uh now, but they have, um, they have the meet date as a basis, more visit to our people since they recommendations. now don't have the same face as, as it used to. now it comes up more in a form of conditions which contains east then type of sensors is if you don't do this, then it will have some consequences. and to basically to ration is, uh, a good example of that. yeah, i mean, you know, the difficult for an ages build the transparency, lowell basically showing where the funding is coming to n g o is where the funding is coming from various media channels that, you know, it's cool with a lot of division, as you say. meantime, washington is announcing visa restrictions for some georgia and officials and that families. so your thoughts and thoughts on what some according a blazing case of double stand as the us has basically the very same law all that
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it hates in georgia. it is so way, more strict load it, they have the one that was located in georgia. also there are double sent. it's coming from you up since they are initiating the same type of load, the usa has, which is way more strict than into that. uh and the fact that uh they have uh, put some assumptions uh no towards our problem its members, uh it has been of the we um, no decent lead. and now installer people of, by the help of the, the televisions and the channels that are funded by them. they make it seem like, uh, they have sanctioned georgia itself and georgia and people not mistaken people in parliament. so they are trying to make a fuss about it and they are trying to make it seem like georgia is in a very big condition in fairly now. and it has
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a bad partnership with us say afterwards. and. busy sanctions are towards to job overall and that's a towards something i said to people that have initiated this. so we can also reach berry. it's uh that itself, even if it's toward some people for members of parliament, because i don't, i think that's a country which is independent has to reconciliate other people's in other countries. uh no views on what's more, they should have in their own country if they think that this law is good for them and the tub has a do the good. no. oh yeah. yeah it's, it's, i'm really listening mariam. it's unbelievable. a man, america with a similar law, as you say, even more stringent the, you know, they're putting all this pressure on to police. if, if we try and break it down and marry and what is the goal? do you think of certain wisdom players when it comes to when it comes to putting
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pressure on georgia, we know very well the george soros foundation is splashing cache as it likes to. it's under events like this, and i think so i have to explain them. it's way easier to control the country that would have hope that sub flooring countries like you woke and you would say, could change their face. but the truth is that it's way easier to control georgette when georgia is to, jo wants something from them. that's why they are trying to shift this is to ration in georgia in a way that we don't have, you know, freedom financially or otherwise. so we can make our own choices. and then uh, the reason is that its way more conceit to control country which is separated and that is why they are trying to pull the right situation here. and since they have taken this results by finding some in deals. busy and some channels that
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are probably into difficult to be channels or other types of channels that are used to influence people. they have funding to them a lot. that is why they are a sol suite to get this small because they would have to be is transparent. about how do they spend their funds and people in georgia would see that it is not. busy in the funds are not spent in a way that stay, so it's good. yeah. and that's, that's pension. that would be beneficial for our people. if you think you know, we have to do marian is go back to the color revolutions the arab springs. there was an awful lot to do with n g o is with those, and we'll know how that turns out. i just wish more people in the west an audience knew what the hell, what's going on with the n g o as and this kind of a, this kind of stuff, mary. i'm a myself, as a director of the dns intellectual property patent bureau. joining us live through
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analogy international and enlightening and disturbing conversation, but i enjoyed it any way. thank you very much for joining us. thank you there. thank you. well, they may be right now and for their tablets, a neo nazi persuasion with members of the notorious ukrainian as well, but tally and have been given. the heroes, welcome in the british parliament may have prompted an angry response from the russian embassy in london. he's off his gain worldwide notoriety both for its widespread use, a fascist volts on gold insignia and despicable war. crimes against civilians could entertaining clear cut fascists at the houses of parliament. perhaps be a motive for the documented rise in anti semitism in the u. k. 3 neo nazi fighters from kias as off battalion appeared before a raft, audience of british parliamentarians they're being held as the defenders of as of style still planned in mario toll from back in the 1st few months of the print
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complex. now they lost that battle and ended up as prisoners of war. and it was the church here that was suppose the whole line to them until the hostilities were over . but somehow they ended up being sprung and turned back over to key of and are now on a traveling road show of sorts. last year they were at california is procedures stanford university, some of the same fighters, along with their wives known as the association of families as, as of style defenders. and they publicly posted all over social media after these visits bragging about both this u. k. parliamentary parents where they were reportedly hobnobbing with both tory and labor representatives ahead of a july 4th election. it was just called this week. great luck. i'm sure that is. and also they post on social media after the stand for gig as well. and they brought all of their favor gear with them to the u. k. complete with over nazi symbols like the walls angel symbol that was once used by the nazi ss and the were
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mocked in the world war 2 era v. as lot of soldiers were trained by the wes, it's the ottawa citizen, the reported even before the print conflict went red hot that counted as military leaders training these guys noticed all the nazi tattoos and we're like, uh, all right, so what do we do about all this and ultimately they just just why is it it was totally cool, totally normal as long as the media didn't find out about it. whoops, there is reporting just this week, actually here in the front process, well, of as off training, allegedly by france. so with both this u. k parliamentary visit and with last year stanford visit, there seems to be an effort of foot by the western establishment to whitewash as i've not see roots and re brand them as heroes. here's former british prime minister boris johnson doing exactly that in meeting with them.
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ringback on here with us. so a johnson is saying all these wonderful things about as a while holding up their flag complete with all the nazi symbolism totally casually, like he's at a fun part posing with a walt disney world logo. keep in mind that johnson has a lot of skin in the game here. you could say, since it's been why they reported that he was the one who scuttled the original piece deal that russia put on the table early on in the complex convincing. he has not to take it, as all the fighters were folded into the regular ukrainian army, but the not the stuff just isn't as washing out and is leaving some stubborn stains for western optics to contend with, particularly during visits like this. not a great look either when as our reps start singling out of specific m. p. 's for
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thanks like m. p. victoria prentice, the attorney general for england and wales, whom as off credits on social media. with arranging this visit to the u. k. m. p. john whitting del and also the chair of the u. k. ukraine parliamentary friendship group, m p. bob seeley. we're talking here about a group. why is the qualified by the west as neo nazi and problematic, even for zalinski himself before the current complex itself? the 1st time that a country of the british crown has formerly cheered nazis in parliament to recall that canadian parliament did the same with a bona fide world war 2 genuine article, ukrainian nazi euro slot, who and then back had a late crazy claim. you that they really weren't aware of the connection. and even though the house speaker, who had to step down after the scandal introduced a young guy as having fought against russians in world war 2 from the chamber today . ukrainian canadians, ukrainian canadian world best.


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