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tv   News  RT  May 25, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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so i guess you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you think the this slight delay in joshua put on this order as well to stuff is a soap on the city of ruffled as well confused. i'm of the south of the godsa with this israel does not care about anyone whether the court of justice or any countries despite the fact that most countries have become against it. that the old and god, the boss is the t 5 file that is rejects comprised by the international court of justice and says it has never conducted the supervision in rough of that could killed. so when you are assigned as a, the african continent, so that by the unity days dignified by independent the and the by then getting
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colored is also i'd be stokes shouldn't be resumed. and they shouldn't be based on common sense. but if it comes to that, of course, we need to understand who we can deal with in order to get to designing of legally binding documents. wassa insist, it's a reading to negotiate with the end of the inquiry and conflict files, the us escalating sufficing my analysis. i'm really the losing for the menchie aid st pete the foremost to the well, this is all to is good to have your company today. my name's mode is a has been tumbling southern gaza with asked why is this white orders by the international court of justice to prevent genocide? i'm a stop is a pensive and the policy the city of ruffled the
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this was, it shows a recent is what it's called a refugee encampment of some of the city. calling eunice joseph, 10 lopez's for ruffle miss alpha within the vicinity of a crowded area where numerous piracy is being sheltering. meanwhile, the desolate and gauls is approaching 36000 vocals throughout the region of been calling for immediate international measures. and the conflict in the israel does not care about anyone, whether the court of justice or any countries, despite the fact that most countries have become against it. we hope that the international court of justice will put pressure on israel to stop this war. this war of extermination. so when the decision actually happens on the ground, i will scream is joy. know, israel will continue the most vigorous. it is a seat above the low and no one can never stop it. you are being invested in countries must compel israel to greece, whose c spy and the war and stuff,
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the genocide very, the case brought twice. i've, i've good choosing is lot of jazz are the r, c, j is told as well. so hope it's offensive in row of and withdrawal from the enclave fridays decision moms with the time this year when the court has issued orders to could tell the death toll in gaza. record considered event in conformity with nobody get under the genocide convention. is that it must immediately hold its meaning to offense and any other action in verified governors which may conflict on the by assuming a group and gaza conditions of life that could think about its physical destruction in hold or influx. however, that is our highest denied conducting a minute. we have sold in rough and then that was the case against it. the judges of genocide ruled by south africa against israel. the international court of
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justice and a gulf falls outrages in more of a repugnance. israel has no and will most conduct mills reaction, send that off. i area which main slaves on good by listing in civilian population guys, the conditions of life they could bring about as physical destruction in whole or in part a un representative size of the entire community must pressure is relative, stuff is offensive in gulf as the ice j o does israel to stop it's offensive and rough or israel intensifies. it's a text on it and use and receiving from the people trapped there in is terrifying. the sure israel will not stop this madness until we make it stop. member states must impose sanctions and domes and ball go and suspends. it's a magic and political relations with israel to it sees this. it's a sold. yeah, no, no, no, i mean, you know, we're kill daily with western weapons, european weapons. we do not want aid from you, how many we want you to stop supporting the occupation with military equipment. we
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want to put pressure on the occupation to stop it's aggression and stop it's killing of our children. and women can as a hand, even though we is this place, people have been suffering with only god knows for 8 months we the people of the north have been displaced and humiliated home with them on to cease for in all areas across cause a rafa is not the only one effects it ever spent. i mean it's no longer spent. i mean, are we not human? they are only making demands for the people of rough. um and what about us the people of gaza and what about sleeping on the streets? who cares about us? where is the justice room with them? as they always say, who is a somebody said that that was the size of a general of the fact that central committee is a real, cannot live this way through the court proceedings. and it has to be held accountable. it has basically can 95 percent of almost every building does that.
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be it that you should be at the hospital or the clinic school the university. and then comes to tell you that because nothing in any way or i think it's a means of life for punishment ends and maybe this time of the fox is going to come up to basically like its way through is being uh now or to the ground would be, this is, you know, 5 siege and it has to deliver this time, it kind of just get away with things, so to the unmarked, totally unnoticed and totally unsolved. obviously, as opposed to them as a human being, as um, basically uh from the digital who's looking for the weight for what we'd like to see the ordering of the ice. usually a pen basically item sweet spots is what i should be investigated. bundle in promotional index. but should be allowed in the end if that's not the case when basically have to revisit the concept of government, the large, the, the basics and the financial funds back to me. i've been teaching all kids with
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regards to human rights with regards to democracy with regards to freedom 0 on being crushed under the, the, the, the, the arms and the legs of these like the all me that is a basically standing in your mind. if you by actions the 15 face and cause and bill as well as far minutes has bind spanish, close to that. so this is for policy ends in the west bank. that's also the western nations of spain. island, the norway said they would recognize palestine as an independent states. i have decided to cut the connection between the diplomatic representation of spain and these are real and the police students and put a but the spanish consulate in jerusalem from providing services to for the students injured death and some area. so this to him by the trio of western nations to recognize palestine as an independent state will officially come into effect next week as a response, as well as order. it's um, boss,
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it is an island. i know it immediately with to and wound spain that a civil action is on the table we spoke with is where the parliament member ofa cast it'd be said is you being recognition of products like even by just 3 countries, is a huge step. i salute ireland at spain and norway is of any uh model. and i, there was denounced a that's the boards a i told the a simple to the same decision of the as of the obvious the, like, always in, i say, been supporting for ages that i do that. but his team and people for their own a nationalist illumination either on the southern states. so i salute the tonight, a congratulate dates and i will come eats eh, i hoped obviously that many out of a country. so we joined a book easy that's, that's not enough. it is a very important statement. it is a very a, you know,
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big step for roads, for, but they, some things should be done on the ground because with state defense, i'm not in a, i'm lucky enough. at the same time, the coordination of the but it's dying states a is carried out a this of the same time. the fact that the state is under because the annual patient must be understood and must be fought against africa today, is being celebrated across the entire continent. this saturday was able, bracing liberation from western colonialism. all tease lead from the bins of small on this significant holiday, a wasted in countries. lots of believe that they had the clipped the african continent with the capability to achieve feed them. but today, more than 60 years, often the last 2 open countries relinquish, be a colonial themes,
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the continent to silver do to, to would see until more. but why so and have those for my mazda is really going to wait. african nations believe that the soviet but under a different disguise and grievances between the continent and the waste piling up. so what would it be a good issue? are you saying that the chinese or the russians behaved better than us westerners currently? oh, absolutely. you don't quite understand african realities. it's astonishing to see how we are very distant in terms of cultures. we cannot understand why you come to give us lessons, for example, on human rights. so one of the main problems is that wisdom, the to seem to be reluctant to understand african realities. prime example, germany and the u. k was speaking strict limits on the import of hunting trophies because of coaching. concerns seems honorable, right? but they have never had to deal with data from over population like books. one, it is very easy to sit in bowie and then have an opinion about our affairs and
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books. one that we are paying the price for preserving these on the most of the world. the greens look at us with contempt, i want to mrs. limb to whom i deeply respect to take the time to accept the facts and the signs. if you like them so much, please accept this gift from us. you should live with the animals the way you try to tell us to i want britons to have a taste of living along side l events which are overwhelming my country. in some areas there are more of these beasts and people elephant numbers, just like those of scottish stags had to be controlled. hunters in the highlands paid to shoot deer and put their handlers on their walls. so why is britain trying to stop after doing the same botswana is the most successful country in the world? looking after elephant buffalo and lions, we don't want colonial interference from breathing wisdom. countries not only failed to understand africa, they are accused of driving it into economy, the speed. the main reason there is no growth in africa is that the growth factors
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are neither funded nor understood. our populations are increasing, but our economies are stunted. the i d a should tell us why they are funding the modern slavery of africans. and we should address issues like why africa is producing what it does not consume and consuming what it does not produce to keep africa. and it's them, sanctions under repub it to root in areas seems to be something they don't shy away from zimbabwe. uganda only to name a few. and he said that somebody who lost over a 150000000 dollars last year old because of the sanctions imposed by b u and the united states and uganda was punished, obeyed costs and to algae. beauty to knows, as washington would rule, competitors preferential treat states as last year. it cannot be right, let alone a healthy basis for conducting international relations or building friendship for
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a country. however, mightily abuse itself to slander into some nationals of other nations. well also maligning. those same nations for daring to be independent and sovereign. it is therefore unfortunate that the world bank and other actors dare to want to coerce us into a band ending our faith culture principles and sovereignty using money. they really underestimate all africans. so why is the waste so interested in africa when, as a claim, human rights are so bad? well, one to reason, natural resources, take a look at the d, f. c. for instance, the country produces more than 60 percent of the both supply of cobalt, which is mind in these comp about tens of thousands of those. mine is a children. some die from coble mining accidents every year. some even face sexual assault and full evictions, wisdom companies among those that have been seen by the deceit. but justice was not delivered as the quotes side, deluxe of apple,
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and a strong incentive to avoid any transparency with their suppliers even as they promised the public. they have 0 tolerance policies against child labor. we are far from finished digging accountability. what's still calling things are in africa, according to the united states, just taking in line with the 2022 national defense strategy. the department of defense will engage with african partners to expose and highlight the risks of negative p r c. and russian activities in africa over $300000000.00 were requested by the us state department this year for the fine seconds russia and time that in the african continent. even though some african countries are with that's continued alignment to moscow carries the risk of isolation from global markets. why the waste field is more to gain then to win us of deluxe. russia helped very, very much. we had a coup attempt in 2020 before the elections. if it were not for the russian
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military, our state would not exist at the moment. now our citizens can sleep peacefully, at least in the villages, so conquering, from sort of not, i would like to offer my congratulations to you mister president, because all of the decisions that you've taken you've made, you're not going to regret them. because we have managed to secure a great success, not just for the president of the russian federation who has invited us, but it's also a success for african countries because of russia is a winner. everyone is the winner. niger, which is waging a historic struggle for the re conquest of its sovereignty and its development knows how to count on your personal commitment and cooperation with the russian federation to succeed and it's patriarch fight. on this africa de applicant citizens have gradually come to reject wisdom policies to the point of blaming the former colonizers for menu, off the regions hills. some of the cutting links to the past and embracing a new direction in the future. we according to oddity pretoria
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present, but then has insisted that russia wants to resolve the thing confident through negotiations. but as i says, counts about inc, you by them, is asking if it comes and it gets him at nita as has elected to him, has in fact expired. we do. of course, we realize that the legitimacy of the current head of state is over, who to negotiate with this is of course a fair question. i agree with you. i think that one of the goals of the conference that has been announced the conference in switzerland is precisely to have the wisdom community and the sponsors of the current version confirmed the legitimacy of the incumbent head of state or the inactive one. but these p steps, they do not matter for legal documents, of course. so we would need, if it comes to that. and i proceed from the fact that these folks should be resumed with alternate terms, but with common sense. and they shouldn't be based on common sense. but if it comes
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to that, of course, we need to understand who we can deal with in order to get through the signing of legally binding documents. and then we need to be fully confident that we are dealing with legitimate authorities. us as well as it seems a peaceful resolution to the confidence us continues to. um, okay, right. and then that was a 1st aid package. it comprises a variety of, i mean, nation time, so it says high miles of those, as well as uh, tillery, i'm to most around which are frequently deployed in new planning to attacks on russian territory. the russian ambassador to the us re attitude on the timing of the new movie a package. washington does not own peace in europe. it is doing everything they can to prolong the conflict and increased human casualties from the russian and the great insights included among the civilian population. it is the list of the united states as announcing the arms deliberately students puppets. on the very day when the russian leadership has clearly and then be used to confirm it's reading this to
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negotiate. it's a sign of desperation. i think, you know, you turn to those types of activities. so when you're in a desperate situation, i think they're about ready to collapse completely. the west is starting out financially. they don't have, i mean, i think something like 10 or 15 percent of the french people care about ukraine. uh, you know, the civil worries here. i also think uh uh there's a lot of support here. uh. neither are you know, either. uh so its, um and you can even dismantle is going on within the a you to territory. so you know, oscar, you're hungry. a slack. yeah. are definitely not pro uh, a pro, this type of policy you may think um it's, um, it's a sign of desperation. there. they don't know where to go. they uh, they thrown weapons left and right now we're gonna send a 16 fighter jets there. i don't know where they're gonna take off from. i don't know who's going to fly though. that could be another sign is the escalation as
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well, but it's very poor judgment in my mind. to mail off the head of names in system like to shouldn't be able to. so like russian tire 3 with american weapons, i believe the time was calling for allies to consider whether it should lift to some of the restrictions dying post on a weapons donated to ukraine. because we need to remember what this is. this is a water rushing bar, rush against a crane, and i still have to defend themselves. and that includes also the striking targets on the russian territory. and then of course, if you deny the crane, the right to fits means their targets on a russian territory. then you make it very hard for them to uphold the right for self defense. this is self defense. self defense is trying to new instructor. it's an eagle, it's legitimate, and we are helping ukraine with upholding that right. that should include the ability to also strike targets on russian territory. runs co operation corporations
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. us and american thing tank has proposed a subsidy. the interns will allow the worst i'm going to defeat russia. and according to the report, the west should press forward and not worry about that escalation is 1st suggestion . suggested step is for the us, the authorized key to utilize the lessons divided weapons to launch strikes on russian toad fee. and so i feel a tiny climb peters and says the us sending marble arm. so he was needing to a direct conflict with russia. well, the body lose traces said from the beginning that the, the most important thing is not to write. please come to come in conflict with rush, but this is clearly doing that and you have to ask yourself, at what point does this? does our support of ukraine become a direct uh, uh, or make us like here?
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some are all responsible for what's happening in this conflict. and so, you know, rest already knows that we're funding this entire thing. we're supporting with other nights of nations with the, the material and, and equipment for war in the weapons. and so now if you're gonna change, what they say is changing the calculus to allow you print to attack in russia as, as an aggressive move that will somehow lead ukraine to victory, i think, is very dangerous for the united states. because you know b as in fact, our role, our objective is not to directly come into consultation with russian. this is not the way to do that, right. let's asking is how georgia is rooting part of your has a choose the us of infringing upon the country sovereignty. and that's also was
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into that as new restrictions against george made the policy of the so called ford agent rule. the department of state is implementing a new visa restriction policy for georgia that will apply to individuals who are responsible for a conflicted in undermining democracy in georgia, as well as their family members. spain well, enjoy the thousands of gather that i shall, tabitha with us at a you flags to protest against letting you know the legislation is a bit overly gate n. g o's ads. media outlets that receive more than 20 percent of the funding from a board to register as a for agent to just present it has vetoed the bill, but the parliament is set to override with another vote next week. so at having similar legislation that home washington has been criticizing the georgian little 4 months. meanwhile,
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the russian foreign ministry has condemned the us intense influence, the internal affairs of georgia. se washington is using quote, colonial tactics to the store, which we see up to another case of cynical and i'm ceremonious intervention in the silver and state to best buy the united states each. now washington doesn't like georgia's law on foreign influence. transparency for other adults. next will tell the last one to washington like we shows up. it's basically a test step. we've george, and it's people's to come to this black mail. now, by this they will demonstrate that everything can be done to them. we're seeing what the disparaging, humiliates, and the way with no respect to the owner and the dignity of the georgian people that the west proposes to throw a boat in case of the basic change in its position. does that do they want to buy georgians? they probably don't understand whom they're dealing with. what didn't do was get it from. it's those colonial practices to scan to break and of course, to deceive,
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to promise to lots and then give it blas bates and exchange for multiple read. for me to use not a month, but yeah, we saw who the low who political alice, who says less than a time, so it's interest in george's affairs solitude. a very long time ago. i think that they have tried to pull the restitution in georgia for a long time. now. it's not news for us. i do think that since uh, the plus times of global politics in the economics have changed a lot of to or in the ukraine. i think that so most time to operate in georgia in ways that they used to, which would have more coming up to coming with it. so they went to coal ever since the new commendation, and they were to try that to make it too obvious that they have their own interest in georgia. but to oscar, it's cleaning all sense. so things are shifting. now they have to work. uh,
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pretty fast. uh and uh no, but they have, um, uh they have to meet the faces more uh, visit to our people since uh they recommendations now don't have the same face as it used to. now it comes uh more in a form of conditions which contains east than type of central is if you don't do this, then it will have some consequences. and or this situation is a good example of that. and he commission up from hungry prizes was misinterpreted when he reminded the georgian pride, man, so the face of his little black counterpart who fell victim to an assassination attempt law. so now that says george's p ever says, well, he's safe on this new for an agent. mo, which is heavily criticized because by with some powers including the u,
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i felt the need to call the attention of the prime minister to the importance of a notice to the flaming vale ready for a job situation by adopting these laws and disregard the latest tragic events, lavaca was made as an example and as a reference to where such a high level of polarization can lead in a society, even a europe and a commission to a tells with george and pm to shit. or he could have somebody troy on to him and apparently it's not a threat. no, it's just a simple friendly warning. but however you with the context, this clearly is a threat during our conversation, the european commission that listed a number of measures that weston politicians might take if the retail on the transparency low is overcome while listing these measures. so you mentioned you've seen what happened to freed so and you should be very careful because it was an, a commission of from hungry his actions and know that to the move inside the ring. the sticky tape of the threats and the base politicians in country space when the
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death step out of line, not line of what you saw happen to feet. so is she here less than 2 weeks ago? what would think so? so back is p. m was the target of an assassination attempt who documents not reveal the depth of the shoot. his rage towards his country's lead, and much of it was the result of feet says more neutral policy towards the ukraine conflict. he wants military aid to be provided to ukraine and considered as the current government to be judas towards the european union. and so he decided to act . so back to his deputy prime minister has already stated that the gunman was a don't by the negative media surrounding well, but feet. so in the lead up to his election in 2023 and ever since he's being painted in the media as a russian scrooge. and i'm to you crane feet. so who said he favors a p steel and what's the will to end?
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he's not the only one that thinks the media is to blame. the attempted assassination of european prime minister by radicalized fanatic because of his support for peace indicates this ingrained intolerance of descent and hatred. many politicians parties and media have contributed to this by portraying every differing voice as pro russian, which is extremely unfair and leads to these negative consequences. well, the media has been blamed, it's a culture that has essentially been green linked from on high for example, anytime a country set size is line in the you, brussels comes down hard on the take hungry. it's had a rough ride with the e u commission fees. victor open says he was being blackmailed to tow the line over ukraine. it's sort of a black mailers manual, they say in short, then if we behave like a sovereign country hungry will immediately face of vast financial blockade. and
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that they will link the ukraine in question to the rule of law. the 2 have nothing to do with each other, then hungry would suffer armageddon, least calling to block mailing and use of threats, economic or physical seep into the consciousness of nations in germany. politicians the same, the repercussions of facts me is of painting the if the policy i've not c sympathizes has resulted in an unprecedented political violence in contemporary times a if the members are facing threats on a daily basis. but no one is paying attention. on my end, i've also been physically attacked. my car has been banned. it's happening to us all the time and people are not paying attention to it. and i think if you're already in any aware and about democracy, you should address violence against politicians. no matter if it's a guess, a team member or sd. the sd has also spoken as against the ears funding of the
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ukraine rule and rejects sanctions imposed on russia with those threats, politicians and country space comes to melts away. when a move friendly government is elected to look at poland freely, is it was the use of old taffy boot issues surrounding the perceived independence of its true district on the pound to base of the media for propaganda. but in a puff that's old gone away as polls voted in a friendly guy and last year. that's why donald, to us because the former president will be repeating council. so basically a lesson to take away here, coming to here, little feet of the you full in line and oh, we'll be right. otherwise you'd better watch your back. well by rubbish out. there's a new the entire company, hey, with us on our c into national really bus about 30 minutes web designers.


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