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tv   News  RT  May 26, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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to react the and the stories that shape the weak corinthians born for the late president, right, you see and his entourage were killed and a helicopter crash countries. vice president says us sanctions were partially responsible for the tragedy under toyota. the american economic sanctions have also effected our own aviation equipment systems. we have lost great people, but the political history of iran and the last half century has shown that such incidents have only led to greater unity of the people. warning, disturbing images ahead despite borders by the international court of justice to stop genocide and hold to be offensive on rafa. israel continues its relentless bombardment of the entirety of the gods. a region the,
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as the french president has scrambled halfway around the world to a distant french colony, locals give him in his attempts to call him boiling rates. there the cold shoulder be people ahead of us or upsets, became just like he was taking a vacation. they time to take told because we share our reality on that. they say it's a lie, but they can't hide the truth from the people. and 4 civilians are killed and over a dozen more wounded than ukrainian attacks on rushes, velander rid region. 30 shells are intercepted, but several others hit the local building. the it's after 2 pm here in moscow, russia, and you're watching the weekly on our, to international. i'm your host donald quarter. welcome to the appropriate our top story. this week was marked by a 3 day funeral by the late and rainy and for the late or any and president abraham
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racy, and his entourage were killed in a helicopter crash last sunday. mister raised these remains were sent to his hometown of my shot for burial. previously the cities of the breeze calm and to run stage, great processions radians affirm they will never forget his efforts and contributions to their country's prosperity. brandy and i have experienced many things like that, but he will never forget his efforts is actually the way he used to go and he used to be the person to save our country from dispatch situation really must be that when i last presenter i use and he's companions was the same as when i lost my father. i was truly touched with the power of our dear leader, ayatollah committee. we are confident in the support of the leader. nothing bad is going to happen in iran. it was sunday abraham racy was on
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a working visit to azerbaijan, where he attended the opening ceremonies for 2 dams, and spoke with his also by johnny counter part about a variety of topics. it was on his way to, to run when the terrible accident took place. the
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former rainy and foreign minister blamed to washington for the tragedy saying that it's restrictions on iran's aviation industry hindered maintenance of the vehicle over the white house has rejected responsibility and refused to apologize for all of the sanctions that is imposed on the country. a j. a theater time, one of the main culprits is the united states,
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which has placed an embargo on the supply of aircraft in evolution by so we run it and does not allow the ring and people to enjoy a good ever use on both. this will be included in the list of with crimes against the wrong name category of a to us is the one of the main responsible for that. you run your business in a couple of crash due to the sanctions. so 1st of all, we're not going to apologize for our sanctions regime at all. the running government has used its aircraft to transport equipment to support terrorism. so we will continue to fully enforce our sanctions resume, including our sanctions. resumes on aircraft for used by the running government. ultimately is the running government that is responsible for decision to fly. a 45 year old helicopter in what was described as poor weather conditions, not any other actor. affordable inquiry into the causes of the crash is currently underway. following the accident, a senior investigative group consisting of experts, specialists,
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and technicians arrived on the scene on thursday, the 1st report came out, stating there was no evidence of gunshots or similar foul play on the wreckage. after crashing into the mountain, the aircraft called fine, the uranium vice president has also raised concerns about partial us responsibility for the fatal accident. he spoke to r t and an exclusive interview about the liabilities of washington sanctions against iraq. on the display of the to the americans are responsible for prison. gracie's helicopter crash for 2 reasons. first, before the 1979 is lubbock revolution, iran had agreements with the united states regarding airborne vehicles and aviation systems. americans have never filled their commitment since, nor have they returned the money we paid them for equipment. second, the american economic sanctions have also affected our own aviation equipment systems. we have lost great people,
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but the political history of iran in the last half century has shown that such incidents have only led to greater unity of the people. accumulating the internal strength and invigoration of our ideology. strange things have happened, and many people around the world became sad. many governments have declared a public morning period, including india, pakistan, iraq, syria, and lebanon. many international assemblies have observed a minute of silence, including the united nations security council. this phenomenon is very significant and has resulted in politicians, even ones who oppose us being moved by this incident. a group of about $280.00 trucks, including for fuel transports has begun entering garza through and is really border crossing. it comes after neighboring egypt agreed to resume the flow of humanitarian supplies to the enclave through israel. for it shows the 1st trucks heading into the enclave. the crossing will be used until legal arrangements are
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made to reopening its reopen, the refund check points on the egyptian and palestinian border. it was previously a major entry pointed to gaza for humanitarian aid, but that check points been shot for almost 3 weeks after israel took control of the area and intensified it's military offensive. the new batch of aid comes as the un warned. the areas are on the brink of famine. a humanitarian and medical workers and the enclave don't just face a daily problem and supply shortages, but also threats coming from idea of soldiers posted in red crescent society has published footage from surveillance surveillance cameras reportedly showing troops preventing the transportation of a wounded person to gen, and in gen into a hospital, the video shows medics lifting the injured man onto a stretcher before leaving the room with their hands rates. more on the story now are joined lives by palestine, red crescent society,
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sports person nip all 5 soc. but thanks a lot for joining us on the programmable is this situation. is this situation that we saw in gen in an isolated case would you say or is it a common issue that medics are facing right now? i was fortunate pay is have no expense. i owe 2 percent of the cost of the persons house reported over $500.00 or a different variations against i wanted me to come to the emissions in the west bank of the incidents you weren't highlighting to a we change, we're working in engineering and using all rates for the vision for the team was trying to transport a wounded person when they were stressed and by those really occupation forces, forcing them to leave the whole meeting without providing care, emergency medical services. it's not the 1st instrument and they say more than 530
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different organizations. again, i wouldn't really comes time from century cortez, including more than $100.00 days off. and you know, i need access to one of these people and patients and also more than 90 different cases of their offices to the addition to more than 120 cases of any one patients. and the one the teeth and why they are inside of the 100 i to is a 100 and a 20 cases of different concerns. at a one time it was, we mentioned earlier in the program, egypt finally agreed to open the carol show on border crossing to allow a to flow into gaza. but do you think that this is going to make much of a difference? it is important to start, however, it ends as not, and we continue to call and the international community to ensure that border crossings are legal. and since may a service of the age, including cold water,
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medical supplies, and if you would have been blocked completely from entering into the cause of the situation of getting worse, the interior conservation are from the frame of time. and we need to more ab tickets and we need to reopen that or proceed to i know the energy of more humanitarian heat as well as it is as tension to open more for the process to allow the energy for more humanitarian needs. because our waste of the situation is getting worse, and we need to deliver essential supplies, including you and fluids and water to the hospitals, as well as to the people who are in need. many organizations and governments are obviously calling constantly for the immediate delivery of humanitarian aid to gaza . but do you think they're doing enough in your view, since we're seeing this aid that does make it, they're being blocked the time and time again at the beginning of the war. now we
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are struggling to get into age into gaza as her n, as in, during the entry of the human interior need into the home trip. as 0 is using the aids i was against the civilians to start ration as a weapon to go to 1000000000. that's why every single time there is either a piece of luck, a of the units or the only, i'm only a small, a mouthful, a tickets into casa, even when the both crossings kind of, i was trying to monitor my girlfriend. and both of them were open. we went during and not in the age. we need more aid tickets in 2000 strip on the international community, should insure the entry of space of the they don't need to be. i get the office to all of the areas of casa, and the international community is not doing enough. edwards,
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in terms of applying discretion, is there any to insure the issue of a human interaction a without accountability? is there a way to continue to use the age of a weapon against the civilians? i'm sure you've heard of the decision that the international court of justice made on friday that the idea of has to hold its military operation in rafa. how do you think this is going to impact the humanitarian efforts on the ground? if, if there will be an impact at all, and we hope it will be all good as soon as the were uh, hold on. so have the started we have learned managers of uses from the new and they found other enter nation agencies. oliver, as early as constantly violating the international humanitarian law and a new account submitted its way to continue to try and get the civilians in both
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areas that outcomes. the situation is only getting worse. we're talking about older 7 months and how of continuous time really there's mental over because of are complete. there's no electricity, you know, go with very little food on the clean water. on the top of the up to this moment, the international community has failed to protect civilians failed to protect the unitarians and medical affairs for name and go. well, we've been talking a lot about humanitarian aid and in connection to that, i mean, i'd like to ask you a question about the health care system in gaza, which seems like it's in real dire straits right now. would you say there's a danger of hospitals? completely shutting down as people in need of medical aid continues to rise. the hello. the know the people halts because have a lot to continue providing the services to the entire population. we're talking about like less than
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a hospital or for table patient has to provide health care services for more than too many of those hospital slaughter sent over ation. also on asterisk enough to get shot down because of the fuels of josh and hospitals and suffer from shortages are communications, medical supplies as well as if you want, which is actually needed for the college and researchers on this top that will endanger the lives of thousands of patients, particularly those in the intensive care unit and davis and, and then there's the situation of getting worse out, you know, oh you can those fuel hospitals who are the state of patients, also somebody to continue providing their life tv services. after the minutes they receive more of, we'll just beat them. and patients when economy diseases as what are those who suffer from infectious diseases are going with all the treatments because hospitals
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can barely provide lights, paving services, to the b better. at the same time, more records we're reporting more cases of and people are getting infectious diseases such as it is but actually disease. if it's kennedy said the people at this age and other diseases which was hooked up to send out to them by some civilians. because those people are just over the college and chapters lacking access to foods, clean water and sanitation home this school says or is actual visitors or as breathing very wrapped in the amount of display and communities. so yeah, well i guess we can only hope that this uh, reopening of the border crossing is gonna have a positive effect on the humanitarian situation there. anyway, i'm all for soc palestine red crescent society spokes person always had a pleasure having you on the program. thanks again. meanwhile, is rarely forces have reportedly conducted further attacks on the job, bali,
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a refugee camp and gaza at shortly after him off said it's fighters carried out an ambush on saturday, against troops in the area of the, the all sliding scale down a complex operation. this saturday afternoon and to knows and gather strip all 5, this low design is forcing me to a tunnel image about comp had like god's grace and follow the managed engage with the members of this force of point blank grade to the then i'll fight is attacked the reinforcement for the thrush to be seen with explosives. he didn't him directly in the list of all for this with through of to blowing out the tunnel using this operation. having left all my muscle does 4 side of keels injured or captured and sees the military equipment. this week, the entirety of the enclave has been under relentless israeli attacks. at least 10 people were reported killed in a recent strike on cause a city, a warning. these are disturbing images coming up the for it shows family members
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morning their children who were killed in the attack. nevertheless, the idea of claims it's trying to prevent civilian deaths is showing comes despite borders by the international criminal, the international court of justice, rather for israel to stop any genocide and halt it's offensive in the southern city of ruffled fridays decision. march. the 3rd time this year, when the court has issued orders to curtail the death toll in gaza. however, israel has denounced the case against the judges of genocide, ruled by south africa against israel. the international court of justice and a gulf falls outrages in more than a repugnant israel has no and will most conduct meal direction, send it off. i area which main slaves on it by listing in civilian population guys, the conditions of life they could bring about as physical destruction and all or in part. the hague has also ruled. the un investigator should not be prevented from accessing any area in the enclave. because it's considered event in conformity with
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obligations under the genocide convention is that it must immediately hold. it's mindy to offense and any other action. and then also have government which may conflict on the but assuming and. ready garza, conditions of life, the good thing about it, physical destruction in hold or influx the presidency consensus. because it's also of the view that an older piece of evidence related to allegations of facts forwarding within the school of art is to get 3 outside convention is must be effective messes, ensured b and b, the access to the go, the strip of any commission of inquiry fact finding mission or as of investigated by the mandated by incompetent organs of the united nations to investigate
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allegations of general side. the international court of justice had for has boarded rather as well to immediately stop it submitted to assaults on the left side with more than 1000000 people. as lots of a future in dial conditions, the facts, it was 15 judges of the 15 that has agreed that the situation into the fox is a complete red line saying that it entails the risk of a repeatable home to the human rights of people in does that even noting back to more than a 100000 people, had been forced to see about fusses is really forces begin round operations in an area that had been wants to clear it safe. so when the basis of information for the quote is not convince that the fusion efforts and the latest measures that is the funds to have undertaken to enhance the security of civilians because of split. and particularly those recently displaced from the government is sufficient to alleviate immense, it is to which the by the city and population is exposed as
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a result of the media to offensive. and the salon saves. that's provisional misses that had been previously ordered by the court in march did not fully address the situation is as i also maintain, that this emergency was necessary due to the distraction and that dissolves through as communitarian situation in gods. the court has made as old as alongside the halting of military, such as for as well to report to the quotes within one months on its pro, bracing, applying the business. cooling is, of course, plots of a must be got case both by south africa choosing as well. also committing genocide against palistine is in does that so that the guy has welcome to court order for you as well. to stop is offensive offer alpha, and it is also a step as the you in member states to beckett's, the policy national sovereignty has also been reported a welcoming the i. c. j decision saying that it's
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a root presents an international consensus and is also on. does anyone representative says the international community must pressure tel aviv to call off its forces as the eyes of j. o. does israel to stop it's offensive and rougher israel intensifies? it's a text on it and use and receiving from the people trapped. the rain is terrifying . the sure israel will not stop this madness until we make it stop. member states must impose sanctions and domes and bogo and suspends. it's a magic and political relations with israel to it sees as it says sold. yeah, no, no, no. i remember you. we're chilled daily with western weapons, european weapons. we do not want aid from you. how many we want you to stop supporting the occupation with military equipment? we want to put pressure on the occupation to stop it's aggression and stop it's killing of our children and women. it's kind of the hand even though we is this
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place, people have been suffering, but only god knows. for 8 months we the people of the north have been displaced and humiliated with them on to cease for in all areas across cause a rafa is not the only one effects, it must been admin. it's no longer spent. i mean, are we not human? they are only making demands for the people of ralph. and what about us, the people of gaza sleeping on the streets? who cares about us? where is the justice? solidarity demonstrations with palestine have once again been taking place around the world. thousands of people across europe have demanded an immediate cease fire and gaza, while demonstrators carried palestinian flags as well as posters saying free palestine and stop genocide. hundreds of students and the south american nation of to lay marched in support of palestinians and called for their government to cut diplomatic and economic ties with this. the
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now in other news, the streets of paris have seen protesters rallying in support of independence for the pacific island territory of new caledonia. the crowds condemned to the policy of president the manual, not kron towards the archipelago. they carried flags of the french overseas territory as well as posters proclaiming independence for new caledonia. the protesters in the french capital came after a policeman in new caledonia fatally shot a man on friday. i took the desk, told to among the protesters to 7 following riots which have gripped the territory for nearly 2 weeks. in the attempt to defuse the crisis, present macro and made a 25 hour dash to the other side of the world, the crisis erupt. it over voting reforms that the locals claim is designed to snuff out any hopes for independence. and response the unrest. micron said additional troops were being deployed to the area and remove the bone as i speak throughout
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the $3000.00 internal security forces in new caledonia. and more reinforcements will arrive in the next few hours. this is unprecedented. and for several days now, there have been no more than at the time of the 3rd referendum. let me be very clear. these forces will remain as long as necessary, including during the olympic and paralympic games. we have reactions from locals in the overseas territory where people were not won over by the president's visit. fucking the plans you know, he wants to present arrived. we were relieved, but he left yesterday and nothing has happened. there is nothing moving. things are also scary and nothing improved. in fact, we even had someone who was killed yesterday, so his arrival didn't help him. and in addition, he gave a month to calm things down that things were stuck in some kind of prison. no, no, i still aliases is we're still here and we will stay until we are heard. roadblocks
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will stay until the text of the lot is completely removed. he thought the olympic games would distract us. we're not done. we want the law removed and until then the roadblocks will stay. no need to. all of us are upset. he came just like he was taking a vacation and they found a tick tock because we show a reality on that. they say it's a lie, but they can't hide the truth from the people. we're upsize and we know that macro and wants to pass that role, but we will not allow its defense and strategic expert from present and university in indonesia, dr. young francois believes the root of the problem lies in francis inability to a band, and it's colonial, past the best on the policy for the policy also, that's what i'm disability and expect of human rights. let's back off the process of the conversation. but yet, as you can see, i'm the president my from he would like, let's say, wants to embrace wonderful and blessed
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a very body in the pacific region and including and you'll call it in. yeah, it'll be on the, on the, on behalf of the perspective how, for example, to decode on a session period. you cannot like kicked off a comm 3. okay. just becoming independent and good by. no, but we have separate out the rest of those. and i think uh from new colored in the young people who are, for example, already leaving the info. if i didn't. yeah. before 1988. i think they're more of a progressive to see the fence as a sign, but also they don't want to be a little directly and they don't want to be like in order to be likely they would. they want to be independent of possibly the process. but it's quite different to some young people right. based on my sort of faith and also based on my any steps. uh for the one percent of the young people in new caledonia. dental. they want a buick process. they want us uh, 1st process not split smoke process like for example, the elders of the people before them, but it would be likely perhaps one day,
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becoming independent or defend. sirens rang out across ukraine on sunday morning. has locals reported a large scale rocket and drone attack? dozens of blasts were reported with areas hit near the front lines and at one of ukraine's biggest military air fields. those reports followed a series of deadly ukrainian attacks on the russian city of felder, right. the regional governor said the recent strikes left for civilians dead and at least 18 others wounded, including 2 children. their defences were said to have the inter intercepted dozens of missiles and shells, although some managed to hit several residential buildings and the school. so meanwhile, russia has tested its non strategic nuclear capabilities with the 1st stage of drills, simulating the launch of tactical nuclear weapons. that's according to the defense ministry. and the drills involved advanced ballistic missiles as well as nuclear
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capable aircraft. la scouts says that the purpose of the exercises is to keep military forces prepared for national defense. what's more, according to a spokesman for the kremlin ukraine's president zalinski has gone into full frenzy and is pleading with western supporters for additional strikes on russian soil, while ukrainian soldiers continue to withdraw in the north east. let's take a listen to the wednesday's interview with the new york times. for one of the more recent instances i oscar kind of with 1st should down from the territory of a native country from the territory of our neighbors. the me south wind tours our adage of facilities without crossing into ukraine's aerospace. technically all of this as possible. let's say the 1st practical step should down what's in the sky over ukraine, and give us the weapons to use against russian forces on the borders. that we kind of actually get 7 patrick systems from nato countries. 7,
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do you think it is too much for the need on a verse or somebody in washington for a country that has been trying to become a native member since 2008? this comes as the 5 year term of the ukranian president has already come to an end . and zalinski ran for office in 2019. he promised to end the conflict and done boss. but of course, he has failed to deliver on that promise provoking russia to launch a military campaign in ukraine. so once he says that because of martial law, his time and office hasn't really ended, the constitutional court offered no remark on whether key of decision to cancel. elections is legitimate or not. and zalinski himself has not said when he would formally seek re election. grace is not so you craniums know their constitution. we understand that these statements by the legitimate president of the russian federation about the legitimacy of the president of ukraine are frankly speaking boring.


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