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tv   News  RT  May 26, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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southwest of moscow and you'll find that traditional russian, the full parts culture is still going strong. the and the stories that shape the wait nation more around ladies, it's late president, arrest abraham, right. you see was killed along with members of his entourage in a helicopter crash countries vice president pointing the finger at the us saying it's anxious to play the role for me to call you the american economic sanctions have also affected r o, e b, sion, equipment systems we have lots of great, pete. the political history there on the last half century has shown that such incidents have only let to clear the warning, disturbing images, despite orders by the international court of justice to prevent genocide and hold it defensive on drop off. israel continues its relentless compartments of the entirety of the gods. a region. as the french president has scrambled halfway
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around the worlds to a distance overseas territory, locals give him a hand, is attempts to call in boiling rates. there the cold show all of us are upset the chain just like he was taking a vacation. they found a tick tock because we show a reality on that. they say it's a lie, but they can't hide the truth from the people. the, you're watching the weekly on our, to international. i'm your host donald quarter. welcome to the appropriate tens of thousands of radians gathered this week to pay their last respects to the late president abraham. right. you see, he was killed along with members of his entourage and a helicopter crash last sunday. mister race, whose body was taken to his hometown of mashhad for burial, and had of that the cities of temporaries calm and the capital to iran. all staged
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huge funeral procession. warner said they, they would remember their late presidents contributions to the country. brandy and i have experienced many things like that, but people never forgets is. effects is actually the way you use to go and used to be the person to save our country from dispatch situation really must be that when i last presence, race and his companions was the same as when i lost my father. i was truly touched with the power of our dear leader, ayatollah committee. we are confident in the support of the leader. nothing bad is going to happen in iran last sunday president, right. you see, was returning to tyrone after inaugurating a new damn project with us or by john when the accident took place. the
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farmer rainy and foreign minister said that the tragedy rested solely on washington's shoulders. as it sanctions on the country's aviation industry hindered maintenance of the aircraft. however, the white house firmly rejected these claims a j, a theater time. one of the main culprits is the united states, which has placed an embargo on the supply of aircraft in evolution parts. we run it and does not allow the ring and people to enjoy good have us on base. this will be included in the list of with crimes against the wrong name captivate. the us is the one of the main responsible for that. you run your presence in a couple of the crash due to the sanctions. so 1st of all, we're not gonna apologize for our sanctions regime at all. the running government has used it's aircraft to transport equipment,
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to support terrorism. so we will continue to fully enforce our sanctions resume, including our sanctions. resumes on aircraft for used by the running government. ultimately is the running government that is responsible for decision to fly. a 45 year old helicopter in what was described as poor weather conditions, not any other actor. a formal inquiry into the cause of the crash is currently underway. on thursday, the 1st report was released saying that there was no evidence of gunshots or similar foul play on the wreckage. uranium vice president also pointed the finger at the us in an exclusive interview with archie. on the corner of the to the americans are responsible for prison. gracie's helicopter crash for 2 reasons. first, before the 1979 is lubbock revolution, iran had agreements with the united states regarding airborne vehicles and aviation
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systems. americans have never filled their commitment since, nor have they return the money we paid them for equipment. second, the american economic sanctions have also affected our own aviation equipment systems. we have lost great people, but the political history of iran in the last half century has shown that such incidents have only led to greater unity of the people. accumulating the internal strength and invigoration of our ideology. strange things have happened, and many people around the world became sad. many governments have declared a public morning period, including india, pakistan, iraq, syria, and lebanon. many international assemblies have observed a minute of silence, including the united nations security council. this phenomenon is very significant and has resulted in politicians, even ones who oppose us being moved by this incident. meanwhile, is rarely forces have reportedly conducted further attacks on the jump all the a refugee camp and gaza. at shortly after them offset its fighters carried out an
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ambush on saturday, against troops in the area on the golf sliding scale down a complex operation this saturday afternoon and mills and gather strip all 5. this lo design is forced into a tunnel image about a comp had like god's grace and fall on the managed to engage with the members of this for some point blank. right. and then i'll fight is attacked. the reinforcement for the thrush to the scene with explosives. he didn't him directly in the list of all for this, with, through of the blowing of the tunnel houston. this operation having left home us with us for side of killed injury to captured and see the military equipment. this week, the enclave was, has been under relentless, is rarely attacked. at least 10 people were reportedly killed. and in, in a recent strike on guys, a city, just a warning that these current images that are coming up will be quite disturbing. the sort of shows family members morning, their children who were killed in the attack. nevertheless,
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the idea of claims it's trying to prevent civilian deaths showing comes despite orders by the international court of justice for israel to stop any genocide and halt it's offensive on the southern city of ralph on fridays decision march. the 3rd time this year, when the court has issued orders to curtail the death toll and gaza, however, israel has denounced the case against it. the judges of genocide ruled by south africa against israel. the international court of justice and a gulf falls, outrages in more than a repugnant israel has no and will not conduct males reaction. send that off area, which means slate convert by listing in civilian population. guys, the conditions of life they could bring about as physical destruction in all or in bought bag, also rules that you, an investigator should not be prevented from accessing the enclave. because it's considered, is that in conformity with nobody gets under the genocide convention. is that it
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must immediately hold its meaning to offense and any other accident and did also have government which made conflict on the but assuming a group and gaza conditions of life that would bring about its physical destruction in hold or influx independence through consensus. because it's also of the view that in order to piece of evidence related to allegations of facts forwarding within the scope of articles to get 3 outside convention is a must speak effective measures to ensure the and the, the access to the guy, the script of any commission of inquiry, fact finding mission, or as an investigative by the mandated by competent organs of the united nations. to investigate allegations of genocide, the international court of justice had for has or to draw the is well to immediately stop it submitted to assaults on that. i foster even more than 1000000
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people at the cost of the future to dial conditioning the facts. it was 15 judges of the 15 that has as read that to the situation. the dropbox is it completes redline, seeing that it entails for the risk ascii with beautiful home to the human rights of people. and does that even know thing back to more than a 100000 people had been forced to see it off buses is really forces begins round operations in an area that had been wants to create a safe. so when the basis of information for the quote is not convince that the fusion efforts the end of the lease as measures that is the funds to have undertaken to enhance the security of civilians and because of split and particularly those recently displaced from bit of a government is sufficient to live yet immense. it is which the by the city and population is exposed as a result of the media to offensive. and that of so i'm say that's provisional
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misses that had been previously afforded by the 4th of march did not fully address the situation is as i've also maintained, that this emergency was mississippi due to the destruction and it dissolved through as many children situation in does the court has made as old as alongside to the halting of military, such as for as well to report to the quotes within one months, so on it's pro racing, applying the business really is of course, part of a much bigger case, both by south africa choosing as well, also committing genocide. i gaze palistine is in does that so that the guy has welcome to court order for you as well to stop it's offensive offer that fast and it is also urged as the u. n. member states to record the policy has also been reported a welcoming the i c j decision saying that it's a represent an international consensus and is also the ones that you and
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representative says the international community must pressure tel aviv to call off its forces as the eyes of j. o does israel to stop it's offensive and rough or israel intensifies as a text on it then use and receiving from the people trip there in is terrifying. the sure israel will not stop this madness until we make it stop. member states must impose sanctions and domes involved go and suspends. it's a magic and political relations with these rail too. it's easiest. it's a sold. yeah, no, no, no. i remember you. we're kill daily with western weapons, european weapons. we do not want aid from you. we want you to stop supporting the occupation with military equipment. we want to put pressure on the occupation to stop its aggression and stop its killing of our children and women for that kind of the hand, even though we is this place, people have been suffering would only god knows for 8 months have we the people of the north have been displaced and humiliated home language in modest sees far in
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all areas across cause a rafa is not the only one effects. it doesn't have much, but i mean if no one has been asked me of are we not human? they are only making demands for the people of rough. um and what about us the people of gaza? it went about sleeping on the streets. who cares about us? where's the justice? we're looking at the kind of a group of about $200.00 a trucks including for fuel transports has begun entering cause of through and is really border crossing. it comes after neighboring egypt agreed to resume the flow of humanitarian supplies. the enclave through israel footage shows the 1st trucks heading into the enclave. and this crossing will be used until legal arrangements are made. to reopen the rough, i check point on the egyptian and palestinian border. it was previously a major entry point into gaza for humanitarian aid. and that's true, that check points been shut for almost 3 weeks after israel took control of the area and intensified its military offensive. the new batch of age comes as the un
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warren, the areas on the brink of, of the mandatory and medical workers in the enclave. don't just face a daily problem, a shortage of supply shortages, but also threats coming from idea of soldiers. the palestinian red crescent society has published footage from surveillance cameras, reportedly showing troops preventing the transportation of a wounded person in gen and to a hospital. video shows medics lifting the injured man onto a stretcher before leaving the room with their hands rates. palestine red crescent society spouts, person nimble far soc says there are multiple examples. so the idea of attacking wounded people and so medical staff as well. and yet the international community is failing to hold israel to account more than $500.00, say the different sort of nations against a when it comes time to set the record it, including more than $100.00 pages of,
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as you know, i need to load is people aspirations and also more than 90 different cases of do they use their offices to the one does in addition to more than 120 cases of tracking when patients and the ones that deep and why they are inside. what happened i to a 100 and the 20 cases of different turn out a retirement extremes. the were hold on to have this started. we have learned managers of uses from the u. n. a balance, other international agencies. however, as or as, as constantly violating the international humanitarian law and a new account submitted you, its way to continue to try and get the civilians and whole areas of the situation. as only getting worse, we're talking about over 7 months and half of continuous ambulances,
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apartments all over guster, completes. there's no electricity, you know, food very little food. the clean water on the top of the up to this moment the international community has failed to protect the billions. i failed to protect the humanitarian american personal name. in gall, solidarity demonstrations with palestine have once again been taking a place around the world. thousands of people across europe have demanded an immediate cease fire and gaza with demonstrators carrying palestinian flags as well as posters saying, free palestine and stop genocide. hundreds of students and the south american nation of to lay marched in support of palestinians and called for their governments to cut diplomatic and economic times with israel. the now in other news, the chief of nato has a few options on the table, one of which is to resign. and that's according to italy's, deputy prime minister who said gen stalled and birds rhetoric of more war has
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crossed the line and italy cannot be forced to send its troops to fight against russia and die to pull the teeth retracts or apologizes or resigns. while i talk about war, talk about using the bones miss solve the tiny and weapons that we sent to you. great to defend itself on. it's tara traits instead to fight hit and killed outside its territory. nothing. my name, not in the name of the italian people, so we must defend ukraine and we're doing it from the 1st minute. we know that well with anyone. i do not want to leave the gates of my children, the 3rd world war. so nato cannot force us to kill in russia. no one can force us to send the tale and soldiers to fight and dine ukraine. one thing is to defend the other is to kill. and this gentleman either apologizes or rectifies or resigns. there's no other way that might never you german, he is also voice. it's on willingness to allow key of to use western supplied
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weapons to strike russian territories. earlier nato's chief insisted that members of the block should reconsider their stance and give you creating the green lights . oddly of the time i was calling for allies to consider whether i should list some of the restrictions dying post on a weapon selected to ukraine. because we need to remember what this is. this is a world russian barbara shrugging, so great and so to defend themselves. and that includes all saw the striking targets on the russian territory. and then of course, if you deny of ukraine, the right to fit mentor targets on a russian territory, then you make it very hard for them to uphold the right for self. defense is self defense. self defense is trying, the new instructor is the goal. it's legitimate, and we are helping ukraine with upholding that drive and that should include the ability to also strike targets on russian territory. while they get more of the
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story now are joined to live by a tale in war, corresponded on day a low, cheated thanks. a lot for joining us once again on the program on there. so it illegal in germany, they publicly criticized nato's chief for pushing the blocks allies to allow key of to use western weapons against russian territory. this is pretty open to criticism . what do you think it says about the current affairs within nato? it's very interesting to see that now we're seeing a situation like who we are so we can mark her on some weeks ago when my chrome uh told about the possibility to send troops, metal tube, c, ukraine, a lot of uh, national leaders to europe. uh, an awful lead himself or not the account. they said that to my ground can not to say nothing and name of them. and so in other countries, and now we see the same situation also stopped them. but that the want to, oh, key is to use the west,
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the web for my games that are some 3030. it's now under the open criticism. like you said, from the political leaders of another account. there is a interesting for me to see the position over my fail. so do you need because you know my thing. so if you need to delete the open leg and the party leg and now is a party of the government call eastern. any really these, the st coalition. that's a sense welcome to ukraine. but it's interesting that's now also the leader of league and maybe also if it's not public or other leaders of a government parked in italy, begin to understand the data that is coalition cannot bring the beast in europe and such mysterious against the or astra. so all of the key is to use not the weapons against. there are some $3030.00 can bring to the 3rd world floor,
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especially today when i saw the the cut, each one of them, it did of the ex president, the restroom for that are some that said if the night to block we're attack targets russian targets in our $3030.00, this will be, would be the beginning of a war. so it's very interesting this declaration of methods. so it'd be in a, for my point of view. what do you think these statements from solving in shots are going to have any sort of effect on their relations with the other western countries within nato, in the european union or the united states? where do you think such a declared sounds can be criticized by ball on by bostic states, for example, by the mos on the restaurants, countries in europe and in the, the bought. i think a lot of european leaders who can approve such
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a declination. it's like football sci 9, for example, both by the style and all you know. and then we underway island and spain and begin the colonized month uh for, for by the span of the, the war after the more operational reason. and we can see a similar situation now because it also, if the more a lot of the national leaders don't want to, so about this topic. don't want to speak about this topic or approve of facility the declaration of somebody in your thoughts about this question. but maybe they want to be, so they don't want to involve the account 3, not open war against that are what with this kind of new rhetoric, i would say uh, becoming more popular among western states. would you say that it could lead to an increased push for diplomatic efforts to resolve the conflict? i think yes, i think is the, the such positions like, uh,
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shots on. so the me can have a lot the other going month to understand that what's it's needed now, is it diplomacy the, if the west want to, has the ukraine for stop the war for stop the shelling for, stop everything. they need to force kia to seat at the table of diplomacy. what these ex hopefully was there last. keep don't want to make now right. on the tv and to italy and war correspondent, always a pleasure having you on the program. thank you. thank you to the streets of paris. i've seen protesters rallying in support of independence for the pacific island territory of new caledonia. the crowds condemns the policy of president emanuel mac, ron towards the archipelago. they carried flags of the french overseas territory as
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well as posters proclaiming independence for new caledonia. the protesters and the french capital came after a policeman, a new caledonia fatally shot a man. on friday, i took the death toll among protesters up to 7 following riots which have gripped the territory for nearly 2 weeks. and attempts to defuse the crisis present in macro and made a 25 hour dash to the other side of the planet. the crisis interrupted over voting reforms. the locals are claiming, are designed to snuff out any hopes for independence in response to the unrest microns that additional troops were being deployed. as i speak through our 3000 internal security forces in new caledonia and more reinforcements will arrive in the next few hours. this is unprecedented. and for several days now, there have been no more than at the time of the 3rd referendum. let me be very clear. these forces will remain as long as necessary,
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including during the olympic and paralympic games to the violence that are wrapped in the region spark. the rise in global in global nickel prices. the territory is one of the key producers of the metal essential for electric vehicles and steel production. that's reason enough many believe why france is not willing to loosen its grip on the archipelago. as archie charlotte rabinski reports, most of the media focused on new caledonia right now is talking about the civil unrest and relating not to changes to the voting rights on the island. well, clearly this is a true good point. it badly scratches the surface of what's really going on, despite being some 16000 kilometers. what you probably think is fonts. this pacific island nation is actually part of the country's overseas territories. kind of, it's important to paris for several reasons. it's the base for the french military, and it's a source of a precious metal nickel. nickel is well for new caledonia. it is also,
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and i emphasize this, a major strategic resource for france and europe at a time when we have undertaken a mass of re industrialization efforts. nichols used as a whole host of products, including with chargeable batteries, the hybrid vehicles. it's also used to make stainless steel. a crucial product for construction, access to supplies is key this about this or renting, so that separate team lead social, political. but it's also and part of the economic. so renting has the elements of nickel extractions. then if the fusion and then also the profit of its francis strategies, very unclear. being able to apply and assess and then making sure the explore as much as we can. this is also a story he says about competition on a global scale showing that has been securing its nickel subsidies from nearby
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indonesia at a cheaper rate. from the side of the e. u. by default, will to stop china from flooding. it's market with cheap electric vehicles and the aspect cheaper nichols from indonesia is becoming called the for the you to access new caledonia is importance. is rockets, a new caledonia could see radically take up the slack and nickel supplies from indonesia. the territory could declare independence, took out the french and invite the chinese to invest in its minds and smelters, while new caledonia has fost reserves of nichol mining, it has become unprofitable powers stepped up with a proposed so cool nickel pack just so they sat, it said it would subsidize energy prices to reduce production costs. it would also invest in electricity production on the island. sounds good. well know, so many island does he say that in return they have to find some $65000000.00 us
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dollars to finance that cost competing exercise, meaning new tax burdens once again, caledonia is, will have to contribute. this is all the more unacceptable as they already contribute. massively to supporting the industry that's a lot. and yet the commitments required of manufacturers are non existent. that nickel packed is also being criticized by pro independent support as for its colonial under toes. it's a colonial pact to take by control of new caledonia as a rule materials because what font isn't saying is that by having more control of a nickel sector, it type things. it's quick, fleming island nation for generations to come. there's already a solar block in new colorado near cooling for independence, almost hoff of the population. while it's failed to get his point across the ballot box using 3 referendum since 2018,
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the movement is growing. new caledonia has been a french colony since the 1800s. those nickel mines were big wheezing white fonts initially. so control of it with your pin set of heading the to strike it rich. and what they did, the local populations were marginalized, social and economic inequality is of still obese. almost 200 is late to saw. we feel oppressed or angry. well, now everything is happening over there. and we're wondering, so plus the army, the cannick people being heard stuff we've been lied to for years and years. they've lights, our ancestors, they've lights, our elders to the various agreements that have been made were on the 3rd agreement as the longest. we are tired of not being recognized. as you can see, the island is split into 2 zones in the south, it's governed by a political party that wants to stay loyal to funds. but in the north, where the province is governed by the cadillac independence movement,
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this is where the vast majority of nickel mines of colonialism isn't that new caledonia is still living through it. they're still having their results is exploited to benefit which you were pens. and until those mines are stripped and back, paris has a vested interest to keep new caledonia and it's direct control. thanks for watching our to international join us again and just about 30 minutes with my colleague will resume schafer. morning the executive. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new shelves seriously. why watch something that's so different little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do they have the state department.


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