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tv   Documentary  RT  May 24, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT

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took place in african parts of lawanda. the people of impala rose in an armed rebellion. the brutality of the colonialists knew no bounds. despite the un calls to stop the violence, the boards of keys only intensified their terror against the rebels. the 40s actively use the political contradictions between various groups of rebels during the war colonial aircraft. regularly use a farm and drop the fully ends on peaceful villages. the boards of keys, empire was severely exhausted by this struggle against the national liberation movements. the revolution in portugal brought down the plaza is breezing and put it in to the murder as war against the people of angola. on january 15, 1975, the elbow or agreements were assigned and the country gained independence after so many years of the brutal war the
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the whole not so again, so what i just you it and then it's get close to the boy is shipped the question can you show me and then i see it the last as a command, let's say skim projects. yeah. can we do it for less while and then probably in you look at as prosecutors who come to the house are self proclaimed pasta getting out a month and income. he's been training all for this to serve in the ukrainian army for years.
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would you much sway the charlo so that this is alexis go? how do i start out today for why don't i didn't want to jacob daughter behaviorally . she was just come to america. budget for near school was 2 or you can partner go for several years. the just investigate is a gathering evidence to condemn the children's home where religious calls and it's totally terry and see how much it was use to raise child soldiers. the little girl writes what it pretty was. it was shield on the flash assault that people do who do watch the transformation of kids into come valley killers was supported by international religious organizations. law enforcers, find that choices and almost all of dumbasses liberated several months of
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the school. thank you for almost 20 those delays loaners portables coming in a bunch of color. so i, there was only just as baskets of this bunch in order to shy able to buy in january 2023, a symbol of the room via the ukranian nationalist called appeared next to one of the main orthodox shines. the key for jessica alone over an essential bulge of every room via the sunday services singing the ukrainian and some the live ceiling cool. ukrainian amazon from the us founded the sect. one of the most prominent in the ukrainian ministry. the
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short of this uh, miscellaneous, paid custody of cindy, i appreciate you. the customer reviews. yeah. she directs you to destruction of damage annually. first to city. okay. i'm gonna just play to push this new chair to be or is more than vague in this claim that religion is at least 11000 years old . in fact, it's closer to 50 is it was created on the east coast of america, not on the banks of the meet the river run, vera religion has meetings and members of the training and they ask for a living in canada, united states. oh and were forever the are the
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the the ceiling go room there was found to begin his journey to becoming the ultimate prophet of ukrainian and more than a paganism in world war 2. the rooms were preparatory each machine you. we are the reason for your own sort of peer review of that one cause a week from the to the full year for peter, when we need some wave aging, you will see the cause, you must apply it to you to cry, use christians by the end so language propagation, ukrainian exceptionalism and hatred of russians and jews from the articles, jews of mankind's greatest enemy ukrainian would use by december, the 13th, 1941. the jews seems to have a cheap the goal in eastern europe. they have come to
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a pallet or is to come with us, the role of the jews and the tragic history of the bolshevik social. this country is very well known. and when the time comes, ukraine will hold them accountable for it. so if you had counter intelligence related loans, the link, go ahead on the gone ahead list propaganda courses and a poet h come most ensure. what are we going to move kia within the jeremiah new graham's of way sort of south and we want them we will region for me to cross cruise when you are professor in your mind a view for it. so, but we will give you our liberty mission. the seeds often hitler's defeat forma. so a drawing intelligence officer live. so then go was transferred to the us, where he continued his work and the ceiling, a special ukrainian unit, new carpet people on the street for up and you and you cannot machine, you upgrade and scarce on somebody's flags. that was cool. i assume them transport
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them much easier to use upper loop regular garden. that's the fun. yeah. for us to send this to you that way. sky will limit is approximately $10.00 for 70 practitioners furnished for which you some more we are funding the scheme for. i'm not sure when weeks you feel like we just keep us in the mid 1960. so then co transform from propagandist to profit of the new ukranian church. something here or not for the owner as soft tissue. and so she said she took them dental chicago, the initial extension, and for just dealing with it. so then how much you knew this strange, ukrainian religion appeared as part of the classified c i a project today i'm just
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are upset versus the nationalist sentiment in soviet ukraine. and therefore, i think the right and states almost certainly there's some of the blame for this. nazi like religion. while studying declassified c i a documents, jeff young, a house of representatives, candidates often found things indicating us intelligence collaborated with radical cause a religious organizations. it's a religious act, or called that stress is the superior already of the ukrainian people, ukrainian nationalism, denigrates, ethnic russians, everything russian in just a few years. during the 19 sixty's brewed video chapters were opened across the united states and canada, it doesn't matter what these groups say or do. they will support some of the
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groups are causing hatred and chaos within the target country. even on these despots, the lingo remained silent about who was behind establishing his cold and who had been funding it for decades. since world war 2 united states as foster tech stream list and to russian prejudice, who is an adrian's among the ukrainian d. s. for our 10, at least canada, the united states and countries in eastern europe, probably everywhere in the world. it's possible that the c i a to funded run here simply in order to help it turn the cranium people against russia. years later, the of of unit results you have a room via or
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a brief recess um and 2 us soldiers before battle prizes to the national day and see the causes go does bog makes with a ukrainian national is slogan all over the past few years, pagan, rituals like this have grown especially popular in the ukrainian military. so i move, so the word school, what the say the sits across somebody's fits skills. the courses focus too, because they are still going to need a measuring tape, a bunch of liam with those starting years ago noticed the thing is the stone imagined by going to a very dear to do. i was interested in what she wants you to go. daughter and you focusing on this to see what's going on behind the
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the most recent member of the nation as cold as of regimen soldier rent, not leave. shuffling down to income, but doing fighting and muddy opening spring. 2022 year old. the old. no, i understand you. my stairs just will happen in the bedroom. is the 1st impression students this way? well, if you investigate to say i li, clearly some of the victims, white scrubs of red cross on band the still pull the trigger. i'm going to be strong. uh will i do it for my i just wish i could have sworn football . no shooting and was just my business stuff as a regimen. so it is in the us of shot, this voltage,
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this middle tree post, they originally install a pagan idol. the shrine is drenched with blood from afresh and the ocean. and the motion is but he doesn't on the front door. the smoke of, if i knew the, the worst company as to present some of the issues like i told them about her name except the do well of course the little, i know there's just a little less of it has 4 leaves for the digital. so you're interested, all of which allows us to get the
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the, the submitted, the modem, paganism, and the fight against russian orthodox, a motion to new grain. almost immediately on the soviet union's collapse. in just a few years, ukraine became a world center for the spiritual chaos actively supported by the us and bureau today the bus or the
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executive. and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do. do not watch my new show seriously. why watch something that's so different whitelisted of opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do have the state department to see i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't watch my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the waiting. thank the language the behavior is has become really extreme in the west. so i think again, it's because they're there, empire is on the,
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on the decline. it's wrapped with the decline, the declining b. c. it following. and it just makes them more angry, more fast style and more full of patriots the this is confirmed by documents found in the premises of most and then goes called the senior associate, usually city of juniors and they said it still updated with us. let us, we will go for william, does it because it shows typical official should on page ocean or for the semester . and i mean, i know i'm in motion to use this and they're all us are still the way it was right there. split up old charlotte ocean just i'm pretty sure i need you to bundle out of state this
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a shot. i'm sure is that we read you correct? yes. going to get that has been to a separate out that i'm used to show you the daughter she has all. but if i knew she was just talking about a post, the shift, the remaining you, she's going to go to the greatest jump officials were behind. hundreds of emerging where they just counts in ukraine. amount of them, the may of, of ukraine's capital the on need june of escape. yes, you wouldn't be me. oh, no,
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no, no. just streaming. yeah. we have to search the or just some way i might have i have, i did. it. keeps, considers himself and active. as of the embassy have gone, judge, founded by nigerian sunday at a lodge in the early 1990 is much even later from south florida. plus you'll see the move onto the story. resonates with those of thousands of all the embassy of god members. then you judge forced as it quit a job, so the flood, i don't need all her savings for the good of the church is community for each of those folded should i was actually the ocean to the central idea of
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the key to somebody about the addition to options of us is that the big supply district over the full charles funds and the most them issue to a lot of the soldiers the season increase to the is about 3 months up. so she'll be delighted plan us more keywords than years ago. some of the laundry, the board members living she taught at the cost of loss was too much
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landscape social media allowed for sure you go. so when you put it, it goes. if everything is synchronized just at the fed issue, but just like to go with a sheet in a so, so, so the signal, if i, if i say the introduction to the beauty of too much income, then prime minister ukraine was one of the calls influential friends the floor, it's flashing and look at the property, just of those, some of them for a long number long, which is all of from the early, 2, thousands. the price of no did the embassy of gold coats, direct links with us intelligence on sunday added lounge. it himself has never
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denied it for the rest his team to most of those, those notes didn't succeed to grant in august 2007 at the law just spoke at the un, unable, because i will very much show and i don't know what's going on so, so that's very important to me that a few months earlier, he opened the us senate meeting to the press or lot of creation. we acknowledge your love ship today. yes. over 20 love empower us authorities reverends towards the man to build you planes. largest financial pyramid was also implicated in mobs, tourism and sexual crimes is quite understandable as alondra and his follow as hell pro american candidates victory use in cub become president of ukraine. the, during the 2000 and the full protests, the embassy of going to lead
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a marshal thousands of his judges, follow as to the streets to support you should come. these protests became known as the orange revolution. the most of it was divided divided the shift and the new the new. sure. the joe again might done on there for a couple of cheese, but to chicago k w schneider located to 6 down 51 if the machine to some way or the if i look at this done. yeah. to is to might have done that. ok. yeah, i'll give them that, but usually this new from you is i should just be able to use next. you
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know, so that way, but i think that the embassy of going cult members attended the rally as did representatives of the nation is room to be able to judge which of the most as part of the c, i is proud of project fusion, cuz wife, ukraine's future 1st lady via good to the, you know too much income student next to him on the might on the stage from shows old. she's attended. so then goes american church in here based on actually if it's anything got into my shamika category. i'm story and i split us customers to shop for us to continue and you called or she yeah, most kindly is in the no messiah. sure, but i can see the page and that's very reasonably special and useless. go to and i so dearly delayed you ok, and then there's
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a little easy just to do folk. so a few of those that's great. the for the show pretty near the issue. you sure. it's my share with you most of the c p for what we do you think the see the when you before you slip you will she be a be shipped out the printed up pages over from craigslist? i believe it's the story who will ship the supporters of national this codes, including road zeros, were raised in west and ukraine's use comes today with a main sizing for us in the 2014 code the menu is just using. don't just say i'm find them. say i look forward to the rest
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of them and you'll, so let's just, you know, menu it on my binder 17 for the q u, vist orleans the, let's say region you to the go so long in this settle shooting your cut or what's the bias? so what on the video, and also some of the will send already enough sent to you today almost only instigators of these ukranian protests, the direct links within through and show us religious organizations. say the 2 became prime minister of ukraine immediately off to the to your listing cave discovery assist. uh a leading us deals okay. by the senior position and us scientology sent over here at the progress is before the 3 is performed without i go on that kind of interest to justin felt like you should get sense of couple in the summer when i was into
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sports and then you said that i was in front of monster, obviously can't do that whole. and that's the issue for finding her business. ma'am, if you use for her 30 or 30, then another cool be nice. they sound a to chain of fusion. i seen president of ukraine. the 201413 of announced the beginning of the war in the east of then the unified you cry. and this is your the bombing of dumbasses peaceful cities. the ukrainians nickname, to chain of the bloody pasta. throughout his tenure in the countries highest echelons of power to gene of preacher regularly from the vote that of the world of
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life baptist church and cave, the brain which i believe started 2014 on in 2022 was an effort to kill russians and destabilize if they could, the russian government and overthrow vladimir food. so the ca uses anyone at anything if there's a religion the . yeah, this is you green became an independent states. the russian orthodox church is the most good patry of us being on the continual pressure in 2023 with the blessing of european and us human rights organizations. the pressure
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ton to outright religious war. the in the last 12 months alone, being hundreds of a tanks on ukrainian or the adults pres, dozens of whom have been imprisoned. on live tv and without hesitation, ukraine's nationalist ideology is going on that fellow citizens to the russian orthodox churches. looks on more than a v e, which you could have like a q and then the source of columbus. the ukranian police and military pauses of agencies. ingles, adult shrines, amongst a new cranes. otis, along the street, the key, the chest got lava, were ordered to leave the cells, and the abbot was detained. both always,
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the easier was still in what you proceed, sending the principal port st. lucie is giving me, i can pull them on them. i would need to ask them yet one of the me of the seas judge is going into the hands of the newly formed ukranian churches. i wrote in 0 albany list with national this rooms in scribe let's and then the states found is installed. the influence that captures keith, but she has got an inscription says link of the sacred fire, the ukrainian spiritual revolution that is already destroyed many, many lives and continues to rage the the
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while the by the ministration. many of it's close as allies continue to shield israel with diplomatic cover, the international criminal court and the international court of justice speak for much of the world. if there is to be just this, it must be applied to all the look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings accept. we're such orders at conflict with the 1st law show your mind, and just in case we should be very careful about our personal intelligence. at the point, obviously is to create a trust rather than to the area. i mean with artificial intelligence, we have somebody in the team and the robot must protect this phone. existence was on
10:00 pm
the and hello again everybody. i'm rick sanchez and this is direct impact. also, this is what we're going to be talking about today. arden's norway and space are and i'd say that we recognize the space of policy, the prime ministers of spain and ireland and norway funding there knows that israel and the united states and you're going to hear why they explained it. i'm rick sanchez. let's do it or the so yeah, we're going to begin. uh, we're going to be going to show with a somewhat startling announcement that is making the is really governmental.


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