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tv   Documentary  RT  May 25, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT

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or the they would, the, i'm a big predicts that the u. k. will edit the growth of the you kind of in 2024 will only be your point. 7 percent. right? and then it goes up to 1.5 percent. but this is still tiny, if we look at the full, the global financial grants, the u. k. economy consistently grew by around 2.75 percent, which is why there was so much for an investment that was driven into particularly longer. so i think with that we'll, we'll see that and then let's compare that to russia. right? the rest of the russian economy is broken exponentially. foster, in spite of western sciences, which was supposed to put in what cross russia, why do you think soon act decided to make a statement specifically about low inflation, right before these elections? what? what kind of benefit does was he trying to get from it? but the truth is, the people you try and living through a terrible cost of living prices. you know that bills for the energy bills because of the u. k. government's policy on ukraine, not buying russian oil and gas, and has cost a massive, massive content on the economy since the 1980s. the u. k. hasn't really produced
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much itself. it let alone doesn't actually take advantage of all of exploit to be its own oil and gas reserves. so that's caused people to really, very softly, you didn't, there are people in the u. k. don't you know, i'm from that and talking to somebody at home. there are people that have to go to these places, good food binds, which is where they basically pick up free food. the so native by charities and people are turning that need some of the home because they can't afford to heat their homes. the bills have gone up to a some places more than 3 times the price and the way the full, the comp that to you credit again. so i think he's trying to tell people, look cheap, but to me, stay with me because things are going to get better. but the truth is, in my opinion, things are when you're going to get was, the judge's ruling party has accused the us of infringing upon the country sovereignty. that's after washington announced a new restrictions against georgia, made these passing of the so called for an agency law of the department of state is implementing a new visa restriction policy for georgia that will apply to individuals who are
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responsible for a conflicted in undermining democracy. in georgia, as well as their family members. meanwhile, in georgia, thousands have gathered in the national capital with us and you flags to protest against the new law legislation is to obligate and g o z. and media outlets that receive over 20 percent of their income from abroad to register as for the georgia as president has veto the bill. but the parliament is set to override that with another vote next week. despite having similar legislation at home, washington has been criticizing the georgian law for months in while the russian foreign ministry has condemned the u. s. attempts to influence the internal affairs of georgia, saying washington is using quote, colonial tactics to which as we see up to another case of cynical and i'm ceremonious intervention in the silver and state to best buy the united states each . now, washington doesn't like georgia's law on foreign influence, transparency for other adults. next will tell the last one to washington like we
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shows up. it's basically a test step. we've georgia and it's people's to come to this black mail. now, by this they will demonstrate that everything can be done to them. we're seeing what the disparaging, humiliates, and the way with no respect to the owner and the dignity of the georgian people that the west proposes to throw a boat in case of the basic change in its position. does that do they want to buy georgians? they probably don't understand whom they're dealing with. when did the west get it from? it's those colonial practices to scan to break and of course, to deceive, to promise a lot, and then give it blas bates and exchange for multiple read for me to you can use your spoke with the local political analyst who says western attempts to interfere and george's affairs started with a long time ago. i think that they have tried to pull the right situation in georgia for a long time. now. it's not news for us. i do think that since the plus
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times of global politics in the economics have changed a lot to off to or in ukraine, i think that's out most the time to operate in georgia in ways that they used to, which would have more coming up to coming with it, so they would call every new commendation and they were to try that to make it too obvious that they have their own interest in georgia by to oscar. it's cleaning all of sense. so things are shifting. now they have to work. uh, pretty fast. uh and uh no, but they have, um, uh they have to meet the faces more uh, visit to all the people since they recommendations. now don't have the same face as, as it used to. now it comes from work in a form of conditions which contains east then type of sensors is if you don't do this, then it will have some consequences uh enter. this situation is
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a good example of that. recently revealed secret soviet intelligence documents have revealed that in post world war 2, occupied berlin, western soldiers weren't guilty of robbery and rape against german civilians. and similar practices were still being recorded decades later. and other conflicts around the world are these marina costs are about, has more on these revelations, but a warning. you may find some of the images disturbing of the what's likes to preach that they know better and all aspects of life that they are the role model of who should all follow get time and time again. they fall off their high horse when their actions are exposed. it might take some time, like in this case, decades later, but better late than never, or here it is in black and white may 1945, berlin is carved up into zones and the soviet military administration is watching
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every one like a hall with nazis lurking around in the shadows, at the same time, the soviets are also monitoring the allied forces in the american, british, and french zones of berlin. and now we know what they found in the board by major general see their head of the operational sector, of the sort of military administration in berlin died, hold on, acts of looting and robbery by allied occupation forces personnel dated november 19, 1945. it was stated, according to information available in the berlin operation sector. there has been an increase in incidence of misconduct and robbery of the brother and population by soldiers of the allies occupation forces. so what slides to talk about the military atrocities of all those falls completely ignoring the wrong, probably counts and on this type of evidence to be buried, which was on september 26th. 1945, the art to scale in paul, residing at the us. and this,
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that austin number 22 approach to store located the corner of suit the west score. so i'm using but notice that also where women were standing in line at the same time to american soldiers arrived once to the door while the other entered and roughly grabbed the woman attempting to drop her side. the sold her cannon ball intervened, but upon seeing him, the americans began beating him, breaking his nose and fracturing his call before putting the scene. on september 27th, 1945 to 9 pm. 3 french soldiers came to the apartment of august torno, a resident of the berlin suburb of blue bars, these and then the 37. they raped darkness, and the girl named chris who was also in the house. afterward the soldiers took $200.00 marks and the gold watched from agnes and left after beating her. if this sounds soften to you, that means the mainstream media is doing his job well. because things like this continue to this day sold or is accused of war crimes, is nothing new,
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of course. but the wes likes to pretend that they don't exist until of course they are faced with the evidence. the point is a nice afraid the alleged to leads any of abuses in detention centers including sleep, deprivation force needed, see deprivation of adequate food and water markings, occasions and threats of freight. the evidence implicating british soldiers in the murder of children and the torture of
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civilians was covered up by minute, treat them on those according to link documents that had been kept secret by the government. the building, 660 prison is from 42 nations, accused of being held in flashes or terrorist. country after country has denied us charged them or released them the or during the during wolf, independence to french military is known to have carried out multiple war crimes. he has told you in civilians inclusion torture and for his disappearance and
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conflict related sexual violence. the evan accords the peace treaty signed in 1962, which brought an end to fonts as colonial rule. in o, julia grunted the french military, honesty for all crimes committed during the wall. it's hardly surprising that the brits passed a bill which set behind the your limits to prosecute you. k armed forces who served abroad. they are covering up their tracks and making things up as they go along, just like they did in 1946 when world war 2 was over, installed everyone comments together having to defeated the hitler, the allied forces quickly went back to skimming ad 12 thing. their next floor, a cold one this time. and what don't you know, it's just like a new crane right now. it was the brits once again. throwing the fuel on the fire with the iron curtain. speech by winston churchill. the 4th was even the prime
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minister. by that point flush simply felt the need to express his feelings while visits in the whole states of the us, presidents from stetson in the baltic. 23 asked in the entry ethic and iron curtain that has the sense of the across the continent behind the blind light, all the capitals of the ancient states of central and eastern europe. war so barely in prague, vienna, budapest downgrade, bucharest, and sophia, obese, famous cds, and the population surround the light in the soviet sphere. and are all subject and one form or another, not only to soviet influence, but to very high. and in many cases, increasing measure of control for most co, none of you the speech as this starts on the cold war and we already know the m as it has on global politics. what up on? so now we had no idea just how fast the allied forces moved after those words came out. recently,
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the operational sectors of the ministry of internal affairs in germany have noted an active infiltration of agents by the military intelligence services of the allies into the soviet occupation zone of germany. as a result of the war carried out the ministry sectors, 203 agents had been exposed, interested as of may 1st 1940. 6 of them are $108.00 agents of british intelligence service. 32 agents of american intelligence service, 15 agents, a french intelligence service, the allied forces, his prisoners of war, who had relatives living in the soviet zones of germany. these people had just left hitler's best caps and entered the arms of the western agents. a chance to start fresh and move forward. was bruins by western paranoia once again, russia was planning to take over the world. some things never change, which is why joseph solids answer to mister churchill from 1946 is still
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relevant. today. in essence, mister churchill and his friends in england and the us have presented the non english speaking nations with something like an ultimatum. recognize our dominance voluntarily, and then all will be in order. in the contrary, case, war is inevitable. the soviet union lost several times more people than england and the united states of america put together possibly there was an inclination in some places to consign to oblivion. these colossal sacrifices of the soviet people would secure the liberation of europe from the hitler yoke. but the soviet union cannot forget them. it may be asked, what can be surprising about the soviet union wanted security in the future about its attempts to see to it that in these countries, there are governments that have loyal relations with the soviet union. is it
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possible without taking leave of one senses to characterize these peaceful efforts of the soviet union as expansionist tendencies of our state? i don't know if maybe the west has indeed lost the plots or at least the ability to co exist with powerful nations on an equal level. having said that, maybe that's because it never had more news coming your way very soon. so stay tuned. the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the russian states never is as tight as i'm sort of the most sense community. so some, some of the same assistance must be the one else calls question about this,
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even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on rochester routing and supports the r t spoke neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube, the question did you say they replaced the h h a y? it's can be started by lines. please can be expanded by a true importance and we can never be of a state insight. transparency is extraordinary. john mistaken patrice then just succeeded in finding the documents that existed in making them
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available to the public domain. what could be more moving back by publishing information and sharing information with the public. he was exercising the right to free speech. he did so in the public interest wants to so long realize pen smith and golf and, and honestly of late continuously. i know why advice may know who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely bought. adjustments for to be on box weighing a 175 used to go through the sentence. all we going to let that stay the welcome back you're watching are to international india's demanded. the british government abide by extradition agreements or risk
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a major blow to its reputation. new daily claims london has become a safe haven for criminals. that is a question which mostly we need to ask you, because that's where the high profile people have gone. and we help present or decay strongly as you can see, a multiple rounds of legal proceedings have gone in all favor. i think it is incumbent on the you'll get to produce to day good, responsible view of it. otherwise, you know, does it have professional implication for them? i mean, they will end up being seen as a haven for a taxi, but it doesn't text events. it is strongly pressing for the extradition of to fugitives. mat whole chelsea and new rob mowdy, among other cases, the pair are wanted in connection with a $1000000000.00 scam against one of indiana's largest banks. jocksey is believed to be residing in the caribbean island nation of antigua and bar buddha. a member
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of the british commonwealth body is currently in a u. k. jail as his expedition is pending. former in the in diplomat probably dial believes that fugitives wanted by new delhi are choosing the u. k as they feel out of reach. there is also a very big, high profile youtube video link to about and then he is also the accuser that she wants to do for a scan gaze with that. and then back in the sign and extradition, the d. d vibe to go. but since then, do you guys accept it only to request all the extra dc, but it didn't fugitive but in good up to or other that to really dig basically this in the dates are for as a most w extradition gazes a bar highest value,
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peak and now the u. k has become an attractive destination, both financial or other fugitive because of the never good to do need. and the number of restrictions on the receipt of business, the people, the width of it from india and go i didn't risk to properties and you, your business is the of the best it. so the community it is, do you good has become a very big dogs a boiler? and in fact, it is the preferred destination for re money. now, from the latest, from new caledonia, a policeman fatally shot a man on friday following an attack by protesters raising the death toll to 7 as riots of gripped the french archipelago for nearly 2 weeks in response to the civil unrest. paris has deployed over $1500.00 additional troops to which overseas
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territory president emanuel micron made the 7 nearly 17000 kilometer trip to the islands on thursday. in the attendance to diffuse, the crisis which erupt it over voting reforms. it would give non indigenous people the right to cast a ballot. we heard from locals through seemingly were not impressed with the french leader and his proposals for to the place. you know, once the president arrived, we were relieved, but he left yesterday and nothing has happened. there is nothing moving. things are also scary and nothing improved. in fact, we even had someone who was killed yesterday, so his arrival didn't help him. and in addition, he gave a month to calm things down that things were stuck in some kind of prison. so no, no i still aliases is we're still here and we will stay until we are heard. roadblocks will stay until the text of the law is completely removed. he thought the olympic games would distract us. we're not done. we want the law removed and until the end,
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the roadblocks will stay. no need to. all of us are upset. he came just like he was taking a vacation, they found a tick tock because we show a reality on that. they say it's a lie, but they can't hide the truth from the people. we're upset and we know that macro them wants to pass that little. but we will not allow, it's the meanwhile ahead of the fast approaching e will actions the commission chief verse whereby or slip on the line has warns that right wing parties are threatening to destroy, quote, everything we have built together. and there was the usual that apple counted as being at the center of this mr. if making russia we must be clear, di, reassemble a month national a of the confederacy, a different names, but it will the same. they approved since puppets and proxies, and they're trampling on all values. we will not let them destroy what we have
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built together. a german member of the european parliament gunner back says that the annual commission sheets is trying to divert attention from her own failures. i don't know what she means, but what she said is a whole lot of flaws misses on the line. has this has a built absolutely nothing except a private fortune to shake the deals with companies like buys that mckenzie and other us onto nationals and she's destroyed a great deal and it's not right to be in parties which are destroyed in europe. it's mrs. funder lied it, various heads of government, your over and so your to be and commission and the you as a whole was destroyed in europe. so she's trying to diverting a to divert attention from the responsibility in finding a culprits. she's creating a climate. well, i don't organized groups or disoriented individuals and we'll take the law each that has
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a resulting in assess the nation attempts we've seen such as the recent one on the slow box prime minister. and she's brought us onto a coalition. coles and with russia showed that she is engaged, are sitting in the necessary war ukraine. and she's not blaming ice of russia for the right week policies mrs fund. and i is also visit presiding over the effective d p. an eyes ation all 50. or if i importing 10 thousands of millions of i'm 25, my gods. this is fund a line, is destroyed your home and nothing else is not strong. more news coming your way in just about 5 minutes.
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the, the, the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case of the med, most of the people i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also of soon. this is the 3rd
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world lunacy re washing press for. so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals to what should be living on that we have very close propaganda. you know a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask the better the answer is, will be the all sense world war 2, united states has fostered extremist and 2 russian prejudices and hatreds among the ukrainian d. as for 10, at least in canada, united states and countries in eastern europe, probably everywhere in the world, it doesn't matter what these groups say or do. they will support them if it is,
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the groups are causing hatred and chaos within the target country. again might done choose but who should consecrate dell instead of do well, i suppose one of the some of the myself is it's up and it was easy just to keep all the other ca uses anyone at anything if there's a religion the
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the the language, the behavior is, has become really extreme in the west and i think again, it's because they're, they're empire, is the decline is rapid, the decline. these are declining the see it following. and it just makes it more angry, more fast, and more full of patriots the and then when you do the 2 attempt to collect at the exit amount, apache sat there for the show and then it will be a job to loss mitigation of a, of a dish uh,
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international stuff is defensive to supplement the setup button and not to mention the button once. did you lose it asked for that? if i said the media i loved people doesn't need to. reason can you say, when you see the new vendor in the b service and they're gonna be present the day before the work you've done? stimulus the industry on these little less money. proof of concept really loves short story of inform her shots, monuments. so we have court cash door to go over what decision did my name and what was that man? it was a, what was that ridiculous funds i put in the midst of them one today and but you left off that one. so that's what additional to set, i mean shows tools or suspect pretty show can was on page, did it for, she's getting those are the best do what i mean, there's a push out the,
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[000:00:00;00] the headlines right here and how to international hungry aloud. so it'd be out of brussels or parent plans to directly enter the conflict in ukraine that as well, nato coles and its allies to allow key up to strong a deep inside the russian federation. celebrating itself as a africa day is mocked across the continent honoring the achievements of independence and breaking essentially from the shackles of age. all colonial is full. so this hour for you the day save yourself. i will play to above reading habits on concepts in low, just a day off to being ordered by the international court of justice to stop it so sold on the city,


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