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tv   Documentary  RT  May 26, 2024 4:30am-5:00am EDT

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is the recent slot in black to more than $160.00 canyons. and that intense ends or a gauge on of routes or by a john or followed of the white house press are. and you explain the your political goal. 12000 kilometers away from nate will be when it's close in the county. so by the end goal was for court and to kind of have looked it up. and because of the abundance of problem you're committing on national police force to pay to why you commit to tight. so when we have a problem back home, even us, we, why deploying troops and police men, not road country, northridge to slip out there monday through property. we've deal deployed 80028002 add troops to vs vehicle. because that is our neighborhood. we have 5000 troops in somebody because equally that is possibility. haiti should not be an exception. william rodeo, also places, mountain press or from opposition party with sudden weight, a land, spotty leader,
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echo alpha right name to partition. so united nations to put a stop to the plans deployments very face to must be made by a democratically elected president of the requesting coach. doesn't have a president sees the keeling over to another voice in, in july 2021. this time i pray, municipal right, you audio on the watching these items other time did not, of those posts under the constitutional rights. i'm therefore, making the home is typical agreement another from the very beginning. so, considering that washington is now promising to send money to author, got to apparently sweden or controversial or deal with can. yeah, it looks like yet another intervention in surprise is shrieking. the hating is about to happen, which by the way, patients themselves have been rouse in a games. but this time it is on all the hands timothy of use of our t boned material. while that i was at this news,
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i do check out all to dot com. great. so is that so it will be back of this up with yeah, the brush remain c. o, a colonial empire that still exists in the mountain welled comprised of both its colonies. just guys, dispose of these territories, numerous officially sold for an african states that full under frances, so called from as the frequency under the influence. it's no one to that. any respondents on hearing the word colonialism, followed up with the word for us. and the relationship between friends and family, formerly french so done, is a good illustration. the
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one is i will try your cell phone on your money. it's one of them i want you know? yeah, this is why didn't oh yeah. there's one yet. i didn't, didn't you room the, there was, this is really, i never for to what else comes up us ways done. first 3, a visual interest or anyone looked into the history. they'll see that the french would not welcomed with open arms the colonial as ation. molly was violent, uncompromising, and bloody the
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one end of the june attempted to come by at different ext. i'm not, i thought she thought that i can to us on the spot. very simple, come wooded off the 2 ladies and the new clarity that's wrong. and that is, this task doesn't really take extra a month for those buses. a lot of money back now do we have mondays or the does x? i'm 3. she said no. got a lot of money. so i'm wanting to to said new car, just check. i'm, i will, i did on the
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wait list, any fortune buddha, you may have had a story on the scene. go back to the civilian, have 2 images of some of your parents to have a call in, but out there most of the shop is usually a got somebody in regard to to have a good history with you, a, just a general his whatever the unlimited process the amendment been aggressive, leveled prosper, oath no progress of civilization. tamale colonial ization destroyed the established states with their international ties, laws, culture and heritage. in $1236.00 and for a sunday i took a ton of molly, adopted the well known total kind of food that you ought to also noticed the mundane, toyota, an impressive constitutional documents that acknowledged human rights by slavery. the monday and shelter was inscribed in the unesco intangible cultural heritage of humanity list. so if any point is uh the last city causing that all
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of it is uh interior design. so on that i will see the warranty due monday. king don't like to hear me shout. and up here when kayla sound a little off of the posted tray to cut off, taking a can donate. uh, i can go onto my, take the la buzz them in the sales solution as the future and for you to is it going to or the silver stumpy, to sit in the company and the money in ballpark? did you send me the like any more booking? uh, the came one day is just uh, in bought to do what would be better to pick them up any must have a said shots moved on and also my load guns us one solution. knack machine.
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no bother, they're not just you ended up with tx on their job, then the better individual or collective federal bundled together law. that'll be on the protection that i'm not sure you do while long please. i mean, the lot you you the idea that i'm a little bottle of lucy on discipline is showing on the bush. can you go to that to uh, elijah, shown, unless you did unplugged, the man that paid $200.00 met wasn't on the funding a socialist default exit of more info on solo buzz sl shondae contributed so that i can do money. i'll buzz is your phone tomorrow. so she has a see a whole show at the camino that at that the
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rooms fundamentally reconfigured to the entire pre colonial structure of this present day. molly, historical into tribal times were broken into colonization process. tribal identity was here ranged along with historical memory, native languages was supplanted to colonize, as also for student encouraged interest. make this go on. religious and political figures who enjoyed popular support were persecuted in new moneys. sit at least 10 minutes to see if there's any list today until you see them through easy but i try to use some of the lot. do you do use leave to school? do those sit down to the methods? yes. ok. do for them. and so i mean really should do this with somebody that can be at the lindsey and ask about that before i see that. i mean,
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it took us some reason to decide what was the decision to be new, coming back to the company, michelle personnel. the example, the money be that show off, she don't on sewage issue for she on the screen is i won't do anything on this. and any of this an issue that credit is on the money or not. you see it was a, a new community, a bloody damn community, unpaid and double check. yeah. mostly a year to move on to april. my name is just the one say say logan. i associate of zillow go, screenshot, and say not best along. the weather must be was have
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a good me and a lot less on the golf lot. mr. the, i to indicate the sound of the golf about. he ended up with me because he knows the difference of 50. yeah. data on new based on tv all during the fall out of control . you know, this affects the tools and then discuss the general. yeah. i did find a assess thing. i knew i lived, i've loved you, was not the ssl say say fish or my as a lot session all day the song as for your money, the money bring us you will or if she don't on the water, she never my met the different community to think also new pay, the unit is what i bought a new cause. united. okay. and was up in the list, you know, who i don't. uh, but example it enter the most in law or newborn people boys or missing my in network and building there off the
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top of me. i think there's only daisy cool problem. one thing i'll guide you, coffee photos on pain based searching any other general? the 6 done? yes. well, for a to it up there, what is better if someone people have birth or who am i? so they did. i'm the colonial empire retained bodies, colossal cultural heritage solely as ethnic folklore. and after gaining independence, molly took great pains to restore its legacy piece by piece. in the meantime, jefferson works about with ships to state museums and private collections all across europe. planted in france and often found a way that by questionable means the
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rest of the songs in the assume i do cause to my printer, the latter that has been to my in so good is off to the memory by level 2. this is too often and don't have to do the supplement is that's impressive. and that's a concern about someone not going to and from the step up myself, what into my office at the input on the specific the dots restore the suggesting to up a little bit by something is or something along those i've been going after that stuff want to send, this isn't just the, you know, limit said, i mean, so it's good to use a song or talk from another girl to is on and i'll see it in the
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sense if it is on there's obviously there's also to tom doing some of those. i put on the do perfect, assume the only to me or i'm in there. this is or does, it was on its own way of that kind of answers to a for us, to just say i'm to the collision lives over here at the all center. i am so the under to the appropriate shaw. those are, is this a lot in the, you know, to us on consumption law, but the not to say so this is a bruce on your journey. a separate exist on the, the law on, on that one, on that one as it is. so that is due on the deposit of the move to the dental implants of is a guess on. so to live that amount from opening on the left side does of is, is duplicated,
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move under the pump at the end of the amount to come on all of the dental. correct . yeah, that's good. the. so it was it, but we definitely also, or the dish was going to that the physical. so there's a at the middle of and it is, it was a saw, a said to the, to tell them all that good. it's good. that is, that see what i'll do? i guess it didn't guy good. if it was the one that didn't, but as shown so sensible for it to go for it. i said to the toilet that assume that they're both serious. so i have to come out and doesn't, doesn't throw comedies on class. i was just gonna say, so for example, specials on certain windows over here. i'm saying no, says this isn't going to put them on that often finish to uh, does it mean let me put someone on top of do community. so they want to put them on, on some point to that and it doesn't have to pigeon. is it at the gym? but as for somebody who call this one is i've just come from north indented significant under 1215. and those are the sub units are 2nd to what's the,
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the, or take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic. isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills,
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and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this? can you see through their illusion going underground can as a result of why it was, can be cited by lawrence. these can be expanded by true importance of we can never be kind of a station. so that transparency is an extraordinary john. mystic patrice then just succeeded in finding the documents that existed in making them available to the world public. i mean, what could be more holding back by publishing information and sharing information with the public. he was exercising the right for a speech he did. so in the public interest, so mom realized tends to me uh and endlessly,
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to relate to seriously, i know why advice may assume that no one who is the guy that illegals anymore wisely, for, to just want to be on box weighing a $175.00 used to go through, since it's all we going to lift that stay the, the coveted independence that from the ground. it was really a cynical deception. nearly independent states was strongly pushed to follow with the phone. so freak policy. a classic case of neo colonialism. the essence of that policy is simple fronts abdicated from all responsibility for social and economic transformation, but kept the countries within its sphere of influence and interest. from since the old governments that suited sometimes a blind eye to corruption of nepotism. as long as they said french business
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interest and support in front on the international stage, desirable governments were over thrown either by cruise or direct military intervention. the republic of molly is believed to have gained independence on the day. it's withdrew from the french community. the colonial organization established by the 5th french republican bodies 1st president, monday bochita was one of africa's most prominent and solid politicians. these at the cost for the countries, multi lateral development with industrialization supported by socialist countries and social transformation. get a told molly out of the french franks on, despite huge pressure from france. he was eventually overthrown by the pro french general. most. that's all you would. and then died and shudder. we circumstances the gentleman present the data for it and monday morning we'll get the stimulus. the industry is little less money. who
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for us as the last 2 story and former shuts off to that co data hope? so industrialization we disappeared from had no need of an industrialized africa added value must be generated in france, and africa must remain below world prices as a market and rule materials supply up. the story behind that he'll come up century is a classic example of how from so to exploit, malia and results is without investing an industrialized thing. the country really reflect the benefit sooner plus $100.00. and so unless you're low called will really be generous. lot of money and dissolve and cut all a lot of less than what you're doing. these are is it setup for the company dealer full of doing this. you want money to to send a flyer for them to come away. what do you see on us on the left? i don't want to do this thing for minute i flew on the lotus is also to
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local restaurant. do notice list are both activity from be definitely the most if jennifer confusion genesis on parting done. there's only 2 or my eyes, the boilers, those spots on the cell. but if you, there's a spot on the, you'll see the 1st of all 40 and this is a cell phone. so sure. sure to one level one because it's, it's watering re, city water. so was just wondering because it, you know, for this or should additional for, for the city, not sort of myself, we can formally sort of more concert photo center got really much. in fact, that's what he said to us in a go culture, was for the wireless. oh, want to see or pulling up a notice. i wonder what you see if it costs you on,
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on what if i need a little more than what you see fit for puerto off. i'm going to lose it and don't care. so deal. i'm of us. go to most the zillow for us because they provide data, which is i'm on the name solicited donate. douglas. there is a law for the context whenever the material for douglas says on to a few all new model for the member to the conference on google. just, sir, this is do call, unfortunately i've just been using that report from this phone. let's just do this, us toner to, to, to us who program don't from us or dollars are low. so because you're used to develop on them to not associated to the plan for them, it says that it will cost for you to assure once it felt the problem where it live . i'm of the mindset. always hold on there for me to dollars. yes. the
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or a will put it in the see indices, your money allow me to see it. that'd be of any use in the stomach bug. you need to physically know too much of course. ok, no issue that i'm on it a little bit. i'm just don't use it as very one of you from my disease. him to do this on a time is in to him. prepare for the for new to inform us that to try to foster the intake here on the feet slot. so much want to know for the local on need on this problem in the for the, for industries you end up on say with 64 soon. so the course so me, money, the key you entered, disappear to void,
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was always either somebody get on the phase, or this is cindy meal. so the thought designated on the book from, from general know too much is indifferent on this occasion. the ceiling to give you an idea on the new uh, sounds like a city view for the white glove service and you said you said you said you don't come from. kay? or the model, kiki jim bean. yeah. member id for, send it to my limited menu, talk of corruption in africa, but few people know that the phenomenon often accompanies false african corruption and theft is overlooked in governments and loyal to friends with assistance and protection guaranteed provider. they proceed with pro french policies, with a system that breaks cripples and swallows people up. but the key to try to close it to no avail. the system will always prevail over individuals, even on an entrance, especially when a system is focused on rubbing the country. plugin, so we all kind of started over the decision differently. i'm able, was
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a man with the moon. was that ridiculous funds i put in the us. it is a miracle bloom one today and, but you also have also compete with much i learned to put a lot of that month on talk you through zillow, you re say it to the blank. i know the, you know, so we take a, the public to do my lead, especially my, now my goal was that much difficult for us. i once we don't have any of the names i'm going can, i will put in the left party. well, the national, not a bridge, was that a to, i guess i go become the brute into the bridge? was that it took a 2nd for building become a political lead, national. how the boots or the suitcase up to a national political because at tech support, what was it 20 was i said, i'm totally by may don't 2nd for group colors under the police just by dose this off. they won't pass if you let it be a, they will appear on my that it is also is also not only will level get us the
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down. he's as a, we read us you why the pool side you sort of will do is that the what? he's just i really q standing with us. you buy trouble, new the house. agriculture was also deteriorating. family farms disappeared, but industrial agriculture failed to emerge. small farms couldn't compete with the french giants. the local food industry was slowed in every way. the country was overwhelmed by food imports. fertilizers in green for planting are imported. there's also a shortage of rice, the staple of the local diet. unnatural nutrition standards are imposed on the country, aggressive fluid exports that are a serious threat to self warranty. and also real leverage. because food shortages always lead to hunger riots. random bakery products me up and when the french arrived, in addition to wheat flour, rice 2 was imported from indo china. the production of local c,
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a real address varieties well for a long time, kept at a primitive level. because an interesting pattern. fronts impulse organic fruits and vegetables from molly and exponents, its own ranking approaches directed to stan me. i'll still see what's of the 30 know to nothing in there, but i'm not here. it's a bit of a mini slip spend a minute. has somebody, but they may have looked else the somebody why does that is what really low it's in it we're i'm, i'm moving fund ready to hold on the very bottom of it. every room. so one of the for now we will go back if i were law group was made in the
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and as i were to pull him out of the about this. yeah. richard, a lot of new us. yeah. which is stuff outside of the things is, are we doing? i mean it's, it's, it's, it's not going to do no stuff done. i'm not the, the amount of who lives if using the show but it is law and i'm one if it's you don't a sense i'm going to going to look with us in data sheets. yeah. for could to look that way at the much a like a q through the dvd a not on the if you not a malcolm classic counselors office one me, um let this
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a us, it didn't allow me to get to the bottom top don't call or is suffer crew members obviously every month i don't show you. that's what we'll do. what about me plus telemundo? oh no, no, no, no. come on a pallet. no no for the initial end. so say you call us back and see what's going well. don't co sign, but i'm off to somebody a suitcase or you want me to see you on for buck officials stuff. i mean, well, continue the process. you know, i'm a new uh on a video and beautiful family for 50. unfortunately, we don't go on the, i'm on 3 or so one up in the middle shall monta about super local all with the
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thumb drive. and so just bad. anything the problem, the fucking doable as it does have to meet on the mush box and doesn't do jump, i'm mc all over on like example, some datasets. no to say got the impulse on latest estimate. would it be for luisa to look for us? know $64.00, could it be some easy 6 if i left off for us to 60 percent data and we'll go to that 11 to get us on it. and that's on this one. not 40 charlotte plus rep, limley. it us go outside of what's know, you have a bunch of music details. no feet out of mine. so, but i'm on a piece of it based on maria commendable zillow, but it was told that i'd be cute, the true tv. any political, it was already different to click on the suitcase it even seemed to comment and based on my the phone to do to complete gives the risk easy, longer in the pollution. the less i seems that i might and can prove that most of the
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the right, i'm sorry, the shape literally get right is worn full. the legs present, right. yeah. and his entourage, it was killed without having come to a glass. the going to advise the president says you essentials to a policy responsible for the tragedy on the american economic sanctions have also affected our own aviation equipment systems. we have lost great people with the political history of iran and the last half century has shown that such incidents have only led to greater use leave the people the subbing images just by order by the into international court of justice. so something genocide and hold, the pensive on rafa is, well, continues is really the letter this will involvement of and.


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