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tv   News  RT  May 24, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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of the the, the is the most immediate because it's mean it's open and any other action. and did i find governor of the international court of justice to rules. again, it orders an immediate ahold to israel to military operation in southern gaza, citing the immense risk for the palestinian civilians in the city multiple spots. of course, israel reacts and cools the i t j routing volts out ray, just as morally repugnant from saying israel has not, and will not conduct the military operations of what else fixed the destruction of the civilian population. and they put in this as russia is still open to holding peace towards with ukraine. the russian leaders said that the gdc of his current head of state flooding the landscape is of
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the time pm locally here in moscow with a full set of your pump store. is ready to roll, this is onto the international court of justice and the hey, cause audit israel to immediately stop it's military operations. in the southern gospel, the city of ruffled record considered, is that in conformity with adobe to get under the genocide convention is that it must immediately hold. it's mindy to offense or, and any other action. and then also have government which may conflict on the but assuming and. ready garza conditions of life that would bring about it physical destruction in hold or influx independence to consensus. because it's also of the view that an older piece of evidence related to allegations of facts forwarding within the school. of hard to get 3 outside convention is must be
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effective measures to ensure the and b, the access to the guy, the script of any commission of inquiry fact finding mission or ever investigated by the mandated by competent organs of the united nations to investigate allegations of general, so the international court of justice headboard has voted rather as well to immediately stop it submitted to assaults on the left side with more than 1000000 people as the cost of the future in dial conditions, the facts it was such and such as of the $15.00 that has agreed that to the situation into the fi is a complete red line saying that it entails the risk of a repeatable home to the human rights of people. and does not even know thing back to more than a 100000 people had been forced to see a lot faster. this is really forces begin round operations in an area that had been wants to clear it safe. so just know,
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watch salon also says the situation had changed since the ice is a made, its previous orders and conditions had been made to the full use of emergency misses. in the case of further stating that as judges, they are not convinced that the evacuation if was and related, misses that as well. a phones to have undertaken sufficient have a listen to this. when the basis of information for the quote is not convince that the fusion efforts and the latest measures that is the funds to have undertaken. ready enhanced the security of civilians in regards to split and particularly those recently displaced from that of govern. that is sufficient to live yet immense. it is which the by the city and population is exposed as a result of the media to offensive. and the so i'm say that's provisional misses that had been previous needs afforded by the ports in march,
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did not fully address the situation. these guys are also maintained that this emergency to deal with mississippi due to the destruction and the disastrous communitarian situation. in guys, the court has made as the or does alongside the halting of military, such as for as well to report to the quotes within one months and it's pro racing, applying the business board from today on was and also to open the footboard um processing with it's a to b and c off you may need to be a, it is the 1st time that the court has told as well to hold it's minutes reparations, as it previously just forwarded, as well to prevent equity and aside, and allow age in so guides us and today's ruling is, of course, plots of a must be got case both by south africa choosing as well also committing genocide gays. palistine is in gaza is all, has a taken offense on those accusations of rejecting the claims and as false and
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saying that they are baseless. and we do know that the international court of justice is not expected to deliver, is willing on that part of the case for several years, but to a very recent and very agencies. so last week i did also forward to take these denise is a, which is essentially a court injunction that can squeeze a situation to prevent any harm being done before a final pause finding is arranged. so that's because also recently said that the previous rulings from the pins telling he's well to put in the funds and does that have not succeeded. and so, so this was pictorial seeking and explicit. all that at this point, so that the guy has welcome to court order for you as well to stop is offensive off the laptop. and it is also urged as a you, in member states to beckett's, the policy national sovereignty has also been reported a welcoming the i. c. j decision saying that it's a represents an international consensus in israel's new ones as well. if i'm
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a public opinion national economy minister bessie, him, could i use that with this latest hague ruling? israel is foster running out of ox. as i say this time it's different because it said that some say that was requested from is a, it's not the domain to the best effort, not to harps the videos and to limit the number of people being killed. i'd like to engage in genocide, similar to the previous rulings. it's an explicit alternative to have to hold. i don't think it's a just dismiss such a little it's just like i don't think is a campus list. i suggested by c rooting against the thing. you know, there's nothing you know as us to, by the, for the judges, not to do it on that. what are there will be and what else on his asked if, if nothing else that he knows that i think you'd be making a big mistake in the game is changes really i change the form domestic on the court . i. c, j has given me, is that all that and it's really the 1st thing we need to find and to give you the
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role in the 2nd julie, i don't to get out of the mess that in the website unfortunately isn't used at all, or maybe fortunately, assuming always to be the tongue dots or is that use that to, to have the acceptable instead of doing things in accordance with the national dogs and what the i, c, c and i, c, j expect. and what the national interest on what to expect such is that they do the exact same exact opposite and continued on the actions, which on the genocide, on domestic dancing. i'm the price, i'm the bible fucking is loud. i think that would be awesome. now is in the course of situations is definitely an injured bed. of course, i'm sure there's a could be very helpful, but uh, i think and that's in there now, is not in a position to be able to move as much for letting me put him down. but i like done
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the lucas shank. i held a press conference today in minutes of the lead is of rupture and bella rufe discussing a wide range of topics that includes non strategic nuclear drills on the prospect of resuming peace negotiations with ukraine to julie. but it would just rush, i conduct strings of both at strategic and non strategic nuclear deterrence forces on a regular basis. the difference is that after part of our non strategic nuclear weapons were placed in belarus, we conduct the drills together with our beller, lucy and allies. russia fully follows all of its obligations over nuclear arms. there's nothing we would violate and there's nothing unusual in what we are doing compared to nato's actions. everything goes by a schedule and we are not escalating anything. you're really use it to you while a rifleman. why do you have a rifle to either attack or protect yourself? we don't want to attack any body to protect ourselves. we need to know how to use the weapon. the nuclear weapon is deadly and dangerous and cannot be compared to the rifle. so we need to train,
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it's off the training excise since nuclear weapons and been placed in by the roost . the russians haven't disclosed that before, but they've probably had dozens of such exercises. nothing is unusual. we're doing the same the others did before and do now. the world is unstable and dangerous. we cannot allow others to strike us like it was in the middle of the last century. we won't allow that and they must know it, but we don't escalate. we do not need bull. russia and bellows are already quite close. so yet, as we've heard from both eaters today too, in minsk, these dies are only getting stronger at the spectre of fields of cooperation between the 2 states is quite great. uh, culture, trade, energy, security. you name it. i know all of them are on the rise. it seems that russia is helping those to gain more influence in asia. president clinton said that he discussed the bellows with his chinese council part during his recent visit to china. it also seems that the bellows is on the verge of becoming the newest member
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of the shot of high cooperation organization. a lot of important says that this could become official in the near future. possibly even during the ceo's upcoming summit in context of and of course joins defense and security is one of the more important building blocks i'd say of this relationship, which by the way, both leaders are calling as brotherly uh, the 2 countries have formed a joint defense for so they're a folding join to meet with re drills, including nuclear, tactical weapons drills, and both the latter important and alexander lucas shantell stressing that all of this is aimed at ensuring security and the protection from threats coming from the west, which is quite significant in light of the rising day to activities in eastern europe, ukraine and russia's special military operation were also discussed. in fact, following the talks during the media conference vladimir appointment was asked the
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question whether or not moscow is open to peace talks with cuba. here's how vitamin putting replied still can say it's a fee to go to know, but also so yeah, and that's for the negotiation process. i have spoken about this many times and i want to emphasize it again here in russia has never refused negotiations. moreover, we started these negotiations in belarus at one time, then move them at the request of the ukranian side to east and will talk you. and i came to an agreement. we had reached the draft agreement and the head of the negotiating group on the ukrainian side, signed the document. that is in principle, the ukrainian side was generally satisfied with it and the russian side as well. and there were some points that needed to be finalized, but on the whole, if the ukrainian side sign this document, it means that the ukranian side was satisfied with it. for well known reasons. after the former british prime minister arrived in care of the ukrainian side throughout these agreements and stopped implementing them. moreover,
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it announced that the negotiations were being terminated. they also said it publicly, it's not us who stop these negotiations. they stopped them and even more they for made themselves to conduct further negotiations. we did not forbid anyone. we are in favor of negotiations after that again and the instigation of wisdom sponsors, investors. the goal was set to achieve a strategic defeat of russia and victory over russia on the battlefield. so lack of trust and western influence over a key of the decision making. let's go with that. are significant obstacles, but according to the russian president, there is also another issue. and that is the issue of, of latter musical entities, legitimacy whose presidential term was supposed to come to an end of this month. so yet new presidential elections still haven't been held. we don't see me and of course we realize that the legitimacy of the current head of state is over, who to negotiate with this is of course a fair question. i agree with you. i think that one of the goals of the conference that has been announced the conference in switzerland is precisely to have the west
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and community and the sponsors of the current camp version confirmed the legitimacy of the incumbent head of state or the inactive one. but nice p steps, they do not matter for legal documents, of course. so we would need, if it comes to that, and i proceed from the fact that piece books shouldn't be resumed. nobody felt it made them, but with common sense. and they shouldn't be based on common sense. but if it comes to that, of course, we need to understand who we can deal with in order to get to the signing of legally binding documents. and then we need to be fully confident that we are dealing with legitimate authorities. this question must be answered in ukraine itself. first of all, i think from the position of the parliament, the constitutional court, or some other authorities, should look at what is written in the constitution of ukraine. which authorities have the right to be extended under the constitution of ukraine without elections, without electoral procedures. and which ones cannot count on these rights? this is different. this can be done on the basis of legal analysis. these are
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questions to the training and political and legal system sites this chain. yeah. hold on what you're looking for. the expiration of vitamins zalinski is to main office. that can be no legal purity that because there is a deep democracy that you want to spend and everything that is strangled comes to round up. this visits to main skis, windermere, important and 2nd for and visit since he's in all the ration after being re elected as the president of russia and following the visit to china, which i think is another sign showing how significant and close this relationship between russia and bellows is but apparently for my british permanent subarus, johnson is a nazi sympathizer. you're not going to believe this of a good luck because at the end of the day, they may be renowned for that brutality, a neo nazi persuasion. but members of the notorious ukrainian ass off, but tale and who may given a heroes? well, come in the british parliament, the way prompted an angry response from the russian embassy in lot that he's off,
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his gain worldwide notoriety, both for its widespread use of fascist volts on gold in sydney, a despicable war crimes against civilians could entertaining clear cut fascists at the houses of parliament perhaps be a motive for the documented rise in anti semitism in the u. k. 3 and neo nazi fighters from kias as off vitality and appear before a ras audience of british parliamentarians they're being held as the defenders of as of style steel plants in mario toll. from back in the 1st few months of the ukraine complex. now they lost that battle and ended up as prisoners of war, and it was the church. yeah. that was supposed to hold onto them until the hostilities were over. but somehow they ended up being sprung and turned back over to key of and are now on a traveling road show of sorts. last year they were at california is procedures stanford university, some of the same fighters,
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along with their wives known as the association of families, of as of style defenders. and they publicly posted all over social media after these visits bragging about. both this u. k. parliamentary parents where they were reportedly hobnobbing with both tory and labor representatives ahead of a july 4th election. it was just called this week. great luck. i'm sure that is. and also they post on social media after the stand for gig as well. and they brought all of their favor gear with them to the u. k. complete with over nazi symbols like the walls angel symbol that was once used by the nazi ss and the were mocked in the world war 2, euro v as lot of soldiers were trained by the wes, it's uh, the ottawa citizen, the reported even before the print conflict went red hot that counted as military leaders training these guys noticed all the nazi tattoos and we're like, uh, all right, so what do we do of all this?
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and ultimately they just just why is it it was totally cool, totally normal, as long as the media didn't find out about it. whoops, there is reporting just this week, actually here in the french press as well, of as off training, allegedly by france. so with both this u. k parliamentary visit and with last year stanford visit, there seems to be an effort of foot by the western establishment to whitewash as i've not see roots and re brand them as heroes. here's former british prime minister boris johnson doing exactly that in meeting with them. ringback on here with us. so josh was saying all these wonderful things about as a while holding up their flag complete with all the nazi symbolism totally casually, like he's at a fun part posing with
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a walt disney world logo. keep in mind that johnson has a lot of skin in the game here. you could say, since it's been widely reported that he was the one who scheduled the original piece deal that russia put on the table early on in the complex convincing. he has not to take it as all fighters were folded into the regular ukrainian army. but the nazi stuff just is, is washing out and is leaving some stubborn stains for western optics to get 10 with particularly during visits like this. not a great look either when as our reps start singling out specific m. p. 's for thanks like m. p. victoria prentice, the attorney general for england and wales, whom as our credits on social media. with arranging this visit to the u. k. m. p. john wedding dell and also chair of the u. k. ukraine parliamentary friendship group m p. bob seeley. we're talking here about a group, wildly qualified by the west, as neo nazi and problematic,
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even for zalinski himself before the current conflict itself. the 1st time that a country of the british crown has formerly cheered nazis in parliament to recall that canadian parliament did the same with a bona fide world war 2 genuine article, ukrainian nazi euro slot, who and then back kind of like crazy play me that they really weren't aware of the connection, even though the house speaker, who had to step down after the scandal introduced tonka as having fought against the russians in world war 2 from the chamber today. ukrainian canadians, ukrainian canadian world veteran from the 2nd world for who fought the ukrainian independence against the russians and continues to support the troops today. even at his age of $98.00, the
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apparently nobody them off on that line and go, hey wait a minute. it sounds like he was killing our communist allies that were also fighting against hitler. instead they just flopped along sides of whiskey who was also visiting that day and fist pumping this guy and tearing them on. now it's the british problem. it's turned to fish pump hunk as ideological successors. it's bad enough that the british press like the new statesman, for example, has accused force johnson number of exciting far right mobs. not sure how this is going to help them pretty tough to go. much more fastest are, are right then folksy, probably parade around with recognizable nazi symbols. but the m. p. 's and attendance like canada, entire parliament seemed to be hoping that nazi history gets memory. busy if it means championing proxies that they can exploit in the greater interest of sticking it to russia, we discussed visibility with the leader of the communist party of great britain run
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gte bra, who says what london is doing is giving naziism new life. it is particular only cuz forest johnson likes to start himself. is it more than de winston churchill? and he likes to think of himself as 90 will lead to a great british liter. um i, i don't see who is that most people don't see him is that but a nice he's doing precisely the reverse and once again, rehabilitated not to them in an extremely active white particular since 2014 and 50 grand children in all of those original notes he says for with the germans who are forming the backbone of such organizations as the right stick to again debris one of you and of course the, as of this battalion and the correct corporate side of these are very real. you don't even notice and fail nazis is a dead as nazis to take that nazi audiology fluid. and it's precisely the re injection of that figures out for next but isn't that rapid fascism back into the
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main stream of the cranium. so somebody to that happened on the power shampoo that happened of course, and at the institute, which has really enabled for the may to impurities to break a few cream and use it as a battering ram. notify some of the other people's, the russian people that is responsible for the awful situation. we now see that in which that special military operations proved absolutely necessary to achieve the legitimate aspirations. oh no, just the russian people. but the majority of humanity wants to see the militarization, the deed, notification of the crane as the only way really forwards towards a peaceful. of course, bruce you, once again really we have the will of, are really close acting else outside of old democratic for making the lights this with, with open not seats threatening new people. and doing so without any
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routine by the front of them and go from the way to british public. let's not forget, this is essentially started. that's the simple for the wisdom they're going to have to subvert, to the training democracy, yet enabled, fascist cuba. there's use those precious powers to code ukraine into a neo liberal 5 for exploitation, and to use a section of the population to suppress another success of the population using the racist and freshest audiology and wage the war on for the health of its russian speaking. and culturally, russian population, this is an incredible act of war, and it's a crime against the people of the train and the people of russia, of the people of the white world, states side. now, what is america preparing for? the us house armed services committee has approved an amendment to the national defense authorization act. the get this it will automatically register man, no fighting age for a quote possible military draft. now the text is clear,
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and e mail us citizen from 18 to 26 will be automatically registered. while america has a volunteer army, as it stands, the new system of automatic draft enrollment is claimed to be replacing an older version in which, signing up for a draft was a voluntary choice. oh, if washington it likes to bring back the draft. i move not seen since vietnam, those names will be ready to be pulled up. well, that's learn more with form a pedagogy senior security policy unless michael belief, joining us here on this program. michael. oh my goodness me. i mean, look at the end of the day, if this sounds a bit why reading, i would just start off by asking you why this, why no, as well, thanks for having a i think they're trying to bring more people on because increasingly, more and more american men are not signing up for the draft, even though they have a statutory obligation to do so. and they,
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if they don't do it, for example, they cannot get federal loans for spring, for college or anything like this. now what it, what's intriguing is that it also on the existing law, states that even illegal immigrants need to sign up. so good luck on that when you have millions that are poor and in between the age of 18 and 26, that's never going to happen. the system is broken and, and they're trying to get up a registered here of, of, of qualified individuals. because basically, the, the, a number of people who have signed up or have not signed up. this is, is increasing a lot of it has to do to physical conditions or whatever of even going into the service going to school now looking for ways out and, and there's no enforcement. absolutely no, unfortunately, i don't see how this is going to be enforced. yeah, yeah, i mean, you know, might that you make a good point to it, but i just want to pick you up on something because, you know,
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this does come at times when design is down to the requirements of who's fit to serve as kind of dropped over the years, i mean, i saw a recent poll michael that basically said most, i guess potential cadets are either too fat or too mentally unstable. i interviewed an a navy veteran sometime ago he said we caught in a fine cadet. so know how to operate a simple naval compass as well. it's, it's that that's part of the problem. you. you have increasingly existing people who have to register or should register, who just are not qualified due to obesity primary. and that is that major, major concern. we can't even, we can't are you, we are an all volunteer service. uh and, but uh they, they, if the balloon goes up, as they say, it's going to be very questionable or finding qualified individuals to fill those likes. i know i was drafted during the vietnam war and we can't, we looked on ourselves as cannon fodder at that point, but at any rate is that it,
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it's, and, and they took anybody that was warm so that that's so it, i don't see how they're going to enforce this provision, even even, even though you have increasingly large numbers of ended was individuals who are not signing up. also, you have this tremendous influx of millions of illegal immigrants who are in that age range of 18 to 26. who would, who would be eligible, but i doubt that they're even signing up now. right now this minute they are required to sign up, even though they can came in. you'll legally. yeah, i mean, i, i think is about 40000000. i was watching quite morris. i'm redacted he was saying 40000000 illegal migrants have come in, but apparently they getting bused over there, getting told to vote for 5. and i mean, this is another side story, but these immigrant, you can't do that either. they think they've been, they've been given cash, they've been given money and being told to vote for 5 i just called, i mean,
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honestly made that southern border as a whole different scandal entirely. but before i let you go by, so i wanted to talk about this but possible also matthew dropped off. i mean, lucky wasn't that long ago. i remember hearing american official saying get ready for war with china or in 2025. that's next year. it's not going to happen. i caught a match and it happened. maybe it is going to happen. i don't know. chinese during big drills right now or on taiwan. what would you tie in any china angle to this or am i just kind of pulling it out of my area? no, the china, china has some 50000000 people. they could, it's expand without even trying. and they, they are all men who cannot find a partner and they're, so they're single. and so they're, they're, they're available to go fight and, and 50000000 in, in china is a drop in the bucket. consider their one point. 4000000000 chinese. yeah. so, but in the united states it's going to be much more difficult we, we are not in a position of war readiness at all any longer. and we have seen that in,
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across the board in our industries, in our, in our stocks and, and we're not prepared, not only for a free one from war, but a 3 from waterford. yeah. yeah, exactly. it's not gonna. yeah, exactly, exactly. and then there was a story, a few months ago, this said that if, if the united states got into a military confrontation with china over taiwan, the report actually said the dependent on will be out of traditional alamo, but less than 2 weeks. so at the end of the day that the hot heads needed shut out, made, and then you know, let's just hope the people we elect to be made as can realize. the responsibility of deposition was these days. michael maloof, former senior pentagon security policy analysts. thank you so much for joining us. thanks for helping me. thank you. well ahead of the fost approaching. you elections the commission chief? oh, so live on the land has wall and the right wing policies of the truck needs to destroy quotes. and 1st thing we built together. but of course,
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that was the usual bad apple talented as being the center of all this mischief making the one and only russia. we must be glad i resembled a man's national a of the confederacy, a different names, but all the same. they approved since puppets and proxies, and they're trampling on all values. we will let them destroy what we have built together and go to wonder if people even buying what she's saying anymore. german m a p a got it back. he believes the commission chief is just trying to divert attention away from our own failing. i don't know what she means, but what she said is a whole lot of loves, misses, funding line has just has a built absolutely nothing except a private fortune to shady deals with companies like buys that mckenzie and other us multi nationals and she's destroyed a great deal and it's not right to being parties which are strong. you.


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