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tv   Documentary  RT  May 25, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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the regions decrease from 150216000 people. slavery, which had been abolished in mexico long before the united states attacked was restored on the occupied territories. this will later become one of the reasons for the civil war in the united states themselves. nations like individuals are punished for their transgressions. we got our punishment. american president ulysses grant rode about the consequences of aggression against mexico several decades later the the
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room. so hold on just a minute and then let's get this shipped to the special issue. and then i see it the last as a command, let's say skim projects. you're going to do it for almost a while and then probably in you guys, prosecutors have come to the house or south, proclaimed pasta getting out of the mouth. and then he's been training all for this to serve in the ukrainian army for years. would you much sway the charlo so that they such as lots of good on how to
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start out today, right. on the jacob daughter, the hygiene and she was just come to america budget when your score so the budget go preserve when you origin, which is a minus the just investigate as a gathering evidence to condemn the children's home. well, really, it just called and it's totally tearing the only she was used to raise child soldiers little's or the right to what i mean. it was, it was shield on it, not just sold dot people do. who do watch the transformation of kids into come valley killers was supported by international religious organizations. go in forces, find that choices and almost all of dumbasses liberated several months because get the splitting the, those delays, loaners portables coming in a row. so i, they were selling logistics baskets of the spreadsheet, orders to shy, able buy on some will eventually in
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january 2023, a symbol of their own via the ukranian nationalist called appeared next to one of the main orthodox shines. the key for jessica alone over an essential bulge of every room 0 sunday. so of assessing the ukrainian and some the day of ceiling. cool. a ukrainian amazon from the us founded the sect one of the most prominent in the ukranian ministry, the shorter than this spaniards paid custody of cindy. i appreciate you
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the because of the condition. yeah, i remember coordinators for gigi to extra to destruction of each new refreshed to city. ok. i'm estimates of processing here. sure. will. there is more than vague in this claim that religion is at least 11000 years old. in fact, it's closer to 50. is it was created on the east coast of america, not on the bank, so they need the river run, vera religion has meetings and members of the training and they ask for a living in canada, united states, all and we're forever the are the, the
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ceiling. go room there was found to begin his journey to becoming the ultimate profit of ukrainian and more than paganism in world war 2. the rooms craft january. so absolutely each machine you we're the reason for your own sort of peer review of that one. cause of way somebody chiefly of appear when we need some way of aging, you will see because you must apply it to you guys. you have to cry, you sneeze by the end. so then go was propagation, ukrainian exceptionalism and hatred of russians and jews from the articles, jews of mankind's greatest enemy, ukrainian wood newspaper. december, the 13th, 1941, the jews seems to have a cheap, the goal in eastern europe. they have come to a pallet or is to come with us, the role of the jews and the tragic history of the bolshevik social. this country is very well known. and when the time comes,
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ukraine will hold them accountable for it. so if you had counter intelligence related loans that link, go ahead on the go on hitler's prop, again the courses and a po days come most ensure who move to you within the general mine you graham's of way sort of sale. so we want them, we will region for me to cross k 0 in the past 3 and your mine is 0 look forward. so hopefully that will give you our liberty mission, the feeds off the hitler's defeat from us. so a drawing intelligence officer live. so then go was transferred to the us, where he continued his work and the ceiling, a special ukrainian unit, new carpet, pretty pulling the street for you and you cannot machine, you upgrade instructional, somebody's flags of the schools. i get so little transport them to you to use up a loop regular cuz that's the point. yeah, for us to send me is 2 ways kind of what it really does. approximately one layer of center for just just furnished for which you some more we are funding the scheme
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for. i'm not sure when weeks you feel like me. interesting to return to e mail in the mid 1960. so then co transform from propagandist to profit of the new ukranian church. so thinking or not for sale by owner as sufficient associates interest to at the dental of chicago, the nation expecting a young for and just been going on with it. so know how much you knew this strange, ukrainian religion appeared as part of the classified c i a project. it aimed to still rob separatist, the nationalist sentiment and soviet ukraine. and therefore i saying, i'd say it's almost certainly there's some of the blame for this nazi like religion
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. while studying declassified c i a documents, jeff young, the house of representatives, candidates often found things indicating us intelligence collaborated with radical, quasi religious organizations. it's a religious fact, or called that stresses the superior already of the ukrainian people, ukrainian nationalism, denigrates ethnic russians, everything russian. the just a few years during the 19 sixty's, rivera jumped as well opened across the united states and canada. it doesn't matter what these groups say or do they will support them if it says the groups bar causing hatred and chaos within the target country, even on his desk, but to learn to remain silent about who was behind establishing his couch and who
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had been funding it for decades, since world war 2, united states has fostered extremist anti russian prejudices and hatreds among the ukrainian, the ass for 10, at least canada united states and countries in eastern europe, probably everywhere in the world. it's possible that to see a funded run here simply in order to help it turn the ukrainian people against russia. years later, the of of unit results the room via appraised realism and 2 us soldiers before the battle prizes to the national day and see the causes go dodge. bog makes with a ukrainian nationalist slogan all
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over the past few years. pagan rituals like this have grown especially popular in the ukrainian military. so i move so far, the lower school, what the most difficult. somebody sits on the course of sluggish to because they are still going to need a measuring tape, a bunch of playing with those starting you because that is the thing is the stone and the she by going to read, you know, to do. i was interested in what she wants you to go to what i need for going on this to see what's going on behind. the of the most recent member of the nation, this called as of regimen soldier ran
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a leave show to fling down to in cold blood during fighting and body opening spring 2022 year old meals, understanding the stairs just to help in the bedroom as to the 1st impressions, students as well as the one that you investigate. just say i lead, clearly some of the victims, white scrubs of red cross on band the still pull the trigger to be strong village up for my general russia, slaves or football. no shooting of, of just my business just as a regimen. so it is in the us of shot this voltage, this military post, they originally install a pagan idol. the shrine is drenched with blood from afresh. and the
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ocean ocean is, but he does not live for july the smoke up if i knew the mortgage company as to perhaps some of the show for new to the to do with 4 squares. the there's just a little less of it as well. is up and it was using, distributed below, which allows us to the the, the
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submitted the modem, paganism and the fight against the russian orthodox. a motion in ukraine almost immediately on the soviet union's collapse in just a few years. ukraine became a well center for the spiritual chaos actively supported by the us and bureau. today the bus or the release of come to the russian states never as tight as i'm one of the most sense community was all sense enough in the 65. and this been
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a case of 95 must be the one else calls question about this. even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia cruising and split the r t spoke neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube. the services for the question, did you say stephen twist, which is the
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this is confirmed by documents found at the premises of mouth and then goes called the senior distortion juniors like city. it's usually is. it is still updating with you to let us clear what scuffling does it, because it is a circle. fisher should on page ocean or for the semester of the ocean. 100 is this and that all of us are still the way it was right there. split up old charlotte ocean just i'm pretty sure i have enough here to bundle out of the state. the shot i respond to is that we read you correct? yes. going to go through this. been to a separate out that i'm used to show you
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the daughter she is old, but if i knew it was just talking about a post, it would be wildly and you would be want to see if the new she's still grand from the greatest of officials was behind hundreds of emerging religious counts and ukraine among them, the mayor of ukraine's capital leo need genovius skate the issue with pneumonia. oh no, no. no, no. i mean, yeah we, i know the way i might have us. i have, i do use american citizen, self and active. as of the embassy of god, judge, founded by nigerian sunday at
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a lodge in the early 19 ninety's my. she's in the plaza, flush all the way the onto the story resonates with those of thousands of all the embassy of god members. then you judge forced as a quit a job, so flood donate or her savings for the good of the church is community interested. so good should i noticed cuz they should the ocean city sent you a view the key station to book shows us the big supply district and to see, to the full charles found the most um,
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issue to a lot of the subject, the 6 weeks to inventory the is about 3 months up, so she'll be delighted letting us medicaid for the loss on the laundry, and the amount of the cost of loss was to landscape social media attorney loud for sure. can you go so when you put it it goes in front of me is a secretary this is really good with that issue and just i circle with
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a semester. so semester goes. if i, if i send the description of the beauty too much income, then prime minister of ukraine was the, one of the calls influential friends, the floor. and it's flushing the just as those, some of them for a long number long, which is all of from the early, 2, thousands. the process of noted the embassy of gold coats, direct links with us intelligence on sunday. i lounge it himself, has never denied it for the rest is no. okay, and most of those, those notes to succeed because the old as 2007 lodges spoke at the un, unable, because i will very much show and i don't know what's going on for all of the chevy raises that. that's the end result. you to commit to a few months earlier,
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he opened the us senate meeting to the pro load of creation. we acknowledge i'm not ship today. yes, the rent, the love empower us authorities reverends towards the man to build you claims lounges financial pair. and that was also implicated in loves, tourism, and sexual crimes is quite understandable at large and his follow as hell pro american candidates, vic, to use in cub become president of ukraine. the, during the 2004 protests, the embassy of going to lead a marshal thousands of his judges, follow as to the streets to support you shall come. these protests became known as the orange revolution, the most
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the shift and the energy would you have you shared the joe again, my done on the cheese that to should consecrate dell, you know, create just extensive to and have been an issue to some way. if i look at this done yeah, to is to might have done that. ok to give them that point. usually you folks and you it is, i should just be a failing yours next year being the way. but the embassy of god cult members attended the rally as did representatives of the nation is ruling video, a judge, which of the most as part of a c i is proud of project fusion because wife, ukraine's future 1st lady the,
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to the you know too much income stood next to him on the might on the stage from chicago to the attended. so then goes american church here, at least 5 actually have between these a got into my jim cook, i put an story, a mess with it as customers to shop for a full key and he had all she yeah, most kindly. he's in the no, no start issue with the present. that's very reasonably special or you can use like i the, and i start with did away today g. okay. and then there's a little easy just to do show corn less. so a few of those that's great. the for the show pretty near the issue. you're going to be sure to share with even last i'm good. yeah. see, my wish you be got to see the when you're before is what do you mostly be at the
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ship? got the printed up pieces of blue gray and the spelling of it. so are you, are you shipping? the supporters of nationalist codes including road zeros, were raised in west and ukraine's use comes today with the main sizing for us in the 2014 code. the number as me is it's just easier to just find them. say i look forward to the rest of the deal, so when you go to instrument and you don't like that. and if so, if you go to the queue based on industry, i'd say region due to the so on the list or showing you a couple that was the bias. so what on the video, and also some of the most on already enough tend to you
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today almost only instigators of these ukranian approaches the direct links within through and show us religious organizations. say the to the game prime minister of ukraine, immediately off to the, to your listing cave discover to assist the leading us deals ok by the senior position and us scientology sent over here at the car assist before the police performers. i gave them that kind of interest to justin felt like you should get sense of couple in the summer, but i was in your school. somebody said that i had some sort of monitor. obviously if i knew the whole and that's the issue for finally to get her business. me a nephew to use the another cool. be nice. i think santa to chain of the future. i think president of ukraine
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the 2014 to june of announced the beginning of the war in the east of then the unified ukraine. this, under the transmission is on the order of the bombing of dumbasses, pays for cities, the ukrainians nickname to jean of the bloody pasta. 2 ounces, 10 in the countries highest echelons have power to chain of breach rankings of the day from the both ends of the world of life baptist church and cave. the 20142022 was an effort to kill russians and
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destabilize, if they could, the russian government over throw vladimir food. so the ca uses anyone at anything if there's a religion the yeah, this is you claim became an independent states. the russian orthodox church is the most good patry of has been on the continual pressure in 2023 with the blessing of european and us human rights organizations. pressure turned out dried religious war, the in the last 12 months alone, being hundreds of a tanks on ukrainian or the adults pres, dozens of whom have been imprisoned. on live tv and without hesitation,
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ukraine's nationalist ideology is going on that fellow citizens to burn russian orthodox churches. some more than a v e, which you could have, like a cuban on the said come on with the ukranian police and military participate in seizing over the dog shrines amongst a new cranes. otis, along the street, the key, the chest got louder, were ordered to leave the cells, and the other was detained. both always the easy, it was still in full with the speed. so you know, for us to put seamless, he's going to need me. i can hold him on them. i would need to ask the minister when the migration ticket sees 2 inches, go into the hands of the newly formed ukrainian churches. i wrote in 0 all the disk with national this rooms in scribe let's and then go to states. found is installed
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at the entrance to catch is key. but she has got a lover. inscription says, so then go to the sacred fire, the ukrainian spiritual revolution that is already destroyed many, many lives and continues to rage. the a night's largest democracy votes the rest of the planet watchers in an emerging multi polar world. india's voice matters, but who will be the power behind it? watches almost 1000000000 people decide and billions more,
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react the who. what else seemed wrong? just don't have to shape out the application and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look so common ground. the
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the headlights are one of the international things vmc as hungry reveals to serve you europe so powerfully making preparations for possibly entering the conflict. a new brain as well. nato colds and its allies to allow kids to strike deep into the heart of brush in the program instead of writing itself. as i feel good, a small one across the continent honoring the treatments of independence and breaking the shopping use of age. old colonial is full, so is america at a tipping for as a us independently? and it says the challenge of a civil war in the states. so up to 40 percent of experts say the numbers too low things might get taught real soon. and i think the probability is more in the 70 to
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80 percent because.


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