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tv   News  RT  May 25, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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so you'll find that traditional russian, the full parts culture is still going strong news . israel continues to rain terror down on southern gaza just a day after being ordered by the international court of justice to halt its assault on the city of ruffled israel does not care about any one, whether the court of justice or any countries, despite the fact that most countries have become against it. as the death toll and the enclave creeps ever closer to 36000 israel dismisses the haves order and planes . it's wrapped up and is not targeting severely. celebrating itself, africa day is marked across the continent honoring the achievements of independence and breaking from the shackles of colonialism. also ahead
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the just after 6 pm here in the russian capital and you're watching r t international. i am your host donald quarter. welcome to the appropriate just a day from being ordered by the u. n's, top court in the hague, to prevent genocide and gaza and halt. it's offensive. and the city of rafa israel has again been pummeling at the south of the enclave. the, this what it shows a recent is really attack how the refugee camp in con units, just 10 kilometers away from rough or missile strikes. hit a crowded area. well, the death toll in gaza is now approaching $36000.00 locals are demanding international action to stop the death and destruction. the israel does not care
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about anyone whether the court of justice or any countries, despite the fact that most countries have become against it. we hope that the international court of justice will put pressure on israel to stop this war. this war of extermination. so when this decision actually happens on the ground, i will scream is joy. know, israel will continue the most vigorous. it is a seat above the low and no one can never stop it. european invest in countries must compel israel to greece, who is the spot and the war and stuff the genocide. on friday, the international court of justice ordered israel to halt its offensive and rough and withdraw from the enclave. and march the 3rd time this year that the hague has issued orders to curtail the death toll in gaza. because it's considered event in conformity with the obligation under the genocide convention is it must immediately hold its meaning to offense and any other action in did i thought governors which
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made conflict on the but assuming a. ready garza conditions of life that would bring about it physical destruction in hold or influx. israel however, claims it's offensive, and raw fi is not putting civilians at risk and denounced the case against it. the charges of genocide ruled by south africa against israel. the indian national court of justice and a gulf falls outrages in more of a repugnant israel, has no and will not conduct mills reaction. send that off. i area which main slaves on it by listing in civilian population does a conditions of life that could bring about as physical destruction in whole or in part. you and representative says that the international community must pressure is real to stop it's offensive and gaza. as the eyes of j. o does israel to stop it's offensive and rough or israel intensifies. it's a text on it and use and receiving from the people trip there in is terrifying. the
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sure israel will not stop this madness until we make it stop. member states must impose sanctions and domes and bogo and suspends. it's a magic and political relations with israel to it sees this. it's a sold. yeah, no, no, no, i mean, you know, we're chilled daily with western weapons, european weapons. we do not want aid from you. we want you to stop supporting the occupation with military equipment. we want to put pressure on the occupation to stop its aggression and stop its killing of our children and women as good as the hand, even though we is this place, people have been suffering, but only god knows. for 8 months we the people of the north have been displaced and humiliated home with them on to cease for in all areas across cause a rafa is not the only one effects it misspent. i mean it's no longer spent. i mean, are we not human? they are only making demands for the people of rough um and what about us the
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people of gaza sleeping on the streets? who cares about us? where is the justice we're looking at what kind of thoughts tell us drawings, envoy to denmark, says washington's continued support for his realist fueling. the assault on gaza. it is there as there. so for the has all odors act as 0 state above. international law above international humanitarian law and has been totally supported, you know, by the united states of america. so, and the routing that comes from the i, c j. it doesn't, but the for them because, you know, they go ahead support that means you federally financially, by the united states. and by the veto power, i do not the nations and that then it's a gift. empowerment for is the end to denounce the international community. the international legitimacy and any kind of a know that comes or every solution. they just, you know, it's in the world, so they don't care. and then they conduct restroom continues. today. they've threatened garza that could children, woman,
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and that is deadly. and there is no place that could be cold saving guys with the rough uh or the, the southern part. there's no of them. but the left ending everything 70 percent of the infrastructure has been totally due to the chapter done, destroyed by these ages. and this, as you know, the bastion of democracy as they allege in the west, has shown that it is one of the most booted occupation forces in modern history. yeah, if it doesn't go basic, due to the security council, have to be rectified as a decision that could be legally binding. is just a me, a smoke screen. and this, and this not going, you know, to care about it, let alone the americans are correct, ending in the international criminal court justice. that if what it ends up being put, they are going to destroy this international organization. and to outright, you know,
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support this or against any kind of in position in terms of movement down what have you. so we see communities that the americans, you know, i love the basic in june with the international legitimacy with the international law. and they are willing to support is that all the way africa day is being celebrated across the continent this saturday, with people in bracing and t colonialism. r t is not level you'll come day brings us more on the significant holiday from south africa. wasted in countries like to believe that they have equipped the african continent with the capability to achieve feed him. but today, more than 60 years, often the last 2 open countries relinquish the a colonial themes. the continents, the window of the pool would see until more. but why so, and have those for my mazda has really gotten away, african nations believe that the soviet, but under a different disguise, and grievances between the continent and the width of hiding up. so what would you
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could issue, are you saying that the chinese or the russians behaved better than us westerners currently? oh, absolutely. you don't quite understand african realities. it's astonishing to see how we are very distant in terms of cultures. we cannot understand why you come to give us lessons, for example, on human rights, because one of the main problems is that wisdom the to seem to be reluctant to understand african realities. prime example, germany and the u. k was speaking strict limits on the import of hunting trophies because of poaching classes. seems honorable, right? but they have never had to deal with data from over population life books. one, it is very easy to sit and bully and, and have an opinion about our affairs in books. one that we are paying the price for preserving these animals for the world. the greens look at us with contempt. i want britons to have a taste of living along side l events which are overwhelming my country. in some
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areas. there are more of these beasts and people elephant numbers just like those of scottish stags had to be controlled. hunters in the highlands paid to shoot deer and put their handlers on their walls. so why is britain trying to stop after doing the same botswana is the most successful country in the world? looking after elephant buffalo and lions, we don't want colonial interference from breathing wisdom. countries not only failed to understand africa, they are accused of driving it into economy. the speed. the main reason there is no growth in africa is that the growth factors are neither funded nor understood. our populations are increasing, but our economies are stunted. the i d a should tell us why they are funding the modern slavery of africans. and we should address issues like why africa is producing what it does not consume and consuming what it does not produce to keep africa. and it's them. sanctions under really proven to root in areas seems to be
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something they don't shy away from zimbabwe. uganda only to name a few. and he said that somebody who lost over a 150000000 dollars last year old because of the sanctions imposed by b e. u and the united states and uganda was punished overall cost n t. algae, beauty to knows as washington woodville compilers, preferential freight states of last year. it cannot be right, let alone a healthy basis for conducting international relations or building friendship for a country. however, mightily abuse itself to slander into some nationals of other nations. well also maligning. those same nations for daring to be independent and sovereign it is therefore unfortunate that the world bank and other actors dare to want to coerce us into abandoning our faith culture principles and sovereignty using money . they really underestimate all africans. so why is the waste so interested in africa when, as they claim human rights are so bad?
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well, 12 reasons, natural resources take a look at the d, f. c, for instance, the country produces more than 60 percent of the both supply of cobalt, which is mind it needs to talk about. tens of thousands of those. mine is a children. some die from coble mining accidents every year. some even say sexual assault and forced evictions. wisdom companies among those that have been seen by the deceit. but justice was not delivered as the court side did, with the lots of apple and a strong incentive to avoid any transparency with their suppliers even as they promised the public. they have 0 tolerance policies against child labor. we are far from finish seeking accountability, but was still growing pains and africa according to the united states, just taking in line with the 2022 national defense strategy. the department of defense will engage with african partners to expose and highlight the risks of
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negative p r c. and russian activities in africa over $300000000.00 were requested by the us state department this year for the fine seconds russia and sign that in the african continent. even though some african countries are way that's continued alignment to moscow cameras, the risk of isolation from global markets by the west. the field is more to gain than one us of deluxe it. russia helped very, very much. we had a coup attempt in 2020 before the elections. if it were not for the russian military, our state would not exist at the moment. now our citizens can sleep peacefully, at least in the villages, the conquering, from sort of not. i would like to offer my congratulations to you, mister president, because all of the decisions that you've taken you've made, you're not going to regret them because we have managed to secure a great success. not just for the president of the russian federation who has invited us, but it's also a success for african countries because of russia is
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a winner. everyone is the winner. niger, which is waging a historic struggle for the re conquest of its sovereignty and its development knows how to count on your personal commitment and cooperation with the russian federation to succeed. and it's a patriarch fight. on this africa de applicant, the citizens have gradually come to reject wisdom policies to the point of blaming the former colonized menu off the regions hills, some of cutting links to the past and embracing a new direction in the future. we according to oddity pretoria. earlier i spoke with the co founder of the inside factor mode, the bay mandavi's madiba, who says that african countries struggle to shake off the shackles of colonialism as western players keep interfering. the readings appearances, as it says, there's a very fundamental way nobody economies instruction even today. you know, we still see the width interviews we send, the caller has always been companies coming to our country sources in the mining
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industry. what's the, what's the, what's that, you know, you see what's happening in the j alova all over the can function and we see what the friendship didn't begin to fossil kind of use the sources and leaving the country without a key. you know, something i took over the years this summer to go to, to go against this of this is great intended to be ready to come and the advocate to pay for the companies you know, but uh, the complexities nowadays more and more young to be just the kind of supervisor the beginning to get pushed back of things with interference. i just wanted to say that african people that gaines the rest i'm coming, i've got the wife come to, i've been calling you on 7 months negotiate with us on that. so no. so i think it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's a really interesting um, period for ever got, you know, um, you know, how they can, they can,
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they can push against such interference from the don't pander to the protesters. that's the message to joe biden, from a democratic senator who's calling on the president to keep backing is real, even at the risk of losing votes in the upcoming election. the plea comes as pro palestinian demonstrations, have taken holes in university campuses across the u. s. for the past few months, the latest to join, the movement has been at harvard, where graduating students voice their support for gaza during their commencement this week. meanwhile, on friday, congress grilled top university presidents, criticizing some for ending the stand offs through negotiations rather than police force. in the meantime, in american billionaire investor and hedge fund manager has raised concerns that the us is teetering on the brink of a new type of civil war. among the risks identified by his researches, what value believes is the growing likelihood of the us civil war. the probability
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of which he puts us somewhere between 35 to 40 percent. the civil war dahlia imagines, was not necessarily the one in which people grabbed guns and start shooting. although such a scenario was possible. he said this civil would be one in which people move to different states that are more aligned with what they want and they don't follow the decisions of federal authorities have the opposite political persuasion. investor also believes the upcoming presidential election will determine whether the existing problems in society will spiral out of control or not. ray dalio already claimed back in 2020, that the us was living through a form of civil war saying that people were moving states in part. but because of their political beliefs later, he also claims the country was usually divided. and in a huge financial, a terrible financial state, rather warning the scope of problems from government debt to extra no conflicts
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could trigger a war or revolution. recent paul highlights the current divisions and society claiming almost $1.00 and $4.00 adults nationwide would support their state. so seating from the united states, such sentiment is most prominent in alaska, texas, and california. just last year, the us republican congresswoman marjorie taylor green even demanded what she called a national divorce between liberal and conservative states. we need a national divorce. we need to separate and by red states and blue states and shrink the federal government. everyone. i talked to say this from the sick and disgusting will culture issues shut down else, routes to the democrats, treacherous america. last policies, we are done well to get more an insight on this story. we're right now drawing live by 2 guests. the host of the concert of conservative daily podcast, jo, oldman and independent journalist and commentator charlie boyle. thanks guys for
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joining us on the program. the 1st question i want to direct to you, joe, this billionaire ray dalio estimates that the probability of the civil war of civil war in the united states is between 35 to 40 percent. obviously there's a deep political divide in the states, but a chance for civil war. does that mean that anything to do with the uh, 4400000000 firearms in the hands of american citizens doesn't have anything to do with that. and what would you say about that probability in general? you know, i would say that we're already in a civil war. if we go by this 1st definition of people moving to states that are more favorable to their, to their liking. but i, i do think that the probability of it going from this cold civil war are people making decisions to spend their money in different places to what is happening right now of it turning more warm and it could get hot has a lot more to do with the fact that it's not an ideological difference, the difference that we face in the united states is not based off of you know,
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liberal ideologies or conservative ideologies. it's, it truly is a fight between good and evil. i mean, when you're, when you're looking at, at the cutting off body parts and recruiting children into gender, you for you and, and doing some of the things that we're doing across the country that i don't believe that that has anything to do with ideology. that's it's, it's a propaganda machine is trying to divide us and frankly, i see us going more towards the civil war than the 35 to 40 percent. i think the probability is more in the 70 to 80 percent because we, we don't even have free and fair elections in our country. and that is just the, the, the kind of the staple for how we elect our leaders. and now we're, we're starting to see that that's, that's not been the case for over a decade. well, charlie, let's get your insight on what factors do you think have contributed the most to the current polarization in american society? joe mentioned some factors there. what, what do you, what would you say about it? oh, yes. oh, so i'm not an american,
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but it's not surfaces on 0. ok. but i think i'm just right. when mentioned already, that's a step of all of kinds of 5 minutes. i'm sorry, you just didn't take focus so that is the so going under the brakes are trying to basically every campaign you're off to financial crisis i'm. i strongly believes the old problems with ok. that's a focus function that we see today is direct result since last been 2000, right? we have a huge financial crisis. we never fix any of it. we have a fixed, i mean, some stomach problems. we've just been the type of paper in the crack citizen. so i think one of the things that right down here that's being to have to get across is the fact that then we have to think of a mass and actual system. not just the huge, the suffering back switch, it's all, it's about a lot inside a lot of other people. but, you know, higher interest rates are just trying to deflation how we're going to get on top of that. and then the mazda itself is live in function, which in my opinion, are launch the trades. and by the way, the money is crazy from nothing when the mortgage isn't origination,
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and who gets those loans in conjunction for the ad? so the policy, so that's, that's the interest in type. so for me, this is not just us problem around the world. i say people, those in right to left, but nothing really changes and especially the system never really changes. and that's why i encourage of egypt channel recently. cool. the on the fish will go out to finance. sorry for the blog to try and explain how those things are today. so that's, that's more take really. all right, joe, i'd, i'd like to ask you about some of these recent polls that say that one and for americans would support their state seceding from the united states. i mean, there was a civil war in the united states for about over secession. obviously many, many, many years ago, would you say that that, that sentiment never really went away? or is it seeing a revival as of late what he thinks to? well, i think it's definitely a revival. i think the, the, there, the unity within communities has gone away. the fact that we don't even have
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a society, i would argue that we don't have a society. we have a, in a latest form of, of control, not just the united states, but around the world. and if we, if we look at this from the perspective of why people are making the decisions are doing, they're not doing it because they don't have free access to abortion where they're not doing this because they can't cut off body parts from their children. it's not doing this, even because of the mass migration coming across the board of the doing this because they lack any sort of control and institutional slavery has taken a hold of the united states, much like it has much of europe. so there's, there's, there's, there's this thing that's happening in the united states were even democrats and republicans are starting to have conversations with each other, which didn't happen before, and realize that we've been duped. and so that what you're seeing now is the civil war. things mean much different than what we, we thought a couple 100 years ago in that that was an ideological difference. this has nothing to do with ideological differences. this is strictly the difference between right and wrong. and in the people of the united states having
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a seat at the table. and right now of vast majority, i'd say it's not just one. and for most of the polls, united states are, are, are tilted and are manipulated. so i would say that it's probably 506070 percent of the people feel the same way. in fact, i can go on the streets in the united states and have a conversation with a person without, without asking the question of, do you trust the government and, and what do you think the solution is? and many times the solution is, i think we just need to abolish the federal government. i think that's what margery taylor green was talking about and alluding to well, jobs. i'd like to ask you just a, a little follow up question here. what do you think about the 2024 elections? how is that going to influence the, the mood and the political situation there in general? well, i think this is the last stand. you know, one of the things that we said in united states is that they've been manipulating and, and stealing elections around the world. we, the united states does not respect the sovereignty of other nations. and this western type of idea that we can use machines and, and a lot of transparency and tell us how you just sit back, relax. we got this. just trust us is going out the window. the bad part about this
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is, is as we push back the, you can see what they're doing in arizona, what they've done in georgia, where they're just in dining people. there's a lack of accountability and our government and, but it's, it's actually off the rails or the following, any sort of monitor of laws in our nation at all. and so i, i think that going to 2020 fortunately, that much worse than it is going to be kabuki theater. they're going to, you can see it already happening in the media where they say that joe biden is up one point, which is the absolute absurdity. you can walk on the streets anywhere in the united states and that one person would openly admit that they would actually vote for joe biden. so, but you can see them setting it up. they're going to set it up the same way that in 2020, only this time they've put laws in place that have made it nearly impossible for us to get access to ballots. and i think that is what is going to lead to a civil war. is that the people have had it, you know, $0.56 on every dollar goes to the government. and they send it to foreign wars and to interfere with the sovereignty of other nations. and the american people are just waking up to the idea that we're, we're the ones being left behind, much like again, much like much, much of europe has been left behind and,
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and overtaken by uh, some of the same ideologies that they've now been pushing down the throat of americans. well charlie, looking at the electoral situation from the outside. would you say that there is a leader that's actually capable of uniting of uniting the united states and this is fading into the civil conversation ready? and i think so from an outside perspective, just like i said, this is not just focused on america. we have the same problem in the u. k. um, we can't believe that i've everybody and be a wonderful country like the us. you know, we didn't do any got a choice of long term contract by just that one of the things i was thinking of 20 to 21. so at least we'll have some special terms if next either doesn't seem to be the case. so we just seem to be seeing the same bad news and regarding what your test said about to the media and very much any agreement without the media spends
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a lot of time clustering and coughing each other, one useless, pointless source. and knowing that victoria sheets and lots of stuff, they come around the world. i spoke a lot to do with the white social media works and that caesar to broadcasting. and they will call feature side. um yeah. in terms of spray instead of elections, definitely not the case in america phone. do you think there's nothing ever really changes and then they end up spending our money. huge amounts of taxes and we have literally a notice as to where it goes. so yeah, certainly i think a lot of charlie. 5 i've got another question for you about specifically donald trump's opponents because they blame him for the events of january 6th and that in the nation's capital. we all know what's a place then. how realistic would you say it is to blame trump for that? and is the former it stuff if you would, you would agree with that. i don't know if you do, would you say who would be the only one to blame? i think the whole way that the media works has to take that they owe
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a lot of the blame. so you know, if you want to just blame on faster then that's one thing. but the way that things get up was five's and get out of control and social media and said, now it's a certainly doesn't tell i'm. yeah that's, that's what i would say. i'm not, i'm not an expert. no means now. so that particular situation, but to the media is, has their launch pots and all of these things, and i think you're fine to see if you have the time to look into it. all right, well joe, i'd like to ask you about this, this new film that's a, that's come out about the called civil war, right. would you say that this is a sort of roadmap for what we're set to see in the future or just some sort of hollywood fantasy? you know, most of the things that have come out of hollywood have been things that they've engineered going into the future and they, they, they try to judge the public's perception and,
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or reaction to such events. i think the same thing we said with this movie about civil war, there's, there's, there's all here, here's a different. so in the united states, we're starting to, as people realize, who is the, um, who's the target? who's the target, the american people, who's the threat to the american people who is trying to thrust us into a war outside the united states with other nations. and that's the leadership is feckless group of leadership both on the left side in the right. i would, i would argue that the establishment ended this, the ball that the president trump talks about very often is a real thing. and it's not just in the united states, this inspection of evil leadership has permeated across the world. and we have it's, it's one of the reasons why it's so dangerous for the united states, not to be held accountable. and while we were talking about the un, we're, we're talking about, you know, nato partners and nobody wanted to stand up to the class bully, that's what the united states has, has the cup has become on all of the world stages. and they say it's more complicated than that, but it's really not. you're either good person or bad person. you either,
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you're operate ethically or you don't. and united states has not operated ethically to the, to the united states people. and i think the people are starting to realize that every level of govern government, our elections have been, have been compromised. and the large part you see that same thing in the u. k. you see that every nation that they get involved in him, anybody pushes back, those people get put on sanction list in or indicted at, at, at the, at, for, for some fictitious crime. much like to didn't sedan to prison. and alba, here. and in here we are sitting here holding the bag as the american people and trying to say, okay, what do we do now we have this unlikely allies that's happening in people that are gang members and people that are at the lowest class or having conversations with people in the middle class in the upper class, and frankly, we know who the target is and i think that's the, that's the thing that is the most glaring thing for uh, for the leaders. and that's why they're, they're doing the things they're doing now to try and, and create this environment where that they, they have a civil war and i think the manufacturer and this will be the lead us versus many
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of the people in the united states. well, so it's definitely a discussion that i think needed to be had, but unfortunately don't have any more time. but it was great having you both in the show. thanks. conservative daily pod cast host joe open and independent journalist and commentator charlie boyle once again. thanks joining us on the program. guys are god bless you. that's all for this hour. check us out for more in just about 30 minutes here on our to international the the many of us across the united states have been captivated by college.


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