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tv   Going Underground  RT  May 25, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm EDT

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and others have to count because you can never voice. you can be at the table, but it cannot be a poking representation. yeah, i know for people they that they way to get here. yeah. yeah. but the, the, uh, the decisions i made uh that's, i know, the new interest that's, i mean, that's the problem, the source on the job. and i do, i do apologize for interrupting yourself. you've led me to, to a very important point next or, you know, you talk about the, you end the, the well, the governing body. let's talk about you and call it. so let's talk about israel. let's touch down on gone. so let's touch down on the to genocide of the i. c. j. k . you know, the against israel was broad as you well know by south africa. how do you view pretoria is initiative and a how was it received in africa? would you, can you tell me about that? well, i mean, obviously of the existing opportunity uh,
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within the international uh, justice system. uh, 4 countries, uh, all parties to bring such cases. uh and the idea that, uh we have uh, uh, a, an international justice system to deal with a 12 cd crimes with us through the, the uh, genocide convention or rome statute. uh, i think that the, the, you know, countries over the world have come around to an idea of um, international justice and norms in which, you know, countries have to operate in a and we trust that the uh, system works. and that, uh, cases that are brought to uh before, uh, the quotes uh, dealt with of the lead time spot entry. uh and uh, you know, decisions are, isn't it? yeah, yeah, i mean, i mean, you know, optimistic stipends. i mean,
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i'll have to say it because as you well know, it will be several times within the un security council to result because a conflict with a code by one country traditional way of goals. united states. but tons of data is one of many countries of voted for palestine to be given full fledged membership in the u. n. a. and this, this issue that was it's, it's being brought up during the time when this war is raging. a gaza g thing missing with campbell, we have to wait that long. do you think we have to wait for the war to happen to this question of palestinian membership to be raised? the little coming times. any one of those countries to recognize as palestine the many, many as bach all positions clear that of the major part of the solution to what's going on there is to the states side by side in peace and security without ever easily ocean of the palestinian state
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question, it'll be difficult to achieve. peace. i think the police team and people we believe and does any of the over the past 50 is it has to be no position at the end, right to subject. i mean, they should the right to dignity the end of the trip, the rights to the own states and the vote in the general assembly demo, straight at that. and that the entire family of commissions believe that it's about time. now that to the police team is also available. do you think? do you think it's a fast statement to say that the over whelming majority of the world continues to watch on in hora, of what continues to take place across concept? a look. i mean, it tells me it has my disposition clear. uh, so uh, statements and uh, through the president commit to it. they pretty much it court here. full at the
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beginning of the chevy party event, the posing clear what we want to be a succession of facilities uh to allow for uh no, just too many tardy and access. but for people to find relief and resume of their life, they have to be a, a platform. so session with most students has been seized by opponents is fine, but it would be the political dialogue that is a sustainable uh, that is indeed very uh, that is credible. uh that leads to a 2 state solution that it has always been a, was agent. and uh, we still less stunned by that position. we cause its, uh, what's happening now is absolutely terrible. uh, with the children you know, and mothers and young boys, uh, no dine, you know, so it's been, we really played
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a lot the stops. right. i appreciate you saying that, so here on a network tv, let's that, let's just take a moment to step back here and look at the boss and us and the richness and the resourcefulness of the african continent. you know, hundreds of years ago there was a race for africa. and here we stand in 2024. the race is back on. it's gone annoying, so much interest. china is investing in all sorts of projects across africa with projects of infrastructure, electrical farms and you know, creating jobs. russia is, is, is really surrounded by many friends across the african continent. that goes really without saying and yet you now have and i'm going to say it openly. you've got former colonial powers who are not already being kicked out like friend show me, need to add molly back, you know, fast so, so on and so forth. i mean, they've been kicking out getting kicked out of the uranium mines and so on and so forth. but, but it seems to me the european countries and particularly america right now,
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a trying to make a last 2nd dash into africa as some people are saying is to counter the influence of russia and china. but, but tell us, where does africa stand now? on the geo political chessboard as we know it, it's being put. ready to the west, it's being pooled to the east. well 1st of all, that's a wrong, the formation that of africa is piece of your political chessboard. we absolutely do not want to see a self as a point. and it's extremely wrong to see africa as such. a because as you mentioned earlier, we have the resources for us to be at the center stage of global politics. and they cannot, they can trade and, and as a bill as being the case. and there is determination among africans and african
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leaders to stick off position and to demand respect to a sock, to our independence in southern sea. and to be free to choose partners to look sick. so don't make a difference. so we find it offensive to be asked to choose this one particular partner or the other half a face exchange, which i think part of the respect that africa should having it. i don't think i should demand is to us, to be honest as to who should work with who should partner with uh, i think we should be each country and individually or as a country, i should be allowed to pursue the interest. yeah, i mean the option for us i think is the very 1st name and there are, there are, there are influences in the world. there are, and i've, i've spoken to why the people in the top echelons opponents in africa who tell me
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yeah we, we get pressure. we get pressure from sudden plays in the way. there's no way to do this. they, they, they tell us to do that. they, they've weaponized sedona, you know, that they're all sorts of strange things. but can i just say, i found it interesting when you said, when i mentioned the geo political chessboard, you immediately said we don't want to be viewed as all used as a pull on, on a geo political chessboard. there's some account, but there are nights and kings and queens on the chessboard. there's no reason to even assume anything to do with any pull out africa is the bread, the boss get all of the world. and i love what you said about, we should not have to choose sides. and yet not being said the world, we're seeing increasing the vision in certain parts of the world. but africa is really standing tall these days. tell me something, tell me something. i mean, we definitely are getting involved with the i c, j and i see see, mean ask because really standing tool these days, what would you say?
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you know, we are, we are a, and a bunch of our, a renaissance spot of effort because of development endeavor is also to find off putting a fund or voice aside. so our, our position and, and to take our claim, uh, you know, as to where we want to be when we want to work with. and the kind of partnership of that we will find beneficial. so it's not just about the projects. if lockman mining is also about the political empowerment and these, we can only be ourselves. and we can only do with unity. that's why these day is important. because africa, they use the unit. uh and you recall like a 4 or 5 of those uh after, cuz uh great, uh, the founding fathers, when the we are pursuing africa's independence. they put you in need see as
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a what plan uh for us to obtain independence when uh tons, any, uh, was at the forefront of, uh, liebherr is single sign in africa. we did it with honors and you need to be a. so if you need to was important as we where that's it can be quoted as ition. unity is even more important today. uh, because the fact that uh, you know, the independence of africa will continually to be challenged. that still exist. and that's why, for the system doesn't, you know, the 1st p lot of our foreign policy is the protection of our independence and capacity to, uh, uh, the time you know, and pop is that should be a pillow. foreign policy of any african countries. yeah. because independence has
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to be perpetually protected from interference from an invoice that is malignant. yeah, yeah. i mean, you just need the protection of suffering to you and i think that's a wonderfully encompassing comment. to wrap up this interview here with a foreign minister, the minister of foreign affairs of tons and they had january, much kind of a life your analogy international. hey, thanks so much for giving us so much of your time. i really appreciate our conversation. thank you. oh, by so is my. thank you so much. thank you. well, don't panda for the protest is. that's the message to joe biden. from the democrats, senator is quoting on the president to keep backing israel, even at the risk of losing votes in the upcoming election pre comments as pro palestinian demonstrations of grips university campuses across america. the last few months late is to join the movement. harvard and graduating students, voiced as support for ga. so during that commencement this week. meanwhile, on friday, congress grilled 12 university president,
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criticizing some for ending the standups to negotiations rather than police force. well, in the meantime, an american billionaire, investor and hedge fund manager has raised concerns, as he says, the us is teetering on the brink of a new kind of civil of the among the risks identified by his researches. what value believes is the growing likelihood of the us civil war, the probability of which he puts us somewhere between 35 to 40 percent. the civil war dahlia imagines was not necessarily the one in which people grabbed guns and start shooting. although such a scenario was possible, he said this civil would be one in which people move to different states that are more aligned with what they want and they don't follow the decisions of federal authorities have the opposite political persuasion. now the investor also believes the upcoming presidential election will determine whether the existing problems in
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society are gonna spiral out of control. all right, dolly already claimed me back in 2020. the us was living through a form of civil war saying people were moving states in pond because of that political belief that he also claimed the country was divided and then a terrible financial state morning. the scope of the problems could trigger a moral revolution. while a recent poll highlighting the current divisions in society, claiming almost one and 4 adults nationwide would support the state see thing from the united states. that such sentiment is most prominent in alaska, texas, and california. last week, the us republican congresswoman marjorie taylor green even demanded what she called a national dive force between the liberals and conservatives. states we need the national divorce. we need to separate and by red states and blue states and shrink the federal government. everyone,
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i talk to say this from the sick and disgusting will culture issues shutdown, all throats to the democrats, treacherous america. last policies we are done. so we've had some kind of, uh, potential civil war brewing and united states. we teen seem to have these conversations in every a presidential election. yeah. don't know course of my colleague earlier this child with a couple of guess. i would say we're already in a civil war. if we go by its 1st definition of people moving to states that are more favorable to their, to their liking. but i, i do think that it could get hot, it's a propaganda machine is trying to divide us. and frankly i, i see us going more towards the civil war than the 35 to 40 percent. i think the probability is more in the 70 to 80 percent because we, we don't even have free and fair elections in our country. major spends a lot of time postering and coughing each other, one useless, pointless source and knowing that the bigger issues and lots of but they come around the world. so
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a lot to do with the white social media works in that space or the broadcasting and they were co page on the side. um yeah, in terms of the free and fair elections? definitely not the case in america phone. did you tell you because nothing ever really changes and then they end up spending our money. huge amounts of taxes. we have literally of no size to where it goes. joe, i'd like to ask you about this, this new film that's a, that's come out about the called civil war, right. would you say that this is a sort of roadmap for what we're set to see in the future or just some sort of hollywood fantasy? most of the things that have come out of hollywood have been things that they've engineered going into the future. and they, they, they try to judge the public's perception and, or reaction to such events in the united states. we're starting to as people realize who is the threat to the american people who is trying to thrust us into a war outside the united states with other nations. and that's the leadership is feckless group of leadership, both on the left and the right. and it's not just in the united states,
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this inspection of evil leadership has permeated across the world. and we have it's, it's one of the reasons why it's so dangerous for the united states, not to be held accountable. and while we're talking about the un, we're, we're talking about, you know, nato partners and nobody wants to stand up to the class slowly. that's what the united states has. has the cup has become on all of the world stages, are down to russia's northern capitalists in petersburg, where a government has been shot dead by police officers, a storm his apartment se then had audio shelton injured an officer who had attended to the reports of guns fire in the area, the waiting just about making that right there. look like the shooting from the luxury. a video showing that you're defining a police offensive right there on the balcony, 8th floor as we understand because he's apparently holding a shot gun. tremendous on he was opening fire for several hours off to then by rotating himself inside the flash,
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summer full suggesting he's got mental health issues. the well recently declassified secret. so if you had intelligence documents or readings that in post world war 2, occupied by land, all sorts of atrocities were carried out against civilians and similar practices are powerfully still being recorded decades later in other conflicts around the world is autism or, and the cause of evan allen, drastic. the watch likes to preach that they know better and all aspects of life that they are the role model of whom we should all follow get time and time again. they fall off their high horse when their actions are exposed. it might take some time, like in this case, in decades later, but better late than never, or here it is in black and white may 1945, berlin is carved up into zones and the soviet military administration is watching every one like a hall with nazis lurking around in the shadows, at the same time,
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the soviets are also monitoring the allied forces in the american, british, and french zones of berlin. and now we know what they found in the form by major general see their head of the operational sector of the sort of the military administration in berlin di told on acts of looting and robbery by allied occupation forces personnel dated november 19, 1945. it was stated, according to information available in the berlin operation sector. there has been an increase in incidence of misconduct and robbery of the brother and population by soldiers of the allies occupation forces. so what slides to talk about, the military atrocities of all those falls, completely ignoring the rhone, probably counts and on this type of evidence to be buried, which it was on september 26th, 1945, the art to scale in paul, residing it, us. and this, that austin number 22 approach to store located the corner of suit the west score. so,
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and reason. but notice that also where women were standing in line at the same time to american soldiers arrived once to the door, while the other entered and roughly grabbed the woman attempting to drop her side. the sold her kevin and paul intervened. but upon seeing him, the americans began beating him, breaking his nose and fracturing his call before fitting the scene. on september 27th, 1945 to 9 pm. 3 french soldiers came to the apartment of august torno, a resident of the berlin suburb of blue bars, these and then the 37. they raped darkness, and the girl named chris who was also in the house. afterward the soldiers took $200.00 marks and the gold watched from agnes and left after beating her. if this sounds soften to you, that means the mainstream media is doing his job well, because things like this continue to this day. so the is accused of war crimes is nothing new, of course, but the west like support center. they don't exist until of course,
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they are faced with the evidence. the needs of traveling alleged to lead to may of abuses, inattention, census, including sleep, deprivation forced communities, deprivation of adequate food and water markings, the fusions and threats of freight. the evidence implicating british soldiers in the murder of children and the torture of civilians was covered up by minute treat. come on this according to link documents that had been kept secret by the government.
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the building, 660 prison is from 42 nations, accused of being held in flashes or terrorist. country after country has demanded us, charge them or release them the or during the, during the bulls independence. the french military is known to have carried out multiple world crimes. he has told you and civilians, inclusion torture and for his disappearance and conflict related sexual violence.
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the evan accords the histories assigned in 1962, which brought in and to fonts as colonial rule. in o julia grunted the french military, honesty for all crimes committed to renewal its how it is surprising that the brits passed the bill which set a 5 year limits to prosecute u. k armed forces who served abroad. they are covering up their tracks and making things up as they go along, just like they did in 1946 when world war 2 was over installed everyone comments together. having defeated the hitler, the allied forces quickly went back to screaming n 12 thing. their next floor, a cold one this time. and what don't you know, it's just like a new crane right now. it was the brits once again. throwing the fuel on the fire with the iron curtain. speech like winston churchill, 246, even the prime minister by that point slipped simply felt the need to express his
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feelings while visits in the whole states of the us, presidents from stetson in the baltic. 23 asked in the entry ethic and iron curtain that has the send that across the continent behind the blind light, all the capitals of the ancient states of central and eastern europe. war so barely in prague, vienna, budapest downgrade, bucharest, and sophia, obese, famous cds, and the population surround the light in the soviet sphere. and are all subject and one form or another, not only to soviet influence, but to a very high. and in many cases, increasing measure of control for most co, none of you the speech as a starts of the cold war and we already know the m as that has on global politics. what up on so now we had no idea just how fast the allied forces moved after those words came out. recently, the operational sectors of the ministry of internal affairs in germany have noted an act of infiltration of agents by the military intelligence services of the
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allies into the solve it occupation zone of germany. as a result of the war carried out the ministry sectors, 203 agents had been exposed, interested as of may 1st 1946. i'm all of them are 108 agents of british intelligence service, 82 agents of american intelligence service, 15 agents, a french intelligence service. the allied forces use prisoners of war who had relatives living in the soviet zones of germany. these people had just left hitler's best caps and entered the arms of the western agents. a chance to start fresh and move forward. was bruins by western paranoia once again, russia was planning to take over the world. some things never change, which is why joseph solids answer to mr. churchill from 1946 is still relevant. today. in essence,
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mister churchill and his friends in england and the us have present to the non english speaking nations with something like an ultimatum. recognize our dominance voluntarily and then all will be in order. in the contrary case, war is inevitable. the soviet union lost several times more people than england and the united states of america put together. possibly there was an inclination in some places to consign to oblivion. these colossal sacrifices of the soviet people would secure the liberation of europe from the hitler yoke. but the soviet union cannot forget them. it may be asked, what can be surprising about the soviet union wanting security in the future about its attempts to see to it that in these countries there are governments that have loyal relations with the soviet union. is it possible without taking leave of one senses to characterize these peaceful efforts of the soviet union as expansionist
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tendencies of our state? i don't know if maybe that was, hasn't they lost the plots? or at least the ability to co exist with powerful nations on an equal level. having said that, maybe that's because it never had to or is where wrapping up is always program here when ology international will be back in about full minutes time. just a quick reminder of all the, one of our top stories here and that is that a so b is alex on the village has revealed it after a chat with hungary, victor, oregon. apparently, europe is reportedly preparing to directly into the conflict in you crate will keep you posted here. this is oxy. until the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the 1918. the countries of the west won the final victory over the ottoman empire. the sultan's government capitulated to the inside and sign, the humiliating armesis, upload grove. great britain and france. and italy wanted not only to destroy the ottoman empire, but also to divide the prime orderly turkish lands among themselves. in 1919, their armies began to land on turkish territory, but the west decided to choose greece has the main striking force,
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seeking to make others realize this aggressive plan. for an intervention, provo, mass, indignation among the turkish people. the national liberation struggle was led by the experience of general mustafah come all as a 3rd in order to bear down the enemy, a bank on the mobilization of the nation. and the alliance with russia, which acted as a united front, with turkish patriots. at the end of august 1922, the third's army won a decisive victory over the invaders in the battle of doomed living art. and within a month liberated all asia minor from them, the impressive success of the circus army force the west to make concessions. in 1923, the loss on these treaty was signed. turkey. one of the 1st countries in asia manage to defeat the colonial empires and defend its independence. becoming an example 4 and
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a millions of via press on the planet the the language the behavior is, has become really extreme in the west. and i think again, it's because they are there, empire is on the, on the decline. it's a rapid decline. the declining b. c. it following. and it just makes it more angry, more hostile and more full of patriots.
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the headlights are one of the international. i think the entity is hungry will be able to serve you euro pacific, powerfully making preparations for possibly entering the conflict. a ukraine at 12, nato calls and its allies to allow kids to strike the inside brush program. celebrating itself, as i forget the use of mazda across the continent, partnering the treatments of independence. i'm still breaking away from the shackles of colonial. it's the right that will play and above reading habits on gaza. just a day off to being ordered by the international court of justice to stop. it's


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