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tv   News  RT  May 26, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the stairs or is it st. louis here, right. is, was the full, the legs president, race yeah. his own through was who killed in a, any comes of glass. and his vice president says the us senators who are partially responsible for the tragedy for your the american economic sanctions have also affected our own aviation equipment systems. we have lots of great people with the
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political history there on the last half century has shown that such incidents have only led to greater unity of the people who are wanting to survey images. this is why notice by the international court of justice to stop genocide and opens the offensive on rough up. it will continue this relentless bombardment of the piracy of the gaza region. as the price was, it has a small move all the way around the world to a distance. i have to call it a low. can you give him and is a type of so called boarding range, that little cold shoulder of us or upsets became just like he was taking a vacation. they found to take told because we show a reality on that. they say it's a lie, but they can't hide the truth from the people. find the full so that is killing over a dozen more wounded. any printing attacks on rushes in belgrade region. so the cells are intercepted, but several, i live, it's local,
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building the well done it to new weekly on all the international featuring the biggest issues the last 7 days as we and as well as that i think kind of it's the other think was it was why a 3 day funeral by the late, really and present. abraham is on his, on the roger killed in a honeycup to crash last sunday is erases, remains was sent to his hometown of, of mice had for burial previously the cities of companies club. i'm tam wrong stage, great processions. iran is a firm and they will never forget his f as i am. contributions to the countries prosperity, brandy and i have experience. many things like that,
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but he will never forget his efforts is actually the way he used to go. and he used to be the person to save our country from dispatch situation really must be that when i last present twice and his companions was the same as when i lost my father. i was truly touched with the power of our dear leader, ayatollah committee. we are confident in the support of the leader. nothing bad is going to happen in iran last sunday, but i am really see was on a well he visit. so as i don't wire, he attended the opening surveys for 10 times i just spoke with his as of a johnny counterpart about a variety of topics. it was on his way to to her on when the terrible isn't good
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the . *
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the info and so bryan washington for the trial is saying that it's restrictions on the wrong aviation industry hitting the maintenance of the vehicle. however, the white house rejects and responsibility and the refused. so apologize for all the sanctions it has imposed on the country a j, a theater time. one of the main culprits is the united states, which has placed an embargo on the supply of aircraft in evolution parts. we run and does not allow the ring and people to enjoy a good, ever use and boost. this will be included in the list of with crimes against the wrong name category. but the us is the one of the main responsible for that. you run your business and a couple of crash due to the sanctions. so 1st of all,
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we're not going to apologize for our sanctions regime at all. the running government has used it's aircraft to transport equipment, to support terrorism. so we will continue to fully enforce our sanctions regime, including our sanctions regimes on aircraft for used by the running government ultimately is the ryan government that is responsible for the decision to fly. a 45 year old helicopter in what was described as poor weather conditions, not any other actor. a phone want to inquire into the cause of the class is on the way floating. that's in a senior investigative group. and assistive experts specialist and technicians arrived on the scene on thursday, the 1st of all came out of stating that there was no evidence of guns. thoughtful, civil file play on the wreckage, often flashing into the mountain and crossed quote by the rainy and vice president. also raised concerns about the partial us responsibility for the
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faithful accident. he spoke in an exclusive interview to see about and then liabilities of washington sanctions against iran. on the corner of the to the americans are responsible for prison drive use use helicopter crash for 2 reasons. first, before the 1979 is lubbock revolution, iran had agreements with the united states regarding airborne vehicles and aviation systems. americans have never fulfilled their commitment since nor have the return the money we paid them for equipment. second, the american economic sanctions have also effect of our own aviation equipment systems. we have lost great people, but the political history of iran and the last half century has shown that such incidents have only led to greater unity of the people. accumulating the internal strength and figuration of our ideology, strange things have happened, and many people around the world became sad. many governments have declared a public morning period, including india, pakistan, iraq, syria,
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and lebanon. many international assemblies have observed a minute of silence, including the united nations security council. this phenomenon is very significant and has resulted in politicians, even ones who oppose us being moved by this incident. we are, the f has reports that league conducted a tax on the belie a refugee camp in gaza, but certainly off the how mazda is ongoing, said is fights is carried out from ambush on. so i think the games is right. it forces in the area on the all sliding scale, the complex operation this saturday afternoon and to nose and gather strip. all 5. this low design is forced into a tunnel image about comp had like god's grace and follow the managed to engage with the members of this was a point blank range and then i'll fight is attacked the reinforcement for the thrush to be seen with explosives. he didn't then directly in the list of all for this with, through of the blowing of the tunnel houston. this operation having left all my
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muscle does 4 sided, killed, injured, or captured and sees the military equipment this week of the entire and see of of the gaza strip has been on the road. and then this is where the attacks, at least 10 people were reported killed in a recent idea of strike on gospel city. a warning this report does contain some disturbing images. now this but it shows family members morning of the children who weren't killed in the attack. however, the adf has claim that it is supposedly trying to prevent civilian deaths. now the sending comes, this white old is by the international court of justice system and genocide. hopes is really offensive into the privacy of the city of rafa. friday's decision mobs, the 3rd time this year, when the court had issued orders to tell the death, told in gaza. however, israel has denied conduct the admin fee is sold in rafa,
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and has denounced lin case against that. the judge use of genocide ruled by south africa against israel. the international court of justice and a gulf falls outrages in more than a repugnant israel has no and will not conduct males reaction, cinder alpha area, which means slaves only by listing in civilian population. guys, the conditions of life that could bring about as physical destruction in whole or in bought a, b i. c. j. a has also ruled the israel must not prevent un investigative from accessing any error in the gaza enclave. because it's considered, is that in conformity with the obligation under the genocide convention is that it must immediately behold. it's mindy to offense and any other action instead of 5 governors which may inflict on the by the city and. ready and gaza conditions of
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life that would bring about its physical destruction in hold or influx independence to consensus. the court is also of the view that in order to piece of evidence related to allegations of facts forwarding within the school of art is to get 3 outside contention is that it must be effective messages to ensure the and be the access to the guy, the script of any permission of inquiry. fact finding mission or i would investigated by the mandated by competent organs of the united nations to investigate allegations of genocide. the international court of justice headboard has ordered rather, is all to immediately stop it submitted to us. thoughts on that i faxed we more than 1000000 people as the cost of the future in dial conditions. the faxing was 15 such as of the 15 that has agreed that the situation into the fi is it completes the red line saying that it entails the risk of
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a repairable home to the human rights of people. and does that even noting that to more than a $100000.00 people had been forced to flee it off buses is really forces begin ground operations in an area that had been wants to create a safe zone on the basis of information for the quote is not convince that the the creation efforts and the latest measures that is the funds to have undertaken to enhance the security of civilians. because a split and particularly those recently displaced from the government is sufficient to alleviate immense. it is which the by the city and population is exposed as a result of the media to offensive. and the salon saves that provisional misses that had been previously ordered by the court in march did not fully address the situation in gaza. also maintain that this emergency order was mississippi due to
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the distraction and dissolves through us communitarian situation. in guys, the court has made as or does alongside the halting of military, such as for as well to report to the court within one months. so on it's appropriate and applying the business. cooling is of course, part of a must be got case both by south africa choosing as well, also committing genocide. i gaze palistine is in does that, so that for guy has welcome to court order for you as well to stop it's offensive awful alpha. and it is also, it's just as the you in member states to beckett's, the policy mental sovereignty has also been reported. a welcoming the i c j decision saying that it's represents an international consensus and is wells move on as a un representative says, the international community must price it as well to stop as offensive. and also as the eyes of j. o does israel to stop? it's offensive and rougher israel intensifies as
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a text on it and use and receiving from the people trapped there in is terrifying. the sure israel will not stop this madness until we make it stop. member states must impose sanctions and domes and bondo and suspends. it's a magic and political relations with israel to it's easiest, it's a sold. no, no, no. i mean you're, we're chilled daily with western weapons, european weapons. we do not want aid from you. we want you to stop supporting the occupation with military equipment. we want to put pressure on the occupation to stop it's aggression and stop it's killing of our children and women that kind of have the hand even though we is this place. people have been suffering with only god knows for 8 months. how do we, the people of the north have been displaced and humiliated? hold language in mind to cease for in all areas across cause a rafa is not the only one effects it how one of them must been that mean it's no longer spent as me of are we not human?
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they are only making demands for the people of rough uh and what about us the people of gaza and what about sleeping on the streets? who cares about us? where is the justice we're looking at the baseline with assemblies side. i mean, the deputies as the general, the fafsa central commission that he said is, well, cannot lie is way through the court proceedings. and it has to be held accountable. it has basically can 95 percent up almost every building does uh to be at the church would be at the hospital clinic school university. and then comes to tell you that because nothing in any way or i think it means or flight or punished and ends and namely this time of approximately one cannot basically lie. it's wasteful, is being uh now or to the ground with the decision or 5 siege and it has to deliver this time. if can i just get that, we would things go to the unmarked, totally unnoticed and totally unplugged, obviously, as happened as the name as
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a human being as um, basically a provision who is looking for the leaf or what would like to see the ordering of the icpc, i pad, the basic 3 items. sweet spots is, is what i should be investigated and up and promotion index, but should be allowed in the end. if that's not the case, when basically have to revisit the concept of your mind that the large, the, the basics and the potential funds that we have been teaching all kids with regards to human rights with regards to democracy with regards to freedom, their own being crushed under the, the, the, the, the arms indeed next or visa all me. that is a basically standing in your mind if you by actions i thought of taking place. and because the meal name is a is class was police has a nice joy. and i'm thinking with rodney as opposed to us as a to prime is in the video corruption. i'm condemned his handling of the golf that conflicts of
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the police push process is i just was it kind of in an attempt to disperse the trials as a demonstration of the bold into violence multiple people will dictate as a 3rd of his hours, i'm away from the states right to august, so is that hundreds of people have taken to the seats of paris to riley, in support of independence for the pacific. 5 in the territory of new caledonia. the process is condemned to the policy of french present emanuel michael onto was the archipelago. they cowed flags of french overseas territory in a that has, as well as close as with slow to say, independence, been, you kind of them, they're brought to us in the french capital. came all through a police when a new caledonia said to the shot a mine on friday following,
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and i have time. why put this is raising the death, told the 7 as why it was have gripped the french archipelago, the nitty 2 weeks. i mean, this identifies them back on may the navy, 17 a files and could on with a trip to the islands on thursday and attempt to defuse the glasses which are running to over the 2 forms that would given non indigenous people the right to costs a balance in regional elections, in response to the civil unrest powers has deployed over 1500 additional trips to his overseas territory. the most bone as i speak through our 3000 internal security forces in new caledonia and more reinforcements will arrive in the next few hours. this is unprecedented. and for several days now, there have been no more than at the time of the 3rd referendum,
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letting me be very clear. these forces will remain as long as necessary, including during the olympic and paralympic games. so we have it from local residents in new condo, and it says a visit. the french president hasn't improved the situation in the region. fucking the plans, you know, he wants to present arrived. we were relieved, but he left yesterday and nothing has happened. there is nothing moving. things are also scary and nothing improved. in fact, we even had someone who was killed yesterday, so his arrival didn't help him. and in addition, he gave a month to calm things down that things were stuck in some kind of prison. no, no i still i awesome. we're still here and we will stay until we are heard. roadblocks will stay until the text of the law is completely removed. he thought the olympic games would distract us. we're not done. we want the law removed and until then the roadblocks will stay no need to. all of us are upset. he came just like he was taking a vacation at the band to take told because we show
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a reality on that. they say it's a lie, but they call and hide the truth from the people. we're upsize and we know that macro them wants to pass that rule, but we will not allow it's violent. so that a robin said in the region is false. arise in global nit cold prices, but there is, there is among the same for uses of the methyl a certain sofa batteries. and the 2 vehicles and other devices are there seems to be why falls is nowhere in some business grip on the archipelago, as all to charlotte dimansky explains the most of the media focused on new caledonia right now, is talking about the civil unrest and relating not to changes to the voting lights on the island. well, clearly this is a trigger point. it badly scratches the surface of what's really going on. despite being some 16000 kilometers. won't. you probably think is fonts. this pacific
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island nation is actually part of the country's overseas territories. kind of is important to paris for several reasons. it's the base for the french military and it's a source of a precious metal nickel. nickel is wealth for new caledonia. it is also, and i emphasize this, a major strategic resource for france in europe at a time when we have undertaken a massive re industrialization efforts, goals, and use it a whole host of products, including we chargeable batteries for hybrid vehicles. it's also used to make stainless steel. a crucial product for construction, access to supplies is key this about this already to in summer and t. normally, it's also a political but it's also the comic and part of the economic. so renting has the elements of nickel extractions, any association, and then also the profit of it,
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francis strategies very clear. then you're going to apply and assess and then made sure they explode as much as they can. this is also a story he says about competition on a global scale showing that has been securing it's nickel subsidies from nearby indonesia at a cheaper rate. from sam b, u by default will to stop showing from flooding its market with cheap electric vehicles and asked that she for a nickel from indonesia is becoming called us to be used to access new caledonia. his importance is walker take new caledonia could see or radically take up the slack and nichol supplies from indonesia, the territory declare independence, take out the french and invite the chinese to invest in its mines and smelters. while new caledonia has fost reserves of nichol mining, it has become unprofitable powers stepped up with the proposal. so cool, nickel pack, just so they sat, it said it would subsidize energy prices to reduce production costs. it would also
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invest in electricity production on the island. sounds good. well, know so many islanders who say that in return they have to find some $65000000.00 us dollars to finance that cost cutting exercise, meaning new tax buttons. once again, caledonian is we'll have to contribute. this is all the more unacceptable as they already contribute massively to supporting the industry that's a lot. and yet the commitments required of manufacturers are non existent. that nickel packed is also being criticized by pro independent support is for its colonial under toes. it's a colonial pact to take back control of new caledonia as rule materials because what font isn't saying is that by having more control of a nickel sector, it type things. it's quick, fleming island nation for generations to come. there's already a solely blocked in new colorado near cooling for independence,
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almost half of the population while it's failed to get his point across the ballot box using 3 referendum since 2018. the movement is growing. new caledonia has been a french colony since the 1800s those nicole mines with big waves and what fonts initially. so control of it with your pin setlist heading the to strike it rich and was the, did the local populations were marginalized, social, and economic inequalities of spill obese. almost 200 is late to assist, so we feel oppressed or angry. everything is happening over there and we're wondering, so 1st are we to connect people being heard? stuff we've been lied to for years and years. they've lights, our ancestors, they have lights, our elders, to the various agreements that have been made clear on the 3rd agreement as the longest. we are tired of not being recognized. as you can see, the island is split into 2 zones in the south. it's governed by
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a political party that wants to stay loyal to funds, but in the north, where the providence is governed by the cadillac independence movement. this is where the vast majority of nickel mines are. colonialism isn't that new color doesn't use of still living through it. they're still having their results is exploited to benefit which your opinions on until those mines us flipped back. paris has a vested interest to keep new caledonia on the it's direct control defends of cyrus blood across to play. those locals reported a large scale rocket and run a time on minutes in the thousands and thousands of boss with the, with the air is a hit in the front lines at one of the biggest mid of the feat. fields the vote for the series of the, the, for any effects on other russians. so they've, belgrade, through him,
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governor said recently playing slides left full civilians dead. and at least 18 of those rooms, including 2 children that are similar treat said ad defenses of interest that the dozens of projectiles. but some managed to hit several residential buildings and a school it was a has tested as a non strategic nuclear capabilities with the 1st stage of drills of civil rights in the launch of a time to cool nuclear weapons. and so going to the defense of, if you now the drills involve and bonds, ballistic. this house is what is new, who nuclear capable across most of the says the purpose of the exercises to keep if you both is prepared for national defense that what so was interesting. according to a spokesman for the crime in ukraine's present,
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the landscape has gone into full frightened z. i is pleading with the west and supposes for additional strikes on russian soil while equally and so just continue to withdrawal in the know they've done. let's listen to a does it as his interview with the neil times for one of the more recent instances i oscar kind of with 1st should down from the territory of a major country you from the territory of our neighbors. the me south wind tours our adage of facilities without crossing into ukraine's aerospace. technically all of this as possible. let's say the 1st practical step should down what's in the sky over ukraine, and give us the weapons to use against russian forces on the borders. that we can eventually get 7 patrick systems from nato countries. 7, do you think it is too much for the need on a verse? so we saw that in washington for a country that has been trying to become
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a native member since 2008. this comes as the 5 did, so all the whitening present ends was it must be run for office in 2019. he probably has to end of the confidence in don't boss, but he has failed to deliver on that promise from voting russia to launch a mid fi campaign, a new thing. so let's, he says that because of marshal his time in office hasn't really ended. now the whole situational court offered no remark on whether the kids decision to cancel a license is legitimate. and so lensky has not said when he would formally seek re election. grace is not so ukrainians know their constitution. we understand that these statements by the illegitimate president of the russian federation about the legitimacy of the president of ukraine, are, frankly speaking, boring and on. interesting. if you are adequate and can read,
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read the constitution and draw a conclusion. that's all, i'm not really bothered by all this at all. what, but to me, i heard a, we discussed the exploration of the says elected presidential tub wood. a panel. ok . i think it is very troubling. um, you know, and here his defense may be, well, we have a war going on. so i just suspend me while i was in election observer as are know was as well um, in the new regions where there's war going on, rush to help elections for president even though the war was going on in those new regions is always the, they have been elected the processes, but of the manner that he has executed is mandy piece has been anything other than this is a man who sold out his nation to the interest of his people to of that of the
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collective lessons allowed in this country to become foxy of nato, he knows that he was elected on the platform, which was to make peace. uh, you know, to bring peace into his country and to play the court of appeals months so that the country couldn't move forward. and in that sense he's visiting us. she was undermine from the moment. uh the trade or he acted in bad faith to be in implementing the means. the court calling this country into disarray, leading to uh uh awful, the store month 6 of a 1000. no, they're young guessing finest young man. i don't think the west will even try to justify what they're doing and they'll just continue to use platitudes about freedom and democracy in the. busy that's what zalinski represents, it's all don't do what we do, do what we say. that's the western point of view. both zalinski and who's western


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