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tv   News  RT  May 25, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the the, the slice of the international court of justice ordering as well to serve as a salt on the city of ruffled isabel continued. so i'm on the south garza with that israel does not care about anyone whether the court of justice or any countries, despite the fact that most countries have become against it, finds the death toll in gaza sup bosses 35000 isn't. i would guess complaint why the inside of good does is instead of never conducted the menu of origin in rafa, but could have killed civilians the size of a africa survey,
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you can see all the positive side signified by the 2 bits of independence and the fight against can also ahead of the piece stokes shouldn't be resumed, and they shouldn't be based on common sense. but if it comes to that, of course, we need to understand who we can deal with in order to get to designing office legally binding documents. russia in service is ready to negotiate the end of the clean confidence because the us escalades the 5 d y announcing hundreds of millions of dollars in for the movie 8 to keep the a very well welcome to you from the entire international new seem coming to life for most the best they can look at the top. so is this is though has been pummeling southern gov with it's like despite old is by the international court of justice. to prevent genocide, i'm stop is offensive in the past. i'm probably in the city of rafa.
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the, this was a shows, a recent is where the attack on a refugees happened in the southern. the city of calling unit was just 10 kilometers from rough or missile struck within the vicinity of a crowded arrow. a numerous policies have been sheltering. meanwhile, the death told in garza is approaching the $36000.00 locals the throughout. so the region has been cooling for immediate international moses to en route home in the israel does not care about anyone whether the court of justice or any countries, despite the fact that most countries have become against it. we hope that the international court of justice will put pressure on israel to stop this war. this war of extermination. so when this decision actually happens on the ground, i will scream is joy. know, israel will continue the most vigorous. it is a seat above below and no one can never stop it. european invest in countries must
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compel israel to greece, who, a ceasefire and the war and stuff, the genocide because it, in the case boards, lifestyle. so i feel like using use rather than just live the i, c, j has told is a whole is offensive in rough on withdrawal from the enclave for a decision lock. the 3rd time this year, when the court has issued orders to tell the death. so in does a record considered event in conformity with the obligations under the genocide convention is that it must immediately hold. it's mindy to offense, and any other action instead of a governor, which may conflict on the by assuming a group and gaza conditions of life. that could think about it, physical destruction in whole or inbox, as well, hasn't denied conduct seen a man feel assault, and rav i'm has denounced the case against it. the judge use of genocide brought by
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south africa against israel, the international court of justice and a golf falls outrageous and more of a repugnant israel has no and will not conduct males reaction. send that off. i area which main flakes on the policy and civilian population, guys, the conditions of life that could bring about as physical destruction in whole or in parts. uh, yeah, we spoke with assembly side down and he's a deputy secretary in general. all the facts that central committees said israel cannot lie its way through the court proceedings and it has to be held accountable . it has basically can 95 percent of almost every building does. uh, be it that you should be at the hospital or the clinic school university and then comes to tell you that because nothing in any way or i think it that means or flight punish demands. namely this time of the fox is one cannot basically lie. it's wasteful, is being uh, now open to the ground with the decision of fi cj,
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and it has to deliver this time. it kind of just get away with things. go to the unbox to tell you, i noticed and totally unsolved, obviously as opposed to them as a human being, as um, basically a digit impose looking for the weight for what we'd like to see the ordering of the ice. usually i pen the basic 3 items. sweet spots is what i should be investigated and up in promotion the next, but shouldn't be allowed in the end. if that's not the case, when basically you have to revisit the concept of your mind that the applause, the, the basics and the potential funds that we have been teaching all kids with regards to human rights with regards to democracy with regards to freedom, their own being crushed under the, the, the, the, the arms and the legs of these like the, all me, that is a basically standing in your mind if you, by actions i thought of taking place. and because on the on and i also, i and the reason is are the tax have been lenses,
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at least 10 people were reported killed in a recent idea of strike on garza city, a warning, disturbing images. all i had that this was, it shows family members morning for children who were killed in the attack. however, the idea of has claimed that it is supposedly trying to prevent the best. so somebody from out to a very special guest is a hit a, so i see is a pro, past inactive has done yes from cairo, egypt. so here, thanks so much for taking that 5. now, i'd like to talk a little bit about the politics and i'd like to talk a little bit about what you're doing for the, for the cause, but again to us. what are your initial thoughts? well, when you heard about the i c j saying that, you know, it's, but it's saying that, you know, is, has to stop for these uh, bombings and the tax. what were your thoughts? absolutely. yeah. well look um,
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i mean is ron made of comment before the i c j ruling the at the next big i subject rule in favor of south africa and lots of advocates for christie. so they made the comment and they made the statement. previously they made some of the statements as well, and they tried, said they did not believe what they do, what they being accused of is what they doing and then offering to comply. so you know, it was expected and it was no surprise that i c. j, who in favor of what of africa has requested in terms of a if pelting the operation and reference. and it's also no surprise that is raw is defining and defending the actions and saying they will not abide by what i see j is requesting them to do none of this as a surprise. this is a test and of behavior that we've been seeing over the past few months. right? right. as we say here, as we understand that you're actually working in kyra with this face palestinians. what, what kind of obstacles are you facing? and can you talk a little bit about what you're doing?
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absolutely. yeah, so look, i mean, i am, so that's a good in progress of efforts and especially with what's going on. and i'm actually based in toronto, but i'm in cairo for the past a week or so and will be for the next few days. and over the past 8 months, i've been working with various organizations here in cairo as well as in has the supporting kind of sitting in families in terms of relief efforts, right, and proxy. that is because the military and a to that's getting in isn't sufficient. and many organizations, many individuals are having to participate in this area and having to do more for these palestinian families. specifically him. kyra, we've seen thousands and thousands of families exhibiting. so over the past couple of days we've met with these families, they've existed fund number of different reasons. it could be medically, evacuations, it could be students, it could be the pages, it could be an official route. you know, these various reasons why families have investigated and how they be activated,
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and the way that they be evacuated also determines what right of access they had in egypt and what support and services they could get. many families who have existed do not have the right to serve the seo in egypt because they not documented, would you not have egypt? sions, documents to make them citizens of egypt or resistance of egypt? people things like social welf, be written in a school named universities house um house support is this available to these 2 these families? yet he with the families that are in dia, dia, dia needs of the support. so i put a team that's a better approach with me. i'm working with an organization full of life flight foundation here in egypt. and we are, they are kind of spinning and run and delayed organization. and they, we do work full kind of students and families. and a number of different things, so it's cash aid so that they can actually live, you know, by spending money on rent on food. we do a number of things around food supply, health and health tickets for the injured that are in the hospital. we help with students to get them back into school, back into university,
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give in some sort of new matter to apply so they can carry on the goods the possible future is uncertain for them. oh is there and before i let you go, we appreciate you joining us. but do you think that the international community, with all these, you know, decisions from the i, c j or the i c c? is this just, you know, is this just a smoke and nothing's really happening, is it just pro double? do you think, you know, few miles here and aid is getting that? what does the international community really need to do? yeah, i mean, i think the, i mean there's a number of things that are taking place. i think it does sometimes feel like it's all smoke. it does sometimes feel like it's futile. sometimes we ask, what are these international organizations actually the full because while they make decisions and they make rulings, it doesn't seem like it has any strong stand and forceful nature as to, to both hand, it will force you control the end of the semester. they can only request it's suggested. and what we have seen is kind of, you know,
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the various protests are on the walls, the incompleteness by the university students. all of these things. one is michael . so just found is kind of took an action. they are making a difference. what it does is it put, it's put pressure on the system, on the political system, on the private system, number one, number to a direct consumer civilians towards the action that way. it's going to be most meaningful so we can get the scale of impact. what needs to be done right now is, i mean to the question of is enough being done. they are enough countries that are recognizing the state of palestine at the moment. they are in the countries that are calling for more humanitarian a to get into has the v i n s. countries that are recognizing this as be a genocide, but that's not enough to just recognize and request is relative to different. most of the action needs to take place, diplomatic ties, needs to be correct, right, investment into israel, government and funding needs to be caught like you need to full. it's ross has to
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actually stop and do what the war is requesting me to do. because without supporting them, it is just a refreshing institution. and with that i c. j make suggest and requesting the requesting suggestions. and is rob's denying it then defying it? so yeah, we need private sector and public sector to force the head of israel. yes, yeah, that's i put in the the things do change and change quickly, but i have to leave it. that is a hit a so my profile as inactive is doing this by science again for your time. us after a good day is being set a right across the entire concept. the size of that with people in bracing liberation from western colonialism. now, teens and literally brings us more on this significant holiday. wasted in countries like to believe that they have equipped the african continent with the capability to achieve feed them. but today, more than 60 years, often the last 2 open countries relinquish, be
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a colonial themes. the continent to silver do to, to would see until more, but why so, and have those for my mazda is really going to wait. african nations believe that the as to big, but i'm the a different disguise and grievances between the content and the width of heidi up. so what, what did you good issue, are you saying that the chinese or the russians behaved better than us westerners currently? oh absolutely. you don't quite understand african realities. it's astonishing to see how we are very distant in terms of cultures. we cannot understand why you come to give us lessons, for example, on human rights, because one of the main problems is that wisdom leaders seem to be reluctant to understand african realities. prime example, germany and the u. k was speaking strict limits on the import of hunting trophies because of poaching conserves, seems honorable, right? but they have never had to deal with elephant over population like blue one. it is very easy to sit in bowie and,
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and have an opinion about our affairs in books. one that we are putting the price for presenting these on the most of the world. the greens look at us with contempt . i want britons to have a taste of living along side l events which are overwhelming my country in some areas. there are more of these beasts than people elephant numbers just like those of scottish stags had to be controlled. hunters in the highlands paid to shoot deer and put their handlers on their walls. so why is britain trying to stop after doing the same botswana is the most successful country in the world? looking after elephant buffalo and lions, we don't want colonial interference from breathing wisdom. countries not only failed to understand africa, they all accused of driving it into economy. the speed. the main reason there is no growth in africa is that the growth factors are neither funded nor understood. our populations are increasing,
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but our economies are stunted. the i d a should tell us why they are funding the modern slavery of africans. and we should address issues like why africa is producing what it does not consume and consuming what it does not produce to keep africa. and it's them, sanctions on their repub it to root in areas seems to be something they don't shy away from zimbabwe. uganda only to name a few. and he said that somebody who lost over a 150000000 dollars last year old because of the sanctions imposed by b e. u and the united states and uganda was punished overhead, costs and t l to be to knows as washington woodville compilers, preferential freight states of last year. it cannot be right, let alone a healthy basis for conducting international relations or building friendship for a country. however, mightily abuse itself to slander into some nationals of other nations, while also maligning those same nations for daring to be independent and sovereign
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. it is therefore unfortunate that the world bank and other actors dare to want to coerce us into a band ending our faith culture principles and sovereignty using money. they really underestimate all africans. so why is the waste so interested in africa when, as a claim, human rights are so bad? well, 12 reason natural resources take a look at the d, f. c. for instance, the country produces more than 60 percent of the both supply of cobalt, which is mind in these comp about tens of thousands of those. mine is a children, some die from coble mining accidents. it'd be some even phase sexual assault and forced evictions. wisdom companies among those that have been seen by the d. c, but justice was not delivered as the quotes sided with deluxe with apple and a strong incentive to avoid any transparency with their suppliers even as they promised the public. they have 0 tolerance policies against child labor. we are far
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from finished seeking accountability. but what's still growing pains are in africa, according to the united states, just take it in line with a 2022 national defense strategy. the department of defense will engage with african partners to expose and highlight the risks of negative p r c. and russian activities in africa over $300000000.00 were requested by the us state department this year for the fine seconds russia and sign that in the african continent. even though some african countries are with that's continued alignment to moscow cameras . the risk of isolation from global markets, why the waste field is more to gain then to win us uh, deluxe russia helped very, very much. we had a coup attempt in 2020, before the elections. if it were not for the russian military, our stage would not exist at the moment. now our citizens can sleep peacefully, at least in the villages. so conquering,
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from sort of not would like to offer my congratulations to you mister president. because all of the decisions that you've taken you've made, you're not going to regret them because we have managed to secure a great success. not just for the president of the russian federation who has invited us, but it's also a success for african countries because of russia is a winner. everyone is the winner. niger, which is waging a historic struggle for the re conquest of its sovereignty and its development knows how to count on your personal commitment and cooperation with the russian federation to succeed. and it's patriotic fight. on this africa de applicant, the citizens have gradually come to reject wisdom policies to the point of blaming the formal colonize was menu off the regions hills. some of the cutting links to the past and embracing a new direction in the future. we according to oddity pretoria, but let's now cost a live to old. he on the or you'll close the pun, african,
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as active as an independent consultant in kenya. so thank you so much for taking the time to joining us and, and you know, if it's something that you say happy african day, then we wish you, oh, i very uh, process, year and date. but 1st of all, so let's talk about a little bit about the, the politics of the country. how strongly do you think the colonial hospital told about the colonial past or present how strongly is a colonial past? and how that affects african relations. today with the west, that is the to yes, because the number of other countries lot of these though, what were some countries and, and leave it in the matrix. if these are my guess 6 days, we've got the so called the dependence. but the c o o colonial rule still remains very strong, strongly africa. so i took
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a look at the ethic. everybody says the days to uh, what was that one going again the old before the next session because as much as i think that is good. uh, what the independence, independence of the, uh, the colonial legacy and the colonial practice is to manifest themselves in the countries. and so for these, i'm going to go pick those also some, i mean, so it's, it's, uh, it's one of the officials. right? yeah, on the, on the many african need is talk about making partnerships with countries that will not use them, but instead help them grow themselves. in your opinion, what is the change for the after and confidence to thrive is i think
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one of the days that needs to be done is, is, is completely, but it's a completely comically bothersome control a little while i so fast control the, i kinda see control of either. gotcha. and that's used to be di. um that's looking at the is that many of our postcolonial. uh, uh, governments like games. uh. as like the says to the above. so uh, i think what african people, uh, uh, types, best live when we do, uh what flex regaining 70 of a whole lot of industries. uh well, i mean at all or was this uh new desks having um, good for me uh, in independence and of course with lisa and dental there. uh does he get the money back? so i think uh intensively, by the sudden i think we need to what,
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what are completely but i says the talking about some to advocate timing. how do i believe i figured i was under the damage vision for the future. uh, without the additional phone. uh, the new boss. right, i mean that makes a lot of sense, but in the day, we know that, uh, you know, governments unlikely. i am ass they, they letting the minds of the africans, african countries, but they, they come with conditions. we now know that the new countries are coming in to make investments with african countries like russia and china, but so do the same benefits and this sort of cooperation. and yes, the, the, this so close the financial institutions of the west. uh, come with a big uh, big limitations and backgrounds and stuff like that. uh,
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some of the conditions because uh, a 102 to 12 people in terms of last truck drivers sexual adjustment programs. and this, this policies does need a bit of what it is. i'm looking back with all the oddities of underlining law of gloves as of people's souls. yes, i the see from a time of 60, the more liberal. that's the text except the only piece without the pushing uh would be something that's close until 2nd to i forgot. it was a lot of good stuff in the navigation 7 that's with the with the or the of this right will send to me with them. unfortunately, details into all the on the oil coupon on africanist active as an independent consultant. as a is all 6 months ago. now,
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president present has insisted that russia was the result of the ukraine, confident through negotiations, but of his counsel pausing. keep this, the volume is it obviously becomes an alien. so let me definitely as his elect said, to me has expired. a, me a damn submit x. of course, we realize that the legitimacy of the current head of state is over, who to negotiate with this is of course a fair question. i agree with you. i think that one of the goals of the conference that has been announced the conference in switzerland is precisely to have the western community and the sponsors of the current key of regime confirmed the legitimacy of the incumbent head of state or the inactive one. but these p steps, they do not matter for legal documents. of course, we would need if it comes to that. and i proceed from the fact that piece books should be resumed, not without tomatoes but with common sense. and they should be based on common sense. but if it comes to that, of course, we need to understand who we can deal with in order to get to the signing of
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legally binding documents. and then we need to be fully confident that we are dealing with legitimate authorities. as well as the things a peaceful resolution into the us continues to, um, keep, i'm as announced a press a package. it comprises a variety, that'd be addition to that. and so it does. high mazda of elk is, as was off tillery, i'm both around, which are frequently deployed any, plenty of tanks on russian thursday. they're listed on the buses. the us who attitude on the timing of the new movie a package in washington does not bone biesen. you rip, it is doing everything they can to prolong the conflict and increased human casualties on the russian and the great insights included among the civilian population. it is the less through the united states as analogy, norms deliberately, students puppets. on the very day when the russian leadership has clearly and then be used to confirm it's reading this to negotiate. it's a science desperation, i think, uh, you know, you turn to those types of activities. so when you're in a desperate situation,
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i think they're about ready to collapse completely. the west is starting out financially. they don't have, i mean, i think something like 10 or 15 percent of the french people care about ukraine. uh, you know, the civil war is here. i all think uh uh, there's a lot of support here neither. you know, either. so it's um and you've got even dismentos going on within the a you to territories, you know, austria hungary, a slovak, you are definitely not pro uh, a pro this type of policy. you may think um, it's, um, it's a sign of desperation. there they don't know where to go. they uh, they thrown weapons left and right now we're gonna send the 16 fighter gets there. i don't know where they're gonna take off from. i don't know who's gonna fly though . that could be another sign is the escalation as well, but it's very poor judgment. my, my don't just opening policy as
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a to z us of infringing upon the country. sovereignty via is off to washington, announced new restrictions against georgia amended the policy of a so called for an agent law. the department of state is implementing a new visa restriction policy for georgia that will apply to individuals who are responsible for a conflicted and undermining democracy in georgia, as well as their family members. meanwhile, to enjoy the thousands of gathered in the national cabins, who was u. s. and the you flies in crude to protest against the new law. but let's just say here's to offer the gates and to you. it's our media outlets that we see more than 20 percent of the funding from a board to read this uh as a for an agent to just present has vetoed and the bill. but the problem is, is set to override that with another vote next week. so i'm having similar, let's just say to the washington as being criticizing the dollar general for months . meanwhile,
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the russian form is as condemned to us in terms the influence of the internal affairs of georgia saying washington is using quote colonial tactics to distinguish us. we see up to another case of cynical and unceremonious intervention in the silver and state assessed by the united states each. now washington doesn't like george's law on foreign influence transparency. what's next? we'll tell the last one to washington like we shows up. it's basically a test step. we've george and it's people's to come to this black mail. now, by this they will demonstrate that everything can be done to them. we're seeing what the disparaging, humiliates, and the way with no respect to the owner and the dignity of the georgian people that the west proposes to throw a boat in case of the basic change in its position. does that do they want to buy georgians? they probably don't understand whom they're dealing with. what didn't do was get it from it's, there's colonial practices to scan to break and of course, to deceive, to promise
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a lot and then give it blas bates and exchange for multiple goods for me to you. couldn't you? well it, we spoke with a local, as well as, who says west side of us into van. georgia is a fast all did a very long time ago. i think that they have tried to pull the restitution in georgia for a long time. now it's not news for us. i do think that since the plus times of global politics in the economics have changed a lot of to or in the crane, i think that's out most the time to operate in georgia in ways that they used to, which would have more coming to coming with this so they went to coal ever since the new commendation and they would try that to make it too obvious that they have their own interest in georgia. but to oscar, it's clean and all sense. so things are shifting. no, they have to work. uh, pretty fast. uh and uh no, but they have um,
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uh they have special needs diseases more visits to all people since they are commendations that now don't have the same face as, as it used to. now it comes up more in a form of conditions which contains ease than type of sensors. just if you don't do this, then it will have some consequences. and, or this situation is a good example of that. well outside of this, these are all c dot com, a great website you should check out a lot of interesting. so is that we'll be back to the top of the, the, [000:00:00;00]


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