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tv   News  RT  May 25, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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now and more full of patrons, the despite the international court of justice, ordering tel aviv to stop at the salt on the city of rough off israel continues to hammer the south of gaza with air strikes. israel does not care about anyone whether the court of justice for any countries, despite the fact that most countries have become against it. as the death toll and gods with surpasses 35000 people, israel rejects complains by the international court of justice and says it has never conducted a military operation and drop off that could have killed civilians. this saturday, africa promotes the unity on the continent with
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a holiday. that celebrates the achievements of independence and the fight against colonialism. also, a head piece stokes shouldn't be resumed, and they shouldn't be based on common sense. but if it comes to that, of course, we need to understand who we can deal with in order to get to the signing of legally binding documents. russia insists it's ready to negotiate, to end the ukraine conflict because the us escalates the fighting by announcing the hundreds of millions of dollars in further military age to keep the just after 4 pm here in the russian capital. and you're watching r t international. i am your host donald quarter. welcome to the program. just a day from being ordered by the us top court in the hague, to prevent genocide and gaza and hold. it's offensive in the city of rafa. israel has once again been pummeling the south of the enclave. the,
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the, the split it shows a recent is really attack on a refugee camp in con eunice, just 10 kilometers from rough on a missile strike hit a crowded area. meanwhile, the death toll and gaza is now approaching 36000 people. vocals are demanding international action to stop the death and destruction in the israel does not care about anyone whether the court of justice or any countries, despite the fact that most countries have become against it. we hope that the international court of justice will put pressure on israel to stop this war. this war of extermination. so when this decision actually happens on the ground, i will scream is joy. know, israel will continue the most vigorous. it is a seat above the low and no one can never stop it. you are being invested in countries must compel israel to greece, who is the spot and the war and stuff, the genocide. on friday,
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the international court of justice ordered israel to halt it's offensive and drop off and withdraw from the enclave in march. the 3rd time this year that the hague has issued orders to curtail the death toll and gaza. the cord considered events in conformity with. they'll be to get under the genocide convention, is that it must immediately hold. it's mindy to offense and any other action instead of 5 governors, which may inflict on but assuming a group and gaza conditions of life that would bring about its physical destruction in hold or influx. israel claims that's offensive and rough eyes, not putting civilians at risk and denounced the case against it. the judges of genocide ruled by south africa against israel. the international court of justice and a gulf falls outrages in more of a repugnant israel has not and will not conduct males reaction. send that off i area which may inflate. some of it by listing in civilian population does
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a conditions of life that could bring about as physical destruction in whole or in part. you and representative says that the international community must pressure is real to stop it's offensive in gaza. as the ice j o does israel to stop it's offensive and rough or israel intensifies. it's a text on it and use and receiving from the people trapped. the rain is terrifying . the sure israel will not stop this madness until we make it stop. member states must impose sanctions and dams embargo and suspends. it's a magic and political relations with israel to it sees this. it's a sold. yeah, no, no, no, i mean, you know, we're chilled daily with western weapons, european weapons. we do not want aid from you. we want you to stop supporting the occupation with military equipment. we want to put pressure on the occupation to stop its aggression and stop its killing of our children. and women is going to
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have the hand in the we is this place. people have been suffering, but only god knows for 8 months we the people of the north have been displaced and humiliated home with them on to cease for in all areas across cause a rafa is not the only one effects it ever spent. i mean, it's no longer spent. i mean, are we not human? they are only making demands for the people of rough. um and what about us the people of gaza sleeping on the streets? who cares about us? where is the justice we're looking at the calls times envoy to denmark says that washington's continued support for israel is fueling the assault on guns, or is there as there. so for the has all odors act as a rogue state, above intake nation, low above international humanitarian law. and has been totally supported, you know, by the united states of america. so, and the routing that comes from the i c j. it doesn't about the for them because you know, they go ahead, supported really thoroughly financially by the united states,
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and by the veto power. i do not the admissions and that, then it says, gifts empowerment for is the end to denounce the international community. the international legitimacy and any kind of a know that comes or every solution. they just, you know, it just in the world. so they don't care. and then it can that goes or, and continues today. there's nothing gods that could children and woman, and that is deadly. and there is no place that could be cold, say thing guys that with the rough uh, or the, the southern pots and all of them. but there's nothing in everything. 70 percent of the infrastructure has been totally due to the chapter done, destroyed by these ages. and this as you know, the bastion of democracy as the alleged in the west has shown that it is one of the most booted occupational forces in modern history. so yeah, if it doesn't go basic, due to the security council, have to be rectified as
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a decision that could be legally binding. is just a, me, a smoke screen. and this, and this not going, you know, to care about it that i don't, the americans are correct ending in the international criminal court justice. that if florence are being put, they are going to destroy this international organization. and to outright, you know, support this or against any kind of in position in terms of movement. then what have you. so. ready we see communities that the americans, you know, i love the basic, get into with the international legitimacy with the international law. and they are willing to support is that all the way the celebrating the confidence rich diversity events are taking place in the, in a whole host of countries to mark africa, day, or 2, you know, who you'll come get has been looking at the significance of the occasion wasted in countries, lots of believe that they have equipped the african continent with the capability
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to achieve feed them. but today, more than 60 years, often the last 2 open countries relinquish, be a colonial themes. the continent to silver don't look to would see until more, but why so, and have those for my mazda has really gone away. african nations believe that the soviet, but under a different disguise, and grievances between the continent and the width of hiding up. so what, what did you, are you saying that the chinese or the russians behaved better than us westerners currently? oh, absolutely. you don't quite understand african realities. it's astonishing to see how we are very distant in terms of cultures. we cannot understand why you come to give us lessons, for example, on human rights. as one of the main problems is that western leaders seem to be reluctant to understand african realities. prime example, germany and the u. k was speaking strict limits on the import of hunting trophies, because of coaching purposes. seems honorable, right?
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but they have never had to deal with elephant overpopulation like books. one. it is very easy to sit in berlin and have an opinion about our affairs in books. one, we are paying the price for preserving these animals for the world. the greens look at us with contempt. i want britons to have a taste of living along side l events which are overwhelming my country. in some areas, there are more of these beasts than people elephant numbers, just like those of scottish stags had to be controlled. hunters in the highlands paid to shoot deer and put their handlers on their walls. so why is britain trying to stop after doing the same botswana is the most successful country in the world? looking after elephant buffalo and lions, we don't want colonial interference from breathing wisdom. countries not only failed to understand africa, they all accused of driving it into economy, the speed. the main reason there is no growth in africa is that the growth factors
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are neither funded nor understood. our populations are increasing, but our economies are stunted. the i d a should tell us why they are funding the modern slavery of africans. and we should address issues like why africa is producing what it does not consume and consuming what it does not produce to keep africa. and it's them, sanctions on their repub it to root in areas seems to be something they don't shy away from zimbabwe. uganda only to name a few. and he said that somebody who lost over a 150000000 dollars last year old because of the sanctions imposed by b e. u and the united states and uganda was punished overall cost, n t l to be to, to knows, as washington withdrawal compilers, preferential freight states of last year. it cannot be right, let alone a healthy basis for conducting international relations or building friendship for a country. however, mightily abuse itself to slander into some nationals of other nations,
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well also maligning those same nations for daring to be independent and sovereign. it is therefore unfortunate that the world bank and other actors dare to want to coerce us into a band ending our faith culture principles and sovereignty using money. they really underestimate all africans. so why is the waste so interested in africa when, as a claim, human rights are so bad? well, 12 reason natural resources take a look at the d, f. c. for instance, the country produces more than 60 percent of the both supply of cobalt, which is mind and it's cop about tens of thousands of those. mine is a children. some die from coble mining accidents every year. some even face sexual assault and forced evictions. wisdom companies among those that have been seemed by the deceit but justice was not delivered as the court sided with the deluxe of apple and a strong incentive to avoid any transparency with their suppliers,
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even as they promised the public. they have 0 tolerance policies against child labor. we are far from finished seeking account ability. was still glowing danger in africa, according to the united states, just taking in line with the 2022 national defense strategy. the department of defense will engage with african partners to expose and highlight the risks of negative p r c. and russian activities in africa over $300000000.00 were requested by the us state department this year for the fine seconds russia and sign that in the african continent. even though some african countries are way that's continued alignment to moscow cameras, the risk of isolation from global markets. why the waste field is more to gain then to win us of deluxe, russia helped very, very much. we had a coup attempt in 2020 before the elections. if it were not for the russian military,
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our state would not exist at the moment. now our citizens can sleep peacefully, at least in the villages, the concord, and from sort of not. i would like to offer my congratulations to you, mister president, because all of the decisions that you've taken you've made, you're not going to regret them because we have managed to secure a great success. not just for the president of the russian federation who has invited us, but it's also a success for african countries because of russia is a winner. everyone is the winner. niger, which is waging a historic struggle for the re conquest of its sovereignty and its development knows how to count on your personal commitment and cooperation with the russian federation to succeed and it's patriarch fight. on this africa de applicant, the citizens of gradually come to reject wisdom policies to the point of blaming the former colonizers for many of the regions hills. some of cutting links to the past and embracing a new direction in the future. we according to oddity pretoria organ,
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across live now to political commentator and co founder of the inside factor, madiba mcgee. but thanks a lot for joining us on the program. so how difficult has it been for african countries to fully shake off the shackles of colonialism? would you say and will the content to ever be able to be truly free from it as well . thank you very much. the program, once again, you're going to advocate, struggled over the last is before us, rekey. it's independence, you know, for western forces at home, worst thing for you. it was just happened a lot and i'll confidence, you know, as you remember, the spelling of africa where people desire to sit in new me very lean and discuss about the see saw african dividing. the claims that we just mentioned, you go to, didn't belong to the mazda and thought it up. um, no way things appear is, is, as it says, as of um, uh, based on dimensional weight. how many economies instructions even today. you know, we still see um within a few and uh we send our local economies uh,
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western companies coming in. so it comes, you take your thoughts as we see that in, in, in the mining industry. which do you happen to do with what you know? um you see what's happening in the j alova all over the place, nbc, what the friendship didn't come to use the resources and living the country without any promot. you know, so i think i went over the years a summer to know to, to kind of push back against this. um, this is great intended. so the way that it's coming to the applicants. okay. got it for the companies, you know, but uh the policy is nowadays more than what you have to do just because there's beginning to get push back of things with things that for us. um, i just wanna say that african people that gave the risk of having the white i'm going you know, months before she just find that note. so i think it's a really interesting period for africa. no. um, you know how they can, they can,
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they can push against such interference from the others. we mention about how africans pushing back against the western interference and in, in the continent. but how else would you say that applicants, colonial of history influence has its current relations with western countries? a look, i think we still speak the thing that we use those pieces. that language is, you know, you visit media and countries. you know, by that the says, the video brothers, before you put think he was himself his advocacy. listen, go to the subject, fridge, you know, all isn't gotten a few years ago with the use some of it, you know, and manual life getting brothers further things. and so those are going to be like, no, i'm afraid you're going to be getting a bus on the radio from home. you know, the just shows of how the might see as being as b, as in delta. i mean fix a blow, always been call it the eyes and how of culture as, as the lives of us, how the economy has been moved to us. you know, i've been doing that on a be with the all of our teachers and stolen. so let's take
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a lot of re educational equalization, you know, for us to go back to the full of drawers as often people all right, well, in what ways have recent partnerships between africa and russia impacted their confidence geo political landscape? would you say in the us states um state department, can you request so many amenities to finally getting some sort of less than go from the applicant parts and it just says coming to i forgot i thought it was the applicant ones, the russell this is actually um for me evaluation loop its yes i forgot it will cause the borders of i forgot. you see no rush has hopped on me over. i literally movements. have it changed or slowly just to try back again. um with an imperialism . um, so i think i think i think the, the, the, the, the, the, the re energize the quality re imaged as a cubic you of russia, you know, to try and kill those relations. the guys being the kind of mental good,
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medium all can use. i'm beginning to study an interest. yeah. i for many more advocate doctors are beginning to study medicine and dresser sciences. so new care specialist who come from africa beginning to have some form of exchange programs with russia. so i think it's the relation based on trust to do this with based on mutual respect, which is what, asking people, what was it always speak to? no one about just coming to you. i forgot, i just knew what the rest is that you know when to rest, that's good to you is always that the brother. yes, it is t as the can going to be too old for you to going to advocate any part of you know, but also i think the lesson was an investment on the applicant placement should be, should be, should be, should be encouraged. i so many more rushing companies that do need to get comfortable invest more than i forgot, you know, and given us and, and, and training after getting people, you know, because what the weight is managed to do over the years is that they kind of 12
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bytes they really don't want people to be dealt with companies in the us about, you know, giving us more in the fall just, but especially as the direct opposite this company with this business. but they also called you be safe and train. all people in the audio codes, you know, i'm, so it's a win win situation for both of us that equity. the hi emoji, but more the box co founder of insight factor and a political commentator. thanks a lot. always a pleasure having you on the program. like to go. oh, another news, the russian army is cementing more gains indeed done yet screw up people's republic advancing from positions and they have got taken earlier this year versus defense ministry has reported taking the village of our hong kong score, which uh and there's 3 counter attacks that were also repelled and which ukraine was said to have lost $400.00 soldiers. while the russian army advances on the ground, president potent has insisted that moscow wants to resolve the conflict through the
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negotiation process. but there is now a question over who to do that with me? do you see me? and of course, we realize that the legitimacy of the current head of state is over, who to negotiate with this is of course a fair question. i agree with you. i think that one of the goals of the conference that has been announced the conference in switzerland is precisely to have the western community and the sponsors of the current key of regime confirmed the legitimacy of the incumbent head of state or the inactive one. but these p steps, they do not matter for legal documents, of course. so we will need, if it comes to that. and i proceed from the fact that these folks shouldn't be resumed without tomatoes, but with common sense. and they shouldn't be based on common sense. but if it comes to that, of course, we need to understand who we can deal with in order to get to the signing of legally binding documents. and then we need to be fully confident that we are dealing with legitimate authorities. although his term expired last week,
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president vladimir zalinski dismissed a question on whether he could now be considered a legitimate leader saying the issue is not a concern. the graces not so ukrainians know their constitution. we understand that these statements by the legitimate president of the russian federation, about the legitimacy of the president of ukraine, are, frankly speaking, boring and on. interesting. if you are adequate and can read, read the constitution and draw a conclusion. that's all, i'm not really bothered by all this at all. what i mean, as russian was speaking about peace negotiations, washington was talking up its latest weapons deliveries to key, have the russian and bastard to the us. says the timing can be coincidental. washington does mobile base and you, it is doing everything they can to prolong the conflict and increased human casualties from the russian. and the great insights included among the civilian population. it is the less through the united states is announcing the arms
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deliberately students puppets, on the very day when the russian leadership has clearly and then be used to confirmed it's readiness to negotiate. meanwhile, the head of nato is insistent that key of should be able to strike russian territory with american weapons. obligated thomas calling for allies to consider whether should lift some of the restrictions dying post on a weapons to make to, to ukraine. because we need to remember what this is, this is a world russian bar chart getting so great and so to defend themselves. and that includes also the striking targets on the russian territory. and then of course, if you deny the crane, the right to fits means their targets on a russian territory. then you make it very hard for them to uphold the right for self defense. this is self defense. self defense is trying to new instructor is the goal. it's legitimate and we are helping ukraine with upholding that right and that should include the ability to also strike targets on their sion territory. the rand
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corporation and american thing tank has proposed a strategy that if claims will allow the west and ukraine to, to feed russia. according to the report, any figures about escalation needs to be put aside and 1st suggested its 1st suggested step is to allow key up to strike russian territory with long range weapons. but to get more on this now, we're going across live to independent political research, or greg simons. thanks a lot for joining us on the program. greg, so, lot of years lensky. he was questioned about the legitimacy of his presidency after he decided just not to go through with the elections that were supposed to take place in ukraine. and when he was asked about this, he actually claims that vladimir put him is the one without legitimacy. what's your take on this? i think this is what should go awry. busy as a via guys of projection, i'm. busy a cause of those and. busy what was julie elected and by a landslide, of what you see here is a cycle rules based order,
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which does not adhere to laws or constitutions or anything like this. but they just die by this or well, you double spaced like one of you spin using here. well, we've heard from president vladimir putting recently and pretty much since the beginning of this, a military operation that russia desires negotiations with ukraine, while the nato chief says, the key of should be allowed to strike deep into russian territory. what, what do you think the says about the intentions of key of in the last year? i as well, of course do you have, does not really have much of a saw you much. uh they, uh, i client states and it was a completely depend on the united states. so let's analyze to keep the flight. so they have to do a walk that told about the spells in the gum. and he's just a, just a pop up to, you know, like what washington's policy is. they don't want to say you're trying to face and
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complex of late before the november elections. us. yeah. because i believe that would compromise the, the, my private. yeah. presidential candidates. busy old all you all mean they've done enough to compromise the wrong can do this or oh, really? sorry. i mean, this is just politics bus a rob is cheaper than and some tile full of politics and food and at this stage has not one to negotiate with, not on any reasonable terms, but you would expect uh what, how does the, with some pricing, it's worth it well, there's a piece of conference coming up in switzerland and one of the main parties to the conflict. so that's going on ukraine right now. russia has not even been invited. so what do you think could come out of this conference and why would they not invite russia? it's a photo of legitimacy to make them all look good cellphone balls and they're
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actually signaling at the very base. of course, they wouldn't want rush of them because i would remind them of that, but most actually went like that, but not being able to dictate the terms like they were able to do so in the past. sorry, russia to be there would be a reminder of many uncomfortable realities which they are avoiding at the moment with these strange fantasies, but by awesome, they are cooling the shots a. hi, greg simons, independent political research are thanks a lot for joining us on the program. thank you and is demanded the british government to abide by extradition agreements or risk. a major blow towards reputation. new delhi claims london has become a safe haven for criminals. dot is a. busy sion which mostly may need to us to you, because that's where the high profile people have gone. and we help presenter
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decay strongly, as you can see, a multiple rounds of legal proceedings have gone in on facebook and i think it is incumbent on the okay, that's what it takes to take or responsible view of it. otherwise, you know, does it have professional implication for them? i mean, they will end up being seen as a haven for a taxi, but it doesn't text default. this is strongly pressing for the extradition of to fugitives. matt whole chuck c and new rob modi. among other cases, the pair are wanted in connection with a $1000000000.00 scam against one of indiana's largest banks. chalk, c is believe, to be residing in the caribbean island nation of antigua and bar buddha, a member of the british commonwealth. while modi is currently in the u. k. j. o, as has expeditions pending former indian diplomat probably would die. all believes that fugitives wanted by new delhi authorities are choosing the u. k as they feel
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out of reach. there is also another very big, high profile youtube video link to about that. and then he is also the accuser that she wants to do for a scam. gays, we didn't didn't, but the sign and the extradition be 1990 go. but since then, do you guys accept it only to request all the extradition? it didn't fugitive but in regard to or other that's a really big base condition. the dates are for a more w extradition, gazes or higher value. and no reason in the u. k. has become an attractive destination both for an action or other fugitive. it goes to the medic which told you need and the limited number of distribution. all the stuff
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receive your business, the people the way i mean from india and go i didn't risk to properties and you, your business is the, uh, the best it. so the, the, the, the u. k. has become a very big dogs ever. and in fact, it is the preferred destination for re money the that's the news for this hour, but don't go away. our program going underground will be with you in just about few more, a few moments here on our, to international the action, or can see it welcome back to going underground,
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broadcasting all around the world from dubai, in the u. a host of the most recent international golf climate conference, given the evidence, only a full contin either the world is warming, and the global policy makers need to do something about what they've capitalism is doing delightful enough. but it's very name and it's tipping point. are individual time acting events or years or decades relevant when judging how far gone is the planet or a scientist to becoming slaves through a job with terry and system designed to prevent science that alone, all of us comprehending how climate change threatens us and climate change policy threatens the poor as the people on the us award winning climate, ologist and president of the climate full cost applications. network. professor judith curry has a different perspective to the one you'll find on nato, a line media. she was the chair of the that was very sciences at the georgia institute of technology for over a decade. and the latest book is climate uncertainty and risk rethinking our response. she joins me now for reno in nevada. professor call you thanks so much for call.


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