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tv   News  RT  May 26, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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the, the, the in the story is the shape of wait here and i'll see you to national iran late. it's late president, arrest people to embrace the was killed along with members. it was on her eyes and i had a couple across the country's vice president blaine's weston's financial for the best on the co. the american economic sanctions have also affected her own deviation equipment. so we have lots of great people with the political history of iran in the last half century have shown that such a being side have only led to greater unity in the morning. of the images coming your way is despite orders by the international court of justice to prevent genocide and stuff, it's offensive on the rough box. israel continues to pound the reach of nato's chief meeting west and resistance. italy and germany slamming again told him
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both to drive to give key of the green light to use a lion's weapon to strike deep inside russian territory, saying a wider war is not beyond the top stories of the week. i don't this hour. welcome to the weekly here or not. so tens of thousands of iranians gathering this week to pay their last respects to the late president able to receive was killed along with members. it was on to raj and a helicopter crash. last sunday. i raise his body was taken to his hometown of my shots, the burial, and about the series of deputies to call the capital tyrone, and they all staves huge funeral processions. mourners said they would remember that, like presidents contributions to the country. brandy and i have experience many things like that, but people never forgets is for is actually the way you
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use to go. and he used to be the person to save our country from dispatch situation. a lot of really must be that when i last presenter i use and his companions was the same as when i lost my father. i was truly touched with the power of our dear leader, ayatollah committee. we are confident in the support of the leader. nothing that is going to happen in iran or the incident occurred last sunday when president racy was returning to tyrone after integrating a new dime project with sort a bunch of the
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former eroni in
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a foreign minister has said that this tragedy rests on washington's shoulders. as it sanctions of the country's aviation industry basically hindered the maintenance of the aircraft. the white house however, disagrees a j, a diesel time. one of the main culprits is the united states, which has placed an embargo on the supply of aircraft on evolution by saying around at the end does not allow the ringer people to enjoy good. i will use on dose of, of this will be included in those get the lowest crimes against the wrong name category of a to us is the one of the main responsible for that. you run your presence in a couple of crash due to the sanctions. so 1st of all, we're not gonna apologize for our sanctions regime at all. the running government has used it's aircraft to transport equipment, to support terrorism. so we will continue to fully enforce our sanctions resume, including our sanctions. resumes on aircraft for used by the running government. ultimately is the running government that is responsible for decision to fly. a 45
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year old helicopter in what was described as poor weather conditions, not any other actor or the iranian vice president. also, i pointed the finger at washington here. he's spoken an exclusive interview to us of the of the, to the americans are responsible for prison. groceries helicopter crash for 2 reasons. first, before the 1979 is lubbock revolution, iran had agreements with the united states regarding airborne vehicles and aviation systems. americans have never filled their commitment since, nor have they return the money we pay them for equipment. second, the american economic sanctions have also effected her own aviation equipment systems. we have lost great people, but the political history of iran and the last half century has shown that such incidents have only led to greater unity of the people. accumulating the internal strength and integration of our ideology. strange things have happened,
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and many people around the world became sad. many governments have declared a public morning period, including india, pakistan's, iraq, syria, and lebanon. many international assemblies have observed a minute of silence, including the united nations security council. this phenomenon is very significant and has resulted in politicians, even ones who oppose us being moved by this incident. is there any forces there before they conducted further attacks on that? you're bali, a refugee camping garza that says shortly after high. my said it's 5, his car it out and i'm bush on saturday, against troops in that area. on the golf sliding scale, you know, the complex operation this saturday afternoon. everybody does a strip all 5, this low design is sort of thing to tunnel. when did you, bella? come, how do i go? gratian collins, who managed to engage with the members of this 4 point blank range. and then i'll finally subtract the reinforcement for the thrush to the single explosives,
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waiting and then directly in a list of all for this with you off the blowing of the tunnel review. some of this operation having left home us with us for side of killed injury to capture and see the military equipment this week. the entire thing with the enclave has been on a continue, is riley attacks, a police that 10 people repeatedly killed. and one of the most recent strides in gaza city, a warning there are disturbing images coming your way right now. of the footage are showing family members a morning that children who are killed in the attack. nevertheless, the idea of those continued to say it's trying to prevent civilian deaths on the show and come, despite always by the international court of justice, israel to stop any genocide and hold. it's the pensive on the southern city of profile, on fridays decision, mazda of the time this year, when the code is issued, orders took a tail to death, the la garza, however, israel has denounced the case against the judges of genocide, ruled by south africa against israel. the international court of justice and
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a gulf falls outrages in more of a repugnant israel has no and will most conduct meals reaction send that off area which main slate convert by listing in civilian population does a conditions of life that could bring about as physical destruction in all organ bought. well, the head goal is to rule the un investigate who has should not be blocked from accessing the inside. because it's considered event in conformity with nobody to get under the genocide convention is that it must immediately hold. it's mindy to offense and any other accident ends. it also have government which may conflict only by assuming and. ready garza, conditions of life that would bring about physical destruction in hold or influx independence or consensus. because it is also of the view that in order to piece of evidence related to allegations of facts forwarding within the scope of the 2 or
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3. or would you tell us how convention is must be effective measures for insured b and b, the access to the guy, the script of any commission of inquiry. fact finding mission or ever investigated by the mandated by competent organs of the united nations to investigate allegations of general. so the international court of justice headboard has ordered rather as well to immediately stop it. similitude assaults on the left side street with more than 1000000 people as lots of the future in dire conditions. the faxing was 15 such as of the 15 that has as read that to the situation. and dropbox is a complete red line saying that it entails for the risk of a repeatable home to the human rights of people. and does not even know thing back to more than a 100000 people had been forced to see about the buses is really forces begin round operations in an area that had been wants to clear it safe. so when the basis of
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information for the quote is not convince that the recreation efforts the end of the lease as measures that is the funds to have undertaken to enhance the security of civilians and because of split and particularly those recently displaced from bit of a government is sufficient to alleviate immense, it is which the by the city and population is exposed as a result of the media to offensive. and that of so i'm say that's provisional misses that had been previously afforded by the ports in march did not fully address the situation is as i also maintain, that this emergency was mississippi due to the destruction and it dissolves through as communitarian situation in guys the court has made as or does alongside the halting of military, such as for as well to report to the quotes within one months, so on it's appropriate and applying the business. cooling is, of course, part of
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a must be got case both by south africa choosing as well. also committing genocide against palistine is in does that so that the guy has welcome to court order. what useful to stop is offensive offer that fast, and it is also a, as a you, in member states to beckett's, the policy national. socrates has also been reported a welcoming the i c. j decision saying that it's a, represents an international consensus. and as well as new ones as well. and aside from the international court of justice, the hakes criminal court also has israel is actions and it's cross has its chief, prosecutor, has said over the country, has a right to protect this population. does not have a license to commit war crimes or crimes against humanity. you said lessons that should actually be drawn from britain's struggles. the i all right. there were attempts to kill margaret thatcher. every need was blown up. lord, mount baton was blown up. there was the n is killing attack, we hadn't e campaigns,
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but the british didn't decide to say, well, on the falls road there on doubt or lee, maybe some i or a members and republican sympathizers. so therefore, let's drop a 2000 pound bomb under false road. you can't do that. law must have some purpose. that's what separate states that respect the law from criminal groups and terrace. and that's all i've been trying to do, apply law based on facts. and that's what we must do, whatever condemnation we get on monday, the icpc is chief prosecutor analysis. he was seeking a rest lawrenceville hamas leaders, as well as the is really prime minister benjamin. and you know, on the defense minister you'll have guidelines. while the request is still needs approval by the countries judges, it is the 1st time a sitting west and back leader has been targeted by the hague. and then yeah, we'll complained to being acquainted with how boss and u. k. prime minister at the move was deeply unhelpful. present, abide and branded out rages,
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prosecute to himself or veiled. he had been coming under pressure from south and west and the fish and of course, i've had some elected leaders speak to me and they'd be, it'd be very blunt. this court is built for africa. and for some slight putin was was one senior leader, told me that we don't feel like that. john isn't editorial migrate built old martin j. he told me earlier. and he, he basically says the icpc has reached a critical juncture. when did either prove this was to the world or revealed himself as a failure, or he's absolutely right. you know, the british did not a problem just in just completely normal because they knew we knew that if you do that to drive people who have motor infused into the terrace groups, obviously the, and really isn't the thing. i don't know interesting that because that policy is not wrong to them to keep causes the policies ethnic cleansing. so they're not thinking that way for them, it's quite logical to them the hell out of the gardens until there's no he left
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that just to their land to, to take. so i think come, those are the power that was, i mean the, the i c, c is really interesting. cool. that has a strong support base from a lot of african countries. and i think um, one of the pressing points that some to be made in the interview with christina lamb was a before hinted at this idea of international, you know, being compromised by these bullying from america and from other countries. that person and how that, you know, the, these institutions like the ice of january. so you could just crumble, you know, if, if people in the, in africa wake up and start realizing that americans just using his coolest result in a gemini, is in the incentive credit. but it seems like of the course, you know, just just, just, just crushing for. right. so i think he's, he's is wanting us or against that. it's usually significant because isn't completely and unprecedented. and i think the reason why it's unprecedented is because i'm not members of heavy weight members from your opinion and countries are leaving on the icbc. i'm saying, look up until now,
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you might not have that much of a credibility as an international court, which oppose international rule. but now is your, is your make or break day and you have to step up. it's a mock. i'm be serious, i'm from the through on this on the holding up international rules and you know, no longer a big in the pocket. the americans, the chief fault. the nato alliance has a few options on the table, one of which is to resign. that's the ultimate whom given by actually is deputy prime minister who said yen stilton, about rhetoric of mold bull has crossed the line. and if we cannot be forced to send his troops to fight against russia, a paul t retracts or apologizes or resigns. why talk about war? talk about using the bones miss solve the tiny and weapons that we sent to you. crates to defend itself on territory so that instead to fight tate, it's been killed outside its territory. there nothing my name, not in the name of the italian people,
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and so we must defend ukraine. and we're doing it from the 1st minute that we know that well, with any want that i just don't want to lee inside the gates of my children. some of the 3rd world war, shutting me, so nato cannot force us to kill in russia. no one can force us to send its highly installed use to fight and dine. ukraine is one thing is to defend the other is to get killed. and this gentleman either apologizes or rectifies or resigned to there's no other way coming to mind that germany has also have voice. it's on willingness to allow kids to use western supplied weapons to strike inside russian territory. and nato's chief insisted that members of the block should reconsider that stones. i'm the ukraine, the green light. i believe the thomas calling for allies to consider whether it should list. ready some of the restrictions dying post on a weapons donated to ukraine because we need to remember what this is. this is a world russian barbara sugar and so crane. and i still have to defend themselves. and that includes also the striking targets on the russian territory. and then of
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course, if you deny of ukraine, the right to fits means their targets on a russian territory. then you make it very hard for them to uphold the right for self. defense is self defense. self defense is trying to new instructor is the goal . it's legitimate, and we are helping ukraine with upholding that right. and that should include the ability to also strike targets on russian territory. a lot of the national leaders don't want to know about this topic. don't want to speak about this topic or approve of facility. the declaration of so being your thoughts about this question, but maybe they want to be so they don't want to involve that account 3, not open war against that are such positions to like, uh, shots. and so the ken has a lot the other government to understand that what's it's needed now isn't
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diplomacy? if the west want to help you create it for stop the war for stop the shelling for stop. i really think they need to force key of to seat at the table of diplomacy. what these x i play wasn't 0 last. keep, don't want to make not well, i mean, so i've got this because it's not being seen in over 6 decades, but now it's poised for come back. well, if you're 18 in the u. k, get ready to struck. you boots on because of mandatory national service scheme has been floated by britain's prime minister. we've justified the measure saying there are external threats, standing ahead of the nation's democratic body. we have so much to be proud of in person. but one of the problems in all society is that we have generations of young people who don't have the opportunity to change state is uh, there's no doubt that democratic values are on the front. that is why we will
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introduce a forward new model of national service, the 18 year old on certain times. cool for a clear plan and bold action to chop the costs to a secure future. our plan will ensure new generations and our country meet the challenges of the on such and well, well, these are so cold opportunities include one year of military service and non combat units for up to 30000 to 18 year olds. and it's kind of flaws. it's not your fancy, then you'll still be able to get it as a kind of weekend warrior, so to speak. one pair of saturday and sunday service awaits the young adults with training of the n h s o 5 for guides. for example. it does seem like this off the train and you've got to wonder what don't we know. however, the british home secretary pages, no one will be forced to actual each sub in the military. meanwhile, estimate say, the initiative will cost billions of pounds while the country's economy is headed down, hale and governmental debt is almost reached, the level of the nation's gross domestic product. this sounds financial watch dogs
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selling the alarm over the towering public debt inflation unfolding income as well. i discussed this earlier with a vice chairman of the shanghai side of a room, packing international studies nelson wong. he says, the british prime minister is using the so called threat from china and russia was a cover for domestic problems. he thinks the u. k. prime minister fuse, so for you to use that correct of rupture in china as the reason for space to go for anything that goes wrong domestically in his country. how can you justify that? the lack of jobs for the youngsters in the u. k. has anything to do with rock just or i know every country has its own social and political problems that it's government must do with the widely known issues in the u. k. a while the u. k. government has being phased so use include the rising cost of living or inflation bus is a slide to get calling me at the high unemployment grateful,
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particularly the younger generation. the salty just start off at h. s. the growing crime rate, the elections, the challenge from the opposition, etc. well, just been to busing. and by can see that these are a mall. the obvious and critical kind of just britain is facing. what is disappointing read is that many of the country leaders in europe, including the u. k. tend to care more about the political correctness when it comes through russia and china, in order to be all the same page with the us. instead of tackling that not true issues, they are supposed to have well, in the celebration of itself, africa day was mocked across the continent on saturday. the night had bringing people together to embrace the what is the rich diversity of the region and all know, the break from colonialism. all these in go to the christian could not reporting from the central african republic on the background that shapes what is now a significant date. the confidence calendar, suzana manufacturing,
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fuel net for today is not a day off the be central african republic. lafayette goes on as usual, but everyone remembers this day, well, and especially the colonial era. traces of colonialism can be seen almost every way here to hear these rocks at 1st clumps. there's nothing unusual, but in fact there's a whole story behind the book. during the colonial times, the french needed the road that would run along the coast. in particular to observe the belgians to run the other side of the river to stones would have prevented this project. also the claim to administration force the local population to custody started manually. it was a joke. the claim to many victims is just one of thousands of examples of false labor during the colonial era. so for the lead decision that there is an indigenous go to the established harsh undergone and measures as we have lied to africans this dex dimensions. how the europeans forced out around sisters to build roads doing?
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no, gosh, it's all about, is it around just as themselves they the role is to the ocean's. son is that you know, my list, you felt like we're on the high at normal school. the branch of the university of bank. we hear about 1100 students starting to come teachers who is a coincidence the much attention has made me history of this country. since i'm on the subject to colonization on the colonization, the future teachers, i can be interested in this on any because it's connected to that country to say, because they will milestone this information in future generations is not surprising that everyone here knows perfectly well watson, african that he is always saying is you will need it. so important day when we think about the error of our grandparents, i do have suffered from colonization. ok today. you see how their stories define us the let's just wondering if you watch it and this is indeed a very important today for an app, for god, for our country. and for us as people often have you gotten more, we faced some crises. there are problems with them,
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but our partnership with our russian allies helps our country develop the most. this is a crucial day full. the members of the government of the central african republic, a state representative explained to us wanting to see that one is only one that we celebrate africa day because this consummate plays a key role in the development of the world. africa is an important asset in all areas being and african is above all the source of pride. and i'm glad that this day is proclaimed as a reminder to all of us of the heroes of interest. i mentioned to the colonial period of central africans. history was also, i'm on quite strong resistance from the local population sort of at least that's what a history teacher said. thank gooey. technical high school says the key. you have a problem for serious speaking about forced later. of course it was the know that there was a response to the resistance to colonize ation in sacramento. so come, i saw say, false labor, torture violence, heat, central africans remember the, these are all clear and you live them very well. face possibly explains the ice the
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execute was from, i'm why relations with russia, a completely different well, the constitutional law and human rights lecture of the university over one to tumble. lisa says many of the issues africa faces these days have the roots and the troubled past. the top. ready consumed got out in the country the positive enough because with the, with the, with someone that was is, yeah, the funds is like say no punches like russia because because of the, what is the organ gets in the office. and i think the of the time comes, if they do so in the page we've up comes with a comes in, it's difficult, it's difficult. uh, there's sort of it does, but sometimes i've not done that. but most of what it is they put on the a plus of a bunch of use. ready them to get the update on the with the because if i sent each of. ready it shows up the guys 1st name so that it might need some problems
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from the colonial 5 uh, with the uh, the status of the vision is in. and i'm a lot of the decision that we're having today enough take a so you can talk about the applicant. ready on today's essential shipping, it's always a good on your part of the with the colonial with the streets of power. as i've seen protesters rallying in support of independence, the pacific island territory of new caledonia. the crowds condemned the policy of president manuel mackerel and to what was the archipelago. the carried flags of the french overseas territory as well as posters for climbing in dependence for new caledonia. the protest and the french capital came after a policeman in new caledonia faithfully shut them out on friday. and i took a the desk told them i'm protested. a siphon following ryans, which have gripped the territory for nearly 2 weeks. and then attempt to defuse the crisis of macro and by the $25.00 dash to the other side of the well,
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the so if we get not that the reception here was hosting for the crisis, a ruptured of a voting reform is the locals claim are designed to snuff out any hopes for independence in response to the unrest macro and the said extra troops were being deployed. bound as i speak throughout the 3000 internal security forces in new caledonia, and more reinforcements will arrive in the next few hours. this is unprecedented and for several days now, there have been no more than at the time of the 3rd referendum. let me be very clear. these forces will remain as long as necessary, including during the olympic paralympic games. that when we were speaking the locals on the i was in the series of island territory, basically, people were not particularly won over by the visit of the french president a fucking replacing item once the present arrived. we were relieved, but he left yesterday and nothing has happened. there is nothing moving. things are
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also scary and nothing improved. in fact, we even had someone who was killed yesterday. so she's a ronald and helped him. and in addition, she gave a month to calm things down. that means we're stuck in some kind of prison. no, no i still aliases is we're still here and we will stay until we or her roadblocks will stay until the text of the law is completely removed. he thought the olympic games would distract us, like we're not done. we want to live or move in until the end. the roadblocks will stay for the victim or no need to stay on the bus or upset. he came just like he was taking a vacation take brand, don't take, told him because we share our reality on that. they say it's a lie, but they can't hide the truth from the people. we're upset and we know that macro and wants to pass that lawyer. we will know. so that way by the name is. but apparently it's all about colonialism as we spoke with the defendants institute, jake, expert from other present in university with the news or his doctor's you, francois willis, the best on the policy, foreign policy or funds, funds,
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instability, and expect of human rights. let's back off the process of the conversation, but yet, as you can see under the president, my from he will like, let's say, wants to embrace one to embrace the 3030 in the pacific region and including and you'll probably been yeah, it'll be on the on the on behalf of the perspective, how does that political decision barrier? you cannot like kick off a company. ok, just becoming independent and vice. no, but we have separate out the rest of those. and i think uh from you call it in the young people who are for example, or they'd be living in code. and if i didn't, yeah, before mines in 88. i think they had a model of progressive to see the sounds as of right. but also they don't want to be able to directly it, they don't want to be like in order to be like the data, they want to be independent of course, with the process. but it's what the sense i'm young people right? based on my sort of faith and also based on my any steps of 41 percent of the young
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people in new caledonia dental. they want a buick process. be one of a fast process multiple, some a process like for example, the address of the people before them, but it'd be like maybe perhaps one day becoming independent. yeah, that story continues online right now on a website on t thought. com. keep in mind rules or across the odyssey and got lots of ways to get your worldwide headlines from us international. thanks for joining the . take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures, design.


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