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tv   News  RT  May 24, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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last year with which, especially when you put a 0, i look at the here, that'd be the the is the most immediate see hold. it's me, it's open. and any other action ended, i thought governor of the international board of justice rules again and orders an immediate home to israel, to military operation in southern gaza, fighting the events risks to palestinian civilians in the city of of course, naturally, israel reacts it calls the i c, j ruling falls outragious and morally repugnant, saying israel has not and will not conduct ministry operations that would inflict the destruction of the civilian population and pollutants as rusher is still open to holding peace, thoughts with you. great. but the russian leader says to legitimate, see if it's current head of state, let him is an scape is over the
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right before we join the problem. is there any advice that i hear on the program? let's get straight to a top storage right now. here on t because the international court of justice in the hey, is ordered israel to immediately stop it's military operations and the southern garzon and city of the court. consider that in conformity with the obligation under the genocide convention. it is that it must immediately hold it submitted to events and any other action and verify a governor which may inflict on the by assuming a. ready in gaza, conditions of life that would bring about its physical destruction in hold or influx independence to consensus. the court is also of the view that in order to be the evidence related to allegations of facts, fully within the scope of article 2 or 3. 0, you're doing side convention,
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is that it must be effective measures for insured b and b that access to the guy, the script of any commission of inquiry. fact finding mission, or as an investigative body mandated by competent organs of the united nations to investigate allegations of general. so the international court of justice headboard has ordered rather as well to immediately stop it submitted to us thoughts on that . i faxed, we more than 1000000 people as the cost of the future in dial conditions. the faxing was 15 charges of the 15 that has as read that to the situation. and the fact is it completes the red line. seeing that it entails the risk of a repeatable home to the human rights of people. and does that even know thing back to more than a 100000 people had been forced to see it off buses is really forces begin ground operations in an area that had been wants to kid is safe. so just know,
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watch salon also says the situation had changed since the i since a made is previous orders and conditions that had been made to the full use of emergency misses. in the case before the stating that as much as they are not convinced that the back wish and it was and related misses that as well. a phones to have undertaken sufficient have a listen to this on the basis of information for the quote is not convince that the fusion efforts and the latest measures that is the funds to have undertaken to enhance the security of civilians in regards to a split. and particularly those recently displaced from that of government is sufficient to live. ready immense, it is which the by the city and population is exposed as a result of the media to offensive. and the salon saves that provisional misses that had been previous need afforded by the ports in march did not fully address
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the situation. these guys are also maintained that this emergency to deal with mississippi due to the destruction and dissolves through as many children situation in guys, the court has made as or does alongside the halting of military, such as for as well to report to the courts within one months so on it's pro racing, applying the business mode from today on was and also to open the footboard um processing. but it will be in a few minutes here with aid. it is the 1st time that the court has told as well to hold it for me to show for races as a previously um, just for that as well to prevent equity on the side and allow age in. so guys that and 2 days really is of course pots of a must be got case both by sylvester cob. choosing is well also committing genocide . a gaze palistine is in garza is well, has a taken offense on those accusations of rejecting the claims and as false and
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saying that they are baseless. and we do know that the international court of justice is not expected to deliver it, rolling on that part of the case for several years, but to a very recent and very urgency. so last week i did also forward to take these denise is, which is the seems to be a court injunction that can squeeze a situation to prevent any harm being done before a final pause finding is arranged so that we can also, recent you said that the previous rulings from the pins 10 useful to for the funds and does that have not succeeded? inputs is, so this was portfolio seeking and explicit or the at this point so that the guy has welcome to court order of what use well to stop it's offensive, offer it outside. and it is also, or it's just as a you, in member states to beckett's, the policy mental sovereignty has also been reported a welcoming d i. c. j decision saying that it's a root presents an international consensus in israel's new ones as for
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a time to learn more or less of course live out with a former director general of israel's foreign ministry. and israel's form, i'm positive and south africa is out on leo joining us here on how to international a very well welcome to. so i always appreciate get you on the program. you, you always offer a balanced comma tree off and you're willing to say things that perhaps the mainstream media wouldn't like to hear. so we always grateful to get you here on our international law interest to off the top of your head, your initial reaction to the routing by the i c j. i see there is a very clear with us so, so those are actually rafa and and few other days like a long way investigation. so for different communities and they gave me the wrong phone passage open and so on. and you're ready. we are trying to see me and they easily find the impression that
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people saw awesome. so the regime only know the danger their lives. so cbs, so let's see what we listen to. it depends a little on the so now what is the speed? is it for all the east countries? we believe the us security de golfing, especially with the united states. we do this, so let's wait on see. all right, let me with it. you know, we, we've had a reaction and haven't we? i mean, um the, the i c j directive israel is calling it morally repugnant. meantime the, i see jake case was again, initiated by south africa. of course it was in the past few days. it was 3 european countries have said that they're gonna, they want to identify palestine is a silver and state do you get the feeling out. busy the pressure is mounting
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against that on yahoo, or is he just able to carry on doing as he pleases? do you think for this defense, very defense on what we use, so se, i'm team to see some folks over a week. all this is said that one day and diplomatic, so mommy, when they arrive and they leave the rod and now it was a civil and the seizures, a also renovations and ok to visual, gone. 3 that came almost see want there is to me and that clarified is, was the say the to seem to be the she is quite strange to the public to be the man. he said in the, what we, we do is there was always
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a good the was always be, i'm face. so let's go on with the lead i id to dec. jubilation of what the, the mouth, and maybe see the bad about it. we, there is a big especially the americans wait a minute. explaining to clarifying laser. yeah. yeah, i think is a good point there. i don't operate, i appreciate you saying that. and as, as you know, just a link on to what you were saying that in yahoo, it has repeatedly said that. nothing is going to stop him finishing his operation against her boss. but let's just say, let's just say that it did stop. let's say nothing. yahoo wrap it up in 24 hours and said mission accomplished no more, no more conflict in gaza. politically speaking, how long do you think he would survive if the wall wrapped up? now? we are the t junctions. we're going to go, oh, really?
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the rate is the rough uh am kind of the place that go most kind of eliminating come off. oh, go the other way. last is the best way to bring about a, maybe a, a d windows solid days. and there may be there at the store where the 1st thing is, is any storage johnson. we don't speak the way we kind of do the one below. the y'all is some minutes we let so by it is legal. they this little on the way it, we probably so be the nation so long. we saw the easily, the really big we lost all the details base.
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a decision is how the buckets, the fish is the only want this game decide. here's some brushes only, you know, the international community. do you how's that? it's a critical decision. and let's see what doing the site alone. legal is the former director general of israel's foreign ministry, and israel's former ambassador to south africa. it's always named lightning commentary alone. thank you so much for joining us. yeah, thank you. thank you very much. a lot of my food in alexander lucas jenko staging. a press conference today in minutes. the lead is a rush hour and by the roof discussing a wide range of topics, including non strategic nuclear drills, and the prospect of resuming peace negotiations with ukraine. i would usually, but i would just rush, i conduct strengths of both at strategic and non strategic nuclear deterrence forces on a regular basis. the difference is that after part of our non strategic nuclear
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weapons were placed in belarus, we conduct the drills together with our ballot, rosie and allies. russia fully follows all of its obligations over nuclear arms. there's nothing we would violate and there's nothing unusual in what we are doing compared to nato's actions. everything goes by a schedule and we are not escalating anything. you're really use it to you while a rifleman. why do you have a rifle to either attack or protect yourself? we don't want to attack any body to protect ourselves. we need to know how to use the weapon. the nuclear weapon is deadly and dangerous and cannot be compared to the rifle. so we need to train, pinch off the training exercise since nuclear weapons have been placed in by the roost. the russians haven't disclosed that before, but they've probably had thousands of such exercises. nothing is unusual. we're doing the same the others did before and do now. the world is unstable and dangerous. we cannot allow others to strike us like it was in the middle of the last century. we won't allow that and they must know it,
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but we don't escalate. we do not need more. russia and bellows are already quite close yet, as we've heard from both eaters today, too. in minsk, these dies are only getting stronger at the spectre of fields of cooperation between the 2 states is quite great. culture, trade, energy, security, you name it. i know all of them are on the rise. it seems that russia is helping those to gain more influence in asia. president clinton said that he discussed the bellows with his chinese council part during his recent visit to china. it also seems that the bellows is on the verge of becoming the newest member of the shot of high cooperation organization vladimir report and says that this could become official in the nearest future. possibly even during the seals. the upcoming summit in concerts, sons. this of course, joins defense and security is one of the more important building blocks i'd say of
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this relationship, which by the way, both leaders are calling as brotherly uh, the 2 countries have formed a joint defense for. so there are folding joints and military drills including nuclear, tactical weapons drills, and both the latter important and alexander lucas shantora stressing that all of this is aimed at ensuring security and protection from threats coming from the west, which is quite significant in light of the rising day to activities in eastern europe, ukraine and russia's special military operation were also discussed. in fact, following the talks during the media conference, vladimir putin was asked the question whether or not moscow is open to piece talks with the key of here's how vitamin who replied still can say it's a video to but also so yeah, and that's for the negotiation process, i have spoken about this many times and i want to emphasize it again here in russia has never refused negotiations. moreover, we started these negotiations and below. oh said one thing,
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then move them at the request of the ukranian side to east and will talk you. and i came to an agreement. we had reached the draft agreement and the head of the negotiating group on the ukrainian side, signed the document. that is, in principle, the ukrainian side was generally satisfied with it and the russian side as well. and there were some points that needed to be finalized. but on the whole, if the ukrainian side sign this document, it means that the ukranian side was satisfied with it. for well known reasons, after the former british prime minister arrived in care of the ukrainian side throughout these agreements and stopped implementing them. moreover, it announced that the negotiations were being terminated. they also said it publicly, it's not us who stop these negotiations. they stopped them and even more they for made themselves to conduct further negotiations. we did not forbid anyone. we are in favor of negotiations. after that, again, in the instigation of western sponsors, investors, the goal was set to achieve a strategic defeat of russia and victory over russia on the battlefield. so lack of
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trust and western influence over a key of the decision making. let's go with that. are significant obstacles, but according to the russian president, there's also another issue, and that is the issue of vitamins. zalinski is legitimacy. whose presidential term was supposed to come to an end of this month. so yet new presidential elections still haven't been held. we don't see me extra, of course we realize that the legitimacy of the current head of state is over, who to negotiate with this is of course a fair question. i agree with you. i think that one of the goals of the conference that has been announced the conference in switzerland is precisely to have the western community and the sponsors of the current version confirmed the legitimacy of the incumbent head of state or the inactive one. but these p steps, they do not matter for legal documents, of course. so we will need, if it comes to that. and i proceed from the fact that the stokes should be resumed, not without the methods but with common sense. and they should be based on common
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sense. but if it comes to that, of course, we need to understand who we can deal with in order to get the signing of legally binding documents. and then we need to be fully confident that we are dealing with legitimate authorities. this question must be answered in ukraine itself. first of all, i think from the position of the parliament, the constitutional court, or some other authorities, should look at what is written in the constitution of ukraine. which authorities have the right to be extended under the constitution of ukraine without elections, without electoral procedures. and which ones cannot count on these rights? this is different. this can be done on the basis of legal analysis. these are questions to the ukranian political and legal system to excites this chain. yeah. hold on what you're looking for. the expiration of mind that as a lensky is to the main office, that can be no legal purity that because there is a deep democracy that you want to stat mine everything that is strangles to comes to round up this visit to main skis. windermere, important and 2nd for,
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and visit sensors and all the ration after being re elected as the president of russia and following the visit to china, which i think is another sign showing how significant and close this relationship between washer and beller was, is probably states are now aware of speculation made the headlines, the us media around with the story of tucker carlson's ties to the kremlin. they claim the full force and use host now has a gate with a russian state tv. however, the journalist shot those allegations down saying it's just an excuse for the white house to spy on him. i've nothing to do with russian media. i couldn't even identified 3 russian media outlets. of course, i don't speak russian but, but that's a pre text for face at one. so you put that out there and you know, newsweek knows this and they're mad me for other reasons, of course. and the put this out there and all of a sudden it gives somebody ministration, you know, an excuse to spying me,
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which they already are but, and have been over the last several years. yeah, i break mine for saying these, well that's, that's close to live. now the legal, immediate, unless barriers, best line know line will great to get you on the show. but, you know, look the american media a bit spreading this news about carson's plans to host a show on a russian t v. you just heard the comment from taca. what's your take on this? well, i, i loved rory the way is that news week basically, either lied, made it up, was wrong, and i've been around for a while, a probably much longer than you sure. and i remember when people in the media was somebody screwed up, they said, well, we blew out one. we were wrong or somebody was fired. somebody was kicked out of the book, somebody because basically you are a journalist and you have this very simple task. did he or did he not sign a t v deal?
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it's pretty easy, but what they do already is they news, but he doesn't correct. they walk back, they, they re issue a statement to clarify the amount is wrong, but because we, we want back, this is all you've missed is a way of looking back. now, here's the thing, which is the most important, if you really, and you know this, if you really wanted to get tucker carbs, if you really wanted to get forget the spy, you wouldn't make him are relevant. the more they talk about him, the more he's in the do, the more people are talking about it, the more he is bigger, his star was bigger enough. here's the deal. maybe you could help me with it. me. how's an important has spoken with over the year to megan kelly? the a. p. oliver stone, the new york times. 60 minutes. bloomberg. yeah. what, why was there nothing. barbara walters interviewed everybody from fidel castro, mike wallace, and give you the, i don't know how many. i mean this is,
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i hate to bring it to you, but the leaders of countries, your interviews, i know or the masses and well worry. am i missing something seriously? i'm thinking maybe i would, maybe i've had a stroke or something in my ability to understand this has been through some his ski the cause i don't understand what he did. the best part is if you're gonna spying on somebody, you need this is a pretext. what kind of a spying organization spy out of don't wait until he signs the phone, he'd do it none. none of that makes any sense to pay it turned on. god man, the thing though, do you think the, the us peach state so to speak is spying on tucker carlson? well i well yeah, i mean, but book, well i, i don't really use it. what do you mean spying, spying? she's in the nose. pick up your phone, everybody is listening to. we were born in tab chevy of spine. but here's the thing
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which is, which is not. we live where we, i don't know how to break it to you or has been called the internet. and i can watch anything i can watch. canadian girls, highschool football, outtakes, and me thing you want watching. tucker carlson. given an interview from 3 years ago . i don't think is exactly riveting. do you mean to tell me the good people of russia have nothing better to they didn't him? is it ask for mation and they want to see him? oh, i hear you right there. you go to the strange going to yeah, totally 5 point. well, i know, at the end of the day the russian channel published some x ups from tucker calls and the show is blog, but they have some crypt, some interviews, and just from a russian channel airing some clips. right? yeah, american beach state and an open state goes absolutely mental is like, you know, the whole trump top charges against donald. you know,
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the russia collusion. now they do the same thing the tucker crawls, and funnily enough, there was a rumor that donald trump was puckett pucker to be the vice presidential candidate . hey, i do you know that they're constantly in the cross has it seems to me the establishment doesn't want the truth coming out, you know, tuck, okay, you know, he came to moscow, he did this amazing interview with coach and he walked around these grocery markets . he showed the appearance of living. he showed a very clean, beautiful city, and yet bad boy, you don't do that. it goes against the main stream narratives. but the hurry. megan kelly. oliver stone. charlie rhodes. did you remember awhile back? is this a good credit? um mike wallace sat on the floor with, i don't know how many instead of the sure. please don't take this one. i never got the 60 minutes. please don't take this the wrong way. people think you're insane. now i'm thinking about as i wait a minute, now this is nothing, not to be barbara walters, sitting with cash. real cheap. larry king interviewed was a chavez. i mean, yeah,
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yeah. what it, what is tucker, please? i mean, i, i'm not jealous, but what is he doing? what is it these are the more i watch the interview with president poor? what did he say? why said, i didn't know that. yeah, i didn't. if the guy that line with the problem is because, you know, the person has been drummed up in the west, a medium political establishment as always kind of solid can dictate or invest fios . so it isn't that the other. but if you sent down a watch the interview, like you did between tucker and food and you understand the food and speaks and measured stipends, he's a very logical standing man. he knows his history. he knows his economics. he knows all the numbers. he's a very, very intelligent man, and that just that flew in the face of the western manger narrative that he's a dumb fog and this that, and the other go on. a wait, there was a movie called the man who shot liberty balance. and the line from the movie is when the ledger becomes fact brent, the legit. that doesn't matter what reality is. just tell people just say that
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you'll hear that he gave a lecture on the history of russia. do you know what he's doing? this is code. why the buttons tucker? just point to something, just say i know what he's doing and then turn in the mistake. you don't get it. do you know? apparently no, i don't listen. the best point of i want to go back to this. you are a respected journalist. i think the worst thing in the world, if i told you advice it, rory, i think you were 40. so wrong, it's all wrong, you wouldn't, you wouldn't lose sleep what anybody tell you. 7 get back, walk it back, just correct. it's no big. it's only a store. this is the part that gets the journalism is dead. nobody cares how tough is it for you to say? i can't print something unless somebody officially conforms with me that yes, you had signed a deal. yeah, no, not. nobody has. it has its scraped, you know, a youtube a moment and, and so put it to closed caption. that's not
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a story. this is news week. this isn't larry's, you know, video newspaper. this was just wanting some volunteer peril the news a week. and then be a walk it back. yeah, it's incredible, isn't it? and then and then of course we have this rash of circled on this close sources unnamed. so yes is a major, i mean, i used to work a cnn. you could never publish a story from an unnamed source we, we couldn't do, you know what you can do it now. it started with water gate, but one would have a $300.00 more unnamed stories is then people in the white house and the best part about it is it, is it who are they? i can't tell you during listed privilege and people's and the here's the best part . i don't blame him. i blame us for saying, oh, okay, well, on names they go, no, no, no, no, by the way mister to say i, i'm your doctor. we're going to operate yes for why didn't unnamed lab report to the fact? yes, trust me. we did this lab report. who did it?
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i can't tell you this way is on the okay. i mean, i mean it's just it, but the thing is it never straight and it never amazes, seeks to maybe not to be mis mister quote today, but i love this story. but marshall mcluhan had this one and it's a little one of these are hard to keep secret, but big eyes are easy because of our inquiry. julie, the bigger the story, the bigger the lights, the more awful. let us more use it. oh my god. if, if i, if i made something up about you about a tri cities that you committed, totally, completely made out of whole cloth. and then they turned around and were all false . and somebody said, is that true? you are denying that he, whatever it was, it was you i because the level of the har almost cement the veracity, even the verity supposed to be the opposite. the greater the allegation, the more professor carl sagan said about aliens, but no, not today. often i don't know and you know what you are if you question is worry you're an apologist. very good. you're right. uh just your, you know, if you,
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if you don't with us, you know with them. i'll never forget joyce, the saying that often $911.00 i spoke about talked about dividing the mass is it's like a regular strategy. lionel legal and media outlets, it's so nice that you can actually take what is a very sad state of affairs today and just give it with a bit of tongue in cheek and it, but if you want, because you know what may we need that line? oh, thank you very much. thank you, sir. hi, ranking russell's official has come forward to admit that he was the one who told the georgian prime minister. he would do well to remember the fate of a slovak counterpart. of course, somebody tried to assassinate robot feats. so last week, however, the you neighborhood and the lodgement commission that he type as was, have been. yep. you guessed it. taken out of context. i felt the need to call the attention of the prime minister to the importance of another philippine flame and they already fred john situation by adopting these laws and disregard the latest
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tragic event in slovakia was made as an example. and as a reference to where such a high level of polarization can lead in a society, even in europe, i felt obliged to inform the georgias society about this stretch the power though drone with the attempted assassination of robot fitz, so reminds us that the global war policy is an extremely dangerous false, willing to do anything to bring chaos to georgia. well, i guess she had her thoughts and she said that western attempts to interfere in george's affairs actually started a very long time ago. have a list. i think that they have tried to pull the restitution in georgia for a long time. now. it's not news for us. i do think that since the plus times of global politics in the economics have changed a lot of to or in the crane, i think that so most time to operate in georgia in ways that they used to, which would have more coming to coming with this so they went to coal ever since
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new commendation, and they were to try that to make it too obvious that they have their own interest in georgia of 5 to oscar. it's cleaning all of sense. so things are shifting. no, they have to work. uh, pretty fast. uh and uh no, but they have, um, uh they have to meet the diseases more uh visit to our people since uh they are recommendations. now don't have the same face as it used to. now it comes from work in the form of conditions which contains east that type of central is if you don't do this, then it will have some consequences. enter this direction is a good example. that's right in about a half an hour's time here and most of the parts will be striking midnight. that's precisely but and we'll be back with more of your role.


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