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tv   News  RT  May 26, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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the, the, the, in the storage, the shape of the week here with the oxy international iran ladies of late in president to rest able to him what i see was killed along with many points of his own to roger. and i had a couple of brash countries, vice president blames western functions for the day on the the american economic sanctions have also affected their own aviation equipment system. so we have lots of great people with a little pull history and are on the last have century as shown that such incidents have only legit greater use the for boarding disturbing images ahead of despite orders by the international court of justice to prevent genocide and stop it's offensive on the spot. israel continues to pound. nato's chief meets western resistance of italy and germany slammed again and sold him bugs
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drive to give key of the green light to use a lion's weapons to strike deep inside russian territory. basically saying a wider boy is not the the core i lot of guess just on the back of this alive our from a most good, this dot t international. of course, i appreciate you sharing a sunday. so tens of thousands of iranians are gathering this week to pay that last respects to that late president. but i'm what i see was i killed along with members of his entourage and a helicopter crash last sunday. i started, i sees body was taken to his hometown of much, had a burial, had about the series of companies come in the capital, tell it on the old stage. huge funeral processions. i'm on a said they would remember that like president's contributions to the country. brandy and i have of experience, many things like that,
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but he will never forget his efforts is actually the way he used to go. and he used to be the person to save our country from dispatch situation really must be that when i last present twice and his companions was the same as when i lost my father. i was truly touched with the power of our dear leader, ayatollah khomeini. we are confident in the support of the leader. nothing that is going to happen in the wrong. so the incident occurred last sunday when president of ac was returning to tyrone and off to you know, creating a new damn project with sort a bunch of, of the
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when it comes to the old plane game, a former iranian for minister says that the tragedy rests on washington's shoulders as its sanctions. all the countries aviation industry basically hinder the maintenance will be at cross. however, the white house calls that nonsense a. j a theater time. one of the main culprits is the united states, which has placed an embargo on the supply of aircraft and of use and by sitting around it and does not allow the ringing people to enjoy good, ever use and dose of, of this will be included in the list of them with crimes against the wrong name category of a to us is the one of the main responsible for that. you run your presence in a couple of crash due to the sanctions. so 1st of all, we're not gonna apologize for our sanctions regime at all. the running government has used its aircraft to transport equipment to support terrorism. so we will continue to fully enforce our sanctions regime,
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including our sanctions. resumes on aircraft for used by the running government. ultimately is the run and government that is responsible for the decision to fly. a 45 year old helicopter in what was described as poor weather conditions, not any other after to the iranian, the vice president has also been up pointing the finger at washington. and he has spoken an exclusive interview to us here at out to the corner of the, the, to the americans are responsible for prison. groceries helicopter crash for 2 reasons. first, before the 1979 is law mich revolution, iran had agreements with the united states regarding airborne vehicles and aviation systems. americans have never filled their commitments in, nor have they return the money we paid them for equipment. second, the american economic sanctions have also effected her own aviation equipment systems. we have lost great people, but the political history of iran and the last half century has shown that such
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incidents have only led to greater unity of the people. accumulating the internal strength and integration of our ideology, strange things have happened, and many people around the world became sad. many governments have declared a public morning period, including india, pakistan's, iraq, syria, and lebanon. many international assemblies have observed a minute of silence, including the united nations security council. this phenomenon is very significant and has resulted in politicians, even ones who oppose us being moved by this incident. well, in the meantime is ready for his report. we are conducting further attacks on the body, a refugee camp, of course, that's in ga so you can see it on the map. so shortly off, the hum asset is a 5 is carried out in the ambush on saturday against is there any troops directly in that area on the all sliding scale, the complex operation this saturday afternoon, the mountain guys a strip all 5 this low design is awesome. to tunnel into your ballad comp,
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had my gods, grace, and collins, they managed to engage with the members on this for some point blank. great have and then i'll fight is attacked. the reinforcement for the drugs to be seen the blows within him, directly in the list of all for this, with the blowing of the tunnel review. some of this operation having left my muscle double sided killed in google, captured and see the middle of the street. so basically this week, the entirety of the anxiety has been under continued is riley attacks, at least 10 people repeatedly killed in a recent strike on the gospel city. quick warning, disturbing images coming your way as the following for the chart shows, family members morning that children who are killed in this a time. never the last the idea of continues to claim it's a well trying to prevent civilian deaths. in fact, off the v i, c j, israel says it's a is not causing any construction of the civilian population. now the shot and come just by vote, as by the i, c, j for israel to stop at a genocide and fold is offensive in a southern city over
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a fine private decision market. the time this year when the court issued orders took a tail to death, colon garza, however, israel has denounced the entire case against the judges of genocide, ruled by south africa against israel. the indian national court of justice and a gulf falls outrageous in more than a repugnant israel has not and will not conduct meal traction. send it off. i area which main slaves on it by listing in civilian population, guys, the conditions of life they could bring about as physical destruction in whole or in part. the hague, also ruled un investigative, should not be bod, from accessing the enclave. have on this because it's considered event in conformity with the obligations under the genocide convention. it is that it must immediately hold. it submitted to events and any other accident instead of a governor which may inflict under but assuming
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a group and gaza conditions of life. that could bring about its physical destruction in hold or influx independence and consensus. the court is also of the view that in order to appease the evidence related to allegations of facts, fully within the scope of article 2 is 3. 0, you don't side contention is that it must be effective messages to ensure the and b, the access to the guy, the script of any commission of inquiry fact finding mission or ever investigated by the mandated by competent organs of the united nations to investigate allegations of genocide, the international court of justice headboard has ordered rather, is all to immediately stop. it's submitted to us. thoughts on that. i faxed we more than 1000000 people as as lots of a future in dial conditions. the faxing was 15 judges of the 15 that has as read
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that to the situation into that 5 is a complete red line. seeing that it entails the risk of a repeatable home to the human rights of people. and does that even noting back to more than a 100000 people had been forced to see it off buses is really forces begin ground operations in an area that had been wants to commit. it saves. so when the basis of information for the quote is not convince that the creation of thoughts, us and the latest measures that is a funds to have undertaken to enhance the security of civilians. because a split and particularly those recently displaced from the government is sufficient to live yet immense. it is which the by the city and population is exposed as a result of the media to offensive. and the salon saves that provisional misses that had been previously ordered by the ports in march did not fully address the situation. these guys are also maintained that this emergency to deal with
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mississippi due to the destruction and it dissolves through as many children situation in does, the court has made as the or does alongside the halting of military, such as for as well to report to the 4th within one months on its pro racing, applying the business cooling is of course, part of a much bigger case both by south africa choosing is well also committing genocide. i gaze palistine is in does that so that the guy has welcome to court order for you as well to stop it's offensive offer that fast and it is also, it's just as a you, in member states to beckett's, the policy mental pharmacy has also been reported a welcoming v i. c j decision saying that it's a root presents an international consensus and is all new ones as well the aside from the international court of justice. so the hakes criminal court also as israel's actions and this cross has, as a chief prosecutor, has said, although the country has a right to protect its population, it does not have
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a license to commit war. crimes or crimes against humanity. is that lessons that should be drawn from prisoners struggles with the i r a or there were attempts to kill margaret thatcher. every need was blown up. lord, mount baton was blown up. there was the n is killing the attack. we had any champions, but the british didn't decide to say, well, on the falls road there on doubt or lee, maybe some i or a members and republican sympathizers. so therefore, let's drop a 2000 pound bomb under false road. you can't do that. law must have some purpose. that's what separate states that respect the law from criminal groups and terrorist . and that's all i've been trying to do, apply law based on facts. and that's what we must do. whatever condemnation we get . on monday the i c. c is chief prosecutor now and see was seeking arrest warrants for hamas leaders as well as the is really 5 minutes a baby minute. and you all,
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on the defense minister you, i've got while the request still needs approval by the countries judge here is just the 1st time a sitting west and back later as being targeted by the state. then yeah, well complained of, uh, being acquainted with from us u. k. 5 minutes at the move was quote, deeply unhelpful. president biden granted it quote out ray just for security himself revealed it come under pressure and south and west and official times. of course, i've had some elected leaders speak to me and they'd be, it'd be very blunt. this court is built for africa. and for some slight putin was, was one senior leader told me we don't feel like that. we just go down and talk about this, causing a lot of outgoing listening editor of my grandbabies old old martin j, and a very good will welcome to you, my friend. wow. you know we just coast from bad to was here. the easiest chief prosecutor saying the person would never have considered using against the i r a,
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the, the tactics that israel is the pulling against how now. so we looked at the straight question for you martin, you surprise in any way that you k is still so willing to support. israel is ongoing military offensive. the sort of business. i mean the interview itself by christine alum is that your phone correspondence was absolutely super and very, very candid and i look forward, it was a assessments insight into this particular the judge's mind. so he's absolutely right. you know, the british did not them just in just coming in on line because they knew we knew that if you do that to drive people who have motor infused into the terrace groups . obviously these riley's and destiny. i don't know. it's not because the policy is not long term to keep causes the policy is asking the cleanser and so they don't in that way it went for them. it's quite logical to them the hell out of the cousins until there's no way left to just do their land to, to take. so i think come, those are the power of those. i mean, the, the,
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i see seems really interesting quote, you know, it was called the 2002 not to be confused with the i, c, j. it tends to focus on individuals that it puts cases against individuals rather than governments as the, as the only c j does. and it doesn't have the stronger needs to be not emissions. it has an, a strong support base from a lot of african countries. and i think come one of the pressing points that some to be made in the interview with christina lamb was a sort of hinted at this idea of international, you know, being compromised by these bullying from america and from other companies. that person and how that, you know, the, these institutions like yours to january. so you could just crumble, you know, if people in the, in africa wake up and start realizing that americans just using these quotes presented a gemini, then the incentive credit. but it seems like of the course, you know, just just, just, just cross. yeah. right. so it, yes use is wanting us are against that. i mean, i mean, as you say, the, the, i think the prosecutor revealing that some western leaders, i told him to the hague, was only created to deal with countries like russia and african nations. i mean is
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that is that really wants and how the quote is viewed? do you reckon? no, i just see, i mean, that's a, that's a colonial standpoint. but i think from some from america and perhaps some european states. but you know, if you ask the members, you know, they didn't think they, they, they wouldn't agree on that. so i think it came about in 2002 and they signed the room statute. and i think it was really about taking photos of moving forward. so the work of the i, c j, which is limited to some extent, because it only prostitutes governments what governments can change into my for months, you know, so i think there was a, there was a people have different views, very polemic views about the i see see, now have a spotlight on it. you know, if it can, if it can carry out the if a 12426 of its members cannot see up hold. yes, arrest one is missing, yahoo! you know, or even take it further. they take one states rather not to use the intelligence base to nap in the moment a leaves as well because he will leave his route one day, probably to run away from corruption shots is playing up against him. yeah. you
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know, i'm, i'm actually written in my own editorial so a few months ago you know, how long this and that's know who got my thing come. this is just another will you know, which is rapidly. i'm coming to crush him. yeah. yeah. mean, so i mean, time is become tradition now, how many, how many times a week is it the demonstrations of being staged inside of even other major sit as well? basically, according for him to wrap it up and get out of town, it's a yeah, the tide does seem to be tony martin. j. editor of not going to be the old big fan of you was martin, thanks so much for sharing your time with us. very appreciated well, the chief of the nato alliance has a few options on the table, one of which is to resign. that's according to actually deputy prime minister who said you installed. and those rhetoric of more more is cross the line. if the economy force to send its own troops to fight against russia and die, or paul t the retrench or apologizes or resigns. why talk about
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war? talk about using the bones miss solve the tiny and weapons that we sent to you. great to defend itself on its territory. instead to fight hit and killed outside its territory. nothing my name not to in the name of the a telling people. so we must defend ukraine and we're doing it from the 1st minute . we know that well with anyone. i just don't want to leave the gates of my children, the 3rd world war. so nato cannot force us to kill in russia. no one can force us to send a tale and soldiers to fight and dine ukraine. one thing is to defend, the other is to kill, and this gentleman either apologizes or rectifies all resigns. there's no other way . gelani's also avoid fits and willingness to allow key to use western supplied weapons to strike inside russian territories. earlier nato's chief insisted that members of the blog should reconsider the stones and give you credit the green
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light. the oddly of the time i was calling for allies to consider whether i should list some of the restrictions that i'm post on a weapons to make to, to ukraine. because we need to remember what this is. this is a water, russian bar, sugar and some grain. you can start to defend themselves. and that includes also the striking targets on the russian territory. and then of course, if you deny of ukraine, the right to fits means their targets on a russian territory. then you make it very hard for them to uphold the right for self. defense is self defense. self defense is trying to new and softer is legal. it's legitimate and we are helping ukraine with upholding that right. and that should include the ability to also strike targets on their sion territory. a lot of the national leaders don't want to know about this topic. don't want to speak about this topic or approve of facility declared ational. so be in your thoughts about this question,
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but maybe they want to be so they don't want to involve the country not open war against that are such positions to like, uh, shots and so really can have a lot the other going month to understand that what's it's needed now, isn't diplomacy? if the west want to help the ukraine for stop the war for stop the shelling for, stop everything. they need to force key of to seat at the table of the go on and see what this is acceptably wasn't 0 ascii. don't want to make not so it's not being seen in over 6 decades, but now it's points for a come back. a national service scheme, and the u. k. has been floating by britain's prime minister to justify the measure of saying there are external threats. standing before the nations democratic gun that we have so much to be proud of in person. the one of the problems in our
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society is that we have generations of young people who don't have the opportunities date as of there's no doubt that democratic values are on the front. that is why we will introduce a folded new model of national service, the 18 year old on certain times, cool for a clay of plants and bold action to charles the course to a secure future. our plan will ensure new generations and our country meet the challenges of the on such and well. yeah, right. so these so called opportunities include one year of military service and non combat units for up to 30018 year olds. and other option for the youth would be to spend one weekend every month in public services like the n h s. fire or search and rescue ops. the british i'm secretary pleasures. no one will be obligated to actually serve in the military. meanwhile, estimate say the initiative will cost billions. that's why the country's economy is going downhill as governmental debt is almost hitting the level of g d p. that's
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a big warnings for financial of both of you wash, told, sorry about what is looming on the horizon. let's learn more and of course in life to the vice chairman of a shy guy sent up a room, talking international studies of alibi club experts as well. nelson wong. now joining us here on the program, nelson, great to get you on a growing international threats posed by countries like russia in china or a cited as the need to be fob the forces with this national service. i mean, i'm, wow, so what it, what is, what is the actual threat and why now nelson as well. right. thanks for having me. first of all, but in general i don't consider prop pressed for me to comments on other countries, domestic effect as well. things the u. k. prime minister fuse. so for you to use rough wrapped of rock here in china as the reason or scape goat for anything that goes wrong domestically in this country. let me say this and how can you justify
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that? the lack of jobs for the youngsters in the u. k. has anything to do with rock, jeffrey or i nice thing. every country has its own social and political problems that it's government just deployed must do with all the widely known issues in the u. k. a while the u. k. government has been phasing his include, the rising cost of living or inflation bus is a sliding economy, as you've just pointed out to the high unemployment rate for particularly the younger generation look salty, just start off as much as the growing crime rate, the elections, the challenge from the opposition, etc. well, i could see that these are more of the all abuse and critical kind of just written down is placing. yeah, that you guys know to locate in that sense many countries in continental europe that similar rooms. what is disappointed is that many of the country leaders in
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europe, including the u. k, tend to care more about the political correctness when it comes to russia and china, in order to be all the same page with the us. instead of tackling the at to the supposed to end. yeah. yeah, that's what, that's a bit of a rant nelson, but a really, really good one. i appreciate you saying that. i mean, no, it's, it's, it's a laundry list of issues like you make some really good points, but i like how you, you had targeted. did you brought out the young good generation? because when you look at this, i guess this kind of theoretical drop. if you, if you want to look at it and so not, not another way in the use a, it looks like it's going to be dropped into making here. i mean, they, they say that the army is completely voluntary, right? but do do, do you think this initiative will be supported among the young people in the u. k. g thing, the young people, today's young generations, do you think they want to serve militarily? well, i don't really know what i mean, how the young people in the u. k. are thinking about the common sense tells me
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that i mean by looking at the falsities that it's been going around the world right in gaza in ukraine. young people die. lots and lots of young people on died are losing their lives. right. why should the young people be sent to the front to separate cries that lives? no, i mean, for, for the country. oh you a u. k. it was something that has nothing to do with stuff. yeah. yeah, yeah, yes. if it's a fair point, it's a fair point. i mean, the, you know, the, the, the use of today, i don't know how switched on the odd to what is essentially the, will that lead to, you know, i guess that's so infatuated with that jet, political struggles around the world multinational conglomerate conglomerates. it's all about the money at the end of the day. you know how it goes now. yeah. but, but it does seem a little bit wiring is that the u. k. you know,
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and refuse to knock is trying to put together some kind of draw off is like, okay, so what is on the horizon let, let's hope it's not what we're kind of thinking might be on the horizon. you heard what so be as rude church said to set to the press reason for y'all to he sat down with his mates. of course, a hundreds picked the order, but an ottoman told him, hey, now we're getting told we got ready for wolf right now. so, so maybe this is interesting with a u. k saying, hey, we're gonna have to create a draw often all this. so some of the models will connect to go political struggles, domestic today in the u. k. other moment and, and i think the neighbors are fighting very hard as well. so let's see. let's see. yeah. in the, in the nothing wrong by chime, i've been trying hard to enter the room, talking international studies. the cool stuff about club as well. nelson, the great pleasure, thanks for your time. previous people and i couldn't make it to the the streets of paris of saint protesters rallying in support of independence for the pacific
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island territory of new caledonia the crowd to condemn the policy. you're president emanuel mack rolling towards the archipelago, the carried flags of the french overseas territory, as well as opposed to its proclaiming independence for new caledonia. the protests and the french capital came off to a policeman in new caledonia, faithfully shopping about on friday. and i took the death toll among protesters to 7 following riots which of gripped the territory for nearly 2 weeks. in an attempt to refuse the crisis of president calling with a 25 hour flight to the other side of the world across his erupt that of a voting reforms that locals claim it designed to stuff out. any hopes for independence in response to the unrest macro and said additional troops are being deployed. but it was really clear to see that my cronum at the end of the day was really not welcome on this island territory. me as i speak through our 3000 internal security forces in new caledonia and more reinforcements
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will arrive in the next few hours. this is unprecedented. and for several days now, there have been no more than at the time of the 3rd referendum. let me be very clear. these forces will remain as long as necessary, including during the olympic and paralympic games for the bottom instead of rocket and the region us, bach arrives and the global nickel prices are. the territory is one of the key produces of the metal. if you didn't know it is essential for electric vehicles, for example. and that's reason enough many believe why fraud is not willing to loosen his grip on the archipelago. is off. he has a shot, a duban ski now explains the most of the media focused on new caledonia right now, is talking about the civil unrest and relating not to changes to the voting lights on the island. well, clearly this is a true good point. it badly scratches the surface of what's really going on, despite being some 16000 kilometers. won't you probably think is fonts. this
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pacific island nation is actually part of the country's overseas territories kind. it's important to paris for several reasons. it's the base for the french military, and it's a source of a precious metal nickel. nickel is well for new caledonia. it is also, and i emphasize this, a major strategic resource for france and europe at a time when we have undertaken a mass of re industrialization efforts. nichols used in a whole host of products including we charge a little batteries for hybrid vehicles. it's also used to make stainless steel. a crucial product for construction, access to supplies is key. this about this to renting, so that summer in t normally it's also a political, but it's also economic and part of the economic. so renting has the elements of nickel extractions,
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then if the fusion and then also the profit of it. francis strategies, very unclear. being able to apply and assess and then made sure they explode as much as we can. this is also a story he says about competition on a global scale. china has been securing its nickel subsidies from nearby indonesia at a cheaper rate. from sam b. u by default will to stop showing from flooding its market with cheap electric vehicles and assets cheaper nickel from indonesia is becoming called us to be used to access new caledonia as importance is rockets, a new caledonia could see a radically take up the slack and nickel supplies from indonesia, the territory could declare independence, take out the french and invite the chinese to invest in its mines and smelters. while new caledonia has fost reserves of nichol mining, it has become unprofitable powers stepped up.


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