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tv   News  RT  May 26, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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of the brain, stories of what shapes are really get right. is war, the full, the link to president, right. you see, and his entourage who are killed in a headache opposite glass going through the vice president besides us essentially policy responsible for the tragedy on because the american economic sanctions have also affected our own innovation equipment systems. we have lost great people. the political history of iran in the last half century has shown that such incidents have only led to greater unity of the people. awarding just subbing images displayed orders via the international court of justice to something genocide on a halt. defensive on rough or israel continues this let's, let's go to the bottom of the tired seat of the gaza. richard,
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you'll find 1st of all has scramble the way around all the way around the world to a distance. i call the local give him his attendance that com, a bully and the cold shoulder. all of us are upsets became just like he was taking a vacation to take brand a tick tock because we show a reality on that. they say it's a lie, but they call him hide the truth from the people find fault. so that is um, kill them a dozen, or would they need plenty of plants on rushes? 12 or are we doing 30 shelves are in the set to lots and so all those local build the hello and welcome to all to international because seeing live for almost good today, we're looking at the stories that shape the weekend. the latest news headlines us. this week, so as long as want a screen day funeral and full,
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the link rainy and presently by amazing and his onto eyes who killed and they had his opposite crash last sunday is the races relay is a sense that his hometown of a must have the up for burial to the city, the city of to believe club. i'm kind of on the stage briggs, processions. it really is a fun. they will never forget his efforts and contributions to the country's prosperity brandy and i have experience. many things like that, but people never forgets is efforts is actually the way he used to go. and he used to be the person to save our country from dispatch situation really must be that when i last presenter i use and his companions was the same as when i lost my father. i was truly touched with the power of our dear leader, ayatollah committee. we are confident in the support of the leader. nothing bad is
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going to happen in iran. the sunday it by way see what was on the losing was it to as of age are way. it's under the open surveys with 2 dimes and spoke with his as a by joint account about about a variety of topics. he was on his way to the san juan with a terrible accident. good. the . * the
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full, the right info in this a blamed washington for that size. any claiming its restrictions on there was a recent industry in the maintenance of the vehicle. however,
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the white house with getting to responsibility and refuse to apologize for all the sanctions it has imposed on the country j a deal time. one of the main culprits is the united states, which has placed an embargo on the supply of aircraft in evolution parts. we run and does not allow the ring and people to enjoy the good have to use and base. this will be included in the list of us crimes. again, the wrong name causative a. the us is the one of the main responsible for that. you run your presence in a couple of crash due to the sanctions. so 1st of all, we're not gonna apologize for our sanctions regime at all. the running government has used it's aircraft to transport equipment, to support terrorism. so we will continue to fully enforce our sanctions resume, including our sanctions. resumes on aircraft for used by the running government. ultimately is the running government that is responsible for the decision to fly. a 45 year old helicopter in what was described as poor weather conditions,
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not any other actor available inquiry into the cause of the cracks is on the way for them. the accident, a scene investigative group consisting of the experts and specialist and technicians arrived on the scene on thursday. the 1st and full came out. so that was no little bit of gunshot. so similar to file play on the wreckage off the crashing into the mountains as often quote fire they write in vice president also is concerns about partial us responsibility for the phase the lives of he's book in an exclusive interview to see about the liabilities of watching sanctions against iran on the display of the to the americans are responsible for prison. gracie's helicopter crash for 2 reasons. first, before the 1979 is law mac revolution, iran had agreements with the united states regarding airborne vehicles and asian systems. americans have never filled their commitment since,
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nor have they return the money we pay them for equipment. second, the american economic sanctions have also affected her own aviation equipment systems. we have lost great people, but the political history of iran in the last half century has shown that such incidents have only led to greater unity of the people. accumulating the internal strength and invigoration of our ideology. strange things have happened, and many people around the world became sad. many governments have declared a public morning period, including india, pakistan, iraq, syria, and lebanon. many international assemblies have observed a minute of silence, including the united nations security council. this phenomenon is very significant and has resulted in politicians, even ones who oppose us being moved by this incident. politeness, we like this isn't really the idea of has re pulls that be conducted. so the attacks on the black refugee camp that's in gauze and now,
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but certainly all the homeless um doings that its fights is carried out in the ambush on site to the years is really forces in the area on the phone. what are all fighting security down a complex operation this saturday afternoon? the engine mills and guys, a strip all 5 this low design is forced into a tunnel image about comp headed by god's grace and follow. they managed to engage with the members of this for some point blank, right, and then i'll fight is attacked the reinforcement for the thrush to be seen with explosives. he didn't then directly in the list of all for this, with, through of the blowing of the tunnel houston. this operation having left all my muscle does foresight, it kills injured or captured and sees the military equipment this, this week, the entire and c of the gaza. sub has been underwritten, lynn, this is randy at fax. at least 10 people were reported killed in a recent idea of stripe on gauze us that the a warning this report contains disturbing images. now this for the shows family
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members warning that children who are killed in the attack. however, the idea of have claimed that it is supposedly trying to prevent somebody in this setting comes at this slide. old is by the exact same court of justice to something genocide. and holtz is really offensive into the past the, the city of rafa, friday's decision month. the 3rd time this year, when the ports has issued orders to contain the death told in gaza. however, as well as denied conduct the admin fee of souls in rough or i'm has denounced the case against it's the judges of genocide, ruled by south africa against israel. the international court of justice and a gulf falls, outrages and more of a repugnant israel has no and will most conduct, males reaction. send that off area, which means slates on that by the senior civilian population. guys, the conditions of life they could bring about as physical destruction,
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whole or in bought the i, c. j has also ruled. israel must not provides new and invested there. it is for accessing any error in the gaza enclave because it's considered event in conformity with the obligation. under the genocide convention, is that it must immediately hold its meaning to offense and any other accident and did also have government. which may inflict on the, by assuming a group and gaza conditions of life that would bring about its physical destruction in hold or influx independence or consensus. the court is also of the view that in order to be the evidence related to allegations of facts forwarding within the scope of articles to get 3 outside convention is a must speak effective measures to ensure the and b, the access to the guy,
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the script of any commission of inquiry fact finding mission, or as an investigative body mandated by competent organs of the united nations, to investigate allegations of genocide, the international court of justice had what has or to draw the is all to immediately stop it submitted to assaults on that. i foster with more than 1000000 people at the cost of the future in dial conditioning the facts. it was 15 judges of the 15 that has agreed that to the situation into the fact is it completes red line. seeing that it entails the risk of a repeatable home to the human rights of people. and does that even noting that to more than a 100000 people had been forced to see about fusses is really forces begin round operations in an area that had been wants to create a safe zone. on the basis of information for the quote is not convinced that the fusion efforts and related measures that is the funds to have undertaken to enhance
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the security of civilians and because of split. and particularly those recently displaced from bit of governmental sufficient to alleviate immense, it is which the by the city and population is exposed as a result of the media to offensive. and that of so i'm says that provisional misses that had been previously ordered by the court in march did not fully address the situation is, does he also maintain that this emergency or the was necessary due to the destruction and disaster was communitarian situation in guys the court has made as the orders alongside to the halting of military, such as for as well to report to the court within one months on it's appropriate and applying the business. cooling is of course, part of a must be got case both by so fast because choosing as well also committing genocide gays. palistine is in, does that so that the guy has welcome to court order for as well to stop. it's
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offensive off of that. and it is also, it's just as the u. n. member states to beckett's, the policy and in all sorts. it has also been reported a welcoming the i. c. j decision saying that it's represents an international consensus and is wells move on as are you and the representative size of the interests of human. she must price it as well to store. it's a pensive in golfing as the ice j. o does israel to stop its defensive and rougher israel intensifies its attacks on that. the news and receiving from the people trapped the rain, that terrifying the sure israel will not stop this madness until we make it stop. member states must impose sanctions. alms involved, go and suspend its a magic and political relations with these rail to it sees it's a sold. yeah, no, no, no, i mean you, we're kill daily with western weapons, european weapons. we do not want aid from you. we want you to stop supporting the
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occupation with military equipment. we want to put pressure on the occupation to stop its aggression and stop it's killing of our children and women. again as a hand even though we use this place, people have been suffering with only god knows. for 8 months we the people of the north have been disgraced and cumulated with them on the seas. for in all areas across garza, my father is not the only one affected ever spent. i mean, it's no longer spent as me of are we not human? they're only making demands for the people of ralph us. and what about us, the people of gaza sleeping on the streets? who cares about us? where is the justice we're looking at what they say, who is a, somebody inside them, deputy secretary general, all the facts, the central committee, he said israel cannot lie its way through the court proceedings on that has to be held accountable. it has basically can 95 percent of almost every building
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does uh to be it that you should be at the hospital or the clinic school the university. and then comes to tell you that because nothing in any way or i think it, that means of like the punish demands, namely at this time of the foxes and come up to basically like its way through as being uh, now or pin to the ground with the decision of fi cj, and it has to deliver this time. it kind of just get that way when things go to the unmarked, totally unnoticed and totally unsolved, obviously as up and us them as a human being, as um, basically uh, from the digital who's looking for the weight for what we'd like to see the ordering of the ice, usually a pen, basically item sweet spots is what i should be investigated then the international the next. but should be at out in the end. if that's not the case when basically have to revisit the concept of government. the applause, the, the basics and the financial funds. but we have been teaching all kids with regards
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to human rights with regards to democracy with regards to freedom, their own being crushed under the, the, the, the, the arms and the legs of these like the all me that is a basically standing in your mind. if you by actions i thought of taking place and cause and beyond this is very is clashed with police joy and i'm to go riley as protest, accused prime as an yahoo, a corruption. i'm condemned who is handling the gaza conflict. the police push, the news was a time in an attempt to disperse the file. the demonstrations do bold into violence . multiple people were detained as well. so it is carried away from this group. it by now on to all the news,
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hundreds of people. i'll take him to the streets of paris, to riley in so for the independence for the pacific island, tennessee, over new caledonia. the processes condemned the policy of vice president emmanuel michael on tools the archipelago. the guide flags of the french overseas territory in that house is one of those places, the slogan, se independence for news coming down here. the process in the french kevin came also pleaseland in new car the same to the shop. a mind on friday following a time by protest is raising the death toll to 7 as rights have grips the french all competitor for nearly 2 weeks and responsive to the civil unrest. power, as has employed over $1500.00 additional troops to his overseas territory. amid the tensions present, micron made the navy $17000.00 columbus, a trip to the islands on thursday, and attempt to diffuse the glasses,
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which robinson over both to inform us that would give non indigenous people the rights of costs and ballots. intervention of x and remove bone as i speak through our 3000 internal security forces in new caledonia and more reinforcements will arrive in the next few hours. this is unprecedented, and for several days now, there have been no more than at the time of the 3rd referendum. let me be very clear. these forces will remain as long as necessary, including during the olympic and paralympic games. we've heard from a local residents in it and you cause a sudden the visit all the time to present. i haven't really improved the situation in the region. the fucking they play, you know, once the president arrived, we were relieved, but he left yesterday and nothing has happened. there's nothing moving. things are also scary and nothing improved. in fact,
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we even had someone who was killed yesterday, so his arrival didn't help him. and in addition, he gave a month to calm things down that things were stuck in some kind of prison. no, no i still aliases is we're still here and we will stay until we are heard. roadblocks will stay until the text of the lot is completely removed. he thought the olympic games would distract us. we're not done. we want the library moved in until the end. the roadblocks will stay. no need to. all of us are upset. he came just like he was taking a vacation at the band to take told because we show a reality on that. they say it's a lie, but they can't hide the truth from the people. we're upset and we know the macro and wants to pass that little, but we will not allow it's defending science and cd excellent from president universe in indian. easier dealt with that is joan floss law says phones is unable to abandon them as colonial past. the best on the policy for the sale. so that's
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what i'm disability and expect of human rights. let's back off the process of the conversation. but yet, as you can see under the president, my problem, he will like, let's say, wants to embrace swindle and breast that body in the pacific region and including and you'll probably been, yeah, it'll be on the, on the, on the have the perspective, how does that political decision barrier, you cannot like kicked off a company. ok, just becoming independent and vice? no, but we have separate out for us to do us and i think uh from you call it in the and people who are for example, or they'd be living in code. and if i didn't, yeah. before 1988. i think they had a model of progressive to see the sounds s so in, but also they don't want to be a little directly and they don't want to be like in order to be likely they would, they want to be independent, especially in the process. but it's quite different in some young people, right. based on my sort of faith and also based on my any steps. uh for the one
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percent of the young people in new caledonia, dental. they want to be like processed. they want a fast process much. what's the process like, for example, the eldest of the people before them, but it could be perhaps one day becoming independent in russia has or this is a defense star as a brand. of course you'd find is that it was reported a lot sco roof and good attack on military infrastructure. and russia has tested is ballistic missions, and tactical weapons that's a whole into the defies when at the drills involve, advise, visit me. so this was euclid capable, x off months ago, says the purpose of the exercise of the thing was the self defense of these people . it's sort of assumed that the put any effects on the russians city of belgrade, the regional governor, to say the reason a queen size left full civilians dead. i'm at least 18 others would,
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including 2 children, the restroom, if you the south side, a defensive stance intercepted dozens of projectiles with some managed to hit several residential buildings and a school. now russia has tested is, as i said, non strategic nuclear capabilities with the 1st stage of drills civilizing. the launch of practical nuclear weapons of us. according to the defense, may a few drills involve of dogs, ballistic missiles, as well as nuclear capable. cost a month ago says the purpose of the exercise is to keep moving forward is prepared for the national defense. now was war according to a spokesman for the kremlin ukraine's present. savanski has gone into full frenzy on his pleading with west and supporters for the additional strikes on russian soil . while he was playing a sol, just continue with the tool in the northeast. and let's take
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a listen to that as he's interview with the neil time for one of the more recent stances. a hi, oscar can with 1st shut down from the territory of a native country from the territory of our neighbors. the me south wind tours our adage of facilities without crossing into ukraine's aerospace. technically all of this as possible. let's take the 1st practical step, should down watson, this guy over ukraine, and give us the weapons to use against russian forces on the borders. that we kind of actually get 7 patrick systems from nato countries. 7, do you think it is too much for the need on a verse? so we saw that in washington for a country that has been trying to become a native member since 2008. that's thousands as the 5 year to inquire name present ends. what is it and see ryan for office in 2019. he promised the end of
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the conflict in don't boss, but he has failed to live on. but the problem is provoking russia to launch a movie campaign in the play. now's the landscape. says that because of marshal his time and office hasn't really ended, the constitutional court offered no room off on where the team's decision to cancel evictions is the did phillips on the landscape is not said when the old for me seek re election grants is not so you craniums know their constitution. we understand that these statements by the legitimate president of the russian federation, about the legitimacy of the president of ukraine, are, frankly speaking, boring and on. interesting. if you are adequate and can read, read the constitution and draw a conclusion. that's all, i'm not really bothered by all this at all. and what i mean, honestly, is a short dimansky discuss this topic with a pile of gas. i think it is very troubling. um, you know,
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and here his defense may be, well we have a war going on. so i had to suspend me while i was in election observer as ardo was as well. um, in the new regions where there's war going on uh, rush to helga elections for president. even though the war was going on in those new regions is always the they have been elected processes. but the manner that he has executed is mandy piece has been anything other than this is a man who sold out his nation to the interest of his people to of that of the collective. less is allowed in this country to become foxy of nato. he knows that he was elected on the platform, which was to make peace. uh, you know, to bring peace into his concrete and to play the court of appeals months so that
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the country could move forward. and in that sense he's visiting with she was undermine. from the moment he betrayed all he acted in bad faith in implementing the municipal court, towing this country into disarray, leading to uh uh, awful. the store month, 600000 of their youngest and finest young men. essentially we've seen from zalinski, but he's got no time for any democratic institutions in ukraine. we've had the binding of all position policies, the binding of media. we've had to list saying that they're under pressure in terms of the sorts of things they're reporting on that we had the cracks down of the oaks adults church as well in ukraine. and then now we've had this new to mobilize most ukrainian and then this demand to have them extradited essentially from other countries where they've been seeking refuge up how you expect to let the skis
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weston allies to keep just defying all of that. when they say he's fighting for democracy, i don't think the west will even try to justify what they're doing and they'll just continue to use platitudes about freedom and democracy in the. busy that's what zalinski represents. it's all don't do what we do, do what we say. that's the western point of view. both the zalinski and who's western supporters appear to be at least in terms of their public pronouncements trapped in a fantasy world that is eerily reminiscent of that which existed in hitler's bunker at the during the fall of berlin, where adolf hitler was seeking to move non existence armies around the map in order to achieve some sort of miraculous victory. i guess the advancing soviet army and the same phenomena. it appears to be happy to shift to. ready where are you
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creating leadership, civil and military, are hoping for some sort of miracle. the only reason the remains in place is that the americans having an election on their own. and as far as the incumbent and destruction is concerned, they must do the most to somehow maintain a uh, an illusion that the everything is okay. and they don't want to rock the boat and this would hurt, you know, draw a bite and for his re election be. so that's only the only reason that i can see as to why the americans, for the time being at least are backing this unconstitutional situation. things might change after november or us november's addiction. oh, the news that the us in times to decry 10. yeah. as a significant non nato ivis, kunda is the african nations president. william lewis went to washington to a, an, an official, a trip to meet with joe. by tonight was his 1st visit via it was his both visit by
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uh, by canyon need that to the us in over 15 years. we're working with congress to designate can use a major non nato ally today. i'm proud to announce probably $250000000000.00. then you capacity helpful and combinations investment or development of tactful growing challenges. we agreed on the significant opportunity for the us to read because really pre calibrate it strategy and strengthen its support for applica by enhancing investments in the institutions of public on integration. quote, president william russo as joe biden, i've met the whole visit, is about money bags, with the us making of fresh commitments to avail $21000000000.00 in loans. movie international monitors funds to for oscar nations to port and homes are resilience
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. what is the us expanding its case on the continents? also, the us designation of shania as a non nato ally makes can yeah, the 1st country in all sub saharan, i forgot to leave out with the largely symbolic title. router's visit comes from mit plans to deploy $1000.00 kenny and national police agents to haiti. the us as long out source to madeline in haiti to global self countries. and present biting is all in on the plan. but the move is not supported by many kimmie and, and has been subject to debates so much. so the router's washington visit has been overshadowed by widespread discontents back home over the proposed tax hikes and the costs of living as well as alleged government corruption. and the government's response to recent lot inbox queued more than 160 champions and an intense answer. a gauge on a view to buy a journal followed.


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